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Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Draft · Biographical · #2024281
Based on a woman's true life story to find her Prince in the style of a classic fairy tale
Lynn’s Fairy Tale

Chapter 1
The Princess

Once upon a time there lived by the Sunrise Sea a beautiful maiden with long dark hair and enchanting azure eyes which shone with the intensity of sapphires.
The beautiful maiden was part of two very different families and known to them by the name of Lynn. The family, near the Sunrise Sea in which she lived, were callous in their treatment of Lynn.

Lynn was born of a gentle woman named Rose who loved and cherished Lynn with all of her heart & soul, for Lynn was her only child, her only daughter.
Lynn’s birth had been early and with great struggle for her mother Rose. From the beginning Lynn had to fight if she were to survive, and fight she did.
She had been winter born during the middle of the century in her country, it was a time of prosperity. However, her father being of low moral character left Rose and Lynn to fend for themselves, never returning.
Rose eventually paired with a kind man named Oden, who cherished little Lynn and filled the role of father for her though they were not relation by blood. Otis, as Lynn called him, was a good man and treated Lynn with love and compassion.

Rose taught Lynn to be a good and kind person, but to also stand up for herself for she knew that there would be many struggles in the life ahead and a woman must be strong in mind and body to survive. Perhaps there was simple womanly intuition involved, or just the premonitions of a loving mother wanting to protect the child she dearly loved. In either case, Rose had only a short time with her daughter and showered her with love and kindness. For in the springtime of Lynn’s 8th winter her mother went to be with the angels.

Rose had a sister, who was very much her contrary in being loving, sweet and kind. The wicked sister moved with greedy swiftness to take Little Lynn from those whom Rose had desired should raise Lynn in her stead. It had been Rose’s wish to see little Lynn be in the charge of Otis, for she knew he loved the little girl as his own.

So it came to pass that little Lynn went to live with the evil Aunt.
In her greed to ensure the girl remained with her, the evil Aunt took little Lynn and hid her among the vast populations of the cities of the Sunrise Sea. Although, Otis tried and tried in vain to locate little Lynn, he was always met with failure due to the manipulations of the evil Aunt.
In his grief over the years at not being able to find her and become her guardian, the step father fell into great depression and sadness at the loss of the little girl named Lynn. As time passed, the step father’s grief plagued him to such extent, he could not bear the thought of living without the little girl and took his own life in order to free his soul from the misery of Lynn‘s absence in his mortal life.
The only two people whom cared about Lynn and loved her had been done in by the manipulations of the evil Aunt. This did not go un-noticed by the young girl as she matured into a young woman in the house of the evil Aunt.

The evil Aunt had children of her own, 4 daughters and a son. The evil Aunt took Lynn for the profit to be gained from the state in being her caretaker, not due to a sense of family honor or love of the little child.

The wickedness of the Aunt poured forth. Little Lynn was made to wait on the evil Aunt hand and foot. At times she was beaten, at others humiliated with verbal abuse. Lynn’s only desire was that she would find someone to love her as she loved them, even a father figure such as Otis.
Nevertheless, the days, then the months turning to years came and went and the abuse of the evil Aunt and hurtful cousins, whom Lynn grew to call brother and sisters, continued. Lynn became not a part of the family, but a servant to the family. Her only refuge and relief came from the Uncle whom she called Poppy. He was a kind soul and cared for and loved Lynn. However, even he was submissive to the brutality of the evil Aunt and prohibited, by pain of death, to better Lynn’s circumstances.
As the years came and went the heartlessness continued and became even more extreme.
Lynn’s only ally, Poppy, went to be with the angels and Lynn was now alone in the house of the evil Aunt by the Sunrise Sea.

It became that as Lynn toiled and hardened herself against the abuses of the wicked family, that she formed a plan to leave. Her evil Aunt would not provide for her past her 18th winter and Lynn would be turned to the streets. No money, no shelter, no food. She needed a plan.

Lynn prayed and prayed, she would dream at night of finding the answer that would make possible a better life once she was released from the bond of the evil Aunt.

Then one day the course of her life seemed to change in almost an instant.
Lynn had been in the kitchen washing the pots and pans, sweeping and mopping, scrubbing and cleaning as the evil Aunt had dictated. Returning from responsibilities in town at an earlier time than was usual the evil Aunt marched into the house with all the regimentation of a Sergeant Major and back into the kitchen where Lynn toiled on her hands and knees scrubbing the stone floors.
As the evil Aunt crossed the threshold into the kitchen, Lynn began to give warning of the soapy, wet and slick floor she was scrubbing, but it was too late.
The evil Aunt’s feet and legs were swept out from under her. The forward momentum of her stride carrying her several feet into the area where Lynn knelt with the bucket and wash rags. The evil Aunt’s foot kicking the bucket of dirty wash water into the air and herself landing solidly on her back side with a resounding thump!
To make matters worse, the bucket of water ricocheted off the edge of the table spilling the contents of dirty, soapy water and sponges over the evil Aunt’s newly purchased dress she wore, the now empty bucket landing directly on her head.
Lynn had shot back up onto her knees, kneeling backward to avoid the collision with the evil Aunt, the bucket, water and sponges. All was silent for a moment. Lynn held a wet rag close to her breast, clutched in both hands covering her throat and mouth. The evil Aunt sat for those few seconds motionless, then her hands, balled into fists, slowly rose to the bucket which sat upon her head like an oversized makeshift child’s crown. Gripping the edges she pushed the bucket from her head and violently threw it directly at Lynn, as if she were the sole cause of this mess. Lynn, used to such onslaughts, simply batted it away as she would an annoying insect, sending the bucket spinning harmlessly into a corner of the room.
The evil Aunt always wore her hair in a tight bun on the very crown of her head, very prim and proper, not a hair out of place for the world to see.
The bucket and remaining dirty water had dismantled the bun and now the evil Aunt’s long graying hair, wet with filthy soap water hung clinging to the sides of her boney cheeks and pasty white skin.
Unfortunately for Lynn, the evil Aunt was facing directly towards her. The rage in her eyes from the whole incident now became concentrated into pure hatred and wickedness directed solely upon Lynn.
As the scene played out before her eyes as an unwilling spectator, Lynn determined that the evil Aunt was not seriously damaged.
Lynn’s silent gasp in watching the entire incident unravel in what seemed like slow motion had evolved into a grin, then into a big smile to almost a hearty laugh, just as the bucket became free from the evil Aunt’s head.
The big smile on Lynn’s face was the first thing the evil Aunt saw as she removed the bucket. In a movement swift as a hare that belied her age, the evil Aunt was on her feet grabbing for a large wooden spoon lying upon the stove. Lynn all too familiar with the evil Aunt’s wrath, scrambled to seek the safety of distance. She spun around grasping the table edge for leverage and made it to the opposite side just as the large wooden spoon slashed the air where Lynn’s head had been moments before.
Now the chase was on. This was new to Lynn, for she had taken her beatings in the past and cried away the pain in her own secret place of solitary confinement in the attic.
Yes, this was new to Lynn in that she was willfully attempting to escape a beating, and it felt wonderful, liberating.

Perhaps, it was because seeing the evil Aunt slip and fall in the manner she did, in her fine clothing, and made up hair, then all of it being disassembled before her eyes, nothing more than a mean old lady submitting to rage and anger, loosing control.

Now on her feet, though she had seemed to fly up from the floor, the evil Aunt was trembling, the wooden spoon gripped with white knuckles, her legs visibly shaking like a new born fawn. Her eyes intent upon Lynn, contemplating how to reach her across the table.
Lynn had been bare foot cleaning, she had better traction than the evil Aunt in her laced up Victorian heeled leather shoes.
She could probably just sprint for the doorway into the dining room and make a run to the front door, but then where to? She would pay for this insolence and in spades she was sure of it.

In the same moment the evil Aunt growled her name and demanded she stop, Lynn looked at the doorway out of the kitchen and with the euphoria and adrenaline of fighting back against the evil Aunt for the first time in her life, Lynn made a dash to her freedom.
It was not to be. The evil Aunt’s swiftness yet again belied her age and agility. Just as Lynn reached the threshold, the long arm and boney fingers covered in paper thin translucent skin entangled themselves in Lynn’s long dark hair yanking her to the floor.

The blows were rapid as Lynn curled into the fetal position.
The evil Aunt was relentless in her attack. Landing blow upon blow from the empty fist upon Lynn’s back, the boney hand clutching the wooden spoon striking randomly in the evil Aunts fury. She was in such a berserker frenzy, screaming filth and foul towards the girl, that her blows were merely glancing and in reality were doing little to injure Lynn.
Then two things happened.
A hit upon her shoulders with the wooden spoon resulted in a loud snap! Both women froze for a moment as the broken shard of the spoon’s bowl flew through the now silent air, landing harmlessly on the stone floor spinning like a child’s top. It was as if a hypnotist had clapped his hands bringing the evil Aunt out of a deep trance. In the same moment something brave, from deep inside Lynn’s spirit also snapped with a burst of liberation.
She turned her head towards her Aunt, pushing herself up from the floor and advanced upon her. The evil Aunt’s eyes wide and mouth agape, stepping back from the blossoming defiance she was now witnessing in her niece.
As Lynn stood and faced her Aunt, she snatched the remaining piece of jagged spoon handle from her hand in cat like swiftness which surprised them both, and in that same motion had the evil Aunt back against the table. Lynn held the pointed broken end of the spoon against the evil Aunt’s throat, pushing to the point of pain, but not yet breaking the skin. Lynn’s eyes held years of bottled up rage.
The evil Aunt for the first time in her miserable life was in fear. The demeanor of the mean spirited old woman melted away and gave way to child like terror that she was about to be sent to the deepest bowels of a Hell she could not even imagine.
Lynn’s face was mere inches from her Aunt’s pitiful, terrified countenance when she pushed the wooden shard with just enough added force to draw blood.
Just as the evil Aunt felt the warmth of her own fluids leaking from her neck Lynn spoke. “That is the last time you will ever beat or abuse me. If you ever touch me again, I will kill you!” “Do you understand?”
The evil Aunt failed to respond quickly enough so Lynn jabbed the shard a bit more to enforce her statement and to get the answer to her question. The evil Aunt only nodded her head slightly, but the message had gotten across clearly. She understood.
Lynn opened her hand and the shard dropped to the floor landing near a small puddle there. As Lynn turned to leave the kitchen, she looked back over her shoulder at the evil Aunt and with a victor’s grin on her face told the evil Aunt, “You pissed yourself on my clean floor, clean it up before I return.”

Lynn made straight for the attic, to her refuge where so many times before she had retreated for solace and to cry herself to sleep from beatings past. This time she was returning to her sanctuary as a conqueror, she had defeated the greatest evil in her life.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2024281-UntitledUnfinished---A-Fairy-Tale