Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1195691-Demon-Slayers
by Xavior
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Drama · #1195691
Dark Angel Raelin and his team of supernaturals protect mortals from Demonic influence!
Hello and Welcome to the Demon Slayers! Everyday, human souls are fought for by the vigilant, holy, Dark Angels of God, and the evil, malicious, Dark Angels of Satan. Many races have since joined this crusade, allying to fight the common evil. Not every race has mankind's best interests though, as many ally themselves with the demons, hoping to gain power from their demonic influence.

After gaining more help from the races, Raelin bought a building in the middle of the city and opened up a small PI agency, and with the help of some friends in the higher ups on the police force, acquired a special license to enforce law and enact punishment. Raelin and his team are a unique, if not mismatched, bunch of heroes, but their hearts all want the same thing. Justice for the mortals, and eternal damnation for the demons that lead them astray.

If you wish to join, email me your characters bio. You will have as much time as you need, within reason, (I'd say a week is normal, more if you ask) to post your addition. Multiple characters are allowed. After reviewing it, and deeming it an acceptable summary of your character (please stick to races already in mythological legends) I will post it here along with everyone else's bios:

 "Demon Slayers" Bio  (13+)
This is a list of all the bio of the characters of my campfire "Demon Slayers"
#1196313 by Xavior

Include this information in your email:

(and any falsehoods or myths about your race you with to correct)

Happy Reading!
A full moon waned brightly in a deepening, star studded sky. The night dripped with stark intensity, and the wind carried the scent of flowing crimson life. The coppered smells of blood, etched with moist earth and spiced grass followed a fleeting form who slipped like a wraith through the shadows. Whomever it may be, they were welcomed quite so by that ominous darkness cast by the gothic buildings of old the city still adhered to dwell in. Iron wrought gates proved no match for those who knew not the boundaries of earth’s pulls. A graceful, feline like leap brought a black coated, slender figure, vaulting over the tapered points, and onto a drive of stone and cobble. Cloaked in animosity, they tread soundless towards two great doors to the towering, stained glassed façade of a holy cathedral. It was said that the priests had left quite the relic inside. Upon over coming the walk, and reaching those doors, it was certain the person held great confidence as they easily pushed gently upon one door, and allowed themselves entrance.

The anteroom was dimly lit by soft lights. The walkway that led between the pews with their tall backs was dark. This stopped them not. Emerald eyes pierced like cut throat daggers through the lingering darkness, as they made their way to the stairs that led up to the embellished pulpit. The figured hissed not at the sight of cross of saintly figure. Took no head to the holy presence that engulfed the vast, wooden beamed room. They only cared for one thing, and one thing only. To quench an everlasting thirst, if it was possible, once and for all…

The call came at three o'clock in the damn morning. Raelin could still remember the holy message as it played in his sleep. Something about a demonic being trodding upon holy ground, searching for something that hadn't been there in, god only knows how long. Literally. He had awoken, in heaven, as Michael laid out his Earthy mission.

"You are to befriend a vampire." Raelin could hardly believe those words came out of his superiors mouth. He simply stared at Michael with fiery blue eyes, unsure if he had even heard them at all.

"A vamp? Are you certain? Vampire? The embodied evil, satan's unholy children of the night?"

"I trust you will take the mission"

"Do I even have a choice?"

Minutes later, Raelin sat cloaked in his darkness in a gothic style catholic church, staring at the giant crucifix, when the vampire enterd the front door. Front door? Damn, he thought, a bit confident are we? But I guess if Michael chose you...

As the vamp crossed the stone floor, completly oblivious to something that can't be detected by mortal senses, it, or she rather, Raelin was certain of that, touched the holy crucifix in neither awe nor fear. Special one huh, thanks Mike... He spoke up, nearly scaring the poor creature to uh...death, as if it was used to being the one sneaking up on someone, not the other way around. "Hey, uh, whatever it is your looking for, I'v been told that it isn't here." As the creature whirled at the sound, Raelin sat very plainly on a pew seven rows back, as if he had been waiting for her the whole time, which in fact, he was.

She stiffened at the sound of a voice. Her head whipped about as she searched for the source of the sound. Clearly, it belonged to someone, but whomever it was, not even her eyes could find them. But, what they said made her scowl.

“How would you know what I’m looking for?” she asked the darkness, her enticing, rich voice somewhat echoing off the walls. When at last she finally saw him, he was sitting casually upon a pew, as if waiting for service to begin, or, she thought later, waiting for her.

His aura, it confused her. It seemed an odd one, and she frowned within her thoughts. Still finding herself confident, she pulled for her head the hood of her coat, revealing raven tresses like cascading silk. Her appearance was more than lovely, for she had a regal demeanor about her person. Milky skin was flawless in the dim light, tapered fangs slightly catching. Finely arched brows cocked when she looked the man over. What was his purpose. Who sent him to tell her that what she sought was not present? Oh, how the questions ran fleet in her head. The lingering smell of blood that seemingly soaked her boots and stained her black, skin tight clothing gave her a slightly lightheaded feeling, with the stuffiness of the cathedral. She blinked on a staccato for a fleeting moment, and it seemed she slightly wavered. Although she reeked of blood, it had been many days since it graced her throat. She knew it was starting. That bone chilling cold was coming. Cold that breeched her perpetually icy skin. She could feel it in her lips, they would soon turn a lovely shade of cobalt blue, and her glowing, emerald orbs began to lose their vigor, in that they seemed to become dull. Damn… Not now… Why always when something like this happens? she though, berating herself while her thoughts became fogged and her eyelids heavy.

The almost ethereal creature intrigued Raelin. He had never seen a Vampire so beautiful, and his mind flashed images of past vampires who lived up the evil reputation they so favoringly employed. She was so very different and yet, still the same hunger behind the eyes. To him, she was neither mortal, nor immortal, rather seemed stuck in between. Vampires live for as long as they can feed their hunger, he remembered, then shuddered at the thought of spending any more than a lifetime on this god forsaken planet. He continued, breaking the awkward silence, his smooth voice not echoing off the cascading Gothic architecture.

"So, what now, you need lifeblood, and the answer isn't here." He smiled, "Or is it? Choose to believe me or not, it's your demise." And before the vampire said anything he broke in "Ok your very persuasive, I just want to let you know that I am the answer, so indeed your mission was successful, though not in a way you suspected." His smile broadened at her confusion. Oh how he loved to riddle with mortals, but he knew he was loosing her. "Sit, I will fill you in, besides, you look a little... pale," at this Raelin threw his head back in a roaring laugh, which still eerily didn't echo off the stone walls. He motioned to a pew, but when she didn't take the offer, he shrugged and continued.

"Bet you're wondering why I don't smell, bloody, though I can't say the same for you." Her apparel was drenched in the coagulated blood, he was certain wasn't hers. He whispered a silent prayer for the victims and continued, "I was sent here by the almighty Father, you know, big guy upstairs? The one who damns your very existence?" he waited for a reaction, and when there was none, he spoke again,"Somehow you're special, different from the others like you. You haven't really been an evil one have you, and you've always had a tugging feeling to help mortals. What is I told you there was a way to rectify yourself, become redeemed in the Father's eyes?"

Was it fear that resonated throughout her cold, lifeless body? Words cut like a hot knife through butter. Every syllable spoken brought more and more demise to her mind. Inside she was going mad, although, she remained a calm façade. He knew she was weak. She knew he could see it… feel it… Now tangible, able to be stricken the final blow.

Her slender hand found the back of a near by pew, and pearly claws pierced the leather that cushioned them. Each pop caused her to flinch. It reminded her so much… so much of that awful action she had to make to stay ‘alive’. He said that he himself was ‘the answer’. What did me mean by such words? She slightly could guess when he spoke of the Heavenly Father who sent him, but why would He want her? What did the Lord want with a vampire? Rectify? He sent this man to earth to save her, when he just said her very existence was damned? She would have laughed, but found no energy to will herself to do so. Those flashing orbs of hers were now dull. Her skin progressed in its pale state.

“I… I don’t like what I am… I’ve never enjoyed it,” she began to say, her voice feeble. Knuckles turned white under the strain of her weight, as light as she was. “Feeding on animals… robbing people of their hens and cattle; damn, sometimes I’ve drank from the alley cats and mutts that wander in cities,” she told with a little hiss. Her head shot up, hair cascading over her shoulders, and she locked her eyes on his. “You say these things… I do not believe you. I won’t believe you.” This time she mustered a small chuckle. “If what you speak is the truth… then… a sign… Give me a sign that I might know that your are not lying to me? That I might not have to drink the blood of humans any longer…” Her voice was growing weaker as she slumped into the pew. “That I might be saved and die after living for so many centuries of a sunless life…”

A sign. Why did he see that one coming. Always a damn sign, these mortals asked for. Whatever happened to faith? Ah, well seeing as how she was the very embodiment of evil, how could she. Still if she was as special as Mikey claimed her to be...was it not enough that he knew what she was without asking, or that he knew why she was here, or how she was fairing? Was it not enough that he simply appeared here, neither smelling of human or kindred? Raelin Took a deep breath and let it out slow, he should have seen it coming, what did he expect? Red carpet and a here I am, what do I do attitude? He spoke more calmly now, his words a soothing touch to her strained hunger, empathy dripping in his voice, "Please sit down, Genny." He grinned at the recognition in her weak, half glazed eyes.

"A sign eh? What is it with you people..." He searched for the right way to approach this, besides simply opening St. Peter's gates and bellowing 'I told ya so!' The stark creature very blatantly refused to sit, Raelin sighed again.

"Genevieve, I know all this may seem, overwhelming, especially in the state you're in right now," he motioned his head, as if he understood her pain. "The Father knows, He knows everything. He knows you tried to live a clean life, that you didn't choose this curse, and therefore lay no claim to its bounty. I can show you who I am, but in your weakened state, I'm afraid you'll quite simply burst into flames.. but I'll try to hold back." At this the vampire arched her bro the slightest bit, unseen by anyone not looking for it, and Rae was definitely looking. She reluctantly sat, her graceful form ghosted its way to a sitting pose, neither heard nor felt as she rested her weight in the leather pew. Raelin took this as an invitation to continue.

He closed his eyes once more, seeming to search for the correct way to do this, and stood in the center isle, hands out in an "A" frame away from him, palms up. He stood there, motionless for what seemed like an eternity, and right when the vampire was about to give up, thinking he was mocking her wish, great black wings shot out of his back. The wings were that of eagles wings, black and tipped with silver shades and white streaks. As the wings sprouted, he levitated off the floor, and a magnificent light shone behind him, so bright he became a shadow, more or less just in the way of the light. He glanced at the terror stricken vampire, and immediately noticed her skin was slightly vaporing, and at this he fell back to the ground, stooping to a crouch as the wings withdrew inside their fleshy encasing, no sound made.

He slowly rose to standing again, meeting the vampire's eyes with expectant awe. He simply smiled and folded his hands away into hos black trench coat and his smile broadened. "Here's your sign..."

She slightly savored the look of annoyance on his face. He could have easily been a sign enough, but it all seemed too good to be true. Sugar coated lies displayed lavishly before her on a doily laden platter wrought from sterling silver and set with glistening diamonds. All just too good. So many times she listening to the sweet nothings of others years before. In time, these she tuned out, for her ignorance lessened, now, more or less, replaced by arrogance. Not much of a trade, but she lived comfortably with it for many centuries.

When his words eased her sinful pain, she started to have a slight flicker of belief. Never before had anything other than blood made her pain eased or stifled. That wanton desire lessened in it’s appeal, and no longer was the strain for garnet life force as pulling on her thoughts. The glow in her eyes brightened just slightly, the ring of silver gray about the pupils now visible as a gradient against the dull viridian hue. She would have asked how he knew her name, if not understanding came when she retraced words from his mouth about God, and him knowing all things. Things she so badly wanted not to be true.

When the man before her spoke once again, she refocused herself, and her brow remained cocked. She was in fact, still quite ignorant. Hold back? Burst into flames? Would she really do such a thing? It all became known when he stood there, palms up, and calm. But the wait. It was beginning to tax upon her patience. Was this her sign? Him standing there? What was he getting at. As her patience wavered strongly, and she was about to rise, a feeling coursed through her body, that made her stayed glued to that leathered pew. Watching the spectacle before her, she couldn’t believe her eyes as the man sprouted marvelous wings of raven and silver white, that which glowed so brightly, she thought her life was going to end, that she might just do as he said; burst into flames. The straining light blinded her sight and engulfed her senses. She sat in a terrified awe, speechless and unable to cope with what had just occurred. Her skin felt like it was in flames, and she winched visibly, her sign to him that she couldn’t stand the brightness any longer. When the light began to fade, she let down a shielding hand in time to see the beautiful devices of flight find their way back into the man’s back. At his smile and words, she could only blink.

“You… You’re a messenger of God… an angel… so you weren’t lying… I thought that your aura was… different.” She tried to stand, but her knees buckled and she hit the soft leathered and gave up such futile attempts. She chuckled, more or less to herself, and it steadily grew into soft laughter. “Never would I thought I stand in the presence of one like you,” she told, her voice but a whisper. “Alright… you win… I believe you now…”

"Please, stand. I don't do that whole 'mortals must respect me' thing. Only one being deserves that kind of worship and that's God." The vampire slowly nodded and started to stand, but in her weakness she could not. Raelin saw this and walked to her labored body.

"I am not a messenger, or a healer, for that matter. I am a soldier, serving under Michael's army. Messengers and healers are under Gabriel. However, I do posses some healing power." He laid a gentle hand on the vampire's shoulder, she withdrew slightly at his touch, but soon realized she had the strength to stand. "I can't take away the hunger," he said as the creature rose to full height, "I don't think anyone can, short of the Father." At this Genevieve lowered her eyes in expressionless disappointment. "Fear not, though I bring you good tidings, of great joy," he smirked, "always wanted to say that...Damn Keragyn got to speak those words..."

He stepped away, gazing at the giant crucifix, Jesus's experssion was eyes closed, taking the pain without emotion. Lie. He had been there, weeping with the other angels at every cry Jesus made. The golden statue stood towering above the hall as if to remind everyone that whatever trouble they had, Jesus had it worse. "Thou shalt not make graven images?" He thumbed at the statue, "Quite a hold Lucy had on those Christians back then huh? Listen, I have a mission for you, and don't worry, I'll be at your side the whole way...or at least most of the way. But you have to agree to accept any challenge, any consequence, any reprimand, ok? Mikey can't have you backin' out when it's too late. Gabe would never let him here the end of it...trusting a vampire and all" He waited patiently for her answer. A near eternity of exsistence had taught him patience above all.

She stood, her mind a great mess of thoughts and ifs and buts. Standing. She was standing after all of this, after not succumbing to crimson life of humans for many weeks. Was it possible? Was this all going to be some lie. The wings, his healing touch, it had to seem enough. This time, things seemed much different.

“I… I’m not trying to make things hard on you… Yet, you must understand the pain I’ve been through. The lies that have been whispered into my ears. So many times before I’ve had my hopes shattered like a slender vase. I’ve been told many times by many peoples that they could help me. As you can plainly see… I’m still what I remain… Some pitiful thing that drinks blood and hasn’t the strength to walk under the warm, bright sun.” Her head slightly dropped, hair shadowing her face and confused expression. “I’m not sure if I can fully trust you… or if you should trust me. I honestly don’t believe I can do tasks for you, or God. I’ve failed myself before… It only makes sense I’d fail others as well.” Her shoulders bobbed in a silent chuckle. “Listen to me… So pathetic… Useless… Worthless…” She let out a deep sigh, that trailed after another chuckling laugh. “If God knows everything… He would surely know this and would find another to carry out His will… Hmm… There I go again.” It all seemed hopeless. She would rather continue on living her isolated life than have her hopes broken again. Too long she watched those white doves of masked fortune be shot down by flaming arrows and crash smoldering to the earth in a meager heap of skirting ashes and charred grass. Without lifting her head, she spoke. “Your wings… although they shone like stars… their plumage is dark as night… As myself. Was that just another lie with a beautiful façade? Is God trying to trick me? Does He gain amusement from the disappointment I wallow in everyday? Am I His pet that He experiments upon?”

Another sigh escaped her. Running a tongue along her pearly fangs, she longed desperately for the things that now turned to ash in her mouth. The water that scolded her throat and the seasonings that irritated her tongue. She would have sat back down, but found standing much more pleasing. “Why does that light hurt me so? Why can’t I just die? I don’t want to take part in any tasks… I’ve done my task… Living this awful life… Was this task enough?” asked to no one in particular, her voice raising. “Wasn’t it?” she growled, head still lowered and clawed fingers digging into the wooden pew beside her body that slightly trembled in what seemed controlled rage…

He should have known it wouldn't be this easy. Vampires are so very set in their ways, having lived so long and watched so many die. He slowly shook his head...and then disappeared. The vampire looked all around the dark corridor but found no one. She knew not what this deception was, and when she heard his voice she knew he was still here.

"How long have you waited for an answer?" His words seemed to come from everywhere, and no where. "How long have you sulked the shadows, disgusted with yourself, but unable to face the slow withering and eventual torment of not feeding the hunger? How many lives must be ruined before one can stand?" He fell silent, waiting for a response. When there was none, he continued "You told me yourself you hated who you are, what you are. But let me explain first that you do have a soul. And where that soul ends up after this plane of exsistence is entirely up to the path you choose tonight. You choose the path of wisdom and redemption, you carry out the will of the Almighty, and you rid yourself of the hunger, you may even pass on to St. Peter's gates. But choose the path of destruction and self loathing, and it will lead you down a road to which there is no redemption. Your choice. Live or let live, you decide."

At the end of his speech, he returned to human form "The wings were me, hon, but the light was from the pearly gates. And believe me that was a shady dark corner of the pearly ga--" He stopped, eyes snapped away from the vampire, unseeing. He stiffened and spun on his heel. Motionless he stood there, concentrating, then all at once black creatures swarmed in from the open door.

"Tormentors," Rae spat. There must have been at least 30 of the beings, and although Genevieve could not see them, she felt their presence. She had felt them all her unnatural life. "Had a rough life huh?" he called back, striding toward the advancing creatures, "You wanna take it out one the ones responsible? Here they are." at that he threw his arms up from his pockets, and the creatures were visible to Genevieve. Raelin walked right into the ranks as they filed around him, preoccupied with their old prey. He spread his wings again and began grabbing the nearest creatures, snapping necks, punching, kicking, his movements were that of an acrobat on stage, dancing among the evil and slaughtering it with ease..but there were too many. Some made it past Rae and advanced towards Gene.

It slightly peeved her that he was toying with her during what he deemed was an important matter. This action of his only made her thoughts on the matter worse, making her want to leave right then and now. “I know what I told you… and it’s all truth… But, I’d rather live in that sinful truth than a load of sugar coated lies. I know what his path will lead me to… but, I’m prepared for that. If anything, I’ll live for many more hundreds of years… Thousands of years…” She stopped, ad paused for a moment, looking into the nothing of the cathedral. “Or… what will you do if I do not follow you? Will you send to Lucifer tonight? Or will God continue to play His tricks upon me? I’m I going to be left her to be toyed with?” she yelled, her voice slightly echoing off the walls, vibrating in her ears. Her hand on the pew aside her clenched, nails digging into the lacquered wood, splintering under her unnatural force. “What would they say if I did walk through those gates?!?” Her now glowing eyes pierced the darkness in her growing rage, darting about the expanse of the great room. Releasing her vice like on the pew, she let out a chuckle like earlier. “They’d hang a placard about my neck, and on it would state all I’ve ever done. In thick, black script, it would label me Vampire… not just for life… but for eternity as well. For one so close to God, you’re life must be quite leisurely. All you must do is come down to earth every so often and help poor little helpless people, like me. Do you think I’m helpless?” she asked the shadows, her voice raising steadily. “You don’t know what it’s like to the drink blood from a human. To have to pierce their skin with your own teeth that should feast on bread and meat of livestock… To have blood trail down your throat… taunting you with how satisfactory it tastes… when after… you berate yourself until you go mad with the insanity. To watch their eyes glass over… to watch them die!” she yelled out with a throaty growl, eyes flashing. After a moment she calmed, and shook her head gently. “I’ve always killed them… I couldn’t bare making another suffer the pain I’ve been through. The weight of immortality resting upon weak shoulders. The lack of warmth…” Now sane after her fit, she sighed, taking a deep breath to sooth her rage.

He spoke once again, yet, stopped, and she cocked a brow. Yet, something that was familiar crept into her senses, engulfed her body and stifled her words. Evil lingered about every corner. She couldn’t help but shiver more than once. Here they are?…These were the things that caused her suffering? That brought to her once enjoyable life pain and despair? Whether it was truth or not, she found her fear replaced with rage, and when the angel advanced to those who came towards her, those evil beings she now saw, she stood her ground with a fierce scowl. Quick hands spread her dark coat wide. At her sides rested twin, single edged blades, which she drew within the blink of an eye. The dim light caught faintly upon the glimmering steal, lethal extensions of the woman’s already lethal arms. Quick and feline like grace brought her lithe form cutting through the evil forms like a saw. Graceful arches and snapping stabs all happened in a beautiful show of skill. Fueled by rage, she cared not for any wound inflicted upon her, only for their suffering that it might help ease her own…

The battle was short, but the point made. Raelin looked upon the wraith-like vampire with new found awe. Special, indeed Mikey, thanks a lot. The creature of the night stood before him, weapons poised, black metallic demon blood spattered across her face. She looked something out of a nightmare, he thought. Looking at her brought back flashes of that fatefull day when Lucifer started the revolution. Flashes of his comrades falling, flashes of Demon blood spewing from his former friends and collegues. He shook the images, stay focued Rae.

"Gene, I'm not saying you deserve what Satan has done to your mortal body, but that's all it is. Mortal. That vessel of your's will whither away, if not during this time, it will when the Son returns to Earth again. You may have tomorrow, you may not. But I'm asking you to set forth the fate of your immortal soul, not the well being of that pile of dust you inhabit right now." Michael had instructed him on what to do if the vampire refused to answer the call, he hoped it wouldn't come to that. He would much rather have her follow willingly, not forcefully. He let her take the time to ponder the choice again, her rage now having died and spent on the fight with the tormentors.

She felt not the hot blood of demons’ upon her milky skin. She felt not the pain from cuts or quickly forming buses. She had no beating heart for it to be at a quickened tempo, to have to wait for the adrenaline to wear off… only the rage. The blades in her hands felt nothing, they were weightless. She was weightless. Her mind floating above her. It was pure and utter ecstasy. The feeling of her blades piercing their tainted flesh and stealing their lives lingered on each and every muscle. It felt so right, standing here after fighting with this man. Why hadn’t he come to her earlier?

It all made sense now. She was starting to understand what God might have her do. Something she did not realize could ever possibly happen, had indeed just taken place. A soft tear rolled down her cheek, leaving a shimmering trail in its wake. Those terrible blades of her's fell from her hands, clattered against the cathedral ground that sent shrill echoed about them. Knees buckled, and she fell to the ground, coat splayed out like an onyx pool behind her, eyes gleaming brightly as she reached up to her bloodied face to trace the barely felt path the tear had left. She began to feel taxed once again. Her body felt dumb, and the pain began to set in. “I…” her voice was weak. “I feel cold,” she told with a soft shiver. Her hand dropped to her lap, and she lifted her eyes to the man before her…

The last of the demon's bodies had disintegrated into the nothingness as they ceased to exist. "You feel it, don't you?" Rae asked, his voice piercing the silence as quickly and as quietly as the blades of the vampire. "you feel belonging. This is your calling Genevieve. This is your fate, your path, your...destiny." He saw the lonely tear streak down her lonely face, bright contrast to the silky skin beneath. The daggers she held clattered to the floor, sharp against the deafening silence, her body followed soon thereafter, kneeling afore all the pressure.

"Genevieve, I ask you again, do you accept any challenge, any consequence and any reprimand put forth by the Lord your God?" He stood over her knelt body, looking down at her with the deepest compassion, his fire blue eyes boring into her soul. She looked up at him with tearful eyes, her mouth opened to speak, but he cut her off, and knelt in front of her, taking her perpetually cold hands in hers, his warmth filling her.

"The demons you have witnessed tonight have followed you for centuries, tonight you have had your revenge. But there are others, many others who are tormented by the same creatures. They must be avenged as well, freed from their bond of fear, from the clutches of darkness, from the oppression of evil. You ask why? Why does God need your help? he has legions of angels at his disposal, why a lowly vampire? My body is frail, hard to believe, but yes, it is weak. I cannot remain in this plane of existence for longer than a week or two at the most, before I have to return to heaven to regain my strength. During that time Lucifer's Legions run amok. We need an agent, so to speak, on the ground at all times, working behind enemy lines." He stood once more, towering over Gene with simple grace and a dark composure.

"Gene, I ask you, take my hand and in doing so, be rectified, redeemed, renewed. Become the Divine." He held his hand out to her, his compassion and mercy second only to his eagarness for her to accept. "Please..."

At his calming voice she gently nodded her weighty head. She believed him. It was her fate. Her calling. Her mission. Her purpose… Too long the clutches of evil held their tainted hands about her life. She was quite ready for it to end. To be freed from her sin that she did not want.

Her hands felt small and polluted in his. Slender and fragile. Easily broken. The warmth that filled her body then was hard to comprehend. It had been so many years since she felt such heat radiate throughout her body. For all he was doing for her, she wasn’t sure how to tell him of her many thanks. All she could manage was a nod, and to mouth the word ‘yes’. It was obvious, now, that he told her. God needed her here. Someone who could linger here and not perish. Someone who could easily mask themselves and slip through the shadows, yet still wield a holy light within. Gathering herself, she let in a slightly shaky sigh. “I… I will…” she answered, with a little violent shake of her head, hair slightly fanning out as she did so. “I want that light… His light… I want that again… for I lost so long ago,” she told weakly, but the power in her words rang strong. Her gaze had followed him when he stood, and now loocked upon his stretched out hand. With a trembling, pearly clawed hand, she reached out, and gently set hers in his own warm one.

He lifted her to her feet, her strength now gaining with his touch. Raelin smiled at her, a smile a father may have for his daughter, and pulled her close. His embrace filled her with life and warmth, bringing her skin to life again. He held her close, his trench coat gently falling around her, his wings gracefuly wrapping around her, pulling her closer. He tried his damndest to heal her hunger, knowing full well he had not the right nor the ability to. But he could try. He flowed as much healing power into her as he could, holding her and wiping the demonic filth off her body. He knew not what she thought of this display, and he hoped she would relinquish the opportunity to feel as human as she had felt in centuries

The embrace was neither awkward nor was it romance. He knew better than to try to try anything romantic right now. The cathedral seemed to smile down at its new employee, not holding any grudges against her for embodying the evil within. The silence was only parted by Raelin's sole heartbeat, a steady rythim of life, beating in Genevieve's ear, her head pressed against his chest. "I am so glad you're on our side," Raelin smiled.

She felt so… alive… The strength that flowed into her, the life, the warmth; it all seemed surreal, and yet, it was happening. She buried her face into the angel’s shoulder like she used to with her grandfather many years ago. It was a wonderful feeling, being held, being accepted. Tears formed in her eyes once again, and they began to gently dampen Raelin’s coat; tears of joy she hadn’t shed for a long, long while. And then, something in her coursed, she could feel blood rush through her veins; warm blood, her own blood. It made her finger tips tingle, and her heart beat raced at a frenzied tempo as her chest was seemingly molded into Raelin’s. Excitement brewed throughout her body. She gripped his shoulders with her slender fingers, her lips displayed in a wide smile of content. “I don’t feel cold,” she spoke with her muffled voice into his shoulder. “My skin isn’t icy… my heart beats… I cannot believe it…” She sniffed, and gave a soft hearted chuckle of gentle delight. “I am glad that I’ve joined, friend.”

Raelin paused, listening. Yes it was there. He couldn't believe it, but it was there. He had only meant to give her strength, but he made her heart beat! He knew not the prowess for healing one must have to make a vampire's heart beat again, but he knew it was the Divine will that started it.

Raelin felt her warm hand on his side as he shrank away from the embrace of the very much alive vampire. He lifted his head to the sky, eyes closed and heart listening. After a long pause he looked back down at Gene, her tear filled eyes making him lose his composure, and at last he spoke again, "The Father has told me that in light of your rebirth into the light, you have been graced a new name, a symbol of your new life." He smiled at her eagarness to hear it. Raelin turned away, nealry having to pry the new vampire off him. He strode towards the door, his long coat billowing behind him, his wings shrinking back into his back. He turned and looked back at her, a twinkle in his glowing blue eyes, "Coming Jaeda?" And the two strode out of the cathedral, ready and waiting for what the Father had in store for them.

Months later Raelin was again in the dark. The alley seemed so peaceful compared to what was happening out in the street. Telltale flashing blue and red lights illuminated the darkened roadway, shining on the many curious faces of neighbors and onlookers alike. The scene was orderly chaos, The police keeping crowds back as a Captain shouted incomprehensible words at a lone building, which seemed very devoid of life. His megaphone barked for them to "remain calm, tell us what you want." Raelin spat at the nature of the wicked, preying upon the defenseless as a secondary attack on the guarded. He hadn't been sent here alone this time. Jaeda was by his side, scanning the crowds and alleys behind them, her pale skin nearly glowing in the moonlight. Raelin had also been sent with two other Guardians, a Shield and a Healer. Both having served under Gabriel though, they worked separately from Rae. Raelin motioned Jaeda. "So your first mission, stick close to me and I'll keep you safe," he chuckled. "we need to find a way into the building and dispose the tempters before they convince the mortals with the weapons to kill the innocents they harbor. This cannot get ugly, we cannot afford any mistakes..." He offered his hand to Jeada in preparation for flight, since she lacked the ability."Ready?"

A new name? God choose her a new name? Oh, how she wanted to her it, this glorious new namesake. Reluctantly she left Raelin’s embrace, her body still trembling from her obvious joy, face tear streaked and holding a new found shimmer in those emerald orbs that gleamed for knowledge.

Hesitant to follow him, she slightly held her breath… Breath!… She almost laughed aloud when he turned about. Jaeda… It was beautiful, a perfect name for her new self. “Jaeda,” she whispered silently to herself, as she strode with fluid movement out to Raelin, face beaming and the stoic expression she had entered the cathedral was now joyous as she left, side by side with her new found friend…

Her skin glowed red, then blue, then red, each time a siren turned it’s colour about. The gruesome scene that was laid out just beyond the alley entrance was a myriad of confusion. This was a first for her. To be around so many people, sounds… Lights… She glanced to Raelin, and the other two angels and gnawed upon her glossy lip in her anxious state. She slight eyed at him when he chuckled. She did not find this to be very amusing, yet, like a good girl, she kept her words stifled and nodded. “Right… will do.” How could she stay calm? She was about to go insane with all the frenzy out in what seemed a very dreadful beyond. Rolling onto her heels, she couldn’t help but keep moving, even if it wasn’t very much. She was glad that breathing was an involuntary thing, or else she would have passed out long ago from lack of oxygen. Glad to find that she still held some attributes from when she was once a vampire, like unnatural strength and perfected eyesight, she was at least comforted by that factor. She still had the power to take on many opponents and live afterwards with a few scrapes. The one thing she had trouble coping still with was her long fangs and pearly claws. Although the claws proved useful on more than one occasion, she found the fangs to be too much of a reminder of her blood sucking days. This had crossed her mind many times in the past two months, also, the thought that with these, she could use them to guise herself when amongst the foe. With a sigh, she steadied herself, and took Raelin’s offered hand. She always found comfort in him, and being next to him made things feel a little easier to manage. “Yeah, I’m ready…”

© Copyright 2006 Xavior, (known as GROUP).
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