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Greets, You'll want to use less WritingML all in one long string together without spaces, or use the blank WritingML tag to include a space within your long string of ML. IE: Instead of: {b}{size:4}{c:red}Red/Big/Bold{/c}{/size}{/b} Do: {b}{size:4}{ }{c:red}Red/Big/Bold{/c}{ }{/size}{/b} The { } will stop the system from trying to wrap the line. Long lines of text on the screen without spaces force browsers to stretch wide. This happens when people do long lines of separators, like ****************** to make a line on the screen. Often times they don't realize how long of a line. And unfortunately, the system can't tell the difference between WritingML and everything else when it's trying to fix this problem. This issue only exists on the public reviewing page because it's the only place that one person making a long line can effect dozens of other members formatting by stretching the screen. Hope this helps, ~~SM A Few Helpful Tips... If your problem is with an item, please include its Item ID! New member? Start here! "Getting Started: Table of Contents" Find answers in our FAQ... Need Non-Technical Support? "Non-Technical Support Forum" |