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Sometimes to fight evil, you must become it. (Open, looking for good and evil!) |
When day becomes night And darkness is cast over the realm Evil lives When day becomes night And darkness is cast over the realm Good will die Soon shall be the fall of all known When dark and light collide Soon shall be the uprising of all unknown The dark and light must fight To win the battle The destined must come together To lose the battle The destined must fall together The fated ones will stand before them And start the destined demise 8 People. (Plus a woman who brings them a prophecy) 3 Women, 5 male. One leader (Two people fight over this, “Houshi” and “Shade”) An ancient evil called the Banrak are trying to bring about the apocalypse. To stop them, a group of high school teens must come together and truly believe that they are the destined ones. Once they conquer evil, they may declare themselves gods, or return to a normal life. If gods, they must protect all those that are left in the world. If human, they must not come in the way of the gods, and they lose their gifts. These eight people are led by an ancient prophecy, and the woman that brings it to them. The Destined Ones Females: Jasmine “Raine” Premonitions((Taken)) Jessica “Houshi” Telekinesis((Taken)) Lauren “Shizuki” Electricity((Taken)) Males: Devin “Shade” Fire David “Shadow” Invisibility Nick “Night” Dark Magic ((Taken)) Sean “Trace” Telepathy Matt “Ty” Illusionist The Fated Ones Caedo Dark Magic and Fire Malum Dark Magic Jin Dark Magic and Ice Artis Dark Magic Things to build on chars: Relationships, personalities, love, feelings/emotions, thoughts, etc. Jasmine: Dislikes Jessica, and believes Jess would make a terrible leader. Secretly has feelings for Devin, which are not returned. Falls for David in the end. She’s very distant from the other girls. Jasmine had trust difficulties. Jessica: A born leader, finds herself attracted to Devin and Nick, but tries to push it away because they are so cold and distant(of course, that changes). Also attracted to Matt, who often uses his illusions to bring her closer, making it blatantly obvious that he likes her, but Jessica feels unusual around him. Nervous and anxious almost. Untrusting… Lauren: Lauren cares about the group a lot, and is very protective. She really likes Sean, but isn’t quite sure if he likes her. Lauren doesn’t really agree with most of Devin’s views and feels Jessica is a better leader. Devin: Cold and distant, loves a fight, and usually picks on Jessica because she is a challenge. A bit confused about Jasmine, and decides to keep away from her and only use her to his advantage- becoming the group leader. He has trust issues. David: Likes to keep in the shadows, away from everyone. He’s almost silent in a way, always cautious and watchful. He likes to study situations before he takes action. Nick: Nick is the loner of the group because of his dark magic. Shizuki (Lauren) and Shadow (David) feel like he’s going to betray them. His words are harsh, but that’s only because he doesn’t know them and hates people. Sean: Sean has heard so many evil thoughts, that he has little faith in humanity and tends to close himself off because of his telepathy. Getting into peoples heads creates problems, he’s learned, and he has a hard time believing that his gift is good, or that he is a destined one. Matt: Matt LOVES to play tricks on people with his gift, especially Jessica, who he uses his gifts on to seduce and torment her. He has an almost evil, tricky mind, always trying to think of ways to torment people with his gifts, looking for their weakness/fears… and creating them. No matter how much he tries, Jessica doesn’t seem to fall for his tricks. Caedo: He is the leader of the Fated ones, and will do anything to get the destined ones to fall. Especially their leader. He's very elusive, and knows how to make people think what he wants of them. Especially women, which seems to be some kind of a game to him, but can he fall for one? After all, he is a demon. Jin: He's the level headed one. He knows what the plan should be, but everyone tends to drown him out of the picture. Very powerful, but no one realizes it. Malum: Malum is very forward and careless, but sometimes this carelessness is a good thing. He's aggressive, which is good for the Fated ones, as there are only four of them. Since he can only use Dark Magic, he really studies to perfect it. Artis: Artis is one of the most powerful characters when it comes to Dark Magic. After Caedo, that is. He's always one for the fun and odd roles, like tricking one of the Destined. Especially when it comes to the women, which he is really good at. Women seem to love him as soon as they meet him... maybe its the whole mystery in his eyes? Please email me beforehand to tell me which character you are interested in. The three girls are already taken, but all the guys are open, as well as the woman with the prophecy. ^-^;;; I'll be open to more characters when the slots are filled and more are requested. Thanks! ~Jasmine Star Raine |
Jasmine watched with narrowed eyes as the cat jumped onto the fence, twitched its tail, turned toward her, meowed, and ran off. Just like she had seen before- maybe two minutes had passed between the prem and the actual event. She was getting better... Picking up her school books, she headed toward her first period. Ugh, U.S. History.... The longest, most depressing class of the day… And yet, she held the highest grade in the class. It really did suck... having premonitions just made her see, learn, hear, and experience things twice. Sometimes more than twice. Jasmine stopped in the middle of the hallway, rubbing her forehead. It hit her like a speeding train. Crash. Jasmine groaned at the sight of her ex boyfriend and his friends coming toward her, ready to throw every foul word in the book at her. She had seen it happen before she went to bed last night, and tried her best to make sure she avoided it today. Ducking into an empty classroom, she waited for them to pass, then finally hurried to her classroom after narrowly dodging an opening door. God, the things she had to go through. It was as if fate were against her, and she was fated to be forever lost in a warped world that wanted to destroy and torture her. How fun... |
Jessica smiled to herself as she reached for the keys to her gorgeous, black 67’ Chevrolet Camaro, making no real action to grab them, for they were at least three feet away, but just willed them into her hand. And of course, they snapped forward, into her palm, like they always did. Houshi learned of her gift on her sixteenth birthday, and now, a year later, she had pretty much perfected the gift. Not to say that she knew EVERYTHING that she could actually do with it… Sure, there were a few things she was sure she didn’t cover. But what more to telekinesis was there? You move things with your mind, that’s it, right? There was a manipulating process to it too… at least, she could only guess. Cause, honestly, just move things… through the air…. With her mind? Cool… but freaky, right? Jessica glanced around her room, wondering if she needed anything that she didn’t have with her. Picking up her stuff, she let out a sigh and started on down stairs. Jessica slid into the car, put her stuff in the back and started the engine. She was about to pull out of the driveway when she found her new neighbor, a boy about her age, a bit older, she was sure, was standing in front of her car, holding her cat. God, he looked angry. Shutting off the car, she sighed and got out. “What’s up?” Her voice disguised her anger, for she knew he was here to complain about her cat again. Every few days, he’d give her a dirty look, and her cat would come running. And she was sure he was doing something to terrorize her poor kitty. “Your cat was in my room again,” he muttered, glaring at her. Returning the glare, she gave him a bitter smile and took the cat from him. “Then close your window.” “Keep your cat away from me.” It wasn’t a request. It was an order. How DARE he order her around? At this, Jessica laughed. Who was he to tell her what to do? It wasn’t her fault that her cat actually seemed to enjoy being around the foul, rude, yet incredibly gorgeous guy. And she wasn’t about to take anything from him. “Like I said, Dev, close your window.” Jessica let her cat go, then shot him another glare. “And I swear, if you ever hurt my cat, Devin, there will be hell to pay.” “Is that a threat?” Amusement glittered in his dark eyes. “Of course it is,” Jessica stared at him, expression still. Quite serious. “Cause you have no idea.” “Sounds fun…” Devin actually smiled. But it was a smile Jessica didn’t understand. It wasn’t a smile of disbelief. No, in fact, it looked as though he were looking forward to such a challenge. A smile that represented more than it seemed… and even then, Jessica didn’t know what it meant. Mysterious, yes. Intriguing, of course. Jessica hesitated some before stepping away from him. A sigh escaped her lips, blowing up the hair that had fallen over her eyes. “You made me late.” “You made yourself late.” Devin’s smile faded and he glanced to the cat. “And you made me late. Therefore, I believe you owe me a ride to school.” “Right,” Jessica laughed. “After that? Uh huh. You can walk.” With that, she turned and walked back to her car. Then, something made Jessica turn back to him, and he was there, watching her with those eyes of his. Almost as if he was willing her to give him a ride. Jessica, deciding that she was already late enough, and that Devin was as well, motioned him to the passenger seat. “Get your stuff quick, and you have a ride. I leave in a minute tops.” |
He didn’t like the sun. It seemed too bright to his shadowed, gray eyes, and he squinted against the golden rays as he drove into the school parking lot. Even with the visor pulled over his face, it glinted sharply into his vision and distracted him from his destination and the dark thoughts that haunted him. He had always been more partial to darkness, something in his very nature prone to hiding in shadows and living most of his life at night. It was part of what had separated him from other people most of his life, beyond his own distant and cold detachment from society. For a moment, the engine of his motorcycle echoed around the school parking lot, dying out the next moment with a soft sputter. Nick paid no attention to the other students as he climbed off his ride, though he frowned for a moment as he pulled the helmet from his head, black locks of hair spilling into his face. He had a lean, muscled frame that fell just short of being skinny, but it suited him and his dark nature well. He was dressed all in black, the choker around his neck standing out in stark contrast against pale skin. Yet that made the sharp cut above his forehead all the more vibrant, as red trickled down his face. For a moment, slim fingers reached up to brush the wound, staring as they came away coated in crimson. Once he would have cared more, but he was used to showing up with cuts and bruises, and no longer made excuses. His father’s harsh words still echoed in his head, and he could still feel the sharp glass of a beer bottle as it cut into his skin. For a moment he burned with fury, a fist clenching shut and his eyes crushed shut as tears threatened to fall. God, he hated people. Then he took a breath, letting his emotions slip like water from his fingers. There was nothing worth caring about. There was no reason to get angry, or to let his own frustration and despair show on his face. Over time, he had adopted a cold and detached attitude that most found frustrating and rude, but he no longer cared for them. He had learned to stop feeling a long time ago, and he saw no reason why now should be any different. With a hollow and empty expression on his face, he shoved his hands in his pockets and headed into school, aware that the shadows seemed to cling to him like a second skin. He was different. He always had been. A few people gave him looks as he walked through the doors, but most people turned around and continued their conversation, ignoring his presence as he ignored them. He didn’t know the names of half the people in his school, and cared about them even less. His posture was cold as he strode easily down the halls, so he was surprised when a hand landed on his shoulder. He glanced up with hard, distant eyes that were as gray and colorless as his heart, staring at a girl’s face. “Hey, are you okay? You look like you’ve got a cut there…” For a moment, doubt and surprise flickered across his face. He had hardly expected anyone to care. Then his cold demeanor returned to him, and he shrugged off the hand. “I’m fine. Mind your own business.” He said the words with no cruelty, just a cold, statement, as if they meant no more to him than the time of day. He realized after a moment that he didn’t even know who the girl had been, but then, he hardly knew anyone’s name anymore. Somewhere overhead, the first bell exploded in harsh ringing, giving him even more of a headache than he already had. It was going to be a long day. |
Jasmine, thoroughly annoyed with her U.S. History class, and her gift, fell into her seat in the very back corner of the class, and leaned back against the wall, eyes shut. Lately her prems have been coming only moments before the actual event, which did more trouble than it did good. It brely gave her enough time to find a plan of action or react. Then again, knowing things days or even weeks before the event often made her anxious- uneasy even. That way, she couldn’t be quite sure when it would actually happen and/or if it would happen the way she saw it would. So much could change within so little time. Sure, either way she might not know, but Jasmine always got that feeling- a knowing of when, approximately, it would happen. Jasmine frowned when she saw the flood of students pouring into the class. There was something about normal people that she couldn't understand... maybe it was that they didn't understand her. They were so blind to magic in the world... the supernatural. And Jasmine had been too, but she now realized that she BECAME the supernatural... now mixing with what was once the reality she knew when she was 'normal'... and the actual reality that existed for her now that she had a gift. People are so stupid! she thought. Blind to the world and blind to me. Just wait and see what will happen to the rest when they realize that there is such a thing as magic and gifts. Just wait. A tingling sensation tore her away from her thoughts, and she glanced down to her hand. The ring she had received for her fifteenth birthday from an annonymous friend/family member, was twinkling oddly. As if... As if what? Even she didn't know... As if it were alive? As if it.... Woke up.... getting ready for the events that have yet to come. |
Jessica slid into her guitar class just as the late bell rang. She quickly sat down, took out her guitar and stared tuning it. When she was done, she glanced around, wondering what exactly she should do. The only reason she took the class was because she already knew how to play, and it would be an easy A. Funny thing was, few people in the class actually learned a thing. The teacher was way too caught up with herself and let the students do whatever they pleased. Most of them just talked, did their makeup, and made out. And there was Jessica, who seemed to be completely oblivious to the outside world, and too caught up in her depression each day… And Often, she would just sit in the corner with her guitar and book of black sheet music, writing and composing all that was in her heart. Then there was Nick, who thoroughly intrigued and confused Jessica. He would be in the back, playing his guitar and sometimes even humming. And god, was he good at it. Jessica was sure he had an amazing voice, but whenever he’d start to sing, people would crowd around him, and he’d stop altogether, glare at them, and move to another spot. That morning, she had run into him and she became slightly worried about the jagged cut that ran across his forehead. And that was actually quite funny because she usually could care less about people and their pathetic lives. Most people were weak… and they had no idea what true pain was. What Jessica wanted to do was go over to Nick, though she had no idea what she’d say. It was really odd… She felt as though she should speak with him… as though it were a vastly important decision she had to make. Ever since she had received her gift, she often got those little twinges of random emotions or feelings… Her mother, now long deceased, had told her it was her intuition telling her what to do. If things were right or not… a decision she may have to make. And whenever she heard that, Jessica always felt that there was more to it than that. Especially since she had telekinesis. “Jessica, this note came for you.” The teacher shoved an envelope into Jessica’s hands and shuffled off to Nick. Hesitating only slightly, she glanced from Nick to her letter, a bit surprised that she had even received anything considering both of her parents were dead and practically the whole school hated her. What could it be? The envelope was exquisite; black with gold and silver writing… Well, not exactly writing… It was covered in symbols- Runes, she was sure. Jessica had learned a great deal of Latin and other ancient languages or alphabet such as Elder Futhark Runes, which she was sure the letter was completely covered and written in. But there were also other symbols… ones she hadn’t seen before. But they seemed oddly familiar as if she should know them quite well. Her fingertip trailed the harsh lines and soft curves, and her dark eyes scanned the cover, picking up word after word. “Destined… and Fated.” Jessica murmured, a confused look crossing her face. Destined and fated? What was that supposed to mean? Below those words were more, written with careful hand- very small, silver. Perfect. “It’s your decision.” Jessica carefully tore the seal- an actual seal! A gorgeous white wax seal with a symbol she recognized from the cover pressed upon it. The paper within seemed too old for words, and the words were in faultless script. If you are one, do you know what has yet to come? Stay on guard. Be cautious or they WILL destroy you. “How pleasant,” she muttered beneath her breath, barely audible by anyone in the godforsaken room. Destined or Fated… it is your decision to make. No one can make it for you. With a frown, Jessica placed the note in her book of sheet music, where she knew she would not lose it. What did it all mean? Even those few words that she had read had worried her… and she had yet to read the rest of the hidden scripture on the envelope. And part of her didn’t want to. Not at all. Fated… it seemed so final. Destined? Destined for failure or for great things? Knowing her luck, failure. There was so much that those simple words could mean. There was so much meaning to each and every thing in the world. Jessica put all of her things away except for her sheet music, deciding she had best keep it with her. If anyone else found that, there’d be an endless wave of ‘what’s that Jessica? Huh? Come on! What is it????’ Now she had something to talk to Nick about… which, in all actuality, Jessica wasn’t sure it was a good thing… “What does it mean?” Jessica, ignoring his harsh glare, sat beside him. There was no reason for her to just give up because he hated people. And this was something that needed to be done. “Or do you know?” Nick just watched her silently before shoving the envelope into his pocket. “Look, I don’t know what yours says, but… mine sounds like a threat…” Jessica frowned and looked away. “What do you want me to do about that?” Nick laughed and shook his head. “Cry for you?” Jessica felt her defenses coming up, and her telekinetic energy building steadily. “I want to know what’s in that letter. If you can’t translate it, I can. There’s nothing I want you to do. It’s what I want to do for you.” |
“Why should you care?” Nick asked, his voice cold. He didn’t bother looking at her, staring down at the guitar cradled in his arms and plucking a few chords. It wasn’t that he wasn’t curious, for the appearance of a mysterious letter written in an ancient language that he couldn’t read had certainly got his attention. No, it was more than he saw no reason why it should matter to him. Even if it was a plane ticket to the other side of the world, that was just geography. It wouldn’t make him less than he was. It wouldn’t make him normal or sane. She sighed heavily, drawing his gaze once more, and for a moment he studied her. She was surprisingly attractive, except for the frustrated scowl that was creasing her forehead. She looked almost as if she were about to snap at him. It was a look he was used to, and yet for a moment, it made him smile slightly, before he let his attention fall again to the strings and the music. “Would you please let me see it?” She enunciated each word, making it sound more like a command than a request. The smirk was still on Nick’s face, and then to her surprise and his own, he pulled the note out of his back pocket and tossed it down in front of her. “Knock yourself out,” he said, long fingers drifting over the strings for a moment longer. Then he caught sight of the shadows that seemed to be gathering about his hands. He grit his teeth, forcing it down inside of himself. What would people say if they had any idea of what he could do? If he wanted, he could even kill his father. He could be gone from this place. The power was there, seeping through his blood in dark veins that seemed to stain him. He hadn’t yet figured out where the limits were to what he could do, but he knew enough to have realized that none of it was good. His power was a destructive one, and it scared him sometimes how it thundered through him, begging to be used. Lately it hate been worse, so he had drawn deeper into himself, and had shut away the world. He found himself shaking, fingers still drifting listlessly over metal guitar strings, drawing out the chords without truly being aware of what he was doing. Music was the only thing he had that wasn’t of destruction or despair or madness, because he surely must have been mad. The thought was almost enough to make him laugh, except a part of him had forgotten how. “I think it says the same thing.” The voice startled him, making his fingers slip and pluck a sour note. He winced, frowning as he glanced up at the girl still sitting next to him. Jessica, he realized suddenly. Her name was Jessica. “What does? The note?” She raised an eyebrow. “No, your tattoo. Yes the note. It says the same thing that mine did.” “Which was…?” He leaned forward slightly, ignoring her initial comment, though on a normal day he probably would have gotten up and walked away. He was more curious than he had first believed, and he saw a condescending smirk cross her face as she realized it as well. “I thought you didn’t care.” “I don’t. But you’ve got my attention anyway, so you might as well tell me.” She laughed at him, shaking her head, and he found that she was prettier when she smiled, which didn’t seem a typical thing for her, anymore than it was for him. His face fell into a mask of calm as he studied her more closely, trying to remember some of the things that he’d heard about her. Most people said her parents were dead, which he supposed had to be worse than living with one alcoholic father who would rather see him dead. There were other rumors about her too, most of which he never paid attention to. He knew her name. He knew she was amazing on the guitar. Everything else was just background. “It says ‘Destined and Fated.’” “Really?” He smirked sarcastically. “All those runes, and it says two words. Good to know.” She rolled her eyes at him, the brilliant laughter fading away from her face, and somehow he felt strangely guilty from it. He shifted uneasily, his typical mask of apathy covering up the uncomfortable feeling that had settled in his gut. He had the urge to get up and leave. This was the longest conversation he’d had with anyone in years. “That’s just what the cover says. The inside says ‘If you are one, do you know what has yet to come? Stay on guard. Be cautious or they WILL destroy you.” She handed it back to him, and he frowned, studying the runes that he couldn’t read. If nothing else, this was certainly a twist to his day, and though he had no doubt that it could possibly be some student playing a prank, there was a dark, ominous feeling he got from the last lines. “One what?” He asked softly, afraid he already knew. |
Jasmine nearly jumped in her seat when she heard her name. "Yes?" She had been so consumed in thought about her ring, that she was completely oblivious to the world around her, much like always, but this time it was different. Stuffing the ring into her pocket to keep others from seeing the glow, she stood and retrieved the letter her teacher had been holding out to her. As soon as she touched it, something inside her burst. Not a part of her, but a feeling. Like something was wrong. And in that instant, she got a premonition. Well, sort of. It was more of a knowing and... she heard voices. "Nick, get back, now! This isn't your fight. Just go!" "Right," Nick, Jasmine could only assume, muttered bitterly. "Not going to happen." "You dont understand. This isn't exactly a... normal THING... whatever it is. I need you to get out of here before-- Nick, get down!" "Shit... there's more of them. Get out of here and let me handle this, Jessica! NOW!" "No! You dont understand!" "I understand much better than you do, trust me." "You are so stubborn! You don't know what you're getting yourself into." "Neither do you." Screams followed Jasmine as she returned to her seat, though no one could hear them, she did. And she knew she had to do something. Seconds later, the bell rang, and she grabbed her things. What to do? Where would they be and who was it? Her ring vibrated in her pocket, tingling her, it was a small signal, she knew. Maybe it would lead her to them. Maybe it would save them. |
Jessica almost screamed as the letter before them started smoking. Thick black smoke lifted from the letter, swirling up in a tight spiral of darkness. A red pool of blood started seeping out from the silver and gold symbols pressed upon the letter. "Okay, not good. Get out of here, now." Jessica pulled Nick to his feet and pushed him behind her. Nick, seeming somewhat out of it, completely ignored her words and went toward it, almost drawn to it. It looked as though he were in some kind of a trance. The smoke curled up, forming a being, something Jessica knew wasn't a good sign. "Nick! Get away from it NOW! Leave! Let me handle this." Nick turned back to her, his gray eyes somewhat darkened. "No, you leave. This has nothing to do with you." "Nick, get back, now! This isn't your fight. Just go!" Jessica grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the door. "Right," Nick muttered bitterly as he shook off her hand. "Not going to happen." "You dont understand. This isn't exactly a... normal THING... whatever it is. I need you to get out of here before-- Nick, get down!" Pushing him to the ground, she cursed. How was she going to handle THIS? She was only telekinetic. Whatever this was seemed much more powerful than herself. The blood moved across the floor, forming three new puddles, and the same dark vapor spout up from each one. "Shit... there's more of them. Get out of here and let me handle this, Jessica! NOW!" Nick jerked the door open and attempted to shove her out of the class, but he should have known better. With a simple wave of her hand, the door slammed shut and she glared at him. "You're not getting rid of me that easy. I'm sorry, but I cant have you watch this." The door to the teachers office flew open, and a somewhat knowing smile appeared on Nick's face, one that soon turned into a scowl as Jessica forced him inside, shut the door and locked it mentally. "Now, to deal with--" Pain shot down her spine as she hit the wall, a dark ring binding her wrist to the wall. "The hell?!" "It's about time we were let out." Jessica peered up into deep gold eyes. A man, only a few years older than herself, stood before her with the wildest smile on his face. He ran a hand through his brown hair as he knelt down next to her. "...Which are you?" "...Excuse me?" Jessica moved backward until her back hit the wall, and her heart jumped into her throat. No where to go, and she had locked Nick in the room. Hopefully, they wouldnt get to him. But she knew it was only a matter of time. "..Which one are you?" His gaze travelled her face, her hair, down her body and to her hand- the one he had left free- which he took into his. His thumb ran over the small goddess symbol tattooed on her palm. "...Oh, i couldn't have planned this better." He turned to the small group that had formed after him. All men, about the same age, all with the same gold eyes. But theirs had a red tint to them. "It's her." Jessica perked a slender brow and pulled her hand away. "Who are you?" He laughed in her face, then stood, moving to the others. "Oh, isn't this just perfect. She doesn't even know. I love this." Jessica glanced to the door, frowning slightly. Had she hurt Nick and let out too much energy, thus hitting him against the wall? Perhaps he was unconscious? Or maybe, hopefully, he was just being smart and listening to their conversation. Which ever it was, she hoped he was okay. And she wished they would not find him. "...I don't understand," she murmured, looking back over to them. "What are you talking about?" "You'll know soon enough." He looked at her, his eyes narrowing. "You honestly don't remember me?" Jessica watched him look her over once more. "...I can't say I've changed much, but obviously you have. You look nothing like you did." He shrugged. "But that is beside the point. I can't believe you don't remember me." "I-" Jessica hesitated as dark smoke poured from beneath the teacher's office door, coming out in a thick stream, forming yet another being. Nick! Oh god, was there another one? Had they found him? The four men looked at the smoke, then to each other, slightly confused, which confused Jessica. If this wasn't one of them, who was it? "I told you to let me handle it," Nick muttered as soon as he had regained his form. "Next time, listen to me." Jessica's eyes widened. "You have got to be kidding me..." "Another one?" The man, obviously the leader, laughed, shaking his head. "This is perfect." "I suggest you leave," Nick's hands were clenched into fists, dark energy forming around them. The man shrugged and look at the others. "It seems we are not wanted. Good. That gives us time to find the others." And with that said, they disappeared. A girl burst through the doors, breathing heavy as she looked around. "Is everything okay here?" Jessica and Nick looked to each other. "Um... Nick, can.. you... get this thing off me?" Jessica looked up at her wrist helplessly. |
It was still vibrating in the air around him. He could feel it, on him, around him, in him, saturating his very soul with black and icy fingers. The power. Oh yes, he could practically taste the power. It was making his veins thrum with excitement. And it was for that very reason that he hated himself. He was an abomination of existence, and he couldn’t help but love it. “Um… Nick, can… you… get this thing off me?” The words drew his gaze to the black manacle chaining Jessica to the wall, though he was aware of the girl who had just burst through the door. He was seething, and something akin to emotion lit up his pale gaze. With a sudden burst of movement he had slammed one hand against the wall next to Jessica’s head, the other grasping the binding that encircled her wrist. For the briefest of moments, her eyes widened in surprise, and then it was gone. After all, she was cold too. “So now you want my help?” he snapped. “Are you two okay?” The girl asked again, coming farther into the room. “Fine,” he snarled over his shoulder, though his gaze never left Jessica’s. He could tell she was ready to deliver a biting remark, because it glinted in her eyes just before her lips fell open. He could already hear the words on her lips, because he’d heard them before. He had been told a thousand times that he was useless and the best thing he could do was kill himself so that he would no longer get in the way. He didn’t give her time to respond, pulling away from the wall with the same rapidity of motion that he had first thrown himself against it. There was a clatter as something hard and almost metallic fell to the ground, before it dissolved into wisps of black. There was dark power still thrumming around his fingers. “What happened?” He glanced up at the new girl, for a minute studying her as he gathered together his guitar case, though it seemed ludicrous to think of school after what had just happened. Somehow he distanced himself from the events, as he distanced himself from everything else. Whatever had just occurred, whatever the cryptic messages meant, he wanted no part of it, even while he knew he was. They were too much like him. There was panic thundering in his chest and he had the urge to run from the room. Instead, he focused on steadying his hands as he placed his guitar gently in its case. “Where are you going?” he heard Jessica ask. He didn’t look back as he slung the guitar case over his shoulder, standing up and walking swiftly and easily to the door. He didn’t bother to answer her, sweeping by the other girl, whose name he believed was Jasmine. She looked at him with confusion and growing irritation, catching his arm and his eye for a moment. “Hey,” she snapped. “Are either of you going to answer me?” “Let Jessica fill you in. After all, it’s her fight. She’s the one that knows how to handle it.” The words fell from his lips like burning drops of acid, and for a moment he shot a look over his shoulder. Then he shrugged off the offending hand and continued to the door. “Nick! You’re acting like a child!” Her gaze burned holes into his back. “A child?” he snapped, whirling around and letting the bag fall to the floor as he advanced on her. “You locked me in an office! You could have gotten killed because you wouldn’t let me take care of it, and I’m the one acting like a child?” He crossed his arms over his chest, for the moment glad that he had a few inches height over her, though it was a small victory. “You’re the one throwing a tantrum!” She snapped, glaring up at him with such condescension in her gaze that it would have made anyone else in the world feel like the lesser man. He was almost impressed with her attitude, if the anger and fear and panic weren’t still pounding a horrid rhythm in his chest. The note was still lying on the ground, a horrid reminder of what had happened and the words still burning a hole in his mind. Destined and fated. “Forget this,” he shook his head, lifting up his bag again and whirling towards the door. “I’m out of here.” The door opened before he had his hand on the handle, but he was not expecting the person behind it, or the smile that greeted his face. For a moment, sharp eyes were studying him, before going to the two girls behind him. “Nick, Jessica, Jasmine.” The woman spoke their names like an old friend, and the smile broadened for a moment. “I’m glad you’re here.” |
Devin opened the door and left his Business class, his mind had been racing about his girlfriend, Louise. “Devin…” A young girl with light brown hair stared at Devin and held his hand. “I can’t see who you are Dev, you show me your shell and a person that won’t let me in. Do you not trust me?” Devin looked confused. “What? Where’s this coming from?” “What do you do Devin? How did you light Adams front porch on fire like that the other night and what about that ball of lightning I watched you develop…. What the hell are you?” She pulled away and looked around as they stood outside cinema. “You’re crazy…” “Am I?” She shouted. “Louise calm down please…” Devin looked at her emerald eyes- they always seemed to enchant him, and as he looked now, he saw fear; fear of the unknown. ”…please I’ll tell you what you’ve seen, you’ve seen a freak accident on Adams porch which happened to be coincidental and we were fighting, honestly I mean how could I put a crater in his house like what happened. Its impossible, it’s crazy….” “I walked into your room when you had a ball of flames in your hand ….” “That’s crazy, you came in and must of caught a glare or somethi-” Louise slapped him across the face, turned around and stormed off. Then she stopped and looked around at Devin. “I don’t know who you are and I don’t trust you. Its over!” Louise, Devin couldn’t stop thinking about her and how she made him feel happy and normal and wanted. A feeling he thought he could never feel after his mother was diagnosed with cancer. His mother became paralyzed and whileshe was in hospital he had to protect his twin step-sisters from their dad who was a drunk and always come ‘round to try and take his sisters. Several months ago his step dad and all his friends from the pub came to their house and tried smashing the place in- there were about 4 cars full of men and they went in to kidnap his sisters. They had far too much to drink. Devin destroyed two of the cars and a strange force was in the air that night, like something directed the flames that he produced. Following this, the police relocated them to this little town and now Devin and his sisters were trying to start a new life. He is a teenager of seventeen but due to these harsh events Devin has developed into a man that takes care of two young kids and takes them to school and lives off the money he gets from his Record shop he had help set-up with a friend. Louise made him whole and filled that void of being seventeen, with her he was young again and could finally relax. She was fantastic with the twins and she truly admired him and what he did, she was perfect for Devin. Devin left the main school entrance and the sun pierced through the tall conifer trees that surrounded the entrance of the school. Devin squinted and walked down the steps. He couldn’t stop thinking: ‘If only I told her the truth about my powers and about what I do, and who Shade is then maybe she wouldn’t have to fear the unknown… of knowing my hidden self. “No” Devin whispered as he looked around more suspiciously and then thought: ‘No one must know how Shade is, this isn’t some god damn comic book. Shade is my secret and no one will tame that knowledge’ Devin saw David sitting on the bench next to the car parking lot. It was strange to see David as certain times of the day, in the morning his hair was a very grey brown and at noon it very blond but at night it was dark brown, and now was no exception as the sun stood at high noon and his hair shone bright. “Alright David? “Yeah, can’t complain. How’d you do on the Geography test?” David said in a low voice. “I must have failed it, that Mrs Redlander has got a thing against me I swear.” Devin said as he sat down and sighed.” “Whats eatin’ ya man?” “Louise broke it off last night.” David looked up and put a serious face on. “I heard, I guess you didn’t see it coming.” “Not with her…” Devin whispered as he felt a lump develop in his throat. “… She was special and now it’s gone because I couldn’t tell her the truth.” “Sorry man.” David said as he gestured him to sit down. “I know the feeling of not trusting anyone and I’ve had girls come and go Devin, don’t worry about it.” Devin sat down and as he did David fell silent and he saw a young girl with soft hair run as fast as she could towards the music department. Strangely enough she seemed to glide like something was guiding her. “Who’s that David?” Devin said interested slightly. “That’s Jasmine…” He said as he watched her go into the Music building. “… She’s a stunner Dev… I don’t why she’s single really.” “That’s Jasmine, oh yeah I didn’t recognize her then. She was Louise’s friend… I used to see her all the time and she used to come ‘round but something happened and they never spoke to each other again.” “Yeah well rumor has I that Jasmine can see glimpses of the future and have what she calls Prems! A bit of a weirdo really.” David added as he rested his arms on his knees but he continued to look the green music building. “Wonder what she was in a rush for?” “Probably late for a lesson?” Devin said as he was getting ready to leave. “Well she can’t be its lunch time and also she can’t play any musical instruments…” Devin looked at him in shock and smiled. “How do you know that? You stalk her or something?” David shook his head and gave off a slight laugh. “Let’s go check it out…” David then stood up and as he did a woman was walking up the stairs and as she looked around, Devin recognized her from somewhere but he couldn’t pin point where. It was not a memory but more like an image etched into his brain. “….come on Dev we’ve got another 20 minutes left of lunch and that all looks a bit strange for my liking, I’ve got that gut feeling.” “No I’m going …” Devin then looked at his car and the woman who now seemed to be holding another pupil with black smoke engulfing him. “…quickly David what’s going on in there?!” Devin and David rushed across the car park and opened the door where Jasmine along with Jessica and a strange lad with jet black hair stood prepared to listen to an old woman who seemed to be the center of the stage. “What luck.” She said as she smiled and looked at the two newcomers as well. “I guess mustering the Destined Ones shan’t be as hard as one thought!” |
Oh..I'm sorry. I didn't know I was holding this one up. I'll skip this time and add next round so it can move again1! |
The woman before them smiled an odd sort of smile- one that said she was entirely too pleased with herself. And it sorta scared Jasmine. "Excuse me?" her eyes narrowed on the womans necklace, which ws glowing a soft white. "...Oh, I suppose you wouldn't know... I hadn't planned on contacting you just yet. But... those two..." The woman looked behind her to Jessica, then back over to Nick, who was still near the door, a questioning look on his face. "I believe you got my letters in time?" "You mean the ones with the demons popping out? Yeah, we got them." Nick's eyes narrowed into slits, almost as if he were about to attack her. "What the hell was that? Some sort of trick? An attack?" "...Oh, dear. The Fated must have intercepted the delivery. But I see you handled it finely." She beemed, as if she were truly proud of them. "Without help. How amazing..." "...Oh dear? Oh dear?" Nick laughed. "Right. I'm out of here." Jessica smirked softly to Jasmine as Nick suddenly stopped moving and cast Jessica a glare. Jasmine, not quite sure of what was going on, simply backed away a bit, knowing she didnt want to get in the middle of this. "Okay.. what's going on? All I know is that I felt something was wrong.. and you two were glaring at each other like mad... and YOU," she looked to Jessica, "were bound to the wall. Now... do I honestly want to know what's going on or should I just leave...." Now, in all reality, this freaked her out. How had she known something was happening? How? The woman moved toward her and placed her hands on Jasmine's shoulders. "My dear, you know you're gifted. You know these premonitions you have are not of this world... You know you are destined for greatness. That's why I am here." She turned to the other three. "To help you all." Devin, whom Jasmine had known as her friends boyfriend, looked at each person slightly awkwardly. "Wait a second... what are you saying?" "You are all to make a choice... which could change your very destiny... You are the destined ones..." |
"What kind of choice? Destined or Fated?" Jessica's arms were crossed as she leaned against the wall of which she had only moments before been pinned to. There was something so... familiar about the woman. Like she had known her all her life. She peered over to Nick. No wonder she had been so attracted to him. Her magic- his magic called out to her. And the girl that had entered the room right after the attack had obviously been drawn to them by something. And the man beside her? It was very odd. So very confusing. Yet it all made so much sense. "...What are we?" Jessica looked back to the woman. "Oh, I'm sorry. Who are you? I don't believe we know you..." "Oh, you wouldn't. You used to, though. But you wouldn't now." The woman pursed her lips together. It looked as though her own comment saddened her. "My name's Andrea. And you... well, you each have to make your own decision. As you said, Houshi, Destined or Fated... that is your decision to make." "Houshi?" Nick glanced from Andrea to Jessica. "Oh, yes. I'm sorry... I know you as other names... Jessica, my dear. I knew you once as Houshi... Jasmine, Raine... Devin, Shade... And you, my dear Nick, Night." Andrea smiled warmly. "But that was so long ago. They were your warrior names." "Warrior names?" Nick perked a brow. "You're sounding more and more crazy with every word, lady." "I suppose I do, don't I?" She giggled. A giggle? "You all were warriors. You fought with the Fated often. With your gifts." "Gifts," Nick laughed at the thought. "Is that what they are?" Jessica shot a glare to Nick. "Stop it, Night or I'll lock you in that room again." "You two were always at it." Andrea grinned broadly. "So.. I don't expect you to make any decisions yet, but as soon as possible... And if you run into any of the Fated again, I believe you know what to do?" "Not really." Jessica smiled sheepishly. "They kinda showed up, chained me to the wall... talked... and... left." "Well, dear, what did they look like?" "...There were four of them. One leader, it seemed. He did all the talking. He.. had gold eyes." Jessica stared at the ground, where the blood red puddle that the man had formed from had been. The ground was spotless- as white and shiny as it was before. "...Caedo. Damn him... he already found you. Did he do anything to you, dear?" Andrea moved steadily closer to Jessica, looking her over. "No, though..." Jessica remembered the tattoo on her palm and showed it to Andrea. "He seemed to... be attracted to this.. As if it reminded him about something." "Ah, the goddess symbol. How funny." Andrea smiled. "Well, if you choose to be the Destined, that's what you will become. A goddess." "A goddess? Her?" Nick laughed. "I'm out of here." Jessica glared at him, and the door to the hallway slammed shut, startling all of them, including her. The force was enough to show Nick that Jessica was well beyond pissed off with him. "You will STAY, Nick. This obviously is bigger than we think. Now will you shut up and listen?" Nick stared at her, wondering if he should even test her authority. His dark magic might overthrow her telekinesis. In fact, they were both sure of it. But he wasn't going to. Not now. "What do you mean, a goddess?" The girl beside Nick stepped forward, no longer silent. "That's what all of you will become. Gods and Goddesses... You will have to protect this realm from the Fated. They are attempting to bring about the end. Bring total darkness over the world..." Jessica stared at the goddess symbol. Why had she wanted the tattoo? When she was younger she never imagined herself even getting piercings, but here she was, piercings and tattoos. And a goddess... "I take it my choice... was to be the Destined... before, i mean...?" Jessica looked back up to Andrea. "Yes. You were the first to make your decision the first time. You didn't even hesitate, which I can't even begin to understand. I would have gone crazy with such a decision." Jessica nodded, more to herself than to Andrea. This was it. "...I'm in." "You shall be one of the Destined?" "Yes. Obviously I had reason to be before.. And even now..." Jessica forced a smile. "I can only hope I'll bring more good than bad. Plus, why else would I get this symbol? I didnt even know what it meant. I just thought it looked cool." "How amusing." Andrea looked to the others. "Anyone else? You have as long as you need to make the decision... But until then, be careful. They will attack until you make the decision. Now... here's the choice you have to make..." "Destined or Fated?" Jasmine looked to Jessica, smiling slightly, and Jessica knew she had made the right decision. "Or..." Andrea frowned. "You can choose to lose your gift... forget all of this... and be a 'normal' human being... whatever 'normal' is." "Yeah, but normal's so boring." Devin finally spoke. Jasmine smiled at this, but Jessica did not. She was focused on Nick, who had perked up a bit at the thought of a 'normal' life. A frown creased Jessica's brow as she moved toward him. "Nick..." |