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This is my blog, containing lots of stuff about writing all those books I love to write. |
As the brief description says, this is just me rambling on about writing books. I tend to do that a lot, and I figured I might as well start posting some of said ramblings, in case anyone else feels like reading them. |
Grit your teeth, pull your hair, Paint the walls black and scream, "Fuck the world” Missing You, All Time Low It is the last day before NaNo begins, and I am beyond terrified. I think I have prepped in any way possible, but I still feel like a nervous wreck, wondering if I can make it through the month at all. I can see myself dying from caffeine poisoning or stress, just from looking at the schedule, who knows how hard it’s going to get once it actually begins? Then again, if I can make it through this, I’m pretty sure I can conquer the world, so that’s something. So what exactly have I been doing to prep? Let’s have a look into my deranged notes and the way I make shit happen. First off, I go open my drawer of random post it notes. These post its are filled with strange snippets, anything from sentences, quotes, random words, prompts, song lyrics, names, character traits, anything really. I go through them methodically, pick some out that seem to fit together, or might turn into something useful. Half of them is probably crap, but whatever I don’t end up using, goes straight back in the drawer. You never know, it might not be so crappy 30 years from now, or it might somewhere down the line, lead to something none-shitty. Either way it doesn’t take up all that much space, so it might as well go back to where it came from. Then I ponder. And I can ponder a lot, just so you know. Usually I just flop down on my couch, lie there and stare up at the ceiling, glancing at the notes once in a while until I come up with something. I might not be able to stay in this “lying on the couch” state for all that long, sometimes I will have to remove myself to do other things, but that’s okay, I have notebooks and/or post its everywhere. This time, with “Murder Michael Mayhem”, I remember coming up with the title, sitting in a bus with one of my closest friends. Once I had that down, the brainstorming began. The first thing I do when I brainstorm, is make a new document and do the whole “What If” kind of thing. In another document, I keep questions, like for instance: “Who wants to murder Michael?” and “Why do they want to murder him?”. These two documents combined, gives me a fuck-load of ideas, some remarkably better than others, but still, they are all there. I try to answer all the questions I have for myself, with “What if’s”, then jot down more questions, back and forth. I ended up with maybe 8 pages of what if’s, this time around, and there might just be some other stories hidden in there somewhere. Now I’ve more or less got the basic idea for the story, and thus, it is time for more documents. I do everything in LibraOffice documents, partly because it’s free, partly because it’s easy. All I really need is words and an index feature, then I’m good to go. Anyways, I start at the very beginning, figuring out the narrative, the shape, what type of story it is, core word and stuff like that. If anyone wants to know more about core word(s), I highly recommend spending some time in the company of Scarlett Thomas and her book “Monkey’s with Typewriters”. Either that, or wait for me to get back to it at some point, because I most likely will. I think this time around, I did the universe description next, because I wanted to do this whole cyberpunk/science fiction/high tech thing, I needed to get that down first. I had a pretty good idea of the story and characters, mind you, I needed to focus on where to put them. Since I was digging into the sci-fi genre, I decided to do a “scientific discoveries” document separately, just to make the world description less crowded. Now in this science fiction universe, there is another race, different from humans yet not entirely so. These got their own document too, where I wrote down what they look like, what they can do, what they can’t do, how they work in general. Most importantly, I wrote down what they are, how they fit into the world, where they came from, that kind of thing. There’s a really big difference between what I did, and the average alien from outer space, but even if you’re doing that type of thing, you need to know where they came from, how they got there, and why! Then there’s some very specific notes that only applies for this particular novel: I needed creative ways to commit murder, weapons to do it with, and how to get away with it, time and time again. So this got another document, and I spend almost an entire day getting this down. You get super weird when you write shit like that, by the way, and your search history will never be the same again. Then came the character descriptions, and I have a quite long survey ready to do those, both for major and minor characters. This time around I only have two major characters, but it still took several days to get them all filled out and edited into something that made perfect sense. Finally I’m ready to do the actual story line! I tried typing it out, and then I tried again, and again… And finally, I came to terms with the fact that I needed scene cards. I stumbled across this technique somewhere on the internet, and it’s actually really smart. You write down all the scenes you want, starting off with a title (that you can obviously change later on). Then you add a list of characters, that needs to be there, then a content note (what’s going to happen), and finally the grand question: WHY! The why is by far the most important part, because this is where you have to prove to yourself (and by extension your readers) why this scene is important. For instance it can be important character development, moving forth the plot, introducing a new character, tension building, that type of thing. Point is: it needs to be important. If you can remove the scene without it having any effect, you might as well do just that. I think I did a pretty decent job with “Murder Michael Mayhem”, I don’t think there’s any fluff-fillers for no apparent reason at least. Once I had all my scenes down, all the stuff I simply could not live without including, I began shuffling them around, trying to find the best possible way for the story to fit together. It took a while, and the scene cards really helped, because sooner or later I got it. It came down to 26 chapters, which means I’ll more or less have to write a chapter a day, for me to get it done in November. But that’s okay, worst thing that can happen is that I fail horribly, and die as a result of it, because I am a extremely self-hating overachiever. Then I basically just typed the scene cards back into the computer, re-read the whole notes document, added a few things, deleted some others, and that’s about it. That’s how I planned it out, and I just finished reading through the entire notes document this morning. I began October 4th, so nearly a month on planning alone. Then again, this will make my actual writing go a lot more smoothly, I don’t have to come up with something halfway at the finish line, I know how it starts, I know how it ends, and I know all the shit that goes in between. Now I’m going to go read a fanfic, eat some cake, and continue stressing out about tomorrow. |
Oh, 'cause there's a side, another side of me that can't get out, A darker side that no one knows about Put The Gun Down, Andy Black Today is not a good day. It started out horribly, I woke up and realized I had overslept by at least two hours. Going out to make coffee, I got the hiccups, something I hate so intensely that you wouldn’t believe it to be possible. It gave me a headache, just to add to the list of annoying shit. I realized I had left myself several angry post-it notes, neatly laid out on my computer. Every single one of them sounded like an impossible task. Then I logged on to Facebook, only to see some idiot comment on a trans-rights picture my friend posted. I called him out on his stupidity and ignorance, which only goaded him into attacking me personally. It must be so nice to be white, male, heterosexual and cis-gender. It must be so nice to get to play the game of life on easy. Unfortunately, not everyone got to do that. I sure as hell didn’t. I ended up slamming the lid on my computer, leaving the apartment. I went to the library, where I got two of the books I ordered home, but the noise there was insanely intense. When did libraries become a place for people to talk? Then I went to my local bar, had a cup of coffee with my friend. Her husband drove me home, and that’s where I am now, right back at those damned post-its. Today is not a good day. The thing about the post-its is that they are terribly right. They always are, the post-its never lie to me. This time, they are pointing out two things: 1) There needs to be added more science fiction elements to “Murder Michael Mayhem”, and they need to be meaningful, not just a tacky backdrop, to make it seem futuristic. 2) There are some serious changes that needs to be done, to “Swaying Between Worlds”. One of those things I’ve truly been ignoring, but I probably knew all along that I was taking the easy way out. It’s probably six or seven chapters that needs to be re-written and/or changed. I. Hate. Everything. Right now I’m composing a list of possible science fiction elements, that could be implemented in some way. Like, I know flying vehicles are a thing in this universe, now how the fuck do I incorporate them and make them meaningful to the plot? Where have I fucked up along the way, ignoring these scientific discoveries, making the world less scientifically evolved than it should be? For instance, there’s a snippet where a guy is killed by dragging him after a car. How exactly is that possible, if the cars are meant to be flying? Seriously, tell me that, right now. It’s shit like that I need to figure out, and it is a lot harder than it might sound. It’s like when you first open up a new puzzle: Everything’s a mess. Then you work on it for a few hours, thinking: “This is going great!” before you realize you’ve put at least sixty pieces in the wrong place, literally jamming them in where they obviously don’t belong. And it’s just as bad with “Swaying Between Worlds”, I really jumped the gun on being done with that one. I won’t have time to do any edits/rewrites before December, where I’m actually supposed to be on vacation, but this is serious stuff, I cannot let it go now I’ve seen it. Because let’s face it; making a bunch of people magically disappear entirely, sure is a lot easier than describing all of them lying around dead. God, I do not want to rewrite that shit, but I will never let it go if I don’t. It has to be the best version I can possibly make, it just has to. Hopefully it won’t delay the Monday postings, I might just be able to continue that without anyone noticing how I’m changing and rewriting later on in the story. The most positive I have to say about today is this: I’ve got those books from the library, and I can now somewhat ignore the world, by curling up in the couch reading them, writing the odd note now and again, coming up with scientific shit for “Murder Michael Mayhem”. Which is exactly what I’m going to do now, just curl up and say, “Fuck it, this day truly sucks!” |
This isn't what I wanted, but I can't keep my filthy fucking mouth shut All To Myself, Marianas Trench Right now, I feel incredible. I do so, because I’m on hardcore morphine, which is making me high as a kite. The reason for this is that about two years ago I slammed my head into a wall (obviously not on purpose), which gave me a never-ending concussion. It’s not there all of the time, but sometimes it comes back with a vengeance, and trust me, it hurts like a motherfucker. Which is exactly why I need the morphine, because if I didn’t pop one of those little babies, I would be lying on my bathroom floor, crying and puking and thinking I was dying. It came today, and sometimes the pills make me fall asleep, sometimes they just numb out the pain, but once in a blue moon, they will make me incredibly high. Last time this happened, I spend about two hours on the floor, talking to my cat and telling her how pretty she was. The reason I’m telling you this is that this blog might be complete nonsense, and therefore you have now been warned of useless gibberish. I “finished” my notes today, meaning, I think they are done, but I’m going to give them an extra critical look once we hit October 31st. I think they’re good though, in fact, I think they hold everything I need to know, to get this baby off the ground. I seriously can’t wait to write it, I’m aiming for a chapter a day, which is going to be hard as fuck. It also means I can look somewhat into the future, and make an estimate on how much I’ll need to write any given day of November. For instance I am supposed to go to this big party November 2nd, but one of the really long chapters are supposed to be done that day, so already now I can tell people that I’m not sure I’ll be there. It’s really weird to be able to do that, like, think about it! I am literally a psychic in regards to my own work, how freaky is that?! I guess that’s true all the time, actually, when I write some notes on what will happen further down the line, I am psychic on behalf of the characters! Wow. That is… Beyond weird. I have honestly never thought about it that way before. I’m like God to these people, I decide their faith, and I know exactly how it’s going to pan out for them. Well damn. Anyways, my point is… Oh god, I have no idea what my point was. Even re-reading that, I seriously have no idea where I was going with that. Maybe I just wanted to tell you all that my notes for “Murder Michael Mayhem” are finally done, and now I can take a few days off, before starting the actual writing. I can assure you that those days will be spend reading, I’ve reserved no less than five books at the library, and I hope they’ll get there soon enough, that I can get through all of them before November. They are, of course, books on writing. Do I ever do anything other than that? I’m starting to wonder, and be slightly worried at the same time. Actually now that I think about it, I think I’ve got a few books of my own (on writing) that I haven’t gotten completely through yet. I think I’ll give them a glance this lovely evening, who knows, I might actually remember something intelligent tomorrow when this incredible high wears off! It really is a nice evening actually, the sun is starting to set, and the sky is colored all pink and purple. I think I might just sneak a cigarette sitting in the windowsill once I’m done writing this. Yes-yes-yes, I know I quit, but I smoked a few this weekend, and I’ve still got 14 left in the pack I bought. No way I’m throwing those babies away, that would really just be wasteful. So I take one every now and then, no big deal, I’ll be back on vapor as soon as I run out of those damned, amazing, wonderful piece of shit cancer sticks. I’ve just uploaded chapter 4 of the Swaying Between Worlds novel, so be sure to check that out if you feel like it. Now I will go bury my face in soft kitty fur, read a little, and listen to a whole lot of music. |
You are way more than a headache at this point, Do us all a favor, and go fuck yourself Hypnotized, Set It Off Since Monday, I’ve had this annoying feeling of having forgotten something. Something really important, most likely related to the book I’m writing for NaNo. I was starting to fear that I wouldn’t realize what the fuck it was, before October 31st 23:59, but luckily, I figured it out today. There was a big (and I mean really big) gap in my knowledge about the ending. There were all these characters I needed to kill off, but it seemed borderline impossible to do so. So I went for a walk, all pissed off at everything and nothing at the same time. I think I walked across half the city, before it finally snapped into place. It was just one of those: “AHA!” moments, and I sat down on the middle of the sidewalk to take notes. I know people walked by, shooting me strange looks, but what the fuck do I care? In the end, I had about 10 pages of handwritten notes, and was now finally able to go back home to my computer, and get it molded into sentences that actually made sense. So I did, and now it’s done. The story line is finished, I now know how the whole damned thing is going to pan out, and I know just how much it is going to suck to write it. My bet is that from the 23rd till the 28th, I am in no mood to see or hear from anyone. Hell, I’ll probably spend most of the time in bed, just feeling shitty. Maybe I’ll turn off the internet and my phone, who knows, who cares? Point is I’ll be down in the dumps, because of something I made myself. I am literally making myself depressed. I’m such a fucking idiot. Now I’m back at working at those damned character descriptions and some other stuff as well. I’ve only got two of the really big ones, and five smaller ones. It’s not that hard really, I just need to actually do it. I’ve got 12 days left, and besides the character descriptions there’s a little other stuff here and there that needs fixing. I can do it, I’ll be done in time, I’m sure of it. I’m trying to maintain contact with the world outside of my computer, mostly by seeing my best friend and her husband, but also other people. Tomorrow night there’s this party, that I really should attend (if nothing else, then because I was invited and people actually want to see me there). It would be good for me to go, I’m just not sure I’ll be in the mood for it. But I do see some people, which is good, and I still keep in contact with my writing buddies over at the NaNoWriMo site. They are all very sweet and nice to talk to, not just about writing, but also about gay couples in fan-fiction, and eating too much cake. Right now though, I should really go to bed. I think I’ve done what I can for today, and it would be nice to get up before noon tomorrow. Hell, I might even find some time to see my sister, it’s been a while, and I miss her. We used to live in different parts of the country, but she moved to where I’m at, which is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. Seriously, you do not get how much I love my sister. Okay, that’s it, I’m exhausted, and now I’m going to bed! |
Let's make this moment worth the while, Let's kill the night and go down in style Bruises and Bitemarks, Good with Grenades There are three things in this world, I simply cannot do without. The first one is caffeine. Every morning I will drag myself into the kitchen, make six cups of coffee and inhale them as quickly as possible, before being even remotely functional. They help me get ready for work, and also I wholeheartedly love both the scent and taste of it. I believe I cannot be truly alive without coffee, and I’m not even the tiniest bit interested in trying. Me and coffee go twenty years back, and is probably the closets thing I’ll ever get to a healthy, steady relationship. The second thing is nicotine. I love-love-love my nicotine! I used to smoke a pack a day, before I went vapor, which is probably slightly better for my health, yet not nearly as satisfying. After all, poisoning myself with tar and a million other horrible things, really is my favorite pastime. The main (okay, only) reason why I switched is because I have an operation coming up, and they demand that I don’t smoke before and after. They said nothing about vapor though, so loophole right there! Do not take my nicotine from me, you do not want to see that shit going down. Then there’s the last one on the list, the one that might seem somewhat weird. It’s pens. I cannot be without a pen, at any given time, I need to have a pen within reach. Not even kidding, I’ve got pens in the bed, every bag I own, I have them in the fucking shower! Cannot be without one, and I would panic beyond all reason, if I didn’t have a functional one at a grabbing distance. Now not only am I highly addicted to these things, I’m also very picky about which ones it is. The coffee needs to be black (serious murder risk if you put sugar or some shit like that in my coffee), the nicotine needs to be menthol, and the pens needs to be these erasable things, which only comes in black and blue. They only sell them in one store where I live, and I’m pretty sure I’m the main reason why they keep them around. Today I grabbed five packs of them (meaning every single pack they had), so I think I’m stocked up for a while. I keep all of them in a drawer, right next to my “random ideas on post its” drawer. I wrote one of those today actually, it says: “I don’t draw ugly people”. Kind of weird, but I’m sure I’ll make up something with it, some day down the line. I finished another piece for the Flash Fiction contest today, in spite of having a really shitty day, writing-wise. I had a thousand nightmares during the night, slept till noon, then spend half the day just slumping around not doing a damned thing at all. I made a beautiful list of all the shit I should be doing, then went off and did none of them. I went to a bar with my best friend, had a shitload of coffee, and now I’m back at the computer. Since I got home, I got some food, published the flash fiction piece, answered e-mails, and now I’m listening to Andy Black, and taking a more serious look at that horrible list I need to finish before November. It’s not that horrible, really, I think it’s doable. I try and fit in as much writing as possible during the day, just to get in the habit before NaNo starts, that’s why I’m doing the Flash Fiction whenever the subject speaks to me. Still got 13 days before it begins, I’ll be fine! I need to write a full chapter a day, to get the entire book finished by the end of November. Some part of me is screaming, “That’s so fucking impossible you fucking moron!” while another is leaning back in the chair, waving a hand carelessly, saying, “Naaaah, it’ll be fine!”. Yeah I’ll probably die from stress before November being over. That or caffeine poisoning, whatever comes first. Now I really should get back to those notes, it’s almost midnight, and I have no intentions what so ever of going to bed before four in the morning. Why would I, I slept till noon, remember? |
And I want it so bad, I'd shoot the sunshine into my veins 27, Fall Out Boy Okay, I admit it, I am a hopeless caffeine addicted, slightly insane, overly sensitive, way too intense workaholic with more issues than you can imagine. Sometimes I will spend entire days, simply talking to myself (or my cats, or the computer, which ever sounds least messed up). Sometimes I don’t get out of bed at all, because I’m too depressed about something I read and/or wrote. Sometimes I’m up for 24 hours straight, just because I have so many grand ideas that I simply can’t stop to sleep. I’m more often than not, late for just about everything, because I had to stop somewhere along the way, jotting down thoughts or sentences or quotes. Sometimes I just lie down on the couch, pretending to be my characters, to get a sense and feel of what they would do and how they would react in certain situations. Yesterday I woke up to a post it note, simply saying: “Did you remember to light someone on fire?”, and the day before that I spend maybe 70% of my time, coming up with creative ways to commit murder. Yup. I’m exactly that fucked up. The note taking for NaNoWriMo is going quite well, I’ve sorta-kinda-maybe got the environmental design down, even if I still feel like it needs a little more work. I’ve written the most basic knowledge about the two main characters, and added even more points to my character questionnaire, that I found to be useful in this particular book. Most importantly, I’ve come to terms with the ending. It’s… Well, it’s going to be absolutely horrible to write, but it really is the best I can do with what I’ve got. I’ve also started making a few friends/writing buddies on the NaNoWriMo website, which is kind of cool actually. I think it’s really good for me to make actual relations to people who write, and just talk about the stuff I write, even when I’m in the middle of the process. I don’t talk that much about it, with my friends, all they really know is that I work like a mad man all of the time, always making writing number one priority. But this is good, I think it’s really good for me, to do the whole knowledge exchange. While doing all of these things, I’m also trying to fit in just the slightest bit of art, and maybe even some sleep here and there. I got maybe four hours last night, which translates to my brain being as functional as melted butter. Which I obviously over compensate for, drinking insane amounts of caffeine, and praying for better days. Here in Denmark, it’s closing in on midnight, so I really should try and get some sleep. But I need to answer an e-mail first, make sure the paint I’ve spread out on a big wooden board is dry, take my medicine, go through today’s post it notes, write this blog post, and probably a lot of other shit I’m forgetting as I write. Oh, right, I forgot to feed myself today. Well aren’t I just amazingly incompetent at keeping myself alive. Lastly I’d like to say that I’ve uploaded another chapter of the Swaying Between Worlds novel, so go have a look if you want, there’s now three chapters lying around, just waiting for you to read them! Go-go-go! |
I’m never ashamed of the scars you see across my face, I’m only afraid that this will change Break Your Halo, Andy Black It’s 9:11 where I am, and I got up at 8:00. Usually I roll right out of bed, make coffee, sit down in front of the computer and start working. No joke, I’ve usually begun writing 8:02, that’s the way the world is wired for me. Not today though. Today I’ve been awake about six times during the night, and every time I’ve felt like shit. Not in a physical way, but mentally I’ve been sad, like truly just sad. I have a feeling I might even have been crying, sometime during the night. Nothing bad happened to me, no one hurt me or even just did something bad to me. I’m just miserable, for no other reason than myself making me so. I honestly don’t get why I keep doing this to myself. It’s all about the book really, and it sounds so horribly stupid and somewhat pathetic, to react to your own piece of writing this way. I just… I just really wish I could have made this one a happy ending. I don’t get why that is so impossible for me. It’s like this: I sit down to write the story line. I keep asking myself questions along the way, I keep taking notes of what’s going to happen next, sometimes skipping a few chapters forward, writing what should happen somewhere down the line. And all of a sudden, I find I have written myself into a corner, where it can only end badly, if I want to finish it the “right way”. If I want to keep the integrity of the story, I end it just like that, no matter how sad I find it to be. I feel like I have to. I can’t go off twisting and turning the plot, for my own pleasure’s sake. It doesn’t work that way. When you really get to know your characters, you know how they’ll react in any given situation, and unless you want to break horribly out of character with them, you’ll just have to accept their fate. Honestly, sometimes it just sucks. So instead of begin working, instead of reading through all of the notes I made yesterday, I sit here and write a blog post, listening to Andy Black, and feel wholeheartedly sorry for myself. At the same time I find myself to be insanely annoying, who the fuck cares that much about some god damned fictional characters in a fictional world, only existing on a piece of paper? Why can’t I just write the damn thing, without getting this emotionally attached, to something that isn’t even real? I don’t get it. I wish I knew if there was other people who felt this way too. If there was someone sitting somewhere out there, feeling just as miserable as I am, just because they are writing something that really isn’t all that happy. I guess I just don’t want to be the only one, because if I am, that means I’m truly fucked up. Honestly, I feel like going straight back to bed, and just lie there. Just ignore everything I should be doing, and not give a fuck for anything at all. It wouldn’t be possible, it would continue to rummage around in my head, but still. I might just try and do it anyway, once I’m done writing this blog post. There’s only 18 days left until NaNoWriMo starts though, and as such, I really should be working. I still haven’t gotten those character profiles down on paper, although that shouldn’t be all that hard. I know them by now, it’s really just a matter of writing down what I know. I’ve got the story line all written out, 26 chapters, which means I should at least try and write a chapter a day, once November starts. That part is scary too, I don’t know if I can do it. It shouldn’t matter all that much, I’m sure a lot of people end up with not entirely finished novels. The goal is 50.000 words after all, it’s okay if I don’t make it all the way to the end. But I want to. I want to have it all finished, by the end of November. And I don’t want to “cheat”, I don’t want to start before November does, even if it means working all that harder during the month. After all, that’s what the challenge is all about. I think I’m going to go feed the kitties now, and at least give my bed a longing look. Maybe I will return to it, maybe I’ll be a grownup and start reading through the chapter guide. Maybe I’ll try and block out the world entirely, just spend all day in bed, being sad. Whatever happens, I can assure you, I will feel like shit all the way through it. |
Fly away to Neverland, maybe we’ll never land, So just take my shaking hand Neverland, Van Høf I am – quite literally – driving myself insane. I’m still working hard on my notes for the NaNoWriMo, and just decided I want something more from my story. Or maybe just: There’s this massive plot hole, how ‘bout we just go and fix that, huh?! I keep looking at the same stupid pages filled with unanswered questions, I keep looking at the notes I’ve got so far, I keep pulling my metaphorical hair from sheer frustration. Thank god I just cut that off, otherwise I would have pulled out every last strand by now. You simply can’t grasp how frustrated this makes me, I’ve got this whole amazing thing planned out, but there’s like this giant gap, and then nothing makes sense. Like there’s something lacking in every single chapter along the way. Why is that? What am I missing? Was it something I missed from the very beginning? Did I not have a strong enough idea? What the fuck is it?! What is it that I don’t get?! There’s got to be something, I just can’t see it. Something well hidden, something that needs to be fixed, some question I’m forgetting to ask myself, just something! Anything will do right around now, really, even if I have to go through an entire pad of post its and never sleep again, I honestly don’t give a fuck, as long as I find a solution to this god motherfucking damn it all to hell mess! See the thing is: I love my characters. I love my ending. I love my beginning. I love all the parts I’ve got planned out. But there’s something missing in the mix, that actually makes the ending make sense. Something really really big, and for the life of me, I cannot see what it is. My usual solution to these kind of problems are to simply just lie down, stare (or maybe more glare) at the ceiling, and wait. Like a creepy alligator, lurking with its eyes just above the surface, waiting for something to eat. That’s what I do. I just wait. Let it simmer in the back of my head, not even glancing towards the computer, just… Wait. Unfortunately I’ve run out of time and patience. I’ve got 21 days to make this shit match up and behave, I need some answers right now. And it’s out there, just out of reach, I just can’t fucking get a hold of it. So here I am, it’s ten in the evening where I’m at, and I’ve been at it for almost twelve hours. I’ve accomplished a lot today, no doubt about it, but it’s completely useless, if I don’t solve this plot-problem. If things doesn’t add up in the end, it doesn’t matter how much you love your main character, how sweet of a relationship you are portraying, how cool of a setting you’ve build, how much violence you are managing to cram into it, how many anger issues you are getting out of your system, none of that fucking matters, if there’s not a good story to back it all up. It’s out there, somewhere. I just need to get a hold of it. I need a boost of inspiration, something that feels just right. It just has to make sense, it just has to add up, I just want to write my fucking story, with my insane characters and their fucked up relationships towards one another, living in a horrible city. I just want to work. I just want IT to work. Good news are: I’m not even remotely tired, I’ve got nowhere else to be, I can spend all fucking night cursing at this stupid shit. And I most likely will, because now, I’m going to go make myself some god damned coffee, and just sit here and stew until I write something decent. Until I have that small glimmer of hope, of one day making this story actually be. |
Just looking for some answers, In a world that answers none of them at all - On the Bright Side, Never Shout Never I managed to drag myself off to the doctor yesterday, which turned out to be a good thing, because I have some sort of inner ear infection (actually I’m not sure if that’s what it’s called, I only know the Danish word for it, but it’s got something to do with my ear). This affects my balance, a lot, so I have to expect to be lying down a lot more than I care for, as I can get dizzy from just sitting in front of the computer, looking at words. This – I think – is the most annoying type of sickness I have had, in regards to working on my writing. The ideas are there, the abilities are there, I just can’t keep my eyes focused because the entire world starts to sway and wobble. Yesterday I spent three hours at least, just lying in my bed, wide awake and incapable of doing anything besides just lie there. I would try to imagine up scenes and quotes and all that kind of things, but just grabbing a hold of the post it pad and writing notes, seemed like an almost impossible task. That being said, I feel slightly better right now. It comes and goes really, so for now I’m trying to get some work out of the way, while it’s not too awful. I did get some notes done yesterday, in spite of this, which was quite amazing actually, because I think I’ve finally made some actual decisions. That has always been one of my great planning problems, when I start off with a completely new and fresh project, there are simply too many options on how to write it. 1st or 3rd person? Past or present tense? How should the story evolve? What kind of information is relevant? Could this be edited out from the very beginning? Who tells the story, and why? All of this crap, just accumulates to 4137 things I need to decide upon, and it can seem really overwhelming in the beginning. Point is, I think I managed to do some of that yesterday, and my to-do list is slowly shrinking in size. Still a long way to go, but it seems doable now, it seems realistic that I will get this done before November. Lately – that meaning for the last thirty seconds – I have been wondering why I write the type of things I do. It came up in a conversation between me and an old friend, he was curious as to what I was working on, so I told him about the NaNoWriMo, and what I intend to write about (if I ever get these god damned notes to do what I want them to). He was… Well, he was a little surprised actually, I’m not one of those people who talk a lot about what I’m working on, I write a lot of stupid blog posts about it, sure, but sharing with friends I actually know in real life happens maybe once a century. It’s always pretty depressing stuff, I’m a sucker for great tragedy, both in my own writing but also in other people’s stuff. Some of my all time favorite movies are “The Fountain”, “Requiem for a Dream” and “V for Vendetta”. The best book I ever read is “Dream and Shadows” by Cargill, which is a pretty damn depressing piece of literature. It bleeds into my own writing as well, sometimes I think to myself: “Oh this time I’ll go for an all-round happy ending!”, and I have literally never succeeded. Not even when I was in school, writing useless papers and shit like that, I always went for the most horrible way of ending a story. I remember my teachers even being genuinely worried about me, because of it. Ah well. Guess you can’t really go against your nature, and you shouldn’t write shit you don’t care about anyway, so I’ll just have to deal with bumming myself out, over and over again. |
Pencil a smile or a frown on my face, Make me a monster with papermaché - Porcelain Face, 4 Door Theater As you can see, I have decided to create a blog. I have done so, mainly because it gives me a place to ramble about writing, when I’m not doing the actual writing, making sure that I am writing just about all of the time. I used to keep a blog at another website, but as those were in Danish, it wasn’t like I could just copy/paste the whole thing over here and be done with it. But this is perfect really: A place for writing, where I also write about writing? Yeah, that seems like the way to go. I’m sick these days, which annoys me to no end. Last night I got so dizzy I barely made it from the laptop to the bed, without dying halfway there. I feel slightly better right now, but only because my sister brought me soda and chocolate. I guess that really is a universal ‘get well’ trick. That – luckily – means I can now spend a little time in front of my computer, instead of just lying around in bed, watching PowerPuff Girls. I have spend some time working during the last couple of days, in spite of obviously having the plague. I’m getting ready for the NaNoWriMo, something I have never even dared try before, but now actually feel sort of confident I can pull through. My goal is to write somewhere between 2000 and 3000 words every day, as I foresee that my entry might be slightly longer than 50.000 words. I have a tendency to ramble on forever and ever, and if nothing else, it will give me a little time to edit. As I don’t have a regular 9 to 5 job, it should be doable. Coffee was invented for overworked writers, I’m sure of it, and it is definitely my one true love in that aspect. Well in every aspect really, it has been my best buddy since I was 13, and you just can’t question those kind of relationships. Right now I’m working on world description, and it’s not going quite as smoothly as I had hoped for. I know what it looks like, I know what I want it to do, how I want it to work, I just need to be able to get it down on paper. I tend to use art as an endless source of inspiration, always looking at pictures and mentally trying to describe them, which is why I have an excessive Pinterest account. Feel free to check it out, https://www.pinterest.dk/thorbjoernw/, you might end up getting inspired too, or at the very least, you’ll get to see some bad-ass artwork. I worked out a to-do list yesterday though, and there’s a lot of stuff I need to do before the end of the month. The only thing I’ve done so far is ‘Basic Information’, which is… Well, it’s all very nice and shit, but it’s not very impressive to say the least. I look forward to doing the character descriptions, those have always been one of my favorite parts of note taking, but I need to get the whole world description down first. I need to know where I’m going to place them, before I create them fully. I do have some notes and general ideas as to who they are and such, but the really detailed descriptions I’m saving for later. Besides the character design and world building, there are 18 points on that list, all of them being quite comprehensive. It’ll be fine though, I’ve got 24 days left, I’m pretty sure I can pull it off. I’m one of those people who plan out everything before even considering writing the actual story, it just works better for me that way. At this point in time though, I have written more on this blog post, than on actual work today. This does not make me a happy camper. At least I’m reading a lot, trying really hard to focus on this world building problem. One thing is the Pinterest account, and using it for gathering ideas, but I also spend a lot of time with my books, trying to get a grasp on how to describe this place, the best way possible. Thankfully, books is something I have plenty of, I’d say roughly a thousand, and there should be just what I need, hidden somewhere inside of them. There always is, I have learned, somewhere in my extensive collection, there is always exactly what I need. It might take a while to actually find it, but it’s always there. I acquired a new bulletin board for this November challenge, or more precisely, my sister donated me one to make me quit my whining. The last one is still covered in post it notes about Swaying Between Worlds, and I really didn’t much care for removing them all, only to put them back up there when I was done. So yeah, I got my hands on a new one, and there must be at least 25 notes on it already. I like post it notes, in fact, I pretty much love them. I have little pads of them everywhere too, bed, bathroom, every single table my apartment contains, there’s always a post it pad within reach. It feels somewhat safe and secure to have them around, always there for a quick note, should anything remotely intelligent pop up in my head. And now, it seems to be way past my usual bedtime, and due to the whole ‘being annoyingly sick’ thing, I should probably try and get some rest. I don’t particularly want to, if anything I would much rather work right now, but sometimes you really have to do the smart thing, instead of the things you feel like doing. |