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Rated: XGC · Campfire Creative · Other · Comedy · #1054293
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Ehhhh Uhm..... make sure i like the chapter XP
hokie, there was a girrafapotamus named Wiener who lived in the town of WHOALY!!! He had a friend who was an Emusse named Boobert. these two were best friends there whole life. they were always being made fun of because names, every day they were being stuffed in trash cans and given swirlies. so they got mean themselves started cutting they hated life. but they didnt commit suicide because they both liked a girl named Mary Jane she was half plant half human you can guess what type of plant she was.then they got into drugs thanks to Mary Jane because one day she didnt use any lotion so she was dry very dry. It was a hot day around 110*F well as soon as she outside stepped out side for recess she caught fire, and well Wiener and Boobert were the only ones around. they thaught this was thier chance maybe one of them would score for saving her :) well they tried to put her out and after about 2 minutes of breating her smoke they started to fell light headed. What sucked was Mary Jane was still one fire now running around franticlly and screaming for help. Wiener and Boobert ccouldnt of helped themselves from laughing well after about 5 minutes of laughing Mary Jane slipped and fell into a puddle of water finally the fire was put out, but Wiener and Boobert were still laughing. She seen them laughing, it made her angry the angriest shes ever been. So she picked up a thick stick. she walked over to them calmly like nothing was wrong, but then she kicks Boobert in the face and wacks Wiener over the head with the stick she knocked them both unconcious. When they woke up they were hog tied from a tree branch both felt as if they had giant dumps just suck out of there anus sad to say it was the stick broken in half when they finally got down and the sticks out of the ass. they head home both walking like cowboys. Both had a new hatred for life and for people.
A Non-Existent User
The next day, Weiner and Boobert cut themselves badlylike. They bled and drank their own blood and loved the taste of it. They descided to go on a mass killing spree. They ran out with fire and axes and stuff. Their first victem was mary Jane. They chopped her in half and lit her on fire. Then they killed the other giraffeopotomus named Annel. They chopped off his legs and shoved the fire up his anus and watched him flail and scream. Then they moved on to new targets. The Human Race would see a dangerous foe.
On their quest for humans to destroy, they adopted the habit of smoking jauna. One day Wiener and Boobert were in the city of Whoaley!!!
First they robbed the poor ass white people of their weed and then brutely murdered them. Unfortinally they chopped off one of the poor white peoples penis, and stuffed it full of green and smoked it. So they enter the Ghetto all
thats in the Ghetto are PJ's and a nuclear power plant. they thought the power plant was a ginormous ProJect, and since it was the nicest looking building and was the only one without 4 year old kids selling crack and prostitutes from the local kindergarden.

so they decided to go into the plant and steal their maryjuana, well they found a stash of the bosses shit mixed with nuclear material. so they smoked it and while passing it back and forth they started tripping hardcore tripping, and were sick to their stomachsso they threw the fucked up green and a zippo inside of a nuclear reacter. THey walked not noticing anything but the reacter was violently shaking and smoking. Then ground started to shake then the reacter blew and every thing in the plant was destroyed or killed except Wiener. but then out of the sky came a falling prostitute head which hit Wiener in the back of the head. Wiener lied on the floor twitching then stopped moving. His brains layed upon the floor mixed with blood.

Back in the Ghetto there was nuclear waste was sprayed everywhere a black man walked out of his project wearing only boxers and holding a desert eagle in his right wondering what the noise was when a crazy 4 year old crack seller lunged at him while mumbeling "braainss" the black man raised the desert eagle and blasted the mother fucker right above his left eye. He looked at wat was left of the plant, and just started cursing knowing what those dumb-asses just started he was an experienced Resident Evil player but first he'd have to get dressed and get some more guns.
A Non-Existent User
After the black man (He now named himself Leon Kennedy after the guy from Resident Evil 4 [which he beat 5 times over on hard]) had gotten dressed into a brown furlined vest and gathered up his Mag-7, a hand shotgun that held 5 rounds in a clip, and his extra magazine. It was fully loaded, along with the gun. He tucked it in his pocket and sighed.

"Damn the luck." he said as he began walking out. Not far out his door on the street, he met a white man. The white man had blonde hair was walking with a Winchester 1895 Bolt-Action rifle. The man raised the gun at Leon as soon as he saw him.

"Whoa Nigga! Dont shoot!" Leon said at the white man.

"Dont call me a nigga, you nigga!" The man said to him

"Why not nigga?"
"I said stop callin me a nigga!"
"Yo nigga, FUCK YOU!"

THis argument continues at Leon and the white man argued, both continually calling eachother "nigga" as they fought.

FInnaly, they stopped calling each other "nigga" and began with the name calling.

"You stoopid cracker! I banged your momma last night and she was so loose, it was like throwin a hotdog in an open feild!"

"Oh No you didnt black man! I own you! Get on your knees and clean my shoes!"

It was obvious that this white guy was a racist, and it ticked Leon off. Both forgot they had firearms on them and ran to box. THe sound of an Owen Sub Machine gun sent them running together side by side.


[Im endin it here. Gun Info courtesy of http://world.guns.ru/ ]

© Copyright 2006 Keebler3333, Mowsy's Wrath, (known as GROUP).
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1054293-A-Random-Campfire-story