![Earth Day Banner [#1251699]
Earth Day Banner 2](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif) ![Earth Day Banner [#1251699]
Earth Day Banner 2 Earth Day Banner 2](https://www.writing.com/main/images/action/display/ver/1269826286/item_id/1251699.jpg)
On the 22nd of April, we celebrate the 47th Anniversary of Earth Day; a global event meant to raise awareness about the world's environmental problems and the different ways we can do our part to make it more habitable and safe for our future generations.
The term 'Going Green' seems like the cool thing to do, but this is a cause/movement that's been going on for years by environmentalists/activists, or even regular folk like you and me, who do their best to conserve the planet and to keep it as healthy as possible.
Unfortunately, there are so many signs today which leads one to believe that we just might be a little too late with our attempts. Everyday in the news, you hear of tsunamis and earthquakes shifting landscapes. We see volcano ash filling our skies...or polar ice caps from Antartica breaking apart and floating all the way down to Australia. There are reports of record snowfall...regions who never usually get that much rain all of a sudden having to deal with floods. Of experiencing heatwaves in the 100s of degrees in regions usually known for their cool weather. All of these and more are indeed worrisome events, and it's enough to make you wonder...what can I do? I'm just one person. What difference can I make when all hope seems lost?
Fortunately, there are STILL things we can all do, and it doesn't take walking down the street with signs or proudly bragging about your activism (if that's not your style). It's in the little things you do everyday; like using or purchasing more organic material, being more energy conscious (if you're not in the living room and the T.V is on...go turn it off and unplug it from the wall!), and the easiest of them all...recycling!
There are so many websites out there dedicated to making us all a little more environmentally conscious, and I'd recommend you visit some (or all) of them today.
Earth Day.Org 
Discovery-Life An excellent! series that's definitely a must-watch.
National Geographic 
Thinking of going/starting organic? Then check out:
Whole Foods Market 
Synergy Organic Clothing 
And now to get you more socially aware one step at a time. Pick your challenge below and get to it!
![World [#1312271]
World Banner for Contest](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif) ![World [#1312271]
World Banner for Contest World Banner for Contest](https://www.writing.com/main/images/action/display/ver/1271734592/item_id/1312271.jpg)
You must leave a post below stating you wish to sign up as a reviewer, so you can be added to a group. If you do not officially let me know you wish to participate, you will not be eligible for the prizes.
The review challenge begins April 22nd and officially ends April 25th, 11.59PM WDC Time
You are to review any item (excluding images) that is related to earth in some way. By that, I mean the item could be written about the ocean, or about flowers/trees/plants, or about an animal...just as long as it either focuses specifically on the Earth Day celebration or deals with the aforementioned things.
You can read and review any rating of an item since it will not be posted here. However,
All reviews must be made public.
All reviews must be over 250 characters.
All reviews must be affiliated with this group "Earth Day Challengers" once you're added to it.
All reviews must have the following image attached to it (if we do not notice the signature, it does not count)
For Premium Members: ![Earth Day Awareness [#1226264]
Everyday is Earth Day!](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif) {image:1226264}
For Upgraded Members: ![Earth Day Non-Animated Sig [#1659682]
April 22nd is Earth Day!](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif) {image:1659682}
If you do not have an upgraded account, then you must attach this below your review:
{center}{e:leafG}{c:green}{b}Review given on behalf of {item:1347246}{/b}{/c}{e:leafG}{/center}
This should yield:
Please note that judges will be evaluating your reviews thoroughly. In other words, if you fill your review with 250+ characters of pure fluff...it will be tossed out of contention.
Please post a daily count and link to reviews you've done in the forum below once competition begins. You can choose to post that as you review or at the end of the day or even at the end of the competition. However, we encourage you to do that daily so judges can match up your count with what we see under the affiliation section. Remember, if your review isn't public and affiliated, it will not count!.
![Life [#1405228]
Life Banner for Contest](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif) ![Life [#1405228]
Life Banner for Contest Life Banner for Contest](https://www.writing.com/main/images/action/display/ver/1271734475/item_id/1405228.jpg)
If reviewing is not your thing, then let's see your creativity, shall we? 
You are to submit either poetry in 20 lines or less OR fiction, article (non-fiction) or prose (1,000 words or less) about Earth Day or something related to the planet Earth.
Your item must be new and specifically created for this contest.
Your item is not to exceed the 18+ rating.
Please post entry using the {bitem:xxxxxx} format.
You must have your word count listed in the item (NOT posted in forum!). If the judges do not see that, it's automatically disqualified.
When ready to submit, please use: [POETRY SUBMISSION] or [SHORT STORY/ARTICLE/PROSE SUBMISSION] as a header, so the judges can notice it amidst the other posts in the forum. This is a MUST or your item might not be seen.
Editing is allowed on your item until the deadline which is the same as for the reviews. No submissions will be accepted after April 25th, 11.59PM WDC time.
And no, you do not have to be a part of the group if you're not participating in the review challenge.
 Please note that you can participate in BOTH challenges if you want to. 
All winners will be announced at least a week from the deadline.