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by lazy
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1073404
7 people are chosen by 7 spirits. Each spirit tells them to handle their power differently
Monsters are appearing and is trying to invade the world, Charion. Thus, seven spirits escaped and traveled to Earth. But somehow, the monsters has followed the spirits to Earth. The spirits has chosen seven people to wield their powers but each of the spirits' goals are different. Some want to live peacefully, some want to fight the monsters, and some might even want to take over Earth. But what happens when friendship and love are keeping them and their spirits' goals apart?

1) Keep swearing to a minimum. Don't use too much.
2) No sex or anything like that. Kissing, however, is allowed but shouldn't be kept to a minimum, too.
3) You ARE allowed to kill off other people's characters. But first, you need my permission. More information on this in the guide.
4) Please take no more than 4 days to make an addition. Longer than that and I will skip you. If something comes up and you can't make additions for awhile, please tell me.
5) Have fun!

You MAY kill off other characters. But first, you need my permission. Don't be angry when your character is killed off, it is needed for the story to progress. At the end, all but one should be killed off. After your character gets killed off, your spirit will tell your character that they will grant them one wish for trying to help them. With this wish, you can do anything except for killing off another character. This last addition should also reveal the goal that the spirit wanted your character to fulfill.

Your spirit should be in the form of the animal(real or mythical) you choose and transparent(they are spirits *Pthb*) Also they should be in the color that is matched up with your element. Your spirit will be fighting alongside of your character, too.
These are the elements and their colors:

Ice: Light Blue
Fire: Red
Water: Blue
Thunder: Yellow
Wind: Grey
Earth: Brown
Metal: Black

Your character should be around 13-17. Please keep them diverse in gender. They can be from around the world, but let's just say they all understand English for simplicity's sake. In the bio, you will need to pick an accessory. The accessory will be kinda like storage for your spirit and weapon to reside in.

Let's start. Start by doing a bio of your character. After your bio, start by having the spirit choosing your character to use its power, but leave off at the part where the spirit tells your character what it wants you to do. It's supposed to be a suprise *Smile* Please type your entry in the color that matches up with your element.

Please follow this format for the bio:
Description(Looks and Personality):

Sorry for the long introduction. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Name: Thomas Wilton
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Spirit: A wolf called Dyon.(pronounced with a straight I)
Element: Ice
Weapon: A sword
Accessory: A pendant in the shape of a wolf’s head on a black string.
Description: 5’8 and thin. Has light blue hair and silver eyes. He’s a very good boy. Everyone who knows him would say he’s very nice and well-behaved.
Background: Lives in Chicago, IL, USA. He’s a normal, average person living normal everyday life.

Tom stared in shock at the scene before him. A great big shadow had attacked him. Flames broke out in the nearby houses. It then stared at Tom and strikes its giant hand at him. But then a rain of icicles pierced the hand and the monster winced in pain. A blue, transparent wolf floated down beside Tom. Its eyes shined out beams of light and more icicles shot out at the monster. The monster fled, scared from the sight of the wolf. The wolf looked at Tom.

“We must get going,” It said. “Climb on my back.”

Tom, still in shock, stood up and climbed onto the great wolf’s back. Despite its transparency, it felt very solid. The warm fur brushed against him as the wolf took off into the air.

“No one should have seen us or the monster,” The wolf explained. “The shadow monster probably covered the whole thing. Everyone should be attracted to the fire so no one should see us either.”

The wolf landed in a nearby alley. Tom got off and stood there. Then his senses reached him.

“What was that monster?!” He shouted. “What are you?! Are you a ghost?!”

“Calm down,” The wolf said. “I shall explain everything to you. My name is Dyon and I come from the world, Charion. That monster and its allies had invaded Charion. I fought back, but was killed in the process. Thus, I fled over to this world along with 6 other spirits.”

“So… you are a spirit?”

“That is correct. As you have witnessed, I don’t nearly have enough power now than when I was alive. So I need your help.”

“My help….?”

More light shot out of Dyon’s eyes and a pendant and a sword fell onto the ground. The pendant was silver and in the shape of a wolf’s head on a black string. The sword has a shiny, silver blade and a black hilt with a blue orb at the end.

“Take these. What I want you to do is….”

Name: Andrea "Andy" Windrider
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Element: Wind
Spirit: A large red-tailed hawk named Artemis
Weapon: Bow and Arrow
Accessory: a pair of silver feather earrings
Description: Andy is tall at about 5'7" and slender with soft curves in all the right places. She is Lakota indian and has all the Native American characteristics. High cheekbones, dark complexion, long raven hair, and big dark eyes. She can be very hostile and stubborn, escpially towards those she doesn't trust and it takes a lot for her to trust a person. Secretly though, her anger and hate stem from her feelings of being unwanted, unloved, and worthless. She will do whatever it takes to keep these feelings hidden though. Also, she always seems to be getting in trouble and can never back down from a challenge.
Background: She was abandoned when she was very young and sent to the orphange on her reservation. There she was physically and emotionally abused, but she nevers tells anyone that. A year ago, she escaped the orphange and has been hitch-hiking from city to city living off the streets.

Andy walked through one of the many back alleys in the city of Chicago. So far, the windy city had been great to her, but it only took one night for that all to change.

At the end of the alley, Andy saw the light from the flames of a house fire. She quickly turned and began walking the other direction. No need to even give herself the chance to be blamed for that fire.

As she walked, the alley seemed to become darker and soon she felt engulfed by the shadows. Then a powerful burst of wind flew down the alley and it seemed as if it practically blew the shadows away. Andy just stood there in shock, not believing what she had seen.

"Believe it," a voice behind her said.

Andy quickly spun around and gasped at the sight of a large, transparent, red-tailed hawk hovering behind her.

"Andrea Windrider?" it asked.

"Yes." Andy could feel her voice quiver.

"My name is Artemis and I need your help."

"My help?"

"Yes. Let me explain. I come from the world of Charion. Myself as well as 6 other spirits fled our world after we were killed by monsters, like the one you saw, who had invaded our world."

"Wait. That was a monster?"


"And you're like dead?"

"Correct. I am. That is why I need your help. I don't have the same power as I did when I was alive."

"Okay. So what do I need to do?"

"Take these," Artemis said as a beautiful bow and a quiver of arrows appear in front of Andy. They looked like those the elders at the reservation had made. "And these," Artemis contuined and a pair of beautiful feather earrings landed in Andy's hand.

"What are these for?"

"Remind me and I'll tell you later. Right now, I need to explain what exactly you're doing."
A Non-Existent User

Name: Aideen Sparks
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Spirit:Siberian Husky named Persephone
Element: Fire
Weapon: Katana
Accessory:Red wolf shaped bracelet
Description:Long, black hair and eyes. Petite and temperamental, and Goth need more
Background: Doesn’t really know why she’s Goth but loves to writing to gory poems, stories. Lives in Yakutsk but is on ‘vacation’ with her parents in the United State of America.

“Stupid Americans. Why can’t they watch were they are going?” Aideen frowned as the fourth person bumped into her. “This is boring mother why are we here? Я не могу взять это больше. (I can’t take this anymore I ‘m going to the hotel.)”

Turning on her heel, Aideen headed back glaring at everyone she passed. She got on the elevator with four other people. At the third floor, they all got off.

“Finally alone.” Aideen signed. Suddenly it stopped, the lights went out and became cold.

“Что...(what the….)” The shadow began to move and jump at her.

“What in the hell is this?” As the shadow jumped at her, the elevator heated, burning the shadow alive.

“That was прохладный (cool)”

“Hello Aideen. You probably aren’t scared that why I came fully towards you. I need you help
"My help? What do you want that for? With power like that you don’t need me."

"Yes. Let me explain. My name is Persephone and I come from the world of Charion. 6 other spirits and I fled our world after we were killed by monsters, like the one you saw, who had invaded our world."

“OooooKayyyyy , there’s nothing else to do in this country. What harm can it do? what do you need?”

Take these and I’ll tell you when its safer what they do and what you need to do.”

A katana and was secured around Aideen’s waist while a red wolf shaped bracelet wrapped itself around her wrist.

“If I was a Barbie girl I’d squeal with happiness.”

The red shadow laughed and vanished “Till we meet again.”

A few minutes later the elevator started up again and Aideen remembered belatedly that it was a husky that she was talking to.

A Non-Existent User
Name: Sara Smith

Age: 16

Gender: female

Spirit: Blood red dragon named Oogie

Element: metal

Weapon: bow and arrow and throwing daggers

Accessory: Sterling silver dragon pendent worn on a chain.

Description(Looks and Personality): Sara has natural tan skin with dark brown eyes. She is about five eight. She is not skinny but she is not fat. She is very quite and content with being in the background. It takes a while be she can be very outgoing.

Background: Sara lives with her mother Carol and father George. She is an only child.

Sara sat in her room reading the latest J.D. Robb book trying not to laugh as Eve Dallas yet again freaked out about the subject of sex while talking with her partner Peabody.

The room was growing darker with the passing of the hours and soon enough she had to get up to turn on the light.

A shadow stirred as she walked near it.

Sara had thought she had seen something move but knew better then to believe it.

As she turned on the light she let out a scream as she saw the head of... something. She wasn't quite sure what at the moment. She was just to scared to process anything in her mind.

"Sara Smith?" The thing growled as Sara fell to the floor.

"Yes." She stuttered.

"I need your help."

"What are you?" Sara whispered as she tried not to pee on herslef.

"A dragon. Nice to meet you, but that is besides the point. I need your help."

"Doing what?" She whispered as she tried not to scream. She didn't trust her own voice right now.

"I am not as strong as I use to. Take this." The dragon some how handed over a pendent necklace to the frightened girl.

Sara just watched as the dragon disappered.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Chris Von Trenton

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Element: Earth

Spirit: A brown bear called Crux

Weapon: A chain with a large 20 pound spiked ball on the end.

Accessory: A choker around his neck with a diamond shaped crystal in the center.

Description: Physically, Chris is "cut". He has less than 6% body fat, all he his very muscular. Not bulky, but very fit and chiseled. He has soft brown eyes and very light brown skin. His ethnicity is african-american. He stands just under six feet tall. He weighs 160.

Personality, he is a very kind and affectionate person. Though he is very imposing and strong, he has a gentle soul. Yet, he'll knock someone out who gets in his way, though he is never angry just very intense.

Background: He was adopted by a very wealthy white family in his town and they moved to the city when his father got a new position in his law firm. Although he knows there's a difference between him and his other siblings who are the biological children, he loves his family and they all get along very well.


It was windy, but that was a given in Chicago. Chris walked quietly from his basketball tournament, a trophy stuffed in his duffel bag. He had won first place in the 1-Man shoot off. The guy he had been up against had been the standing champion for the last three years. Chris lost to him last year.

Normally his parents would be driving him back home, but the guy had got into a fight with Chris after the match saying that Chris cheated. The guy swung at Chris who caught his fist with one hand and uppercut his astonished opponent with the other. The crowd that had lingered after the match stood in silence for a moment as the guy held his bloody lip and rolled back and forth on the floor.

"I'll walk," Chris said as he passed his parents who only nodded. His mom looked like she wanted to go after him but his father held her back.

The ground vibrated underneath Chris's feet shaking him out of his thoughts. Chris frowned as he looked around. Since when did Chicago sit on a fault line?

That is when Chris realized all the street lights were out. The darkness seemed to be growing deeper by the second. The moonlight was covered by sluggish black clouds overhead.

Violet eyes appeared in mid-air staring vengefully at Chris, at least he thought so. What seemed to be a giant stepped towards him out of the darkness, it was at least ten feet tall. Bulging muscles and large claws, it was something from a nightmare. A roar shook the very Earth itself. Chris whirled around to see the largest brown bear he had ever witnessed in his life. It was more than double the size of a normal brown bear.

"This is not my day!" Chris found himself pressed up against the concrete wall of a building in between these two massive things. Neither looked friendly to him. The bear reared up once with its mighty form and slammed down against the ground.

The ground rushed like a wave towards the giant of darkness. Its massive fist came crashing against the wave in attempt to stop it. Once it made contact lit up in an explosion. A steam pipe had burst right underneath the giant because of the ground wave the bear sent.

Christ stared in amazement, unsure what to do. The bear easily destroyed that thing, Chris would not be able to escape if it saw him as a threat.

"You are safe," a gentle voice came from the bear. Chris's eyes widened. The voice was much kinder than he could have imagined, and he felt at ease within an instant,"I am a spirit and you are the one I seek."

"Why would you seek me?" Chris questioned. He walked towards the bear without fear at this point.

"I seek the one who has the strength to carry a burden that I cannot bear alone," the bear said. It was a female bear.

"And you feel that I am this person?" Chris questioned.

"My name is Crux," the bear did not answer his question.

"I'm Chris," he replied.

"A gift," the bear dropped something from its mouth. Chris was only a foot away at this point and picked the object up only to realize it was two things. A large spiked ball with a lengthy chain a black choker as well. He was crouched over the items and held them closely as he examined them. He glanced at Crux only to realize she had left.

"A gift..." Chris repeated.
Name: Toma Galadecki

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Spirit: A phoenix in various shades of blue named Daeris.

Element: Water

Weapon: a staff with retractable blades on either end

Accessory: platinum armband with a sapphire inlaid in the centre.

Description: Toma is small and slight, much to the annoyance of his father who had wanted the football star and press-up master. Toma hates any sort of rough-housing and refuses to come close to fighting, preferring instead to wave his hands at whatever attacker and scare them away (which, more often than not, doesn't work) but he is an accomplished tumbler and is sometimes seen on his hands more than his feet. He is considered 'girly' with his long black hair, skinny frame, and soft silver eyes, and he does like boys, but girls are fun to criticize. He can bitch-fight with the best and can curse crudely enough to make a sailor blush and he's proud of it.

Background: Both of his parents hate him for being who he is and hae proceeded to ignore him and force him to 'work for his stay' for the better part of his seventeen years so he's used to silence and hard labour.


Toma blew a strand of hair from his eyes with a huff, his hands wedged deep in the pockets of his denims, the cute ones with rhinestones he did himself, even though it screamed 'gay' and was bound to get him glowered at more than usual. He giggled suddenly, his silver eyes lighting up at his thoughts of the sweets he had hidden in his room earlier that morning and he eagerly toddled towards his home, his bag swinging behind him.

A shadow flashed across the street in front of him and he skidded to a stop in front of a huge, glowering, monster thing. Toma paled and shrieked, turning tail, but not before one of the things enormous claws caught his shirt and tore it, sending him flying into the pavement where he lay, curling up in a fetal position, praying that whatever-it-was wasn't going to kill him.

There was a roar and an unearthly song and he curled tighter into himself until silence descended across the empty street and he chanced a look about, seeing nothing left of the creature other than his torn shirt and bloodied hands where he had slid against the ground. He sat back on his heels and squeaked as a bird like he had never seen landed in front of him, looking at him speculatively. "Quickly, we do not have much time before it will seek you out again."

Toma's eyes went wide, "You just... you just spoke!"

The bird rolled his eyes, "Yes, yes, my name is Daeris, I'm a phoenix, now let's go!" His voice urged Toma to his feet.

He trotted after Daeris as the phoenix explained where he came from, what he was sent here for and what Toma was supposed to do, "So, I'm supposed to help, what? Save the world?"

"Well, yes, more specifically my world, just let's go!" Daeris flew down Toma's street and landed on a sign, "Here, you will need these."

There was a shimmer and Toma was left handling a band that looked too large to fit on his wrist so he slipped it up his arm as far as it would go and it clung to his bicep snugly. He picked up the staff that lay on the ground, his finger slipping over a bump in the wood and the sweet 'shing' sound was the only warning he recieved before two shiny blades flipped out of either end, their points sharp and deadly, "Ok, now... what..." Toma looked around, but Daeris was already gone.

Name: Darius Lightwind

Age: 16

Gender Male

Spirit: A golden brown horse named Alexander

Element: Electricity

Weapon: Bare handed

Accesory: A white gold, yellow emerald studded ring he sometimes wheres on a silver chain around his neck.

Description: 5'7 130lbs. Slender toned build. Purple eyes, (no one really knows why)Caramel coloured skin. Usually cleanly shaved head and face.

Personality: An upbeat guy most of the time. He likes to workout, keep in shape, hang out with friends, just to normal teen stuff. He's never worked a day in his life and mostly has a nonchalant attitude about everything. He can be hard to get used to because of this but he also has a really soft caring side that only those closest to him have ever seen.

Background: Darius grew up in your story book three bedroom house, white pickett, two loving parents, an older brother and a younger sister. His was the epitomy of the "million dollar family." He never wanted for anything in his life. His mother a home maker and his father making 6 figures a year he didn't need to want for anything but he's not cocky about it. If you didn't know him you'd think he's just your everyday teenager.

He's been trained in three martial arts. Karatae Tae Kwon do and Kempo. He's a great sprinter and has excellent reflexes and agility.
It was about five o'clock in the evening. Schoolwas finished and everyone had gone home except for Darius. He like always was running laps around the track trying to work on his endurance. He loved being a sprinter but never liked his low endurance level so he'drun laps daily after school forever trying to workon his endurance.

The sun was setting and he got too tired to continue so he decided to get his things he had put down on the grass of the football field that the track surrounded and head home. He sta down with his things for a while sipping a bottle of gatorade just taking in the cool breeze and the sunset.
"It's so beautiful right now" He whispered to himself. then closed his eyes and leaned back on his back pack.

Suddenly the wind kicked up a little. Darius's eyes shot opened. He felt very uneasy and slowly rose from his feet looking around in every direction. He got in a readied stance, cautiously circling around slowly. By this time the wind had stopped and there was nothing but dead silence. Darius felt an impact on his right side that sent him to the ground. He quickly rose up looking around not seeing anything. He's hit again in his back, again sent to the ground. He get's up quickly looking around wildly.

"Who's there?" Darius asks with a quiver in his voice. He doesn't scare easy but he was near terrified. He felt the cold breath and deep rumbling grumble of something behind him. Darius summersaulted forward and stood back up but what ever was behind him was gone. He soon felt a huge claw mark gash his back and he fell to his knees.

He turned around inching backwards as the huge black monster slowly stalked him. Suudenly a huge falsh of light shot out from almost nowhere piercing through the creature. It fell to the ground and fizzled. Then dissapeared.

Darius was slowly trying to get back to his feet as the flash of light came back infront of him and turned into a horse. Darius stumbled back and took the best stance he could in his weakened state.

"I'm not going to hurt you young Lightwind." The low rumbling voice came from the horse

"Majestic." Darius says marveling at the horse. He's always loved horses but this is by far the most beautiful one he's ever seen. "What! You just talked. And you know my name. This is so weird." The typical teenager coming finally realsing what just transpired.

The horse lets out a rumbled laugh. But quikly starts looking around. "Theres no time for idle chit chat, more of them will be on the way. Take this." The horse motions towards the ground towards a silver chain with a white gold ring on it.

Darius cautiously stumbles towards the horse
and leans forward picking up the chain. The horse still looking around cautiously lowers himself and says "Get on, quickly."

Darius slowly climbs on then collapses from blood loss. The horse glows before turning into lightning and then, with darius, shooting off.
Tom thought long and hard about what Dyon had told him. He got the part about the monsters, but Dyon's goal... He didn't know if he could follow it through. Following them would betray all the morals he had in life.

"Still thinking about it?"

Tom gasped and looked around him. Then he noticed it was coming from his pendant.

"You know the consequences if you don't agree with me, right?"

"Yeah, but..." Tom said. "I just can't do it."

"We don't have much time. You must make your decision sooner or later."


Tom got up from the park bench and started home. In his deep thoughts, he didn't realize a shadow following his footsteps as he walked. The shadow stretched out its hand and lunged at Tom. Then an arrow, as swift as the wind, shot out at the shadow's hand and striked it. Then shadow revealed itself and covered the park in darkness.

Tom looked up and saw the shadow enveloping the park. He also saw a young girl with long, dark hair and a bow in her arm.

"This is your chance. Decide whether to go through with it."

"Oh, gosh. What have I gotten myself into," Andy thought to herself as she watched the shadow cover the entire part in its darkness.

"It is time, Andy. Your first real encounter with one of the monster," a voice whispered.

Startled at first, Andy then realized it was Artemis speaking to her through the earrings.

"Oh, Artemis. I'm not sure I can do it."

"You know you can. Just imagine that the monster is one of those workers at the orphanage who were supposed to be taking care of you and instead beat you. Use that anger against them."

Andy closed her eyes and remembered. She remembered the pain and her anger. She remember the laughter of the headmistress as she cornered her as a small child.

Andy's eyes shot opened and she concintrated all her hatred on the task at hand.

She set her bow and notched her arrow. She aimed it at the monsters head and fired.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a boy who seemed who might be around her age. Andy couldn't tell what he was doing, but he seemed to be in conflict. No time for distractions now, though. She had to focus on the task at hand.
A Non-Existent User
Aideen wondered around the city aimlessly but found herself at a park.

"Well this is interesting.' Aideen thought

"Yes it is but I only want you to watch for now. You want to be unnotice. The creatures we are facing never really fight fair so we must be on the lookout for more." Persephone voice wrapped itself around Aideen's thoughts.

"Whatever you say." Aideen quietly drew the katana from its shealth and watched from afar.

Watching her new allies fight she was pretty happy they were on her side but vowed that no one would if out her thoughts on the matter.
Just as Persephone predicted three more shadow slided into the battle.

"So what do I do now?"

A Non-Existent User
"You fight," the new voice caused Persephone and Aideen to face what could be a potential threat. Chris stood with his head tilted to the side looking at the spirit and the girl as well, neither was sure of his sudden appearance, but the spirit sensed the power of the bear and the earth in Chris quickly.

"He is a friend!" Persephone said quickly,"And he is right. Now is the time to fight." An arrow cut through the darkness and stuck one of the shadows in the chest but it kept charging at the girl and boy who were already in battle. It was now five shadows against two humans. It was not looking good with Persephone being the only spirit that was actually there to fight with its chosen human.

"How did you get here," Aideen asked before moving anywhere, she could have sworn he was not there a moment ago. Chris smiled and touched a choker that was around his neck.

"A gift, she called it," Chris smiled. Aideen only nodded not fully understanding but knowing now was not the time for more questions, she guessed there would be many of those in the future.

Aideen lowered her katana and charged with it swiftly towards the fight as if she had always known how to weild it. Chris stood next to the stoic Persephone, both observing.

"You will not be fighting?" Chris asked her as Aideen drove the blade through an unwary shadow that was human sized. She formed a circle with Andy and Tom who were trying to finish combating the remaining four shadows.

"We chose humans to do this, our strength wanes, it is yours which must carry your world to salvation," Crux's voice rang clearly in response to the question. Persephone's ears perked to Crux's voice.

"The bear is both a wise and strong spirit. You are lucky to have her, and would do well to listen," Persephone advised. Chris nodded knowingly.

"More are coming aren't they?" Chris questioned, he just assumed that they would need more than four people to kill what was probably a legion of darkness.

As if in response to his question a flash of light dazzled his eyes as a horse stepped into existence. A boy lie on her unconcious. The back of his shirt was ripped and bloody but Chris saw no wound where there should have been one if something had cut through the shirt while he was wearing it.

Chris approached the horse slowly, the others seemed to be handling the remaining shadows with ease and now were ganging up on the last one which was particularly big but they were tormenting it rather than finishing it quickly. Chris looked into the horses eyes but touched the boy and helped to pull him off the back. He was aroused by the sudden movement and held onto Chris for support as he got his balance.

"Where am I..." Darius asked dumbfounded.

"With friends," Chris smiled seeing the horse's approving look. Persephone was gone already and with another flash so was the horse.

"I saw the horse spirit, are you chosen as well?" two more people approached Chris and Darius.

"So this is it...we're the seven who are going to fight all of darkness," everyone looked at Aideen, Tom, and Andy as dispatched the final shadow that had attacked them.

They were all together. Now true battle begins.

Toma rocked back and forth on his heels, these people knew how to use their weapons rather well. Last time he had been faced with a shadow... well, he hadn't exactly been up to par. He ran his fingers through his hair before sidling over to the guy with the bear, Daeris had decided to reappear and was currently perched on his shoulder, chatting jovially with the bear, "Hi." He said quietly, glancing up at the other guy.

He looked down at Toma, "Hi, I'm Chris, who're you?"

"Toma." Toma went over to the injured boy, curious, and moved his hand over the wound, frowning slightly as he thought, "Hey, Daeris, phoenix's have healing tears, right?"

The bird looked at him speculatively, "Aye, healing is part of the water's... gifts shall we say? Go on, fix the kid up." Daeris nudged Toma's hand.

Toma grinned slightly and dragged a finger over the wound watching as a silvery liquid trickled out from the tip of his finger and sealed the wound, "There!" He exclaimed happily, "Good as new, and that pretty face is starting to gain a bit of colour!"

The bird on his shoulder sighed, "Your almost as bad as a woman." He muttered.

Toma glowered sideways at Daeris, "Shut up you overgrown pigeon." He said, straightening and dusting off his pants.

"Overgrown...! Why you...!" Daeris puffed up indignantly, "I'll have you know..."

"Oh no, he got him started." The wolf sighed, "Look, kid, don't insult Daeris, he starts spouting off his family history..."

"... From the house of Cambill and my father was a great warrior..." Daeris used his wings to emphasise the greatness of the warrior that his great-great-great godmother on his half-sister's great uncle's side.

"Does he ever shut up?" Chris hissed.

"Daeris! Enough!" Toma pinched his beak shut, "Whatever, just stop, look the cutie's beginning to wake."

Daeris glared at Toma before settling down, his feathers ruffled in irritation as he watched the boy wake.

"Did I just hear someone style me as cutie?" Darius said groggily. He quickly jumped to his feet realizing he was surrounded by strangers. He threw a punch at the person closest to him who happened to be Toma.

"Stop Darius they are not your enemy!" Alexander said sternly as Darius looked as though he was ready to attack someone else.

Toma starts getting a little teary eyed.
"What was that for?" He asks with a crack in his voice.

"Easy 'sparky.'" Chris starts up. "No need to go attacking the first thing you see. We're not going to hurt you so apologize to the kid and I think it's about time we exchanged names and things."

"Umm sorry kid... I guess. And I'm Darius and really confused.

"Alexander speaks directly into Darius's mind I didn't get a chance to tell you what it is I want you to do.

"We should leave," Dyon said. "Before you start getting even more doubts."

"Uh..." Tom said. "Okay..."

"What's the hurry?" Toma said. "We haven't introduced ourselves yet."

"I'm sorry," Dyon said. "But he doesn't need to know your names. Let's go."

Tom started walking out of the park. He heard whispers, but he didn't look back.

"This is for the best, Tom," Dyon comforted.

"I know."
A Non-Existent User
Aideen watch the whole scene in silence. Turning to Persephone, she asked.
"What was all that about?"
"Really I don't know. He seems a bit overprotective of his human. Well anyways you go first since no one else is willing."
"Why me?"
"Just go silly girl."
Glancing at the others, she shot Persephone a look ofanger, "Так как Вы, которых слабаки не хотят говорить, я будете. I mean since no one wants to speak I'll go first." Shooying another glance at Persephone, she spoke again. "My name is Aideen. I'm 16 and I'm from Russia. Persephone is my spirit which is fire. I'm a goth and I don't like to be bothered that much."
A Non-Existent User
Sara walked down the street trying to figure out why she had been chosen to help Oogie. She was to preoccupided with her own worries then to notice the shadows growing darker around her.

The sound of feet brought her out of her little world. Looking out she let out a scream.

Before she could turn and run Oogie appeared behind her. "Fight", he whispered in the scared girls mind.

"But i don't know how?" She screeched.

"Yes you do, pick up the bow and arrows from the ground. Let the anger fill you."

Anger? Sara was confused. There was never really a time where she was real angry. Oh well, she thought, she had made a promise.

Sara thought of all the animals that were killed in the pounds everyday because no one wanted them, she thought of all the children abandoned.

Anger began to fill her veins rapidly, she could feel the power. It was exhilerating.

Raising the bow, with an arrow ready she fired, strking the shadow in the chest.

Raising another arrow she let out another fire hitting the shadow inbetween the eyes.

"ANd you said you had no anger." Oogie said as he watched Sara walk toward the dead being.

© Copyright 2006 lazy, **Jo tired & pretty stressed**, xx-xx, xx-xx, xx-xx, Virgo, Peter Parker, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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