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by Lexii
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Thriller/Suspense · #1506279
My story I'm working on, part one.
a is for absolute horror.

“So, when you divide a fraction you always…” My mind started to wonder back to Nature’s Classroom. I am so excited! Next Monday I’ll be on my way. But It’s only Tuesday! It’s really hard to concentrate on stupid ‘fractions’ when I can be planning what I’m going to do at Nature’s Classroom?
My long, brown hair fell in front of my face. It’s already to my hips! I need to get it cut, badly. Kayla has hair like mine, but it’s blond. We both have super shinny and silky hair.
My eyes are so plain though. Not champagne-bottle-green. Just green. They’re not flirty. Just there under my forehead and never sparkling. So plain.
These boys fall head over heels because over pretty much nothing, the blondes are the only ones with a positive reflection in the mirror. Boys fall for any hottie who pass them. I play volleyball and basketball. Well, at least I’m good at those two things.
‘The Popular Girls’ or the skinniest, prettiest, head-turning blondes (and Danielle) invite me to their table. I’m not a prep! No, no, no, and never.
Well there is one guy who makes me feel pretty even when I’m not wearing makeup.
Chris has like (or uh, loved?) me the longest and deepest. His favorite thing to do to me is say some random saying from a song. I always come up with a comeback though. Like yesterday he said, “Lolli Lolli Let Me See You Pop That Body.” I told him, ‘Not My Goodies!’
He has had a crush on me for 3 years now. He is pretty hot. He has been number one dream-boat in the school news for -what- like seven times now. We’ve even once been The S-H-Us. S-H-Us are the ‘Should Hook Ups’. Yah, the school magazine get THAT personal.
He has given me gifts, notes, and his heart. I guess I kind of like him back. I‘m just not ready to trust again. Especially after -ugh- ‘the incident’.
When I was young, I was the quiet one. No one made fun of me because I was always reading something, my nose was always glued to a book. I liked to day-dream of the most hottest, funniest, and dreamiest (Can you believe I thought a guy was ’dreamy’? UGH Prep much?) guy in the whole school would dance with me at the dances, but I knew it would never happen.
Well one day his friends found my dairy (Ewe!) and they told him. So, next dance, he asked to dance with me. At the end of the song he dipped me, right into the punch bowl! My hair was sticky and wet, but not as bad as my heart.
I was made fun of after that for like a month.
That was about six years ago. It wasn’t him, and I know I shouldn’t blame Chris, but oh well. Teasing and flirting is way to fun!
“May,” Mr. Jacobs interrupted my cloud of thought. “Can I ask what is going through your mind? Yes, go on, share what you’re thinking about,” I hate that about him. He always pretended he was all that.
“Ummmm, well, I-”
“Gosh, I cant even hear you, never mind her! She probably cant hear you,” Chris said, saving me from a trip to the office.
Mr. Jacobs glared at me. “Is this true?”
“Uh, yeah, sure,” I said.
Chris smiled his evil grin. I hate that toothy, no-good smirk. It means he is up to something, and by the size of this smile, I got a bad feeling.
“There isn’t really anywhere else for her to sit. Except, of course,” I eyed him a don’t-say-it look, but he paid no attention. “next to me,” he finished.
Mr. Jacobs dropped his book on his desk and quickly glanced around the classroom. “Just go! Sit next to him! I don’t care!” I could tell he was getting mad.
“But he’ll distract me,” I said trying to stay at my seat.
“GO!” he yelled.
I picked up my books and walked to the other seat. I sat down and out my books on top of the brown, written on desk.
He smirked. “’Sup?” he whispered.
I wrote him a note: ‘I want to learn, thank you very much. I have an A average and I don’t want to talk to you.’ I know it sounded snobby, but I was annoyed with him. He read the note and started writing on the back. He handed it to me. His handwriting is so messy compared to mine. and it read: ‘Awwww don’t be mad at me. Besides, you gotta get used to me. Soon we’ll be sleeping in the same bed.’
“Yeah, A BUNK BED!!! I get top!” I whispered. He rolled his eyes, took the note, scribbled something, and gave it back. There was one difference: SLEEPING TOGETHER!
* * *
When the bell rang, I went to my locker to get my stuff. I put all my stuff in my backpack and closed it to reveal Chris was behind it in that flirty way.
“Hey baby, you coming to the dance Friday?”
I rolled my eyes. “Maybe.”
“I wanna see you move your body like a cyclone.”
We both burst out laughing. I am an okay dancer, but never against a guy, and he knows that. “What if I do come?” I asked after our episode.
“I want you to go to the dance with me,”
I flipped my hair. “I don’t dance with guys, only my girls.”
“Why do you love to tease me so?” He asked with a smirk.
“This Is Why I’m Hot,” I said as I walked away.
I walked to my house with my head filled of Nature’s Classroom. We were supposed to go in fifth grade but a huge fire…
I remember the flames and the heat. Every child screamed except for Chris and me. We held each others hand and tightened each time a flame jumped out. The teacher abandoned us for her own life (Can you say fired?) Haley (my best friend) caught on fire and melted to death and everyone else was stranded against the wall. Then, Chris suddenly jumped out the window (Did I tell you we were on the fourth floor?). We watched him fall, into a firefighter’s trampoline! I was last. My shirt caught on fire as a jumped. Once I landed, the firefighters put out the small shirt fire and asked me if I was the last one. All I said was Haley. That’s all I could say. My best friend melted in front of my face. I was in shock.
I shuddered and realized I was at my door. I opened it to see my mom sitting at the table with my credit card bill. She looked up and said, “Why can’t you be a normal teen and spend over your budget?” She chuckled. I laughed and started on my homework. “How was your day?”
“I couldn’t concentrate!” I said.
Ok 32 x^3 equals… 32768!
Pi is… 3.14.
7 sin is… oh my god.
“Mom. I need a calculator.”
She looked surprised as she handed me the calculator.
“Cheating? You never do that!” She laughed.
“Do you know what 7 sin is? Exactly.”
I punched in the problem.
I wrote down my answer and my mom suddenly laughed. “What was Chris’s song quote today?” I chuckled and repeated what happened in the hallway. She almost spit her coffee out laughing.
12 Exp is oh, that’s easy! 12.e+0!
Later that night, my dad came home. “Is your mother home?”
I made a disgusted face. “My mother? YOUR WIFE!” I screamed as I stomped upstairs to my room. I went under my pillow and pulled out my parent’s wedding video. My dad threw it away long ago. When I found it in the trash, I instantly hated him. My mother is a good person. She loves me enough to deal with dad, dad doesn’t care the least bit.
I popped the tape in and realized I forgot to rewind it last time I watched it. When I was about it hit the rewind button, another movie recorded on the tape went on.
An old man (probably a priest) was holding a baby. The man hollered, “This baby, formally known as Kelli, is turned to May!”
Then the tape stopped.
I turned around to see my father with the remote.
“I-I threw that tape away,” He stuttered.
“Get out of my room,” I said coldly.
“What did you see?” He demanded.
“None of your business. GET OUT OF MY ROOM!” I screamed.
He went for the player but I grabbed the tape before him.
I cursed at him and completely lost it.
He had tears in his eyes as he ran down the stairs, out of my room.
I gripped the video tight to my chest, and held on strong. Last time I cried was in fourth grade. I plan to keep it that way. I looked out my window to see if Caitlyn was sitting on her roof. Yes! She was!
Caitlyn and I are best friends. We built a bridge across our roofs so we can slip into each others room or just to sit on the roof and chat.
I slipped out of my window and sat on her roof.
“How much did you see?”
“All of it. I cant believe your dad takes it. My dad would flip!” “My dad knows not to go in my room. He knows how much I hate him,” I scowled. “I cant wait till I’m old enough to get a restraining order!”
“Can you do that?”
“Get a restraining order against your own family? I’d LOVE one against my brother!” She smirked.
“I don’t know,” I replied, thinking about the law books I read earlier.
“Hey you’re the one who wants to be a lawyer!” She exclaimed. “You should know this stuff!”
I smiled, “Just because I am super smart doesn’t mean-”
“Yeah? Whatever,” She laughed.
“You going to the dance?”
“Yeah,” She answered.
“You wanna go with me again?”
She scoffed playfully. “Again?” She asked, stretching the ai.
“Well,” I stared at Chris’s house which happens to be across of Caitlyn’s house. “there’s always Chris,” I finished, lost in my gaze.
She looked where I gazed and laughed. “You soooo like him!”
I smiled and broke my gaze. “So?”
She playfully slapped my leg.
“Why wont you go out with him?”
I smirked as I saw him look out the window and see us.
“Because teasing him is fun.”
He smirked back and closed the curtains.
“You’re such the babe,” She said, rolling her eyes.
“You’re such the ALEX!” I burned right back.
She hates it when people call her Alex. Alex is Caitlyn’s perfect sister. She makes glasses look good! That’s hard!
She rolled her eyes and we both noticed Chris come out of his house. He had his boxers a bit higher than his jeans and no shirt, showing his skater-boy six-pack, making him look super sexy.
“Can I come up and join you ladies?” He called.
“Do you have smoothies?” Caitlyn called back.
“Well then go get some and when you come back, you may go thru my house to get to the roof,” I replied.
He grumbled but went back in his house.
“He’s hot!” I exclaimed once the door closed.
Caitlyn raised her hand over my head and tapped it. “I know pronounce you Chris’s girlfriend.” She declared. I shot her a look.
“No I-”
“Babe-Service!” Chris chimed as he walked along the bride, holding a banana smoothie and a cherry one. He knows cherry’s my favorite. He gave Caitlyn the banana one and sat down.
“Um, hello? Cherry? Favorite! Gimmie!” I reached for it but he pulled it back.
“Nope! Awe, cherry’s your favorite, May?” He said in a baby voice. “Looks like we’ll have to sha-”
Before he could finish I made a spit noise to the cup. He looked at it and bought it!
“Here you go,” He said handing it over as Caitlyn burst out laughing.
“You believe her every time, don’t you?!” She said still laughing out of control like. He reached for it but I snatched it in time.
“Mine!” I snarled. He glared at me. I smiled and returned to my slushy.
“So… watcha been talkin’ bout?” He asked suddenly.
“Eh, stuff.” Caitlyn said.
“Looks like Caitlyn wont go to the dance with me,” I said, shifting my straw.
“Whatever would she do?” Caitlyn said, queuing Chris. “So you’ll go with me?” asked Chris, high-hoped.
“Well...” I started. Caitlyn gave me a stop-teasing-him look. “Sure.” I said.
He tried to act all cool as he said, “Awesome,” but there was way too much excitement not only in his eyes but the tone of his word.

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