Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1096436-Pokemon-are-the-Shiznit
by iamgod
Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Action/Adventure · #1096436
I r teh 1337 pokmon mastr man we r gunna rock an i wan to be pika u can be sumtin else
ok first off ima tell u whawt to do we're gonna win ok first u get to bre a pokemon and thne u can like battle with opeple and take over the world nstuff k ill go firszt alright if u want to join just like mail me and we can rp togther in stuff but pikachus taken u can be someone else if u want to be ash or something like that just ell m but we don have neother members rite now ok???
only now we haf 2 membrs plz join plz... it iz mor fun if u jion u no!!
one day pokmon were around in we were in athe world an stuff and then pikachu was on the road ok so then he was all like 'pika pika pika'.
pika was by hiself right an then suddenly ther was anoter pokmon by him! pikchu was scarred sand he was lik whtzx gonig on yah pikkaa???
And like a tranier named bob said like hey dude a pokemon1 and he threw a ball at it, cuz he had two, but it missd so he threwed his oder one an it caut it he's like woopee and names his pikaku cherry cuz he knows some girl whos the shiznit like that!!!
'pika!!!11!' Pikchu cryed as he wuz cught beciuase he was nfds it a freer pookmon anymor becuz he wwas cuought u kno??? so he wuz happy becuz he had a trianer now and he had a freind and he alwayz wanted a freind. so then he waz angrhy because he was a guay and thiz dud namd him cherry but that waz a gurls name. so he wax like wtf pikka???

sudennly a wild pokmon apeared it was a caterpye!!!!!!
Go Chery! bob yelled cuz a catermon had apearded. chery came out of his ball and said pika real loud and ran away cuz chery was retarded or mabe just pissed off. come back pika bob said and ran after it, the enemi catermon close behind.
pika run arond and shoted 'piiiikaaaaaa!!!!!' wateding for bob 2 tell him wat 2 do becuz he ws just a pokmon an was reaally kinadc dumb.
'chery use tackkle!!!'
pika ran roun to use tackl, but no! caterpy dodge it!!!
'omg how did he doge that?? he mus be reallyh strong i alwayz thout caterpy was realy slow!!!!'
bob yelld, asssessing the sitation.
'i knok i get out my pokdex that proffesor oak gave me!!11'
yeah, yeah bob yelled, getting out prof oaks pokethign. prof oak wa real hot cuz hes hair felled out. real smat tooo. anywaz the poke-thing say catermon was a bugg pokmon so bob had to thinks real hard. pikacu coud used lightnniin bols and gettin hit wit litnin ain't no fun at all so bob said cherry use litnin stuff and cherry totally went all lighted up and stuffs
'piikqaaa!!!!!' chery use thunddershok an evrythin went BOOOOM!!!!

an the cvaoterpy waz all like 'nnooooo aterpi caaterrrpieee!!!'
and theni the caterpi fell over an it waz reaaallly hurted.

'pika pika pikka piii!' chery yell, wich traslatedd as 'bob mabe u shuold us a pokball, u kno? becuz then u would hav 2 pokmon an then we cuoudl fight the ebil gim leedr of doom who is tryin to tak ober the wourld an chang it as we no it!!!!!!!!! to teh pokmon gim, bobby!!!!!!'
pikatu said sum stuff in pikalingo but bob don't speak pickchu so he just said woopee and stared at the hurted pokmon. piku was happyish but looked real mad when bob just stod round so it hit him real heard wit anoder thundershok and it huurt real bad!!! thundershock ain't the shiznit. bob didn't had no more balls left, people useded to say he ain't got no balls but he usully did till nows but nows he gots to go by sum from the pokemart. bob also wanted some mcdonnalds cuz it tasted real good and greasy and he likeded preservatives lots. he said cmon pikacu lets get some balls!
'piikkjaaa pikka piii shiznit pika pika piikaa!' chery screemed at bob, 2wich means that shuld we brin the caterpi wit us so it don't run away wen we r gettin miccodonalds cuz tat woudnt be teh shiznit, u kno???

so thn bob was lik that woudl be a good idera!!!!! so bobb go out a peize of rope and preeceeded to rap the caterpi up an thro im in his bag then the went out 2 go 2 get food n balls.
bob was bored draggin caterpi so he staded singing 'I ain't got no balls' and people lookded a im funy but he don't car lots cuz he not very sensi...senci....senstive. nope nope nope nuttin boders bob. look! mcdonalds!
pika ni bob wen to mcdonlds an they ha lotsa food theer. they was real happy wit there happy mealz but pika wasn cuz he waned a big mac wit a mcflerry lik he usally wans to get. u kno? but bob waz lik 'pika thas too much fat u gon get fat u kno???' an he made him get hapy meal.
caterpi waz also real hungy but no one fed him becuz bugs are nastie u kno??? but there the shiznit tho
so ya bob terid 2 poot pika in de ballz but when'd he saw'd em he rembered to by sum so 'e wet to de pokmart an say he wan 400 pokballs cuz then he cud cach lots o pokmo an bcom de pokmon maser! Aso, nobody cud say he dont gotz no ballz e'er agin. com o' pika! les go bcom pokmon masta!
'ppiiiikkaaaa' piak lyelld, lookin ober his here sholders wit caterpi righ' alon sid 'im. so then tey was all... 'pikaaa piii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~' Wich actall mean 'bob we shuld go 2 teh 1 pikemon jim, wich is actuly that one gim... u kno, THAT one? teh one wit teh geodood, an teh onnics? i tink its peeoter... i don' remember do u bob??? o well we shoul go tat way!!!!!!'

so pika ran of from bob wen he tryhed to pu em in teh b all an ran thru teh forest. ok we almos there bob!!!!! peuter is teh shiznit!!!
thas no the shiznit say bob when'd pika run 'way. he raned aftere im an sarted to mak lood noiseees wit his ar in is muth. Sice he as real real smat he new it as caled paning. So ya e as paning alog an e herd pika pikaaaaaaiiii and he sa pika stanin' in fron of a gim. Bob didn like gims so e beet up de pika
after pikla was all lik beet up an stuff pika waz real sad so; he wated 4 bob to be hapyish agin so gthey culd be uber friendz rite??? so then bob waz all don bein high an shet so he says, 'pika! les go challange the gym leater, brrock!!!!!!!1'
'pika piikaaa!'
an teh too of dem untered teh rock gim. wen dey got ther ther was a dood standin' round. he was lookin all touff lik an mean an stuff. pika tinks he waz a gim traner or sumtim he mus be real tuff!!!!!
oh shiznit says bob an hes a gwyn to de gim leder plase. broc wa abut tenn an look real tuf an stuf cuz e gotz rel smal i's dat lok liks lines.
'go piikaaa!!!' bob yello as pika run outa behin him cuz he weren't in teh ball NEwayz.
brock was all lik 'wtf maaaan thats teh shiznit????' an den he says, 'go geodood!' an den geodood cumz out.
'dun wory pika we gun rock cuz u r litnin an litnin is deh shiznit agans rock!!!!'
pika us ur litnin! bob yelles an pika goes pikkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and make de yellew stuf com out. broc sen out is onix an it wasn efeced buy de litnin!
'omfg wtf?!?!?!' pika shoted owt in his hear pika langauge, speeking in widdles.
'i no wat to do, u no!!!! we gun rock bob jes u wach!!!!!' an then he was all lik 'pika suber flyin tackl pownce!!!!!!!' an den deh onix WHEN BOOM AN IT LIK ECSPLOADED!!!!!! an rox an shet when flyin evrywhich way an such an it waz lik OMFG!!!!!!!!!! BOB WASH OUT IT IZ LIK FLYIN AT UR FACE!!!!!!
de expowded oinx hi bob on de 'ead ut bob in't too smat so der wernt no brans to noc outs. bob was ok butt brok sad dat pika lost cuz e ran away fom de rocs. bob was so sadd dat he shotted himself
'ooomgggg noooooooooooooo!' pika cries as bob brain spill out of hed thru his their hol an it was al bloody an pika wuz all lik 'omg thatts a hella llot of blood u kno??!' pika hart felt lik it was goin numb an he was real sad and stuff an he was all lik 'i cant go on what willo i do theres no bob now im all lone' an he cries an his teers hit bob on head an hole goes awa an he cumz back 2 life!!! OMG!!!!
Bob wokes up an wuz likes 'OMG!! I CAMED BAKK 2 LYFE!!!' Pika lookeded reel hapy so bob desideed 2 nott soot imself agin. 'Les go eat tacos' bob said, and pka say 'piiika piiiiiikaaaaa!'
so ten pika an bob walk off to taco bell were they cuold eat sum tacos an be real happy an stuff. so they were all at tacobell rite an then someone was all like, 'can i take ur order' an pika was lik 'pika pika pika' but the lady didn kno pika langage an she was all lik 'wtf????' so bob says 'pika necesita burritos. y tacos. me gusto takos mucho.' an pika waz real hapy.
So ya anywayz dey gots sum buritos (y tacos!) an set arun fur a wile until dey gots boreded. bob thout he mit shot himselfe agin cuz e was an emo but pka took de gunns awayz. stupids pika
Bob was bein retardd an it piss pika off so he kick im in shin an tell im 'ima leav u if u dun stop drinkin dat dam beer an abusin me in dis har houshold an kickin teh baby! I WON TAK IT NO MORE!!!"

Bob was confus an muy triste. so he sorta ignores the mouse thin an srtarts headin off to deh necst jim.

© Copyright 2006 iamgod, Dagdas Pen, (known as GROUP).
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