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Rated: 18+ · Book · Contest Entry · #2297031
June Annual Blogging Month 2024
The Bard's Hall Contest  (13+)
September: Annual Cop Shop Mystery!
#981150 by StephBee

This book is the place for competing in the Hall's annual blogging month of June. Entries about ordinary, mundane events and days. My life isn't that exciting! *Ha*. But I love to blog. So, enjoy!

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For Blogging with the Bard's Hall, June 2023 Merit Badge in Bard's Hall Blogging Merit Badge
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Thank for you for Blogging in the Bard's Hall Blogging Contest, June 2024

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June 29, 2024 at 5:34am
June 29, 2024 at 5:34am

Bought a stack of scratch lottery tickets. They arrived. I am a gambler so two tickets per day for next week.

I already won 8 bucks *Ha*

Sun is wonderful, and friends and family react lovely to my sad news. I will enjoy this weekend on the balcony. Tonight 1/8th finals EURO 2024.

WC 52
StephBee and Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ
June 28, 2024 at 5:52am
June 28, 2024 at 5:52am

New hairdo, new look! It's nice, I like it a lot. It was a good decision to change the look. I was sitting on the bus to the hairdresser when I saw a lady with short hair. My immediate impulse was: I am gonna change my looks today. An impulse buy, but I don't regret it.

A Pixie cut!!

I try to stay positive, I have to wait a whole week before I hear more about my condition what can be done, and what not.

In the meantime, I hear a lot of stories about people (family and friends) who had the same thing, colon cancer, and were treated and survived. So that's good.

It's sunny and bright, I hope to enjoy this Friday! Enjoy yours!

WC 126
StephBee and Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ
June 27, 2024 at 4:37am
June 27, 2024 at 4:37am

My first CT scan is a fact. They again had trouble putting a needle into my vein, but the second place was okay. In and out in 45 minutes.

I had a coffee and a bun when leaving the hospital.

Bus ride back home, shopping for toilet paper (where does it go these days) and now behind the computer. Sprout is sleeping on the ground to my right.

I made an appointment with the hairdresser later today. I still got all my hair so better take care of it.

WC 89
StephBee and Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ
June 26, 2024 at 6:32am
June 26, 2024 at 6:32am

The day after the verdict!
I am a bit restless. It's extremely sunny and hot so it's a bit too warm in the house. I am sitting on my balcony with my new parasol. There is a whiff of wind which is lovely.

Yesterday, after the Dutch soccer team lost their game I heard a noise of breaking glass! Kids had smashed my bedroom window with a ball before they fled the scene. Luckily the housing agency sent someone who took care of the window and covered it with wood—cleaned the mess too. Next week there will be a new window in place.

I have to repeat a few times: I have cancer! I have cancer!

I still cannot look beyond that. It's too early to make a plan. Tomorrow the CT scan, they won't tell me what they find, that's for the appointment next week.

I am leaving in an hour to do some groceries. And there are the dirty dishes. I have to clean.

I am still in pain, and my energy level is very low. But today is a very sunny day. Lovely!!!

WC; 186
StephBee and Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ
June 25, 2024 at 10:30am
June 25, 2024 at 10:30am

Had my colonoscopy today. Everything went well. Laxation was okay, keyhole surgery was no biggie. I was convinced I had chronic bowel inflammation.

At the end of the procedure, the doctor told me: It's bad, I have to talk to you later.

I still was clueless.

When she arrived she said: It's not good, it's cancer. You have a tumor.

Honestly, it never crossed my mind.

I think it still has to sink in.

This Thursday I have a CT scan to look for the spreading of cancer cells, if that's the case. Next week on Friday I have an appointment to talk about procedures and possibilities.

I think I am still a bit in shock!!

WC 116
StephBee and Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ
June 24, 2024 at 6:54am
June 24, 2024 at 6:54am

Today is the day before! I have to take two tablets within 2 hours to soften the poop in my bowls. At 6 I start with the first laxation, and during the night at 5 the second one.

I just had my last lunch, one rusk with egg spread. And a cup of tea. I cannot eat anything anymore till after the operation.

The weather is great, lots of sun. The first day of me using my new parasol on my balcony. I want to do my dishes before the laxation starts.

Wish me luck!

WC 95
StephBee and Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ
June 20, 2024 at 5:13am
June 20, 2024 at 5:13am

Still in pain every day. Next week on Tuesday I have to go to the hospital for a colonoscopy. My best friend is driving me since there has to be somebody with me going back home.

On Monday it starts with medication to soften the poop, followed by a laxative schedule in the evening. The next morning at 5 o'clock another laxation and I have to be at the hospital at 8.30 am.

Everybody I know who has done this procedure says it's no biggie. But I am a little bit anxious. If something goes wrong I have stated that I don't want to be resurrected. Too scared to end up like a vegetable. Anyway...let's hope for the best!

I watch EURO2024, the soccer games every day. 2-3 matches per day. Tomorrow The Dutch against The French.

StephBee and Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ
June 11, 2024 at 7:36am
June 11, 2024 at 7:36am

In the coming weeks my GP has referred me to a specialist so my bowl problems will be addressed. It's about time! I have to wait again.

I'm still in pain, still nauseous.

Yesterday our national soccer team played the last of the two friendly matches before the European Competition 2024 that is about to begin this coming Friday. We won 4-0 from Iceland and 4-0 from Canada. Lovely games.

Hopefully, they will go far! They have a very interesting team.

WC 82
StephBee and Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ
June 4, 2024 at 5:56am
June 4, 2024 at 5:56am

Yay, I collected feces as early as 9 am and brought it to the nurse. I have to wait for the results. And next week I have another appointment to test my blood and urine. For the second time! The results were negative, insofar, as there was not much wrong. But I am still in pain so I keep going. I have to know what's bugging me.

Tonight one of my friends has tickets for a classical concert by Sokolov, a Russian pianist. The friend he was going with was in hospital so he asked me. It's free since he already had the tickets. And they cost 57 euros a piece, way too much for my wallet.

It's an unknown musician to me. It will be a surprise I am looking forward to.

It will be good to get out of the house. Last Sunday I canceled a movie with another friend since I wasn't feeling very well. Tonight I am forcing myself to go out!

WC 167
StephBee and Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ
June 3, 2024 at 6:20am
June 3, 2024 at 6:20am

Another bad night with pain and nausea suffering from what I believe is Colitus Ulcerosa, inflammation of the bowls. For 2 months now. I did a lot of inconclusive tests and an ultrasound that confirmed the thickness of the bowls. But my GP wanted another test for feces, the third time. So, I have to collect feces before 10 am, so I can bring it to the doctor's before 11 o'clock. Alas, I can't poop on commando so it didn't happen today. Maybe tomorrow.

It's a bit debilitating to be in this pain and nausea. The best thing to do is to sleep a lot. In bed, I experience less pain.

I hope to enjoy this coming month by blogging for The Bard's Hall, voting for the European Parliament, and watching soccer in the European Cup 2024. Things I can do, things I want to do.

It's Midday the first Monday of the month so the sirens are making sounds. A monthly test in my country to make sure the sirens are working. In this day and age with a war this close by that's important.

I don't want to be a pessimist, but times are difficult these days. We have an ultra-right-wing Parliament in the making with all sorts of unrealistic and sometimes dangerous plans here in the Netherlands. Trump is a crook who possibly will be elected again as President of the US, the war in the Middle East is horrendous, and so is the war in Ukraine.


it's June, one of the best months of the year. I hope the weather will be warm and wonderful.

I hope for the best!

June 23, 2023 at 5:33pm
June 23, 2023 at 5:33pm

I love these kinds of quiet mind-body and soul music, to channel my energy and calm down. It’s soothing for the soul and I can write while listening to it. Mantras!

It’s not likely that I travel to India shortly, or at all for that matter. It’s so crowded there and the only way I could function is in some sort of ashram in the middle of nowhere. Did you see the movie Eat, Love, Pray? Something like that.

It’s on my bucket list, although I didn’t know I have one. Come to think of it, I can make one right now, just for the hell of it.

Not in any particular order:

Stay in an ashram in India, Take some additional driving lessons, hire a car (I haven’t driven in almost 19 years *Shock2*, Win the lottery, Visit the USA once more, Take up sculpting again (I have the stone and the material), Publish more frequently, Fall in love *Ha*.

I will be sixty-two at the end of next month. I write down the words, not the digits. In a way, I can’t believe this is the case. You wake up one day and you are an old woman. What happened?

**shaking one’s head**

It’s not that I mind being old, it’s the physical ailments coming along with it. I am not that flexible anymore. But it’s a fact of life, and I have to adjust.

But I am certainly not complaining. My life is good! I’ve had some rough times in the far past but the last years have been a blessing. I realized this because there are so many writers here suffering. But people are challenged, not broken. Being a writer is such a great thing. Having the Writing.com community in my life is the best. That and my dog is what’s keeping me healthy. Every single day!

*Ha*Sometimes I think WdC is like a cult. But then again, what’s wrong with that? I love WdC!*Heart*

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June 22, 2023 at 8:31am
June 22, 2023 at 8:31am

I submitted a second article to Dogs Magazine UK after they published A visit to the vet   back in 2020. It’s probably too short this time, but I can try at least. It’s good for me to put myself out there once in a while and publish.

I got a rejection from WOW-magazine on "My Mother and Me. [13+] the other day although they said it was well-written and an important piece. Of all things that one was probably also too short.

I have to concentrate on longer pieces of writing. I know I tend to hurry toward an ending so it’s something to pay attention to.

Furthermore, I have started a piece for "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest [ASR] but I am stuck at the moment. Not satisfied with those first paragraphs. I will look at it and think this through later today. There is still time.

And my dishes are staring me in the face! So, I’ll have to do something about that as well. The recurrent theme in my life!

Better still, I started doing assignments for the second poetry class "Sharpening the Tools Lesson Book [E]. It’s fun and part of my willingness to pay more attention to my writing poetry. I quit the class Thriller Writing Course last week because I couldn’t concentrate during the heatwave and for some reason, the course was less exciting than I thought beforehand. I switched courses and that is working out fine.

The weather is much better this week, not too hot but cloudy, so I can focus on my writing. I am glad!

The summer has begun very well. Days are passing too fast though, I am amazed it’s almost July. It slips through my fingers. *Shock2*

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June 21, 2023 at 4:52pm
June 21, 2023 at 4:52pm

Today it’s June 21, the summer solstice here in Europe.
Midsummer is a time for celebrating inner power and brightness. The summer solstice marks an internal flame within. When the days get longer, the sun leads us through better times.

But in Australia for example, it’s winter now. I found out because we here at WdC have our own Bukowski. His name is s and he is sleeping in his car at 7 degrees and is writing books! Very admirable I think. I bought two of his books today. They came highly recommended!

Patch of Green   and Invasive Species  

The covers are great! Horror at its best!

by Steven Streeter and ** Image ID #2298187 Unavailable **

It cost me a fortune because it’s via Amazon and the postal fees are high. But I simply had to support such a writer in dire circumstances. I recommend you do the same. According to others, it is totally worth it.

Read and Write On!

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June 16, 2023 at 7:10pm
June 16, 2023 at 7:10pm

My stepmom Toos has been diagnosed with dementia a few years back. Sure she was very forgetful and had to write everything down, sure she told the same story over and over, sure she didn't remember things from 15 minutes ago. But she still lives on her own and has a full program to tie her over every week. She has a lot of help.

Today things happened that I realized she no longer can be trusted in what she says. That's really sad. I am feeling really sad. She crossed a line today and fabricated a story in her mind which later turned out not to be true at all. This is the first time that happened. And I am a bit in shock.

I think things will spiral downhill from now on. She is definitely changing, the dementia is definitely taking over. I have to relate to this changed reality. I must be aware I shall have to second-guess everything from now on. I shall have to check everything with Rita, her help, and Marga, her guardian to make sure I still can distinguish what's what and what actually is the case. Her word is no longer to be immediately trusted. This is very, very heart-wrenching.

She forgets this ever happened. Tomorrow she starts anew. I, on the other hand, have to come to terms with the reality of her illness. It's up to me to interpret her actions, behavior, and speech in such a way that I can handle it and keep her dignity.

I worked with demented patients years ago professionally. So, theory and practice are somewhat familiar. But this is different for me now. This is up close and personal. I am the stepdaughter of the demented patient in this equation. I address my stepmom differently from a professional. I am deeply involved.

I phone her every day, and I visit once, this week twice.

I am afraid things will rapidly change for the worse. I am wondering how and what my answer shall be. Am I up to it?

June 16, 2023 at 10:32am
June 16, 2023 at 10:32am

I bought a parasol for my balcony which cost me 65 bucks all-inclusive. That's far better than the 1000 bucks it would have cost me to buy a new sunscreen. Delivery is next week, so I am good.

Today I had lunch with a friend, again in the park in the shade of a restaurant, like I did yesterday with another friend. I feel blessed with my friends. That's a good feeling.

I feel blessed with my dog and my life in general. If only those damned dishes. Ah well, tomorrow is another day!

The two new contests "The OVI Poem Contest [E] and "Personal Essay Contest [E] have started. Deadlines are June 30 and July 15. Already people entered and there were generous donations. So, I am feeling good about them.

I have canceled the vet's appointment for Sprout this afternoon. He's doing fine as far as I can see, so that's that. I'll keep an eye on him, obviously.

He is sleeping now next to me on the ground on a mat in my study. He is so adorable, I am so in love with the mutt. Dogs are truly wonderful.

Nothing else to tell! So, have a great day!

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June 14, 2023 at 12:42pm
June 14, 2023 at 12:42pm

I feel cheated but it’s probably my own fault.

I bought some clothing via Facebook!

Stupid, stupid move.

It looked gorgeous in the picture, so I ordered two sets (shirt and trousers) in different colors. Or so I thought. They delivered two of the same sets and in a color, I definitely didn’t order and don’t like at all.

It’s a cheap material and screams “made by children and vulnerable women in a European Eastblock country”. I think it cost me almost 60 bucks.


Of course, no way I can send it back and get a refund. Foreign country, no customer service, and the costs for returning are on me.

So, I stick with the lot.

I can probably wear the trousers but the shirts are a no-go.

I know I shouldn’t do it. Why do I keep doing it then? Facebook is so very unreliable and I know that!

I have to shrug it off, take a deep breath and move on!

As if I have money to throw away down the drain. I never learn.

This coming Friday I have another financial setback. I have to go to the vet unexpectedly with Sprout. His anal glands seem to be a little bit inflamed. And as you know vets cost money! But I think he has to have antibiotics to cure this. So, again…I have to draw my checkbook.

No, I am not pleased at all.

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June 13, 2023 at 5:34pm
June 13, 2023 at 5:34pm

It's still hot inside, outside it's doable at 23:00 with a nice breeze.

But nonetheless, I have decided to quit Thriller Writing Class. Alas, I can't concentrate during the day on my homework, too hot although my fan is making overtime. Better this way, I wasn't feeling comfortable lacking the motivation. Next time better!

I have ruled against buying a new sunscreen for my balcony. Although I could have a loan from a friend of 500 euros and pitch in the other 500 myself, which is doable, I don't think it's worth it.

For one, it's a house I hire, not own. Second, even with the screen, I would not sit for long periods of time on my balcony in the heat.

So, better sit on the balcony till 11 in the morning and from 6 in the afternoon. In between I have the curtains closed and the fan in position so I can work inside.

There is a heatwave going on at the moment but that is not very common in my country.

I don't think I really need a new sunscreen, I can work around it. Problem solved!

What else?

On Thursday I am having lunch in the park with a friend and on Friday as well with another friend. I cannot entertain at home with this heat and the small restaurant under trees in the shadow is wonderful. It's a place I frequently visit and only 15 minutes walk from my house.

Sometimes I take Sprout with me for a walk in the park and a coffee for me, sometimes I take friends there.

The park is called South Park, with lakes, grass, trees, and footpaths. Very close to home. One of the perks of living in this apartment.

I still am very pleased with my housing situation. Close to a shopping mall and public transport just around the corner.

The only reason I might move out of this house is if I win big time in the lottery. But, well...you know how the odds are there.

Tomorrow again a day of planning to do some housekeeping. Heatwave permitting.

Now, some relaxing before going to bed.
Have a good night, all!

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June 12, 2023 at 7:03am
June 12, 2023 at 7:03am

I am an idiot!

I couldn’t function properly for two days in a row because of the heat. Today I found my ventilator. It is standing next to my computer! But I used it as a stand for my headphone so I didn’t think twice about it. I found it and I am using it. Really, really nice! The cool air is blowing toward my torso, head, and hands. Yes!

Now, the only thing is to avoid setting the place on fire because I am smoking while writing, with the air streaming toward my cigarette. *Ha*

I must be a sort of a klutz.

I am still a bit hazy about a dream I had last night while having trouble sleeping because of the heat. I met a lovely man and we were walking and talking through a nice landscape. Suddenly, when we stood upon a hilly slope the mood changed and in a whirl I watched him pointing a shotgun toward my knees. I ran for my life and had trouble navigating through small lanes and places I had never been before. But I shook him off.

What the heck?

What was creepy was the sudden mood change of the dream. And of course the strange take of events. I felt a little sad when I woke up because he was a nice man and we had a good vibe between us, why the change is a complete mystery.

What does it mean? I have no idea.

Probably indigestion of some sort. *Ha*

I have a very thick book on dreams: Ten thousand dreams explained. Perhaps I should look into it. If only it wasn’t that hot!

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June 11, 2023 at 6:40pm
June 11, 2023 at 6:40pm

My next-door neighbor is a Brazilian young woman. Nice girl with two daughters who visits her every weekend.

Because of the hot weather, we talk to each other from our balconies at 23:00 when the temperatures cool down. Two days in a row now, which is nice.

I have nice neighbors, 5 of them. We say hello and talk sometimes, but I have the most contact with her, Lucy from Brazil.

It’s really hot during the day. Almost 30 degrees which is very unusual in my country. Because of the heat, I didn’t follow up with my kitchen cleaning. Instead, I did a few loads of laundry and put it on my balcony to dry.

Tomorrow my plan is to do the rest of the dishes. I am a procrastinator so it’s really a question whether I will do them, but the plan is there.

Furthermore, I have to work on my assignment for Thriller Writing Course}. The story I want to write is nowhere near to be seen. Writing a summary for this week will be difficult because I still have not much of a clue for that story. But perhaps I have inspiration in the coming days.

I created a new contest, due July 15: "Personal Essay Contest [E], and started a new blog for my low-carb adventure "Low-Carb Foods Listings [E].

Now, it’s time to go to bed. Although it’s still very hot outside, 24 degrees, and inside the house 27 degrees. Have taken a shower to cool down a bit so I hope I can sleep tonight. For the rest of the week, the temperatures remain this high.

Good night to you all!

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June 7, 2023 at 8:39am
June 7, 2023 at 8:39am

Okay, this is enough!

Because I didn’t feel well the last couple of days, fatigued and exhausted, I let my kitchen get the better of me. Again!

You know by now this happens more than I would like. It’s a struggle every time because I hate doing the dishes.

So, this time I have to act upon it and start cleaning today! It cannot be postponed.

I made a plan and I am going to stick by it.

My tummy is guggling so first I have to do something about lunch. After that, I start cleaning my kitchen for a few hours.

15:00-17:00 doing the dishes
17:30 making dinner
18:45 doing some groceries
20:00-23:00 writing

This sounds good, it is good and I so sincerely hope I follow through.

Because tomorrow I have to tackle my laundry. *Ha*

The weather is gorgeous these couple of days, which is fine. The only thing is that the sunscreen on one of my balconies broke down and isn’t working any longer. I don’t have the means to replace it, so I can’t enjoy sitting outside during the day. Too hot.

I suspect it will cost me a couple of thousand euros to replace it and have a new one installed. Not feasible. I just don’t have the money. Alas!

The last time I put the screen down was last summer. Somewhere in between it collapsed. Probably metal fatigue. The screen must be 25-30 years old. It’s beyond repair.

That will make living in this apartment during the summer less attractive. I used the screen every day. I have to think about a solution.

Lunch is almost over. Within half an hour I have my work cut out for me. Those damned dishes!

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