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February 4, 2025 at 3:44am
February 4, 2025 at 3:44am
Brethren the very reasons why I stopped participating are directly related to my benevolence. I am an honorable person. I keep my word. However, since I was not allowed within the life of the woman of my dreams, there wasn't a need to continue. Look, I am all for acts of kindness. But when you truly love someone, the pain increases to the point of issue, you either are allowed to love or you walk away. I never did anything that I gave out of selfishness. Selflessness in truth. I never took anything tangible moneywise from any of you. I never mixed up wealth for worth. Look brethren, its simple. I no longer give for God demanded I take back ownership of my art and frame myself. No joke. Love is an extention of forgiveness. It needs to be applied. The trust tries to justify being split down the middle between those whom shall be saved versus those unworthy. But love, compassion, forgiveness and understanding needs to be directly applied to all issues. The reason why war has broken out is directly related to the issues and enslavement must stop. First off, we all have feelings, they matter. Second, we all have life, its priceless. Third, we all die eventually. How you treat others matters deeply to God. I chose to honor God by taking nothing. Many fear me and my clear mind. Many refuse to allow for me to continue remotely serving since they covet money and power. I was asked to serve. I accepted. But never have I fallen short. My tenure as king saw that I grew in understanding. Both sides liberal and conservative try to govern. This us versus them idealogue is utterly false. Let me explain. Who has the right to dictate the value of entire cultures? No one. God does not do this, yet humanity fights to remain on top of everyone. This is wrong. Look at everyone through the lens of love and compassion. Only then can we heal our planet. If we don't the cost shall be the extermination of humanity and along with us, many other forms of life. Slavery still exists. This is the reason why Russia invaded the Ukraine. Currently we try to justify currency differences, differences in law through language augmented by individualistic nationalism. There's nothing wrong with loving one's culture and ethnicity. But when you apply differences rather than the opposite, you enhance slavery. I am all for the cream of society rising above obscurity but never at the expense of another person through inequity and inequality. This breeds hate and leads us to war. Let me ask a question. Do we have the right to dictate the worth of a person? No should be the answer. Society must unite to avoid a mass manipulation of our sacred fraternal instituitions. Although Masonry and the Shrine are individual entities, the are married to each other through the memberships. War can never be justified. But it shall be our collective result born from enslavement being employed. The planet must realize that war is knocking upon your doors. Prior to world war one, the great depression, world war two we enacted laws like Trump has been enacting. This is the truth. Further, it's a form of hate.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/neuron/month/2-1-2025