Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed. |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibimbap พีบิมบับ (pheebimbap) At home in Thailand we do something similar. At home, we make rice and top it with whatever we didn't finish from the last meal. I finally decided to use June 2022's entries for my responses to other bloggers' entries. I tend to do this daily anyways and post in my weekly 'catch-all' blog (added to every day} "Porthole" .
Each entry to be brought to the notice of Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ 2025 and StephBee when they are running the Bard Blog Contest. For bitem:981150 sponsored by huser:webwitch and huser:sgcardin |
To annette on the WdC Newsfeed "Note: In a recent newsfeed post, my dear friend and par..." : "I need to cut back on news as I'm a news-junky. I'm mesmerized by reels, Instagram, Tiktok... so I need to regulate that as well. I use my blog here to keep track of my routines and that includes writing. I've started journaling again after a 6 month hiatus. I've reconsidered daily rhythm and flow... I go through stages. Writing? I do best when I'm bored, day-dreaming, depressed. I've been a bit too busy for that. But I'm jotting down notes and although my number of poems/prose isn't impressive this year I'm still quite prolific overall. Rather than becoming distracted by reading on-line articles or WdC blogs or watching TikTok nonsense I've taken to commenting. It helps me with reasoning and writing skills. Here at WdC my daily objective is to read and comment on 3 blogs per day. I then put my comments in a separate blog "Bibimbap 비빔밥 " . I hope to get back to those entries and edit. It takes time and effort but it's writing, getting out my thoughts, and interacting with people. To AnniPon "Try, try, try in July" "A 10 minute check-in would be nice every month; but, if you're like me... nothing is 10 minutes. Do you plan on sleeping, eating or showering for the next 6 months? Just asking... To Tracker1948: Re "Tour de Ports" I cannot do that many reviews in 4 days... so maybe next time; although, I prefer leaving blog comments and have the goal of 3/day so that adds up. I guess I contribute in my own way. No clue whether that matters to folks though (so little feedback). It's just what I do. Checked in at "tracker's Guestbook " and left a note. That I can do. And leaving blog comments works for me as well. I'm sure your efforts help make this web-site a better place for all. |