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by Stella
Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Short Story · Fanfiction · #2072677
FBIagent Derek Morgan gets the surprise of his life when his child is left on his doorstep
After a well-spent weekend, Derek was ready to go back to work. A knock at his door stopped him from leaving then and there. Derek went to answer the door. When he first looked outside, he saw nobody. Then, he heard a babbling sound. Derek looked down to see a baby girl, sitting in a carseat. There was a diaper bag next to the carseat, a note attached to it.
How had a baby ended up on his doorstep?
That was Derek's first thought. Then, he read the letter.
It all made sense.
Those few weeks, and that one night he had spent with Jordan Todd, during the new year, about a year ago. Jordan had become pregnant, and given birth about three months ago, but Morgan hadn't known for sure it was his.
But, looking at the baby now, with her chocolate skin and matching eyes, dark, curly hair on her little head. Derek could not deny this was his baby.
Jordan had left the little girl with her father, because she felt she couldn't properly raise her. And now Derek had no idea what to do. He had two options; take up his parental responsibilities, or tell one of his team mates.
Derek decided to do both.
He took his daughter, named Kimani, inside and called up his teammate.
"JJ," he said. "What is it, Morgan?" JJ asked. "Sorry I got you so early, but Jordan...We spent a few weeks, and a night together last year. She got pregnant, and left the baby with me. I don't know what to do." Derek said. "Morgan, I will tell you this once, and only once. You need to raise your child, no matter how terrifying it might seem." JJ said. "I don't know how to take care of a baby." Derek said. "Ok, well, how about if I come by at around noon? I can help you out for a while." JJ said. "JJ, it's Monday." Derek said. "Well, I guess we'll just have to call Hotch and tell him you can't go to work today." JJ said. "Alright. See you later." Derek said, hanging up. He looked at Kimani, who was busy playing with her toes. Half nervous, Derek unbuckled his daughter from her carseat and picked her up. Derek Morgan was holding, for the first time, his flesh and blood.
At noon, JJ arrived, looking excited.
"Alright," she said. "I want to see the baby. Then I'll teach you everything you need to know."
Derek led JJ into the living room, where Kimani sat in her carseat. "Aw, she's so adorable." JJ said. "Thanks. You wanna hold her?" Derek said. "Can I?" JJ said. "Of course." Derek answered. He picked up his daughter and handed her to JJ. "Aw, she's so sweet." JJ said, rocking the baby. Kimani smiled at her.
"Ok, so you're going to have to know how to feed, burp, change and put babies to sleep." JJ said. "Alright, let's do this." Derek said, ready. "Ok, so babies usually eat every two to three hours, maybe four depending on their age. So, let's start with about six ounces of formula." JJ said, putting water and formula in a bottle. She closed the lid on tightly and handed Morgan the bottle. "Ok, shake this until the powder mixes in with the water." JJ said. Morgan did as his friend instructed. "Ok, good. You're going to want to feed her half of the bottle, burp her, and then give her the rest." JJ said. Derek picked up Kimani and fed her half the bottle. He burped her, and fed her the rest. "Ok. Now, just a fair warning, everything you feed babies, especially milk or formula, goes right through them. So it could be about an hour until she poops." JJ said. "Great." Derek said, rolling his eyes. "Morgan, changing diapers isn't that bad." JJ said. "Trust me, I've changed many."
"Alright, what you do first is lay the baby on the changing table, or wherever you're going to change them. Take off her pants, unbutton the onesie and roll it up about halfway up her stomach. Now, you open the diaper, take it off, wipe her front to back- Make sure she's totally clean- and get a new diaper. Throw away the old diaper and wipes, sprinkle on some baby powder, put the new diaper on- Make sure not to mix up the back and front- Put her clothes back on. And you're done." JJ explained. Derek followed through every step as JJ said them. He picked up Kimani and held her. "And now she's going to be attached to you forever." JJ said, smiling.
"Well," JJ said, a few hours later. "I should go. I've told you everything you need to know, so I know you'll do great." "Thanks JJ. I don't know where I would be if you hadn't taught me all that." Derek said. "Anytime you need something, just call." JJ said, smiling. She went to her car, waved to Morgan, and left.
"Alright, Kimani," Derek said, looking at his daughter. "From now on, Daddy's going to make sure your life is perfect. You're never going to be left behind." Kimani smiled, looking up at her father. "And maybe Mommy will come back to be with us." Derek added, thinking of Jordan.
About two weeks later, Derek Morgan had adjusted very well to fatherhood. Kimani was happy to be with her father, because he took such great care of her. One afternoon, Derek had been changing Kimani when the doorbell rang. Derek taped the new diaper on his daughter and carried her downstairs to answer the door. "Jordan," Morgan said, seeing his girlfriend. "How are you?" "I'm good." Jordan said, smiling. "Hi Kimani." she cooed to her daughter. Kimani giggled happily, seeing her mother. "Come in. It's cold outside." Derek said. Jordan nodded and entered the house and Derek shut the door. "I've been thinking," Jordan said, following Derek to the nursery. "I thought I couldn't handle raising a baby, so I left Kimani here. But, I missed you both very much, and I wanted to be with you." "I'm glad you did. I missed you too." Derek said, getting Kimani dressed. He and Jordan smiled. "Go to mama, baby girl." Derek said, handing Kimani to Jordan. She smiled and snuggled into her mother's shoulder. "I missed you too, baby." Jordan said, kissing her daughter's head. Derek hugged Jordan. His cell phone rang, and he answered it. "Yo, Morgan." he said. "Morgan, have you forgotten about work today?" Hotch asked. "Shit. Sorry, Hotch. I'll be there in ten minutes." Morgan said. "Good." Hotch said. Morgan hung up his cell phone and looked back at Jordan. "I gotta get to work." he said. "Ok. I'll see you later, Derek." Jordan said. She kissed her boyfriend and waved Kimani's hand. "Bye daddy." she said, hiding her own head behind Kimani's, making it look as if she were talking.
Derek arrived home a few hours later, glad to come home to Kimani and Jordan. "Jordan, I'm home." Derek said, walking inside. "Hey Derek." Jordan said, smiling. Kimani started crying. Derek picked her up and held her close. "Daddy's home, baby girl." he said. Kimani settled down, and Derek pat her on the bum. "Alright, let's get you changed. Come on." he said. Derek took his daughter upstairs and into the nursery. He laid her on the changing table and changed her into a new diaper. "Daddy loves you so much, Kimani. You're perfect." Derek said, kissing his daughter's belly, before putting her in a pair of footies. He carried her back downstairs and sat on the couch, holding her in his lap. Jordan smiled at her boyfriend and their daughter. "Dinner's ready. Come on." she said, putting two plates on the table, bringing over Kimani's high chair. Derek fed Kimani, and then ate.
"Alright sweetie, it's bedtime." Jordan said, after getting Kimani ready for bed. She put the baby in her crib, made sure she was comfortable, kissed her forehead and left.
Derek and Jordan spent the rest of the night together, getting up to care for Kimani when she woke up crying. Derek heard his little girl crying, and got out of bed to see what was wrong. Kimani wore a pained expression on her cute little face; nose scrunched, mouth opened with crying, eyes seemingly sealed shut by her tears. "Daddy's here, baby girl. Don't worry." Derek said, picking his daughter up. He boosted her over his shoulder, and could feel her little body shaking with her sobs. He patted her back gently, and then her bottom to see if she needed changing. Derek walked over to the changing table and lay his daughter down to change her. He hummed to her as he cleaned her off and put her in a new diaper, snapping her onesie back on. Kimani stopped crying once Derek picked her up, kissed her cheek and gently bounced her. Once she fell back asleep, Derek put Kmani back in her crib, kissed her forehead and left silently.
Jordan was up with Kimani the next morning, while Derek was getting ready for work. She was changing her daughter when the phone started to ring. "Derek? Can you get that?" Jordan called. "What?" Derek asked. "Can you get the phone, please? I'm changing Kimani." Jordan replied. "Yeah, where is it?" Derek asked. "It should still be in our room!" Jordan said. Before Derek could pick up the phone, it went to voicemail. "Morgan, there's been an accident at work. Come quickly." It was the voice of Dr. Spencer Reid. Whatever the problem was, it could not be good.
Jordan was sitting at home on the couch, her baby cradled in her arms, when the doorbell rang. Jordan stood up and went to see who was there, Kimani still in her arm. "Penelope, don't you have to be at work?" Jordan asked, confused. "No. It was all a ruse to get Derek out of the house. We're throwing his surprise birthday party here. Reid is going to distract him today while the rest of us set up." Penelope Garcia explained. "Well, ok." Jordan said. "Bring the stuff in, everyone!" Penelope said. "If there's anything I can do to help, let me know." Jordan said. "Alright. You can fill in for me and I'll babysit this precious little angelic girl." Penelope said. Jordan handed Kimani to her. "Oh, you are so sweet and small and snuggly." Penelope said, kissing the baby's forehead. David Rossi, JJ, Emily Prentiss, Aaron Hotchner and Jordan started setting up decorations. "I'm Italian. I am extremely efficient. I'll go work on the backyard." Rossi decided. He grabbed the box of decorations for outside, and headed through the back door to get to work. "I'll get the food from the basement fridge." Jordan said. She walked to the basement door and descended the stairs to retrieve the platters of food. "This will take a few trips." she said. JJ and Emily busied themselves with decorating the living room, and Aaron started cleaning up the kitchen.
"Kid, what's wrong?" Derek asked, entering the conference room. "I have a bit of a problem. I want to take you out to lunch, but I don't know where you would like to eat. We could go out for pizza, a burger and fries, Chinese or Japanese cuisine, Mexican, Italian-" Spencer started. "Reid," Derek said, cutting him off. "That's your emergency?" Spencer looked at his brother figure. "Yes. That is the emergency. What other emergency could there possibly be on such a special occasion?" Spencer replied. Derek stared at him for a moment. "I guess I could go for some pizza. Then again, vegetable lo mien sounds pretty good right now. But a good burger is tempting." he said. "We'll go wherever you choose, birthday boy." Spencer replied. He and Derek left, and went out to Derek's car. "Kid, where's your car?" Derek asked. "I didn't feel like driving. Called in a little favor with the mafia." Spencer answered. Derek looked puzzled. "Rossi drove you here and put up with you for an entire car ride? Wow, he must be having a good day." Derek said. Spencer nodded. "But not as good as yours."
"Alright crew, Kevin will be here any minute to offer his services. I just put Kimani down for a nap, so you have two extra sets of hands on board, not to mention one belonging to yours truly." Penelope said. JJ and Emily chuckled, as they helped Jordan pop some of the pre-made food in the oven and microwave to heat. Rossi walked inside, looking proud of himself. "The backyard is perfectly decorated. And might I add, it looks spectacular?" he said. "That's great. Thank you, Dave." Jordan said. A knock came to the front door, and Kevin entered. "Great. You're here. Now, can you figure your way around some streamers and lights?" Jordan said. "I can hack any advanced computer network, no matter how secure. Of course I can handle some crepe paper, copper wire and polyvinyl chloride." Kevin Lynch replied. "English please." JJ said. "I know what you meant." Penelope said, kissing Kevin's cheek. The group continued setting up for the party, until Kimani woke up crying. "I can get her, Jordan." JJ said. "Thanks JJ." Jordan replied, setting a beautifully made cake on a platter. She, Emily and Penelope set food out on plates for dinner later, and put some snacks out in bowls. JJ walked into the nursery and picked up the crying girl. "What's wrong, sweetie?" she asked. "Do you need a change?" JJ said, sniffing the air. She set the baby down to change her, and carried her downstairs. "Here, Jordan." JJ said, handing Kimani back to her mother. "Thanks again, JJ." Jordan said, taking Kimani. "No problem." JJ said. She went to wash her hands, and help with finishing setup.
"Thanks for lunch, kid." Derek said, as he and Spencer walked through the front door. "No problem." Spencer replied. "Damn, it's dark in here. Was there a power outage or something? I'm checking the fuse box." Derek said. He walked through the foyer, and into the kitchen, about to go through the door to the basement, when he saw everything. "Happy birthday, Derek!" everyone said. "Oh, wow. This looks awesome. You didn't have to do all this for me." Derek said. "Of course we did. It's your birthday! Buon compleanno!" Rossi said, kissing Derek on each cheek. "Whose idea was this?" Derek wondered, looking around the room. "Jordan or Penelope, I know it was one of you." he decided. "Both." Jordan and Garcia replied.
"Thanks for coming to help, everyone. I think this day turned out really successful." Jordan said, as everyone was getting ready to leave. "Our pleasure. It was a really fun time." JJ said. "Bye, Jordan." Prentiss said, hugging her. The rest of the team left, and Jordan closed the door. She walked into the living room to see Derek sitting on the couch, Kimani sleeping on his chest. "How long ago did she fall asleep?" Jordan whispered. "Ten minutes or so." Derek replied, kissing Kimani's forehead. "You two look so sweet." Jordan said. Derek smiled and stood. "Thank you for everything, Jordan. I think today was the best birthday I've ever had." he said. "Anything for my favorite man." Jordan said. "I'm going to get Kimani in bed. I think she'd be more comfortable sleeping in her crib than on bone." Derek said. "Ok. I'm just going to clean up around the kitchen." Jordan replied. Derek walked upstairs and set Kimani down on the changing table, careful not to wake her. Derek changed Kimani and put her in a clean sleeper. He picked her back up and put her in her crib.
"Alright, my lovelies, I hope you had a good weekend, because unfortunately our week starts off horribly." Garcia said, passing around case files to the rest of the team. "This case makes me sick to report, but there's been someone kidnapping babies in the Mississippi area. Worse than that, this particular unsub participates in rather...disturbing activities with them." JJ said. "I'm gonna be sick." Rossi said. "So unfortunately, all we know now is that eight babies between the ages of four and eight months have been kidnapped, and they were never found." JJ said. "Who would want to do anything like that to a baby? It's disgusting." Prentiss asked, shuddering. "I hate to bring this up, but sadly, thousands of cases of sexual abuse of juveniles in the united states occur each year." Spencer said. "It's terrible. Whoever is doing this is a sick person." Derek said.
Kimani woke up screaming with tears streaming down her cheeks. Derek walked into the nursery and picked her up. "Hey baby girl, it's ok. Daddy's here. What's wrong?" he said, checking her over. "Maybe you just got scared. Is that it?" Derek asked softly. He paced around the room, gently bouncing Kimani, hoping to calm her down. She briefly quieted, but soon cried louder again. "Alright, you're alright." Derek said softly. He held Kimani so that she was facing him and kissed her cheek. "Daddy's got you, Ani. You're ok." Derek said. He laid Kimani on the changing table and unzipped her footies. After getting Kimani undressed, he opened her diaper and wiped her. "Almost done." he told Kimani, powdering her and putting a new diaper on her. He put her footies back on and picked her up. Kimani stopped crying, and was now smiling. "See, baby girl? Daddy knows how to take care of you." Derek said, smiling at her. He carried Kimani downstairs and walked into the living room. Jordan was in the computer room, typing something. "Hey honey, what are you doing?" Derek asked her. "Just writing up a quick paper for work on why I haven't been in lately." Jordan replied. "Anything good on there?" Derek wondered. "Yes. I said that as a mother with an infant, it's difficult to leave her for some job that doesn't even make the top ten on my priorities list." Jordan replied with a laugh. "They might think you're quitting." Morgan told her. "That's because I am. I don't want to leave Ani to go to a boring job and spend the day missing her, while she's with someone else. I would rather stay home with her myself." Jordan explained. "Well, if you think this is the best solution, I guess I'll pick up an extra few hours at work on Tuesdays and Thursdays." Derek said. "I love you. You're the best." Jordan said, kissing Derek on the lips. She printed out her letter, folded it and sealed it in an envelope. "I'll just drop this off in the office mailbox later today." Jordan said. She set the envelope on the table and hugged Derek. "Thank you for being so supportive." she said. "I'll always support you, Jordan. I love you." Derek replied. "It's almost time for breakfast. I'm going to get Kimani." Jordan said. Derek went in the kitchen to make coffee for Jordan and himself. Jordan came back, carrying a smiling Kimani. "Hey, there's my baby girl." Derek said. He handed Jordan her coffee cup and started drinking from his own. Jordan put her coffee cup down so she could feed Kimani a bottle. "Hey, I'm sorry to say, but I have to get to work soon." Derek said. "Oh, already?" Jordan asked. "We have a bad case right now. If we don't have all our manpower, we really don't have anything." Derek replied. "Ok, I understand. I love you, and I love how you help people for a living." Jordan said. She finished feeding Kimani and burped her. "Alright, I'm going to hand you to daddy for a while." Jordan said. Kimani giggled and Derek took her. "Hey baby." he said. Derek held Kimani up to his shoulder and patted her back. Kimani gurgled contentedly and started drifting back to sleep. Jordan came back downstairs, dressed and Morgan whistled. "You look gorgeous." he said. "Thank you." Jordan said, smiling. Derek handed Kimani back to her and kissed her. "Alright, I have to go now. I love you." Derek said. "I love you too." Jordan replied.
"So do we know anything new about this unsub?" Rossi asked. "He's kidnapped another baby. This is Avery Wilkes, she's seven months old." Garcia said. "I don't like this case at all." JJ said. "Neither do I." Derek said. "This might be the most disturbing case I've ever seen." Spencer said. "I can't believe someone would actually do this." Garcia said.
"I'm glad we're finally done with this case. That's one less bastard roaming free in life." Derek said. "You said it." Rossi said. "I couldn't agree more." Prentiss said. "Now that that's done with, what is everyone doing tonight?" Spencer asked. "Jordan and I were going to go to dinner, but the girl we originally had babysitting cancelled. Her boyfriend just got back to town, so she's going to their homecoming with him instead. We can't go to dinner without someone to babysit Kimani." Derek responded. "I could babysit." Spencer offered. "Kid, are you sure?" Derek asked. "I've been with her before, she knows me pretty well. What could possibly go wrong?" Spencer asked. "Well, since you seem really confident with yourself, ok." Derek replied.
"Hey kid. What's up?" Derek asked, calling to check in. "Everything's great. Kimani just woke up, so I'm watching a documentary, and she seems really interested in it." Spencer replied. "She's four months old. What kid of documentary would you think she's interested in?" Derek asked. "One about dogs." Spencer replied. "Right. Well, she does like dogs." Derek said. "Alright, I have to go. Code red situation." Spencer said. "What?" Derek asked. "Let's just put it as a minute ago she was clean. Not anymore." Spencer replied, hanging up.
"Alright, all clean, Kimani. I told you uncle Spencer knew what to do." Spencer said. He picked up Kimani and carried her back downstairs. "Ok, let's get you a bottle." Spencer said, entering the kitchen. He took a bottle out of the fridge and heated it up. "Hm, let's see." Spencer muttered to himself, testing the bottle. "Alright, this is the right temperature. Ok Kimani, ready to eat? You hungry?" Spencer cooed, sitting on the couch. Holding Kimani in one arm, the bottle with his other hand, Spencer fed Kimani, speaking softly to her. When the bottle was empty, Spencer set it on the table and started patting Kimani's back. He did so for awhile and soon after, Kimani fell asleep. Spencer carried her upstairs to the nursery, changed her into a onesie and set her gently into her crib. "Goodnight." he whispered, turning on the baby monitor.
"How was she?" Jordan asked, once she and Derek arrived home. "She was very good. She didn't cry much and she fell asleep very easily. All I had to do was change her and put her down. I think my Physics lecture may have tired her out, but at least she went down." Spencer responded. "You amuse me, kid." Derek said, laughing. "My feet hurt so badly." Jordan said, kicking off her heels. She walked upstairs to hers and Derek's room. "Thanks again for watching Kimani for us, kid." Derek said, turning to Spencer. "That was no problem." Spencer shrugged. Derek handed him two twenty dollar bills. "Not necessary." Spencer said. "Kid, are you sure? A lot of people wouldn't just babysit on a Saturday night for free, especially with an infant." Derek said. "I don't really need the money. I just did this to help you and Jordan out." Spencer replied. "Well, we really can't thank you enough. So she was good?" Derek said. "She was very calm." Spencer said. "She's usually really quiet. Unless if she's upset, but you know." Derek said, chuckling. "She really didn't seem too upset today." Spencer added. "That's what I like to hear. Thanks again." Derek said. "See you tomorrow." Spencer said, walking out the door.
"Hey, baby. How's my little pumpkin this morning?" Derek said softly. Kimani smiled in her crib as Derek scooped her up. "Let's go see Mommy. Come on." Derek said, walking into the hall. As he opened the door to the master bedroom, Jordan was walking out from the bathroom. "There's my baby girl." Jordan cooed. Derek sat on the bed with Kimani laying on his lap. Kimani held Derek's thumb and smiled. He kissed her cheek and held her up to his shoulder. "Sweet girl." he said.

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