Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1610353-Unlikely-Heros-or-Chanced-Mishaps
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Action/Adventure · #1610353
For soupdog and I.
Finally got around to making this :] I think we've both got the basic rules covered. May as well make up the basic storyline, but (obviously) we'll make up most of it as we go.

Storyline: The ol' 'I'm evil, I'm going to take over the world cause I can' plot is devised by Seth, a very ancient, powerful, and cunning enemy to the free peoples of the world. No one knows of this plot yet, other than his many supporters who are drawing faster towards this new power.

The King has discovered the plot, but doesn't think it serious enough, and his mind is shortly going to be taken over by one of Seth's magicians (this part he doens't know), to rule unjustly. Two 'hero's' must rise to the challenge of saving the world, but when their hate for each other is apparent, will they be able to overcome this and save anyone?


Name: Faolan

Personality: Quick to anger, incerdibly stubborn and always convinced that he is right. Despite this he has a strong loyalty to people who he likes, although that list of people is few.

Description: Fairly tall, strong, and tanned. Shaggy black hair and yellow eyes. Wears whatever he fines, usually just a loose shirt and pants.

Power: Turns into that big, fire, kind of wolf thing that I described in the other campfire, and his senses are subsequently heightened. His three brothers do the same, except with different elements. No one knows why they do or what specifiically they are.

Other: Parents were killed quite early in his life, he and his brothers split up and he was left to fend for himself. Revenge is on his heart to kill the people who killed his parents, and he scarcely does anything but track them.

Dune whistled softly.

He was standing in the outskirts of a small town in the middle of the freaking nowhere part of the world.

A thick fog covered nearly everything, and he could barely make out the large wooden wall that served as the towns defense.

Not like that could actually protect them from the things that lurked in the dark...

No matter. He thought. As long as it makes them feel better I guess.

He liked humans. Very much in fact.

He looked like them, and thought like them, and liked to do the things that they liked to do.

With the exception of hunting vampires, of course.

Because the would just be wrong.

He wasn't sure why they felt the need to bring about the destruction of others. But that was just their way, he supposed.

They were afraid of what they did not understand.

A trait he unfortunately also shared with mankind.

He was waiting for his "weekly offering".

The townsfolk would send someone out for him to feed on.

Just drain them a little bit...

In return he would protect them.

They hated him, but they found it to be the lesser of evils as such.

He simply made someone feel a little weak and tired for a few days.

Rather then what the creatures lurking in the woods would do to them.

Also, he felt he helped them in more then one way.

He could target certain emotions to draw from people. He could take the hate, or the hurt away from someone.

Not like it got him their respect or anything...

A whimper made him look up and stop his pacing.

A young boy about 12 was standing a little near the gate. He was pale and looked like he might faint at any moment.

"Its alright. Come here." Dune said soothingly, motioning him forward with his own pale hand.

It was always the young ones, rather than the old. Their emotions were stronger, sure. But they were innocent too.

The boy took a painful step closer, and then another.

Finally he was standing in front of him.

"Do you know what I'm going to do?" He asked.

The boy swallowed. "Steal my soul."

"What?" Dune laughed. "Not even close. I'm simply going to relieve you of some... impurities."

The boy seemed to be trying to decide wether or not this should make him more or less frightened.

"This won't hurt." He said, kneeling to be the boys height. "Don't be afraid."

He used his hand to bring the boys head to his, so that they were touching.

Then he let the energy flow.

It felt so amazingly good.

He could almost see the colors in the different emotions that entered into him.

It was so much nicer to take the good emotions, but he felt it wasn't right to steal them. So he took bad emotions, relieved people of it, and took only a little of the good, so he wouldn't go insane.

This boys mother had whipped him recently, for stealing some sugar from the pantry. He'd gotten very good marks in school this month. His father was going to take him fishing next week...

He let the flow stop, and then slowly released the boy.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Dune asked.

The boy looked confused. He rubbed his eyes. "I'm tired."

Dune smiled. "You should get some sleep."

Faolan growled long and low under his breath. A vampire, actually being kind to a little boy, sending him away and causing himself obvious pain? It was unnatural. Whatever the townspeople were playing at, it wouldn't last. Vampire's couldn't deny who they were, what they are.

He moved through the dense underbrush, his large, canine body setting fire to anything it touched, but as soon as he stopped touching a branch, or a leaf, or a flower, it returned to it's normal state. This way that his body acted made sneaking near impossible, so he knew he'd have to confront this vampire if he was going to be 'allowed' into the town.

He'd heard that this village had a vampire protector, but hadn't dreamed that it was true. He'd heard that this vampire was smart, and hadn't let anything unnatural through his defence, but that was soon to be changed.

As Faolan stalked closer to the night dweller, the ground crackling beneath his feet, he morphed. Talking was, obviously, impossible in his wolf-form. The vampire turned, eyes narrowed. Obviously, it had been aware of Faolan's presense from the moment he'd stepped within his 'territory'.

"And who are you, coming to this town? What is your purpose?" Asked the vampire, civily, but with a cautious streak to his tone.

"I'm going through the village. Picking up one of my...friends, shall we say. My business with him is my own."

"You do realise that I won't let you pass, no matter what the reason. The pay for my service with blood, as you have just seen. You will not harm any member of the village."

"Well then, it seems we are in a predicament, as you will not stop me from interrogating this man. It is vital for me to gain information, to come just one step closer to achieving my goal."

At this moment, gunfire and a shout came from within the village. Both Faolan and Dune turned to the noise, glanced at each other, then set off toward the sound.
(sorry this took so long!)

"What is the meaning of this?" Dune cried as he landed in the dirt near a fallen man. Everyone was already around them in a circle but they moved farther back when the vampire emerged.

The man standing shook his head. "Take him, not me! He's the one who knows what you want!" He yelled, looking from the man to Faolan. He seemed absolutely terrified.

Faolan moved forward, fire in his eyes but Dune put a hand out to stop him.

"I cannot allow you harm him."

"You do not know what he has done!" Foalan cried, enraged. "And you will not stop me."
The tension around the village square had grown to a climax, and Faolan didn't know if he could stand it any longer. Half of his brain was willing him to change, to rip this vampire limb from limb, but the other half was, quite confusingly, telling him that if he tried, it would certainly spell out death for him.

Taking and immense amount of self-control, Faolan breathed in slowly, trying to calm down. Slowly, the urge to change simmered down to a low throb.

"I think we've gotten off to a bad start, vampire, we need to talk. Now why don't we take this man" he pointed at the villager, "outside of the village, and have a nice, private talk?" He talked thorugh gritted teeth, a vein in his neck throbbing with the effort to remain calm.

Dune narrowed his eyes. "No. We leave the man here, bound, but still in the village. I want to make sure you won't just do a runner." Faolan growled under his breath, but started off towards the exit of the village, making sure the man was properly tied up. Dune followed.

(Hey, sorry about the wait! I've just been busy... but I'm not exactly sure what you want going on so... you go and I'll follow *Bigsmile* Sorry again!)
(Ah wow, didn't realise it was my turn. Hmm...I'm not really sure what's going on either lol. I think I was just doing my best to pass it on so you could figure it out xD Anyways, I'll stop being lazy now and think of something. By the way, I'm back on WDC more frequently cause I have more time, some hopefully campfires we're both in will run more smoothly :D )


"So. We both have something each other wants. Correct?" Dune asked.

"Well, we both know that this villager knows something of the death of my parents, but what do you want from me?" Faolan narrowed his eyes.

"A deal. Thing is, it's been harder and harder to protect the borders of this village, even for me. Evil keeps turning up, and while I can maintain it for the moment, and have been for some time, I need help. So. I propose a deal. I help you track down whoever killed your parents, and you help me with protecting the borders when we get back."

He didn't like to admit it, but this vampire, Dune, seemed sincere. Almost trustworthy. He had nothing to lose, and it gave him a purpose to his life after his parents were avenged. Still, cooperating with Dune would be tiring.

"Who will protect the borders while you're gone, though?"

A smile twitched at Dune's lips. "The villagers can handle themselves for a short while, although I will feel nervous for their lives. But I'm willing to help if it means less harm in the long run."

Faolan nodded. He turned to the villager, Derek he had found out. "And where, Derek, do you propose we look next?"

With both vampire and wolf gazing sternly at him, Derek caved. "A witch, known to me as Rotten Wood lives up near the Razmouth mines. Twas her grand-daughter who helped with the killing, I only overheard her talking about it once, that's how I know. But that's all I know, I swear!"

Faolan turned to Dune, and felt a new spark of excitement. He could not explain it, but for some reason this vampire made him feel closer to the killers than he had felt in years.

(So that's about all I could come up with. Maybe what could happen is we journey, find killers, then return to find something bigger we have to defend against at the village? Just an idea, your input will be better than that, I'm sure ha)

Rotten Wood.

The name sent a chill down Dune's spine.

He knew her.

"So? We still have a deal?" Faolan was watching him.

Dune swallowed, and he felt that the fire dog could sense his hesitation.

Dune straightened himself. "Yes. Now release him."

Faolan dropped Derek who scurried off in a hurry.

"Your leaving?" A villager asked.

"I knew we couldn't trust his kind." Another villager spat.

"I'll be back." Dune said.

"Is that a threat or a promise?" The same villager asked.

Dune narrowed his eyes at him. "A promise."

"Maybe, maybe we don't want you anymore." The man said.

"You need me." Dune said, trying to calm him. "I can protect you."

"Your a monster! Demon spawn!" The man pulled out a knife. "Maybe we should just solve this here and now."

Faolan let loose a growl from his throat but Dune held him back. The fire dog was watching him, seeming to think that he was right about the vampire afterall and was just waiting for Dune to rip this poor villagers throat out.

Dune locked eyes with the man. "You don't want to do this."

The man grimaced. "Methinks I do."

He lunged at Dune who moved easily out of the way, twisting his arm painfully in the process, prompting him to drop his weapon.

Dune moved his hand to the mans throat and met eyes with him again.

Living colors. Red and black. Anger and hate. These things he absorbed into himself, leaving the man tired and no longer angry.

He released the man and he fell back.

Everyone, including Faolan, was just staring at him.

"Lets go."

The crowd parted as the two turned towards the villages' gate. There were murmurings among the people, words such as 'free at last' and 'doomed' among the most popular chosen. Faolan didn't care though. He was back on the trail, and had even managed to secure some help along the way. According to Dune, the witchs' residence was a short distance away, about five miles or so, and the sun was beginning to descend, so Faolan wanted to make some headway before the night crept over.

An uncomfortable silence settled between the two unlikely travellers. Faolan felt strange travelling with Dune, it was against his nature to want companionship, much less from a vampire. But even he could not deny that this vampire was entirely eloquent, treating people with far more respect than they treated him. Perhaps.. perhaps he might be wrong about true evil in this world? No, preposterous. Wasn't it? He stored this thought away for later, he didn't have time to think about it now. Besides, he had always prefered actions over thought. Barbaric, but it worked. Sometimes.

"We'll be moving through some heavy farmland soon, so is there any way you can turn the heat down?" Dune asked Faolan, with an amused glint in his eye. Looking back, Faolan saw every footprint he had left, charred into the earth by his carelessness. He had never really thought about the damage he did to others. Up until now it hadn't mattered to him. He nodded, and morphed into his human form, a painless process that happened in the blink of an eye.

Dune looked him up and down. "Well that's different. So..what exactly are you? Don't think I've heard of a fiery wolf-man before. Not some derranged werewolf are you?"

"Of course not. Werewolves are just furry men with attitude."

"And you're not?"

"Shut it. Anyway, no one really knows what I am, or how I came to be like this. My brothers, wherever they are, have this ability too, just with different elements. Now, are we done with the interrogation?"

Dune looked away politely. "Interesting."

"So what about this.. Rotten Wood character? What kind of a name is that anyway?" Faloan looked over at Dune, who was deep in thought.

"Rotten Wood isn't her name, it's rather to signal to her coven the nature of her powers. Rotten, referring to the dark magic, and Wood, referring to the natural world. So all in all we can deduce that she is a witch that has power over plants, and doesn't use them for the good of others."

"How do you know all this?" Faolan marvelled at Dune's knowledge. At least he wasn't short on answers, as he usually was. Tracking a killer with no leads as to their whereabouts wasn't the most fun ever.

"I am a vampire you know, long life. I haven't sat under a rock that whole time."

"Understandable. Well, do you know anything else about her? And how come you say that she doesn't use her power for good? I thought all witches were evil."

(Again, I know I've left this in a tricky spot for you to take off from, but I was thinking you could introduce some of the backstory of how Dune knows of 'Rotten Wood' and what not. Up to you though :) )

"Saying all witches are evil is equatable to all vampires are evil." Dune said, a small smile turning the corner of his mouth at his companions bashfulness at the statement.

"Or that anything that appears destructive..." He nodded at Faolan. "Really is."

Faolan just turned his head and grunted. Obviously, he wasn't big on words.

"Okay... but how did you end up-" he seemed to be having trouble spitting it out. "-protecting, that village?"

Dune fixed his eyes on the horizon. "I was born there."

"Who turned you?"

"No one." Dune smiled at him.

"Your saying you were born this way?"

"I'm afraid so."

Faolan scratched the back of his head, thinking. "Is that even possible?"

Dune laughed. "You tell me."

They walked in silence for a moment.

"What have you heard about this witch then?"

"Heard? I've seen it." Dune's countenance darkened.

"Oh?" Faolan eyed him expectantly. He wasn't going to let it go.

Dune sighed. "A while back, there was a plague in the village. It affected both people and animals, and a lot of people died. The crops were diseased and inedible."

He kicked a pebble out of his way absentmindedly.

"I confronted her about it."

"And?" Faolan asked.

"She tried to use a tree to stake me."

Faolan's face twisted, and eventually he burst out laughing.

"Shut up!" Dune said, grinning against his will. "What do you have against here?"

© Copyright 2009 Wiskers, `lemur`, (known as GROUP).
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1610353-Unlikely-Heros-or-Chanced-Mishaps