A new attempt to create a blog. |
You may be familiar with my first blog attempt that was called Frog With a Blog. It was supposed to focus on my faith and how my faith shapes my life. However, it got way, way off track and ended up being a mix of everything. Late one night I was cleaning my port and had an itchy, twitchy trigger finger and decided my frog with a blog had to GO. POOF! And into the ExFiles abyss it flew! I discovered I love taking to you, my reader. But, to me, your not just any ol reader.I feel more like I am talking to friends. Not random strangers. Even more, I consider many of you as extended family. So its natural for me to share things here that I'd likely not share elsewhere. I've also learned the value of prompts. Let's face it, the bulk of my days are dullsville Not a lot happens when your essentially a shut in that never leaves the apartment except by ambulance to go to the hospital and thankfully, I have not had to go since last December. Therefore, I plan to utilize the prompts provided by a number of b!logging groups, especially on days I have nothing interesting to write about. You should also bare in mind this is a semi daily blog and do not be surprised if days or even weeks go by with no entries. It is my intention to write daily or at least every other day...but I k ow ME. So, I make no promises😆. 🌺 🌺 🌺 Comments and responses are welcomed and encouraged. I hope to make this blog as interactive as possible. So, don't be shy! 🌺 🌺 🌺