![Door 1 [#2314012]
Image for an Activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #1

Turn it up! Jam out to it, then write a story!

1000 Words or less

Include WC within item/entry
Team Challenge
Each of your teammates has to:

Review 5 different Black Cases

None of your teammates, including you, can review the same person

Once you finish your part, post it all together in one post!

Move on to the next door! Don't wait for your teammates.
Points: 3000 per person
![Door 2 [#2314013]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #2
1. Quilli ☕ 
could use some help over at "QOTD - Question Bank "

Go visit her item

Submit a question she can use

Please, use your imagination!

Let us know you did it - we'll check it

If You are
Quilli ☕ 
, well, you can do it, too!
2. Review three (3) different C-Note Shops
3. Complete one (1) Anniversary Review for five (5) different Black Cases

Post a Note on their Newsfeed - Their Newsfeed, not yours, not public Newsfeed

Don't forget to link the note with everything else once everything is completed
Points: 2000 per person
![Door 3 [#2314014]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #3
1. Enter "Daily Flash Fiction Challenge"

Share the post so we can check

Give us your written item as well
2. Visit Newsletter Archives

Find five (5) different Newsletters - preferably different genres - from last year

Post them in "
The Tavern ~ Sit for a while and chat"

Within that post, explain each in a small paragraph:

Why you picked it

What you liked about it

Come back here and link to it
Points: 3000 per person
![Door 4 [#2314015]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #4
1. Pick one person
Go to "
The Iron Bank of Braavos"

and check the members list
(Exclude the first four people at the top and your teammates - obviously!)

Together, review five (5) same
**STATIC** items each!

Don't review anything else in their port

The other person gets points for their reviews -
2000 points
2. Grab a teammate by their hand and head over to:

Noticing Newbies"

It's okay if your teammate hasn't reached this door yet

Greet a minimum of two (2) same people

Remember to link those posts to us

Your teammate doesn't have to do add a link - unless they're on the same challenge
Points: 3000 per person
![Door 5 [#2314016]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #5
Special Reward
Whoever finishes this challenge first gets
The rest? You'll have to find another door with the MB inside.
1. Head on over to "The Prompt Me Contest/CLOSED till Spring"

Enter the contest/activity

Let us know - link to the post as well to your written piece
2. Two (2) reviews each for:
Sophy is 23! 
, &
**ANY item**
3. It's time!

Brag on the Newsfeed about your accomplishment

Show off your banner!

Tell the WdC world they need to cheer for you and your team

Don't forget to link {item:got} in your post!
Points: 2000 per person
![Door 6 [#2314017]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #6
Did you manage to find an ally?
(all challenges written within one entry - 500 words max. each)
1. In an entry, tell us a little about yourself

What you love, dislike

Personality traits


Goals - no goals
2. Pick a member from your team and tell us about them

Did you know them before?

What have you learned about them so far?

Tell us! We'd like to know them, too.
3. Pick a member from an opposing team

Tell us what you know about them

Did you know them before the game?

Something interesting about them
Points: 2000 per person
![Door 7 [#2314018]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #7
First coffee machine was invented in the 1800's.
Coffee was discovered sometime in 800 AD.
(Same entry/item for all three - all must be 500 words or less)
1. Invent something useful

If you could invent something, what would it be and why?

Put some thought into it
2. Make Changes

If you could change one thing what would it be? Why? Why not?

What kind of outcome would it have on you? On others?
3. Time
(Time was invented some 5000 years ago)

Would you change it? Yes? No? Why? Why not?

What changes would follow it?
Points: 2000 per person
![Door 8 [#2314019]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
▼ ![Door 9 [#2314020]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #9
~ One morning you wake up and you're stranded somewhere on a deserted island. ~
(2000 words max.)
1. Use your imagination

Who are you?

How did you end up there?

Are you alone?
2. An unknown ship approaches the island

Who is on it?

Do you stay to meet the crew or run?

What are they bringing ashore?
3. A bargain is struck!

Who made the deal?

What kind of deal?

Do you get off the island or stay? Or something completely different?
Points: 4000 per person
![Door 10 [#2314021]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #10
1. Find five (5) items that are set as Mystery genre

Review all five (5) items
2. Share your enjoyment

Post a note on the Newsfeed

Let WdC know how you feel about the game
3. Add your 1st Chapter in "Casting Shadows"

Simply follow instructions

From now on, you can add a chapter whenever you want
Points: 3000 per person
![Door 11 [#2314022]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #11
1. Go To War

Go to "
King's Landing"

Suggest a challenge

Suggest two (2) players - opposing teams

Suggest Reward
*make the suggestions possible to accomplish and the reward reasonable*
2. A Tedious Task

Go to "

Make a suggestion for the Tedious Task

Something that's not on the list yet

Be reasonable
3. Approach The Dragons Nest

Add a story for judging (If you haven't already!)
Points: 2000 per person
![Door 12 [#2314023]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #12
![GoT Image [#2316094]
Created for an Activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
1. Kiya's Lunch

Before the game, Kiya said she doesn't remember what she had for lunch

Check out "
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Want to participate?"

Write a (500 words or less) story as to what you brought her to eat

If you are
, you have to give your lunch to someone else!
2. The Nurse

Write a poem (any style) about a nurse

However you want to approach the subject

150 words max. 20 lines max.
Points: 2000 per person
![Door 13 [#2314025]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #13
Wicked Witch North Of The Wall
claimed the throne last time but decided not to play this year*

Review ten (10) items in her port
Points: 3000 per person
![Door 14 [#2314026]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #14
1. What if lightning bugs are actually fairies?!

Write a story - 1000 words or less
2. Create a Crossword Puzzle

Create/Edit a Crossword Puzzle"

Pick a Theme

Once finished and set up, share it with the rest of us
Points: 5000 per person
![Door 15 [#2314027]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #15
Reward (at last!

1. Inventions - Steam Engines (Not part of this fantasy world)

Explain the invention

Show people's reaction

What does royalty think of such an invention?

1500 story word limit
2. Crossroads

You've reached a point of no return

Will you be honest?

Which team do you think is the most competent?

Which team do you feel a kinship with?

*careful of your and your teammates answers
Points: 5000 per person
![Door 16 [#2314028]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #16
![Promise of a Prince [#2314127]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
1. Promise Of A Prince/Princess

500 words or less

Select one person from "
The Iron Bank of Braavos"

Tell us why you would chose them

Tell us what kind of Prince/Princess they would be
2. Ode to the Prince/Princess

Write a poem about them

150 words max. 20 lines
3. Contemplation

Find a way to spread the word

Grab other people's attention

They need to cheer for your Prince/Princess
Points: 3000 per person
![Door 17 [#2314029]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #17
1. Pay A Visit

Go to "
The 7/7 Forum"

Make a new post

Start a new conversation

Pick your own topic
2. Greetings

A lot of different case colors visit "
Writing.Com General Discussion"

Hop on over and reply to at least three (3) posts

If conversation is stagnant, start a new post

Choose your own topic - mind the rating
3. Testimonial

Go to "
Send Your Testimonial!"

Leave a testimony

Let us know you did it

We'll pretend we believe you
Points: 2000 per person
![Door 18 [#2314030]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
▼ ![Door 19 [#2314031]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #19
1. Where did you go?

Write yourself out of a story

How you do that is up to you

500 words max.
2. Lost Treasures

Review five (5) forums currently inactive - Closed forums
Points: 2000 per person
![Door 20 [#2314032]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #20
Someone left the farm gate open!
1. Animals

Which animals are on your farm?

Why did some leave?

Who left?

Where are they going?

Write from the animals POV

1000 words or less
2. Different Colors

Review two (2) cases of each color
Red -
Purple -
Blue -
Yellow -

Review two (2) items from each case

10 reviews total

Item selection is yours
Points: 7000 per person
![Door 21 [#2314402]
Image for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Door #21

Here you are! Once you complete this challenge, you're done with this forum.
And your points double! Good luck.
Reward upon completion:
![Royalty [#2314130]
Created for an activity](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
(2000 words or less, all three challenges combined)
1. Royalty

You're not quite there but you are considered a Lord or a Lady

Your teammates are your subjects

Tell us how you're treating your subjects now?

We want to see entertainment!

Add a few people from opposing teams for good measure!
2. Pick a Royal Subject

Pick an opposing team's member as the King/Queen

Will you overthrow them?

How and why?
3. The Threat

What's the outcome of the story?

Who wins in the end?

Who survives?

Are there any consequences?
![Celebrate [#2316100]
Image for Activities and Random Things](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Points: 9000 per person
Total (possible) points for the forum: 70,000 - 72,000 (x2)
= 140,000 - 142,000 points PER PERSON!
*Based on a few extra reviews for a challenge and creativity*
**Points could differ depending on participation**