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Coddi and his friends need to rescue a princess being held captive. Come and join |
Coddi, and Adventurer was sitting in his house on this nice, warm Summer day. "I'm glad That they’re nothing to do today. No battles, no adventures." As he spoke there was a knock on his door. He got up out of his Eleven chair and opened the door. There was no one there, just a note on the ground. Coddi picked it up and read it. "Coddi, I need your help! I'm trapped in a high tower. I'm being held prisoner by an unknown figure. I have heard of your brave deeds and I am asking for you to rescue me. I have put a guide of people you can trust in this letter. Study it. I await your rescue. Signed, Princess Seatta" "Another quest! Oh well. Coddi said then looked at the guide. |
This is the guide for the story. Please use it. Use only characters, powers, and weapons that are given. Thank you. The Guide! People you might meet(people you can be): Adventurers, Elves, Knights, Kings/Queens, Wizards, Dwarfs, Shape- Shifters, Fairy, and Priests. The Powers they might have(the powers you can have): Shape-sifting, Healing, Light(to make light in dark places so you can see), Dark(to make you hidden when in danger), Strength Drain, Speed(makes you go into "super speed"), Invincibility, Flight, Breath Under Water, X-ray Vision, Door Opening( let's you open locked doors) and Telekinetic Energy. The weapons they might have(the weapons you can have): Sword, Staff, Club, Ax, Bow and Arrows, Dagger, Magic Staff, Crossbow, and Sling Shot. Who, What Power, What Weapons(This is who how you choose your person. I will list what type of person, how many powers, and how many weapons they can have. I will list how good they are in different situations, and also list the kind of powers and weapons they can have. Please use this as given.): Adventures: Maximum of weapons: 2 Maximum of Powers: 2 Kind of weapons he/she uses: Sword, Staff, Club, Crossbow, Sling Shot, or Bow and Arrows. Kind of Powers he/she have: X-ray Vision, Healing, Door Opening, or Telekinetic Energy. Warrior Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 4 Quest Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 5 Power Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 4 Amount of Money: $100 Notes: An Adventure may find more money, different kind of weapons, and powers through out the game. Elves: Maximum of weapons: 2 Maximum of Powers: 1 Kind of weapons he/she can use: Bow and Arrows, Dagger, or Sling Shot. Kind of Powers he/she can have: Light, Dark or Healing. Warrior Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 4 Quest Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 4 Power Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 2 Amount of Money: $20 Notes: An Elf is good at tracking. They can find more money, and different kind of weapons through out the quest, But they can not use different kinds of powers. Knights: Maximum of weapons: 1 Maximum of Powers: 0 Kind of weapons he/she uses: Sword, Crossbow, or Ax. Kind of Powers he/she has: A Knight has no Powers Warrior Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 5 Quest Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 3 Power Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 1 Amount of Money: $50 Notes: A Knight has a lot of armor. They have no powers, nor can they pick some up. A Knight can find Money and different kinds of weapons through out the quest. Kings/Queen: Maximum of weapons: 1 Maximum of Powers: 0 Kind of weapons he/she can use: Sword or Dagger. Kind of Powers he/she can have: He/she has no powers. Warrior Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 1 Quest Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 2 Power Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 1 Amount of Money: $1,000 Notes: A King/Queen have power in ruling a Kingdome. As a King/Queen you can order people to talk of give you something. A king can find money and different kind of weapons through out the quest. Wizards: Maximum of weapons: 1 Maximum of Powers: 4 Kind of weapons he/she uses: A Wizard may only use a Magic Staff. Kind of Powers he/she have: Healing, Light, Dark, Strength Drain, Invincibility, Flight, Breath Under Water, X-ray Vision, Door Opening, or Telekinetic Energy. Warrior Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 3 Quest Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 4 Power Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 5 Amount of Money: $75 Notes: A Wizard can be a little mean at times. They have the most powers. They are wise, and strong. A Wizard can find money and different kind of Powers through out the quest. Dwarfs: Maximum of weapons: 2 Maximum of Powers: 1 Kind of weapons he/she can use: Club, Ax, Dagger, or Staff. Kind of Powers he/she can have: Healing or Speed. Warrior Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 4 Quest Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 4 Power Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 3 Amount of Money: $50 Notes: Dwarfs can be very mean at time, but they are good warriors. A Dwarf can find money and different kind of weapons and powers through out the quest.. Shape-Shifters: Maximum of weapons: 1 Maximum of Powers: 1 Kind of weapons he/she uses: A Shape-Shifter may only use a Staff Kind of Powers he/she has: A Shape-Shifter may only Shape-Shift Warrior Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 2 Quest Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 3 Power Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 2 Amount of Money: $40 Notes: Shape-Shifter’s are nice, sometime too nice. They tend to talk too much. A Shape-Shifter may only find money through out the quest. Fairies: Maximum of weapons: 1 Maximum of Powers: 3 Kind of weapons he/she can use: A Fairy may only use a Dagger Kind of Powers he/she can have: Flight, Speed, Light, Dark, Healing, or Breath Under Water. Warrior Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 3 Quest Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 4 Power Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 5 Amount of Money: $100 Notes: Fairies are nice. They are helpful. They are tiny, and they glow. As they Fly(If they have this power) they leave a trail of Fairy Dust. There are male Fairies and Female Fairies. A Fairy can find more money and Powers through out the quest. Priests: Maximum of weapons: 1 Maximum of Powers: 1 Kind of weapons he/she can use: Staff or Dagger Kind of Powers he/she can have: A Priest may only Heal Warrior Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 1 Quest Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 3 Power Level(1 the least, 5 the most): 3 Amount of Money: $70 Notes: Priests are always ready to help someone in need. They are good to have around. A Priest can only find money through out the quest. ***Please use the characters according to what they can or can not do. Thank you. Let’s go on a Quest!*** |
I Forgot...(This is the first time making a Campfire Story)What you make a character for yourself be sure to include the following info: Character: Name: Age: Sex: Weapons: Powers: Notes: e.g. Character: Wizard Name: Jandoi Age: 66 Sex: Male Weapons: Magic Staff Powers: Healing, Light, X-ray Vision, and Dark Notes: Jandoi is quite small, he smell's bad, but he is a nice, and powerful Wizard. (Stuff like that.) Through out the quest you can find Money, Powers, and Weapons. Other than the ones given. Those are just starting Powers and Weapons. Alright. Let's start! __________________________________________________ Character: Adventurer Name: Coddi Age: 32 Sex: Male Weapons: Sword, and Staff Powers: X-ray Vision, and Telekinetic Energy Notes: Coddi is a brave warrior. He is good with a Sword. Some call him the best at Sword play. He is smart, handsome, nice, and can be funny at times. He's been on over 100 quests, so he is experienced. He is good a tracking and making friends. He rides his white horse, who he calls Gabbs. |
Character: Fairy Name: Fairy Age: 29 Sex: Male Weapons: Dagger Powers: Flight, Speed, and Light Notes: Fairy is tall (for a Fairy), and talks a lot. He and Coddi have been friends for years. He has silver wings, and glows a light blue. He has a tendency to save peoples lives from time to time. Fairy used to have a Power of Size, where he could change his own or someone else’s size. He recently lost the Power when he woke a sleeping Wizard named Ventar, by accident. Ventar took the Power away from Fairy, and ever since he's been looking for a way to get it back. |
Coddi walked down the rode as Fairy flew above him. Coddi had a cloak on and his Staff in hand. His Sword was hidden in its cover on his belt. They walked, talking about past adventures. "Remember that time when you got molasses stuck to your wings, Fairy?" Coddi burst into laughter. "Yes, but it wasn't as funny as the time you stepped into the 10 foot hole. It took me a day and a half to get you out." Fairy said. Just then Coddi stopped and looked around. "What? What do you hear?" Fairy asked. "Shh! I don't know." Coddi whispered. "I think it's behind that bush." Just then a huge, ugly, Giant stepped out! With a booming voice he spoke. "What are you doing crossing my rode? Prepare to die!" The Giant ran at them making the ground shake. Coddi drew his Sword and got ready, but he didn't see Fairy. "where did he go?!" He thought. The Giant was upon him. |
Fairy flew behind the Giant. He thought that Coddi was with him. He followed the Giant from behind. The Giant was moving froward. Fairy then pushed the Giant (he has very good arms). The Giant fell to the ground with a grunt. Fairy saw Cod move out from under the Giant. "What happened?" He asked. |
"What happened?" Coddi said. "Well, I think you pushed him onto me. I had my Sword drawn. I guess he fell onto it." Coddi bent down and pushed the Giant over onto his back. Sure enough, there was Coddi’s Sword in his chest. Coddi pulled it out, wiped it on the grass, then put it back on his belt. "What's that?" Coddi looked at a bag around the Giant's neck. He pulled it off and looked inside. "Why, it's money." He pulled it out. there was $100 in the bag. ***Coddi now has $200.*** "Well that takes care of that. Come on, Fairy, let's hit the rode." They started down the rode. |
After a few miles Fairy decided to walk. He flew down and landed. He walked for about a half a mile when he tripped over a stone. "What a klutz!" He said then flew back up into the air. Coddi asked him if he was alright. Fairy nodded and said, "I can't wait to find my lost Power." |
Character: elf Name: Morgan Age: 15 (and a half) Sex: male Weapons: dagger and bow Powers: none Notes: Morgan is a seventh son of the Rakshi tribe of the forests, and as such was given up to the Ranger Scouts, who are protectors of the land claimed by Rakshi elves. Basically, to keep corruption from the land, the Scouts prevent travelors from settling down in the land, or, if they are especially dangerous, from entering at all. But the Rangers go one step beyond. They are the warriors of the Scouts, and have the skills of an assassin (both in weaponry, hand to hand combat, and poison). Because Morgan started his training at a very young age (five), he never was taught the other arts of his people, the powers of Dark, Light, and Healing. He only has his skills as a Ranger to aid him, but this seems to be enough for now. _________________________________________________ The travelors didn't even bother to hide their presence. Morgan rolled his eyes in disbelief. Either these men-- if indeed they were men at all-- were very stupid, or they didn't know that they were not allowed to trespess in this section of these woods. Morgan was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and suspect the latter, and it was for this reason, and this reason only, that he did not directly apprehend them. At least, he liked to pretend that was the only reason, but his teachers, the older Rangers who had trained him since he was but five, would have thought differently. They would have said that Morgan, fresh from his training and eager to experience the fullest action in his first mission, was merely beating around the bush with unnessesary actions for his own gratification. And so, instead of directly apprehending the trespassers, Morgan followed them for half a day, keeping always just beyond the edge of the travelors' vision or simply following their messy trail through the forests. He considered coming out of hiding when he saw the Giant bearing down upon them, if only to destory the Giant who was also a trespasser, but he decided to let the travelors fend for themselves. They seemed to have a reasonably good handle on themselves, and their eventual defeat of the Giant proved Morgan's confidance was not misplaced. At least not entirely. Yet, as sundown approached, the young elven warrior decided it may be in his best interest to confront the strangers. And so, while the human and fairy were commenting on their lack of coordination (which Morgan thought was a great understatement) the elf decided to emerge from his hiding spot and reveal himself. Morgan pushed his dark green cloak back from his head, revealing bright blue eyes, white-blond hair worn long and in tiny braids tied with white feathers and lavender crystals, and traditional delicate tapered ears, and stepped silently from the shadow of the trees. The travelors started visibly. They both reached for weapons, which the elven boy quickly relieved them of, and then stood looking at their opponent in fury and apprehension. "Who are you?" the human demanded. Then his eyes widened. "You're an elf!" Morgan smiled wryly. "Of course. This is the Emerald Forest. Only elves dwell here. You two don't belong in these lands. You must leave." The human crossed his arms. "Leave? We need to cross through here. Is there any way we can do so?" Those were the words Morgan dreaded to hear. It was going to be a long few days. "You can continue in my company." The man frowned and turned to his companion. The fairy sighed. "Can we at least have our weapons back, if you are going to follow us all over the woods?" "Of course." Morgan still had not touched his own weapons, but he had taken a moment earlier to add the human's sword to the bag he carried for his arrows, and tuck the fairy's dagger into his belt with his own knives. He returned them to their bearers now, and gestured them along. Just then a figure burst from the trees. Morgan turned to look and realized with dismay that it was particularly hungry looking Redwing dragon that fluttered around wildly, shoving aside treetops and spitting flame. There was no way he was going to try to take that creature on. "Run," Morgan suggested. The group turned and fled. The drageon glanced quickly between Morgan, the human, and the quickly receding figure of the fairy. Apprarently making up its mind, the dragon turned to the human. Morgan cursed, grabbing the human and throwing them both to the ground as the dragon spit flame at them. The dragon backwinged so that it could hover just above the cat, ready to roast them both alive. But for a moment the coast was clear, as the dragon had to get back into position. "Go!" Morgan hissed, shoving the human away from him. The human fled, and Morgan found himself kneeling beneath the dragon, throwing knives ready. He took careful aim, and tossed, but the dragon swooped to the side and made Morgan's toss look like a lazy throw. It hissed, and blew flame at him, but the elf rolled quickly, and it only managed to get his lower arm. He cried out at the same time that the dragon did, but the dragon's scream was piercing and echoed through the woods. Morgan dimly saw it come crashing down, one of Morgan's knives lodged in its heart, and passed out just as the fairy and human came to stand over him. "Let's go!" the fairy suggested as the world faded around Morgan. "The elfling will only hinder us. Leave him here!" "Fairy!" the human scolded in hushed shock as Morgan's world faded into unconsciousness. |
Character: Dwarf Name: Handoora Age: 49 Sex: Male Weapons: Ax and Dagger Powers: Speed Notes: Handoora was born in the Dwarf city of Galandfer. Raised by his parents to be watchful and to trust no one, but they also taught him to be helpful. Handoora is gruff and mean. Good with his Ax. And hates Fairies, for a Fairy had killed his brother, Booter. __________________________________________________ Handoora was watching from behind a rock. The sight he saw was a funny one. A Human and a Fairy were dragging an Elf! He stepped out from behind the rock. "Need any help?" "Yes." The human said. "A Dragon got him. Is there anything you can do?" He thought for a moment, eyed the Fairy and said, "Yes. Cover the burn with this." he pulled a small jar out of his travel bag. "its called Tweed Weed. Only grown by the Dwarves. He helps heal burns. My name is Handoora." The Human took the jar opened it and spread the brownish goop over the Elf's burn. "I'm Coddi. I'm on a quest." "I'm Fairy." Fairy said as he looked at the Elf's face. "A quest?" The dwarfs face lightened up. "What kind of a quest?" "I need to save a Princess." Coddi said as he covered the jar and handed it back to the Dwarf. "What to come along?" "I love quests. I will come. I will also carry the Elf." He picked up the Elf and put him over his shoulder. The foursome walked down the rode. |
Character: Elf Name: CORR Age: 216 Sex: Male Weapons: Sword Powers: Strength drian Notes: CORR is somewhat of a loner, and has had his wife of 100 years killed by a human. He has yet to find the human, but when he does he has vowed to kill him. The foursome came to a small fork in the road. They saw a sign with two arrows one had the word The Emerald Desert. The other was so weatherworn you could not read it. They decided to take a vote and then go that way. (I will get better at this...I just am running short on time today,. sorry... WELTY69) |
Everyone voted to go in the direction of the arrow with the missing words. "Let's go." Coddi said. He was the leader of this hopefully happy band. Morgan was still being carried by Handoora, and Fairy was still objecting. They walked for some time, until they came to a large ravine. "Now, how do we get over this?" Coddi asked. "If I had my lost power I could carry you all one at a time. But I don't." Fairy said. "Well then, what do we do?" |
Everyone thought for a second or two. Fairy floated around their heads. Hander swatted at him as he passed by. Then an idea came to mind. He blurted out, "Coddi! You have Telekinetic Energy use it to get them across." "Good Idea." Coddi closed his eyes and thought. He touched everyone with his mind. they were moving across the ravine. Fairy flew across. He got to the other side before the others. Coddi landed the party and opened his eyes. "Good one, Coddi." Fairy said. "Let go." They continued to walk. |
Morgan woke to great shuddering footsteps under him and a booming voice in his ear. It took him a moment to realize that the thing he was draped over was the shoulder of a rather loud dwarf, and when he did come fully back to himself, it was to pound the dwarf on the back and demand his release. The dwarf set him on the ground with care uncharacteristic of his race. Morgan's head swam and the world tilted around him; it was only after the dizziness wore off that his arm started really hurting. "What hap- oh," he murmered, as memory washed over him like a wave. Then he glared up at the fairy. "You were going to leave me behind!" |
Handoora looked at the Fairy. "Is this true? You wanted to leave this Elf behind?" The Fairy just nodded. Handoor's face turned red. "See what kind of a Fairy you have here, Coddi. He wanted to leave a wounded person behind! I HATE FAIRIES!" He yelled. He walked off and sat down on a rock. |
)(Thy rules art as restrictive and unnecessary as those of a decade-old video game, “Coddi.” If I were to bend them, though not break them, wilst thou have any quarrel with me?)( Character: Priest Name: Ky'jaddon (pronounced "Kie-Jay-Den") Age: 11 Gender: Male Weapons: Long sword-like dagger radiating with holy power Powers: Many different forms of healing, including power to raise the dead in the form of non-sentient, soulless, completely obedient minions Notes: A shadowy and somewhat odd- and not to mention very young- warrior priest of the goddess Celestai, the goddess of the night, Ky'jaddon had always been told that he was not born, but rather, created by powerful necromantic magics to be the ideal servant of the starry goddess Celestai, and fulfill Her divine mission of destroying all forms of tyranny and opression in the realms. This experement backfired, howerver, leaving Ky'jaddon as a delusional and almost insane yet immensely powerful being, surging with unpredictable, volatile, and potenially destructive magical energy. And so he was kept isolated within the temple, to always watch life from the outside and pray in complete solitude. In private, he dedicated his life to studying the necromantic powers that created him and channel the powers within him to undo the curse that appeared in the world along with himself. Being only eleven years old, he is very inexperienced with these magics (considering how powerful he actually is), and he has only recently learned the ability to reanimate corpses. However, he plans to escape from his beloved temple prison now to use his powers and set out upon his own crusade- to prove to his over-protective fellow priests what he's worth. -------------------------------------------------- The blade glowed with a bright purple, watery light, which fizzled, then seemed to come under Ky'jaddon's command as he placed his hand upon the handle. He lifted the long dagger to eye view, and smiled at the beauty of it. He had kept it hidden within his chamber for several weeks now as he watched, waited, and planned his escape. He set the dagger back down upon the black star-speckled sheets of his bed and, drawing a tiny key no longer than the top half of his thumb, unlocked the small wooden box beside the dagger. The box was specially designed to fit on his belt, and contained his seventy gold pieces he had accumulated through years of petty theft from within the temple complex. As he fastened the box to his belt and sheathed the knife in its scabbard of expertly carved obsidian, he turned to his dresser. At first the thought of taking clothing with him seemed highly appealing. But he decided it would take too much space. Instead, he took only the book sitting atop his dresser. A book entitled The Archnecromancer’s Companion, by the ancient Archnecromancer himself, the demi-god Loki Noci. Strapping the ancient and torn book to his belt as well, Ky’jaddon looked up at the moon from within his barred window. The moon seemed to be sideways, and looked somehow like an inviting yet sinister glowing smile in the sky. It was late. A perfect time, Ky’jaddon thought, for midnight mischief. He knew Celestai would approve. And so he quietly pulled his door open and crept outside into the dark and lonely halls. If his temple uniform had an attached cloak, Ky’jaddon would have donned it in the darkness of these halls. But it was a restrictive violet uniform with a shining silver star in the center; may as well have painted a large archer target upon him instead. But he had to make do with the next best thing- prayers to the goddess of the dark. He crept swiftly and silently through the halls as he had during many nights past, yet never with such a critical agenda. Past the chamber of Sir Lamtho, who had always been a strict man yet one Ky’jaddon looked up to. Past the chamber of Priestes Taherna, the closest thing Ky’jaddon ever had to a mother. Past the chamber of Priest Cai, a man from a faraway land called Katia, whom Ky’jaddon had barely ever known. And as Ky’jaddon crept past each of these chambers, he said his silent farewells to each of the people sleeping within them, as he knew tonight was quite possibly the night he would last be near them. And having spoken all necessary goodbyes out into the echoing caverns of his mind, he descended the staircase into the temple’s main hall. The main all always seemed the temple’s eeriest place in the night. Ky’jaddon could almost hear the echoes of long-dead voices, whispering their legacies to the still shadows. He looked over to see the tranquil meditation pool ripple slightly. It almost looked as though something was trying to break free to the surface, and sent an icy chill down Ky’jaddon’s back. And as he walked faster from it, he looked forward to find he had almost run into the towering statue of Celestai. Instinctively he looked up at it, and saw her cold, alabaster eyes gazing through his and into his heart. It gave him a deep feeling; it made him feel terribly small and insignificant. He stood a while in thoughtless contemplation, then shook his head and continued on with his stealthy exodus. As he pushed open the huge door to the outside world, his worst fear came into being: the dogs began to bark, the menacing sound tearing through the night air to summon down the guardians who would doom any chance of him ever setting foot upon the soil of the outside soil. Thinking swiftly, Ky’jaddon charged through the doors, quickly slammed them behind him, and bolted towards the gate. The guard within the tower was awakened by the dogs, however, and threw a switch to activate a loud and threatening alarm. Ky’jaddon managed one swift look over his shoulder to see the doors of the guardhouse burst open, then swiftly turned and leapt to latch his fingers upon the gate. Though it cut into his skin and made his fingers bleed, Ky’jaddon frantically scrambled upwards. Feeling the thin, cold metal digging into the bone, he pulled himself over the top. He was alarmed when a crossbow bolt flew by, but then he realized that the priests would sooner kill him then allow him to slip through the fingers of their fist, for the power that surged through his bones. Fearing a poisoned crossbow bolt digging itself deep within his flesh more than the few broken bones a heavy impact might cause, Ky’jaddon didn’t hesitate to hurl himself to the ground below. Feeling his left arm snap beneath the full weight of his body was of little consequence as he scrambled back to his feet from the cold, hard ground that gravity had hammered him against. With men chasing him brandishing heavy, sharp halberds as bolts whizzed past him, he darted as fast as his pain and exhaustion would allow him, and pierced into the darkness of the woods. He kept running until there was no sign to him that humans other than himself existed in the entire world. He passed out from his injuries before he had the chance to heal himself. He awoke to the loud cry of a mortally injured creature in the sky, and looked up just in time to see a huge, fiery red shape hurling towards earth near him, and he quickly scrambled to get out of the way. He turned back in time to see the massive corpse of some monstrous, unbelievably huge creature crush an entire section of the woods, setting trees around it aflame. In too much pain to give it too much attention, Ky’jaddon looked down at himself. His uniform was already torn, and an arrow was sticking out of his right leg as glowing purple blood oozed from it, bluish electrical currents charging through the liquid. He grabbed a firm hold of the arrow and fearlessly yanked it from his leg, not realizing how much it would hurt until he did, and yelped out in pain. Then he sat upon a log and set about healing himself. Once that was completed, he sat up and began examining his surroundings-first the dead monster. He walked closer to it, and wondered how such a massive, dangerous beast could exist. He looked up at the sky through the trees and realized it must already be well into the day. And then as he looked around the endless forest, he realized: this was his first time in the outside world. The wondrous smell of the forest filled his nostrils, and he breathed it in. The only thing he had ever known of nature was the garden in the courtyard near the temple gate he had scrambled over the night before. And having savored this and thinking the night goddess for aiding him in his escape, he started walking in a single direction through the woods. In what seemed almost like an hour Ky’jaddon began to hear human-sounding voices. Looking through the trees, he saw an exceptionally small bearded person yelling in anger about a fairy, and then walking off. Carefully, Ky’jaddon stepped out of the woods, looking in the direction of the small person who then disappeared from sight. Ky’jaddon thought he was hidden well enough, but this thought quickly left him when he heard a man’s voice behind him standing there. Ky’jaddon quickly turned around as fear pumped through him, to see several people with weapons standing before him. One of them had wings like a fly. “Gah!” Ky’jaddon exclaimed, stumbling back. “Stay away from me!” he ran from them down a dirt path, but saw his path blocked by a sharp turn into the wildly-growing plant life. They simply walked towards him and cornered him, perhaps without even realizing it. He turned to face them, hand on the handle of his dagger, and began to try to think reasonably. “You have weapons,” Ky’jaddon said. “Are… are you from the temple? Have you hunted me through the forest like some animal, to take me back and lock me up like some prisoner?” Ky’jaddon tightened his hold on the handle of the dagger as he eyed the men-at-arms nervously, wondering if he, only a gifted child, could kill an entire party of armed men if he needed to. |
Coddi looked at Fairy, "I think he's a Priest." "I agree." Fairy said. "Are you a Priest? Don't worry. We're not going to heart you." Handoora spoke, "No, but the fairy might leave you behind as soon as you get hurt!" "That's not true, Handoora." Coddi eyed the Priest. "What's your name?" With a scared tone in his voice the Priest answered. "You're not from the temple?" "No," Coddi smiled. "We're a group of people on a quest to save a princess. Now what's your name?" "My name is Ky'jaddon." "I'm Coddi, these are my friends. This is Fairy, Handoora, Morgen, and CORR. So tell me what are you up to." Ky'jaddon told them about his escape and the run for his life. "I have no where to go. I just want to be free." "Well, why don't you come with us! You'd be free, and get to see the world!" The Priest thought then nodded his head. "I will join your quest." Coddi shook his hand and said, "Welcome to the group, Ky'jaddon." "Thank you." The group went on their way. |
Fairy flew next to the new member of the group. Ky'jaddon eyed him. "What are you?" He asked. "You've never seen a Fairy before?" "No. I've never been out in the world before." "Really? Well...I'm a Fairy. We are a race of little flying people. We like to sing and dance, tell stories, go on adventures. We came from the sea. We were once sea living creatures, but then one Fairy by the name of Vok'lermmer tried to leave the water. He did. All of the Fairies followed. That was about 800,000 years ago. We do not like water any more. We try to stay away from it. Anyway. I'm a direct descend of Vok'lermmer. Some say that I have his nature inside of me." "Why do you glow?" "Fairies have a energy inside of them that is so strong that it escapes our body’s in the form of a glow.” "What is that energy used for?" "Many different things. Each Fairy is different. I personally use the energy to go at incredible speeds, make light in darkness. And at one time I used to be able to grow. We can harness the energy and direct it to one place. That's how some of those things are done. This energy is one of the reasons why Fairies are said to be hyperactive." Fairy laughed. "Grow?" "Yes. It was a Power that I once had." "Once? Did you lose it?" "Sort of. It was taken away by Ventar, a powerful Wizard. I woke him up from a deep slumber when I bumped into him. He took my Power away. I've been looking ever since for a way to get it back." "Do you think that you will find it?" "Yes I do." At that moment a big, ugly, stupid, Ogre popped up from behind a tree. "What are you doing on my land?" Coddi told him that they were just passing through. "I don't like people on my land. I'll have to get rid of you." Coddi drew his sword and waved it in a fashion that meant "not this time". The Ogre jumped and everyone scattered. Handoora pulled out his Ax, CORR got out his Sword, Fairy slashed his dagger in the air, and Morgen got out his bow. The Priest didn't know what to do. "Coddi, Morgen, COOR, Handoora, and Fairy all rushed towards the Ogre. The Swords, Daggers, and Arrows all impaled his ugly green skin. The Ogre hit the ground with a huge thump. Handoora said something the language of the Dwarfs, then said, "He smell very bad. Even Dwarfs take baths sometimes!" The group burst into laughter. Then they moved on down the rode. |
As the adreniline rush from the recent battle started to wear off, Morgan found himself feeling less and less well. His arm throbbed with every step that he took despite a still sticky layer of something that smelled both sickly sweet and of pungent herbs to the elf's sensitive nose. "What did you put on me?" he demanded suddenly, inturrupting a loud contest about who had been the best fighter against the ogre. Morgan, of course, thought it was no dispute. He was the best, of course, his skills for combat far outdoing those of these lesser beings. The bow was his secondary talent, hand to hand combat with knives being his first, but the pain of his wound did not allow him to fight in such a way against the beastly ogre. And he had still bested everyone else in the group! "Put... on you?" Fairy inquired as the group broke off their rantings to stare at the young elf in bewilderment. "On the burn. It smells like... herring stew!" He scrunched up his nose in distaste. "Oh, that," Handoora said cheerfully. "It's Tweed Weed. Only grown by the Dwarves. Helps heal burns. And I think it has a rather pleasant smell." "I suppose, if you like fish," Morgan said, wincing as drew his cloak over the wound. He pulled the hood over his head. "Well, folks, I thank you wholeheartedly for your... er... hospitality, but I have taken you further than I am required to. The Emerald Forest ended a half days walk from here." He nodded to the priest child. "Ky'jaddon, it was nice to meet you, and the rest of you as well. And now I really must be going." And with that he twirled gracefully to head the opposite way up the road with the rest of the company staring after him in blends of surprise and bewilderment. |
Handoora called out to Morgan, "Where are you going?" "Home." The young Elf replied "But you can't." Morgan turned aground and stared at Handoora. "And why can't I?" "Because, I helped you out. I put my Tweed Weed on you to help the burn. According to the way of the Dwarfs, you owe me one. You owe me a favor. That favor is that you stay with us until the end of this quest." Morgan glared at the Dwarf. Wondering why he had bothered to lead these people through the forest. "What happened if I don't return the favor?" Handoora held up his Ax. "Then I'll be forced to kill you." Morgan's heart sank. He knew about the Dwarf way, he also knew that the Dwarf could kill him. Handoora was faster then him. Before he could do anything to protect himself...he would be dead. Morgan walked back to the party. "I guess I have no other choice." Handoora slapped the Elf on the back. "I knew you would change your mind." |
Ky'jaddon wondered what was going through Morgan's mind; he could sense the elf would be a more than equal match for the dwarf. And Morgan decided to stay with these people rather than return to his own kind within the forest without much hesitation. Perhaps Morgan cared for these people? No. Ky'jaddon could see there was no caring in Morgan's eyes. Then what? What had made Morgan want to stay? He continued to walk behind the group with Morgan, keeping his silence as he watched the others carefully, contemplating each of their motives. “M- Morgan?” Ky’jaddon asked shyly, to which the elf promptly replied with a “Yes?” “I’ve been… um… thinking. That beast back there that you people fought. What was it?” “That was a very common species of swamp ogre. Very aggressive and greedy creatures, they are. But also stupid.” Ky’jaddon looked up at Morgan. “Why were you people so quick to kill it?” Morgan looked down at him, seeming a bit surprised. “What do you mean?” asked the elf. “It would have killed us then. Didn’t you hear it threaten?” “But it… it spoke before it swung its club. It spoke to you! That must mean it wasn’t in too much of a hostile mood. Yet you made no effort to reason with it. You just… attacked it! Like savages! My goddess is one of reason, goodness, caring, and forethought, and she cannot bear such a thing.” The elf stopped a moment as if in contemplation, then said “Such a stupid creature cannot be reasoned with.” “No, they are among the EASIEST to reason with, Morgan. They are dumb enough to be tricked. Besides, he was only lashing out out of loneliness and frustration of the world. Couldn’t you see that in his eyes? You might have convinced him to leave peacefully, or even make some effort to calm his heart, anything to avoid bloodshed. But instead you slash him to pieces and then joke about it and argue about who slaughtered the creature with the most skill!” Ky’jaddon stopped then, realizing the entire group had gathered around him to hear his ranting. He looked at Morgan, then Coddi, who both had stunned expressions on their faces. |
Coddi didn't know what to say. He knew that Ky'jaddon was right. It wasn't right to just kill the ogre. Coddi opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He looked into the eyes of the young priest. Then at the group, who was staring at him. Just then the ground started to rumble. And there standing before them was a...a...slime ball. It was leaving a trail of ooze behind it. It was pink, and sticky. Slime ball had no way to communicate. They were generally friendly. The slime ball stopped in front of the group. Everyone looked at the gross sight. |
Fairy looked at the oozing, pink, Slime ball. Being that he has never seen one before he turned to Coddi and asked what it was. "A Slime ball." he replied "Oh." Fairy said |
As soon as the slime mold had appeared, Morgan had immediatly drawn his weapon, but the priest child had glanced at him and gently shook his head, indicating that there was no need for defense. Morgan nodded back, immediatly sensing the wisdom of the boy, but did not move his hand from where it rested on the hilt of his dagger. He had no idea what he or anybody else was expected to do in this situation. An assailant he could understand. He could fight back then, or run; whichever was wiser at the time. A senient being he could communicate with, and could find out what their business was. But a slime mold? As far as he knew, they had no means with which to talk, and he had no idea what he was expected to do. The travelors stared in bewilderment at the creature before them, which seemed to stare back mindlessly. Carefully, they tried to edge their way around it and continue down the road, but it merely moved before them, blocking their path. Morgan stood back warily, weapons ready, as Coddi and the others stepped forward to communicate with the slime mold. The priest boy remained behind with him, seemingly as watchful for danger as the elven boy was. |
As he reached forward to touch he remembered that pink slimeballs were only interested in food. The way they injested their prey was by grabbing it and melting it with acid. Morgan looked carefully and she could see bits of armor and bones floating in the slime. Before she could say anything a tenticale shot out and grabbed the nearest person to eat...Ky'jaddon. sort of ironic if you think about it. |
Fear coursed through Ky'jaddon's body as he felt the thorned tenticle grab him, its venomous blades of bone tearing into his flesh. It sucked the blood from him at a rapid rate as it pulled him in. Ky'jaddon screamed in agony and fear, but there was nothing that could be done. As Ky'jaddon was slurped within the horrible creature, he felt all life, all hope sapped from him. No more will to fight. No more will to struggle. Just... to sleep... The scent of the garden arose to Aaron's nose. It was a beautiful place. He wondered why Ky'jaddon would have such will to leave. Aaron sensed his presence, and turned. Ky'jaddon's tormented, gurgling scream tore through the afternoon air like a man fleeing out of Hell itself. The body landed with a massive thud, scattering bloody bits and pieces of Ky'jaddon all through the garden. Aaron wondered how far they would fly. Ky'jaddon's pieces surpassed his expectation; he was impressed. The disembodied soul leaked from the bits and chunks into the air and arose above the bloody splat. "Quit your screaming," Aaron said coldly to the dark violet, star-spackled soul before him. An eye of truth looked angerly upon him, but then soon looked beyond him, and around at the garden in wonder of how he was brought back to this place. Aaron cleared his throught to bring the soul's wandering eye back to meet his gaze. "My name is Aaron Vael," he continued. "Immortal poet of the universe. I have been sent to guide you, for a great divine mission has been handed to you by the goddess Celestai. A mission you may not escape from even in death. There is much for you to see. But first, you need a new body. That is why I've brought you here first. You may choose the body of any of those you had known before during your time here to posess. Take your time. Keep in mind none of them can see you, and so long as I'm with you, time will not pass for you. take years, even centuries if you need to, but once you return, not a second will have passed." "What of my mind?" Ky'jaddon's soul asked. "The mind and memory are part of the body, yet they are with me. How is that?" "Your mind and memory are necissary for what must be done. Thus, the goddess allows you to keep them." "So I may still posess my intillect, but also a body of strong muscle but weak brain? I would be gifted far beyond what a mortal has any right to posess!" "The godess will bend that rule of mortality for you're exception; the scales shall be tipped in your favor." The body Ky'jaddon's spirit inevitably chose was that of Jathon, a man whose great physical strength was not natural, but refined by constant excersise and magical incantation. As Ky'jaddon had his own memory and way of thinking set into and adopted into Jathon's mind and memory, the body also retained great combatative agility, as well as a few reasoning and understanding "perks" that Ky'jaddon would find useful. Aaron had, however, for the most part, wiped away Jathon's memory except for little things that greatly mattered, so that their two memories wouldn't intertwine and cause a problem. "Come then, Ky'jaddon," Aaron said so soon as Ky'jaddon had made his choice. "There is an entire world we must see." "This is the overworld," Aaron said, motioning to the unimaginably beautyful place that surrounded them. "Contrary to what you might think, this place is not synonimous with either Heavan or Asgard. This is a seperate place all its own. Here is the home of the slrykes, dryads, a race of disimbodied souls known as Hethioans, and far too much plant and animal life to name all at once. This place is set in the outermost hemisphere of your world, and its ground is like a shell. If this place ever became visable to those on your world, darkness would fall upon it. But this realm and all creatures of it, even those which fly, are completely invisable if you do not touch the ground. The flying ones can still see, though, because of a sixth sense organ which you lack called a wetaka." "Ky'jaddon, in his akward new adault body, looked around at the strange and exotic jungle. Insects crawled up some tree, and some great feathered serpent flew overhead. "There is no civilization for many miles here, only an endless stretch of jungle. Let us move on." Next they appeared within some large city, at a cliff overlooking a great hole that seemed to descend into white fog for eternity. A strange man operating a very large telescope sat at the other side of the hole looking down into it. The city sprawled in every direction. The buildings were all made of bricks of some strange stone that radiated a soft blue glow. Peasants went about their business. They all had light gray skin with strange blue markings on it, and long dark hair. They seemed elf-like in body shape. "This is the realm of the slrykes," Aaron began. "A clever and industrious people, they are the scientific leaders of this world. During the Stellan War, they were ripped from this world to fight upon your world amongst men. They fear and dread your world for that. This great hole before you is called a fog pit. The overworld is filled with countless such holes, so that light would stil shine upon the world below if this realm ever became visable to it. It's also used by the slrykes, with their amazing telescopes, to spy on your world. Right now this particular hole is set above the woods Coddi and his friends are travelling through. Take a look if you like" Ky'jaddon looked at Aaron, then stepped around the hole to the telescope. The slryke there jumped down from the seat and helped Ky'jaddon upon it without a word. Ky'jaddon looked through to see a bird's-eye view of deep into the woods, where Coddi and the others were standing around a mess of blood and purple jelly splattered across the ground, and all of them stood with weapons drawn, purple jelly smeared on the blades. "Come to me when you are finished," commanded Aaron. "There is still so much more to see." The next place was a different slryke town, or so it seemed. The blue buildings sparked in orange flame as the echo of swords rang through the air, along with the occasional scream of fear, pain, or agony. "This is a city under siege," Aaron said. "Walk alongside me, and I shall show you the assailents who will now and forevermore be your worst enemies." Aaron lead Ky'jaddon to a dark street. The bloody bodies of slain slrykes littered it, and a lone female slryke fled down it, screaming in terror. Persuing shortly after her were five or six terrible thorny beings of dark shadowy mist, with sinister red eyes. "Demons spread their blight across this world. Should they conquer it, they will descend through the fog pits to assault yours. You must not allow this, Ky'jaddon. But wait. There is still more to see." "No more," Ky'jaddon pleaded. "I have seen more suffering then I can bear here." "The suffering you must see has only begun," Aaron replied coldly. "If you are to face an enemy properly, you must see the true reason why they must be defeated." Ky'jaddon looked down at the body by his feet, writhing in agony in a pool of its own blood and gasping for breath as it looked up at Ky'jaddon for help that would be impossible to give. The slryike's bottom half was strewn across the street, with a trail of bloody intestines, some of which still twitched a little like destressed worms. Then they left. Next they appeared in a great empty wooden house set within a treetop, looking over a balcony onty a city of similar houses, all set within trees. Fair, green-skinned people in clothes sewn from leaves were being led away in chains by the shadowy demons. "The people of this town were dryads," Aaron continued. "Druidic religious leaders of this world. They are so peaceful that, when the demons came, the dryads raised neither spear nor bow nor spell against them, though every dryad is proficiant with such weapons. Not a single dryad's blood was spilled. And the demons lead them away into the blight which they shall only emerge from again... as twisted armies of darkness to fill out the ranks of the demonic horde. What I am about to show you, Ky'jaddon, will twist your soul irrevicobly. But it is something you must see, for it is Celestai's will." Next they emerged in a dark, cold, dank hallway. Unbearable screams of terror echoed through the huge tower. "This room leads to the torture chamber," Aaron said motioning to a door made from countless tiny bones fitted together. "Come." "No!" Ky'jaddon yelled. "Please, no. I wish to see no more suffering! No more of those horrid shadow creatures... please!" "You WILL come, child, or I shall leave you here to be taken by the demons!" Aaron yelled back at him. With that, Ky'jaddon gave in and followed Aaron into the horrid room. Ky'jaddon looked around at the complex, nightmarish steel thorned machines of suffering that did such unholy things to the flesh of dryads and slrykes, pulling them apart and twisting them into impossible new shapes. "This is where the slrykes and dryads are transformed for use by the demons," Aaron explained as Ky'jaddon's skin color turned a ghostly white at the unimaginable suffering he beheld. "It is here that the demons transform them into soldiers of suffering which fill out the front lines of their armies. With each drop of blood that leaks from torn flesh in this room, the demons gain strength tenfold. Come. At the end of this room is a staircase, leading to the tower where the would-be ruler of this world is being held captive." It was impossible for Aaron to move Ky'jaddon from where he stood, frozen, without taking his wrist and pulling him along. At the end of the great torture chamber was a spiralling staircase that seemed to ascend far upwards. There were no walls surrounding it. At the top of the stairs, a stone room was supported only by the last bricks of the stairs. Below the stairs, the ground was miles and miles downwards, and Ky'jaddon could see that only brown, scorched ground covered this world in all directions. "Below you is the demonic blight," Aaron said. "A great wasteland from which all forms of life has been extinguished. The demons seek to transform the entire overworld, and then the world below this world, into such land. But come. The princess awaits." "Princess?" Ky'jaddon asked. "Her mother was the high queen of all of the dryads across the overworld," Aaron explained, motioning to the beautiful, light-green-skinned elf woman who slept unconscious upon the filthy stone floor. "Her name is Seatta. Yes, she is the princess Coddi and his party seeks. But it will require a great trek across his own world followed by an adventure across this one before he can reach her." "So what must I do?" Ky'jaddon asked Aaron, looking at the princess's undescibable beauty as her head rested upon the ground, tears upon her cheek not yet dry. "Must I remain here and fight the demons?" "No," Aaron replied. "It is impossible for you to do that alone. You must return to Coddi's company, and lead them back to this place." "How will I return to this place?" "You are of this world, Ky'jaddon," Aaron explained. "You belong here, but a wizard named Henwra Rafitaf III, a man posessed by the power of the demons, holds the only key to this place. He is hidden from our sight. All we know is that he lives somewhere upon Coddi's world. Seek him out. Only his magic can return you to this world." At last Ky'jaddon, in his strong new body, found himself within a familiar forest, lying on the ground looking up at Morgan's face. "A traveller who was attacked and knocked unconscious during his travels?" Asked Coddi. "No," replied Morgan, confused by his own thoughts. "Ky'jaddon." |
"Ky'jaddon?!" Coddi was standing next to Morgan. They had buried the remains of Ky'jaddon just two hours earlier. "That's impossible, Morgan. We just buried him. You were the one who dug the hole." Coddi turned to the rest of the group. "Right everyone?" Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "I know that we buried our little friend, but as I looked into this man's eyes I see Ky'jaddon. Come, look." Morgan looked sincere. Everyone crowed over the man. Coddi looked into his eyes. And there it was. Ky'jaddon. "Ky'jaddon, this that you?" The man sat up and looked dazed, as if he just woke from a long dream. "Yes, Coddi. It is I. In death I have changed my body." Coddi bent down beside the Priest. "How did this happen?" Ky'jaddon explained all that happened. Even the part about the princess. "We have to find her." He ended his story with. "We need to find this Henwra Rafitaf III. He is the only one who can lead us to her." Coddi got up and looked at the rest of the group. "Give the man some food, he must be hungry." The Priest stood up. "Indeed, I am. Being dead has it's toll on a person." The group camped there and the next day they headed out. Coddi hopped onto his horse, and rode in the front of the party. They were now on two quests. To find the princess, and also to find Henwra Rafitaf III, the Wizard. Their journey had only begun. |
Fairy was confused. He himself helped get Ky'jaddon into the six foot hole that Morgan had dug. So he went with the flow. The next night, when the group stopped for the night, Fairy had a dream. He was walking through a green grassy field. Not a care in the world. He saw that his body was large. He had his Power of size. He was now as tall as a full grown man. He stopped and listened to the birds sing. Then from somewhere in the distance he heard his name being called. Looking all around him, Fairy saw no one. But still his name was being called. Over and over again he heard: "Fairy...Fairy...Fairy...Where are you? I'll find you! Fairy." Fear griped him. he used his Power to shrink back to Fairy size. But still the creepy, cold voice call his name. Still looking around him he saw nothing. Nothing but the tall blades of green grass. The voice was now growing louder. The Voice was coming closer. Fairy didn't know what to do but fly. He flew as fast as he could. But the more he flew, the faster the voice called for him. He shut his eyes hoping that it would go away. When he opened them again he almost smashed into Ventar the Wizard. Fairy stopped short, and looked into the eyes of the gruff old Wizard. Ventar spoke. His voice boomed. "I found you, Fairy. I will not harm you. I have come to help." Fairy was confused. He looked all around him then into the face of the old man. "H-help me? With what?" The quest, Fairy. The quest. I will help you, if you let me. Wait ten days. Then you will come upon an apple tree. You are to cut it down, then I will give to the next step to find me. Tell Coddi that I will help you." With a laugh Ventar disappeared... Fairy woke in a cold sweat. He quickly woke Coddi and told him the story. "I think you just had a bad dream. Don't worry about it. And don't mention this dream to the others. We don't need them thinking that a Wizard is going to help us out." Fairy agreed with his friend. He tried to put the thought out of his mind, and went back to sleep. |
The group came up to a sign in front of a large forest. The sign stated The Quiet Forest. Coddi told everyone that he had heard of this place. For some reason not an ounce of sound will be heard inside the forest. Not a voice, not a whisper, not even the snap of a twig. Nothing but pure silence that goes on for a mile or so. Legend has it that there is a monster of a small group of animals used it for getting its food. It can walk right up behind the victim and no one can hear them scream. There was no other way to go but thru the forest. Fairy said "Maybe if we come up with hand signals or something like that." |
Ky'jaddon looked passively up at the moon, then down at his large and awkward body. "You're sure there's no other way?" he asked quietly, but none heard him. Maybe the power of the forest already reached us, he thought sarcastically. The forest looked normal. The trees were like any other trees, Ky'jaddon noticed. Except... no bird sounds from straight ahead. "Why can we not go any other way?" Ky'jaddon asked again, loudly. "Huh? Oh," stuttered Coddi as he turned to Ky'jaddon, then became surprised that he now had to look up to face him instead of down. "Well," Coddi began, "to the north is the kingdom of Sedoth. It's governed by barbaric orcs who took over and enslaved the dwarves of that land long ago. They thirst for any blood that's not orcish. To the northeast are the Mountains of Poison. That place is even worse than it sounds." "Correct," Morgon added. "In all directions to the south lie the Woods of the Galeshi. A vast forest teeming with many semi-sentient races struggling against one another for domination. Definitely not a place to get caught up in” “And you think a trek through these woods in which no sound travels would be the safest direction?” asked Ky’jaddon. “I mean, in Sedoth, if we were to free at least a number of those dwarven slaves, we could have a little army to flock under our banner.” “I could agree with that,” put in Handoora. “Or if we were to go south,” Ky’jaddon continued, “we could ally with one of the creature tribes and lead them against enemies we’ll surely meet later, luring them with promises of fortune and glory.” “Indeed,” Morgan put in, “I see the logic in your words. We elves have often founds that creatures of the wild can be unexpected and welcome friends, especially in desperate times.” “Exactly,” Ky’jaddon went on, seeing his words sink in. “Never underestimate what can be done through others. Hell, if we’re to face a legion of demons in some other world, we will need to acquire powerful allies eventually if we’re to survive. North or south would both be good. And even in the Poison Mountains you mentioned we may even find something that may help us.” Then he turned to Coddi. “So what do you say, fearless leader? Would you like to rethink your choice? Lead on, and we shall follow.” |
Coddi though about all the possibilities, then made a choice. "There is a friendly town on the other side of this forest. That might be our best chance to get some allies. What do you say? We go there get a nice warm meal, resupply, and make some friends? Everyone nodded their head in approval. "Ok...let's go." They entered the forest and it grew silent. they could hear nothing. Nothing at all. Coddi looked around every now and then to see everyone was still there. And they were. They walked in a single file. They didn't dare stop. For hours they walked. They grew tired. As the first dawn light started to peak over the horizon the trees became more and more distant from each other. As they came to the edge of the forest they started to hear the cheerful songs for the birds overhead. Coddi turned around to look at the group. They all looked weary and tired. Coddi thought, What if I'm leading them into death? Coddi, Fairy, Morgen, Handoora, Corr, and Ka'jaddon all walked out of the forest. With a sigh or relief Corr said, "We made it through." "Yes," Coddi said. "And you can see the village in the distance." Everyone looked and indeed there was a village not 5 miles away. So they started to walk again. They reached the village and Coddi said to them, "All of you can go find somewhere to sleep. I have someone that I need to talk to. I will meet you all in the square at noon." Everyone scattered except Fairy. He flew to Coddi. "I'm going with you." "Ok, old friend, but don't blame me if you fall asleep as you fly." They pressed forward till they reached a house. Coddi knocked on the door and a woman's voice was heard, "Who is it?" "Open the door and find out." Fairy spoke out. Coddi gave him a dirty look. "It's Coddi and Fairy. We need your help, Santora." The door opened quickly and a plane woman stood there. She threw her arms around Coddi and gave him a squeeze. "Coddi! My brother where have you been? You haven't come to visit in a long time." "I know, Santora, and I'm sorry. I've been really busy. Quest after quest. I'm on a quest right now. That's why I need your help. My group and I need a place to stay for about 5 days." "Well they'll be welcome here. Hello, Fairy. How have you been." "Very good. It's been along time." Fairy said. Coddi looked his older sister in the eyes and said, "This is a hard one. I wish Nick were with us on this one." Joe, Coddi's older brother was a great tracker. Coddi was the youngest of five children. His mother and father were also Adventures and went on great quests. Coddi was really the only one who was like his parents. * * * At noon Coddi led the well rested group back to the house. "Santora, this is Morgen, Handoora, Corr, and Ky'jaddon. Everyone...this is my sister, Santora." They all greeted each other and went inside. They sat down and talked about the adventure so far. Santora caught Coddi trying to sneak out. "Where are you going?" "To go see Catara and Sphara's place. I really need them on this quest." Catara and Sphara were old friends of Coddi. There were the only daughters of a Fairy and Adventure couple. Catara was more like her Fairy mother. He had a slight glow to her and acted more like a Fairy. She was the same size as an Adventurer. She also had-since childhood- a crush on Coddi. Sphara was more like her father and was tom-boyish. She loved adventure. These two sisters were always together. Coddi knocked on the door and said his hello's to the exited girls. They were willing to help Coddi on his quest. While they were in the town they resupplied, and rested and got ready for the second lag of their trip. |
Fairy saw Catara and Coddi talking. He flew over to them and landed on a large gray rock. "Coddi, everyone's ready to leave." "Good." Coddi looked at Catara and said. We'll finish this conversation later." Coddi got up and walked over to the group, and they started to walk. Fairy mind was racing. He really loved going on quests, and he really wanted to save this princess. He looked around his surroundings and saw only a smooth pathway. No danger here he thought. * * * Lurking in the shadows of the rocks there were eyes watching the group pass. He had nothing to do with the quest they were on...but he wanted to kill these travelers. He started to fallow, waiting for the right time... |
The ugly was still waiting. It was trailing the group for hours now. There seemed to be too many of them. But it knew that it could take them. Still waiting in the darkness. Waiting to pounce. Waiting to maul on their flesh. __________________________________________________ Handoora stood there. He was getting a strange feeling. He walked up to Coddi. "Ever get the feeling that you’re being watched?" "All the time." Came the Adventure's reply. "I'm getting it now." "So am I." The dwarf griped his Ax a little tighter. Waiting for whatever was out there to spring. |
The thing had been watching them and was waiting for the right moment to strike. It had waited for thousands of years and could wait another day or so. It called itself THE FIRST, and had gone by many names. The Ugly, the Thing, The EVIL. It's power was to live forever, but not in one body. It would use a body until it was no longer usefull. It would then kill the host and find another. Handoora or Coddi were perfect candidates for a new host. It may take awhile to take over depending on the mental strength of the host. Some had fought for a bit, but in the end, as always he had won. The body he inhabited now was starting to rot and the skin was hanging off in strips. It had been years since it had found the perfect host. It had been following them since the Quiet Forest. He had stayed in there for some time and knew just where to stand as not to be seen. His fangs grew with anticipation and the drool was flowing like a river. He whiped his mouth and watched in disgust as one of his fingers fell off onto the ground. He shrugged and popped it into his mouth. ---------------------------------------------------- |
Ky'jaddon hung back a bit from the rest of the group, listening for the voice of Celestai. <He thinks he is powerful.> At first, Ky'jaddon thought it was just a faint thought at the back of his mind- a random snap of the subconscious. He though nothing of it, until the voice grew louder. <He is nothing.> "Aaron Vael," Ky'jaddon whispered. <A body snatcher like you trails us, Ky'jaddon. Like you, a soul that now posesses a body not its own. But its has grown weak, but yours is strong and shall not decay for a long time. Show it your strength. Destroy the body, then destroy the soul.> Ky'jaddon nodded. [Shall I use reason to defect his soul?] Ky'jaddon's spirit asked Aaron's. <No,> Aaron's soul replied. <Destroy the body. Then call upon me. I shall ensnare the soul as it attempts to escape. It shall be fed into you, so that your power will grow, and you will harness the power of Celestai.> [An evil soul fed into me?] <A misunderstood soul, Ky'jaddon. You more than anyone should know that no soul is truly evil. And no soul is truly good. Each soul is a chaotic maelstrom of different energies. Positive, negative, good, evil, healing, harming, purifying, corrupting, and so on. The parts that surface the most are determined by experiences and choices. <Consider this your test, Ky'jaddon. Accomplish this and I will call you into Dream-World for a time and teach you a powerful new spell while the others sleep. I will teach you to call Celestai's tears from the sky to rip your enemies apart like a blizzard of glowing violet blades. This soul will make you twice as powerful; such power will make this spell easy for you. Oh, you try to resist, but you know what you want. You know you are powerful enough to take it. You know that such power is appealing to you. Why resist? Why take the time and effort to calm foes with words when you can blast them apart with a wave of your hand? And why travel with these bafoons when you could...> [You do not serve Celestai! Celestai is a loving and benevolent goddess.] <I serve not only Celestai, human. I am the divine skald in the service of all the gods. Some more than others. And Loki has more to offer me than Celestai does. He wants you in His service. Serve Him, and think of the power you might weild...> [Loki is an evil god!] <There is no such thing as evil. And Loki wants what you want- to kill the demons and rescue the princess. Resist if you like, Ky'jaddon. But know that we are far more powerful than you could imagine. Sooner or later you will serve us.> After another hour of thought, Ky'jaddon finally came to a conclusion. To defeat Aaron Vael, which he decided he had to do, he would need more power. He would gain his power by destroying the Ugly and sacrificing its soul. He would take the power offered by Aaron, and use it against Aaron. Though it was a plan that seemed evil to Ky'jaddon, he knew it may be necissary. And so as Ky'jaddon walked along, he waited for the beast lying in wait for them. |
"Let's make camp here." Coddi got off his horse and laid out his bed roll. Fairy flew over to a small rock and took out his Fairy leave bed. Everyone else took to the ground. Coddi still had the feeling that someone of something was with them, that they were not alone. He looked over to a small patch of trees and saw the most evil red eyes peering back at him. Smoothly, so not to make the thing aware, he called over the men. "Surround the girls." "What's going on?" CORR asked. "We're not alone. Evil lurks in the trees." Coddi answered. "Don't tell Catara and Sphara. It'll only worry them. Just keep an eye on them." "We should attack." Handoora lifted up his might Ax and waved it around. "No, dear Dwarf. If it wants to fight us. It'll come to us." Morgan said. "Morgan is right." Fairy said. "Let's just sleep in a circle around the girls." That it was they did. * * * The Thing looked. He needed a host, and he needed it fast. It was time. Time for his attack. |
As Fairy started to doze, he caught somthing something coming towards the group from the corner of his tiny eye. He sounded the alarm just as the thing got to him. The thing hit him. And the last thing Fairy saw before he blacked out, was the small group fighting the thing. |
Morgan emptied a sack full of arrows into the attacking creature-- which, having felled Fairy with one foul swat of it's paw, turned to attack the others-- and the others attacked it as well, but it seemed the thing either had an incredible tolerance to pain, or the small group had failed to hit it anywhere important. Fairy was the only one down at the moment, and Morgan moved toward his fallen comrade, deciding it would be wrong to leave him unprotected while he was unable to protect himself. The beast saw his movement, and turned away from where it was trying to snap its way though the others, wheeling toward the creeping elf. Morgan, clean out of arrows, was forced to abandon his bow for the time being, and grab the daggers at his side. He slashed out at the beast, trying to gauge out its eyes, but it only dodged back, remarkably agile, before coming in toward him again. He caught the scent of rotting flesh before he striked again, burying a dagger to the hilt in the creature's throat. The beast stumbled back for a moment, and Morgan brandished his other dagger, preparing to go in for the kill. But as he approached the creature seemed to grin, and grabbed the young elf by the shoulder, dirty razer claws penetrating the soft flesh of his shoulder until Morgan unwillingly screamed. The beast pulled him clean off his feet but did not allow him to fall. The thing yanked Morgan toward him, and held him before him for a moment. "A bit young, but you will make an appropriate new host, if the ones I really want do not come willingly." Understanding the clear danger behind those words, Morgan struggled, only to have the beast turn him slowly toward his comrades, who stood at a distance, weapons drawn but clearly unwilling to attack the beast while Morgan was clearly in danger of being killed by the beast or hit by one of their misaimed weapons. Morgan was held like a shield before the beast, blocking the creature from harm. "I want those two," the beast commanded, gesturing with its other arm toward Handoora and Coddi. The others glanced at Handoora and Coddi, clearly stricken. The beast apparently did not enjoy the pause, and twisted Morgan's arm up behind him, with the wrist held up between his shoulderblades. Morgan winced, immediatly pausing in his struggles. The beast waited for a response from his unwilling audience. "If you do not submit, this one pays." The others glared at the beast, and glanced nervously at Coddi and Handoora. Coddi glared at the beast and hissed, "We will not submit to you, but you WILL let him go! Release him!" The challenge had more of an effect at angering the beast than persuading it to leave Morgan and the others alone. It pushed his arm up more, wrenching it up past the control position, and Morgan's shoulder seperated with a white hot pain that shot down his entire body and blinded him. He sank to his knees, and the beast let him collapse. As his knees hit the dirt, he heard someone-Coddi-- call, "Now! He's clear!" Then there was the whistled of a weapon passing by Morgan's ear, and then the shriek of the beast as the weapon found its mark. Morgan fell foward a second time, this time with a mixture of relief, but landed on his injured shoulder and immediatly passed out with a harsh screak of pain. |
Handoora looked at his fallen friends, and rush to their aid. Even though he didn't like Fairies, this one seemed different. The Elf wasn't so bad as well. The thing charged for the dwarf, using his Power of Speed, he dodged out of the way and was behind the thing in a flash. He raised his Ax high above his head, and brought it down with a mighty blow to the thing's head. It cried a blood curdling scream, and turned to face the dwarf. Handoora met him with another blow to the head. The others joined him. They were hitting him with what they had, Swords, Arrows, Knives, whatever. Screams rushed from the things mouth. It fell onto its knees, and screamed, "Don't kill me!!!" "Why shouldn't we?!" Handoora yelled. "Because, all I need is a host. I will leave you alone, I thought I could take you all, but I underestimated your strength. I will leave!" "Go!" Coddi said. "We'll show you mercy if you one day show mercy to others." The thing limped away. After it disappeared into the night, Coddi walked over to Morgan and Fairy. |
Unbeknownst to anyone, the princess that this quest began for was living in the lap of luxury. The unknown figure that took her hostage had been a ghost that had haunted the castle for 500 years and had gotten lonely. Princess Seatta got whatever her heart desired. All she had to do was ask for it and it was hers. She suddenly remembered that she had sent for some knight to come and rescue her. "Oh crap." She pouted. "How am I gonna get out of this?" She wondered. -------------------------------------- The creature slinked off muttering. " I underestimated them." He sat down on a smal rock. "I shall get a bigger host and bide my time before I strike again." ------------------------------------------- With a few magic words fairy was able to re-attatch the torn limb. Now the group was on it's way..... |
)(Um... Welty? You seem both intent on ruining a good plot and not paying much attention to what that plot is so far. Might I ask why?)( <I, for one, am impressed,> Aaron's sinister voice breathed into Ky'jaddon's mind. Ky'jaddon had watched them tackle the doppleganger, then show mercy on it and force it back into the woods. <But they showed mercy,> Aaron went on, <and that makes them weak.> [You know not what weakness is,] Ky'jaddon thought back. [Weakness is anger and pessimism. Weakness is a lack of compassion for others. Weakness is ignorance and atheism.] <I do not need a sermon from you on what weakness is, young body-stealer,> Aaron retaliated. <I have been in existance far longer than you. I have seen things. Things more horrible than you could ever imagine. Overwhelming suffering. And to endure that requires great strength.> [And I shall endure that,] Ky'jaddon thought slyly. <I think you misunderstand me. You-> Aaron began, but was broke off by Ky'jaddon [I understand all too well.] With that, Ky'jaddon broke off from the group to find and murder the ugly to steal its vile soul. Ky'jaddon found the foul, rotting thing in a clearing not too far away, bleeding on a rock, a wide beam of sunlight shining down through the leaves upon its wretched form. The beast turned to see him approach. "I've come to get revenge for the attack upon my friends," Ky'jaddon boldly said as he approached. The creature lifted itself from the rock, blood still running down over its broken face. It raised a claw in Ky'jaddon's directon- a rotting, foul, claw that was at one time a human hand- and replied "Revenge has already been taken, human. I am defeated." "Silence!" Ky'jaddon shouted. "I know the ways of your kind, doppleganger! You will tell us you will leave, but as soon as we are unaware you'll return to snag the weakest one in his sleep. Well I won't allow it! This ends now." The creature got down on all fours and licked its sagging lips with a long, snake-like tongue, showing row upon row of sharp, festering teeth. The vile beast leaped at Ky'jaddon, but Ky'jaddon caught it off balance in the air with a powerful reverse-healing spell through the gut, opening a vile wound, and then Ky'jaddon kicked the creature in the gut in midair, tearing open that wound and spilling half-rotted-away intestines that hit the ground a split second before the shapeshifter did. The ugly moaned in agony, but soon the moaning stopped, and the beast lay lifeless. As he suspected, Ky'jaddon was able to see the monster's black, ugly soul rising from its body, and used his magic to take it into himself. At once, Ky'jaddon felt dizzy and nauseous at such evil power, but soon he felt pure strength and energy surging through his body. <Well done> Aaron said. <Now for my end of the bargain.> A second later, Ky'jaddon found himself in Dreamworld, surrounded by all forms of powerful magic. )(Ky'jaddon has learned a new spell: Tears of Celestai)( <By the way,> Aaron continued as Ky’jaddon went to rejoin the group, having just returned from his training in Dreamworld, <the princess you’re after is no longer suffering.> [What do you mean?] Ky’jaddon asked. <The demons believed they could use her political influence,> Aaron went on. <So they made her a mind-control servant. She is made to think she is being pampered in the lap of luxury. That’s all implanted in her mind. In reality, she is a lowly slave. Rescuing her will be much more difficult now. She will attempt to protect her masters at all costs… and her being a dryad will make her dangerous in this respect.> |
I accidentally closed the window after I wrote my really long entry, and I really don't have time to write another really long one. But here's something. My next entry will be longer. Ventar's character will come through in my writing. -------------------------------------------------- The whirl of colors that was Ventar's scrying glass began to settle, revealing an image of Coddi and his companions. "So," Ventar muttered to himself. "Our courageous adventurer has picked up yet another companion. My how similar he looks to Jathon. But no, that cannot be. I killed Jathon years ago." Suddenly, Ventar's eyes fell upon the belt at the strong man's waist, and shock mingled with fear coursed through him. "No. It can't be! But who else could it be? This could ruin everything! Or..." A malicious grin spread across Ventar's face. "It could work in my favor." He howled with laughter at his own cleverness. |
As Coddi and the others walked, there was a stream of light. At once all of them were telaported to a round, light room with a throne like chair in the middle. "What the..." Coddi exclaimed. Fairy fell on his knees and yelled, "Oh NO!!!!!" "What?!" Asked the Dwarf. "This is Ventar's house! He transported us here!" "He can transport people? How do you know this?" Asked Coddi. "Coddi, you and I have been friends since we were both little. You should know by now that I study Wizards. Mostly Ventar." "Why Ventar? CORR asked." "He took my power away." The Wizard entered the room. He was laughing. "Yes, Fairy. I did. But only because you woke me up. I don't like being woken up." "Ventar?" Coddi asked, and when the Wizard nodded, he said, "Why did you bring us here." "Because you need my help, Coddi Jathon Benella." "How do you know my full name?" Coddi asked with surprise. He never told people his middle and last names. "Because you fought me...years ago. You thought that I was evil, and lashed out at me. You told me your name was Jathron. I defended myself. I thought I killed you that day. But I see now, that I was wrong. But now, I want to help you. "How can you help us? The only one that can help us is a Wizard by the name of Henwra Rafitaf III" "I know that Coddi. He is the only one that can get you safely to the princess." "And how do you know this, Ventar?" The Wizard looked at them and smiled. "Because I am Henwra Rafitaf III." "What!?" Everyone said at once. "I am Henwra Rafitaf III, I go by Ventar. It's easier to say, and it's also like a secret identity." "How do you know your not lying, Wizard?" Morgan said. "Why would I lie? Your quest has nothing to do with me. So there would be no reason for me to lie. I am telling you the truth. I am the only one who can help you now. I also know that one of you is being oppressed by something sinister." Ventar, or Henwra Rafitaf III, walked over to Ka'jaddon and pointed his Magic Staff at his head, and said, "DECEIVE HIS MIND NO LONGER, AARON. LET THE BOY GO!" Ka'jaddon grabbed his head and screamed. The he looked up and said, "Oh my...what have I done...I...I killed....Oh my..." "You mind is now free, Ka'jaddon." He turned to Fairy and said, "Oh, by the way, you can have your Power back, Fairy." Fairy was surrounded by blue, glowing, Fairy dust, and then it settled, he was Adventure size. He looked at his hands and said, "Yes! I can change my size again. Thanks, Ventar." "Just never wake me up again. I have done the world a lot of evil, but now I want to make up for that, I'm joining your quest, and together we will crush this foe that traps this princess." A flash of light! __________________________________________________ They reappeared back in the forest. The only difference was that Ka'jaddon seemed to be happier, Fairy was big, and Ventar was with them. "Now," Ventar said. "If I'm with you, It will be easy to find the Princess, but you will meet a lot more enemies. Our nemesis is strong, and he may have spy’s around every corner. But we will win." "Thank you, Ventar, for helping us. Ok people, we have a Wizard, two Elves, a Fairy, a Dwarf, two half Adventurers, half Fairy's, a Priest, and an Adventurer! I think we can pull this off. Now My plan is, to find the princess, help her escape, and kill our foe, and the same time. We are going to need to use all out Powers, and abilities. This task can be done. We can do this. Nothing can stop us from doing what we set out to do!" Coddi's speech got applause, and cheers. And with their new found friend, Ventar, The Wizard, they set out again. __________________________________________________ As CORR walked, he grew angry. This was heating up, now they have a Wizard of their side, the enemy's side. It looked like it was time for CORR to fake his death, and confront them head on. So in his mind he called for an enemy to attack, and make it look like CORR died, but he would really just shift his shape and get out of there. For CORR was not an Elf, but a Shape-shifter. And he was not only the one who deceived the princess to thinking that she was in a lovely place, But he was also the one who held her captive. He was only here so that he could keep Coddi and his band from getting to her. Every plan he had to kill them had failed, So now all he could do was sit and wait for them to come to him, and he would kill them all. __________________________________________________ Sweat pored down Coddi's brow, as he watched the beast, or whatever it was, kill CORR and take him away. "We lost him, Coddi. There was nothing you could do." Fairy tried to comfort his friend. "I know, but for some odd reason, I feel like this was planed." The group walked on in sadness over the loss of their friend. |
Fairy sat down by the fire and let the flames warm up his body. This was something he could do since he got his Size Power. Before, he had to sit away from the fire, for it was too ho for his tiny body. His wings fluttered, as Handoora sat down. He knew that the Dwarf hated Fairies, but he didn't know why. The Dwarf was eating his food in silence. Not looking up to see the blue glowing Fairy. He decided to break the tense salience. He took out an old jar from his bag and walked over to the Dwarf. "Would you like some Jayteen? It's an old Fairy spice that makes all kinds of food a lot more taster." Handoora looked up at him, and then at the jar. "No." He said gruffly. "I don't need Fairy spices to make my food better." "Why do you hate us so much, Handoora? What did we ever do to make your life a misery?" Handoora looked angrily at Fairy. "I'll tell you what your race has done to make me angry. Ten years ago, my brother was killed by a Fairy." "That is not possible. A Fairy does not kill, unless he's defending himself or others." "Yes, but still, my brother died by the hands of a Fairy. He was on a journey to my father's house. He made camp on the side of the rode. He was collecting fire wood, when he heard a noise. He dropped his pile, and grabbed his Ax. That is when it attacked. It lashed at him with a knife. My brother was taken off guard, and was killed by that Fairy. So you see...I have a good reason for hating you." Fairy looked sad. He reached into his bag, and pulled out a charm. "Was this your brother's charm?" Handoora looked at it, then leaped at Fairy. He pinned him down. Everyone else now stood. Coddi shouted, "Handoora!" "You killed my brother?!" The Dwarf yelled at Fairy, who didn't try to free himself. "No!" "Then why do you have the charm that I gave to him when we were small?!" He shook Fairy. "Why Do you have it? You killed my brother!" "No! It wasn't me!" "Then who?" "My sister! My sister killed your brother! It was an accident, Handoora! She was sleeping in a tree, when she was woken by the sound of someone walking through the wood. She went to see who. But the first thing she saw was an Ax coming towards her. She defended herself." Handoora let go of Fairy, and sat down, tears were rolling down his face. Fairy got up and continued. "When she realized that she had just killed someone who was just a traveler, she took the charm from around his neck. She came to me that night. She told me what happened. She could not stop crying, She kept saying, 'I killed him, Fairy. I killed someone for no reason.' She gave me the charm and told me that if I ever found a Dwarf that told the other side of the story, I was to give it to him." A pause. "She also told me to tell that Dwarf, that she is sorry for the grief she caused." Everyone looked at Handoora, who was now sobbing. A Dwarf, crying! This was unheard of. "Of course, you will probably hate me all the more now." Handoora looked at Fairy with wet eyes, and said, "No, Fairy. I do not hate you. You have told me what happened. I've been waiting for that for ten years. Thank you, brother." With that, he dried his eyes, and continued to eat his meal, as if nothing had taken place. But then he said, "What happened to your sister?" Fairy was now near tears, a painful memory had been aroused. "She's dead." Deep inside Fairy knew that he and Handoora would now be friends. Nothing more was said that night. |
Morgan was not in a good mood. His arm, though fairy had helped push the shoulder back where it belonged using a little magic, was painful and virtually useless, and he was tired. Indeed, it did not appear that any of the travelors were in very good spirits. Handoora and Fairy had just had a pretty bad fight, and though that was all cleared up now, Morgan suspected that the fairy was caught up in thoughts of his deceased sibling, and Handoora was trying to come to turn with his age old hatred of fairies. Ka'jaddon seemed a little out of sorts, having only recently been freed of Aaron's binding hold over his mind. Only Coddi seemed to be in truely good spirits, and his enthusiasm grated on Morgan's nerves. "We should leave early tomorrow!" Coddi said. "We've wasted enough time already. We have a princess to save." "I never wanted to save any princess," Morgan grumbled. "As soon as I pay back my debts to Handoora... and Fairy," (and he sighed to realize that now he owed the fairy as well for assisting him) "I'm returning to the elves' Emerald Forest. I do not care about a human princess. She does not represent my people." |
Handoora was walking next to Catara and Sphara. He was feeling better about what had happened the night before. He looked up at Ventar, who was walking beside Coddi and giving him tips on how to get to the Tower. He was gruff, and looked like a nasty person, but talking with him proved Handoora wrong. "So...You don't hate us Fairies any more, Handoora?" Asked Catara. "No, young one." A pause. "I don't hate you. Nor did I ever hate you. You are not full blooded Fairy." "Yes, but I still have the Power of the Fairies." "Yes, I see the glow. So, tell me, Sphara, do you know how to cook the Prime Meal of the Dwarfs?" "I have heard of it, but no, I have never made it before." "Why, then you never lived. I must teach-" He was cut off by a vicious roar! He turned to see a...something coming towards him. It was a light green-blue color, and its eyes were as red and blood. Handoora pushed the girls out of the way, lifted his Ax, and gave it a mighty swing! The Ax hit the thing and went right through it as if the creature wasn't there. Handoora swung his Ax again, but again it had no effect. Coddi rushed over with his Sword in hand, but like the Ax, it passed through the thing. Everyone tried their weapons, but they all had no effect. Ventar stepped forward, and twirled his Magic Staff around as if it were a baton. Then he lunged it hardly towards the creature. A red light flew out of the ball at the top of the Magic Staff, and hit the thing. It collapsed. "What was that thing, Ventar?" Fairy asked. The Wizard looked at him then said, "Well...that's a long story. But if you want to know, I'll tell you. A long time ago...when the world was young..." |
"Actually, Ventar," Coddi began, "it's getting rather late. We should really set up camp." "Is it just me, or do these days get shorter and shorter?" Handoora asked. Ky'jadden was the only one close enough to Morgan to hear him mutter "Hm? They seem to drag on forever to me." "At any rate," Coddi went on. "Ventar, promise to tell us your story come morning?" Ventar nodded, slightly dissapointed. In a few moments all were going about either setting up their bedrolls or going off some place to be alone. Ky'jadden walked off without delay to find a secluded place to pray and meditate. Ky'jaddon looked out over the forest from the hidden, secluded ridge he had found. Then he solemnly looked down at his left hand, that eminated a soft watery glow. On the way here he had found his gold box, his spellbook, and his dagger. Suddenly he sensed Ventar behind him, who put his hand on Ky'jaddon's shoulder. "The party is whole now," Ky'jaddon muttered. "In one swift chain of events. Fairy has his power back and is no longer hated by Handoora. Aaron is gone from me for the moment, though I know he will be back soon. I have a new power," with that Ky'jaddon kicked open a mana hive at his feet and the tiny, magical insects swarmed around him angerly, but with a mere swipe of his hand he caught a handful and the rest decided against attacking him. He threw the handful into the air and used their magic to call a single purple blade-like shard from the sky into his hand, which he skillfully flung at a nearby lizard who had been attacking a bird. The lizard was impaled against a tree trunk, dead. The bird looked about, then saw Ky'jaddon and twittered gratefully. "You're here with us," Ky'jaddon went on. "However, some new problems have arisen as well. CORR is dead, and Morgan is acting strangely as well." Ky'jaddon turned to Ventar then. "Tell me, how may we reach the Overworld?" Ventar looked down and shook his head. "It's no simple matter," Ventar replied. "First, there are three lands we must go to. The mage city of Rethylholm, the elf fortress of Oak Citadel, and the undead city Necropolis. In each of these places is a temple, and in each temple is one of three pieces of a sacred relic which must be used to open a gate to the Dreamworld. I've seen the Dreamworld in magickal visions. It is being invaded by its rival, the Nightmareworld. The two worlds are constantly at war, but now that demons have allied with Nightmareworld, the dark hordes of Nightmareworld have been able to take over. So we must fight our way through Dreamworld, saving villages from destruction as we go, and assemble an army to lead into Nightmareworld. We must conquer the nightmare city of Akislavatha, and burn the Horned Temple to the ground. Only from the blue ashes of the green wood from which the temple is built can I weave the magic to create the portal to the Overworld." "You sound as though you've thought this through very carefully," Ky'jaddon commented. "Well," replied Ventar, "being alone so much gives one alot of time to think, and there's no greater thinker than a wizard. We should proceed to the city of Rethylholm to the east first. Even though Oak Citadel is closer, it is currently being attacked by orcs, and it would be best to return to it after it has been destroyed and most of the orcs are dead so that we have only to come and kill the orcs to pry the relic piece from their greedy hands. In Rethylholm we'll be much more welcome. A wizard like me is very respected there, so I should be able to appeal to the city council to take the relic." "Shouldn't we tell Coddi and the others of this?" asked Ky'jaddon. "Do as you like," Ventar replied. "But be ready. There are many dangers ahead for us. Best to be on guard." Ky'jaddon thought for a moment, then kneeled down and touched the ground with both hands. A great purple glow radiated from his hands and soaked into the soil until black mud bubbled up to the surface, and two mud-covered, well-preserved corpses burst forth from the ground in front of him and came to life. "Better to make my own guards to do that for me," said Ky'jaddon, standing and looking at his new minions. "I already have enough to think about." |
Ky'jaddon walked up to Coddi and told him about Ventar's plan. "That sounds good to me. Oh by the way, what's with the dead guys?" "Oh they're my body guards." "Oh really, well it looks like they want to kill you rather than guard you." Ky'jaddon tuned around to see one of his guards comeing at him with a sword. How he got the sword, he didn't know. Ky'jaddon took out his purple sword and cut the dead guy's head off. He ran over to where the other dead guy was standing and did the same to him. He turned to see everyone looking at him. "Why do all the evil people have to come after me?" Everyone laughed and they went on their way. With Ventar leading them to the Mage City of Rethylholm. |
Fairy wasn't looking where he was going and fell into a deep hole. He yelled in pain. Coddi rushed to the hole. "Fairy! Are you alright?" "No! I think my wing is caught on somthing!" "Then fly out." Catara said. "I can't! My wing is caught on something." "Can you grow?" "I can, but it'll only tare my wing off. Hold on I want to see what I'm caught on." Fairt used his Light Power and the whole hole was lit up. "I can't see it can you, Coddi." "Yes. It's a branch of some sort. Oh no!" "What?" "It's a magic Dornferd tree! They grow in deep ground. Once is gets a hold on you, It won't relese. Not even by magic. We'll have to pry you loose." "There not that much room in here. Ow! Boy does this hurt!" "Any one have any ideas?" Coddi asked the group. |
Handoora rubbed his long brown beard, as he thought. But nothing came to him. |
"Ventar, you're a powerful wizard, do something!" Ky'jaddon pleaded. "It's no use," Ventar replied. "Magic... is of no use." "Oh, for goodness sake," Handoora exclaimed frusterated. "No dwarf would ever let a tree snatch away his friends!" With that, the little man threw himself into the hole, axe first, and hacked into the tree. At first, it was a losing battle, with the vines tangling around Handoora, but then Handoora cut himself free, and from there it was a simple matter of hacking it apart. "Another odd creature slain," muttered Ky'jaddon. "Ever wonder why they only come at us one at a time?" "Let's move on," Coddi said. "If I remember right, dornferd trees only grow at the edge of the forest. We're almost out. Soon, we'll emerge to find ourselves at a cliff overlooking a canyon. We'll have no other way, then, but to climb down and make our way through the rocky desert. And if I remember right, the desert is home to a race of wild lizard-men called the Danti. If we're lucky, they'll provide us with food, water, and shelter, so long as we show them respect." |
Character: Elf Name: Acuir (A k air) Age: Unknown Sex: Female Weapons: Bows and arrows, dagger Powers: She can heal herself Notes: Acuir is a warrior elf. She's a very good fighter with bows and daggers. She has a hawk that follows her around. She was raised to fight and defend herself. She tends to hide in the shadows since most people don't consider a female to be able to fight. She was raised by human warriors since her birth. And knows almost nothing of her biological family. Her human 'family' has since died and she now lives alone wandering by herself. She is anything but girly and doesn't stray from a challenge. _____________________________________________________ Acuir watched as an odd group of travelers entered the cliff dwellings, this had been her home for about a month now, soon she would travel on leaving this behind. They seemed to be arguing amoungst themselves over something she couldn't make out. Nevertheless it didn't matter, if they weren't quiet they'd attrack some unwanted attention from the Sidra. The Sidra were fierce golem looking creatures that layed hidden in the rock bed. They normally slept all day and night unless something woke them up, and if something did they were unlikely to make it out alive. The rocks rumbled, making almost like an earthquake. The fairy in the pack looked at a child, "What was that?" He asked The child shook his head. "I don't know." Just then 3 Sidra jumped out. Acuir shook her head. They should have been more quiet. She grabbed her bow. If she didn't do something quick they'd all be dead. The Sidra began right away, all the travelers weapons had no affect on the rock-like exterior of the Sidra. She heard the dwarf say something about using magic against them. Didn't they know anything? A wizard like creature began to use some sort of demonic spell. Acuir almost laughed. She hated magic, of any kind. It was against all that she believed. As the 'spell' hit the Sidra it bounced right back at the wizard, hitting him with his own game. Sidra were nearly impossible to kill. They had only one weakness. "Stop!" Acuir ran out. She looked at the Sidra then the travelers. "You woke the Sidra with your loud noise, they were sleeping peacefully untill you came. You can't defeat them with your weapons or even your pathetic magic! You must apologize to them. They are reasonable creatures, and a simple apology will do." She looked at the Sidra. "I'm sorry for not stopping them sooner." The lead Sidra nodded. "I understand, Acuir, My friend." She nodded. "Thank you." She looked at the pack. "The Sidra hate battle of any kind, but if someone is to ruin their sleep they will attack. Please be considerate. Apologize to them." A human walked away from the others. "Im sorry, Sidra. We didn't realize. I'm sorry for the noise me and my friends made. Please forgive us." The Sidra looked at him. "You are forgiven, Human. What is your name?" "I'm Coddi." "I am Fokor, leader of the Sidra tribe. Welcome to our home." |
After staying with the Sidra for a few days, Coddi told the team that it was time to leave. Acuir walked up to Coddi while he was packing up his horse. "Can I come with you?" "I don't know if that's such a good idea. We're up against a dangerous foe. A bunch of us have come close to death many times on this quest. One of our members has already died." "I am brave. I am not afraid of death. I will come and help." "Well it's your choice to make. You can come if you want." "I will then. Only you keep that Ventar away from me. I don't like all his black magic." Coddi laughed. "Black magic? Is that what you call what you saw back there? Acuir, you are mistaken. Ventar doesn’t use black magic. He is good. He doesn’t use evil forces, only good ones. By the way, he wasn't even using magic." She looked at him. "What do you mean. I saw him. He was chanting, and using magic." Coddi laughed again. "No, he wasn't. He had a mirror in his hands. He was trying to blind the Sidra with the sunlight. But their bodies reflected the sunlight from the mirror back into his own eyes. And as for the chanting, he wasn't doing that either. He was talking in his own tongue. He said, 'God, I hope this works.' You haven’t been around many Wizards I see." "No, I haven’t. But I still don't like them." "Well you don't have to worry about Ventar. He's good, and gentle...unless you tease him while he's in a bad mood." Fairy came over. "Coddi, everyone's ready to go. The Sidra gave us some food. It's enough to last us three days. Then we'll have to hunt again. Are you coming with us, Acuir?" "Yes I am." Came her reply. "Great! Another female in the group." Handoora mumbled as he walked by. Morgan came over. "Welcome to the group." "Thank you, Elf." The group left shortly after that. They walked into the sunset, hoping that the next beings they meet are friendly. __________________________________________________ CORR walked into Princess Seatta's room. He was shaped my a shadow, and looked like one too. He did this so she wouldn't see who he really was. She stood up. "What do you want?" CORR slapped her. "Don't you talk to me like that. You are my prisoner, not my king. Understand?" The frightened girl nodded. "I came here to tell you that I will no longer be giving you food once a day, but twice. I thought that you need some fatting up." With that he walked out. "Oh, Coddi! Where are you? Are you coming to save me?" She whispered. __________________________________________________ CORR, who was now shaped like a dragon, walked into a large room, where a man in black robes stood. His face was hidden behind the large hood that covered it. All you could see were his clawed hands which were clasped around a long black sword. "Coddi and his group are headed to the Mage City of Rethylholm. You must go there are wait for them. When they come, kill them. I don't want any of them left alive. Do you understand my order, Ånoffo?" "Yes, my master." Ånoffo answered. Then the dragon walked out. Ånoffo looked at his sword and smiled. "Not I get to do what I love." With that we walked out and headed to the Mage City of Rethylholm. |
Fairy was flying next to Acuri and Saphara. They were getting closer to Rethylholm. He has never been there, but he was told that it was a wonderful place to be. "So, Fairy," Said Acuri said. "When did you meet Coddi." "Fairy grew to human size and started to walk. "When we were kids. I've known him for many years. I often go with him on big quests like this one." "I see." "AHHHHHHH!!!!" Came a scream from Catara. Fairy looked to see what was going on, but all he was a tiger. It didn't look unfriendly. "Catara why are you screaming?" He asked. Catara, who by now was clinging to Coddi's arm, was as white as a ghost. "She's afraid of tigers, Fairy." Answered Coddi. "She always has been." "Well I can understand that, but this one isn't dangerous." "I don't care what it is. Just keep it away from me." Catara yelled." They passed the tiger, who was just looking at them, and went on their way. Catara let go of Coddi's arm. Fairy rolled his eyes. |
Ky'jaddon, of course, did what any of them would have expected him to do if he encountered a tiger: he kneeled down to pet it. Looking at the tiger's small stomach, he felt compassionate for the creature. He took off his backpack, reached in, pulled out a dehydrated piece of lamb, and held it up to the tiger's mouth. Gratefully, the tiger munched on the meat as Ky'jaddon stroked the animal's soft fur. Then he got up and followed the others. He looked back to see that the tiger had been following him, and he smiled, gesturing with his hand for the creature to catch up to him. The tiger's eyes perked, and it trotted up to him, licking his hand as it walked alongside its new master. “Looks like Ky’jaddon found a new pet,” Coddi murmured. “Huh?” asked Catara. Puzzled, she looked back. She stopped, frozen stiff, staring at the tiger, which was sitting right in front of her, looking back at her with a bewildered expression on its face. Catara screamed. The tiger rolled its eyes and continued on past her. Because of Catara’s fear, Ky’jaddon got the idea to lovingly name his new pet ‘Monster’. Monster, however, was not the only creature that he kept his eyes on as the group walked. A certain newly-arrived elf had also caught his interest. Acuir was her name, and he thought she was pretty. More than that, actually, but he couldn’t quite place it. Something happened in this new, adult body that had never happened in his old one. The odd thing that made adult men like adult women, and vice versa. Being just a child, Ky’jaddon never understood it. It made him wonder, was he still a child or now an adult? His mind was young but his body was well over twenty years old. He tried to ignore the feeling (it felt like it was somewhere near his heart, but he couldn’t tell), but it was no use resisting an emotion he truly wanted to feel. Acuir was beautiful to him. She was strong, independent, and mysterious. This attracted him. Yet these feelings also puzzled him; it wasn’t normal for a mere child to feel such things. Did his body mean that he was an adult now? He still felt like a child; he still felt weak and inferior; yes, it was true that he was abnormally intelligent for a child and his more-developed new brain had increased his intellect, he still felt stupid, if only for having such thoughts for a woman at least three times his age. Yet it was likely that his body was still not that much younger than hers. In short, young (or not so young) Ky’jaddon felt very confused on the subject. |
(Thanks for changing my character's name, Andrew. :) Many thanks. For everyone its Acuir not Acuri. But that's fine. Umm..anyway. *Takes off her head phones and looks at the group as they roast marshmellows.* My name is Kari, and I just wanted to say it was nice to meet you all and thanks for welcoming the only girl into the group. And I hope to get to know you all. I'm gonna be gone for a while but when I get back you all can reach me here, "Invalid Item" ![]() ____________________________________________________ Acuir watched the group. They were strange and it was diffinitely different traveling with a group instead of alone. She sharpened her dagger and put it back into it's case. She didn't know most of their names yet, only Ventar, Coddi and Catara. The others were called by their standings, Dwarf, Elf (sometimes Child, as he was the youngest), Female, and then there was that one. He had taken a shine to the tiger, a wondering spirit that Acuir could identify herself with. There was something about him that caught her eye, something strange. If it were not for her hawk Acuir herself would have offered a refuge for the majestic being. But she was too late and thought it would be a better idea to keep her hawk and the tiger away from each other. Her hawk landed on her shoulder. <What is it, Acuir?> She looked at her friend. "You know you scare me everytime you do that." <Sorry. Not meaning to. You know this is the only way I can communicate to you. After that wizard put me in this body.> "I promise I will find a way for you to return, Elijah." <I know you will, if at all possible. But untill then...> Acuir looked at the group again, her eyes resting on the tiger's master. "What is it about him, Elijah? There is something strange." <Well, if you ask me there is something strange about all of them. Diffinitely him included.> Acuir laughed, "At least I'm not the only one." She pulled out her arrows. "Be quiet. I hear something." She looked at the group. "Something is coming. Take guard." Coddi and the others pulled out their weapons. "Handoora, protect the ladies." Coddi told him. Acuir looked over to see the dwarf walk over to the two females. "You too, Acuir." "What? I don't need to be protected. I can take care of myself." She stretched out her bow and stared straight ahead. She released it and the arrow found it's mark. Hidden in the bush something fell over. The elf walked over to see if it was alive. "Stop!" Acuir told him. She shot another arrow and something else fell over. "Okay. It's clear." She looked at the men and they all shared a surprised expression. <If they think that was something-> "Be quiet, Elijah." Coddi walked over. "A Yert. Nasty little creatures." He pulled a knife from it's claw-like hands. Acuir grabbed out her dagger, she then stabbed it in the heart. The Yert shrieked in pain. "It wasn't dead." She then went over and did the same to other one. "Why did it-" Monster's master asked. "Yert's live for the thrill of the hunt. If they can't kill anything they even kill each other." Acuir told him. Coddi nodded. "I've seen them do it before. They will kill at any cost, Ky'jaddon. Good thing Acuir saw them." "Okay, group, time to head on. The sooner we get out of this desert and into Rethylholm the better." Coddi replied. [God, help us.] Acuir thought. |
Coddi was still shaken from the Yerts. Yet he walked on. He was starting to get hungry. "Let's make camp here. It looks safe." "Indeed it does." Ventar sat down on the rough sand and pulled out his food. "This is strange," Fairy said with a mouth full of food. He was Human size, so he sat with the group. "I've never been in a desert that wasn't hot before." "That's the beauty of this place, Fairy. It's not hot." Catara said. "Yes, but it's still a desert. I'm still thirsty." Sapara snaped. The two sisters started to fight. Their voices grew louder and louder. "Quite!" Coddi yelled. "I thought I heard somthing." The group sat in scilence. But heard nothing. "Acuir?" Ka'jaddon asked. "Yes?" "You have a worried look in your eye. What is wrong?" She smiled at him. "Nothing...it's just that I have a bad cill running down my spine." "You too?" Coddi asked. "I think we better move along, before somthing happens." The band packed their things and set off once again. |
"Have I ever told any of you how much I hate the desert?" Morgan asked. He had grown up in the cool depths of the Emerald Forest, where he had never felt uncomfortable extremes of heat or cold. Here, he was miserable. The unfamiliar sensation of sweat and the beginnings of a sunburn in increased his discomfort. He was incredibly fair skinned, in the ways of the people of the Emerald Forests, and it was too hot to hide under his cloak. "At least no danger has surfaced yet." "That's what you think," Acuir said, startlement in her eyes as she stared fixedly over Morgan's shoulder. "Don't turn around," she urged him. Stupidly, he did just that, whipping around. He caught a flash of something- fire- and searing heat over his left side, lancing upward along his arm, before he knew nothing at all. |
****Hello all members of the Fantasy Quest Campfire. I am really sorry that I haven’t added anything to this in a while. I wish to continue with our story...*** __________________________________________________ Coddi gathered everyone around too look at the map. "Ok, we're lost. Whatever happened while we camped here last night, it got me all turned around." Coddi looked around at the worried faces. Everyone looked like they had just lost a golden ring. All except Ventar, the Wizard. He had a confused look on his face. "Any ideas?" "Well," Fairy said, "There's nothing around here that's on the map. I say we just go to the north. That was the direction we were headed in." "No." Catara said. She looked deep into Coddi's eyes. "We had just turned east. Remember? Where the Old Curnk Tree stood?" "Yes, I remember. But do we continue east, or do we go north?" Ka'jaddon spoke up. "I-I thing we should go west." "What?!" Handoora snapped. "Why would we go west?" "Because When you were all sleeping last night, I took watch. I was facing east, the direction I we were traveling in. That’s when things started to blur. When it cleared up, I was facing west." "I see." Ventar stoked his beard. "An enemy trick. Change the surroundings, but your still going in the same direction you were going before. You are wise...for a Priest, young one. We should indeed go west, Coddi." "Do we all agree?" Coddi asked. "I do not." The dwarf said. "It makes no sense." But Handoora was ruled out, for the rest of the band nodded in agreement. "Good. Get your things together...we have a princess to save." __________________________________________________ CORR cursed under his breath. He had taken the form of an Adventurer. But now his eyes glowed with an evil reddish hue. "So...Coddi and his group have figured out my plan to mix them up. They are getting closer." He stormed out of the room to set into motion his next plan to stop the rescuers. |
)(Oh man... we're confused. Okay, Andrew said that the desert wasn't hot, and yet in Ariadne's entry, Morgan complains about getting hot and sunburned. And what ever happened to Morgan being set on fire by the thing behind him? I think that maybe before we add an entry, we all need to read the entries before us a bit more carefully. If we're gonna be telling this story together, we all need to be on the same page. Here, I'll try to fix this up a bit.)( "What's wrong, Morgan?" Ky'jaddon asked. Morgan had a pained look on his face. "I feel... hot..." Morgan replied. "I know that this desert isn't hot at all, but... I've felt it ever since we came here. Almost like something is making me slowly burn from the inside. Sometimes I feel almost like I'm on fire." "Hmm... malevolent sorcery is obviously responsible," Ky'jaddon said. "We're all being watched, and we're all being toyed with... but especially you. You've been marked as a target, Morgan. Be careful." "Marked?" Morgan asked. "Here." Ky'jaddon placed one hand on Morgan's heart and the other on his head. The group stopped and looked back at them. Ky'jaddon closed his eyes and found Morgan's pain- and found its cause. Dark magick was at work inside of him. "Celestai, heal and protect those you love," Ky'jaddon whispered. Morgan's eyes shot open and he clenched his teeth, but not in pain, but in surprise, as cool and gentle power surged throughout both his body and mind, thoroughly cleansing him of anything and everything which was evil. "The power of love is within you now. Praise Celestai, for there is no force in the universe greater than compassion," Ky'jaddon whispered, only his voice was even quieter than a whisper and yet so loud that it seemed to echo across the desert. And then Ky'jaddon opened his eyes and took his hands away, and Morgan's spirit was left filled by the power of good. -------------------------------------------- "Coddi?" Ky'jaddon asked. "Can I asked you something?" "Shoot," Coddi replied, putting his hand above his eyes to block out the sun's bright rays as they all walked across the barren, rocky land. "Now that I have this new body," Ky'jaddon went on, "would you consider me to be a child or an adult?" "Obviously an adult," replied Coddi. "You look like one, talk like one, and act like one. In fact, I'd say you're one of the most mature adults I've ever met." "Yeah," Fairy butted in. "You're pretty smart. I'm a giant male fairy named Fairy, of all things. I mean... who ever heard of a fairy named Fairy? That's like if Coddi's parents had named him Human, or if Handoora was named Dwarf. But with you, the things you say actually make sense." Ky'jaddon laughed, shy of the praise he was being given. "Thanks, Fairy," he said. "Why do you ask?" asked Coddi. "Well..." Ky'jaddon started to answer, but then Acuir walked up beside them. "Um... no reason," Ky'jaddon said. "It's nothing." "I don't know what you did for Morgan back there," Acuir said to Ky'jaddon, "but for once, he actually seems happy. Ky'jaddon... I don't understand anyone here, and I understand you even less, but anyone can see that there is overwhelming power within you. Your magic is greater than that of even Ventar, I'd wager. And... I have to say that if not for you, I wouldn't feel safe traveling in this group of strangers." Ky'jaddon blushed. "Ah... it's not my power," he replied modestly. "Every bit of my magic is a gift from the goddess of the night. Or spells written in my spellbook by ancient necromancers." "Necromancy?" Acuir asked, surprised. "Isn't that kind of magic fundamentally evil?" "I would certainly hope not," Ky'jaddon replied. "Because I was created by that kind of magic, and if it's evil, that would mean that I am evil too." "Hmm... you are certainly not evil," said Acuir. "But magic having to do with bringing dead things to life seems a bit shady to me." Ky'jaddon smiled. "The only reason you would have to fear something is because it's strange to you." There was a long, reflective silence, until finally, Fairy asked "Does that mean that your old body was made from pieces of corpses or something?" "Yes," Ky'jaddon laughed, "it was. That's one reason I like this body better." Ky'jaddon looked over at Acuir and whispered to himself "But by no means the only reason." |
Acuir watched as the group began to move once more. She still didn't understand anyone, and was now very thankful for her old friend, Elijah. She let down her dark brown hair and combed it before putting it back up again. Her violet eyes rested on the tiger as she looked up, however it seemed, it had not seemed to want to make a meal out of the hawk, just yet anyway. That surprised her a bit. She tried to keep her focus on the tiger but just as she thought she looked up to meet the eyes of its master. She turned away and began walking toward Coddi and Morgan. "My Lord," She turned to look Coddi in the eyes. "Our supplies are low, I suggest that we hunt or atleast find a nearby town to regain what we need?" Coddi nodded. "But there are no towns around for a few days walk. So I suppose we should hunt for the time being." "I have my arrows ready, and my hawk can help spot some food. If you shall want us to?" "That should have to be for now. Everyone split into hunting groups. Myself, Fairy and the females shall stay here, aside from Acuir that is." "Morgan, you and Ky'jaddon go to the right, Handoora and Ventar go left... Umm... Acuir you go with Morgan." Coddi commanded. "I prefer to go alone, My lord. I hunt better that way." Acuir upjected as she pushed her arrow out of its pack. She looked up and held out her hand as Elijah landed on her glove. Coddi shook his head. "I think its better if you join them Acuir. I know that you know very well how to take care of yourself, but I think it will be better for you to work with them so that the guys will get to know you better." Acuir gritted her teeth. "Yes, Sire." "I don't suppose you could slow down a bit could you?" Morgan asked as he quickly followed behind the Female elf. Acuir stopped and sighed. "I travel quicker and better without other people around. Please let me be and don't tell Coddi. It will be better this way, no offense to either one of you." "No, I think we should stick together." Ky'jaddon replied. "Just in case." Acuir stared at him for a few seconds. Something within her sought to question his actions and the meanings behind them but she reclined. She simply stared behind him and pulled out her arrow and released it. Ky'jaddon ducked and looked at her with a bizzarre look. She just walked away and picked up a small rabbit and removed her arrow. "A snack for your animal?" "Shouldn't we take it back to camp?" Morgan asked. She shook her head. "Its too small. And if you didn't know rabbits don't have much meat on them to begin with." "Then why did you kill it?" "Would you rather the tiger eat my bird or us? I think that answers you. Wild cats have an appetite." Morgan just watched her as she tied up the carcus. She then looked up as she removed a strand of hair from her face. "I heard a flock of geese just over the hill, I suggest we follow it." The two of them followed her as she found her way to the flock. But she stopped short. "Something is following us. I see it hiding." She stood straighter. "Make no haste. Pretend as though you know nothing. Hunt the geese, we shall then find our way to the camp and tell Coddi what we have seen. They are in no hurry or they would have made a move already. I suggest we do this sooner than later." |