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TBD Ambrogio "Gio" Kynigós |
Near the Black Sea and the city of Constantinople was a Tree of Life half dead, it gripped the sides of a sink hole with its lovely fingers, etched in the base of this tree was an inscription. Ambrogio Kynigós Ο θάνατος είναι όμορφος Γέννηση της κατάρας αίματος Από τις τέφρες ένας δράκος Ένας αμυντικός εναντίον του χάους Ο Αθάνατος Κυνηγός στηρίζεται Death is beautiful | Birth of the Blood Curse | From the Ashes a Dragon | A Defender against Chaos | The Immortal Hunter Rests A Young man of some import ran to the side of Tree, having a bottle in his hand he carefully climbed to a position just to the side of the inscription where he poured the contents of said bottle into the i of Ambrogio. Done, he lifts the bottle slightly when his foot slips, the bottle falls and shatters to shinny starlight, the mercury type substance glistens, the Tree half Dead Explodes into life, and full blooms into cherry blossoms. *** Ichor of the blood god touched my tongue, lightning shooting throughout my body. In hibernation a Vampire requires time for the body to be reinvigorated, but in the Originals case, it's like an on and off switch to my consciousness. The last time I experienced a period of sleep was over two millennia ago, in history everything was told or read to you. Much including the constant effect of opinions. Original truths or curiosities? Today, on the outskirts of Istanbul where I have a large swath of land near the Black Sea. My company, a banking venture by the name of Vichor, I rested under the sun, land and moon nearing a hundred years. A color screen giving me the date in the year of our Lord, 2020. My mind smiles as the “Lord” statement flickers on the screen. Having the added benefit and displeasure of remembering everything over the span of millennia, the visuals of this new age were shall we say, refreshingly instantaneous. After hunting down the remnants of the Nazi’s in the Americas and Argentina, a particularly long fight with the escaped Adolf Hitler and his merry band of daemons & demons, had me spent, nearly to the death of me. Whatever death that I might be able to find would or could be an invigorating journey I suppose, but this slumber was the closest I would ever get. The best part of the reawakening of myself in this time, as my named legend portrays, Ambrogio Kynigós or The Immortal Hunter, the, if not the only individual to visit many of the gods & Goddesses of many of the cultures around the world. You do not hear about Blood draining, Soul sucking creatures just because of the vivid imaginations of humanity. But come on, diamond skin? The story was not half bad, but I’ll never get past the diamonds in the sunlight bit. I had an awakening process set up long ago when video was just gaining massive traction, that was obviously updated a thousand-fold, as colors on this screen were amazing, not in need of enhanced sight, or hearing. I could consume the information just as it was. Even the movies and shows of anything relating to Vampires. No surprise the leading nation of the world was being consumed by its own greed. Thankfully, they had the manpower to destroy the Nazi’s. But that self-proclaimed global leader was no longer a Democracy but an obvious Plutocracy, the same thing happened in Rome, to the Greeks. You do get a lot done when you don’t sleep. But consuming the political information was easy enough. Not a lot had changed. The moon landing, now that’s a trip I would love to go on. The entertainment industry was booming unlike ever before, the disdainful sex industry was still a blindfold on the everyday individual that wasn’t bothered by it. I’m not sure why lust is a thing for many Vampires, I totally get it on the humanities side. Fragile as they are, it’s a biological requirement for many. Having known the physical intimacy of a god, I had no appetite to try again. An idea that brought to bare old emotions ran its course, “What if reproduction was possible?” A thought for another time I quickly decided, shaking it from my mind. So why wake now? First let us dress the part. All the suits were blue or pinstriped in the old style. I wanted something more modern. Browsing the walk-in closet, I asked one of the young men charged with my awakening, a descendent that was shaking in his shoes, “Show me the suit of a Killer.” His eyes lit up like the second coming of Jesus, pulled a small device from his pocket and flicked at it as if he was hitting small pebbles, a picture of a “Hitman” was shown to me. I furrowed my brow “Not black, Silver and Dark Red. No coat, vest only.” I took a deep breath trying to calm my own need to feed. “And relax, your heart is hurting my ears.” Surprisingly, the young man laughed. “Wouldn’t you like White, instead of silver, sir? And surely you’ll want a coat.” His voice was calm, his heart rate slowing to a half-decent thud. Controlling abilities in human form would take a few days to get a handle on. “First, thank you for relaxing, but don’t second guess my style. Someone already claims that of the color white, and obviously someone of some renown has claimed that of black. Coats are too restrictive in combat.” I gave him a smile and a nod; my thoughts took my eyes and I looked off into the distance. I was thinking of an old friend, an old King of Arcadia that tried to trick a God. “Whose child are you? Your name?” I asked, again with a smile. “I was Marcus’s child, but he was my grandfather. His daughter…” I cut him off, “Xhiva, I was expecting her.” “Yes sire, however it is with my sorrow, she did not survive the change when father attempted it.” “The line is becoming diluted, where is Marcus now?” I asked sternly, still flipping through the device of pictures of this “Hitman”. “Grandfather was beside himself at her death and asked for eternal peace.” “Which is only allowed to be given by a descendent.” I let out a deep sigh shaking my head as my left hand pressed into my temple. “Oh, my name is Constantinople. I like Constantine though.” It was obvious to me that he was still a little intimidated. “Constantine it is. Your lineage comes from Constantine the first, also known as Constantine the Great.” I looked him over a bit while squinting, “You have his nose and eyes.” “I hope to have inherited his courage and leadership, sire.” He responds “And being the sole surviving son, you had the courage and leadership to end a Vampires life that no longer wished to belong with eternity. You have shown it, and good for you.” I handed him back the device “Show me silver suits.” Swiping his fingers across the device, he gave it back only a matter of seconds later. “The speed at which you did that was magical.” I said with surprise. “Not magic sire, just the internet.” He said, matter-of-factly. “Interesting, this one, the darker and….” He spoke as if he knew my thoughts. “The shiny one?” “Yes, that one, except for black trim…” He interrupted me again “Dark red.” I simply smiled and nodded, letting my mind go blank. I had not realized it, but I was speaking to myself, due to the control issue I was also telepathically speaking to Constantine. “I’ll try to not do that, all the time, I assure you.” I gave him back the phone. “I’ll have the suit ready in three days, as long as…” Now I was reading his mind, “Yes, the measurements never change.” And with a nod and a bigger smile then even I could muster, he darted off. I never thought that televisions would become portable. I continued to devour the information dump, a few hours had passed and physically I was basically my old self again. But I needed to feed, like an itch that won’t stop unless I indulge it. Being created by the gods in all manner of ways, I always craved Ichor, the blood of gods. However, due to an adolescent temper tantrum, I now required the sustenance of any blood. Humans could turn into a Vampire, but it was much more complicated than things like The Vampire Diaries, or even Twilight. True Blood was in the ballpark. And don’t believe anything of the Dracula line, we are completely different except in name. Happen chance I once met the Eternal Devil himself, Lucifer. I must have made an impression. My sleeping chamber was a beautiful masterwork of stone and wood, large as some people’s home and deep underground. Coffins right? No coffins. Art from all over the world, but my favorite pastime and to keep my mind off things like blood, a Masterwork Violin. Looking at it longingly I retrieved it and started playing, my fingers found the strings like a long-forgotten love while the bow hair touched all the right notes of her body. I went on for hours, nearly a day when a man interrupted the music session, followed by three noticeably young girls. “Gio.” He stated with dismissive confidence, “Dinner is served.” I replied, “Of course,” putting my violin on its stand with an annoyance from his disrespecting tone. I went into the walk-in closet where I had been browsing suits with Constantine, I grabbed three ties. As I returned, the man had his hands in his pockets. Handing the three girls their ties I asked, “Would you like to play a game, children?” Smiling innocence overtook their frightened faces as they grabbed at the ties eagerly. “Tie these ties around your eyes so we can play Hide-n-seek.” One of the children squealed, another sighed, the third had her eyes watering. I dried her eyes with the tie and assured her, “You’ll see your parents again.” A sad smile crept across her face as she hid her eyes. The man chuckled, rocking back on his heels while I waited for the girls to secure those ties, “You must have a name.” I stated, not as a question. “Oh yes GREAT sire, call me Jeff.” He continued to rock, with a nodding head. “Perhaps, but your services are no longer needed.” I said as I walked behind the girls, changing into the madness of my complete vampire form. Deep red eyes without white, 48 obsidian black interlacing teeth from ear to pointed ear. I had lost the ability to grow hair long ago, but my entire body was a silvery sheen with blotches of a deep red. “Nice doing business with ya, that’ll be 3 million for each girl. In Euro.” “See the staff at the front of the bank for confirmation of the transfer.” I was squarely behind the middle child but mirrored Jeff’s movements a few steps away, walking with him while staying out of his sight. He slides his hand over each of their blond, black, and red flowing hair. “Countdown from twenty, young ladies,” I told the girls and in unison they counted. “Twenty, nineteen, eighteen…” Jeff chimed in as he was walking to the exit. “Seventeen, sixteen, fifteen.” I stalked him like my first deer, quiet as a feather. With one swift motion, I decapitated Jeff with a single bite, his head thudding several times, his bodiless head last muttering the word “fourteen” with a slight gargle as it hit a bookshelf. My teeth sunk into his back and upper chest, using his neck to syphon every drop, it convulsed with slightly flaying arms and tapper of toes. Within moments it was void of all liquid. “Thirteen, twelve, eleven…” As the girls continued to count down to three, his body now dry, I silently and swiftly moved to my closet. Laying the body down inside and went to retrieve his head. “Eight, seven, six…” I grabbed the eyes wide open head by his salt and pepper hair, shaking the last drops of satisfaction into my wide-open maw. “Five, four, three…” They really did have the cutest of voices. I ushered them lightly and still blindfolded out of the door as the count continued, “Two.” As I shut the door to them, I could hear them finish, “One…Ready or not here we come!” The giggling faded as they stampeded off into the distance in all directions. “What’s the Prize!” One screamed out. I had been half expecting the children to pound on the door as I picked up an eloquent Bell phone set on a mirrored nightstand, I watched my reflection slowly change to a human form. “Yes, Sire.” A woman’s voice echoed into my ear, catching me off guard as I placed a finger on the circular dial. “Be sure to either find these girls’ parents and give them a million in Euros each or get them to a guest house on the grounds where they can be looked after.” “Consider it done, sire. Do you and Mr. E need anything while his guards wait?” “Silence.” The phone clicked as I set it back in place. *** My new suit was a dark silver and bloods reds that were dancing off each other in a display of serious eye catching and breathtaking with a side of spectacular, it was not sparkly or too shinny but had a sheen to it. It showed my Immortal Hunter self, the self-proclaimed equalizer to the evils and goods of the world, a cure for chaos, dress to impress is not something I just say; you must make things trend. The young Constantine was even able to find a fantastic Brent black Panama classic fedora, dark silver “open weave” with a blood-red ribbon. It kept my ever-bald head from the cold of an incoming storm. As the vehicle came to a halt, the sound of thunder reverberated the windows. I grabbed my ironwood cane, adorned with a transparent quartz knob. I poked at my left heel, rubbing the scar, which came about from a very friendly white wolf. “Have you seen death, Constantine?” I spill out, waiting for the door to open. “My Grand…” I interrupted. “Grandfather, my apologies for bringing that back to you, but I was curious if something more bloody came about during your time with my Vampires and the employ of Vichor?” Lighting struck outside, this time flashing off every reflective surface. “Nothing comes to mind, sire,” Constantine stated, clearly still wondering. I hand him a black, folded rain poncho. “I’ll let you know when to put it on.” The door opened, and the young lad quickly followed me. We had arrived at the Skyland office building, where the company Vichor was headquartered on the 65th floor. My small band of Templars during the early crusades thought less and less of death, and more about the hands of power that played us. A cover for operations of many dealing with my strain of Vampires all over the world. The children as they should be referred to, had played fast and easy; they started trading in human life. Twelve-year-old girl’s lives. If the wood of my cane had been slightly weaker, it would crack under my anger. I flipped the bottom of my cane to my right hand and shattered the disabled automatic door opener. Constantine jumped. A young lady greeted us, and I continued to walk to the main elevator. “Sire, this way.” Her voice had a sweet and nervous sharpness to it, “My name is Cleo.” Constantine bumped her rather gracelessly, dropping the poncho. I breathed in a deep smell as I stopped, letting him gather himself. “Cleopatra the VII?” She cleared her throat as she helps Constantine up, “Yes, Sire.” I cocked my head to the side and after an unsettling thirty seconds let out an audible “Huh” Blinking my eyes several times Cleo and Constantine looked at each other, Cleo blushed slightly and looked at her feet. We continued towards the back elevator, obviously sorted away for the Vampires. Constantine, having gathered himself asks, “Why do I have a Poncho and an extra suit, Sire?” They looked at each other questioningly. The elevator door is elaborate, a beautiful note hums in the air as I pressed the up arrow with my cane. “Greek or Egyptian, Cleo?” I asked pointedly as the door opened. “Technically she was Roman-Greek but, yes, Greek, Sire” She pressed her red-rimmed glasses slightly up her nose. “Good, keep folder number one, give the second to Constantine.” I hand Cleo another plastic poncho. I had done extensive research on these two early twenty somethings, having had the luck to be born with the knowledge and existence of Legends both good and evil, they had chosen to stick around the bloodier side. They had a natural leadership ability, great collegiate records, they just needed to be put in the right situation. They entered the elevator and turned to me, waiting outside the door, “Put the plastic ponchos on.” I said as I entered the elevator. Once Constantine was finished, I handed him my cane, hitting floor #65. I loosened my tie, took it off, and grabbed my hat, giving them to Cleo. “You will both serve for five years; the folders have a contract with my blood print, you will become CEO, Cleo, of Vichor Banking due to your financial degrees and Constantine, you will become CEO of Ichor Blood, a sister company and blood bank.” Cleo gasped, and Constantine’s mouth was agape, which was much more significant in the reflection of the door that had closed, gently pulling us to the top of the building. I continued, “You will both launch investigations to bribery, and ANYTHING that leads you to suspect the kidnapping of little children.” I handed them both pictures of the girls that had visited me at my awakening. “Sometime after I went to slumber, the businesses went into a type of synergy where they trafficked people. This is not unheard of as Vampires, but somewhere along the lines, they thought it was brilliant to start taking children. To go after virginity” My jaw started to grow, making way for the obsidian beauties that Hades had gifted me so long ago. My eyes began to change, from the deep dark red to something more substantial, brighter. All forms of leadership waited for me atop the elevator, and these leaders would instead enslave or punish and take power of the entirety of the world just to continue to be. My business ventures were my home, my bed, and my bed is a mess, the lawn overgrown with weeds, the house leaking with a chilling draft. “It’s time I make my bed, children.” I hit floors number 64, 63, & 62 with a claw of a middle finger. In my human form I was an impressive 6’2”, a solid 245 in weight. In transformation over thousands of years, my pure Vampire form was put together by Artemis, Hekate, Selene, Apollo, Zeus, Hades, on the Greek side of things. The one to put the taste of gods to me, or Ichor, was Shezmu, the Egyptian blood god. I have other encounters, in the Himalayas and India, and the Orient coasts of Japan. In this form I was 7’5”, the weight unknown to me, but my arms were longer, not that I needed them, having near precognitive reaction time. Dictators, tyrannical, oppressive, and those that crave the absoluteness of power, come to power with little steps over multiple decades. The only reason that they take hold of power is that truth dies, and leaders do not lead. Leaders must not make the mistake of not making radical decisions for the safety and welfare of the people; if a final point is required for the protection of all, it is not just a possibility but an absolute. This oppressive behavior to rule those lesser than you, think to control and devour them entirely of life and dignity at such an innocent time in life is despicable, deplorable. It must be cured of the ranks immediately. These young girls were only the age of 12. I flexed my upper torso inwards close to a ball, several of my bones popped under the stress. I then stretched out, bowing my back as several more vertebrae cracked under the strain, my arms reaching out and the extended claws that were a likeness to my fangs, scratched the sides of the elevator. I gave Cleo and Constantine an up down smile. The door opened with thunderous applause from the elites of my company, expecting this to be a celebration. A reawakening to the reassurance they might wish they needed, that all was well. I turned to the young pair behind me and bowed. The room was enormous, three stories itself in height, glass almost universal, the flash of Lightning reflecting the inside chaos that was to be addressed. All but a handful of the walls slowly turned black, locking us away to our own devices. The first elites to meet me were still clapping as they said, “A feast is being prepared at your estate after the meeting finishes.” I flicked my wrist, and his headless body continued a few steps as his head flew across the room, painting a still clear window red. Clamping down on the flinching Vampire body, I drained it. There would be plenty of a mess to clean up. Not alarm, but the applause turned up a few notches, cheering erupted. 38, well 37, of the company’s leaders, remained, all having a hand in trafficking humans, a handful going further into enslavement and some lavishing in sexual endeavors of the young. Children should not witness the horrors of life, the reality of the massive hurdles they would overcome and accomplishments they would cherish. Life was precious, Humanity was precious, and I was not going to stand by while they were slowly turned into cattle. I got to the head of the conference table, it was a rather lovely chair, deep red in leather color accented with gold trim. I grabbed the top of the chair as the applause slowly died with the cheering. I slowly raised my hands yelling out “Keep cheering!” It erupted, bringing the room to full standing again. I spilled the blood of the four closest to me, ripping their jugular veins to spout across the room. Some of the other Vampires would pounce on them, fighting for the blood in a type of blood craze. Perhaps it was the sight of me from those that had never seen me or interacted with me. A few became solemn and hung their heads; combined they made up nearly all Vampires that had aged over or close to 300 years. They had become complacent; they had become weak; knew the wrongs they let go on. I yelled, “They knew! And still did nothing!” Pointing them out to the rest of the room, the applause falling to silence as I walked down the redwood conference table, it wasn’t stained or coated with a beautiful finish, it would forever be soaked in blood. Those that did not hang their heads attacked. By this point, I was halfway down the table, some behind me, joined the last desperate lunge to keep their immortality intact. If you could call it immortality at all. They all had several skillsets that would enable them to measure up to any foe, but when it came down to it, I had the speed, even against these numerous teething, fear-drenched Vampires. One grabbed my ankle from below while my attention was diverted. I spun, severing the arm from its shoulder with a kick from my right leg. Two grabbed at my shoulders and dared to bite into my neck. I shot my hands up, middle and pointer fingers piercing their eyes through their skulls, a coupling of solid pops, accented the hum of the elevator opening. In reaction I threw a head towards the elevator in dismay, that wasn’t nearly enough time. The other was thrown towards a rather untouched bloodless clear window, which had to be corrected. The twenty or so headless bodies were scattered about, the ten men that hung their heads were instructed to take all the bodies towards the far end of the room where a massive fireplace was unlit. I pushed the table back to the other side of the room, creating a large enough area. The pair in the ponchos, after both losing their lunch in the elevator, peaked out. Cleo took a deep breath and walked towards my position with a godly confidence; Constantine took three steps and lost what remained, oddly enough into a pile of bloody clothes. He removed his hood in an ill-fated attempt to cool down, a growing paleness that reflected a full moon. I took notice of Cleo’s glowing confidence; she had read the entirety of the document. Not exactly long, but it stated what needed to be known, and now Constantine was just in tow, trying to gain back what confidence he could. Just in time for a large piece of flesh to fall from the ceiling and onto the side of his head. He stopped for a moment while the flesh oozed its way onto his shoulder, and down his back. I took two vials of blood swirled with a mercury substance out of my vest hip pocket, happy they had not been damaged. I gave one to Cleo as Constantine took his time to clean up, which was quaint as the ten Vampires that knew their fate were quickly grabbing what they could. I had made quite the mess of things. Cleo downed the vile in a single go. Constantine watched, “we’re to become…” Cleo elbowed him in the ribs, and I reached to the back of my mouth. I detached the bottom fang on either side. My red and mercury blood dripped down my jaw onto its matching suit. They took years to grow back, but I needed a fresh start, and these two were worth it. Cleo and Constantine’s lives were turned upside down in a matter of days with the technology of this time. They both had terrific ancestry, but came from moderate families, upper middle class at best, and were the human descendants of Vampires, ordered to procreate before their turn. They started tearing their clothes off, each of them had not been married, had not had children, but under my rule, they had to have the honor of parenthood before Vampirism took hold of them completely. Cleo was the aggressor, but once Constantine understood, his bubbling masculinity took hold, grabbing one of the fangs he plunged it into Cleo’s bare chest, piercing her heart. Her moan reverberated the glass and egged Constantine on. They were both beautiful creatures, and it was not going as I intended, but was a perfect symbol of the destruction of an age that needed to be swept off the face of the earth. Perhaps they’d leave some of themselves in the redwood table before I had it stained and sealed. I headed toward the defeated Vampire group, a pile of sludge between them. I turned as Constantine made a thud sound as the breath of his chest was expelled, Cleo atop him stabbing down into his heart, the other black obsidian tooth gone. They collapsed in each other’s arms, looking towards the end of a generation of my misguided children. My skin turned to scales and leather, blood red and silvery growing to the size of a city bus, tail flickering, and my arms now winged. I marched slowly and methodically towards the fireplace. Some of the Vampires were weeping forgiveness, crying tears of blood as their maker and reaper stopped in front of them. A grumbling grew in my chest like the broilers of the old-World War II Battleships as they all knelt. I roared out, shattering the blackened windows behind the fireplace, matching the thunder of the lightning striking outside. A fire erupted around the fireplace, consuming an ending to tyranny, a blanket of flame cleansing their souls. *** It took years, not moments, to create a Vampire of my line. Cleo & Constantine were going to be part of the future, it didn’t take me long to understand that I had compelled them into making love in the middle of a bloodbath. I’ll look back at that moment in the laps of control over my powers as a mistake of my intent becoming my will. Creating a child and relationship in a singular moment that could span decades, centuries and even possibly the rest of time eternal. One day I will seek forgiveness, but am I not which I hunt, am I evil when my actions, my powers were not wanted but forced on me? Perhaps the gods were in the same thought and situation and I am merely repeating their mistakes on this earthly plane. Luckily, they both had an instant physical attraction. Hopefully with time she will forgive his mistakes and give him time to overcome them, his current mistake, however. As I fly to a far-off island, Cleo in tow, an 8-week-old growing inside her. Everyone was angry that Constantine would think that he could go after this “would be fallen angel” by himself. Again, perhaps my own fault for letting them both loose, but a good lesson for all of us. He still needs to quickly get over the, prove everything to daddy phase of this very long-term relationship. With today's technology, luck had It that I was able to get my first newborns chips implanted. The doctors insisted on the neck or wrist. It was so bloody obvious of a location, they denied my idea of a hip implant, but caved when I insisted on an ankle. So now they were not only located instantly with my own mind, but by phone. To eliminate the blood and sacrifice slavers that were disguised as a sex slave ring both Cleo and Constantine’s information ended with a Fallen Angel by the name of Ghis, whom was Mr. E’s handler. Of course, it was demons, they hand their hands all over the world in the depths no one wants to ever look. Some demons were amazing people, many of which I came into contact within my past. Others were simply here to make the pawns of people who live a daily hell on earth. A moonless night, my wings gliding and flapping a simple rhythm towards an Island of her own, Ikaria, four or five hundred miles south of my estate. They had the audacity to bring in another 20 young humans, these were a mix of boys and girls from the ages of ten to fourteen. I felt like I could throw up just thinking of it. This bitch was dead, no matter what she offered. And the thought just started to occur to me that she might be left over from the rein of hell that was the Nazi leadership. Even more reason to strip her of wings and throw her to the wolves waiting with the FBI in the United States. Cleo could feel me tensing up and patted me on the neck a few times. It was unexpected, but it worked. Clear head for a fight is the best thing you can have, especially with so many unknowns. Flying through the cloud cover was easy enough, but it had been awhile, and sure enough as I peeked my head through the bottom of the clouds, I could see the Island, perched itself in the glistening sea. A circle of fire was on the rock outcropping Kares. The air traffic to the north was light this night, the seas were clear of vessels. She knew I came. Using my enhanced vision, I looked to the fire circle and our good boy Constantine was tied up to a cross with a pyre built around him. Some sort of sacrifice for sure, I could smell the blood from his hands, staked. He must be passed out from the pain. Like a flacon I dove towards the hellion circle of fire, knowing I was springing a trap. Just as I burst my wings to slow my descent, she appeared, the demon spawn near naked, a winged human form with a flutter of black horns for hair, some type of spear in her hand. Although she was small in comparison to my Wyvern form, she had agility as she took hold of my left wing at its far knuckle. Cleo shot her in the shoulder, and she spun off into the distance. She’d be back for more. I made a running landing on the outcropping of rock, just enough time for Cleo to get off and go help Constantine. I took off again, but only made it just out to sea before the demon pounced on my back with the force of an elephant. We both were descending to the sea extraordinarily fast; she yells out “You took my mate! What soul I had left was in him!” I jerk her off my back and am flying backwards now, body falling first, gaining more speed. She encroaches closer and closer again, until I let out a breath of fire, looking something like that of a falling star. Of course, a demon couldn’t be hurt with something the like of simple elements but fallen angels do have their weaknesses. As she’s falling with me through the sky, she starts laughing, as if the fire tickles her, or if she was amused by it, which just opens her up for a trying move, Just before we slam into the sea, having given myself just enough space that she was not right on top of me, I transform into my Vampire form, she bursts through the flame her spear lunging forward. My enlarged head full of teeth wasn’t much for fighting, but as she thrust past me I swung three elongated claws through her ribcage, scratching bone. I twist and catch the air again as my Wyvern forms and with outstretched wings like a parachute I slow my descent as the winged demon falls into the sea. Letting out a few deep breaths, I was a little rusty and out of shape from the slumber. A voice entered my head, “I have all of humanity's leadership in the palm of my hand, Ambrogio, there is nothing you can do that will save them from the catastrophe that they are speeding to! A new hell on earth with suffering on all sides!” Admittedly she wasn’t exactly very lady-like. “Which spear do you carry?” I was blunt, I had no interest in prolonging the inevitable. I was gaining altitude to see her coming. She lets out a demonic laugh “Not that of Destiny, but the birth of governance of man.” It felt like a stall tactic, she was bleeding into the sea and I wasn’t one to find out what she was trying to summon with a changing vampire of my line, I needed to get my two children to a safe place. As I lunged forward something grabbed at my left foot of a claw. I made the decision to keep trying to pull but to no avail, I was suspended. I looked to the fire circle, and they were nowhere to be seen. They must have been able to read my mind, things were going to get very dicey. I transformed into my truth of a Vampire and spun with the tentacle arm that seemed dark as my obsidian teeth with suction cups ringed in orange. Teeth met the giant octopi’s arm and severed it clean. I dove after the retreating arm, it contained Ichor, the blood of a god in its purest form. My entire body tingles from its taste, what I had at my awakening was so diluted compared to this. This was born of a god, and my attention was just slightly diverted with thoughts of my God child born of Selene. That is all the time Ghis needed. She shot through the sea past the tentacle octopi’s arm, spear in hand she sliced my ribcage. Instead of going after her, as I healed near instantly by being reinvigorated with the Ichor, I changed back to Wyvern and shot flame and the retreating arm into the sea, was seared smoldering closed. With me diving I was able to launch back near the clouds, and breath a moment while Ghis tried to catch up. I turned to get to land, as there was no way I wanted to enter that water. Whatever favor Ghis had called in from one of many gods I could think of off the top of my head, Hades, Zeus, Poseidon, hell it was probably Apollo. “Come back and fight me! I will take your head to Apollo and all will be forgiven!” She was starting to get on my nerves. I was on a wanted list by Apollo? Or she offered me up as bait once I reentered the game. She let out a noticeable “Umph!”, and my first instinct was to dive, but I wasn’t about to be hit with that special spear. I lunged up, turning, and completing a circle my Wyvern claws sank into her blackened wings, the spear embedded itself into the rock outcropping. She struggled a bit, but there was not much she could do. I dropped her mangled body next to the pyre. Landed myself and transformed to Human as I waltzed past her, her breathing was labored. “I’m not finished with you!” she spit on my pant leg, adding a bit of red flavor. Demon blood covered most of the rock face as her wings were bleeding profusely. “The fabled spear of Leonidas” I stated. With another demonic laugh she tells me, “Be done with it. I seek my end.” The problem with nearly all Demons is how much bark and so little bite they have. Always looking extremely formidable, but never really packing a punch. Of course, with a spear as blessed as this one had been, it probably could have easily been my end. But how did she wind up with it? I walked towards her, her expecting the end. I took the spear high in the sky, and with a swift stroke, decapitated her wings from her body. She arched her back, screaming, clawing at my leg as she slowly turned back into her human form, shriveling. As if on cue Cleo showed up with a folded note in her hand, “Constantine had this, he was on his way to deliver it to you when he was kidnapped by this….thing.” she motioned to the shivering body. I open the note, instructing Cleo to Hogtie our prisoner. With an exceptionally large wolf's paw print on the upper right-hand side, a simple note from a long-lost Wolf read, Gio A singular wolf print outlined in white. I gave a handful of instructions to Cleo, run day to day operations, make sure Constantine gets right. Take care of herself most of all along with that child. I throw the bodiless wings onto the pyre. I really wanted to kill whatever this thing was just to prove a point. But my bloodlust would need to be stated another day. Cleo dropped a match. The hogtied whimpered as she saw her wings aflame, I left for the United States, where I had a friend in the FBI. And apparently, I had a date with a wolf, who might have a need for a better fang. I gaze at the spearhead in my hand. Little did I know, this was an invitation that would one day acquaint me with my only child. |
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