Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1136157-the-auroras-time
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Action/Adventure · #1136157
you are some auroras from theministry crossing paths with HPgang huntingfor dracomalfoy
first of all we begin by creating our characters,some can be human or partly human.
part elves,part vampire,part wolves are allowed as long as your character is knowledgeable in magic and all are talented in martial arts plus they may have powers
ok so heres the story this is around 8 years after the death of dumbledore,so every ones preety growed up,you are the same age as HP gang and all except you dont know them before being an aurora,you have all graduated from magical schools,(either hogwarts,durmstrung or beatruix) at the same time except Harry who is realy never there and mite be in some cave plotting meaningless plots against voldermorte for all we care........anyway,you are (the people in this campfire)all partners on the job and are hunting down Draco malfoy for numerous crimes.Hermoine+Ron work ar the ministry at nicely paid jobs(its the least i could do) but are not auroras,all other characters such as the weasley clan,Oliver wood and previous students we know from the book,but dont get toooooooooooooooooooooooooo involved with them......keep the story to the way it is in the book

NOTE:please add part of the story WITH your description so we can like get on with the story quickly?

NOTE:you cant have to of the same kind of half breeds in this aurora campfire plus i only need about 4 ppl for this campfire so hurry up and invite yourself before your left out

not tooo much romance,keep it to pg 13 plus not too much vulgur language for this and if your not very descriptive and imaginative and your just playing around then plz dont try to sign up for this coz i need imaginative ppl for this with a sense of humour.










name:Ravin Zahara(pronounced ra--vin)


speceis:(she is a winged archer partly human her wings are realy large,larger than Gabrials(one of the auroras),she can make fire with her gloved hand)
school of graduation:Durmstrung

speciality:arching and dueling


(you are all investigators + auroras)

description:she has dark brown/black hair,dark brown that change literarly silver when angry or provoked eyes,thinking eyes,slim,white wings with a tint of grey/black,she wears a dark black cloak(she is sometimes awed at if she removes the cloak),brown skin and wears a glovereaching her elbow on her right hand

character:she is very serious but has her witty side.she is smart and always seems to be thinking about something.......thinks with her head before her heart but if provoked after numerous warnings will strike venomously,knows how to defend herself and knows which times are not right for somethings.

transformation(which animal):a falcon

history:no family,but those close to her were brutaly murdered by voldermort

talents(just for fun,just add anything):she can play the violin

Ravin waved the large peice of parchment slowly so it floated slightly above the table of the secratary as she got out of the auroras office.the wizard took them as they finaly floated down on the table after Ravin had locked the auroras office door.
"Any reports"she asked as she vanished the keys in thin air
"yes,a miss chang has fleed the country for no apparent reason"
"chang,chang..........,now where have i heard that before?it seems farmiliar"
"a miss cho chang"
"oh yes,"Ravin said blankly"something got to do with "the boy who lived" in the daily prophet"with this she drew speech marks in the air.
"where is that Harry potter anyway"
"plotting vengeance against voldermort in god knows where"
Ravin is nearly interupted by the secratarys cowering at the word,she always said it and amused herself at peoples stupid fear at the word.
"Anyway,im going at the weaselys shop to find out what the hell last weaks explosion was about,their products after all were found there"
"all this working doesnt make you tired? and when are you going to make time for the triwizarding championships,dont you know the tickets could get sold out?"
"dont you know?"ravin says smiling a slight ligh hearted sad smile"i never sleep"

Ravin opened the door of the weasly shop,the room was bright and olourful with all kinds of pranks filling the shelves to the brim,she went over to the counter as the room was unusualy empty.Ravin could see a red headed man stooping under from behind the counter obviosly busy.she then tapped the bell at the counter not too loudly but loud enough for him to raise his gaze to her.he cleans his hands before shaking hers,they made their introductions and Ravin requested for an interveiw.
Fred Weasly was his name and the interveiw went with no beneficial information but some "charming" remarks.
another day wasted.

"thank you for your input"Ravin said glum after this fruitless investigation,"can you show me the records of the items brought this month?"

"oh yes,"he smiled sidewardly,as he gave Ravin the papers from behind the cashier"you can keep them if you like"

"no thankyou,ill just make a copy right now,"Ravin skilfuly took out the wand from her cloak and hovered it from the top to the bottom of the paper,a bright green light following the wands shadow on the paper"thankyou,and that will be all"Ravin said as she rolled the wand back into her pocket.

mr weasely walked in,what weasely? walked in?but,mr weasly is..................Ravin tapped her head........of course,this was George weasely,the twin.He was carrying mounds of boxes that Ravin soon levitated into the air onto the counter.

"Thanks,"mr george weasly sort of panted "im George weasly

"I think she knows"Fred said sarcasticaly

"Haven't i seen you some where?,"he asked still panting"around-"

"yes,the daily prophet,"Ravin said holding back her anger,she didnt like talking about the subject "the article about letting half breeds into the ministry"

"no..no,i dont think so,"he said with his fist pressed to his mouth in the thinking man position "no,i remember....the Goblet of fire?....Durmstrung?Yule ball?"

"ah,"Ravin nodded her head remembering"so your the fools that tried to trick the goblet of fire using an ageing potion?"

"well i thought it would work"Fred said defendantly

Ravin suddenly had striked oil,she knew how to help her investigation now."isnt your brother a great friend to Harry Potter?"

"we are too,hes the reason why this shop stands"

"may i have his name?"

"Ronald Weasely"Fred said a matter of factly

Ravin wrote it quickly on a peice of parchment then tucked it into the air,then turned to leave,she opened the door but stopped when the weasely called out.

"dont you want to know where he is?"he asked leaning back on the counter.

Ravin smiled to herself as she looked down at her shoes for a second in thought then looked up"dont worry i'll know"and with that she left the shop with its bell ringing.


Another day not completely wasted,maybe.The hunt for the Malfoy would be tiresome the cowardly wimp Ravin been told about during the goblet of fire was now around ten years later a foul evil challenging death eater...he looked evil from the picture in the newspaper that Ravin was studying in hand as she sipped at her Apple flavoured non-alcoholic.
Draco Malfoy would be hard to find he was around Voldermort's tiny dead finger,but she would get him,Ravin would get the both of them nice and proper


Ravin waited for the new auroras to come they had better understand the concept of this investigation.
Ravin was scanning the parchement she had received when Martha burst into the room.Ravin looking a bit annoyed from her concentration being broken looked up at her."What is it now,martha?"

"The protestors are here again"

What are they protesting against now,Cheese?

"They are protesting against the new half breed auroras"

"Well let those idiots bloody protest,ive had enough today,people made the stupid law of free speech so i cant do anything about it"

"NO!"Martha was panicking "They're trying to hurt the new auroras!!!what if they get hurt?"

"If they get hurt we'll know they arent good enough for this association,and what damage can a group of locals realy inflict?"

"Please miss Zahara!You arent taking this seriously!"Martha cried

"Im taking it very seriously,lets think of it as...a test.and besides why do you want to go and set ablaise a group of humans,i would be simply wasting my time and Rita Skeeter remains to listen in the shadows"

"I dont know how you stand that woman"

"its called self control,do not worry yourself...set a spell on your door if you think it will comfort you,but nothing will come of it...but thankyou for informing me"

Martha slightly feeling having acheived something walked out of the room glowing.

Ravin sighed and sat back again.

The shouts were louder then,the auroras must have arrived.Ravin streched as she got up and went to the curtains she slowly peeked through the side of the window where the crowd was throwing a tanturum,they had arrived.
name: Ayame Teshigahara


species: cat hybrid

School: beauxbatons

speciality: stealth, infiltration, martial arts

nationality: Japanese

description: She has wavy black hair and gray blue eyes. she has brown cat ears that she disguises under a hat. She wears a short black and pink skirt over tight black flared pants. Black/pink off the shouler shirt. She has slit pupils.

character: She is very playful and clever. She is very loyal to a select few people. She likes her independence and does things in her own good time. Likes to keep people guessing. Very dangerous when angry.

Transformation: siamese cat

history: she was born human but her father wasn't that great with magic and ended up fusing her dna with that of a cat. Her mother was killed for breaking the Imperius curse and messing up one of voldemort's plans.

talents(just for fun,just add anything):singing


Ayame tossed her hair over her shoulder and arched her eyebrows at the protestors. They were waving signs in her face and one of them tried to curse her.

That was a bad idea on his part. She flipped over him and kicked him in the face before turning and walking in the door.

"A little testy this morning..." She sighed, looking over her shoulder at the closed door.
name: Angeless 'Gabrial' Samael.

gender: Male

species: Humanoid. *He has white wings. He can make them small enough to remain hidden but dislikes the discomfort it causes*

School: Hogwarts

speciality: Divinity. Stealth. Infiltration and combat.

nationality: English.

description: He seems to be an Angel at first glance due to his wings and beauty. Wears white cloaths and is often shoeless. 6'5. The bluest eyes ever. an ifectious smile. Comes off as high and mighty.

character: At peace with most things. Has a deep seated loathing of evil. Finds it hard to ignore the future as he walks in both at the same time. Has a curiosity that is childlike. He dislikes being called Gabrial as he believes he is no Angel.

Transformation: A white hawk.

history: Raised as a Catholic he was heraled as being a messenger of thier god. Although He is skilled at fortelling futures he is also a slave to them. He lives in the future more than the present and as such he seems to react faster than anyone. His mother Called him Gabrial after the arcAngel. An ironic twist as his older brother when he turned to evil took the name of Lucifer as a joke to his upbringing.

talents: Talented at Archery. Understands birds


Angeless had been in his office in the minestry now for the last 5 hours. He found it hard to block the future out here. So many lifes crossing over each other. A headaque he had long grown used to. Having a conversation he already knew. Knowing who was about to visit him. He was rubbing his temples. This place was like a knot in timelines everything bunch up close together.

"Its open...come in "he sighed as he folded his wings.

The tweeting of a hundred birds and the beathing of wings was a solace he craved. The majority of the room was covered in books and birds.

"The answer is yes Ravin. The protestors will be her all day...most of t'moro. And yess I do know it iretating when I do this. "he sighed giving the answers before the question.

"For a Angel you're really...

"Annoying...perhaps. But thats why you hired me "sighed Angeless preening his wings.
"well you certainly arent hiding your identity"Ravin crossed her hands,she certainly didnt find someone dressed in white walking about the place bare foot helpful and she found the way he kind of showed off his wings annoying,but being a serious person she hid her feelings easily,she would just have to put up with him,he did seem arrogant to her a bit.
when she was asking him the questions above she was hiding a small tint of sarcasm,and the fact just cause you had wings was supposed to mean you were an angel if you were catholic,but Ravin was not a catholic she was a muslim(being arab) and their differences would be a problem.
she did not like this guy,but she would have to ignore it,and the fact that he sat in HER chair...ok,calm down,ignore.

Ayame came into the room,and Ravin stopped thinking about how much she woul not like working with this guy.

"So what are we going to do now?"

"Well,we are-"Ravin began...

"going to see Mr Ronald Weasly"the way he cut Ravin off was realy annoying this guy would have to get something straight here-

"Are we going now?"Ayame asked curiously

"No right now we are looking at the Weasly joke shop items brought records and it apears that Mr Weasly lives in the muggle world and we even have to find out what Cho Chang is doing fleeing from the magic world"Ravin said as she handed Gabriel the parchement"See anything strange about the shop records?"

Gabrial took it and studied it for a long time "no,nothing..."

Ravin took it from him smiling a little bit to herself then gave it to Ayame with her cat like senses she must have been more aware of the records.Ayame looked at Ravin biting her lip,something was strange about this paper.

Ayame said.......
Ayame laid her ears back and sniffed, handing the paper back to Ravin. "That is a bit odd..." she said, narrowing her eyes at the paper.

She looked at the winged guy who looked back at her with the bluest eyes she'd ever seen. She was a little taken aback, actually. "So I take it your name is Ayame," he smiled, "I'm Angeless." He said.

She only tilted her head and looked back at him before scratching her head and looking out the window. "So...where to?" She asked, stretching her back in a humanly impossible way and turning around.
He got up out of Ravin's chair after realising she was about to ask him to get up. He was a bit aware how Ayame was watching his wings with obvious cat like eagerness. Curling them up tightly he pulled on his robe.

"Gabrial...Can't you turn your premonitions off? "asked Ravin realising she hadn't actualy thaughtto ask him of it?

Angeless raised an eyebrow. A shy grin came to his face.

"Not exactly...I don't know how to. It's like what was it Father used to say? 'Hardwired into my brain'. Like the off switch is missing...I can dull it down so I only see a fraction of a second ahead "smiled Angeless Sheepishly ignoring her calling him Gabrial.

He wondered why everyone prefered to call him that. Were people more comfortable calling him by that name?

"Why does she call you Gabrial? "asked Ayame quietly?

"Because its my name...She also does it to annoy me "sighed Angeless.

Ravin looked up at him.

"You sure you can't read minds? "asked Ravin glancing at him?

He shook his head. He wasn't actualy sure if he could. He'd never tried before. Although he had been submited to a physical evaluation my a miss Granger.

"So where are we going? "asked Angeless?
"Well,im going on the rooftop,"Ravin said taking off her coat,she streched her large black tinted wings "Ill meet you people at the three broomsticks"she opened the door and left.
as she went up the stairs she went up she removed the locket from her pocket,its edges were rusted....she had found it under the ashes of her burnt house,when she was a little girl.painful memories,no.
no.Ravin quickly closed it,feeling regret from the thought.
Angeless could tell the future,but he better hell not be able to tell the past.....there were many things she did not want people to know,no one will ever know.....shelll make sure of it.
the breeze on the roof top was not as chilly as she thought,excellent weather for flying.
Ayame tilted her head and looked off after Ravin. She took her hat off and twitched her ears around a bit. "Well... care to join me for a little walk?" She asked Angeless casually over her shoulder. She scratched her ears slightly before putting her hat back on and walking out the door.

"Don't mind if I do.." He said, already in front of her.

"Neehh.. no fair.." She mumbled to herself, catching up to him as they started off toward the Three Broomsticks.
He was never sure why people found it funny that he used to get motion sickness from flying. He couldn't help it the constant rise and fall made him feel sick.

"What ya thinking about? "asked Ayame casualy?

"Aside from having a headaque from working somewhere that has so many people...and how the future tends to knot up in places like that. I was wondering if Ravin is uncomfortable around me because of the things I see "he sighed pausing in step now and again a good second before anybody crossed their paths.

Ayame seemed to find him amusing from the qurks of seeing things in advance. Something esle that had made having relationships difficult in the past aside from ebing a half breed.

"Does it ever annoy you knowing whats going to happen? I mean it can't be fun never being surprised "asked Ayame?

Angeless smiled.

"My brother used to say the same thing...Before he died. Unlike me he could turn it on and off. But To be honest I'm always surprised. It's like a mirror...some times its in focus other times its obscured. ah here we are "smiled Angeless.

"Are you always this...content? "asked Ayame giggling slightly?

"Wait till he's in a good mood...you'll almost pray for something to bring his mood down "sighed Ravin.

Angeless smiled.

"I'm content with my world becuase Its soemthing I'm acustomed to...guy in the corner, Selling stolan goods. The witch in the red...she's going to try to hex the guy peddling to stolen gear "sighed Angeless as he sat down.

"You should have been put to work in the department of mysteries... "sighed Ravin.

"No point...I can't see for more than a couple seconds in there...then My nose bleeds "sighed Angeless as he took another survay of the room.

"any good cases Gabrial? "asked Ravin?

"Couple "sighed Angeless.
you guys i cant write right now so skip me,im busy on something else so just continue it,promise it will never happen again
Ayame's ears flicked around underneath her hat. She glanced at the people around her and sighed, leaning against a wall.

That's when she heard something rather suspicious on the other side of the room.
Angeless had been engaged with Ravin on the debate of him being so open about being a half breed.

"Oh come on...why do you think those protestors keep showing up? Duh You give them an excuse by walking around with your wings out Gabrial "hissed Ravin.

Angeless smirked.

"Why should we hide who we are from our own world? I am what I am...They're the ones with the problem...big deal I was born with wings...I can see the future all the time. Why should I deny what I was born with? "sighed Angeless.

"Gah...you have got to be the dumbest smart person I know. You may act high and mighty But I your dirty little secrets "whispered Ravin as Ayame got up and went over to the bar on the pretence or getting more drinks.

Angeless froze momentarily lost in mid sentence.

"What makes you think you know my secrets? "asked Angeless?

"You killed your brother and 5 other people...you even got your little sister killed "hissed Ravin.

His eyes seemed to flash white for a moment then returned to normal. Standing up he looked at her the look of anger still present in his face. Evidently she had struck a nerve that was still raw even after 2 years.

"Let it go Ravin...you don't want to go there "sighed Angeless.

"Why? Feel guilty about something? Is that what happens to those close to you. Becuase of your arrogance? "asked Ravin agresivly?

He hardly felt the glass cut into his hand as he clenched the bottle in his hand. He dropped the bottle scattering what was left of it onto the floor.

"If you saw the way I do...You'd know what it feels like to be too late to help. Too late to stop somebody die because of you "he hissed back at her before storming out of the door.

He was sprinting down the street vagly aware that his hand was cut. He tripped and scraped his hands on the cobbled road surface. He was kneeling down and wipped his hands on his thighs and then spread his wings. Pulling out a pair of goggles he put them on. In one elegant motion he was in the air leaving a swirling cloud of dust.

"What does she know...I've already seen how I die...and who does it. I'm the proverbial dead man walking. Atleast she's got a decent future...both of them do "thaught Angeless

(sorry I took so long to write,i was in Tanzania for the hols with no internet access,plus there might be a new member for this campfire)

Ravin crossed her arms,she had felt intimidated by Angeless,what was his problem?the guy should be in Azkaban and he definately was not taking this serious,but Ravin had never experienced an attack on anyone like that,she exhaled to let out all the anger and was in control,she was aware of Ayame coming back with a drink in her hand.
"what just happened there?"

"i dont know"Ravin said looking at the blood smeared on the table,Angeless might be a danger to her,and she didnt like it.


Ravin ran through the hallways of who knows where,she was tired and had a cut on her cheek,something or someone was chasing her,her rasping breathing seemed to echo of every wall.
her foot caughtin one of the holes in the floor and she fell.
she gasped in the pain as she sprained her ankle,she scrambled inside her cloak for her wand,she found it and whispered quickly over her injured foot,the THING seemed to be coming nearer.
Ravin enveloped her self in flames,the orange flames flirted with blue.she was a cornered animal going down with a fight.
the sounds turned into foot steps,that clanked around the corner,Ravin holding out her wand in a striking motion,the steps grew louder and louder.
the figure entered into focus.
it was hooded in black.

"who are you?"Ravin almost whispered

the figuire took his hood down.
It was Draco Malfoy
da da da dum.
"See...The inquiry didn't turn up anything. You weren't responsible for the acident. Ravin is like that to everybody "sighed Ayame.

"Look Because of my inability to see past him I lost a sister and my brother "sighed Angeless.

"They were death-eaters...He killed her not you "sighed Ayame.

"That doesn't mean it wasn't my fault. I knew...I knew what he was like what he was capable of...I KNEW. Don't you get it I knew and still couldn't stop it "laughed Angeless.

His eyes were kind of glazed and vacant. It was an expression Ayame had come to asociate with his other sight. Ayame sighed and then slapped him.

"Ravin is in trouble. Come on...we need to aperate to her "sighed Angeless rubbing his cheek.
Name: Frankie Trixi-Belle

Gender: female

Species: fairy (can fly, likes little dresses, can also get rid of wings when wanting to, without pain)

Specialities: hard magic,extremly good hearing, can hear things she dosn't want to.

School: Hogwarts
speciality: Invisiblity, killing unwated people, telepathic,

Nationality: American

Description: Beautiful, Brown naturally ringlet's hair, deep purple wings, likes to wear little dresses, mainly purple, red or black. Big Green eyes that stand out, fair skin, very slim.

Character: Fun loving, like Angeless, although she shouldn't, likes to be alone some times, hates the center of attention. Has a very adventurous side. Isn't a bad person and loves to be around close friends, Angeless, Ravin and Ayame.

Transformation(s): A fairy.

History: Dosn't know what happened to her family, just knows some one or some thing is after her.

Talents(just for fun,just add anything): acting, singing, being abal to love others who have never felt love before.


Frankie Trixi-Belle walked towards the wispering voice around the corner.
"Who are you?!" The voice wispered. Trixi heard the sound of a cloak swishing, as if the hood fell.
A soft gasp left the wispering persons lips.
Trixi concentrated on becoming invisible. She looked down, seeing straight through her slender body.
She stepped around the corner, Draco Malfoy. The boy they had been serching for. Frankie took out her wand. Carful not to make any noise.
Ravin's hands were slipping ino her pockets to get her wand, how did she make it so discrete thought Trixi-Belle.
Red light and Green light flashed together. Frankie having sent the disarming spell expeliarmus knew that either Draco or Ravin had sent he fatal killing curse.
A popping noise told them all other people were joinging them, good or bad they didn't know yet.
"what the hell?!" Ravin shouted ducking down as something purple shot by her ear.
they still held the spell in midair,red clashing with green.she saw something flickering behind Draco,ofcourse Franky trixi belle.what was she doing here?after 3 months?!now here.
she exchanged glances with her,Ravin was gonna have to duck real fast.
This was all Angelesses fault.it was a mean thought to be thinking at the time.but failing on the job?!now she knew who her real father was.
Now they would be stalking her for life,so she could become a death eater and separate voldermortes hocrus from harry potter’s body.
And nothing good would have come from the long three months….in the mansion,being treated like a geust until she tried to escape.the furthest she had gotten was falling into a trap in the castle walls.

“Malfoy!”she shouted, “wait till Voldermorte finds out you tried to kill his only child”

Malfoy’s face went angry pale.
Now!she ducked. The green light shattered against the wall behind her as she rolled to the side with all her strength she had left.

“come on!”she shouted at Franky trixi belle.then running off with her through the corridors she found the path in which they had come.Angeless and Ayame were waiting.

Angeless tried to say something but Ravin held her hand up “save it”

"I swear she's channeling her fathers spirit "muttered Angeless under his breath.

"I thaught you said I wouldn't be in mortal danger "shouted Ravin?

"You didn't ask about the other kinds of danger "laughed Angeless.

"Did he just make a joke? "asked Franky?

"I think he did "smirked Ayame.

He was unusualy happy for a change. Maybe talking about his problems was making him feel more at ease with the world.

"I think I liked you more when you were depressed "sighed Ravin.

Angeless smirked and then let out a very childish giggle.

"I haven't laughed like that in god knows how long "smirked Angeless.

"Great so next time you're down I'l just get into a life threatening situation to make you laugh "shouted Ravin.

"Gimmie a break...You won't die. You live to be a pain in my ass "smirked Angeless.

"Watch it Gabrial. I'm sure I could turn you into a a frog or something "hissed Ravin.
-last time I wrote it said "Character: Fun loving, like Angeless, although she shouldn't" the 'like Angeless' is supposed to be 'likes Angeless, although she shouldn't'-

Frankie laughed, she loved seeing Angeless happy. Being with everyone was great, although Ravin seemed a little on edge about the whole situation.
'Well, I can't blame her, she is in the middle of everything here.' Frankie Trixi Belle thought to herself.
Angeless gave her a funny look. He could read minds, damn.
'Did you hear that?' Trixi belle questionly asked Angeless.
He nodded slightly looking into her bottel green eyes.
"What are you two think about?" asked Ayame cutting into the mini conversation going on in their heads.
"Nothing much." they answered at the same time.
A huge bang disrupted the conversation.
"What was that?"asked Angeless getting up off the couch...
Did Angeless know?did he know?did he…..know what she knew?was voldermorte realy her dad?
Ravin shook her head,it was all so confusing.Angeless,Voldermorte,Draco………was it all true?
Angeless was realy ticking her off,she could’ve been dead,all Ravin wanted to do was fly away and be alone,despite her painful wounds.
A bang interrupted her thoughts,Franky’s too.all she wanted to do was run,away…away from everything.Voldermorte didn’t want to hurt her,he just wanted her to help kill harry potter and be his loyal death eater daughter.
Despite the distraction she saw Angeless glance at her out of the corner of his eye,could he know…..that his brother was alive.
All these thoughts rushed madly through her head as she realized her situation,something enormous shadowed the moon.she loked at Franky.then let her rip “Get us outa here!”she shouted at her.
Franky held there arms,all of them.then as a shadowing blue/pink mist swirled over them they disappeared.

“why did u tell her to take us out of that place?! What was it?!” Angeless almost shouted at her.
“you are either insanely stupid or crazy,besides…..i don’t want to talk to you,realy Angeless.”Ravin slid herself down the high stool in the room of safety.
“don’t you walk away!”he shouted at her,this was the first time shed seen him so….so angry.
“make me”she then walked out of the room,Angeless had made her know things that made her skin crawl.
"God that girl can be so frustrating...I've tried getting on with her...Grr Why did I open my mouth and tell her "sighed Angeless.

So much for being in a good mood.

"Anybody else fancy poking me with something sharp? Who knows maybe it'd make you all feel better "he sighed thinking aloud.

"Why would we poke you with something sharp? "asked Ayame?

"Why not...hell look at me...I have wings and I can see the future...whats so good about it? "asked Angeless
the doors opened slowly as angeless and ayame were talking,his eyes were silver and his hair was jet black.
"who the hell are you and what are you doing here?"
he didnt answer but had a grin forming on his face his black hair naturaly spiked was infront of his eyes not in them,he walked around the room a cloak around his shoulders,he had a certain confident aura and franky could see that his face was handsome.
"nice place you got here"he nodded,his voice was an attractive irish one.
"what the hell do you want?"angeless pointed his wand at him together with ayame and franky.
he smiled at the wand.
"judas!"ravin shouted suprised from the top of the stairs.
"oh,hello"he nodded his head."how are you"
"fine"she said coming down the stairs.
"not from what me and the council have heard"he said slightly frowning.
raven exchanged glances with angeless.
"what the hell do you want?"angeless eased but his voice was slightly less angry.
ravin was now by judas's side."i said i can do this on my own"she said quietly.
judas removed the cloak and threw it on the table.
angeless gasped as he marvelled at the large gigantic angel pearl white wings.
judas seemed to have noticed"your the one that flies with those silly goggles?"judas grinned.
angeless looked offended but the expression passed.
"angeless is your name."then he nodded politely to the other two "ayame teshigahara the hybrid and franky trixi belle the fairy...i know your names but do not look so surprised"
"ive seen you before trixi belle,met your parents"
franky was caught off gaurd by that remark.
"then how come your..."
"so young?"
franky nodded.
"I-"he glance at ravin "we age differently,mostly our aging process stops at age 20 something,so we look young but if you realy want to know im 5o human years and 20 of our years"
franky nodded.
"now if you excuse us,i need to talk to ravin about some pressuring matters and convince her to let the council help"he said tpatting ravin's hand and then being led into a different room.


the doors opened and ravin came out fuming a little.a winning smile on judas's face broadened as he winked at the waiting group."Judas is in" was all ravin could manage.


a few minutes later judas aproached angeless "a word with you between us guys"
angeless nodded and was taken aside by judas.
"that tricked you pulled off was risky,you couldve killed the only person that realy matters to me in this world."judas wasnt in a joking mood ,his voice was dead serious."your lucky you didnt because if you did then youd have the whole damn council on your wings and we'd hunt you down like a pack of wolves"judas broke a peice of wood that angeless hadnt noticed in his gloved hands "we wouldnt want that would we?i want to make something clear,you hurt ravin,if you hurt her...ill kill you"
angeless went grim.
"you got that?ill kill you"
angeless nodded silently.
judas eyes sparkled and his expression lightened.then he patted angeless arm as if brushin of some dust."lighten up dont look like i just shot you"he looked back at ravin who was talking of something amusing to franky and ayame"our little secret.watch out,im serious about what i just said that ill realy kill you"
and then he walked of happy.
"Keeps the wind out of my eyes "Was all he could think of despite having somebody threaten to kill him.

He was watching this Judas person with intrest. No matter how hard he concentrated he couldn't see anything in the near future with Judas...almost like he was a blank slate. While they were all talking he slipped outside and went up onto the roof. His goggles were in his hand and he looked at them and then let them drop.

"Have to get over it sometime or another "he sighed hearing the soft thud down bellow.

He had always had a thing about the wind in his eyes. He couldn't breath an irational fear. On the ground he didn't mind the wind in his face...but in the air he always paniced.

His wings were wrapped around himself keeping some of the cold breeze out. He stood like that just staring into thin space. Caught in a dream like gaze.
Why did Frankie feel so got to by Judas having met her Mom and Dad?
'He's georgous thats why' she thought o her self.
Angeless threw her a different concerned look before leaving the room and climbing the stairs to the roof.
'Damn wish he didn't just hear that'
"Are you alright? You look preocupied" said a soft deep Irish voice in her ear. Her ears twitched slightly. The warm breath down her neck was so nice.
"It's nothing really." Trixi-Belle said turning around and standing face to face with Judas. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah not bad...Just a little bored, we need to liven up."


'She's pretty, I love her eyes, her hair looks so soft.....stop it Judas you came to see Ravin not hit on her friend" Judas argued with himself in his mind.
Frankie is blushing.
"I hate to tell yuo this but I know what your thinking, Judas".
"wha-? How?" Judas was shocked.
"Telepapathic. Angeless as well, so just watch what you think." She laughed softly. "I need some air I'll be back in a minute."

Frankie Trixi-Belle headed for the door which Angeless had left throught and up the stair case.
'whats up with him latly?' she thought to herself.
Reaching the door to the roof, she pushed it open. Angeless stood there, goggles on the floor at his feet and his back to her.
A sigh escaped his lips.
"To answer your thoughts, there is nothing really the matter with me, I just feel un-real, but when it's passed I'll be okay. A lot of stuff has happened this past week, but you have suffered more than me. But Ravin is in danger."
"I know. I think we should try and forget as much as possible for a while, it'll make it easier. For all of us." Trixi shivered slightly as she stepped up next to Angeless.
"Your cold." He stated.
"A little, but I'll survive, I'm sure". Without warning one of Angeless's strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into his chest.
"Just so you do survive, we'll share body heat, I can't go back in there at the moment...Don't ask why, I can't be bothered to talk about it".
"Okay, I won't pressurise you, it's not pretty."
Frankie Trixi-belle sighed against his muscular chest.
'Why do I like him so much? He seems so preocupied all the time. I guess he is really good looking.' Frankie thought before she realised that Angeless was able to hear her thoughts.
'I don't know why you like me so much, but I know why I like you' Angeless answered her thoughts with his.
Frankie tipped her head back and gave a small, warm smile.
Angeless leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips then parted. Her eyes were still closed, she looked peaceful and happy.
Another smile appeared on Frankie Trixi-belles lips as she opened her eyes, tip-toeing slightly she wrapped her arms around Angeless' neck and pulled him into her before kissing him deeply......
(by the way may I ask what is up with crouton?i mean she hasn’t written for such a long time till im forced to skip her and sorry you two but doesn’t angeless already have a thing going on with ayame already?angeless you seem to know crouton so do you know whats wrong with her?)

Judas hovered a mass over the table with his wand,then dropped it from a height,it landed with a thud on the table.Ravin tapped her fingers on the table not-so-patiently gazing momentarily at the ceiling.Judas grinned at her she raised an eyebrow.
“missed me?”he stated.
“no,not realy”
“come on… a good looking guy like me”
“well your going hurt franky,I mean you flirt with everyone.youve already done enough damage”
“some bodys jealous”
Ravin snorted.
“what is that supposed to mean?”
“not in a million years”
“ what I was doing is harmless”
“you like playing your little mind games don’t you?”
“I must say it is exciting”
“you never change”
“and never will”
The top door opened and franky and angeless came out looking flustered from what ravin thought was the cold,but the two seemed embarrassed.

(*she's been busy doing exams and stuff...*)

Angeless sat down over at his desk in the corner. It was furthest from the door and everyone else.

"Where is it? I know I left it here somewhere "he thaught as he began to moves file around on his desk

Ravin came over when she saw him going through some of the files on his desk and finaly settling on reading one.

"Whats up with you? "she asked trying to see which case file he was reading?

"I was looking for something "he sighed looking up as he flicked through the pages.

A photo slid out of the file and went onto the floor. He hadn't even noticed it and ravin had already stooped down and picked it up.

"Who's the girl? "asked Ravin holding the photo up?

He paused in almost a frozen way before he let out a small sigh.

"My sister...we all looked so happy back then....that was taken a couple years before she was...before she died "sighed Angeless reaching his hand out.

This was the photo he'd been looking for. It was the only on he had with his whole family in.

"...How did your parents tell you apart? I mean you look practicly identicle "asked Ravin saying it outloud before she could stop herself?

"...Not sure...my parents could always tell us apart...shame everyone else couldn't "sighed Angeless looking at the photo.

Ravin looked like she was trying to pity him and then her expression changed and she went stern.

"You reading my mind? "asked Ravin?

"No...there wouldn't be a point to it. You say what you think...almost word for word "he sighed.

she went relaxed and sighed.

"Well good....you know I think this is the longest conversation we've had were we didn't end up shouting at each other "she smiled quickly and then she just let out a small laugh.

"Whats so funny? "asked Angeless?

"I just realised how girly your hand writting is "she chuckled.

Angeless smiled.

"Thanks... "sighed Angeless smiling.

"Your welcome...now get on with that Palmer case "sighed Ravin.

"It's on your desk along with some information on a couple other cases "smirked Angeless.

"Don't you go thinking you're getting a raise...I'm short handed in this department as it is "sighed Ravin.
Work was hard, Trixi-Belle was keeping her distance from going into to much of it, incase the migranes came back again.
"Ravi, hey I was just coming to look for you!" Trixi exclaimed, walking down the corridor gracfully, turning a few of trainee's heads as she went.
"Really, wel i was just coming to find you, amazingly enough, have you finished your report?" She enquired.
"Yeah as a matter of fact." Trixi smiled broadly and handed the parchment coloured file to Ravin and turned to leave.
"Wait, could you go and talk to Angeless, please, I can't believe he's finished his and done some more as well, but you can help each other get some ideas about the other problems, you know?" She looked hopfully at Frankie.
"sure" she turned around and went to talk to Angeless.
“I still don’t understand why we have to dress so trashy”Franky whined eyeing the strange muggle shoes.

“we have to blend in”Judas tried to explain.

A car zoomed by infront of them,even crossing the road was dangerous!here they were in London muggle world and it scared Ravin.this was what she hated most,the muggle world.she didn’t know why,she could defend herself but the thought of the world scared her it made her nervous ,it was strange.maybe it was because of the smokey odours,the strange people and their completely stupid and arrogant beliefs,or their smoky air and their dirty roads and their coarse behavior.
It puzzled her.
Judas looked around him waiting for the traffic light to go red,Franky noticed a few muggle girls eyeing him.Judas smiled,not only was he attractive,but he knew it.
The light went red and they crossed the road with the crowd,angeless,judas and ravin had worn black coats to cover their wings and ayame wore a large concealing hat,Franky just turned her wings invisible.
“all the people here are so damn ugly”Ayame remarked as they walked down the block.
“I know”Judas grinned “you ever lived in a muggle world?”
Ayame shook her head “visited a few times but never actually lived here”
“me too”franky eagerly added
“ive lived here half my life”Angeless explained “one of the best days of my life were in the muggle world”he shrugged “you?”
“second home,”Judas replied “such colourful people at the town in Ireland”
“so is their language”ravin observed gloomily.
Judas reached the door. “here we are”
Judas rang the bell once.
It opened and a very troubled looking hermoine granger stared out at them.
“can I help you?”her voice stammered at the sight of judas.
“we’re from the ministry”judas said peeking in through the door “or rather they are from the ministry”
They took out their I.D.
Hermoine opened the door sadly.in the corner was a sobbing Cho Chang.
“thank you”Judas smiled.


“so your saying potter took off in the rain”Judas inquired.
Chang nodded.
“with weasley?”
Chang nodded.
“and you have no idea wheresoever they may be?”
Chang shook her head.
Judas sat back,disappointed. “youre not a good liar”
Angeless eyed Judas,why was he so interested in potter?where was this guy headed?
Judas caught his eye and appeared to sense what angeless thought.
Angeless looked around to the others.Ravin was jotting down some notes in the air,Franky seemed to be completely absorbed in Hermoine’s sadness and Ayame was crouched up with a glass of milk in hand.
Ravin spoke:
“why did you run away from the magical side chang?”
Chang was off guard and stammered. “I didn’t runaway-“
“well I should leave all my belongings scattered as if ive been bombarded during the holidays”Ravin said sarcastically “come on chang someone scared you,didn’t they?”
Chang looked away the nodded “yes…harry,…he told me to leave as soon as possible-“
“now lets get to the point.WHERE IS POTTER don’t lie,because he’s life could be in danger”
Chang burst into tears.
Judas hit his head,obviously fed up.
“he said…he’d be were he saw Dumbledore loose everything he had ever looked up to”was all she could manage.
Angeless looked to hermoine “Chang(presumably) does not know and since you were such intimate friends with weasley I suppose you know”
“ I don’t know anything”hermoine blinked in bewilderment.
“lying is an offense and we could hold what you say against you in court”sometimes it was safer to bluff
Hermoine went pale.
“I haven’t got all day”remarked Judas.
After a while she answered “north coast,a cave there”
Judas bolted up “thank you for your coorperation”

A few hours later they were all ready to leave, standingout side of the phonebox in which they had just stepped out of, the enterance the the ministry of magic, the small group, all back in their comfortable wizarding clothing, were walking in a hurry.
"If we get ther early and Potter and Weasley aren't their then we can wait and suprise them. But if not then we'll just have to stay some where over night and then get them in the mornin mean, how do we know they don't have a night life?" Said Judas sivering slightly with the cold.
"We're not throwing a welcome back the magical world party for Potter and Weasley you know." Snapped Ravin obvisouly annoyed they had to even bring Judas.
"Well might as well, we might see you smile for once in you life!" he retorted.
"I'm very good at hiding my emotions Judas, so shut up and we'll haveno problems."
Judas opened his mouth to say something back but was cut off my Frankie.
"Okay both of you shut up, Judas is right we should get there before night fall, but Judas we're not trowing them a party for god's sake, so shut up." She sighed.
"Well this should be an interesting trip." remarked Angeless.
Ayamer was being very quiet, but as soon as they all got to the most deserted street they flew off and Ayame was first to land and say something when they reached the dangerous cliff edge of which Harry and Ron were hiding with in.
The hair on Ayame’s ears stood up and she drew the coat tighter around her.
There was a heavy wind surging around them,and the waves were thundering closer to them.
Ravin shouted something into the sky.
“she said the tides coming up fast!”Judas shouted over the howling wind.
Then the rain poured.
Like the heavens bursting.
“come on!”Judas pointed to a cave in the face of the cliff.
They ran into the moist cave,breathing heavily.
Judas shook his wings dry and exhaled deeply.
“there’s a shield here…..and a weak one too”Angeless observed the blue mist deeper into the cave. “probably done by weasely,wasn’t always quite the majician”
Ravin pushed past Judas and whispered:“transendor.” Green sparks shot into the shield and broke like cracked glass.
They proceeded into the cave.


“its been 2 god damn hours”Judas whispered.
“shut up.”Angeless returned.
“you shutup, you English bastard.”
“at least im not an irish bastard”
“both of you shutup”Ayame said pissed by now.
“we’re getting close”Ravin’s voice trembled.
They continued forward.
“Ravin?can you feel that?”Judas’s voice came out gruff and injured.
Franky glanced at Judas “feel what?” his eyes were shockingly silver and his black hair was pouring perspiration. “are you ok?”
Ravin grabbed the sides of the rock, a pain in her head,she closed her eyes and opened her eyes,pupils blazing silver and wide in fear.
“whats wrong?!”Angeless almost shouted.
Ravin turned round and stared back at Judas,her eyes returning to their almost hazel brown colour.
“I thought I could trust you”Ravin raised her wand and pointed it at Judas.
He stumbled and fell down.
“whats going on?!”Ayame urged.
There was a dangerous sparkle in her eyes as she stooped over him. “he wants to kill potter”
Judas grabbed his throat
"What?!!" Screamed Ayame. "You were supposed to be her to help ua not get your revenge on an innocent, teenager boy, who your don't even know!" She exclaimed getting a grip on herself, the shock of Judas not beig as innocent as she wanted him to be was a incredable.
"We believed every lie you told us!! We trusted you with all the trust in us and you just throwing it back as us! What you don't seem to understand is that if you had excepted our trust then you wouldn't be stood alone, against us right now! Because thats what is happening, together we're a team alone you stay that way! No one will forgive you for this, Wizards and Witch's all over the world will know who and what you are after the word gets out!" whispered quietly, Frankie looking hurt and distraught, although her word echoed off the walls.
"You think I care about what wizards will think all over the world? You think I give a damn?" Asked Judas looking sorry but meaningfully at Frankie, his eyes now glowing silver. "I couldn't care less, wizards and whitch's can look for me every where, after this every one will thank me, so you Frankie Trixi Belle Williams can shut up, my point is made, can I go kill him now?" He added lazily.
"No you may not, WE won't let you!" Snapped Angeless for the first time, finding his feet fully, "We stand together, you stand alone, when are the chances of you winning!"
A small tumble of rocks ahead of them, they stopped short of themselfs.
A hushing whisper up ahead, and a few small footsteps.

Harry crouched around the corner, wand at the ready.
Ron just behind him, full of life, some one was here who, what did they want? where they here to figh?
Questions with out answers, and these faces had no names to Harry as he stepped into light facing a small gathering of minsitry workers!
"dont you see?!"Judas clutched his face in pain."if Potter is alive then so is voldermorte's hocrus!"
"what?"Potter anounced.
"you fool!you think i WANT to kill you?"judas exclaimed."im only following orders Ravin,from the council!"Judas winced."leaving him alive is too risky,and he killed diggory!"
"it was an accident!"
"you think i give a hoot?it's your fault,he was the closest thing to family i ever had!"
Judas put his face in his robes in anger and pain."there is no other way ravin!we either kill him or voldy gets his life back!"
Ravin exchanged glances with potter.bowed her head and sighed."no....no judas there is a way...i can seperate the hocrus"
they all blinked in both bewilderment and shock.
"why didn't you tell us?!"
Ravin shook her head."much too dangerous,i dont know how....but i know some way i can do it"
"who told you that?!"Angeless asked
"voldermorte and..."Ravin hesitated.
"and who?"
"it doesn't matter-"
a green light bombarded the cave.Ravin looked up in fear and shock.
angeless opened his blue eyes in a daze,he tried to get the green light out of his eyes.
he couldn't feel his leg,he swore under his tbreath.
"is everyone ok?"he tried to croak,the cave was filled with a green mist.
two people were talking near him,one of the voices belonged to ravin and the other was....someone farmiliar,he also noticed they were still in the same cave.
"this can only work if potter is alive"Ravin pleaded. "please....let them live"
the figuire was holding potter by the arm and then he let go abruptly. "fine..."potter fell with an unconcious thud to the ground."if you join us Ravin,your father needs you."
Ravin's head drooped down.
"he'll have it no other way"he whispered in a tender voice.
"he wont stop hunting us down will he?"
he seemed to shake his head."besides....you belong with us...not with this filth..."
lucifer?which lucifer.....lucifer....where had he heard the name before.
lucifer spread his white wings.lucifer his brother!but he was dead......wasnt he?
"lucifer?!"Angeless groaned.
lucifer turned around glanced at angeless then continued to Ravin."i see your with my brother and his foolish friends"lucifer was angry...very angry.he began making steps towards angeless but Ravin grabbed his arm.
"leave him be....its me you want."she begged. "please lucifer".
lucifer looked at ravin and rolled up her sleeve."then first i must brand you to seal our contract."lucifer whipped his wand on ravin's arm and a green ink dug into ravin's skin,she whimpered in pain,but bit back cries and rolled her sleeve back down again.
"lets go now."Lucifer whispered urgently.

"Wait "groaned Angeless crawling towards Ravin and reaching out his hand.

He was standing and that was about it. It was taking all his effort to remean upright.

"You're able to stand after that? Hmp guess you did grow up while I was away Brother...But I'm affraid its time for you to sleep "Laughed Lucifer lunging at Angeless.

Even as he was lifted off his feet and was being driven to the ground his eyes never once left his twin brothers eyes.

"...She's alive "escaped his lips before his head hit the stone floor knocking him outcold.

"I'd forgoten how stubborn he was...always wanting to see the good in people "sighed Lucifer.
After a hour of silence, everyone felt it safe to stand and see what had happened.

"Ravin!!" Ayame and Trixi called through the darkness.

The caves entrance had blocked up and a strange green mist was hovering above the ground.

"Hello?" said a small voice just the left of Trixi-Belle.

"erm...Hello, whos there? Are you alright?" She didn't know what to do, was this person going to jump out and kill her or was this person on their side.

She scanned the floor where everyone else was crouched talking and planning ways of getting out.

No one was missing, Harry, Angeless, Ayame, Judas and Rav-

No, there was no Ravin, where was she!!?

"Ravin? Is that you!" Trixi called into the tumbled rock covering the person inside.

"No, it....its...Ron" a small thud told Trixi that Rons head had just hit the ground and he was again silent.

"Unconsious." Trixi said to herself. "Angeless, help me please." she added turning to the people swern floor behind her.

"Why whats the matter?" he asked getting to his feet all th same.

"I've found Weasley!" she reliped, bending down the shove some rock away. "He's just inside of here, we only haveto move a few rocks and we can get him out!"

They worked away the rocks,and before long they had moved enough rocks to drag him out.

Taking an arm each, Angeless having to find Ron's left arm as it wasnt streched out above his head.

"O.K..on the count of three....one....two.." they both tightened their grips. "...three."

With a small clatter and a few small pebels falling they pulled Ron free.

"What happened to him?" said a voice behind them, Harry had obviously seen the red of his friends hair and tried to get up, judging by the scratch on his elbow, which hadn't been there about twenty minutes ago.

"Nothing much, he's unconious, the rocks must of fell on top of him while he was hiding." muttered Angeless.

"Oh, he's going to be okay, right?" Harry said hi eyes filling with concern.

"Of course he is, that'll propbably be the most minor injury Weasley will ever get." Trixi joked.

Ron spluttered slightly. "Harry, mate what are you doing here?" he said looking confusingly up at his best friend.

"I dunno, but Ravin's gone..." he paused and looked around the small cave before turning back to Ron, Frankie Trixi-belle and Angeless and saying, with a ferosity no one could miss. "...but I am going to find her!"
(ravin has now truly joined voldermorte)

Ravin unfolded her arms and tried not to glare at lucifer.
he led her down the dark black marbeled corridor and into the hall.
"wait here"he said.ravin sat knowing that she could not leave.
she sat on the same table on which she had been forced to eat on with voldermorte.
lucifer left the room.
she heard arguing and then draco malfoy hobbled in clutching his nose which was bleeding.if looks could kill then ravin wwould most certainly be dead.she smirked or at least tried to.
"where are your stupid friends now?"he mocked her.
"shutup malfoy"she replied calmly.
lucifer returned his left fist in a bloodied tissue,obviously not HIS own blood but likely draco's."ill punch you again"lucifer warned.
draco's dignity gathered up its skirts and left the room leaving him embarrased.
ravin sighed.
"We have to find a way out of here, the rocks might take to long to move..." Ayame pondered.

"We could blast them away but that may cause more rock slide!" She sounded irritated now.

"Well, we'll all have to work together and move them, that exit over there dosn't seem as bad as the others!" Trixi Belle exclaimed as she pointed to a small ray of light shining trough onto a sleeping Ron's hair.

"Well, c'mon we're not gonna get out f here otherwise." Angeless shuddered at the thought of being stuck in here with them.

Harry marched over to Ron, nudged him with the tip of his foot and Ron woke.

They all set to work, hard at work. Soon there were more trickles of light seeping into the small dank darkcave.

"We're almost there, just a few more,just a few more."said Ron repeatedly to himself.

Half an hour later the rocks had been moved and a small gap, large enough to fit a grown man through.
"Angeless stop messing around in there and come out "Shouted Trixi into the gap/

A small pop indicated he'd just apperated out of the cave.

"...Anybody realise we could have just apperated out "asked Angeless looking at them blankly?

"You're kidding me? "sighed Ron.
"We wasted all that time....!!!!" said a very pissed off Trixi.

"No!" stated Harry. Everyone looked at him. "Anyone could of bee waiting out side there by stalling and digging our way out we could of just saved our lives!"

"Hey, he kid has a point!" laughed Angeless he helped Trixi out of the whole and the rest of them, having difficulty with Ron as he got stuck part way.

Out of the cave, it was sunset and with the cave being on the edge of the sea, the view was spectacular!

Angeless saw everyone's attentio was on anything but him and Trixi so he took this chance to slide his strong arm around her tiny waist and watch the sun go down.

"I love you, you know that dont you?" he wishpered softly against her ear.

Trixi simply nodded and said "I love you too."

Frankie tilted her head back and brushed her lips lightly over his, only to be returmed with his lips pressing onto hers in a deep and seductive snog....=]
His glazed over and his sharp intake of breath caught Trixi off guard. It wasn't till she saw that his nose was dripping with blood that she alerted the others.

"What happened? "asked Ron seeing Angeless's face running with blood?

"I don't know we were talking and his eyes just kind of glazed over... "said Trixi going red.

"Wow watch it "shouted Ron as Angeless went limp.

Angeless landed face down on the ground blinking.

"Dammit...its too close...Shouldn't be so soon "caughed Angeless laying there on the ground.
Every one was stood in shock.

Angeless had been fine ten seconds before.

Trixi was panicking and Ravin was just staring blankly, transfixed.

But the same question was playing through all of their minds, what had happened? How had it happened and Why Angless?

A clap of thundered sounded above, no one moved.

Lighting bolts flashed across the darkening skies.

No one moved.

Harry gasped. He fell to his knees next to Trixi, who was also kneeling, next to Angeless.

"It's them...Their coming!" he stated as if expecting no one to take any notice. The comment was ment more for himself than the others.

But everyone heard.

"What do you mean?...Its them?" Snapped Ravin finally becoming herself again, but he voice was on edge.
Angeless was mopping his nose on his sleeve Trying to stem the flow of blood.

"Death...or atleast mine "sighed Angeless drawing his wand.

"Specialy if you stay behind "added Angeless in an undertone.

"Whats he talking about? "asked Ron?

"I'm talking about you getting out of here...So I can do my Job "sighed Angeless as he let his senses extend outwards.

Angeless gave them the sternest look he could muster.

"We're not leaving "sighed Harry.

"I'm an Aurora...My job is to put down dark wizards... "sighed Angeless as he breathed into his right hand creating a small orb of fire.

He caught there glances as his wings spread out larger than any of them had seen them. They were strangly luminesant in the dull light they were casting with their wands.

"You either leave by choice or I use the imperious curse to make you all leave "sighed Angeless pointing his wand at them.

"Don't go losing...you owe me a birthday pressent "smirked Trixi.

"I haven't met anybody I couldn't duel yet "Smirked Angeless as they aperated up to a nearby hill.

It was only a few seconds later that the Death eaters came. The others could see the flashes of light as curses and jinxes lit up the area bellow them. The gleam of ther pearly white wings as they caught the various lights.

"He's holding his own...there must be atleast 20 death eaters down there? "spoke Ron.

The almost blood curdling shout of somebody being seriously wounded rang out. The scene below went quiet.

"He couldn't have survived that...nobody could "spoke Harry trying to see any movement.

The crack of People Aperating indicated it was over.

"They killed him? "asked Trixi who was kneeling down with Ayame's arm around her?

A crack came from behind them and they all drew their wands. Angeless Staggered out of the darkness deep gashes and grazes had turned his white robes into deep crimson. As he fell forward they saw that his wings were horribly burnt and damaged, huge chunks of them were missing entirly.

"What did they do to him? "asked Harry and Ron who had caught him?

"...My wings...guess I won't be flying again anytime soon "he caughed Splatering blood onto the ground before falling unconcious.
(Wow...I'm sorry guys. I hadn't gotten an notice for this campfire... next time If I don't add for a few days someone e-mail me all right? Sorry :( )

Ayame released Trixi and turned around looking into the darkening sky. She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed heavily. Things had been going so wrong lately... she half wished she could just go home.

She glanced behind her at her co-workers and felt a pang in her chest. She quickly turned away, but then her hat caught in the wind. A meow like squeak escaped her mouth and she went chasing after it, and it would prove immediately to be a bad decision in deed.
Trixie watched as her two cloest friends were taken under by different means of disaster. Please could they both be aright, thoughts were forming in her head yet while she should of been worried and frightened she was calm and composed, her thoughts kept her busy.

"I'm going after her" she managed to say out loud. Everyone turned to look at her, their faces in shock. "you can't think that her hat would fall off for no good reason, well it's a bad reason i can tell you that"

A searing pain in the back of her head, the kind of feeling you'd get when some one hits you with a shovel in the head, Ayame came into view in her mind, surrounded and bleeding, a graveyard. Thats all she could make out... but she knew exactly where she was, without a minutes wait Trixie was turning on the spot and disappeared from sight.
Though I lay my body down to sleep, to close thy weary eyes. The light that I hold inside will guide those left behind. The days grow long...and the night ever darker. I will await you amoung the becons of the night...forever in your sight, your guiding light "

He was stood there watching a man reading over a veiled body. He walked closer to the veil and saw his own face pale underneath it.

"No....I can't be dead "he asked looking around the room?

"Through this mans act....I give him the order of merlin 1st class...braver wizards there may be...but he leaves behind a legacy "spoke the minister for magic placing the merit onto his body.

Angeless felt something cold at his back and steeled himself to the image he was seeing. He kpt moving backwards away from the vision and toward the cold feeling. He felt strange like he was here and yet not here. Sensations mixed and collided nothing made sense. He saw something that made him stop for the tiniest moment. His sister sat in the front row and looked over her shoulder straight at him.

"...I refuse to be here....not yet...Not till I find her "he sighed closing his eyes and forcing himself to be somewhere else.

He Coughed and drew in a rasping breath sitting up fast before collapsing back again. His vision changed and came in and out of focus. People faces people he knew along with pain....lots of pain

"She's alive...she was there. She's alive "he smiled weakly with dark circles under his eyes.

"You stopped breathing about five minutes ago....we thaught you'd died "spoke Harry.

"I won't be leaving you all just yet "he smiled standing up taking immence effort to hide how much pain he was in.

© Copyright 2006 Queen Sheba, BROCC-ZILLA, AngelinTwilight, LittleMissMalfoy, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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