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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Drama · #2003241
She needed a dad, he needed a daughter. They needed each other.
          Chapter one: Ben's Dream

         Ben had been dating his high school sweetheart Dawn for two years when he graduated. Dawn had another year to go. They were an attractive couple. Ben stood at six feet tall, Dawn was five inches shorter. Both of them had reddish brown hair, his was trim and neat hers long and flowing. They were voted most likely to raise a big family and that was the plan. Ben would join the Navy and Dawn would finish high school and head to college. Once his term was up and she finished college they would marry and start their family.

         September of 1990 Ben kissed Dawn and his mother good by and his father drove him to the processing center. He was on his way now, their hopes and dreams on his shoulders. Ben smiled all the way through the monotonous ritual of enlisting in the armed forces. He watched the scared, cocky and resolved faces of the other recruits and thought to himself "They chose to join, why do they look so unhappy?"

         Finally, the oath was sworn and they were bussed to the airport and herded to a plane at DFW airport. A few hours later they were on another bus leaving Chicago, Ohare airport headed for the Great Lakes basic training facility. It was 2 in the morning when they finally got to temporary quarters. Ben went to sleep right away, his recruiter had told him they would deprive them of sleep right off. He was right, two hours later they were ripped from sleep by the metal crash of a baton on a trash can.

         That turned out to be the beggining of the shortest day Ben could remember. They were rushed through the most thorough series of processes of orientation he'd evet experienced. First was the base barber shop. Buzzed they were given another physical and sent down what was dubbed the 'medics target range' by the other recruits. There were nurses lined up on either side of a hallway armed with syringes and air injection guns. As you walked down the hall you were given a cocktail of who knows what types of vaccines and medicines. Then it was the optometrist, after that the supply stores. Finally, dressed in their new clothes and a brand new sea bag strapped to their back they were directed to the barracks that would become their home for the next few months.

         Basic training had begun and Ben was enjoying every minute. He missed his girl and family and friends but he knew he'd see them soon enough and after a week he would be allowed to send and receive mail. He quickly settled into the routines, learned the rules and worked hard to excell. Having been in the high school marching band he had an advantage during the parade drills. His time on the football team made the physical training easier. He helped the other men out when they needed it and never chided them. Ben struggled in the classroom though. He was never a good book learner preferring the hands on approach. His fellow recruits returned his kindness by helping him out though.

         A week past by in a flash and Ben wasted no time writing letters back home. The night the first incoming mail arrived eager men stood hopefully waiting to hear their names called out. Those that did were obviously giddy and those that didn't were obviously crushed. Ben was one of the more fortunate ones, he recieved three letters. The first was a group effort by his friends back home cheering him on. The second was from his parents wishing him well and asking all about it. The third was a lengthy love letter from Dawn complete with lipstick kisses, perfume and a risqué picture of her in a skimpy bikini. He was elated and more determined than ever.

         As the weeks went by the letters from his parents remained consistent and supportive, his friends had stopped writing all together. Dawns letters had gotten depressing in their content. They also were less frequent. He consistently wrote to his parents and Dawn. He found himself encouraging her to be strong, he'd get to come home before going to technical training and that he'd get phone privileges in two more weeks.

         The routines of boot camp had become natural to Ben now, he was having no trouble at all. His problem was Dawn. She had stopped writing. He was anxious and ready for his chance to call home and talk to her. When that chance came he regretted ever making that call.

          Chapter Two: The broken shell

         Ben sat down in the booth and shut the door. He called his parents first, his dad was so proud and his mom cried. After passing the phone around to the various other family members that had been visiting he finally said good bye. Now he began to dial Dawns number, his hands shaking. It rang four times before he got an answer. "Hello" came the perky greeting from Mitsy, Dawns sister who was a year younger.
"Hi Mitsy, its Ben" he cringed at the squeels of delight on the other end.
"Hi Ben! How are you doing? Is it cold there? Are they meen to you? I miss you so much!" Excited and stuck in a crush she'd had on Ben since he'd started dating her sister Mitsy was relentless.
"Do you have friends their? Does the food suck? Are you happy? Do you miss me?"
Smiling Ben finally got to answer "I'm doing fine, yes its cold, yes they are mean thats their job, I miss you too, I have friends here, the foods ok, I'm happy enough and yes I miss you." He took a quick breath before she could start in again " Now, can I talk to Dawn?"
The long silence was hell, then "Oh, forget Dawn, talk to me!" giggles
"I really need to talk to Dawn Mitsy" more silence
"Ok, I'll get her but remember" short pause then a blurted "I love you!"
Ben thought her heard Mitsy's voice crack, silly kid.
"Hey Ben" Dawns voice, sad and subdued, reached him over the miles.
"Hey Dawn, how are you?" He asked cautiously.
"I'm ok" he heard Mitsy crying in the back ground
"Ok, cut the crap Dawn. You quit writing me, you sound like I'm the last person you want to talk to and I can hear your sister bawling. What the hell is going on?"
"I, I'm sorry Ben" voice trembling "I've been seeing Rob. I'm his girl now"
"What do you mean 'seeing Rob'?" Anger and despair were in his voice "Are you fucking him?"
"yes" came the meek reply
Ben broke, the anguish was too much to contain and he let out a howl of agony.
The voice on the other end of the phone sounded so distant now, faint.
"I'm sorry Ben"he could hear Mitsy's furious, tearful verbal attack on Dawn
"Your a horrible slut!" She wailed " Ben's the best thing that you ever had and you threw it away for a jerk!" She continued, he could only listen helplessly "I HATE YOU DAWN! HATE HATE HATE!" A violent rustle over the phone "Give it! Ben, Ben, please talk to me Ben" she was pleading, crying almost hysterical "forget her Ben. I love you so much, I know you think its a silly crush but its not. I really do. Ben please!"
"I don't know" a banging on his booth
"Times up recruit, tell her bye bye snookums and get out!"
"My times up Mitsy, I gotta go" her panic was electric
"I'll be waiting for you, I love you Ben!" He could hear her crying out as he hung up.

         After he composed himself Ben exited the booth and looked his company commander in the eye for several seconds, a stone resolve on his face.
" Forget the whore recruit. Just get in the way. Besides, once you get to tech school there'll be plenty of hooch eager to please...just remember to bag it. Maybe double bag it in some cases. in!" His CC said after a knowing nod

         How his CC had known what had happened Ben didn't know but he knew what to say. That night Ben didn't talk to anyone. He didn't sleep either. He layed in his bunk and focused on his heartache. He first nutured it and made it grow. He took that agony and turned it into anger. The anger he turned into fuel, the fuel that would get him through boot camp since his heart was no longer in it. He set goals. First he would spend all of his free time physically training. He even took the Seal tryout course and passed. Second he would graduate boot camp and take two weeks leave and go home. Finally, he would face Dawn in person and have his closure. He would find his so called friend Rob after that and 'hash' things out. Ben didn't know what to do about Mitsy. Maybe he'd do her on Dawns bed, probably not. That wouldn't be fair to Mitsy. Then, if he wasn't in jail, he would move on with the Navy and figure things out as he went along. The once happy, friendly and model recruit was a broken shell of what he had been just a day before. Gone was the generous man. Ben was more of a machine now, methodical and efficient. Waiting...

          Chapter Three: Homecoming

         The remainder of Bens time crawled by. His anger slowly simmering, giving him resolve. He wrote home less and less. His mom had sent a box of homemade cookies, oatmeal raisin, his favorite. He passed it around without a word and without taking even one for himself. He wanted no pleasant thoughts to disrupt his focus.

         Graduation day finally arrived and Ben was excited. Not for his success, for his chance to get his hands on that piece of shit Rob and to tell Dawn what he really thought of her. And to see Mitsy. Mitsy had sent him a heartfelt letter describing all the kind things he'd done for her that he'd thought nothing of. Maybe it really wasn't a crush after all. And the Polaroid of her lying nude on Dawns bed didn't hurt either. "When did Mitsy get a body like that?" he'd asked himself.

         The ceremonies went off without a hitch. The meet and greet was stuffy and awkward. Bens parents had flown up for it and now were telling his CC stories about his childhood. His childhood, that seemed so long ago to him now. He was a man now. An angry man. He had a nice meal on the town with his parents and fellow recruit who didn't have anyone come to see him graduate. Bens parents had insisted and he wanted some civilian time badly so he accepted. Ben didn't care, he'd be home in less than twenty four hours, that was the goal. Back at the base now, Ben efficiently got his gear packed and headed for the bus to the airport. He was stopped by a hand on his shoulder, his CC.
"I see blood in your eyes son, let it go, she ain't worth it and neither is he. Besides, the fucker did you a favor. What if you married the cunt before you found out what she was?" An uncomfortable silence passed then " You got too much potential in this Navy to waste it. Think about it on the way home. And...good luck to you sailor."
That would turn out to be one of the most profound moments of Bens life to date.

         Eighteen hours later Ben was changing into civilian clothes in his room at his parents home back in Cohutta, Texas. Hed been forced to wear his dress blues for his mom and her sisters. After an hour of cooing and pucture taking he finally escaped. It was two in the afternoon on a Wednesday. Dawn would be getting out of school in an hour. He'd be waiting for her when she did.

         It had been miserable since Ben's phone call. Rob had ditched her shortly after that for another girl. The only time Mitsy spoke to her was to call her a slut. Dawn knew Ben would be home on leave soon and was terrified. She didn't know if he'd come looking for her, or what he'd do if he did or what she'd do for that matter. She was nervous and it was driving her crazy.

RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING the bell echoed in the halls

         Schools out and Dawn was rushing to get her sister and get home. Why was she so nervous today? Finally spotting her sister she yelled at her "Mitsy, lets go!"
"Coming slut" came the cheery answer as she caught up as Dawn pushed open the exit door and stepped onto the parking lot. Almost immediately she noticed a man leaning on her car. A lean, muscular, military looking man, arms crossed and staring straight at her...

"BEN!" Mitsy's scream startled Dawn back to reality
Before Dawn could react Mitsy's books hit the pavement as she sprinted right into Bens arms. His big, hard arms. What? Ben didn't hug her like a little kid this time, he held her, close! Then the horror hit home when Mitsy gave him what seemed like the longest kiss in history, and he kissed her back! No no no, this was not happening! Then she realized a crowd had gathered around Ben. Dawn mustered her courage and walked up to him and smiled "Hi Ben" she said "You look great"
"Thanks, you look scared" he said a bit snerky then gave Mitsy another little kiss before saying " whats wrong?"
"You, aren't mad!" She managed
"Mad?" He said quizically "Nah, I'm fucking furious Dawn! What you did was inexcusable and down right" ben paused to find the word
"Slutty" supplied Mitsy who was all but dry humping him at this point
"Yeah, slutty. Thanks Mitsy" he kissed her again and grabbed her butt
"I'm not a slut!" Dawn said indignantly. Someone coughed a nerogatory.
"Really? Lets test that claim" he raised his voice and her heart picked up its pace.
"Raise your hand if you've had sex with Dawn in the last three months" he addressed the crowd.
"Wow, you certainly weren't bored huh?" He made a show of counting hands " damn girl, thats five hands and ones even a girls!"
"STOP IT!" She screamed "Mitsy, lets go" laughter started to grow in the crowd.
"Nope, she's going with me Dawn" he said matter of factly. "I've already been to your house and spoke to your mom. Mitsy and I have her blessing"
"You did!" Mitsy chimed in.
"Yup, sure did. You wanted me, now you got me!" Mitsy started laughing and crying.
"Your an ass Ben Martin!" Dawn cried as she shoved past the crowd to her car and drove away.

         Ben and Mitsy talked to people for half an hour before leaving. He was able to learn that Rob was going to be at a party Saturday night. He'd be crashing that party. For now though, he and Mitsy had things to go do with each other...

          Chapter Four: The Reckoning

         The next few days Ben spent visiting friends and family. Everyone was happy to see him. It was a bright time in Bens life. Not only had he gotten his closure with Dawn but he'd realized that he'd been dating her to be near Mitsy. Who knew. Now he was enjoying his new found popularity. No more heartache, just plain goodness from now on, except... Ben still had one loose string to tie up and he'd do that tonight.

         Ben carefully selected his attire for the party. He wore a solid black tshirt and black jeans. He wore a long sleeve black silk dress shirt unbuttoned and untucked and a black leather belt. To finish his ensemble he put on his highly polished boots from camp. He was ready, he just had to pick up Mitsy. They were going to go eat out before going to the party, they had both told people they weren't going to the party. Ben didn't want Rob getting spooked.

{indentBen walked up to Mitsy's door and rang the bell and waited. Dawn finally answered.
"She's about ready Ben" she said politely "Please leave Rob alone Ben. He's got a trap set for you at tonights party."
"Really? Too bad were not going, I hate to disappoint him uh" Ben stammered as Mitsy appeared from around a corner "Wow Mitsy, you look good enough to eat!"
Ben had requested that she wear all black and look tough and sexy, She did not disappoint. She had on actual combat boots a tight fitting, black denim mini skirt and a too small tank top that revealed her silky black bra and too much of her ample breasts. A black denim jacket and leather, studded belt that just rested on hir hips completed the ensemble. Then he noticed the almost perfect replicas of his dog tags nestled in her cleavage...damn. A matching pair of black leather, studded bracelets and black stud earings adorned her features along with dark, blood red lipstick and thick black eye liner and eye shadow. Her intense black eyes were like flames and her long wavy black hair was like the waves on the sea at night. Ben was mezmerized for a moment.
"Well Ben, I'm certainly on the menu" she smiled daggers ar Dawn "But your the only one allowed to order THIS dish baby"
"I'll take it to go" Ben quipped. He was enjoying this game at Dawns expense but it was time to go. He was hungry and not just for food and love...

         Dawn shut the door gently behind them and rested her forehead against it. The cool metal felt good. "Are you ok honey" her mom, Jane
"Why mom?" She asked quietly "why?"
"Why what Dawn?" Came the gentle reply
"Why did you give them your blessing" Dawn whispered, tears trying to escape
"He's a good man honey and your sister is in love with him" she said softly "and he loves her"
"I know, but he was mine" she sobbed "mine"
Her mother hugged her from behind and gave her a reality check
"Ben was never yours Dawn. You were holding him for Mitsy and you know it."
Jane turned her around and looked into her eyes "thats why you did what you did"
Dawn knew it was true, but she was still crushed. Then her mother surprised her
"They're lying you know" said pointedly
"What do you mean mom?" Dawns curiosity was peaked now
"About that party, they're going to be there" wise eyes backed the claim
"But, Ben said" she was cut off by her mothers finger on her mouth.
"You saw how they dressed, all in black" she explained "nobody dresses up to go eat at the Cohutta Diner like that. No honey, they intend to make a statement tonight"
"Mitsy" Dawn gasped as her mothers words sank in "she could get hurt, why did you let her go?" She was getting angry and anxious. "Why?"
"Ben won't let anything happen to her Dawn" she looked so sure "and they need to make this statement together."

         Dawns mom made sense and the longer she sat in her room and stewed the more she wanted to punish Rob. Dawn made a decision right then. The party had already begun, she needed to hurry. A pair of jeans, well worn boots, pink tshirt and a Navy ball cap Ben had sent her, pony tail sticking out the back was what she wore. She wasn't going to impress the boys. She was going to make things right. She just hoped she wasn't too late.

         Ben and Mitsy had a great dinner together. He'd called Bernice, the ling time owner, and told her they were coming and had asked for the royal treatment.
"Well, I'm always honored to do it up right for a military man, especially you hun" shed said "just leave things to me" Bernice had at one time owned one of the finest restaurants in Dallas. She'd grown tired of the 'upper classless' clientèle and sold it to open what she considered a 'real' restaurant with 'real' customers. The Cohutta was in appearance a dive. Old furnishings filled the dining room. Dozens of handmade decorations by locals adorned the walls, price tags on all of them. Bernice claimed it to be a folk art eatery. The locals claimed to be their hidden bistro since the food and service were so good. Eitherway, business was good.

         When they walked up to the door it swung open, Bernice had made her dishwasher/ boyfriend Sam put on a tuxedo jacket over his overalls. Sam submitted to the jacket but refused the tie and still wore his old green ball cap. "Welcome to the Cohutta sir and ma'am" he said with a wave of his arm and a fumble for the dish towel that slipped off if his arm in the process. Mitsy giggled at that. Once inside Sam directed them to what Bernice called her lovers nest. The nest was a booth in the back with wooden swinging doors for privacy. Bernice encouraged couples to carve on the table, doors or walls their initials and the date. She loved that booth, it was her personal contribution to the history of lovers in Cohutta.

         Bernice waited on them herself. She'd made their food selections herself beforehand. The appetizer was Bernices famous fried squash chips and artichoke dip. A mixed greens salad with her secret recipe ranch dressing was next. The main course was the best chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, cream gravy and green beans in Texas. The rolls were a bakers dream. For desert she produced a single slice of cake with a scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream and two fresh strawberries for them to share. Of course they were kept hydrated with fresh brewed iced tea.

         Most of their dinner chat was about their plans. Mitsy wanted Ben to stay in the Navy and make a career of it. She would live where he was based and be a house wife. She wanted lots of kids and was adament that she be home with them. Ben agreed, he needed a new dream and hers sounded great. After desert he became more serious. "About tonight Mitsy, the party, Rob" he held her hands across the table "it might not go the way I planned it so you have to stay alert. Robs a bad seed, we can't trust him"
"But he was your friend before" she paused " before he and Dawn, you know"
"Not really, I felt better keeping tabs on him" the shadow of anger flashed across his face before it softened again "he was always talking about getting into your pants, and Dawns"
"Eww, creepy" she smiled "and you put up with him for my safety...and Dawns"
"Yes, no more though" he gave her a sly grin "it ends tonight. Just stay behind me and run for help if you have to"
"I will Ben" she agreed " I'm scared though"
Ben leaned over and kissed her long and tender. "Lets go" he paid the bill and they drove into the growing night.

         The party was really hopping when they arrived. Ben sat in the truck and surveyed the scene before getting out. He slipped the keys into Mitsy's jacket pocket "Just in case" he whispered, she nodded. People were milling about inside and out. Almost everyone was drinking. Ben knew Rob would be out back by the bin fire as usual. He took his time getting there, mingling and smiling and making a show of being at ease. Mitsy hung on his arm making small talk with some friends along the way. Finally they stepped into the backyard and made their way to the fire where Rob watched them approach.

         "Rob" Ben nodded as he spoke the name calmly "got a minute?"
"Wondered when youd find me Ben" he said matter of factly "guess we have some business don't we?"
"Yes, we do Rob" Ben surprised everyone when he extended his hand "thank you"
"Do what?" Rob reluctantly shook Bens hand " I fucked your girl and your thanking me?"
"Yes" Ben smiled as he released Robs hand "I would have married the wrong girl if you hadn't. You saved me some grief down the road"
Rob blinked, he was speechless.
"Consider us even" Ben said "I got the best girl out there and you got laid. Ok."
"Uh, yeah sure but" he smirked "are we still friends"
Bens expression turned dark and Rob took a step back in fright, looking around deliberately for his buddies.
"Friends Rob? We were never friends" Ben pulled Mitsy behind him. He could see the men trying to box them in "we will never be friends. Stay away from Mitsy and Dawn too. You've done8ne enough damage"
"Awe hell Ben" he said more confidently "aint gotta worry about Dawn, done had that. Mitsy here is another story all together"
Before Ben could answer a new voice exploded into the conversation
"STAY the FUCK AWAY from MY sister you worthless piece of SHIT!" Dawn stalked up to Rob like a pit bull "if you ever get within eye sight of her I will fucking ruin your pathetic life!" She slapped him hard across the face, her rings turned in leaving deep scratches. Blood ran down his left cheek.
"You little whore" Rob seethed "you're gonna pay for that. Maybe I need to mount you one more time. Remind you whos boss bitch!"
"What like before?" Dawn challenged "Whats it gonna be? Huh? Slip me some more drugs? Or are just gonna outright rape me this time? Well, which is it pencil dick?"
"Hell Dawn, I only did that once, the first time" Rob sneered "you came back on your own after that."
Robs buddies looked at each other, shook their heads and walked away. "Your on yoyr own Rob. Thats bull shit" one called back to him.
Furious Rob backhanded Dawn but she kept her feet and spat blood in his face.
"Oh your gonna pay bitch" growled Rob right before a solid right hook from Ben laid him out. Ben turned and looked at Dawn, tears in his eyes.
"Why didn't you say something instead of doing what you did?" Ben asked
"I was ashamed. I didn't think you'd want me anymore." She was crying softly now "And he talked about doing horrible things to Mitsy. I thought if I let him do them to me he'd leave her alone."
"Oh Dawn" Mitsy wailed "I'm sorry I was so cruel to you. I love you!"
The sisters held each other as Ben thought about this news. Rob essentially raped Dawn. "Why didn't you go to the police?" He asked
"No proof, his word against mine. There was no point." She explained.
"We have plenty of witnesses this time" he said.
"I'll testify" Gina Hagey, a classmate, spoke up "he did it to me too"

         During the confrontation the police had been called. Rob was arrested and taken away. They'd found a small pharmacies worth of drugs on him and in his van. There three more girls who came forward to testify against Rob before all was said and done. He was finished. As for Dawn, Mitsy and Ben, they left the party that night together and went to Cohutta lake after dropping Dawns car off at home. They spent hours talking, apologizing and just sitting quietly watching the sunrise.

"Well" Ben broke the silence "I ship out in two days"
"Don't remind me" Mitsy whined, they had all agreed that Ben and Mitsy belonged together.
"Don't worry Ben" Dawn said menacingly, looking at her sister "She's going to be a perfect angel while your away, aren't you Mitsy?"
"Uh huh" Misty cooed as she cuddled in his lap "his angel"
"I have no doubt" Ben said.

         Two days went by in a flash. His mom cried again, so did Mitsy. Proud as ever Bens dad once again drove him away. Once on the plane Ben started writing his first letter home, he'd drop it in the mail as soon as he got to base. Life was right again, he was happy. Eight hours later Ben stepped of the bus and onto his new temporary home. The Connecticut base was built on a hillside and looked like small town. "Great" Ben though "glad I'm early, its gonna take time to find my way here"

         Two hours later Ben had a base map and was unpacking his gear. He'd dropped the letter to Mitsy in the first mailbox he came to. Two weeks later Bens superior called him aside. "Son, got some bad news for you" Master Chief Raines began "Your dad called, he didn't want you reading it in a letter or hearing on the phone"
"Whats the news" Bens heart was pounding "what happened sir?"
"Your girl, Mitsy right?" Raines asked
"Yes sir" Bens heart sank "she didn't last a month and she's already cheating"
"She's not cheating son" Raines said bluntly "there was a car accident. She was with her sister"
Ben was speachless, the pain and fear swelled inside of him
"Sisters ok, but your girl didn't make it" Raines paused "you need some leave to go home son"
Ben remembered using the pain to get through boot camp. He embraced it now and turned it to anger. He let it fill his heart and looked the Master Chief in the eye.
"No sir" he said firmly "my priority is here"
"Right, good" Raines nodded knowingly "use that anger son. But don't let it use you."
With that Ben returned to his training, pushing everything else aside.

         That night Ben laid awake in his bunk thinking about what he was going to do now that his dream had flat lined again. He'd called and givin his respects to Mitsy's family. The accident wasn't Dawns fault. Another car crossed the line and hit them. Dawn was a mess but she spoke with him anyway. It was a short, teatful conversation.
"I'm sorry Ben" Dawn managed "I keep messing things up for you."
"This wasn't your fault" Ben said softly "and you kept your promise."
"How?" She cried " I said I'd take care of her for you!"
"No Dawn" he said sadly "you said she'd be a perfect angel and now she is."
Dawn had hung up after that. It was just as well, Ben didn't feel like talking.

         As Ben stared at the darkness his mind drifted back to the day he called Dawn from boot camp. The day he learned about pain. And the words of his CC that day echoed in his mind {i}" Forget the whore recruit. Just get in the way. Besides, once you get to tech school there'll be plenty of hooch eager to please...just remember to bag it. Maybe double bag it in some cases."{/i}

          Chapter Five: Out of control

         The weeks following Mitsy's death saw Ben sink further and furthet into his depression. He kept up with his responsibiluties in the Navy, but just barely. When he was off duty he left the base and didn't return until he had to. He bounced from girl to girl, staying with them until they started getting to serious then moving on. He'd also made friends with some of the wilder guys on base. They partied and drank the nights away. That came to an abrupt end when he staggered onto base excesdively drunk one night. MC Riggs was not happy. After a week of unpleasant tasks and confinement to base Ben resigned himself to a more mundane existence. Mostly sitting and brooding about his life. Eventually he noticed some other guys that rarely left base. They were always playing the same game. He'd never said anything to them before but now he was needing social interaction and the game looked interesting.

         "Hey" Ben said to the group "that looks like fun"
"AssaultTech" one of them replied "a game of armored combat"
"Um" Ben felt awkward "ok?"
"Basically" the same guy "its strategy, like chess, but with these armored robots"
He indicated some cardboard cutouts standing on what looked like a topographical map. It was sectioned into hexes.
"Oh, yeah, I get it" Ben looked at the papers they each had "you take turns and the dice determine if you hit or whatever?"
"Uh, yeah" another replied "thats basics, theres more to it though"
"No, sorry" Ben said quickly "I get that, just meant.."
"We know" the first guy again "thats Sherman, hes just arrogant like that, I'm Scott and thats Damron"

         Ben spent the next month collecting various 'AssaultTech' resource books and learning the game. He had become a menace on the mapsheets, his new friends loved it. Eventually though they each completed their training and moved on. His game books sat untouched and Ben fell into a simple routine of training, duties, sleeping. He didn't want to be conscious any more than he had to anymore. His world was about to get turned upside down again.

          Ben entered the simulated submarine engine room with several other teainees. He knew the simulation was to repair a burst water pipe. He knew that thoysands of gallons of water would be flooding the room. He had no idea how he would react. The signal wad given and the water gushed out of the pipe like Niagara Falls and Bens chest tightened up, he could not breath. After a few minutes of trying to fix the pipe he collapsed. After several visits with base drs and shrinks it was determined the Ben suffered from claustrophobia. He would never be assigned to a boat. In February of 1992 Ben was honorably discharged from the Navy and sent home. He would be starting all over. Again.

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