Reviews must be completed in September, but they can be posted until October 3.
![Image for XGC Part of the Review Raffle [#2256980]
Woman laying with whip and shirtless man standing over her](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif) ![Image for XGC Part of the Review Raffle [#2256980]
Woman laying with whip and shirtless man standing over her Woman laying with whip and shirtless man standing over her](https://www.writing.com/main/images/action/display/ver/1629603483/item_id/2256980.jpg)
This portion of the raffle is intended to get reviews for rarely reviewed items. Sexually explicit items are said to be the most read and least reviewed items on WdC. Though they are not the only items on WdC that are not commonly reviewed. Here is where those reviews will be posted. 
Now's your chance to read (and review) all those items you've been curious about, but too shy to actually read. Or, you know, those items your friends are interested in and you're just reading about so you can understand your friends better. Sure, that's the ticket.
 If you go to the top of your browser, there should be a way to do Inprivate or Incognito or other such browsing, for those who feel the need. In Chrome, you can press the 3 vertical dots in the upper right of the browser. In Edge, it's the 3 horizontal dots. Other browsers have the option, but I can't say how to do it as those are the 2 I use.
 You can also use the search engine Duck Duck Go in a new window. It is a search engine that prevents tracking. You can also add the extension to your browser. Tip: Use it to search for items you are interested in buying to prevent seeing ads about them for the next 6 months.
 Also, you can clear your browsing history when you are done. Both sets of dots also lead you to that.
 For maximum protection, do all of the above.
DO NOT POST ANY REVIEWS OVER 13+ (including the title of the item) IN THE OTHER FORUM! Even if the review is a 1-ticket review, if there is doubt about where to post it, please post it here! Be sure to accurately note how many tickets the review is worth 1-5 tickets based on the quality of the review and the content of the item being reviewed. For more information on content ratings, see "Content Rating System (CRS)" .
The rules are the same as in
except that with these items, you get 3, 4, or 5 tickets, depending on the helpfulness of the review.
3 tickets = General, "good job" sort of review
4 tickets = 1-2 corrections or legitimate suggestions* to improve the item
5 tickets = 3 or more corrections or legitimate suggestions* to improve the item
* Legitimate suggestions are things that would add value to the item, not simply changes that would bring it in line with your sensibilities.
Example of legitimate suggestion--Your main character's name is very difficult to pronounce. Consider including a pronunciation key at the top of the story or maybe early on, have someone pronounce it wrong, then she corrects them with the phonetic pronunciation so the audience knows how to say it. Alternately, you could change the spelling to ensure it's more phonetic or have her simply go by a shortened version of it throughout the rest of the book. You could also change it to a less exotic name, though I think that might spoil the story since the setting is so exotic.
Example of non-legitimate suggestion--Your main character's name is very difficult to pronounce. You should change it.
Note: Most items are not perfect and probably don't warrant 5 stars, however, if you do give less than 5 stars, it is encouraged that you specify why. It can be frustrating to receive a 4-star review that does nothing but sings the praises of your work. However, star ratings are not counted in this raffle. Whatever rating you leave, only the helpfulness of your suggestions and corrections counts towards additional tickets.
The items required to be reviewed for additional tickets are bound to be offensive to some readers. No attempt is being made to suggest that this portion of the raffle should be undertaken by everyone. It should not.
Additionally, a review should not criticize the item or writer for being offensive to the reviewer. Though it can be suggested that if the writer wants to help others see their point of view, less polarizing language could be used. It would be useful to include examples in this case. In particular, I'm thinking of items where one might be trying to persuade others to a viewpoint. However, some topics are simply going to be offensive to some people.
Please do not read and review items you find offensive simply to get more tickets.
Please do not give negative reviews to items simply because you find them distasteful or offensive. You are reviewing the writing skill, not the topic choice.
 While it should be obvious, someone will want to cheat. Qualifying reviews will be 100% human written. No AI-written or partially AI-written reviews are allowed.
 Qualifying reviews will be a minimum of 300 characters. (Note that 250 characters is a common minimum, but we request 300 without ML code.)
 They will have any suggestions and/or corrections separated into a specific section or highlighted or something so when checking for accuracy, we can easily find the suggested changes to determine the appropriate number of tickets the review qualifies for.
 They will be encouraging, even when offering corrections and/or suggestions.
 They will be fair and honest, but with the understanding that the reviewer may not agree with the theme, viewpoint, or other specifics the author has chosen. Review based on the merits of the writing, not whether you agree or not.
 They will be correctly listed for the number of tickets they qualify for. Reviews not specified as deserving a certain number of tickets will automatically be designated as 1 ticket.
 Reviews must be Public so we can verify them.
 Three suggested ways to fix a problem is greatly appreciated, but still only count as 1 suggestion because you are only fixing 1 thing in their item.
 Reviews may be affiliated with any group and entered in any other activity so long as they follow our rules as well.
 Note that this forum is rated XGC. If your review or the title of the item being reviewed is above 13+, please list the review here. For more information on content ratings, see " Content Rating System (CRS)"  .
Examples of items not commonly reviewed--sexually explicit items, addiction, abortion, sexuality, bondage, rape, sexual assault, vore, XGC ratings, controversial or taboo topics, etc.
When posting reviews, any review not designated as worth more than 1 ticket will automatically be deemed 1 ticket. Please divide your reviews up by the number of tickets they qualify for.
Remember that if you are unsure of where to post your reviews based on the topic, title, the graphicness of your review, etc., please post them here, even if they are a 1-ticket review. Even posting every review here for safety is not wrong, though DO NOT post them in both forums. For more information on content ratings, see "Content Rating System (CRS)" .
Post reviews as below using {review:XXXXXXX}:
1 Ticket
Review of "What A Mattress Knows" (The item wasn't XGC, but I wasn't sure if the title was too suggestive, so I decided to post it here to be safe)
3 Tickets
Review of "Cartoon Vore, GTS, Shrink, and All Else"
4 Tickets
Review of "The Hot Tub"
Review of "Men, Women, & Flowers"
5 Tickets
Review of "The Massage" 