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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #2326194
A new blog to contain answers to prompts
Since my old blog "Everyday Canvas Open in new Window. became overfilled, here's a new one. This new blog item will continue answering prompts, the same as the old one.

Cool water cascading to low ground
To spread good will and hope all around.

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March 26, 2025 at 11:01am
March 26, 2025 at 11:01am
"The season, the air, were all favorable to tenderness and sentiment."
Jane Austen
Write about this quote in your Blog Entry today.


I might be too old to chew the fat for Austen's sentimental quote. So instead, I wrote a short story, using the quote.

First Kiss

The season, the air, were all so favorable to tenderness and sentiment. Spring had painted the world in soft pinks and yellows bleeding into the evening sky. Cherry blossoms drifted like snow, collecting in Sarah's dark hair as she walked beside me.

We'd known each other since oh well, I'd say first grade. We had lived through twelve years of friendship and homework and shared lunches and movie flicks. But something shifted that evening, like a photo coming into focus.

She stopped walking and turned to face me. A petal caught on her eyelash, and without thinking, I reached out to brush it away. My hand lingered longer than it should have. Her breath caught – a small sound that seemed to echo through the empty street.

"David," she whispered, and in that moment, I understood why poets wrote about spring... I suddenly knew why they filled pages with words about awakening love and renewal.

The kiss, it came then, all on its own, and it tasted like possibility.

March 25, 2025 at 1:43pm
March 25, 2025 at 1:43pm
“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”
Frances Hodgson Burnett
Do you think life can be a garden, and if so, do you like flowers? Which ones?


Oh, who doesn't love a garden! Once upon a time, I had a huge garden, in which I raised many kinds of plants and flowers. Now what I have, in a different state and house, is lawn that other people take care of, but this is okay, too.

In this quote from The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett talks about the power of seeing what's been dealt to us with optimism, and not only looking without understanding. The key phrase here is "If you look the right way." This phrase points to the way we see and experience life.

A person who appreciates life notices with hope the beauty in everyday life. Such a person's internal view will be of flowers, alive, colorful, and beautiful, instead of dirt and weeds, unlike the internal view of a person who only focuses on the negative.

This goes to show that even in difficult circumstances, we have the opportunity of transformation just like a garden that flourishes under the care, attention, and patience of its gardener. In fact, this quote is a reminder of the fact that the way we look at things shapes our reality. If we can be smart enough to choose hope, potential, and beauty, life will reflect that back to us.

In my own imaginary garden, therefore, I would like all kinds of flowers, especially roses, violets, asters, daisies, orchids, lilacs, and even weeds, which have powers little-known by us, with which they enrich the soil; however, I would never let the weeds take over the garden, but I would only use them here and there for learning from negative experiences.

March 24, 2025 at 12:51pm
March 24, 2025 at 12:51pm
What are negative experiences and adversities good for? And do you know how to protect and look after yourself when facing an adversity?


None of us ever opts for a negative experience, do we? Some of us, however, climb mountains or go on safaris, but even those people are doing it for kicks and excitement.

Throughout history, our kind has dealt with ice ages, hunger and starvation, wild animals like phytons, wolves, or saber-toothed tigers, and plagues. And humanity has come out AOK. In fact, we've multiplied so much that, now, we've become the plague of the planet. No wonder nature sent us that Covid thing!

This resilience of ours shows that we humans have a knack for survival. Maybe because unsavory events present an opportunity to reflect and learn from the bad stuff, even though we may not consciously seek negative experiences.

Case in point, when a negative anything happens, it forces us to reflect on why it happened. This activates our thinking in-depth, even while we are grieving over that loss, and it brings about some looking inside ourselves to see if and how we could have prevented that loss, and if we couldn't have prevented it, could there be a reason behind it, even though that reason may be beyond our reach. In short, we try to understand the meaning behind the pain, which brings its own kind of sense and reflection into our lives, gluing together happy events with sadder ones, turning our scattered encounters into a whole, unique, and more mature life experience.

This all shows that finding meaning in life isn't only about happy experiences. It can also come from insights into our lives that may take the form of enhanced meaning, for now we can understand more how any negative event fits into our fight for survival and search for happiness.

As for me, I am not sure I can always look after and protect myself while facing intense bad experiences. So far, though, I've lived through quite a bit of sad and disconcerting life events and losses, and I'm still surviving. I find that, when such a negative thing happens, instead of any rushed or long-term plans, living through the exact hour, minute, and day -as well as I can- helps the most. Then, later on, when I am calmer, looking back into that unwanted and unwelcome experience helps me to accept it and deal with it much better.

March 23, 2025 at 11:36am
March 23, 2025 at 11:36am
Prompt: This Moment
Omar Khayyam said, “Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life."
How difficult or easy it is to really live in the immediate exact moment, even while knowing it is a happy one?


Happy feelings have a way of putting a person in the present. But then, the mind wanders. For example, I used to say to myself, "This is great! But what about so and so or a family member having a bad time these days? What about that nasty look my neighbor gave me? What about the world situation?" Then, at the same time, I might be worrying about that beautiful moment's quick departure.

A beautiful moment, even if something ordinary or extraordinary that flees by--such as laughter with family and friends, the warmth of my sons' smiles and hugs, a lovely sunset, or watching how the salamanders dash across the driveway--brings about an awareness of joy. But also, this very awareness can make me or anyone anxious about its passing.

It took me a long time to learn to quiet my hyperactive mind so I could be just in one special moment, be it a moment of joy or of sorrow. So nowadays, at least some moments feel immersive with no effort needed. I can now get lost in writing, music, cooking, and deep conversations. Now, I can be fully present and stay inside a moment.

All this is because I took a simple notebook and found some questions on the web involving Jung's shadow work and wrote longhand, answering those questions, plus adding to their answers anything of my own. This practice became some form of a meditation or an exercise of mindfulness. So now, without my mind jumping around, I can trust and be fully inside a moment rather than worrying about its flight or trying to capture it to make it stay. As a reward, my good moments often linger a lot longer. *Smile*

March 22, 2025 at 1:21pm
March 22, 2025 at 1:21pm
Write about what you see out the window today. Give us enough details it feels like we're looking out the window with you.


Exactly from where I am sitting now, on my computer chair, I can see the outside, since I face the large window at the wall across. Out there, the golf course is like a painted landscape. Two golf carts stand side by side by the seventh hole. While four people are watching like a hawk the golfer whose turn it is to putt, the golfer takes his time and possibly gives his full attention to his possible aim. Yet, I can't see any of his facial expressions. This seventh hole is too far from the house. Even those golfers are just tiny figures from here, but their stances and arm and head gestures tell stories.

Then, closer to the house, a flock of white ibises sweep down on the freshly mown grass, indifferent only to the "golfers only" status of the green. The ground is sort of wavy and hilly, unlike the more flattened golf courses I knew when we lived up north. Such undulations of the ground can turn a simple putt into a humbling experience, as it is doing right now. Funny isn't it that here in Florida, where most surfaces are flattened, we'd end up watching a wavy ground for a golf course!

Although these grounds and this scene is sculpted, maintained, and manicured into an idealized version for the golfers' eyes, nature here always butts in, like those flocks of birds, a small rabbit, or a hawk sweeping down on a tiny squirrel.

In this golf course's case, for years, it was the property of Club Med. Then, it was sold to our town. Our town being so astute(!) put up huge trees here and there, despite their hurricane hazard to our surrounding houses around the course. Their aim and reason for those trees was to attract tourist golfers from North, although the trees are not South Florida trees but belong originally to the more northern regions. Then, a few years ago, lightning hit one of those huge trees, taking off some of its trunk and bark.

Now, from here, I can also see that maimed tree with its barkless side and its slanted form, still alive. This may be because the ground crew takes good care of everything. Right this minute, since it is Saturday today, there are now several more golfers on the green, their sizes seem to be two inches or so from where I am sitting, and I hope, the bright sunshine shimmering on the dark green lawn brings luck to their swings and putts.

March 19, 2025 at 11:40am
March 19, 2025 at 11:40am
"Your first observations can be done simply by learning to drift gently through a wood, a naturalist in hurry never learns anything of value." -- Gerald Durrell
Write about this quote in your Blog entry today


I had to stop for a few seconds and think about this one. After all, you never know what a naturalist or an environmentalist is hinting at. *Wink*

What this quote states is simple but deceptive. I took it as if Gerald Durrell is talking not about just nature-watching but life itself. So I imagined myself walking along a trail, eyes forward, thinking about my destination. Then, what if I might have lost my way, instead? What if I was moving through the trees in imagined fears and with no place to go? On the other hand, what he has mentioned is learning to drift gently.

This 'drifting gently', in fact, would be something like an unhurried presence. A naturalist, who knows what he is doing but he has little time, might check the species he encounters a snaps photos, especially because he is in a rush. Yet, has he stopped and watched a spider weaving its web or did he listen to how the calls of birds changed when a hawk loitered nearby? No, he didn't have the time for details and he missed the real story of the woods.

Like this naturalist and the woods, our real understanding of life comes from our careful observation of it by taking time with things, especially relationships of all kinds. So, "Drift gently" in the quote may not only refer to anyone's walking speed but their movements inspired by their curiosity and wonder and not their agenda.

We now live speedy lives in a speed-obsessed world because we have convinced ourselves that speed is better, Surely, I am the first one to admit to this fault. Even as I am now writing about this quote, the things waiting for me to be done during the rest of the day are urging me on from the back of my mind. Surely, too much slowness can be equated with sloth, but what about receiving gently and thoughtfully what the world offers us?

This is why I think Gerald Durrell is scolding us, however charitably, with his kind words for letting ourselves melt in this culture of immediacy and torrent of speed. What he says is a reminder that before we can analyze, categorize, or study something, we must--first--simply be with it, letting it reveal itself to us through its own time and ways.

March 18, 2025 at 1:02pm
March 18, 2025 at 1:02pm
Prompt: Secrets
"We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and knows." –Robert Frost, The Secret Sits
What do you think about secrets and secret-keeping? Can you keep a secret well?


Yes, I can keep secrets very well, but if people ask me, “Can you keep a secret?” I might say, "No, because it's possible, I might forget and blurt it out.”

I might say this because holding a secret can be a burden on me or any other person. A secret is heavy for it might need extra mental or physical energy. Then, if asked directly about that secret, I could be made to lie and say, "I know nothing about it," which would disturb me even more.

This also depends on the kind of a secret. For example, if I am an employee in a business or company and the place has rules, methods, and operations privy only to me and a few others, then when asked about it, I can say, "Sorry, I can't answer that. It is company policy." In this case, I don't have to lie.

In the prompt's quote, Robert Frost says, "the secret sits in the middle and knows." Yes, it does stay there inside the mind knowing, while the person who is trusted with the secret tries to suppress their thoughts about it. This is because the mind would drift to the secret and to the feeling of the guilt for keeping something from others and not being authentic and open.

Then, why do people share secrets in the first place? Some people may feel if they show trust in a person, they might win them over to become close friends. Then, for the person who is trusted with the secret, if they don't share it with spouses, close family members and friends, or parents, a sense of unease or being not trustworthy could develop. Therefore, both keeping and sharing others' secrets can put a person in a difficult position.

So, for me, it is best to tell someone upfront that I do not want to keep their secret in the first place. I believe my approach would work, at least for me.

March 17, 2025 at 11:43am
March 17, 2025 at 11:43am
Prompt: Storytelling
"You’re never going to kill storytelling because it’s built into the human plan. We come with it.”
Margaret Atwood
Do you like telling stories in any shape or form?


I love stories, though reading them much more than telling my own. Even as a child, I pestered the adults around me by always asking them to tell me a story. This may be partly because my mother was a great story-teller. She not only embellished the most common stories but also added or changed something about them each time she told any one story. I asked her, once or twice, if she was lying each time she came up with one of her concoctions. My cousin, on the other hand, dwelled on those changes. She said she liked my mother's embellishments much more than the story itself. No wonder my mother was more willing to tell us a story when my cousin was visiting! Or maybe it was because when she and I were together, we usually got into mischief. *Wink*

In the long run, storytelling is inescapable. It doesn't matter if the story is real or imaginary. The quote's phrase "built into the human plan" suggests that storytelling is not merely cultural but it is something deeply embedded in our psychology and evolution. We tell stories to share knowledge, preserve history, and evoke emotions. Then, in spite of the technological advances that affect storytelling mediums, the essence of storytelling has stayed untouched. After all, it has come down to us from cave paintings and oral traditions. Who cares if a story is being told in a movie, a book, or on the internet! A story is precious.

Yet, our very own stories we hide inside us are the most precious. We may or may not dare to share them with others. This doesn't matter. They are there for us to learn from and to enjoy. However, even if we keep quiet about our own stories, we can't stop others' stories, can we! Plus, most likely, we want to hear them. Especially the real-life ones...Real-life ones involving others and our own families.

Consequently, when we are telling stories involving our own families, we need to pay attention to a few important considerations. The top one is how the other family members would feel having their stories told by someone who only knows its half-truths. We need to ask for their consent especially if they are alive or guess what they would want to be remembered by if they've passed on.

Then, most family stories may involve multiple viewpoints. Understanding and respecting different perspectives could avoid harm. This is because family stories can bring up different emotions and impact relationships, especially when they are about conflicts, loss, or trauma. Also, we must be careful and conscious of why we are telling any particular family story. Is it for satisfying our own emotional needs or is it for any other reason? When we tell family stories with respect and care for others' feelings, they may reward us with deeper connections, wisdom, and even healing.

As the quote says, enjoying stories and storytelling "is built into the human plan. We come with it.”

May all our stories have positive endings!


Humor poetry contest online no entry fee required:
Prizes: $2,000 plus a two-year gift certificate ; $500 ; $250
Honorable Mentions: 10 awards of $100 each
Deadline: April 1

March 16, 2025 at 12:49pm
March 16, 2025 at 12:49pm
Prompt: Journalism
"Journalists claim to be hearing 'both sides' as though a binary opposition had been set down by some disinterested god. But it is the journalists themselves who are playing god--it is the journalists who decide which sides are legitimate and which are not."
Ta Nehisi Coates, The Message
What do you think about the validity of the journalism today? Are today's journalists doing their work well enough?


Unfortunately for companies, events, and even private citizens, the destructive or constructive role today's journalists play is at best iffy, especially at this time in our civilization.

Case in point, my son showed me an article he picked up from the web, written by a quite well-known journalist. The article was about an old and serious company that isn't going under but somewhat struggling.

Now, in this article, the use of language and the presentation were excellent, but this journalist manipulated his information so deftly that many customers may stop buying from the stores of this company. I'm quite sure of that.

Did this journalist have the right to do this to a business? I don't think so. His article wasn't a few paragraphs of offhand writing, but it was long and full of the images of ratios, charts, the company's financial stuff, and other things that could make a reader or even an investor believe him.

The problem I have with the journalist and this article is, it wasn't written for a investment journal but for some popular online publication. Regardless of the fame of that publication, such an article should not be for the eyes of the public, especially when the company is doing its utmost to pick up the pieces.

Worse yet, being so adept with language, this journalist put up the facts first, as if in favor of the company, then kept asking questions like, "Yet, is this really true..."

I'll now dare to quote exactly from some of his sentences by naming the company XYZ but without naming the journalist:
"...the real reason XYZ and (its sector...) is dying is because of a failure to enforce antitrust laws against unfair business methods and illegal mergers..."
"XYZ eventually came back with its tail between its legs an signed a deal with ..."
"You'd think XYZ would be doing fine. But it is not."
"The trends for XYZ aren't good. It has closed stores since 2018, and plans to shut more this year. And if you look at the gross operating income of the US retail segment, XYZ is collapsing."

I am not opposing his facts or his charts or what not, but this article by this journalist may cause XYZ not recover at all and to go under faster, since the article is published in a public forum.

You may ask, "What's wrong with informing the public or with independent journalism?" I'd say, nothing is wrong for allowing diverse perspectives, but I am concerned about the spread of unverified and biased information. General public doesn't take the time to fact-check or verify the credibility of an article's sources.

Then, some media leans toward sensationalism that generates clicks and produces income from ads, over fair and objective reporting. Others in the media may select articles according to a journalist's reputation or his particular political or ideological stance. Still others may be hired by the rivals of a company to badmouth a company like XYZ. And even if a company like XYZ is really struggling, does anyone have a right to beat it up in the worst way possible and make its comeback impossible?

Luckily enough, many journalists today, at least try to stick to ethical reporting. I'd say, investigative reporters especially have to be very careful with how much information they can make public.

Still, although journalism is being challenged greatly today, it is the cornerstone of any free society. Therefore, reputable journalists have to be alert for misinformation, media bias, the rush for speed, and sensationalism over accuracy. This is because their work is essential for transparency, accountability, and our civilization.

March 14, 2025 at 10:55am
March 14, 2025 at 10:55am
Have fun with these words: mathematician, birthday, oddity, clutter, papers, eccentric, quirks, sailing, and promiscuous.
Take a guess on what these clues also will tell you about this person on their birthday.


The Mathematician’s Birthday

the *mathematician has a *birthday today
lost in thoughts, numbers, and fractions at play

his *papers, his mess, in random sprawl,
and *clutter and numbers, his mind holds them all

*quirks, equations, his *eccentric delight
an *oddity *sailing, well into the night

still, he pines and wonders over an old affair
*promiscuous maybe, but no, he could swear

on theorems, graphs, angles forever anew
he's just bound and chained to only one view

the mathematician turned sixty today
thinking of an old love and fractions at play

March 13, 2025 at 1:12pm
March 13, 2025 at 1:12pm
Prompt: Play is our favorite way of learning. Write about this in your Blog entry today.


Play? What do you think we are all doing here, in Writing.com? If this isn't play, I don't know what is. As such, learning through play is basic and natural for children and adults. This is because play is much more than entertainment. It is a tool for education and happier living.

We writers, just like children, can lose ourselves in imaginative play, participate in group projects, and further develop our critical thinking and social skills. After all, storytelling must have been built into our genes. *Wink*

I am quite sure most of us also play outdoors, just like children. If we do not get excited with hide-and-seek, we may be gardening, walking, and even running. One of my sons, at 50 years of age, took up mountain biking, among his other several activities, but then, he was also the most playful one in the family since birth.

It is a fact that people learn best when they are actively involved in meaningful experiences. Just don't tell me to run long-distance or take up mountain climbing. Yes, those can be meaningful for some, but not for me.

What is meaningful for each person can be different from what is meaningful to others. Instead of running or biking, especially at my age, I like reading, writing, word puzzles, taking short walks, listening to music, and watching nature such as the flocks of birds, especially white ibises, coming down on the golf course and then rising up like a cloud overhead.

Some of my friends engage in theater, yoga, video games, music and dancing. At one time, especially during my young adult years, I used to play the piano, paint and draw, but those hobbies played out their course as well as my excessive gardening at one time in my life.

It doesn't matter how old we become or how young we are. We can all learn from play, be it with friends or alone, as play is a lifelong tool for happiness, mental health, and learning.

March 12, 2025 at 2:23pm
March 12, 2025 at 2:23pm
Prompt: "Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles. It takes away today's peace."
Randy Armstrong
Write about this quote in your Blog entry today.


This prompt hit the nail on the head. One of my friends worries so much that she has become incompetent in most things she used to be good at. Of course, today's from-day-to-day changes in technology don't help her and they don't help me, either.

Case in point, last night neither of my two Amazon pads worked. My cell, however, was working. Then, I received a notice that Amazon was going through some change or fix or something. This morning, both pads are working. Then, when I tried to turn on the computer, it wouldn't accept my password. It said something like a "challenge phrase," which I had never heard of. Now, I have Norton on everything and our connection has extra security. What was happening?

I started to worry. My worry was mostly about not getting into WdC. Lol! Luckily for me, my older son from New York is visiting at this time, and he fixed the whole thing in a jiffy. If it weren't for him, putting together last night's events with the Amazon tablets and my HP laptop's antics together, I would have worried myself sick.

I guess an occasional worry is a part of life but excessive worry can have serious negative effects on mental and physical health. If only the companies and their techies could consider that!

It is said that excessive worry can lead to anxiety disorders and even depression. It may start with restlessness, irritability, and difficulty making decisions. God knows what it will do over time.

As to its physical health consequences, it weakens the immune system, causes digestive issues, and heart problems. Heck, I already have heart problems, thanks to family genes.

Then, when a person is constantly worried it can affect their relationships with others due to their irritability. Not to mention that it minimizes their productibility and decision making.

In short, too much worrying does a person in, with almost every aspect of life. Surely, when worry becomes a long-term problem, we must take measures against it, such as regular exercise and journaling. In extreme cases, professional help may be needed.

So, it's good that I recognized from where my worries originate and heap up: Technology! Now, I think I want to go back to the living in caves with me chiseling on the cave wall with sharpened rocks.

Just Kidding!

In fact, I love technological advances. Except, most of the time, adapting to them does me in.

March 11, 2025 at 3:14pm
March 11, 2025 at 3:14pm
Prompt: Language
Is language just a communication tool? Or is it more than that? What do you think about languages in general?


Anyone who can't find the exact word for what they mean to say would tell us how important language is. Language is, of course, a communication tool, but also, it is so much more than that.

Above all, language shapes thoughts. There is a hypothesis called The Sapir-Whorf theory, a.k.a. linguistic relativity. It says "the structure of a language can shape its speakers' cognitive processes and world view." This may be quite true. Even Charlemagne said, way back when, "To have another language is to possess a second soul." After him, Ludwig Wittgenstein added, "The limits of my language means the limits of my world."

Taking such quotes to heart, in my earliest of days, I became interested in languages and later on studied linguistics and its theories and such. So, it was easy to find out that speakers of different languages perceived and interpreted reality differently, based on the structure of their language. That is so true and I feel so thankful to have come into the acquaintance of several different languages, and even though I can or cannot speak some of them, luckily, I can read all of them. They teach me different concepts and different ways of thinking about the same things.

Relatedly, for those who know only one language, their language becomes deeply tied to their cultural identity. It reflects their history, values, and traditions. Dialects, slang, and linguistic variations, therefore, often signal a sense of belonging to a specific social group. From the same corner, walks in the political rhetoric, propaganda, legal discourse, and media narratives to shape public opinion. So I ask, as much as the sense of belonging to a specific group or country is comforting, why not open our horizons to wider areas and thoughts?

Still, the best use of language, in my opinion, is when language is used as a medium of art and emotion in literature, poetry and related subjects, as I bet most WdC members will agree. This is because these arts explore and enhance our everyday lives. As Oliver Wendell Holmes observed, “Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.” This just shows how important language is as the cornerstone of our human experience.

March 10, 2025 at 1:22pm
March 10, 2025 at 1:22pm
Prompt: Shoes
What are your views on the importance and use of shoes? I mean, why do we humans need shoes? Didn't we evolve feet capable of standing up on the ground like other animals?


I think shoes are very important for keeping our feet and for keeping us mobile. Shoes come in all sizes and shapes, fancy colors, and varying heels. To choose the right kind of a shoe for one's feet is very important. This is because we are not made to go barefoot. As for me, I could never go barefoot since my soles aren't as thick as the soles of other mammals. And if I had ever known any better when I was much younger, I would never have worn those very high heels. But what is done is done.*FacePalm*

And no, we didn't evolve feet like other animals, according to those who know. This is because other mammals' feet have adapted for climbing, digging, and speed. Our feet are specialized for upright walking and endurance running.

It is also because we are not four-footed but bi-peds. Most mammals, including the apes, use all their four limbs for movement. No us! This is also because our feet are now broader and more rigid to provide stability when walking upright. For example, the big toes of the apes are for grasping branches. We might have had that capability but it seems we have lost it during the evolution. Instead, we developed arches for shock absorbance to reduce the strain of walking and running.

Then, our feet bear the full weight of our bodies, whereas other mammals have their weight distributed on their four limbs.

Still, as efficient as our feet are, wouldn't it be nice if we could peel a banana with our toes? Maybe, if we try harder, we could teach ourselves to do that. But why go through all that trouble when our hands can easily do the same job in a jiffy!

Even now, in my old age, I'm grateful for the way my feet work, with arthritis and all. Without my feet in sneakers, where would I be!

March 9, 2025 at 12:22pm
March 9, 2025 at 12:22pm
Prompt: News Bits
I feel like writing something in the comedy genre on account of this news bit: "Scientists at Colossal Laboratories and Biosciences developed mice with the traits of a woolly mammoth they're calling "woolly mice."
Do you think we could live together with woolly mammoths again and/or which kinds of news stories tickle your funny bone?


If I'm remembering correctly, fooling around with the genes idea took hold during the nineteen seventies. This means it is still a new step. Is it in the right direction? I wouldn't know. I guess time will tell.

As to woolly mammoths, I don't think we can host them on this earth since most of the real estate has been taken over by my kind, the humans. In fact, we are forcing out the other species, be it animal or plant.

Also, I believe nature knows what it is doing more than we may know what we are doing. If it got rid of woolly mammoths, it had to have a good reason. Well, just maybe. Now, the question is, does nature have a good reason to get rid of us, its human pests? Time will tell, again.

Then, there is that gene-editing idea, which has shown some very good results as far as we humans are concerned since it has taken care of some of the genetic diseases. While the current focus on disease treatment is to our advantage, I am wondering if it also will be applied to cosmetic traits such as hair color and eye shapes, which would be ridiculous in my opinion.

With all this gene editing thing, my mind conjures up horror images, too. How about creating a dragon with a human head and feelings, for example? Now, I am not a horror writer, but if I were, my stories would tend to be more of a bad or silly kind of humor, rather than horror. Leave the story-writing aside, what if such creations by us were to become the exact, scary truth?

Then, think about such experiments or discoveries if they ended up in the wrong hands...In which case, we'd need to be more alarmed about our own doings than the outer space that Nasa's current space explorations are coming up with, about which the YouTube alarmist videos are trying to scare the whole world, nowadays. Space events, space plasma, and all other space stuff in attacking the earth, and all this with our backstabbing sun's compliance, don't tickle my funny bone either.

So, I've gone from woolly mammoths, woolly mice, to the dangerous space...You see, this is what happens when you insert a stick into a bee's nest! You get stung! *Wink*

March 8, 2025 at 1:06pm
March 8, 2025 at 1:06pm
Have fun with these words: lesson, snarl, guitar, draft, length, rifle, acquaintance, funny and shift.


His Guitar Hummed

a *snarl of wind beneath the moon
as his *guitar hummed a mournful tune

the *draft slipped through a broken pane
in the *length of night, as if a *refrain

and his *rifle rested by the hearth's gleam
like an *acquaintance in an old dream

conjuring up ghosts that drift and *shift
a *lesson taught, yet not *funny to uplift

the old cowboy on the strings strummed
and his guitar a sad tune it hummed

March 7, 2025 at 12:48pm
March 7, 2025 at 12:48pm
On this day in 1965, state troopers used nightsticks and tear gas to attack American civil rights activists as they crossed a bridge in Selma, Alabama, during their attempted march to the state capitol in Montgomery.

Are you concerned that history is repeating itself with all the recent changes to equal rights and diversity rights?


I'd be so off base if I were to comment on a situation while we are in that situation. The bottom line is, we don't know all the facts and a haphazard comment could get in the way of the progress. I'd say let the chips fall where they may and then, we could analyze it. Which shows that I'm no history maker but only a history reader, and yes, history does have a way of repeating itself, but it wears different outfits each time, so we think the stuff is new and original.

As to MLK and Civil Rights Movement, the history books, when truthful, do a better job of giving us such facts. Those of us, who were around during the nineteen-sixties, know something about those events, more or less. What still disturbs me, though, during those MLK-led marches, is the cheering from the onlookers, all white people, while the troopers attacked the demonstrators with clubs and tear gas. About a week later after the first march, a church deacon died in the hospital as the result of that unnecessary police force.

Still, a second march took place. Although Johnson, the president, had told the marchers not to try again, he changed his mind once the March went on anyway, a few days later. This second march was the undoing of the Alabama Governor Wallace because he ordered the state troopers to stop the march. Also because, during the flow of events, Ku Klux Klan was involved, and the Klan killed a housewife who was about to help send the marchers home.

While all this was happening I was about to graduate from College and the news shocked us, since some of it we couldn't believe and other parts of it we were terribly upset about. Plus, we all seriously disliked Governor Wallace.

As the result of those marches, President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, which seemed to be doubtful at the time, but that led to many other more favorable things. I only hope our present-day events take much more positive steps, to satisfy not just one faction but our entire country.

The situation in our day goes to show that what President Johnson said about the right to vote--“the most powerful instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice"-- was not enough. This is because injustice is not only against skin color, but its roots have penetrated inside many other areas of our society.

It must be our deficit as humans that we always find someone or some group to trample upon once we get the chance. In my opinion, therefore, many other areas of our national soul and being need to be paid much more attention.

March 6, 2025 at 11:42am
March 6, 2025 at 11:42am
"Your speed doesn't matter. Forward is forward." Write about this in your Blog entry today.


I believe this quote is talking about progress, as long as it is there, be it fast or slow.

Progress's definition in the dictionary is, "Forward or onward movement toward a destination." To me, this means the destination is the aim and not the speed.

To begin with, life's journey is different for each one of us. As long as we are moving forward, be it one small step at a time, we are advancing. This is so important when we are facing self-doubt, setbacks, or challenges. Good teachers know this and in very good schools, such as those operating on the Montessori system, they let students advance at their own pace and their results are fantastic. I know this for sure, since one of my sons attended a Montessori school in his earliest years. Today, he has quite a few degrees and certificates and at 56 years of age, he's still learning.

Then, this idea of moving forward can be applied not just to teaching systems but to many other aspects of life, from careers to fitness to personal concerns.

Unfortunately for us humans, in a world that applauds speed and instant success, sometimes we forget about patience, self-love, and perseverance. We need to remember that life is not a race where we are made to compare our pace to others. We also need to remember to keep our focus on our own life journey. As long as we are in the process of moving forward in tiny steps, without comparing ourselves to others where speed is the concern, we have a very good chance of becoming winners.

March 5, 2025 at 12:58pm
March 5, 2025 at 12:58pm
Write about March Madness for your Blog entry today.


Interesting prompt! But I had to look it up to find out to what "March Madness" exactly refers.

"The NCAA Division I men’s basketball tournament is a single-elimination tournament of 68 teams that compete in seven rounds for the national championship. The penultimate round is known as the Final Four, when (you guessed it) only four teams are left."

I never liked to watch others play a sport on TV. I'd rather be a player in that game myself. When I was 12, one of my uncles took me to a soccer game. The poor guy paid for me and all that. But I was more interested in the people on the stands screaming obscenities and jumping up and waving their arms up and down. I was so intrigued and entertained by those people that I had no idea what was happening in the game. Soon enough, my uncle caught on to my interest in the cursing and what not. That must be why he never took me to another game again. To this day, the people in the stands fill me with wonder. Is it because they associate "their team" too closely with their own psyches?

The association of "March Madness" relating to basketball came about in the 1980s. If instead of soccer, had my uncle taken me to a basketball game, I might have shown more interest in the game since I played basketball in high school...well, not so greatly, but still, I liked the game.

I don't exactly know at what else we can apply the phrase "March Madness" other than basketball, but I can guess. To me, personally, there is madness in March with all the March birthdays including mine, as I mentioned in an earlier entry. Then, sometimes, a department store will advertise its sales as "March Madness" but their voice sounds definitely muted in comparison to basketball.

It might just be that the term may have referred to the tempestuous character of the weather in March. And just maybe, to the people who were born in March. *Wink*

March 4, 2025 at 1:03pm
March 4, 2025 at 1:03pm
"If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.”
Vincent Willem Van Gogh
What is Van Gogh trying to tell us and what do you think of his paintings?


I believe what Van Gogh is saying to us is: "You don't have to go with the flow of the current ways or the common appreciation of anything. Do your own thing and let the chips fall where they may." This advice, I think, does well by us writers, also. *Wink*

Taking his own advice, then, Van Gogh became a missionary of some sort and was able to transform the western art. He could do this by introducing an appreciation of different, or rather, abstract ways of looking at things. In fact, he must have mixed dreams with reality and that is why what came out of his brushes has a dreamlike, mystical quality.

In his paintings, his straight lines become wavy, his sun, or his sunflowers give the impression of they are in action and turning, as his brushwork is unbelievably expressive. The paint is also thicker while the colors intensify. I am guessing, he often squeezed the paint directly onto the canvas right from the tube .

Above all, I think he must have had some kind of a love affair with nature itself. That may be why his appreciation of nature is carried into the views of the Parisian suburbs and city life. In the same vein, since he probably felt that he himself was part of nature, too, he painted many portraits of himself. Those portraits in their totality have impressed me greatly, partly because I was intrigued by his life and delicate psyche. As such, his last self-portraits show the restlessness in him that did him in at the end.

Today, without Van Gogh, modern art would have looked very different. This may be because he gave something from inside himself to his art with the symbolism of his forms, the intensity of his colors, and his very expressive brushwork.

Most importantly, to us and to the art world, Vincent Van Gogh gave himself.

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