Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1975299-Divinity-A-Demons-Journey
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1975299
A young priestess named Maria and a shy priest named Zack find out they both are not pure
"Okay now girls, next we will work on our sewing techniques." Lady Elena announced as all the girls stood up from their daily praying session. There on Avilon, the classes consisted of basically three things for the girls. The three classes were praying, sewing and cooking, these were the most important things a female angel needed to know because they always needed to pray, make and mend clothing for their husbands, sons and daughters, and how to cook because they would need to know how to cook so that they could cook for their family. Here women and girls were basically just a thing, a item if you may, of which the men boast about and have "Who's the best female angel in Avilon contests so the men could yell at their wife's and say "Why can' you be like his wife, she can do everything and beyond, without asking questions and making a big fuss."

All the girls nodded as they all dug out their sewing needles and thread along with the item they were making or mending, and listened intently to Lady Elena's every word, well everyone but a young girl named Maria, a orphan angel who was brought up by Lady Maria and High Priest Gordin, head of the priests division. When your son was of age , he was the one you had to send your sons to so that they could become priests it was the law there, for if you didn't, you suffered the consequences, which were ether paying a lump sum of cash, being beat to a inch of your life, thrown in jail for a few months or years, or killed. No one messed with High Priest Gordin , he was mean and very strong, stronger then the average priests in Avilon.

Maria sighed as she looked down at her sewing needle and the item she was mending, which was Gordin's ripped shirt.

"Why do we have to be doing the same things over and over again. I mean come on we've been doing these things since we were like six." Maria complained as she rolled her eyes and continued mending the shirt she started to mend the day before. As soon as those words came from her mouth, Lady Elena and the girls all dropped what they were doing and gasped in shock.

"Lady Maria, you musn't say those things, High Priest Gordin wouldn't like those words if he was to hear you say them." Lady Elena said as she picked up her sewing needle and cloth from the floor and continued sewing. Maria sighed and looked up from what she was doing and sighed.
"So? Whats the big deal if he over hears me or not, I'm just still a kid so it's not like he can hit me for saying things like that." As soon as she said this she pricked her thumb on the needle and blood dripped onto the shirt.

"Damn it I pricked myself." Maria said as she sucked her thumb so the pain would ease a bit, and the blood would go away. Suddenly loud screams came from the girls and Lady Elena as they caught glimpse of the blood dripping from her thumb after she took it out of her mouth.

"Huh?" Maria said as she looked at all the girls and Lady Elena with a confused look on her face, then she looked at them then back to her thumb. "Oh, come on it's just a little blood, not like its going to kill you guys or something."

Just then High priest Gordin and his priests burst into the room, ready to fight anything that was harming the girls. Once they noticed the girls were screaming because of Maria, they all looked at one another and shrugged their shoulders.
"What in the name of Ivaldi is going on here lady's?" High priest Gordin asked as he raised an eyebrow at the girls crying in a corner of the large room. All the girls then pointed at Maria, and screamed again.

"Oh come on, why are you guys so fucking scared of me? Not like I'm demonic or something because I bleed when my thumb got pricked." Maria said as she looked at the girls while crossing her arms.
"Lady Maria, come to my office at once!" High Priest Gordin( other known as Father Gordin or Lord Gordin) demanded as he turned around and walked down the hall to his office with Maria trotting behind him so she could keep up.

"Oooo someone's in trouble by Father Gordin, wonder why she's in trouble for this time, maybe for not being lady like and sewing us some clothing." Lucas a priest in training said as he nudged another boy beside him and then they both burst into laughter.

"Lucas, Damian what in heavens name do you think is so funny?!" Lord Gordin demanded as he walked back over to the boys while he crossed his arms and glared down at them. A that instant the boys gulped and began to sweat.

"N-nothing father Gordin, we don't think anythings funny at all." They replied as they put on a fake smile. Lord Gordin them smirked as he turned and walked back towards his office.
"That's what I thought you worthless excuses of priests." Gordin said as he disappeared around the bend. Lucas and Damian then both looked at the ground, nothing made you feel as bad as getting called worthless, although the boys got that a lot by Gordin for goofing off during training and, talking about him with other priests, and not in a good way either.

Maria then glared at the two boys as she took off around the bend and caught up with Lord Gordin."Well, well, aren't we a little slowly young lady. YOU NEED TO SPEED IT UP!" Gordin demanded as he unlocked his office door and pushed her inside. Maria blinked and quickly sat down at one of the chairs in front of his desk, today Lord Gordian seemed really mad, and she didn't really want to piss him off any more then what he already seemed to be.

"So Maria, it comes to my attention that the girls and Lady Elena have been avoiding you for the last little while, why may that be? Did you something bad, unholy? If so tell me now." Gordin said as he leaned back with his arms crossed across his chest. Maria then sighed deeply and showed Lord Gordin her thumb, which was still bleeding a bit from when she got pricked. Lord Gordin Gasped as his eyes widened in shock.

"That can't be...angel's don't bleed so easily, sure our skin is very soft to the touch, but it takes a lot of force to get us to bleed. That must mean, your not an angle young girl." Gordin said as he stood up shaking his head as he went over to a near by bookcase, thus pulling out a big book, which Maria bet didn't have any pictures what so ever in it. That must mean your either part human or..." Gordian trailed off as he looked out the window at the workers and villagers beneath his view. Maria then stood up and looked at Lord Gordin with a worried expression upon her face.

" Or what my lord?" Maria asked knowing she was most likely going to dread asking that very question. Gordian then looked down at Maria with a look so fierce she cowered and sat back down in her chair.
" Or a demon, that would explain your bad behavior since you were a young-ling, not wanting to play with he safe angelic toys, and wanting to sit back and sew clothing , pray cook and clean."

" But praying, cooking cleaning and sewing is so...so boring lord Gordin." maria then gulped and wished she just didn't say what she did.

" Young lady, you need to know these things for when you live with your future husband, you have to cook, clean and sew him clothing, Becker to his every call, and do what he wants with ought argument or whining, that is what you women are made for, just to basically give birth to our kin, and feed and clean after us and cloth us. You are basically no more then a mere little item, a procession of man if you want to call it." Maria was shocked, how could anyone think of women like that, let alone Lord Gordin himself, women were human too, they had feelings, and if they gave them the chance, they could show the boy's what they were really made of.

"Now go back to making us men new clothing like the rest of the good girls and women are doing, and don't whine and fuss about it to Lady Elena and the rest of them, I'll ask them later tonight if you did and if you did and I find out, your going to wish you weren't born girl. NOW GO!"

maria then sadly bowed her head and got up thus walking over to the door,she didn't like this feeling of being a mans item, a procession that they boasted about or complained about to the other men while at bars, or out fighting.

" Zack you may come in now, I have some good news for you my boy."

Just as Maria was opening the door in came a raven haired rose eyed boy with a expressionless look on his face. Without noticing he came in Maria ended up bumping into him, thus falling backwards onto the floor.


Maria then quickly stumbled to her feet and bowed without making eye contact with the boy.

" I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again I-I promise." After saying that Maria disappeared down the hall and back to the lady's corridor, where she belonged.

Maria then stormed into the girls sleeping corders and flung herself on her bed as all the other girls looked at her in wounder.

"Maria are you okay?" Her best friend Elana asked as she knelled down beside Maria's bed while rubbing her head as if to comfort her. Maria sniffled and sat up rubbing her blood shot eyes.

"Yeah...i'll be fine. Not like I haven't been like this before." Maria said as she chuckled a tiny the girls looked at one another then back at Maria.

"So..what did Lord grumpy pants say to you this time?" Kina a raven haired girl with hazel eyes and pale skin asked as she sat looking out the window at the city beneath them, of which the young girls were not aloud to explore in their spare most "Important" rule of the school was that only boy's men and grown women were allowed to travel let alone set foot outside the school building, if you were a young girl, you were kept cooped up inside the dark depressing part of the school, which was sadly the girls half.

" Well he said I'm either part human or..." Maria trailed off as she looked down at her hands.
"Or what ?"Shana a pink haired rosy eyed girl asked as she got closer.

"Or a demon... he said that would explain why I bleed so easily and why I have such bad unangelic behavior compared to everyone else in this school. Man I feel so...alone, unwelcome and hated at this school as if I truly don't belong here, and there's some where else in this world...somewhere where I truly do belong and will be welcomed and greeted kindly there with open maybe there I will be able to find my birth parents, because I know for a fact their not anywhere here in Avilon."

All the girls sighed sadly and looked at one another again, they felt so bad for Maria, not knowing her parents, and feeling so un-welcomed and loved at the school. Then Lady Elena walked into the room and clapped her hands. All the girls then quickly got to their feet and stood in front of their beds, almost like people in military school do.

"Okay my girls, it's now time to go to bed, no wasting time and hustle, you all know how Father Gordin hate's to come in to you girls still awake and quietly chit- chatting the night away." She said as she turned out the lights and lit all the candles on the walls and on the girls night stands before she walked out leaving the girls alone at last.

" Well I guess we have to go to bed now Maria, we'll talk more about this tomorrow morning during tea with the boys." Shasha said as they all quickly hustled into their beds. Maria then nodded and curled under her blanket with a doll that looked like a little demon, that was with her when Gordin and Elena found her, and that Raven haired, rose eyed boy, in fact they both had one with a locket around the stuffies necks with the initials of their parents. Maria looked out at the dark sky. wondering what awaited her tomorrow, and slowly fell into a deep slumber.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1975299-Divinity-A-Demons-Journey