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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Fantasy · #1958331
Celeste is a princess, but finds out she is a forestican. A war and 2 mates. 2 problems.
I look out the window of my father’s castle, Malik City, rain clouds are forming. It is almost time for evening meal. I must get in my blue dress that my servant, Luna, picked out. She has been my best friend ever since I was a child, I don’t think of her as a servant, we were practically sisters growing up, but today I am turning 17. Father has decided to marry me to the prince of Salem City, Luke. He is handsome and all, but I never really felt like I really love him. We will gather the city and hold a feast. After that he will marry me off to Luke in a few months’ time, and expect me to bear his children. Although I would rather be outside with animals, I have never felt comfortable indoors, even though that’s where I’m expected to spend most of my time. Father gets angry because my clothes aren’t fit for the outdoors, and I am always coming back dirty, I don’t mind getting dirty at all, but it is the yelling I do mind.
“Celeste, your father says to come downstairs.” Luna says.
“Alright” I sigh, let’s get this over with.
He was more handsome than I expected, he had black hair that went down to his neck in thin streaks, his bright green eyes sweep over to me, he warmly smiles and holds out his hand, expecting me to walk with him. He kneels down and kisses my hand, and walks with me toward the ballroom of the castle. He suddenly speaks in a smooth, kind tone and asks “Are you happy?” I pause. What does he mean, am I happy about turning 17 or getting married? I cautiously ask “about what?” He thinks about it and says “about everything, getting married, your life, and your birthday.” He smiles lightly, waiting for my answer. “I guess so, and you, I mean we haven’t seen each other in years.”
“Of course I’m happy, ever since the day I met you, I have loved you.” He leans in to kiss me and I back away. I don’t know him well enough to kiss me. His eyes turn a bright green and he tenses. He is angry that I embarrassed him in front of everyone, but his anger fades as quickly as it came. “Let’s dance shall we?” He takes my hand and we dance for what seems like hours. He kept asking me mindless questions about my life. I was getting to the point of frustration, but as I’m about to tell Luke enough of the questions, my Father steps to the front and says “As you all probably know, today is my daughter, Raines 17 birthday. And she is getting married to Prince Luke of Salem City. Now let’s go feast in my daughter’s name.” Everyone cheers and walks toward the feast table. We are all done feasting after hours, and I am ready to just run away, I can barely contain my anger from everyone crowding me and expecting me to be proper. Finally, my Father blows it and says “sit up straighter Raine; you are dirtier than those jungle men.” I stand up so fast my chair knocks over, it lands with a big bang, and everyone turns to look. I run out of the ball room, and into the empty city streets.
It is freezing and pouring rain. I keep running till I reach the jungle, and my friend Zephyra, steps out of the trees and purrs. Zephyra was an injured Tiger cub, and I stumbled upon her and nursed her back to health, we are great friends, and I go almost every day to see her. My father and mother of course, do not know. She runs with me until I reach the waterfalls, a cave sits behind it and it serves for my hideout and Zephyras home. I pet her and soon fall asleep, resting on her warm, soft flank. I wake up to her licking and nudging me awake, dawns just barely come, and I have time to make it back to the castle before the sun comes up. She has a pile of fish and has left 2 for me. I quickly build a fire and eat the fish. There warm salty juices flow into my mouth, and I chew enjoying every bite. I soon say my goodbyes to Zephyra and start moving back towards the castle. I am about halfway towards the castle when I see a flash of someone in the trees, or a few. A muscular man with blond hair steps toward me. A woman with black hair and golden eyes says “Onyx, we cannot force her to come with us”. She looks at me with fierce, yet kind eyes and says, “Celeste, we have come to return you back to.” I grab for my small dagger that I carry with me for emergencies, and shout “stay back, I am not Celeste; I don’t even know you people.” The mysterious woman says “very well then, Onyx, let’s go.”
As soon as I get home my father bombards me with a flurry of questions. I just walk past him, but he grabs my arm and yanks me back. I feel a hard sting on my cheek. My mother looks very surprised and my eyes well with tears. “Listen to me right now, I’m sick of you always running off! The forest is no place for a princess! Or should I even call you one; you act like a jungle woman! I forbid you from coming from your room until you can come to your senses!” My father spits the last words out at me as if it were venom. I run up to my room and close the door. I walk over to my bed and weep into the sheets. I fall asleep an hour or so later and wake up. I go to open my door and figure out its locked. I smack the door with my hand and scream “you cannot do this!” I look out the window and see a flash of movement in the trees. Days go on like this, and I only receive small meals. I continually see flashes of movement in the trees outside of the castle.
I grow more and more restless until I get a huge book and smash my window. I see a thick vine that crawls up the side of my window. If I drop; it would be fatal, I have to be careful. I slowly lift my leg out of the window and grab the vine. I lift my other leg out and I almost slip. I slowly slide down the wall and I come to the side of a window where I hear voices. ‘I think maybe it’s time you’ve told her.’ My mother’s voice. ‘No! If she knows she will sever the small remaining bond we have, she’s important to the kingdom, she’s the reason we will win battles and thrive as a kingdom .My father’s voice. ‘She’s unhappy here and you know it! This is wrong. She’s not even ours! I love her like my own, but I don’t think she belongs here, she was born of the forestican race, she not human!’ I hear a door close so I continue sliding down. What did they mean? I know there are races like elves, dwarves, and trolls, but what is a forestican?
Zephyra catches up with me and I give her a big embrace. I run out into a clearing and yell out “WHO AM I?” I fall to my knees mentally exhausted. I close my eyes and open them, a pair of muscular tanned legs stand in front of me. I scramble backwards and try to scream, but it comes out as a muffled whimper out of fear. He calmly crouches down and looks into my eyes. His are a deep blue with a gold streak going across one. He says “Fear not young one, I am sorry we scared you last time. If you come with me I can explain everything you want to know.” He extends his hand to help me up. Knowing I have nowhere else to go, I give him my hand and he helps me up. He lifts his nose in the air and says “We must go quickly; I fear we are being followed.” I look behind me and see nothing. “How do you know?” I ask confused. “I can sme-“He is cut off mid-sentence as 4 warrior-like people slide out in front of us. They seem timid and speak another language I do not understand. Onyx speaks the same type language and whispers to me “they want a battle.” They start approaching us and Onyx gets ready to defend me. Suddenly, the strange woman who was with Onyx and 6 others appear behind us. I feel a sigh of relief escape Onyx. The strange woman says “If you are looking for a fight, it’s not here. Leave now in peace or die!” They snarl out a few more strange words and dart away in the blink of an eye. The strange woman darts her eyes over to Onyx and angrily whispers “what were you thinking? Is your head made of stone? If you needed to go somewhere that bad, at least bring some of us with you!” He looks down and sighs. Thinking back to the fight with my so called father; my eyes brim with tears. The strange woman looks at me and her face softens. She says calmly “We better go before night falls.”
We seem to be walking for hours and my legs grow heavy, it is almost nightfall and I am tired. I trip and stumble and two strong arms pick me up carrying me. I wake up and I am still in his arms, I nuzzle my head into his shoulder feeling protected. I wake up again and feel that I am being laid down in a soft hammock like thing. Onyx whispers “May the stars watch over you Celeste.”
I wake up feeling refreshed and calm. I am starving though. I walk out of the round hut and onto a strange boardwalk. I become scared again and don’t know what to do. I see Onyx talking to some others and his eyes catch mine. He waves his hand toward himself indicating that he wants me to come over. I slowly walk over while observing the place. A series of the same size huts I was in form a round arc and connect to one huge one. I notice they were built in the trees. How did we get up here then? I approach him slowly and he smiles warmly. “Ok, I better go; I must explain everything to her.” He leaves his friends and we go back to the hut.
“So where do you want to start?” He asks.
“Um, what am I?” I ask cautiously. He looks surprised that I don’t even know that and says “You are a forestican.” I don’t know what that is and say “What is that, I know there are races of elves, dwarves, trolls and other things but I’ve never heard of a forestican.”
“A forestican is a half-elf half-animal. Our race hasn’t been around long, only for about a couple thousand years. We were created when an elf used magic to turn them-selves into one and then they mated with another animal-elf. Then the line of us just kept growing and growing. Since we are part elf, we are unaffected by age which makes us immortal. Sure we can die from a flesh wound or disease but unless then we cannot die. We divided ourselves into clans, there are 5 clans, earth clan, fire clan, water clan, sky clan, and then there is spirit clan. Each clan has a certain power that one doesn’t, other than magic, Earth clan can heal themselves with the earth, water clan can live underwater, fire clan can walk through fire unharmed, sky clan can fly because they have wings, and spirit clan can resurrect others if they wish to. Each clan uses its own elemental magic; fire clan would mainly use fire in their magic, as water clan would mainly use water in theirs. Sky clan can make storms with their magic and can change the air around us. Sky clan could literately kill us within a few seconds if they wanted. But, spirit clan uses past spirits and can control minds for their magic. They are the most dangerous but mainly stay out of conflict, fire clan and water clan are the second most powerful but they are complete opposites. Fire clan looks for battle as water clan is the most peaceful. Sky clan fight when they must but mainly stay out of conflict. Earth clan is undecided as that clan is still discovering more of their magic, we don’t know if they could have the potential to be the most powerful. Each clan can have up to 3 dragon animals, since we all turn into animals at one point, but only 3 can be dragons at once. Any more questions?”
“Yes, just a couple, what clan are we, and how old are you.” He laughs and says “we are of earth clan and I am 128 years old.”
I nod and then ask “If I’m a forestican, then how and why did I get in that castle with humans?”
His mood becomes solemn as he starts to explain about how I was captured when a siege happened and that I was kidnapped to become the kings power source. I start to feel tears flooding my eyes as how I have missed out on so much of my life being a proper worthless princess. Onyx wipes my tears with his thumb and says “Well I think we’ve talked enough for today, and I bet you’re hungry, so let’s uses this day as a rest day to get you settled in and I will find you a hut for you to sleep in. Most of us share one, like families or mates, but some girls live together or guys for the sake of space. I might have you go live with Islandi, she’s a fairly new elf and I think you two would get along. After today we can start your training and studies and show you our ways, any questions?”
I think for a moment and say, “I have no other clothes, my friend Zephyra is out there all alone and my friend Luna will worry herself to death if she doesn’t know where I went.” He starts laughing and says “first of all we have clothes being woven for you right now, Zephyra is one of us, she’s Islandi keeping a watchful eye over you, and I told you we foresticans are part animal part elf. As for your friend, I am puzzled. One of our people can go deliver her a note that you’re safe.” I feel better then and say “Ok, but now I’m starving.” He leads me to big room full of tables and other foresticans and I realize there is no meat. They all eat fruit, vegetables, beans, cheeses, and eggs. I drift into thought during my meal about what the other clans look like.
Onyx and I finish our meals and walk around the huts, Onyx calls over to a beautiful woman and says “Islandi, come meet Celeste, she is going to be sharing a hut with you.” She looks over with a bored expression and walks over from sharpening an arrow. “Greetings Celeste, I’m Islandi and I am one of the clans fighting leaders, I also make the bows and arrows here.” She does an odd hand gesture and walks off. Onyx rolls his eyes and says “She is usually happy and bouncy but we have been having been having some issues with the other clans.” I nod my head. I go through the day meeting others and watching people go through their usual day.
Onyx has accompanied me through the whole day and I ask “What animal do you and I turn into?” He turns to me and says “Well a few of us turn into dragons and as for you; you must change into one before you know. I’m one of the dragons. I turn into a great midnight blue dragon.” I get really excited that he is a dragon and say “Can you show me what you look like?” He chuckles and says “Maybe another time.”
We both notice that the sun is starting to set. I walk to Islandi’s hut and glance at the empty bed and notice an assortment of beautifully woven clothes of greens, silvers and blues sit upon my bed. A study desk sits next to my bed, so I put them up there. I lay down in bed unable to rest. It seems like hours have passed when I hear the door open and Islandi slips in her own bed. I hear her sigh and say “I know you’re awake. I’m sorry for being rude; I’m under high pressure right now. Things aren’t going so well in our clan.” I turn to face her and say “No harm was done, I’m sorry things aren’t going well, I wish I could help but my training starts tomorrow.” She smiles and says “I know, Onyx will be teaching you, he was my mentor too.” I remember about her watching over me and say “Oh, thanks for watching over me all these years, I don’t know what I would have done without you.
You are one of my closest friends, but I don’t get how if you are older than me, then you were a cub when I helped you.” She laughs quietly and says “you are one of my close friends too. I was a cub because when you first change into your animal form, it’s like you are rebirthed, except as an animal this time, I still have my mind but my body is unfamiliar to me. We better get some rest and talk tomorrow.” I smile and say “Ok, goodnight Islandi.”

I wake up to Islandi shaking me and saying “Get up Celeste, your training is today.” She hands me a leather tunic and a black leather leggings and to top it off a pair of leather gloves with the fingertips cut off. A pair of boots that go up to your calf is against the bed. I quickly change and notice I stink. “Do we get baths anywhere?” She looks at me and points outside. I give her a questioning look. She half-laughs and says “Right outside the camp is a waterfall pool, well, here, follow me.” She leads me through the camp and outside a little into the woods there is a beautiful waterfall where it streams into a little pool. I feel the water and it lukewarm. “Why is the water warm?” She gives me a sly smile and says “This is a hot spring but because of the waterfall’s cold water coming in it constantly, it makes it perfectly warm. We’re lucky too because this is the only hot spring in a couple hundred miles.” I give her an amused look and say “But what if the guys come here?” She replies with “So? We are created by the same one so why should we be ashamed or afraid of each other’s bodies?” I shrug my shoulders and say “Well then, what are we waiting for?”
We undress quickly and jump off a high rock. The water feels perfect and I see little sunfish slightly nipping my toes. It makes me giggle for some reason. My happiness is quickly ended when Onyx and a few other males come over and start to undress. I immediately try to cover up under water and my cheeks go a crimson red. I accidentally look and I try not to but I’m just curious. Onyx, Islandi, and Onyx’s friends seem unaffected. Onyx gives me a brief nod and waves. I barely manage a small wave. He starts wading over to talk to me, and my heart starts to beat really fast. He starts talking about past clan meetings and conflicts but I can barely pay attention because of how weird I feel. He starts to laugh and says “ahh I get it, I’m sorry I intruded on your space, this is probably uncomfortable for you.” I nod vigorously. He gives me a smirk and swims off. Islandi wades up to me in the water and says “you know he likes you. You were supposed to be his mate after all.”
“W-What!?” I stammer. She nods and says “Do you like him? I see the way you look at him. You guys would be perfect mates.” I feel my cheeks get hot again and say “What do you mean about we were supposed to be?” She gives me a questioning look and says “We all have mates that are meant to be. It’s not arranged, see, when we are born, a mark appears on us somewhere and whichever of the opposite gender has the same one is your mate. You always end up loving them, no matter if you swear you hate each other. But the only thing about you is that, well, 2 were born of the same mark with you. It was Onyx and a forestican of the tribe of fire clan. His name is Caiy. We don’t know why both were marked. It’s never happened before; we don’t know how this will end because the 3 of you can’t be together. Plus, it’s not even normal for two different clans to be marked the same. It’s never happened either. You sure are something special.” I don’t know what to say so I just nod.
“Wait, tell me about Caiy.” She turns around and smirks “Well Caiy is extremely good looking, but he is known to cause fights wherever he goes and is quite arrogant since he is the Chiefs son. He is a very good fighter and has always wanted to meet you. In two days, the clans are having their moon ceremony where the clan Chief and a couple warriors come along. That might give you time to meet Caiy since you’re coming and he always comes.”
The two days pass in a blur, I have been meeting people and have been training for fighting. We have discovered that I’m useful in hands fighting and bow fighting. I also can throw daggers very well. So tonight is the night for the moon ceremony and I am going to get to meet Caiy.
Onyx, Islandi, I, and a couple other warriors accompany the clan chief who is actually a woman and she is quite young. It feels like hours but we soon arrive at a clearing with a stone in the middle. It is a perfect sphere with a flat bottom. Another clan soon arrives and I guess that it is sky clan with the way they dress. Soon, two clans with the complete opposite clothing arrive and then a ghostly looking clan arrives and I guess that it is spirit clan. The clan chiefs walk forward and bow and they all say in unison “Today we reunite once more on a full moon to honor the peace within each clan and to honor the goddess of earth.” A mark on their forehead starts to glow. They sit in silence for a while and when the moon reached directly over the rock, the rock started to glow around the sides, they made a weird inscription that went like this: ۶۵ۄہېێٶڜٳٯٲ
After the moon passes over and the rock starts glowing, I walk up to Islandi and say “What was that? That writing looked ancient!” She replies with “That rock was made by the first magic user, it wasn’t of any race or any gender. He made it to ensure that all magic was balanced and had limits, that writing you just saw was the true name of magic. Nobody can read it or pronounce it for that matter, but if you said it, you would have control over all magic. You would be the most powerful in all of earth.”
My eyes widen at that thought and I say “Well that’s good to know. Hey, where is Caiy, I would like to meet him?” She looks around for a second and points “He’s right over there, but before you go, just remember he is arrogant, and rude.” I laugh a little and say “I’ll be fine, well see ya.”
The first thing I notice is his dark gold eyes, they seem never ending and it’s like you could spend years trying to figure them out. The next thing was his beautiful silver hair. He notices me staring at him and he smirks. His smile only goes halfway and he seems way to overconfident. “You must be Caiy; I have wanted to meet you.” He nods and then replies “And you are?” He seems bored. “Celeste, my name is Celeste.” His eyes widen and he inhales. Then his eyes soften and he smiles. He hugs me and starts asking a million questions a minute. “Whoa whoa whoa, slow down. Yes, I am the Celeste that got captured, and now I am back in earth clan, and Onyx is also marked too.” He seems angry but also saddened that I also have Onyx. “But you do love me right?” I look up at him with sorrowful eyes and say “I haven’t even got to know either of you yet. I will just have to wait and see until I’m ready to decide.” He looks generally upset but says “Its ok, but please do consider it. I’ve waited all my 118 years to be with you.”
I see movement in the corner of my eye, so I turn to look and it’s Onyx walking away with an angry expression. “I’ll have to catch up with you later Caiy, it was a pleasure talking to you.” He dips his head in return and I go to find Onyx.
I catch up with Onyx and he doesn’t even look up at me. “What’s wrong?” He is still ignoring me. I walk in front of him and repeat to him “what’s wrong?” He stands still for a moment and states “Do you have any feelings for me?”
My happiness is replaced by anger. “Why is everyone so intent on being my mate?! I am sick and tired of everyone being angry and upset because I don’t love them. Can’t you get that I just got here and I already have enough problems?!” Hot tears are rushing down my cheeks and I run to the forest. Onyx just looks down and I see Caiy giving me a sympathetic look. I topple into a girl from water clan, and I scramble off her. “I- I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking.” She just helps me up and smiles. Her eyes are the color of turquoise green. She has the sweetest smile you could ever see. “It is fine, I understand you are Celeste. You probably have guessed that I am from water clan. My name is Turnagwa.” That’s when I notice the gills behind her ears and her tinted green, scaly skin. “Hi, I better get going but thanks for helping me up and not getting mad or anything.” She just waves and walks away leaving a trail of soggy footprints in the grass.
Feeling a little better, I start aimlessly walking around the forest until I come upon a pond with a flat slab of stone perfect for sitting on. I wade through the water and climb onto the rock and just lay there thinking. I fall asleep swiftly.
People were screaming, fire clan, earth clan, and water clan were all fighting against sky clan and spirit clan. Then suddenly a strange painful feeling in my back. A sharp thud echoed throughout my whole body. I fell to the ground on one knee, a single tear running down my cheek, then blackness.
I jolted up and started crying, it all felt so real. I felt my back and felt that nothing was there. I got up and dove through the water and started sprinting towards earth clan. Everything was fine. They were all going about to their normal lives. I saw Islandi and walked toward her. Her eyes widened when she saw me. She hugged me so tight I thought my lungs would burst. “Everyone has been worried for you, and you look like a mess!” I rolled my eyes and smiled at the fact that she was her normal self. “Onyx has been in his room all day, he feels really guilty about what he did.” I nod and say “I’ll go see him.”
I arrive at his hut and walk in. His eyes are closed but I can tell he isn’t sleeping. “Onyx, I’m sorry for yelling. I was just stressed about things.” He sighs and says “Do you really think it’s your fault? It’s mine, I shouldn’t have pressured you.” I walk over to him and kneel toward his bedside. I have to do this to be sure. I slowly placed my lips upon his ever so gently. His eyes open and widen and he looks into my eyes, mentally asking what I’m doing. I just close my eyes and pull away. “Nothing, I felt nothing.” I say disappointed. His eyes drop to the floor. He looks back up at me and he nods. “We better go practice some target shooting.” I smile, knowing he will be okay with whatever decision I make.
I dropped to the floor. Every ounce of me felt like it was on fire. Pain turned my gaze to blackness. I heard a voice in the background. “TAY, ISLANDI, SHE’S TURNING!” Onyx. Whatever this was, it made it feel worse than death. “It will be over soon.” Onyx barely said above a whisper. I heard an inhuman scream. It sounded half beast half human. Was it me?
I awoke in a grassy field, Onyx, Islandi, and Tay, our clan leader were crouching down talking. I tried to lift my head up but it was pounding so I rested it. All three of their heads snapped towards me. Onyx rushed over. “Celeste, you are in your animal form. You are one of the dragons.”
It was my eighth attempt to stand on all fours balanced. My legs slid out from under me and I half-roared half-groaned. He laughed and said “Ok, fine let me try something.” He dropped to all fours and made an inhuman scream. Just like mine. He started shifting easily, probably from experience, and turned himself into a beautiful midnight blue dragon. The only thing that remained the same was his eyes. He stood up slowly. I did the same and it worked. He flapped his wings then gestured with a dip of his head for me to do the same. I tried to flap my wings like I have always had them, and I made a semi-flap and shot a wisp of smoke from my nostrils. I got really excited and accidentally scorched the field with intense heat but no fire. Onyx gave me a look that looked like ‘really?’ I made a weird grunt sound that sounded in a strange way like laughing. A shrinking feeling started to happen and I was back to normal me again but… I was naked. Onyx ran over, took off his vest and handed it to me. He then ran into the forest for a few moments and brought out a leaf the size of a large wolf. He wrapped it around my lower torso and walked me back to earth clan camp. He shot anyone eye daggers if they stared for too long or to closely. He walked me back to my hut and rested his chin on my forehead. He breathed in deeply and said “I wish I could spend every moment like this.” I hugged him tight but let go fast. He ruffled his hair and walked away. I lay in my bed and closed my eyes, tired from all the work from today. Only if I knew that I would be practicing every day. Yes, it went on like this for weeks. Soon I could fly for a short period of time. One time I tripped and ripped my wing, it was spraying blood everywhere, but onyx insisted it wasn’t as bad as I thought.
It was just another night of practice and I was walking to my hut. I heard a strange whimpering sound, so I went down the walkway, out of the camp and looked around. I saw a limping wolf leading the way. I felt so sorry for this creature, what if it has pups, or is a pup, since it looked quite young. I started following it and it stopped and turned around. I saw a black smoke rise around it and a man appeared now, with the same green eyes. “Are you ok?” I cautiously asked. He gave a menacing smile. He was of spirit clan and his intentions were evil, he made that clear. Before I could even grab my dagger, spirit clan men approached me from all sides and grabbed my arms and legs. He approached me now, and I could smell the scent of rotting flesh coming of him. “So beautiful, so young, but such a problem.” He purred. “What are you talking about?” I whimpered. “We saw you in an omen, and it is said you will stop us, see spirit clan was always meant to be the rulers. But we must kill you now so nothing else may get in our way.” I spit in his face and tried to elbow my way free. He cracked me across the jaw. He was still smiling, but a silent fury had replaced his cold green eyes. “Let’s get this over with, shall we.” I heard that voice before. The black hair, the green eyes. It was Prince Luke. “Luke, I didn’t know you were forestican, how can you be in two places at once?” He grabs a curved dagger, and examines it. “I manage my time. But, before you die, there is something you denied me at your birthday, a kiss.” He walked up to me and grabbed my jaw. He forcefully pushed his lips onto mine and let his cold disgusting tongue roam my mouth. He released me and tears flooded my eyes. I was going to die. No one could see what was happening. He put the cold metal against my neck. Seconds passed and he fell behind me. Then all the other men fell dead too. His dagger slipped while he was falling and cut my jawline.
Caiy bounded out of the trees at a freakish speed. He had his bow in his hands and his face burned with anger and sorrow. He picked me up and carried me while I sobbed in his chest. He was silent the whole way and then we arrived at a small pond. He sat against a tree and held me while I cried. He stroked my hair and kept repeating “Shh, it’s over, they’re all gone now, it’s ok, no one will hurt you.” My tears stopped after a while and I sat up. “Is it true? Are they really planning to rule?” I asked. He nodded and said “I don’t know, I heard voices and came over and then saw you, I couldn’t attack right away, I could have blown my cover, but all I care about right now is that you’re ok. He left a light bruise on your jaw and a thin cut on your jaw. Did he hurt you anywhere else?” He wanted to know if I’d been raped. “No Caiy, he only kissed me.” He looked at me then. His eyes burning with passion and love. “I can show you a real kiss if it is ok.” I nod and he very gently holds the side of my jaw that isn’t injured and places his lips on mine. He pulls me in his lap slowly. I put my hands in his hair and move my fingers through it. He starts unbuttoning my shirt and I unbutton his. We get into the pond. Hours after, I lay on his bare chest and he says to me “I love you; I love you more than the sun, the moon and the stars.” I smile with my eyes closed and say “As do I.”
I wake up and Caiy is already in his clothes and he has draped a fur pelt he was carrying, onto me. I grab my clothes and pull them on. He already has a fire going and has cooked a fattened rabbit. He hands a couple slices to me and says “We better get you back to your clan, or else everyone will get into an uproar.” I nod and kick out the fire.
“What have you done to her?!” Onyx roared. We had just arrived a few seconds earlier and Onyx came out in a fury. A small crowd had gathered and was watching. “What are you talking about?” Caiy stated calmly. “She has a bruise and a cut on her jaw. And you mated with her.” He said the last line barely above a whisper. “A group from spirit clan lured her into the forest last night and tried to kill her. They spoke of ruling, that kind of nonsense, there Lukeih had punched her. Then after I killed him and his followers his knife slipped and cut her. And it is none of your business what I do with her alone.” My cheeks heated up with embarrassment that they talked so freely of sex. “It is true Onyx, he saved me from dying.” Onyx glared at me “You and him lie, I bet you two have been sneaking out and mating every night and this time, Islandi stumbled upon you two.” Caiy’s face is bewildered and I am angry. “I would never do such a thing, I don’t know what has gotten into you but I’m leaving until you can make sense.” He releases a cry of anger and leaps for Caiy. Caiy is pinned to the ground while Onyx tries to punch him. Then Onyx got a dagger out and that’s when I intervened. I pull Onyx back but my strength wasn’t enough, I then shoved him. All I remember then was that I was on the ground, and many woman Foresticans were shielding me from Onyx. He had punched me across my cheekbone. Hard. Silent tears were gushing down my cheeks. Onyx tried to come over and apologize but I just ran to Caiy. Onyx looked as if he was about to break into a million pieces. I said very quietly “Onyx, I’m leaving with Caiy, I won’t be back for a while.” Then I looked at Islandi, who was in the crowd the whole time. “Goodbye Islandi, I thought the friendship we had was true. I guess not.” Then, I and Caiy walked away from the pain and betrayal.
We walked into the fire clan camp and it was a lot livelier than earth clan. There was a huge boar being roasted in the middle of the camp, and instead of being surrounded by trees, the ground was hardened dirt. The men and woman were a lot more physically affectionate. They kissed freely and danced around the fire. Few stared at Caiy and I. They were too busy feasting, singing, and dancing. A couple of men with a woman attached to their side came up and started asking where he’s been and how he was. They said they left a lot of food for him. He replied like he was happy and excited but I could see through his eyes that he was upset. When they left, his shoulders slumped and he looked at me exhausted. I gave him a sideways hug and we walked into his hut. He smiled wearily at me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.
I now noticed how tired I was. I yawned and kicked my shoes off. He was chuckling, leaning against the wall. “What is it?” I asked sleepily. “You’re absolutely beautiful when you are tired.” I looked down and sighed. “I don’t feel beautiful though.” He started undressing into a plain white shirt and loose trousers. I give a sheepish grin and say “I don’t have any night clothes.” He gives a sly smile and hands me another shirt of his. I slip off my clothes quickly and feel eyes burning into my back. I swivel my head around and he is giving me a look I have seen before. “Not tonight Caiy, it’s been an emotional day and I’m tired.” He gives me a funny sad face and climbs into his bed. He blows the magic infused lantern out so I close my eyes. I open them again and he is staring at me. His eyes look almost as if there are bright sparks in his golden eyes. My eyes well with tears and I say “Thank you, for being there for me always.”
I wake up to myself being crouched in a ball against his chest. He is still asleep. I slowly lift his arm off me and try to get up. He tightens his arm around me and kisses my cheek. I blush and his eyes open. He smiles and says in an adorably tired voice “I’m ravished and I bet you are too, let’s go outside and get something to eat.” I laugh and he gives me a confused look. “You haven’t got the slightest pinch of fat on you but you eat more than a pack of wolves.” He burst out laughing and says “I burn much of my energy practicing my magic and fighting training dummies.” I suddenly hit a realization. I haven’t practiced magic before. “Caiy, I never got to learn how to practice magic!” His eyes widened and he said “They never taught you? Well I guess I could teach you. But wait, if you were marked with a mate of earth clan and fire clan does that mean you can do both.” We both scrambled out the door like children chasing after a butterfly. We ran up to the training grounds for magic and he started explaining the basics of magic. “You just got to have this feeling of truly wanting to be connected with the earth.”
Nothing was working. I tried meditating alone I tried doing magic with him but nothing. Caiy looked at me and said “Don’t worry, you’ll find it.” I reached my hand out and tried again. I head a bird chirping, so I let my mind wander with it. I felt a tingly flow go up through my body and I looked at my hands. I gasped and people just stared. A beautiful hot, green light illuminated from my hand. Caiy put his hand through it and gasped. “You have created something of a whole other level.” He got out a small throwing dagger a cut his palm. He stuck his hand in again and it sealed closed. “Hold on” he said and ran off. He came back with a sick looking girl. “This is Lanzi, she has been sick for many months. She is my sister of 50 years. Can you heal her?”
“I can try, but there are no guarantees.” I stepped forward and placed my hand on her heart and then her head. Her breathing ceased for a moment but then nothing changed. We waited a couple minutes and still nothing happened. I looked at him with a look of helplessness. “It’s ok; I’m going to go take her back to her bed.” Suddenly, Lanzi’s eyes flew open and she started gasping for air. “Where am I Caiy?” Her eyes started to water and he started to cry. He hugged her tight and said “Father! Lanzi has been healed!” A tall broad shouldered man with greyish black hair ran out of the large hut. He gently took Lanzi from Caiy’s arms and said “My dear, you are better now.” She slowly got to her feet and hugged him. “Who has done this?” Her father’s echoing voice sounded through the whole camp. Caiy said “Celeste has, she is my mate father. She is half earth clan half fire.” He looked at me, strode toward me and hugged me. “Welcome to the family dear.”
I have almost mastered summoning my magic when wanted and have healed a number of people. Many clans have gotten news of me and are calling me ‘life giver’ and ‘healer of earth’. I don’t feel like I have done anything so special. Caiy has been teaching how to use others strengths against them. Me and him were practicing our daily fight and I was almost an equal match. I faked a blow to the left of his jaw but kicked him out from under his feet. He rolled away and was on his feet before I could kick him. He grabbed my arm in midair and twisted it behind my back. I flipped him over and kneed his ribs. He punched my collar bone but I could barely feel it, the adrenaline was rushing through my veins. I kicked him over the head but I realized it was too hard. The edge of my boot hit the side of his head and cut it. It was bleeding like it would never end. I dropped to my knees and summoned the healing fire. I placed my hand against his head and sealed it shut. I started to cry even though I knew he was fine. I cry too much. He made a groan and looked up at me. I had his head resting in my lap. He reached up and stroked my cheek, his hands were so warm. “Oh, my sweet Celeste, always too kind.” I half laughed half cried. He got up and said “I guess were done fighting for today. Let’s go get some dinner.”
We walked over to the huge bonfire and grabbed a bowl of spicy stag meat. He decided to go sit with his friends and I sat by 2 kind looking girls. “Hi, I’m Celeste.” They looked up at me and smiled. “We know, you’re Caiy’s mate, I am Sunita and this is Noita.” I took a bite and my eyes widened. It was delicious but my mouth felt like a thousand bees stung my mouth. I swallowed it painfully and made a disgusted face. Caiy and some of his friends were looking down, their shoulders shaking. I picked up a small rock and threw it at him. It just made him laugh more. Noita rolled her eyes and yelled at one of Caiy’s friends who had dark red hair in spikes to shut up. We all giggled. I scarfed the rest down fast and drank a lot of river water.
Caiy swooped me up and kissed me. I was so tired from using magic; I just hopped in his bed and closed my eyes. “Where are your night clothes, and my goodnight?” I groaned and said “Go to bed Caiy, I’m tired.” He chuckled and said “I’m going to have to put them on for you then.” My eyes flew open and I quickly undressed and threw some night clothes on. Then I gave him a big hug and said “Goodnight Caiy.” He laughed and got under the covers. That night I had a dream. I saw Onyx in his bed; he was sitting up talking to Islandi. ‘I don’t know how to even say how sorry I am, I don’t even deserve to look at her. She is better off there.’ He let out a choked sob and Islandi walked over and hugged him. ‘Don’t say that, she still loves you, she just needs time, she’ll understand, she isn’t that cruel that she would hate you forever.’
I woke up and started to cry, not just cry, but have heart wrenching sobs convulse my chest. I was on the ground sobbing and Caiy ran over. “Celeste, look at me, it’s ok, talk to me. Is someone hurt? My dear, you must talk to me. What happened?” I just shook my head and choked out “You wouldn’t understand.” He looked into my eyes gently and said “Try me.” So I explained my dream and explained how I missed Onyx now and needed to see him. He nodded and said “Do you want to go now or go in the morning.” I hugged him and said “Now please.” He grabbed a fresh pair of clothes and helped me up. We walked through the camp and took off at a brisk run.
It felt like hours to get there but I didn’t care, I had to see Onyx. I saw a single light illuminating from one of the huts, it was Onyx’s. Caiy followed me all the way there but stopped at the door. I saw Onyx sitting on his bed facing away from us. I saw Islandi in front of him, holding his hands and murmuring comforts in his ear. She looked up and gasped. “Onyx, someone has come to see you.” She got up and took a walk with Caiy.
“Onyx, I can’t even begin to say how sorry I am or how much I missed you. Would you ever forgi-“ He had me in a tight embrace and half laughed half sobbed. “Always blaming yourself, I-I hit you, and I tried to kill your mate. I should be on my knees asking for forgiveness. I don’t deserve you.” I started to cry and slowly embraced him. “Everybody has been hit once, and you are also my mate. Nothing is so wrong you could never be forgiven.” He stopped crying after a while and looked me in the eyes. “Will you stay the night?” I laughed and pointed at the sky. It was turning a light purple. Dawn was approaching quickly. Caiy and Islandi came back. “You guys made up?” Islandi asked. We nodded our heads like small children. Islandi started to stare at my stomach. “Caiy, what have you been feeding her; she is getting a bit heavy looking.” He laughed and I shot Islandi a joking glare. She just laughed too. “I’m ravished, anybody else want to go get some food?” Caiy asked. Islandi and Onyx both nodded, but I felt sick. “You guys go, I’ll stay behind.” Onyx gave me a questioning look and said “You sure?” I nodded and Islandi said “I’ll stay with her.” They just shrugged and walked out. As soon as they left, I ran for the outside and puked. Sweat beaded my forehead. Islandi stood there with a white face, impassible. I wiped my mouth and said “What is it?” She grabbed my arm and yanked me inside, she looked around and said “I knew it, you’re carrying a child.”
“W-what? What am I going to do? They can’t know. Onyx will hate me.” It all came together. The slight bump, the over emotional fits, crying a lot, and now sickness. Islandi just shook her head and said “We have to keep you away for a bit, say you got kidnapped or something, let you have your baby, give it to someone safe and then have you come back.” I shook my head and said “I won’t give it up, it’s mine. And, what am I going to do for 8 months because I’m at least a month in?” She shook her head and said “We only stay pregnant for 3 months; we are elves, not humans. After the moon meeting tonight, I’ll get some trustworthy friends to ‘kidnap’ you and keep you away for 2 months.” I just let out a sigh and nodded.
The day passed in a blur and soon we were all walking to go to the moon ceremony. Caiy just decided to accompany us since he was here all day. The clan chiefs made the speech of peace, but suddenly the spirit clan leader, Durzan, stepped forward and said something that made everyone swivel around, except for spirit clan and sky clan people. “Spirit clan and sky clan have done some thinking, and we have decided that we are fit to become rulers of all clans. Anyone who opposes shall become our enemies.” The first to step forward was the fire clan chief, Blaz. “I will not bow down to anyone, what is wrong with the peace now?” He gave a sinister smile and said “Face it Blaz, we have always been the stronger, more superior ones, it is our turn to rule, Sky clan have agreed, they see sense. Anyone else oppose?” The earth clan leader, Tay, and the water clan leader, Talos stepped forward. “We will not join.” Talos stated. “Neither will us.” Tay stated. “Then die, you have sealed your fate!” He laughed a sinister, wicked laugh that sounded like nails on metal. “Spirit clan, we are leaving” Durzan yelled. They disappeared in a flash and sky clan followed after.
Wails and panicked whispers echoed through the clearing. I ran toward Islandi and said “What am I going to do about the baby?” She looked panicked and said “I don’t know, we can’t do the plan now!” Onyx and Caiy rushed up and I knew what I had to do. “Onyx, Caiy, I am pregnant.”
My eyes stung and I looked down. Onyx just nodded and said “No harm was done; well I guess I’m happy for you, but this is a terrible time to be having a child.” He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down. Caiy stepped forward and embraced me. “It’s ok, I’m not going to lie, I’m very happy were having a baby, but again, a terrible time to do so.” I smiled at them both and said “I’ve decided to give up my baby until the war ends. I am going to ask Luna to keep her until then; I am going to need some help though, Islandi, I need you to go find Turnagwa, Sunita, and Noita for me when the time comes. Noita and Sunita will guard me and Islandi and Turnagwa will help me talk to Luna. Does it sound ok?” Islandi, Caiy, and Onyx nod.
Weeks have passed with the three opposing clans trying to build more weapons and armor, better protection, and plans if we win or not. Onyx and Caiy made me a hideout underground, in case they attack while I’m still pregnant. My belly is growing at a very remarkable rate and I have had to stay inside a lot. I am not that big of a help around anywhere, because I could stress the baby if I overwork myself. Caiy and Onyx are treating me like a delicate piece of glass, like at any moment, I could break. I am already on my last month. The baby should arrive in a couple weeks and I’m feeling more tired every day.
It was just another day of preparing and out of the sky, we heard a horn. Onyx looked at me very alarmed, and ran towards me. “Islandi, go get Caiy!” He shouted. She ran at a break-neck pace towards fire clan’s camp. “What’s going on?” I asked. “They’re attacking. Sky clan has come in first, they will try to suffocate us, possibly flood us if fire clan comes in for reinforcements. Hurry now.” He started half-carrying, half-guiding me through the underbrush where my little hideout was. He brushed aside the woven leaf cover and carried me in. There was a cushioned leaf bed woven together and he sat me down on it. Caiy jumped in and hugged me gently. He left a small bundle of star berries, a bundle of cheese and bread and dried meat, and a water skin that looked like it would burst. The berries are helping keep the baby healthy, they are good for pregnancies. I walked up and hugged them both, saying my silent goodbyes if one were to die.
“In 2 days, one of you must come back and tell me you guys are ok, if you don’t, I will know you have died. Do you understand?” I wanted to cry, cry my heart out that they were leaving, could maybe die, and I was pregnant in the middle of a war, but I held strong so they wouldn’t worry. They both nodded and climbed out quickly. Caiy popped his head in once more and said “I almost forgot but Turnagwa is going to be here too, so you can deliver your baby soon.” I gave him a sad smile and nodded quickly, and just like that Turnagwa appeared in the small hideout and hugged me. She put a sack down of fish, probably for her, and scanned the room. “I can’t imagine what you are going through, I came here to help as soon as possible, and I know about the plan.” Relief flooded my face and I sighed. “I don’t know what to do, I am going to drown in worry, I swear it.” She gave me a look of sympathy and said “I would let you go fight but, I can’t let you go hurt the child.” She said it almost as a warning, as if I tried to leave, she would stop me. “I’m going to go get some fresh air.” I got off the bed and made my way towards the entrance, but as I’d expected, she blocked me. “I can’t let you do that. Special orders from Caiy and Onyx.” She gave me a look of sympathy. I tried to shove my way past her and suddenly felt a smooth coil around my arms and legs. It was water. She was using magic to stop me. I gave up and decided to take a nap.
It was the second day and nobody had come. Noon was just approaching and I was getting worried. Not good for the baby. I cut a slab of cheese and nibbled on it, trying to take my mind off something else. Minutes turned into hours and dusk was approaching. I was at the point of ripping my hair out and even Turnagwa looked a little timid. Just as dark was approaching, we heard a rustling noise and in came a dirty, roughed up Caiy. He had a few bruises and a long cut on his forehead. I didn’t care; I ran up to him and hugged him as hard as I could. Then I put my hand to his cut and sealed it. “It’s ok, Onyx and I are fine. Were on the losing side, but it is costing them great numbers.” I hugged him again and pecked his cheek. “I don’t care, as long as you and Onyx are safe.” He looked at Turnagwa and said “Has she been well?” She nodded and said “She tried to escape at first, but then she was fine.” He just shook his head smiling and climbed out. I called after him “Remember, 2 days.”

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