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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1136422
Vulcans crash landed on Earth 10 yrs ago - their lives now
I'm making this just to experiment with the things you can make on WdC. There is no real plot just yet, that will be determined by the people who contribute to this. In fact, I'm thinking there doesn't have to be any real plot, this will be more like real life, where things just happen one after another.

The Characters: The story is going to be about Vulcans. And humans. Other than that, you can create whatever character you like that falls into one of the two categories. You can be whoever, it doesn't have to anyone someone else mentions, or someone related to them, unless you want to. Please try to stay within the borders of the story though, don't create a character that doesn't fit. I am going to be T'Vral, a young (55) Vulcan who crash-landed on Earth a while ago. (This has no real relation to "Upon the PeopleOpen in new Window..)

The Story: A bunch of Vulcans crash-landed on Earth about 10 years ago - in 1996. This is the year 2006 - so it's not in the future. These Vulcans come into contact with humans but never let them know what they really are - they can't do that. So they are hiding something, don't want anyone to find out . . .
They can have family, friends, etc, that's your choice. If you really want, you can do some stuff with time travel as long as you don't drag all of the characters along with you - you can take some, I guess.

More of The Characters:

I have a NEW home for the characters and their descriptions, now go and see:
 Invalid Item Open in new Window. []

by A Guest Visitor

Email me the details I don't have here!! And email me any new characters you have, too!

A little about Vulcans, in case you don't know:
They are from the planet Vulcan. They have pointy ears & arched eyebrows and green blood. They supress their emotions & have developed a culture dedicated to the complete mastery of logic.
Here are some links:
You should check out the first one, definately. The second one just has random stuff you might find interesting, but you don' t need to know it. The third one is how to come up with names (or you could just email me & I'll help you come up with something!)

I have been told that members of this campfire can discuss this campfire at the "Star Trek Message ForumOpen in new Window.

Since the last version of this campfire malfunctioned so that I could not make any additions (nor could anyone else) I am now posting what everyone wrote on that version.

Caren Rose Author Icon
July 16, 1996
         I have now returned from my three-day trip to the crash site where my crew and I crashed on this planet. We hid the site so no one could find the remains of our technology. I returned in order to ascertain the reason our ship failed and we crashed here. So far, I have found nothing.
         My crew and I have been waiting for a response of some kind to the distress signal we sent nearly half a year ago, but we have recieved nothing. I have become friends with a young human male by the name of Joseph, and after determining he could be trusted, I have told him about our situation.
         When I returned to the place I have been living, I found Joseph waiting there for me. He said he was worried that I had been gone for so long and hadn't told him I was leaving. He then asked me if I was worried that I would never be able to go home. He seemed to be confused at my answer that I do not feel anything. Perhaps I have much more to learn about their culture than I thought.
         I have asked my crew to record the events of each day in writing, even those that may appear unimportant. I have found in the past that things may not be as trivial as they seem, and since I am not with them constantly, I do not know what they are doing.

* * *

         He called it a journal. He explained it was a place to write down thoughts and feelings, and she reminded him she was not human and did not have feelings to write down.
         Joseph was the first human T'Vral had met. Ever since then, he had stuck with her and helped her get the things she needed - food, a place to sleep, transportation, things like that. Before long, he figured out something was different about her. Rather than trying to hide the truth from him, she decided it was best to tell him she was a Vulcan so he could understand her better. He was a quiet man - she knew the information was safe with him.
{indent]Six months after they crashed, they still had recieved no reply to their distress signal. Some of her crew were beginning to get settled into their new lives on the planet Earth. It was as if they didn't expect to be found. Perhaps they were right.

Alexis relaxed against the side of the ditch.
         Okay, she was stranded in the middle of nowhere, and the ditch didn't have water in it. She figured she might as well make the best of a bad situation, and lounge in it.
         Weird? Maybe. But that was Alexis' life. Freak people out because of how weird she was.
         Some people in her high school teased her and told her she wasn't really a human.
         She stared at the broken down Ford truck. Figures. It would never break down until she got her liscence and was in the middle of nowhere.
         "Are you okay?" the words came from a young woman, who leaned down and looked into the ditch. She sounded almost as though she didn't care. She sounded very emotionless.
         "I'm okay!" called Alexis, excited that someone might actually be around. She stood up.
         "I'm Alexis." she said.

Jezri Author Icon
The woman didn't give Alexis her name, but looked the girl over, then glanced at the broken down truck.
         "Looks like you're having some mechanical problems."
         "Looks that way." Alexis said, sarcasm dripping from her lips.
         The woman was now beginning to irritate Alexis with her odd, emotionless behavior. No longer excited to see another person, Alexis was now feeling slightly nervous, remembering stories her mother had told her about young girls coming up missing, their cars found abandoned in the middle of nowhere. And this irritated the young girl even more. She liked the fact that she could freak other people out, not the other way around.
         The woman, who she noted wore a bandana, pulled down over her ears, walked to the truck and reaching in, popped the hood. Alexis followed, taking note of the woman's physical appearance, trying to determine if she could beat her in a fight, if she needed to defend herself.
         "I am not a threat to you." the woman said.
         "What?" Alexis asked, shocked that the woman seemed to know what she was thinking.
         "I am not a threat to you. I see the wary look in your eye. You are wondering if you can trust me or if I am going to rob you. Possably assault you. I assure you, I will not."
         Curiously, Alexis watched the woman as she examined the motor under the hood. It was weird the way she spoke. Not any particular kind of accent that would seem out of place, but the flatness of it. Almost like she wasn't human. Alexis laughed at that thought. Her sci-fi loving brother must have infected her thoughts today.
         "So, are you a mechanic?" Alexis asked.
         "No," the woman said, "but I do have some experience with mechanical failures." Walking around to the driver's side, the woman turned the key in the ignition. Nothing.
         "Your battery is dead." She said. "Judging by the appearance and age of the truck and the fact that the battery seems to be new . . ."
         "I just bought a new battery last week." Alexis confirmed.
         "I would say it is your alternator. It is not charging your battery."
         "What can I do?" Alexis asked.
         "Buy a new alternator." The woman said.
         Looking around, Alexis realized the woman had not arrived in a car, but on foot.
         "Well, how do I get home?" Alexis asked. "It's too far to walk into town.
         "I am heading to town myself." the woman said. "It is not so very far. Come, I will accompany you and help you find someone to purchase an alternator from."

T’Mir, 122 year old Vulcan female. Studied at the Vulcan science Academy in Shikahr on Vulcan, Graduated with honors and degrees in Exobiology, Astronomy and Astrophysics. Her mate is Solen also of Shikahr, age 144. Botanist for 24 years and held degrees in Botany and Xeno Botany. They have been mated for 20 years, but as yet have no children. T’Mir was friends with a young Vulcan named T’Pau.
         She volunteered for the mission for the opportunity to study other cultures. This trip for her was an opportunity to do some time traveling. After Vulcan’s first contact with humans several years ago, her interest had been as strong as any Vulcan’s would when it comes to curiosity. The one emotion any Vulcan would ever admit to.
         She has studied though never applied Vulcan mind meld techniques that she learned from the Healer T’Zon at the Academy Hospital. She is well versed in meditation aspects and has even written several works on the subject for off-worlders, something that is frowned upon by more conservative groups. She is aware of, but does not except the group that follows Set, the Vulcans that chose to embrace emotions, rather than control them.
         T’Mir began to think back on the time they arrived here. Ten years has been an adventurous time for all, especially for her.
         The first night, T’Mir sat alone in her shelter, Attunement flame, the only light she possessed. She contiplated the current situation, their stranding in Earth’s past and her duty to prevent any contamination to its time line. She decided to keep a log of her experiences to both enlighten herself latter when she had the opportunity to review it, and for her paper she originally intended to write for her teacher at the Academy. She had been offered the position of a teacher, but had postponed it for this trip to gain a better understanding of humans. She, like many other Vulcans, had little contact with them as a race beyond those that chose to live and study on Vulcan.
         Rations had be logged and set for use according to a schedule. The replicator was damaged, but was repairable. Until it was, they would need to make the food stuffs last as long as possible. This era of human history, was one based on money, and they had none to purchase more food, and had to be discrete in having any contact with humans.
         “Log Entry, 01" The first day has been uneventful. Despite our situation, I am confident in our situation and that we shall eventually be rescued. The Captain and the Chief Engineer have begun repairs to the ship. There has yet to be any indications as to what may have caused the explosion, but logically, it will be revealed in time. For myself, I have begun to explore my surroundings in hopes of learning more about humans. T’Pau cautioned me before leaving Vulcan to always keep my metal shield up around humans. Their illogical, as she phrased it, emotions are broadcast to all around with little restraint.

Caren Rose Author Icon
April 18, 2006
          “Does it fit?”
          “It would be easier to tell if the zipper wasn’t in the back . . . hold on a minute!”
          “You want help?”
          “No, I got it.” T’Vral emerged from the back bedroom dressed in a long black skirt and a bright pink and orange blouse with sequins.
          “Don’t you think it’s a little too much?” the older of the two sisters said.
          “Why?” the eleven-year old replied.
          “Jessica, you wouldn’t understand.”
          “Why not? I think dad will like it!”
          “I have to agree with Tina. I think your father will like the last outfit just as well as this one.”
          “You always agree with her! I’m leaving!” The eleven-year old ran off to her room and slammed the door.
          “Go change. Dad’ll be home soon,” Tina, the 17-year old sister quietly said.
          She slipped back into the teenager’s room and changed back into the long black dress she had tried on earlier. It was Tina’s dress, actually, but her father had never seen it before and hopefully would never see Tina wearing it in the future.
          “Why do you and your sister insist on setting up dates for your father and I?” she asked through the door.
          “You’ve known each other for 10 years now, Vera..”
         "You two need to get together."
         "I don't see the logic behind this."
          “Oh, never mind.”
* * *

          “Joseph, look,” T’Vral said as they were driving down the road on their way to the restaurant to eat.
          “I don’t see any car or anything around,” he commented. “Why do you suppose they’re out walking here in the middle of nowhere?”
          “Why don’t we ask?”
          He slowed down and pulled off to the side of the road ahead of them, turning on his hazards.
          “You need any help?” T’Vral called out her window.
          “Sure! We’d love it!” one of them yelled back.
          “You need a lift into town?” Joseph asked.
          “It would be nice,” the same one, and clearly the younger one responded.
          “Why don’t you get in the car?” T’Vral said. “It looks like rain.”
          “By the way, I’m Joseph, and this is my friend Vera.”
          “I’m Alexis.”
          The other woman remained silent.
          “So, where do you need to go?”
          “Somewhere I can get a new alternator for my truck.”
          “I think we can get you someplace like that.”
          After a long, awkward moment of complete silence, Joseph said, “Why don’t we have some music?” He turned on the radio, pressed a few buttons, and . . .
          Get ready to wiggle (shooby-dooby-doo)
          We’ve been ready for so long
          Get ready to wiggle (shooby-dooby-doo)
          When you wiggle you can’t go wrong
          Get ready . . .

          He smacked the radio twice, making it turn to a local radio station.
          “Sorry, this thing doesn’t always do what I tell it to. It likes to play my little girl’s CD all the time.”
          “The Wiggles?” Alexis asked.
          He nodded.
* * *

          “It’s closed, Joseph.”
          “What? It can’t be! It’s only 8:00! What are the hours?”
          “It says it closes every day at 8.”
          He sighed. “You guys want something to eat? Vera and I can drop you off wherever you want, and we can pick you up, too, if you need it.”
          “I don’t have any money with me,” Alexis said.
          “I think I have some I could give you,” T’Vral said. “And here’s my cellphone number in case you need it.”
          “Thank you so much. You’ve been so nice to us.”
          “No problem.”
          “Where do you want to go?” Joseph asked.
          “Is there a Burger King around here?”
          “I don’t eat hamburgers,” the woman without a name whispered to Alexis.
          “What, are you a vegetarian?”
          “Don’t worry,” T’Vral said. “We can take you to Burger King and can take your friend somewhere else. It’s not a problem.”

         "So, what's your name, anyway?" asked Alexis finally.
         The strange woman said nothing.
         "Err, you don't know her name?" asked the woman called Vera.
         "No. I just met her. She was helping me with my truck."
         T'Vral glanced back at the woman.
         "So, what is your name?" she asked, a tinge of sarcasm barely detectable in her voice.

Mistress Sakusha Author Icon
(Here's my character info, before I start--)
Name: Chloe
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Other: Teenage girl who's always been interested in the supernatural. Because of her interests, she has often been shunned from school cliques, leaving her mostly alone. She very much has her head in the clouds.

(okay, here's my post)
         Chloe wandered along the mostly deserted street alone, as she usually was. The evenings were boring for her, since she had no friends to hang out with. She didn't really mind, though. Perhaps the library had received some new books on UFOs...
         Just then, her stomach rumbles, reminding her that she hadn't eaten since breakfast. "Oh, dear. Well, the library can wait." She decides, heading off toward the nearest plaza. Hopefully it would contain something more than just those greasy burger joints...but, with her luck, that's exactly what she would be stuck with.
Name: Sam
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Other: Sam is the scientist who laid the groundwork for Zefram Cochrane's scientific breakthroughs. He occasioanlly acquires a time machine that appears in the form of an automobile, given to him by the 20-year-old version of himself from 15 years in the past. Without time travel, Sam would've never been able to make the breakthroughs he will be known for in the future, because after he passes calculus, he will journey to a parallel universe and share his time travel technology from 20,000 years in the future for technology several centuries in the future. Currently, Sam is in college enrolled in Pre-Calculus algebra.
A Non-Existent User
The young woman continued to say nothing. There was no point in getting in a fight about it.
         In moment, they pulled up to a Burger King drive-through, and Alexis was able to get some food.
         They were driving now, looking for a place that sold vegitarian, when suddenly a girl who looked as if she was seventeen walked in front of the car!
         The breaks screeched in anger as they were put down hard, and they almost ran the girl over.
         The girl noticed what happened now, and turned her head around, all eyes and mouth.
(in case you're wondering, this is supposed to be Chloe, however it's open enough that you can make it someone else if you don't want Chloe to meet them yet)
Chloe fell down as the car screeched to a halt. The Vulcan got out of the car, and assisted her. Joseph was glad his insurance rates wouldn't go up, and he was grateful that the girl wasn't hurt. T'Vral started talking to the girl, and found out she hadn't eaten anything all day. T'Vral talked Joseph and the others into parking the car and coming inside the Burger King to eat.
         After they had gotten their food, they sat there and talked while they ate. "So what are you doing out here?" T'Vral asked.
         "I'm interested in anything supernatural," Chloe answered. "According to a friend I know online, there's a guy named Sam who travels through time. I'm trying to track him down to see if it's true."
(...what is there for me to do? You just used my character for me...)

"You are certainly an interesting group, though." Chloe observes, taking a bite of her half-eaten sandwich. "Not that there's anything wrong with that." She saves herself quickly, hoping that she didn't offend anyone. The last thing she needed was to start a fight. She really just wanted to change the subject off of the whole time travel deal. How embarrassing! She still couldn't believe that she had blurted that out, but it had just popped out before she could even think about it.
Name: T'Brit
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Vulcan/human
Other: One of the parents is human and the other is vulcan. (both is full-blooded) Always lived near the forest and enjoyed going on long journeys. Favorite thing to do is sit by the water edge.
After finishing her salad, T'Vral got up to refill her cup at the soda fountain. She motioned for Joseph to follow her.
         "So much for our date," he said quietly once they were out of earshot of the others. "I have to be getting back home soon, or else the babysitter will get mad."
         "Maybe another time."
         He nodded. "Odd, isn't it, that we take three complete strangers out to dinner at Burger King when we're all dressed up to go out on a date by ourselves?"
         "Ironic, yes. But odd?"
         He shook his head. "Now what do we do with them? That girl - Alexis? Her car is broken down in the middle of nowhere, and the other two don't seem to be much better off."
         "I can drive them home. My car is still at your house, so you can take us all there. You won't have to stay out late."
         He reached up and fingered a lock of her hair. "Thanks."
         She didn't return the smile, but simply nodded her head and gently pulled his hand down. "Then we should get going."
         They walked back to the table where the other three were seated. T'Vral explained the plan to them, and within 15 minutes they were back on the road, headed out of town to Joseph's house.

         The two Vulcans sat in the front seat in T'Vral's little red convertible, and the two teenagers sat in the back. It had stopped raining, so she had put the top down - something she never did when other people were in the car, except when it was dark. The wind swept her hair back away from her face, revealing her pointed ears, but in the dark it was hard enough to see that it didn't matter.
         The car had been a gift from her boss a year earlier, and though she would have never picked a car like it herself, she had actually found herself enjoying driving it sometimes.
         They rode on in silence, four strangers in a car together heading back into town at 55 miles per hour, with only the headlights and the glow from the dashboard letting them see one another. They had only met by chance earlier that day, under strange circumstances at that.
         The woman they knew only as Vera had offered to pick Alexis up in the morning to get her a new alternator for her truck, then extended the offer to the others, if they needed anything the next morning.

         She dropped them off one by one at their houses, Alexis first, then Chloe, then the Vulcan.
         There were 7 of them in her crew, 8 including her - and T’Vral knew all of them - but she didn’t know this one. As far as she had known, there were only nine Vulcans on the entire planet (one of her crew members had a child since they crashed,) but now there were more. But how?
         And she was left with one other question: did the humans really know about time travel?
A Non-Existent User
The dwellings of this era are much more primitive that I would have surmised. Humans in this period it would seem, are more interested in aesthetics, rather than functionality. A few were however, concerned for the environment, and set landscaping for air quality, or at least that is what I assume. I have had to wear head covering to hide my Vulcan ears, and apply what humans call make-up to match thier skin tone. I do not wish to alarm them by my appearance, so that I may study them and thier environment with out alarming them. From the history I have studied, humans of this era were highly skeptical of alien life, and had the philosophy of, Shoot first and ask questions later. I see that philosophy as barbaric and totally illogical.

I came to the conclusion, that a blind would be the logical course of action. It would allow me the best position to observe and make notes, without drawing attention. On the east edge of a cluster of homes was a wooded section, with moderate under growth. I retrieve some equipment from the ship and fabricated a table and chair and returned to the spot. I had scarcely set all up when I was confronted by what I later learned was a Police Officer.

“Hey lady just what do you think you’re doing?”

“Sir, I am setting up a blind so I may study these people without being observed.” I replied.

He cocked and eyebrow and with hands on hips, “What are you, some kind of egghead?”

I recalled the reference in the data base that he was referring to a college student. “Yes Sir, I am doing a Paper on human interaction, but need to work privately.” It was, after all, not a lie, but rather misdirection.

“Well you can stay for now, but if we get any complaints, you have to move some where else, ok?”

“Understood, and thank you.” I returned to setting things up, and pulled a PADD from my carry bag and set to work writing notes on this situation, as a sub topic. I watched as the man walked back to a black and white vehicle that had a flat bar with blue and white lighting on it. That was when I made note of the writing on the side, Community Police. This was my first encounter with the security force.

The rest of the day was uneventful, in terms of contacts. I was able however, to observe a variety of behavior, including pair bonding, referred to as kissing here, children interaction, and several adults in heated arguments. Human behavior, is illogical. I can not surmise how they survived all the wars they caused to reach the level needed for space travel.
A Non-Existent User

         Alexis walked into her house. The day had gone... well, to say it was weird would be an understatement.

         She thought about the other teen, interested in the supernatural. Alexis was about to walk in her room, when, "Alexis!" the yell came from her father. "Alexis, where" there was a pause "have" then another pause "you been?"

Alexis said nothing. She could smell, and just tell, her father was drunk. Already? It was a little early for him to come home drunk!

"Alexis, answer me!" he roared. When she didn't, he ran toward her, and to Alexis' horror, shoved her out the door. She heard a devistating click as the door was locked. "You never come back to this house, punk!"

There was no reason for him to lock her out, but he was definately not reasoning. She had been kicked out before. Without a tear shed, or a whimper made, she headed off to... who knows?
The time-machine was disguised as a Ferrari, one of the most exotic and expensive designs. There were two passengers, but they were both the same person. One of them was from one week in the future, and he was dropping off the younger version of himself before returning to the future.

"There are extra-terrestrials in the area," the time-machine computer announced.

"What kind?" the one-week older version of Sam asked the computer.

"Vulcans. A peaceful race."

Sam knew there were attack ships from an interstellar empire on their way to Earth, and that they were destined to arrive in the year 2012.

"Can the Vulcans help us defend Earth from the evil aliens that will attack us?"

"Affirmative," the computer answered.

"You need to spend your time trying to track these Vulcans down," the older version of Sam told his one-week-younger counterpart.

"How close are they?" younger Sam asked the on-board computer.

"They are here in this town!" the computer replied.
Chloe scuffed up the walk slowly after waving to her companions until they were out of sight. Pulling her house keys from her bag, she unlocks the front door and steps into the empty house. Of course no one was home. Her parents worked more than anyone else she knew. And when they weren't working, they always managed to find something else to do that kept them away from home. Well, that was okay anyway. They didn't talk to her much.

She navigates the halls easily, not needing the aid of the light, and enters her room. Flipping the switch brings illumination over the green-themed room containing books strewn over most of the flat surfaces.

Tossing her backpack on the bed, Chloe moves to her desk and shoves some of the books aside. She opens the lowest drawer and retrieves her diary: a simple pink color with a tiny golden lock protecting all of the valued pages. Only Chloe knew where the key was hidden. She made sure of that by changing her hiding place at least once a week.

Forgetting about the rest of the world- or at least her own little portion of it- Chloe begins recording everything that had happened today. This was something she would remember forever! Eating lunch with actual aliens! No one would believe her, of course, but still...

It was then that a loud clatter outside brings her from her reverie. Great, that stupid dog was back again, digging through their garbage.

Chloe hurried outside and shooed the dog away before righting the overturned garbage can. As she turns to go back inside, she notices a familiar figure wandering down the street. It was one of the girls she had spent the past few hours with. "Um...hi." She calls timidly, managing a half-hearted wave. She had never been very good at socializing.
"Hi! Are you vulcan?" a voice asked. A girl came out and it turned out to T'Brit.
         "Not really. I'm half-Vulcan," T'Brit replied.
         "Who's your parents? I've always wanted to meet a vulcan."
         "They disappeared when I was young. My mom is full vulcan. She survived a crash-land and was stranded here on Earth. Then found a handsome guy who accepted her and married."
         "Wow, that must've been hard for her."
         "I have to go now. Bye," T'Brit watched the girl leave. It was unusual for someone to chat. Then she turned and ran to where she stayed.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Tamara
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Other: She is the height of popularity, often shunning that nerd girl Chloe. She likes a young boy Vulcan. Doesn't know his secret.
Tamara blushed. That boy, Trent was soooo cute. His dark looks were so Hot! She was about to walk up to him, when her friend, Marnie, stopped her. "Hey look at Chloe, she is such a NERD!"
"No doubt" she answered glaring at the girl. When she turned to see Trent, he was gone. Marcus(that weirdo) was chasing after him yelling something like "T'ren" but she thought he was just nuts so it didn't matter. She walked home, slowly thinking about Trent..
Savek was a Vulcan

It was to typical to say Vulcans don't have emotions... but the truth - yes they do and Savek was losing his mind trying to contain the truth, trying to contain his loss...

It had been for ten years his secret was kept, ten long torturous years, when would the past stop haunting him... inside he was raging, yet something in his vision of the vast plateau that to many was merely dust, reflected how empty, lost and alone he felt, he didn't want to be a Vuclan anymore.

Vuclans repressed everything, he didn't want to be human, they were so impossibly illogical, but he had to keep up appearances, so, yet, on another "survey" of the crashsite he accompanied the Captain, and made the Vulcan equivalent of smalltalk by updates in his job, being a Geologist wasn't so bad... the rocks here were fascinating...

He mused over how it was just a matter of time before the truth was revealed, the only question was, how long could the charade last?... it hurt so much to think of home, it hurt even more to keep it from his face, he'd been with these native creatures too long, why was it he was more comfortable with them than his own kind?...

But the more it ate him up inside, the less he could see that freedom was what he longed for, it was so distant and clouded... what was it humans say, "the truth will set you free" but he didn't believe it, the truth could only condemn...

With a stony gaze he drifted into that viscious cycle of self-loathing... it was all he had left...
Forge Author Icon
Savek was a Vulcan

It was to typical to say Vulcans don't have emotions... but the truth - yes they do and Savek was losing his mind trying to contain the truth, trying to contain his loss...

It had been for ten years his secret was kept, ten long torturous years, when would the past stop haunting him... inside he was raging, yet something in his vision of the vast plateau that to many was merely dust, reflected how empty, lost and alone he felt, he didn't want to be a Vuclan anymore.

Vuclans repressed everything, he didn't want to be human, they were so impossibly illogical, but he had to keep up appearances, so, yet, on another "survey" of the crashsite he accompanied the Captain, and made the Vulcan equivalent of smalltalk by updates in his job, being a Geologist wasn't so bad... the rocks here were fascinating...

He mused over how it was just a matter of time before the truth was revealed, the only question was, how long could the charade last?... it hurt so much to think of home, it hurt even more to keep it from his face, he'd been with these native creatures too long, why was it he was more comfortable with them than his own kind?...

But the more it ate him up inside, the less he could see that freedom was what he longed for, it was so distant and clouded... what was it humans say, "the truth will set you free" but he didn't believe it, the truth could only condemn...

With a stony gaze he drifted into that viscious cycle of self-loathing... it was all he had left...

Caren Rose Author Icon
It was a dark, blueish-green overcast day. It was drizzling and the air was cool and smelled fresh and clean. There was a cool breeze that stirred the leaves of the trees, making a soft sweet sound. Crickets were chirping in the grass, and the sounds of birds and bugs and squirrels chirping in the distance created a serene, peaceful atmosphere.
         There was no one in sight except his girlfriend, who was pacing up and down on the paved part of his driveway, walking slowly - barefoot, carefully stepping through the acorns that had fallen there and left streaks of brown with the rain. The wind toyed with her hair, gently pulling it away from her face, lifting it into the air.
         Instead of turning around when she got to the end of the pavement, this time she continued on to the gravel, heading towards the small flower graden along the side of his driveway. She slowly bent over and enveloped a sprig of the lavender’s small purple flowers and inhaled the scent.
         “They smell wonderful, don’t they?” Joseph said.
         She thought for a minute, then said, “Yes, they do.”
         “How long until you have to leave, Vera?” he asked.
         “Only a few minutes, really, if I want to get back to the studio and develop my film tonight.”
         He nodded.
         “Would you like me to get your mail for you?”
         The mailbox was at the end of the gravel part of his long driveway, and she still had no shoes on - maybe she didn’t mind because she was a Vulcan - he didn’t know.
         “Are you sure, Vera?”
         She nodded. “You may call me by my real name, Joseph.” Then she turned and slowly walked down the driveway to his mailbox.

         There was someone standing in the middle of the dirt road at the bottom of Joseph’s driveway.
         “Hello,” T'Vral said to her, not really paying attention.
         “I’ve been searching for you.”
         She turned around and faced the woman, who was staring at her.
         “You’ve been searching for me?”
         She seemed familiar for some reason, but T'Vral didn’t remember meeting her before. “Do I know you?”
         “We met a while back,” she said. “We were helping a young girl whose car broke down.”
         She nodded. “Yes, I remember.” She paused. “Why have you been looking for me?”
         “Nam-tor Vuhlkansu.
         She nodded. This came as no surprise to her - she had known this woman was a Vulcan almost from the moment they met. But it had been ages since she had last heard someone speaking Vulcan.
         “It is not wise to be speaking Vulcan out in public.”
         “There is no one around-”
         She paused. “I should be leaving now to go to work.”
         The woman nodded, then began to walk down the road.
         “Do you have a name?”
         T’Vral turned and walked back up the driveway to get her shoes and camera.
* * *

         Her crew didn’t approve of her being a photographer. They thought their captain was being too emotional, because, after all, much of what makes a photograph good is the emotion it evokes from the viewer. She was good at what she did, too, and in the 6 years she had been a professional photographer, she had gained some recognition not only locally, but throughout the entire state. Her face had been plastered in various newspapers in the region, bringing reprimands from her crew saying she shouldn’t let herself get noticed by anyone.
         So here she was, on a photo shoot, in the middle of nowhere. She came here often, surrounded by trees, flowers, and animals, looking for those pictures no one else had found yet.
         She got out of her car and took her camera out of the camera bag. It held a roll of black and white film, ready to capture those images that had made Vera Taylor one of the best photographers around.
         She had never intended to become famous in any way. She had already discovered how difficult it was to be Vulcan in private but appear human in public. She hadn’t needed the publicity to make her secret even harder to keep. But that was what she had gotten, and she had to make the best of her circumstances.
         She walked along the soft, wet ground, looking for the perfect photograph. Some of her best pictures had come on rainy days. Today was looking like a good day.
         She had 3 hours and a couple rolls of film for this photo shoot. By the time an hour and a half had passed, she had found a beautiful monarch butterfly emerging from its chrysalis and a family of cats peering out at her with shining eyes from their safe, dry haven inside a small cave.
         Each time she came to this place, she went a different way, finding new things she hadn’t found before. This time, she headed towards the hill she had seen once but never explored. It was a large hill, and you couldn’t see what was on the other side until you reached the top. It was always in places like this that T’Vral would find those pictures she was looking for.
         She climbed the hill quickly. If there was something good there, she needed time to find it.
         But when she reached the top, what she found was far different than she had ever expected. In the valley below her was another Vulcan ship, different from her own. The design was Vulcan, but she didn’t recognize it as anything she knew.
         She saw something moving near the ship. She walked along the top of the hill, trying to catch another glimpse of what it was that moved.
         For just a moment, she felt anxious and afraid. For 10 years, she and her crew were alone on this planet - but this meant something totally new . . .
         She quickly regained control of her emotions. She had spent far too long among humans, and she chided herself for allowing herself to pick up their bad habits.
         She heard leaves rustling again, and she called out to whatever it was, “Hello? Is anyone out there?”
A Non-Existent User
The date of first contact is many years off, and include more wars between. The study material gained now, will provide insight in dealing with this planet years from now. There are those among Vulcan’s high council that see this as an issue, knowing the future and the change that results because of it. But it has been debated that various members who have partaken in watching races, have not changed the histories, but rather just been a part of what was to come. The paradox, though not logical, is true. If we changed something, we would not know it, and if do change an issue, it changed our time line and could prevent us from traveling back into the past to change it, there fore all remains the same, unchanged. So, it is conclude that if we do travel back into the past, no changes are made, merely a participation in the history of the race studied.

I have chosen not to make any changes, but rather just to record my experiences with humans and learn why they are so illogical in thier ways. It astounds me they ever obtained space travel at all in light of thier violent nature.

I transmitted my data to the ship’s computer prior to beginning the evenings meal. This study, while fascinating, can be inconclusive. Humanity, must evolve to where it does, in order to let them join the other space fairing races. I have, unfortunately come to the conclusion, that the first hand study, while seeing history first hand, is of no real value.

I prepared to return to the ship and assist with the repairs that we might be able to return to our time line and resume my studies on Vulcan. Until we can leave though, I will begin a low level study of Kohlinah discipline. Many do not attempt it, but in light of our current situation, I feel the need for a stronger barrier to emotions.

Sam got out of his time-machine with a handful of transparent titanium, terrallium alloy, and tritanium alloy. He dropped a piece of transparent titanium, and a piece of terrallium on the grass in front of a park near his house, and didn't notice it. He went inside his house, then got back in his time machine and took off.

A little whill later, T'Vral walked through the park and chanced upon the pieces of metal. She picked up the transparent titanium and the alloy.

"This appears to be transparent titanium, and terrallium alloy! Humans do not yet know the industrial process for making these metals! Terrallium is ten times stronger than steel!"
T'Brit went to the closest town, the town that T'Vral is in (not knowing T'Vral though). She had waited until it was dark before setting out.
         I need to find a place to rest for a while without any disturbances.
         She saw what looked like a neon sign saying "OPEN", and since she wanted to sleep as soon as possible, she went there.
         "Hello, how may I help you?" a receptionist greeted her.
         "I would like a place for a few days please," T'Brit replied. She recieved a room on the first floor, which had a window that faced the parking lot.
         Tomorrow would be a good day to start adapting to this town and maybe even meet someone to be friends with.
After changing into her pajamas, she went to bed and did not get up until morning, when the sun was rising.
A Non-Existent User
"Tamara!" shouted the teacher, rousing her from her daydream
"Yes Miss?" she answered cooley.
"What is the answer?"
"14, Miss" she answered flawlessly.
The teacher nodded and continued the lecture.
Tamara kept staring at Trent. She was confused. Most of the boys called him T'ren. And she had no-idea why. She guessed it was just normal boy weird stuff.

At home, Tamara went on the internet and searched for Trent Jones. Nothing. She searched on another site. Nothing.
This was really weird. She searched for T'ren. A site came up saying: Vulcans United.
Tamara raised an eyebrow. This was weird.
She clicked on the link and went in.
On the homepage it said:
Vulcans, as you know there are few of us. But there have been sightings of a new one....perhaps a child of two unknown ones. His name is supposedly T'Ren.
"What!" she gasped in shock, and fell off her chair. "Oh my God!"
Savek had successfully passed another "test", the inspection hadn't gone too well, he'd had to lie once more, and each time it was getting harder, keeping the secret, it was not like a Vulcan to lie, but for him it was the only logical course of action.

But a new threat had arrived, he'd spotted Sam spying, but didn't know anything about the strange human, he did realize there was something out-of-place about this one. Having had to be quite observant, Savek noticed many things... for now, it was better just to keep his eyes and ears open. If this man turned out to be a threat, could he bring himself to deal with it?... What other logical course of action is there? Only time would tell...
Forge Author Icon
Savek had successfully passed another "test", the inspection hadn't gone too well, he'd had to lie once more, and each time it was getting harder, keeping the secret, it was not like a Vulcan to lie, but for him it was the only logical course of action.

But a new threat had arrived, he'd spotted Sam spying, but didn't know anything about the strange human, he did realize there was something out-of-place about this one. Having had to be quite observant, Savek noticed many things... for now, it was better just to keep his eyes and ears open. If this man turned out to be a threat, could he bring himself to deal with it?... What other logical course of action is there? Only time would tell...

Maryann Author Icon
“…But Ms. Lara, how come some of the explorers ventured out to sea, when all the rest of their people thought the world was flat? Were they trying to kill themselves?”

“No, Brian. Those explorers were the first to evolve from a primitive society. They realized that there was indeed no factual truth involved in those statements, so therefore all of that information was simply unreliable.” T’Lara waited for another reply from her sixed grade student, but he just blinked his blue eyes. The students in her class seemed some what confused much of the time.

These students could never be candidates for the Vulcan Science Academy, had they been students on the planet Vulcan. Humans have much difficulty understanding logic. On Vulcan, Logic is the cement of our civilization, with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide. T’Lara remembered those words about chaos and reasoning from her studies of the ancient Vulcan philosopher, T’Plana-Hath. T’Lara graduated as an explorer from the Vulcan Science Academy. She took many classes in the Stella sciences, her favorite being Stella Cartography, but she also studied Vulcan Philosophy in her spare time.

Another student was about to ask a question, but the bell rang. T’Lara said with authority, “We can no longer discuss these historical matters at this time. Class dismissed.” As the last student left, T’Lara took out her thermos of tea and poured a cup. She always had a cup of tea before she left for the day. She looked at the hot liquid, and took a sip. It’s not Vulcan Tea, but it is sufficient.

She drank the tea and thought deeply of other matters at hand. The captain has informed me that much has happened since we last spoke. There is the possibility of another Vulcan ship on this planet. Perhaps they can assist in the repair of our ship. As it stands, hardly anything works correctly except for weapons – not that our small vessel had a large weaponry complement. We are, after all, a peaceful civilization. In the event that our ship cannot become functional, we might be able to leave on the other vessel. The captain has also informed me that Savek has news about a spy. I would like to meet with them and the rest of the crew to discuss these issues.
I'm getting kind of busy with school so I'm not going to write an actual addition this time ...

But I would like you guys to send me an email telling me what you like, what you don't like about this campfire. Please be detailed, and tell me who's your favorite person, whose additions you look forward to reading every time, and who you don't like, etc.

Sam sat in his Ferrari/time-machine and looked at a computer monitor on the instrument panel. There was a timeline showing the date Zefram Cochrane first made contact with the Vulcans in the 2060's, referred to as "First Contact," in spite of the fact that hostile aliens attacked Earth in 2012.

According to everything he read about Vulcans, they were peaceful, and trade between Humans and Vulcans would enlighten the Human race with astounding new technology.

"Make a replicator," Sam told the computer, "and program it to prepare Vulcan foods and beverages. Put it in the passenger seat, then drive to where the Vulcans are here in town."

If someone had been looking at the Ferrari, they would've seen it de-materialize. Nobody saw it, however, and when it re-materialized, Sam's Ferrari/time-machine was parked next to the curb in front of T'Vral's residence.

Sam grabbed the replicator and walked to the front door, and rang the doorbell. The door opened...
Savek stood waiting, the lonliness was unbearable... At least he had rocks to keep him company. He'd told her that, but she didn't believe him, Sandra just wouldn't let him be. She had a deep seeded need to be gregarious, like all humans, he guessed. Perhaps she was alone too. Whatever the case, he'd lied to her too, she wasn't able to know he was Vulcan.

And those who knew he was Vulcan should not know about her, but they did. He knew that T'Vral didn't approve, but it hadn't let it interfere with his duty, as long as things stayed that way, he could exist. But he was still drowining in a sea of lies.

What he was not lying about, was that he was beginning to have feelings for Sandra, and although he let her make the name "Jon" for him, she was his only escape from the painful truth. The truth that he'd been a coward, the truth that he couldn't face his past, even though it clung to him every day, threatening his life, his sanity, his very core. It was getting bigger, harder, and worse to deal with, so he continued to supress it, afterall if he did deal with it, it would be obvious to all how much of a failure of a Vuclan he'd become. Humans had a saying 'the truth will set you free', but to Savek, the truth was his enemy.

Gently he brushed aside some dirt from a stone, it was obsidian black, but had a smooth pearlescent surface. Something had long ago scorched it and petrified the outer layer in crystalline splendour. But to Savek it was just another reminder of history, so he entered it into his log and took it as a sample.
Forge Author Icon
Savek stood waiting, the lonliness was unbearable... At least he had rocks to keep him company. He'd told her that, but she didn't believe him, Sandra just wouldn't let him be. She had a deep seeded need to be gregarious, like all humans, he guessed. Perhaps she was alone too. Whatever the case, he'd lied to her too, she wasn't able to know he was Vulcan.

And those who knew he was Vulcan should not know about her, but they did. He knew that T'Vral didn't approve, but it hadn't let it interfere with his duty, as long as things stayed that way, he could exist. But he was still drowining in a sea of lies.

What he was not lying about, was that he was beginning to have feelings for Sandra, and although he let her make the name "Jon" for him, she was his only escape from the painful truth. The truth that he'd been a coward, the truth that he couldn't face his past, even though it clung to him every day, threatening his life, his sanity, his very core. It was getting bigger, harder, and worse to deal with, so he continued to supress it, afterall if he did deal with it, it would be obvious to all how much of a failure of a Vuclan he'd become. Humans had a saying 'the truth will set you free', but to Savek, the truth was his enemy.

Gently he brushed aside some dirt from a stone, it was obsidian black, but had a smooth pearlescent surface. Something had long ago scorched it and petrified the outer layer in crystalline splendour. But to Savek it was just another reminder of history, so he entered it into his log and took it as a sample.

Maryann Author Icon
T'lara got into her car for the ride home from the school where she works. She looked at the people as she drove passed, and wondered who among them might be Vulcan. She also wondered who among them might know of Vulcans. She put on her blinker light to make a turn while she contemplated these thoughts...
A Non-Existent User
T'Shan was feeling unconfortable in such continuous proximity to both Vulcans and humans. It had been so long. Humans were easier, rather like Vulcan young who had not yet embraced what made them truly Vulcan. But it was not the Vulcans or the humans in this small town that had encouraged her departure from her solitary life and music, It was the young of mixed species. She did not really approve of Vulcans mating with humans, but what was done was done, and the children were a new race in and of themselves. That was where her concern and her interest lay, and that was why she had chosen this T'lara to begin her investigation with. She was a teacher of these children, she knew the behaviors of Vulcan yong and these children of Earth. She was the logical one to contact

T'lara almost braked suddenly when she felt the subtle brush against her mind. It was not intrusive, but strong and commanding in tone. "Please stop at he restaurant at this corner and I will meet you there. I am T'Shan, and there is much we should discuss. I am here in concern for those children who are both human and Vulcan, but I have been long seperated from both and seek your help in this matter."
A Non-Existent User
Tamara looked through the garden ferns outside her house. Across the road lived Chloe, and apparently, she knew about Vulcans, or whatever they were.
She thought that maybe she could figure out what was with Trent, or T'ren or whatever.
"Hey Chloe" she called out as she saw the girl come out of her house.
"I have to ask you something. Can you help me?"
"I'll try"
"What do you know about.....Vulcans?"
T'Lara thought it was fortunate to have crossed paths with T'Shan. It seemed inevitable that members from both crashes would meet, and impeccable timing that they should meet now. According to T'Shan, there is due concern about the younger Vulcans becoming too Human. In addition to the new Vulcan children who will now be born on Earth, thoughts have arisen as to what will become of the human/Vulcan children.

T'Lara contemplated this very curious subject, and expressed her ideas to T'Shan. "This is a very curious subject indeed. With a Vulcan/Human species mix it will be quite natural for the children to be at odds with their duality. New Vulcan children will also show confusion to be surrounded by so many others much unlike themselves. It is not possible to simply ignore the fact that they are Vulcan, since there are too many differences. Their very different mind is obvious, but also their appearance is obvious. They are three times stronger than Humans. A trip to a Human doctor's office is out of the question, since differences in physical matters such as blood would be easy to detect. Vulcans also live three times longer than Humans do."

There was silence as T'Lara deeply thought about the matter some more before she continued speaking. "Vulcan natural emotions can be erratic and volatile if unchecked. I'm sure that the parents are doing whatever they can to aid in the discipline of their offspring's minds, but perhaps more can be done. Perhaps with the help of some of us, we could have a club where these young Vulcans can all be together. It might prove easier in our Earth environment for them to exercise additional control of their emotions in a setting with their own peers. They can practice meditative techniques and other training of mental discipline. Of course they will always have their human friends, that's important too, but this will be a place where they can just be Vulcan."

T'Lara paused and began speaking some more. "They can learn more of their culture and about their planet, Vulcan. It is feasible that we might be able to return home someday. They will want to leave, with assurance that they can always visit Earth again. This club can prepare them. They can learn how to play the Vulcan lute and participate in such music competitions. They can learn Vulcan songs..."

T'Lara began to softly sing.
"Through storms he crossed the Voroth Sea
To reach the clouded shores of Raal
Where old T'Para offered truth.
He traveled through the windswept hills
And crossed the barren Fire Plains
To find the silent monks of Kir.
Still unfulfilled. He journeyed home
Told stories of the lessons learned
And gained true wisdom by the giving."

T'Lara went on. "It would be my honor to teach songs such as Falor's Journey to Vulcan young. I could never teach such songs to my Human grade six class. I'm sure, with your music background, you will also find these ideas intriguing. In this Vulcan club, children can also be taken on field trips. It would be a compromise to the kahs-wan ritual, in which children are left to fend for themselves in the desert. The Human mates will agree to their children participating if they are chaperoned in a camping trip setting. T'Shan, we must do this. We must start a club. We could get other Vulcans who find these ideas intriguing to also help. I'm sure there are others who will..."
A Non-Existent User
Chloe sat Tamara down and began.
"Well as far as I know, they are aliens to our planet. With technology superior to ours.
They are from the planet Vulcan. They have pointy ears & arched eyebrows and green blood. Strange? I know. They supress their emotions & have developed a culture dedicated to the complete mastery of logic. They came to our planet in 1996. So far as we know that is."
"Whose we?" asked Tamara, skeptical.
"People who are aware of the prescense of these...folk"
"I see....well - thanks. I guess"
"Wait -" Chloe grabbed her arm as Tammy tried to leave "Do you want to meet one?"
"I think I already have, thanks again...bye"
T'Vral had come to the conclusion that everyone had secrets no one knew about, and there was no logical reason nyone had to know these secrets. Being secretive wasn't necessarily dishonest, was it?
She increasingly spent her time alone trying to block things out of her mind instead of dealing with them. She knew she was on a downward spiral, but it was a slow descent.
Joseph was the biggest problem now, though she was no longer in denial about him. They were in love, they were dating. They were going to get married, even. But the time was coming when she would have to choose between him and home. And she didn't like the side she was leaning to.
Every night, she closed up the photography studio she was now famous for, alone and in the dark, and she wondered if she could go on in this life much longer. She had gotten fortune and fame and all one could want, but she wanted none of it. She could not keep a low profile any longer, but her life depended on the lack of scrutiny from others.
She locked the back door and made her way to the back edge of the studio's parking lot, bordering the lot of a cheap hotel. It was a cold night with an even colder breeze, so she focused all her thoughts on the cold, on staying warm, so she wouldn't have to think about her life. It didn't work. She knew she had to admit to herself that she was where she wanted to be, but she just couldn't. She felt hypocritical, disapproving of Savek's relationship while every day developing her own. A good captain was to lead by example, not this crap!
Her own turmoil and bitterness shocked her at times. It caused her to do things she would have never dreamed of doing if she was back on Vulcan. She had changed. She worked so hard to become what she was, then she lost it all. Lost not in the crash, but in the lies. In the secrets.
A gust of wind blew the hair back from her face, and she suddenly realized she was bathed in light from the hotel's lot. A smoker by a tree, a couple by their car, a kid on a skateboard. She was exposed.
But they payed her no attention, for there was a fight at the other end of the lot. And for a moment, she was grateful for the violence so native to this lot. She hurriedly unlocked her car, and was about to get in when a girl came rushing at her, running from the small crowd behind her. She instinctively held out her arms and grabbed the girl, nearly shoving her into the car. But from the brief physical contact, T'Vral discovered something just as serious as when she discovered the other ship - this girl was Vulcan.
She was far to young, though, unless there was somehow another ship ... but the chances of that were, well, astronomical. And she didn't appear to be fully Vulcan, she was far too undisciplined, and far too ... well, far too much like T'Vral when she was young ...
It always came down to having to prove herself to everyone else, she thought. Never in her life was she accepted for who she was, and it never changed, it never would change ...
She forcibly repressed that thought and asked the girl her name. T'Brit. Interesting name. She hadn't heard of her before.
"Where do you live?"
"At the hotel, for now."
"Oh." She paused. "I don't think it's wise for you to go back there tonight. You can stay at my apartment tonight."
"Thank you."
Just one more mystery in the developing saga of her life. Why did things like this happen?
         T'Brit found some water- in this case a lake- to sit by. Going to the edge of the water, she sat down, relaxing. She needed some time to think about things she was going to do. She had met someone who appeared to be in charge, yet also lonely too. She saw so much, but at the same time she had questions unanswered. Besides her encounter with someone who appeared to have had similiar situation as her she felt very lonely. Water always comforted her though, so here she sat by the water, to clear her mind. Then she decided, yes, she'll accept that inventation to stay at the apartment instead of at the hotel. In a distance, by using her imagination, she could see where she grew up, among the trees.

© Copyright 2006 Caren Rose, Token-Jester, xx-xx, Mistress Sakusha, Angelica Weatherby- HappyVDay, xx-xx, xx-xx, Forge, Maryann, xx-xx, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
GROUP has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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