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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2296648
Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed.

พีบิมบับ (pheebimbap)

At home in Thailand we do something similar. At home, we make rice and top it with whatever we didn't finish from the last meal.

I finally decided to use June 2022's entries for my responses to other bloggers' entries. I tend to do this daily anyways and post in my weekly 'catch-all' blog (added to every day} "PortholeOpen in new Window..

The Bard's Hall Contest Open in new Window. (13+)
THE MADNESS of MARCH Acrostic poetry!
#981150 by StephBee Author IconMail Icon

Each entry to be brought to the notice of Ẃeβ࿚Ẃỉtcĥ and StephBee when they are running the Bard Blog Contest.

For bitem:981150 sponsored by huser:webwitch and huser:sgcardin
November 2, 2023 at 12:43am
November 2, 2023 at 12:43am
Blogs give me ideas and prompts. Today: frost/freeze/snow; missing seasons and people; limits of beauty; acknowledging strengths; darkness; mentoring; ducks!

I miss snow. Last night was 'cool'. Winter begins when temperatures dip to 23 degrees. Unfortunately, a hot sunny week is the forecast. It's easier to exorcise and walk when it's overcast or cool.

I try to dress appropriately. Long sleeves and pants help guard against mosquitoes and sunburn. Wearing a hat or carrying an umbrella is advised.

There's no frost or freeze here so bugs don't die off. They do come and go. Now is a change of seasons, of flowers, fruits, leaf fall and/or new growth.

That said... at times I miss the life I once had. I have too many memories of people I'll never see again. I thought of a former boss who was great at details but not so great at managing people. And Marie and Tawny who would often set me straight about living in the Inner City. I do miss my therapist and a professor who mentored me in Kansas. It's been years but they helped immensely.

New people? Today: a man, 63, from Dijon who knows Thailand quite well and a young man, 30, from Incheon, Korea who has only been here a couple days. I also spoke with Rube from Israel and P'Nan who works in the guesthouse Surada.

As for ducks... Udon Thani uses a yellow duck as a local symbol, along with the orange flowering trees. Today, Thursday was an orange day.

The social media comments I made today:

To Impekabl at YCC re frost in Hill Country, Texas: "Frost and freeze is mostly good... except in Florida. However, a severe unseasonal freeze does great damage. Thinking of a friend who lost her fields of lavender when a deep freeze settled-in in early October. She lost her income... planted elsewhere as soon as she could."

To Ralene on bookfate: "I like winter when it snows. In Thailand (no snow) it officially begins when the temperature dips to 73 degrees. It was 72 or lower last night. 65-70 would be better; but, I'll take what's offered. My seasons are spring and autumn elsewhere. I cover up, sometimes even when it's hot, to avoid sunburn, flies and mosquitoes."

To Jolanda van Leersum: "I found Cape Town beautiful but disturbing. The people were either friendly or hostile. "The Two Faces of Kapstad"

To Lani in "My favorite AuthorOpen in new Window.: "Very nicely done. Almost a formal cinquain (I tweak formal ones; written a lot).

soft voice, cool head,
maneuvering, calculating, observing.
Wends his way to Paradise one vote at a time.
Johnson. [180.148]

I don't agree with US House Speaker Johnson of Louisiana on most issues; but,
he stepped up to do a difficult job and his calm cool demeanor may help him move forward.
I vehemently oppose his world view, but 2024 looms. I remind myself to be patient.

As for Austen... different time, different culture, different use of language. I'm more fond of the dark Bronte sisters: Charlotte, Emily, Anne."

To Apondia in "MentorsOpen in new Window.: "I hated English in school. One teacher did get me but she was a second semester substitute for another who died.

I avoided the subject at university.

When I was homeless folks encouraged my writing. I was gifted an individual session with a professor. She was wonderful.

I functioned better in life when people supported me emotionally. Mentoring would've been even better.

Will you join WriBloPoMo at "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.?"

To Lazy Writer est 4/24/2008 in "Day 1 30-day blogging challenge 11/1/23Open in new Window.: "Sad how much dental work costs in the US. I need to be reminded that here in Thailand it's cheaper... and that maybe I should avail myself of that option.

I need to make decisions regarding... most everything... At the moment I'm listless.

Someone does help me; but, he has severe medications and I need to look after him as well. It's like two trees leaning on each other. Not a perfect situation, but better than being alone."

To THANKFUL SONALI Love my family in "Of Unicorns, Frogs and CowsOpen in new Window.

"I wish I would've been there. I did see your post of the froggle *Frog*... *Delight*

I begged Pan to let me go with him in a 'taxi' to a Japanese restaurant. If he has money in his hand he spends it... but I don't. I wasn't hungry so I didn't stay and walked home. He doesn't seem to understand: I don't waste money; I need to walk every day; I don't eat when I'm not hungry. So hard to explain... I suspect it's beyond his cultural knowledge. So... glad you encouraged your friend's son to go with her. I do so much alone... another issue. Your father is fortunate.

I visit the same places as often as I can. Even walking by and smiling helps establish a connection. A few words... even better. I cross class distinction boundaries as often as I can. As a traveler I don't always approve of artificial borders. Good personal boundaries are something else however (something I need to work on)."

and "Confession TimeOpen in new Window. "Since "A Big Yellow Duck" is one of the symbols of Udon Thani I should give it a glow (it's a sunny ducky day).

The other Duck Song by Bryant Oden:

855 words + 467 = 1322 so far.

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