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Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed. |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibimbap พีบิมบับ (pheebimbap) At home in Thailand we do something similar. At home, we make rice and top it with whatever we didn't finish from the last meal. I finally decided to use June 2022's entries for my responses to other bloggers' entries. I tend to do this daily anyways and post in my weekly 'catch-all' blog (added to every day} "Porthole" ![]()
Each entry to be brought to the notice of Ẃeβ࿚Ẃỉtcĥ and StephBee when they are running the Bard Blog Contest. For bitem:981150 sponsored by huser:webwitch and huser:sgcardin |
When I first joined I felt connected here; but that was 2005 (before bookface), and society has changed since then. Much more divided, unwilling to engage, less civil. WDC isn't immune. There are many societal taboos I no longer let silence me. I'm highly opinionated (not always right) and have been blocked by a few people, but I don't think I've blocked anyone. However, on FB I put a few people on pause during US election time. WDC can be used for storage, eliciting comments or reviews to work on one's craft, provide a forum for ideas, or a place to chat with other writers. Many various uses. Personally, I rarely give reviews and rarely respond. Blogs are my preference. My writing style can be summed up as "short", more Emily Dickensen or Basho/Busan/Issa (I wish!) than Tennyson or Whitman. Longer poems are broken up into segments. My prose tends more towards flash fiction than epic tomes. Same with games. Although I like the quest factor of D&D, I'd rather play Clue. And I refuse to play all-day Monopoly. Multiple Scrabble games would be better. However, I have enjoyed a few 500+ page books but prefer to read them in one sitting. And Thai BL series are okay because most run 8-12 episodes. M*A*S*H was broken up into bite-size bits but General Hospital or soap operas/novelas in general? I'm not thrilled with the prospect of living alone. Roslyn Carter, age 96, died today... at home. I'd like that; but, it's not likely my future. And married 77 years! Until then I'd like to sit in pubs/diners/cafes and shoot-the-shit. The Newsfeed, QotD, Express it in Eight, can help but don't satisfy my need for "face-time" or hugs. If I were in Montana... I'd be talking about 'the game'. Montana defeated Montana State and enter the playoffs as a #2 seed. Home field until the championship. I won't hold my breath. Lots of news about Miss Universe. I do think they've made strides regarding diversity and inclusivity. Miss Colombia, Guatemala, Netherlands, Portugal and Pakistan were "firsts". My heroine? Miss Nepal. Her swimsuit walk was incredible. She moved with elegance and confidence. She'll open doors for others who aren't 'barbie-dolls'. I've mentioned my Swedish roots many times. I do wonder which characteristics have been handed down. I grew up in a German-Irish area and my speech reflects that. But I've also lived in Costa Rica and Thailand and traveled. That too has become a part of me. In writing... my dialect isn't standard and spell-check and grammar-check creates problems. I want my voice to shine and not be confused with a generic Mid-American or Posh-British essayist that isn't me. I worry about the GOP becoming the Q-Party advocating the establishment of the new CMTA, a one-religion, one-ethncity place where I'm no longer wanted. Let the hunt begin! And yes, we are already experiencing modern-day finger-pointing witch-hunts. And yes, WDC is not immune. I just want to look out my cottage window (in the Cotswolds?) at a bird-feeder, my gardens, a book of poems on one table, my coffee on another, cat in my lap. Someone will check on me daily, maybe help me cook and clean. The world will be peaceful, and seldom intrude on my reverie. I will walk to the pub every day and observe the old and the young... as time passes me by. ![]() To Words Whirling 'Round in "Playing Cards" ![]() I have seen younger people playing cards but smart phones have blunted any need to connect to people face-to-face. It's quite sad. I haven't played anything in a long time." To Sarah Aswell on boozface: Thank you for reminding me that there was a football game. In Kansas we always said, "Win or lose we will booze." I forget because I'm in Thailand with a 10 hour difference. That said, Miss Universe was important here today with Miss Thailand as #2 (some disappointment) while my Nicaraguan friend Raul is ecstatic. To AL on fb re fibromyalgia groups: "Hmm... the stoic Swede? Practical, seeking info, sharing details. Americans? Drama kings and queens. Is this a common stereotype or just me?" To Togldeblox (YCC): "I've never heard of the QOP; but, if the shoe pinches the toes... Yeah, but there always are those who are greedy and still try to screw the poor at every opportunity. Not always the QOP... but it does feel that way most of the time this past century." To Harlow Flick, Right Fielder in "Invalid Entry" ![]() It's great to just sit and observe. There are stories everywhere (most of them hidden from public view). Ah. That man in the gabardine suit..." 845 words 419 |