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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
*Beautiful reflection to friends groups* "A man, who regularly attended meetings with his friends, without any notice stopped participating in his activities. After a few weeks, one very cold night the leader of that group decided to visit him. He found the man at home, alone, sitting in front of a fireplace where a bright and cozy fire burned. Guessing the reason for the visit, the man welcomed the leader. There was a great silence. The two men only watched the dancing flames around the logs that crackled in the fireplace. After a few minutes the leader, without saying a word, examined the embers that formed and selected one of them, the most incandescent of all, removing it to the side of the brazier with a pair of tongs. Then he sat down again. The host was paying attention to everything, fascinated but restless. Before long, the lone ember flame subsided, until there was only a momentary glow and the fire suddenly went out. In a short time, what was a sample of light and heat, was nothing more than a black, cold and dead piece of coal. Very few words had been spoken since the greeting. The leader, before preparing to leave, with the pliers returned the cold and useless coal, placing it again in the middle of the fire. Immediately, the ember was rekindled, fueled by the light and heat of the burning coals around him. When the leader reached the door to leave, the host said: Thank you for your visit and for your beautiful lesson. I will return to the group. Goodnight... Why are the groups extinguished.....? Very simple: Because each member that withdraws takes fire and heat from the rest. It is worth reminding members of a group that they are part of the flame. It is good to remind you that we are all responsible for keeping each other's flame burning and we must promote the union between all so that the fire is really strong, effective and lasting. *THE* *GROUP* *IS* *ALSO* *A* *FAMILY* *It does not matter if sometimes we are bothered by so many messages that reach the chat, what matters is to be connected, some of us are silent, others very active, the friends that we are meeting here are to meet, learn, exchange ideas, or simply know that we are not alone, that there is a group of friends, colleagues or family with whom we can count.* Let's keep the flame alive. Although some report sporadically it is good to know that they keep their flame burning! *THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF OUR BONFIRE* |
Don’t know why Dad is always lagging behind.? 1. Mom carries for 9 months, Dad carries for 25 years. Both are equal;still don’t know why Dad is lagging behind. 2. Mother works without pay for the family. Dad spends all his pay for the family. their efforts are equal, still don’t know why Dad is lagging behind. 3. Mom cooks whatever you want;Dad buys whatever you want. Their love is equal, but Mom’s love is shown as superior. Don’t know why Dad is lagging behind. 4. When you talk over the phone, you want to talk to Mom first. If you get hurt, you cry ‘Mom’. You will remember dad only when you need him. Dad never feels bad that you don’t remember him the other times? When it comes to receiving love from children;for generations, don’t know why Dad is lagging behind. 5. Cupboards will be filled with colorful sarees and many clothes for kids. Though Dad’s clothes are very few, he doesn’t care about his own needs ; still don’t know why Dad is lagging behind. Dad is behind (or ‘at the back’ ) because he is the backbone of the family. Because of him, we are able to stand erect. Probably, this is the reason why he is lagging behind! ❤️ |
Tales and Parables of Sri Ramakrishna. The Tiger That Lurks behind Worldly Joys GOD is like the wish-yielding tree of the celestial world (Kalpataru), which gives whatever one asks of it. So, one should be careful to give up all worldly desires when one's mind has been purified by religious exercises. Just listen to a story: A certain traveller came to a large plain in the course of his travels. As he had been walking in the sun for many hours, he was thoroughly exhausted and heavily perspiring, so he sat down in the shade of a tree to rest a little. Presently, he began to think what a comfort it would be if he could but get a soft bed there to sleep on. He was not aware that he was sitting under the celestial tree. As soon as the above thought rose in his mind, he found a nice bed by his side. He felt much astonished, but all the same stretched himself on it. Now he thought to himself, how pleasant it would be, were a young damsel to come there and gently stroke his legs. No sooner did the thought arise in his mind than he found a young damsel sitting at his feet and stroking his legs. The traveller felt supremely happy. Presently, he felt hungry and thought: "I have got whatever I have wished for; could I not then get some food?" Instantly he found various kinds of delicious food spread before him. He at once fell to eating, and having helped himself to his heart's content, stretched himself again on his bed. He now began to revolve in his mind the events of the day. While thus occupied, he thought: "If a tiger should attack me all of a sudden!" In an instant a large tiger jumped on him and broke his neck and began to drink his blood. In this way the traveller lost his life. Such is the fate of men in general. If during your meditation you pray for men or money or worldly honours, your desires will no doubt be satisfied to some extent; but, mind you, there is the dread of the tiger behind the gifts you get. Those tigers— disease, bereavements, loss of honour and wealth etc.,—are a thousand times more terrible than the live tiger. |
I lost my beloved father-in-law to COVID-19 on 22nd May. He was 64. I am inactive on social media since few years but this post is very critical for everyone during this pandemic. Let me share some facts which are very critical for the govt. and the public in general to know so that no other precious life is lost. Chain of events: - 11th/12th May: He got fever of 98-99 (mostly normal) - 13th/14th May: Fever increased to 100+ with mild sore throat (we got a bit worried) - 15th/16th May: Fever increased to 101+ with mild throat. - 17th/ 18th May: This is when we decided to get the tests done. However someone told that if fever >100 persists for 5 days or more, only then the test should be done. We were hesitant but since dad insisted we waited till 18th May. In the meanwhile, fever remained the same. Since he was in Delhi and we were in Chandigarh, we tried umpteen number of labs (including some big names like lal/SRL etc) for home collection (since we didn’t want to expose him to others in case he had covid). No lab was ready to come home. Then came the much glamorized Arogya Setu app from where we got a lab “City Xray and Scan, Tilak Nagar” who were kind enough to come and test at home. – BLUNDER 1 - 18th / 19th May: He was tested and it was “Negative”. Big sigh of relief! But the fever didn’t go down. Infact, it wasn’t going down even after having Crocin ! – BLUNDER 2 - 20th May: Fever persisted and we consulted a doctor who told us to get other tests done to check the cause of fever. At night, he started feeling heaviness in breathing but he didn’t tell us. BLUNDER 3 - 21st May: Fever persisted and breathlessness remained. This is where he told us and was shifted to a hospital. Hospital was hesitant to take him since he had covid symptoms but since we had a negative report, they took him and started examinations and tests (including covid test again). His sugar levels were abysmally high and were out of control. - 22nd May: He was put on ventilator. Covid reports this time was “Positive”. – BLUNDER 4 - 22nd May: Since he was a covid positive, the hospital wanted to shift him to a covid hospital for which they asked “us” to find a hospital. Challenge doesn’t end here, we also needed an ambulance with ventilator which wasn’t there. We tried almost all hospitals including govt hospital LNJP and got only one answer that ventilators are not available!! – BLUNDER 5 - 22nd May (9.45 pm): We went to the ICU to check on him and got to know that we lost him! (heartbreak for all) - 23rd May: We couldn’t see him for the last time also! My mom in law is in quarantine alone!! So are we! In this time of grief. - 24th May: The central govt. was saying how well they have managed covid. State CM, PMO India PMO India Arvind Kejriwal said in a press conference that Delhi is well prepared as it has 250 ventilators and no hospital can deny covid patients. I don’t know about 250 ventilators but we couldn’t find even a single one that night!!! Lessons: I will not just criticize here, I shall give the potential solutions too! 1. COVID reports come negative !! its called false negative. Had it not been negative we would have shifted him 3 days earlier! (Solution: delist the labs from where the false negatives are coming, find the reason for it!) 2. No one knows the covid infrastructure and there is no central portal from where anyone (hospital or patient) can check if bed or ventilator is available !! (Solution: is so simple that someone makes a software where all hospitals are integrated!! But it is not there in a country which has IT giants such as Tata consultancy services, Noida or Infosys) 3. No one knows when to go to a hospital or get the tests done, covid hospitals are not accepting covid patients till they are covid positive (and very few labs are testing for covid). No one knows which labs are collecting sample at home ! To add to the misery, non covid hospitals are not taking patients with covid symptoms!! (Solution: Public awareness about what to do in which situation is not there, why are there no public bulletins or massive ad campaigns for it) In toto, it’s a complete mess! I am writing this so that this doesn’t happen to anyone else ever! I don’t intend to criticize the govt here, I want them to read this and correct this mess. Ground reality is far from whats being projected !! Lastly, whoever is taking this pandemic as “Kuch nai hai, kuch nai hota etc”… you are fool and potentially the most dangerous people! Stay safe, take full precautions ! |
Rāma: In the inspiring account of Bhuśuṇḍa that you have narrated, you made mention of a body which has three different pillars, nine gates, etc. Pray tell me: how did it arise in the first place, how does it exist and who dwells in it? Vasiṣṭha said: O Rāma, this house known as the body has not been made by anyone, in fact! It is only an appearance, like the two moons seen by one suffering from diplopia. The moon is really only one, the duality is an optical illusion. The body is experienced to exist only when the notion of a physical body prevails in the mind; it is unreal, but since it appears to be when the notion arises, it is considered both real and unreal. Dreams are real during the dream state, though they are unreal at other times; ripples are real when they are seen to exist, not at other times. Even so, the body is real when it is experienced as a real substance. It is only an illusory apprearance, even though it appears to be real. The notion of ‘I am this body’ arises in relation to what is truly a piece of flesh with bones, etc., because of a mental predisposition; it is an illusion. Abandon this illusion. There are thousands of such bodies which have been brought into being by your thought-force. When you are asleep and dreaming, you experience a body in it. Where does that body arise or exist? While daydreaming, you imagine you are in heaven, etc. Where is that body? When all these have ceased, you engage yourself in diverse activities, playing different roles. Where is the body with which you do these? When you besport with your friends and enjoy their company in self-forgetful delight, where does that body abide? Thus, O Rāma, the bodies are but the products of the mind; hence, they are regarded as real and unreal. Their conduct is determined by the mind; they are non-different from the mind. Vasiṣṭha continued: ‘This is wealth’, ‘This is body’, and ‘This is a nation’ – all these are notions O Rāma, which are the manifestation of the energy of the mind and which are otherwise illusory. Know this to be a long dream, or a longstanding hallucination, or daydreaming, or wishful thinking. When by the grace of God or the self you attain awakening, you will see all this clearly. The existence of a world independent of you or the mind is but the jugglery of the mind; it is nothing but the recognition of a notion as if it were a substance. If a man resolutely seeks the source of the notions, he realizes consciousness; otherwise, he experiences the illusory world-appearance again and again. For by continually entertaining such notions such as ‘This is it’, ‘This is mine’ and ‘This is my world’ such notions assume the appearance of substantiality. The permanency of the world is also an illusion: in the dream state what is really a brief moment is experienced by the dreamer as a lifetime. In a mirage only illusory ‘water’ is seen and not the substratum; even so, in a state of ignorance one sees only the illusory world appearance and not the substratum. However, when one has shed that ignorance, the illusory appearance vanishes. Even the man who is normally subject to fear is not afraid of an imaginary tiger; the wise man who knows that this world is naught but a notion or imagination is unafraid of anything. When one knows that the world is nothing but the appearance of one’s self, of whom need he be afraid? When one’s vision is purified by enquiry, one’s deluded understanding concerning the world vanishes. |
I CHOOSE - A PRAYER - (by - Max Lucado) - TO GUIDE US TO GO THROUGH LIFE.............. I Choose LOVE...... NO OCCASION justifies hatred; no injustice warrants bitterness. I choose love. Today I will love God and what God loves. I Choose JOY..... I will invite my God to be the God of circumstance. I will refuse the temptation to be cynical. I will refuse to see people as anything less than human beings, created by God. I will refuse to see any problem as anything less than an opportunity to see God. I Choose PEACE..... I will live Forgiven. I will forgive so I may LIVE I Choose PATIENCE..... I will overlook the inconveniences of the world. Instead of cursing the one who takes my place, I'll invite him to do so, Rather complain that the wait is to long, I will thank God for a moment to pray. Instead of clenching my fist at new assignments, I will face them with JOY and COURAGE. I Choose KINDNESS..... I will be kind to the poor, for they are ALONE Kind to the rich, for they are AFRAID. And kind to the unkind, FOR THAT IS HOW GOD HAS TREATED ME...... I Choose GOODNESS....... I will go without a dollar before I take a dishonest one. I will be overlooked before I will boast. I will confess before I accuse. I choose GOODNESS..... I Choose FAITHFULNESS...... Today I will Keep my PROMISES. My debtors will not regret their trust. My Friends will not question my word. And my Family will not question my LOVE..... I Choose SELF-CONTROL....... I REFUSE to let what will rot, rule the eternal. I choose self-control. I will be drunk only by joy. I will be impassioned only by my faith. I will be influenced only by God. I choose SELF-CONTROL... Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness and Self-Control. To these I commit my day. If I succeed, I will GIVE THANKS. If I fail, I will seek HIS GRACE. And then when this day is done I will place my head on my pillow and rest. AMEN TO THAT.... |
Extracts from Rudyard Kipling; IF : A FATHER'S ADVICE TO HIS SON : .... " IF you can KEEP YOUR HEAD when all about you Are Losing theirs and blaming it on you, IF YOU CAN TRUST YOURSELF when All men Doubt you, BUT MAKE ALLOWANCE for their Doubting too; IF YOU CAN WAIT and Not Be Tired by Waiting, Or Being LIED ABOUT, DON'T Deal in lies, Or Being Hated, DON'T GIVE WAY TO HATING, And Yet Don't look Too Good, Nor Talk Too Wise IF YOU CAN DREAM and Not Make Dreams Your Master; IF YOU CAN THINK, and Not Make Thoughts Your Aim; IF YOU CAN MEET with Triumph and Disaster And Treat THOSE IMPOSTORS Just The Same; IF YOU CAN TALK with Crowds and KEEP YOUR VIRTUE, OR WALK WITH KINGS, NOR LOSE THE COMMON TOUCH, IF NEITHER FOES Nor Loving Friends can hurt you, IF All Men Count With You, BUT None Too Much IF YOU CAN FILL, The Unforgiving Minute WITH SIXTY SECONDS Worth of Distance Run, YOURS IS THE EARTH, and Everything THAT'S IN IT, And - Which Is More - YOU'LL BE A MAN, MY SON " And That - is what being a MAN is all about.............. WHAT SAY ??? |
Now she went into a wild bhava, she herself darkened and the structure of her head became noticeably different. The bhava was somehow secretive, in-drawn, particularly when she began, with accelerating speed, to pull off each petal, one by one. When, finally; she had pulled off the last petal she held the dahlia by its stalk, fingered the golden centre, and then for a long time gazed at this with the most rapt and delicate attention. Had she, I wondered, made the connection between what she had just done, and an incident recorded by her beloved disciple, Bhaiji? The Almora ashram, after all, was built beside Bhaiji's last resting place, his samadhi, in 1937: One day at the ashram, Sri Ma took a flower and plucking away all its petals, said to me: "Many of your samskaras, psychic traces, have dropped away and many more will fall off like the petals of this flower, till I shall remain as your main prop, just like the one stalk of this flower. Do you understand?, saying this, she began to laugh. I enquired: "Ma, how can I reach that state." She replied: "Every day remember this once: you need not do anything else." One of the morning speakers that season in Almora was an eminent and powerful monk who headed the Shankaracharya Math in Bombay; A very tall and imposing figure with bald head, bull neck and ash-smeared brow, he was an intimidating presence on his dais in the centre of the hall, while Anandamayi was seated well to one side, taking no part at all in the proceedings. She was in a restive mood, looking about her, apparently not listening to what the monk was saying. He was lecturing on Vedanta, larding his words with formidable Sanskrit terminology in a somewhat hectoring tone. Playing with the string of a flower garland, very casually, almost in an absent-minded aside, Mataji interjected a one-sentence remark, addressing the Swami respectfully as Pitaji father, but in the lightest of tones. The Swami stopped in mid-sentence, paused, looked down and suddenly burst into tears. To everyone's astonishment the giant monk just crumpled before our very eyes. With a word to an attendant, Mataji swept the girls of the ashram school into bhajans and everyone joined in. The mood relaxed, the Swami regained his composure and was soon rattling on. What had touched him to the quick nobody could tell. During satsang in Varanasi about 50 of us were gathered while Mataji listened to someone talking. In the background, down below in the courtyard, two men were talking, their voices rising in a crescendo until they were bellowing angrily at each other. Hitherto, no row had ever erupted during any of my stays in the ashram. The noise was now beginning to wreck the peaceful atmosphere in the hall. Mataji looked at me, beckoned an attendant to her side and sent him over to speak to me. Would I, he whispered please go and stop the argument. I had no alternative but to do as I was bidden. I went down to the yard and found that the row was between the senior Swami and Mataji's brother. It suddenly dawned on me why I in particular had been selected to remonstrate with the culprits. The plain fact was, I realised, I could not speak their language, nor could they mine! Thus are the winning ways of Anandamayi! She knew I would not become ensnared in the karmic net of other men's disputes and that everyone's self-esteem would remain intact. It ended with both protagonists reduced to helpless laughter by my futile remonstrations. One drowsy afternoon at Vindhyachal there were very few people about; nothing stirred. Up on her balcony; Anandamayi was having her hair carefully combed by an attendant who had just washed it. A young doctor from Allahabad came to take his leave. "What train do you intend taking?" Mataji enquired. The doctor indicated which one. "And where will you change trains to get the Allahabad connection?" Mataji persisted. The young man gave a seemingly reasoned reply; but this did not satisfy Mataji and she questioned him further concerning his connection, suggesting with some emphasis that he not take the train he had first proposed, but the alternative which she was now proposing. She was most meticulous about this, yet the doctor just could not see any logic in her suggestion. Mataji was not looking at him, her head bent to the comb as it was passed through her hair. Selecting a long strand, she tautened it as she talked. The eyes of all three of us were now fixed on the strand of hair. Holding it in her right hand she began, very slowly; with the most attentive care, to wind it round the first joint of her left index finger. She wound it with such precision that it made no more than a fine millimetre-thick circuit of her finger. She wound it thrice in overlapping coils without looking up, and again addressed the acutely discomfited young man. "Everything I say . . .", and at this she made a further turn of hair tightly round her finger, ". . . and every thing I do has ' - one more turn, '. . . meaning." She looked up; the man raised his hands in namaskar, bowed, and departed without saying another word. |
Dear Friends, *🙏~SCARY BUT TRUE~🙏* Now that lockdown is easing out, there is a greater chance of virus infection, especially from asymptomatic cases. *One has to be positive but being a Soldier, ready for the Worst* Please do not waste time on what Modi(P.M.) or state govt. is doing / not doing. *Start thinking about your own family.* *In case any one of us gets infected by coronavirus. Then What?* Ever thought of that? *Before going for test, put all your valuables in the locker or in safe hidden place. Whole house will be fumigated and sealed.* Your wife, children and parents too will be taken to Isolation ward. You may not ever meet some or all of them again. They or we may die. Situation is still tougher if you are only husband wife living with kids abroad/ away. *Case 1 : Only you get admitted to COVID isolation ward.* 1) What to take with you? Lets make a list. - Mobile, Charger, earphones, Routine medicines, Change of clothes for 14 days! 2) Will you need cash? Card? Make provision. 3) Mediclaim Insurance policy - Keep handy. Govt. has included Covid - 19 in insurance for all. 4) How will the home run without you? Keep provisions. Sign few blank cheques as well. Share your ATM Pin with your wife / family senior. 5) Do you have a pet? Arrange for its shelter with some PETA or friends in case your wife too has to be admitted. *Case 2 :- You die due to covid-19 in Isolation centre. Your wife is alone now. Your body also is not handed to your kins and cremated/ burried directly. Your relatives do not meet your wife to console her for the fear of infection.* 1. Make her aware *Today*, of all the current financial conditions. Leave enough cash home. 2. Your children are away out of India and cannot come to their mother nor can they take her to them. This situation remains for next 6 months. Be prepared ! *Passwords*:- Share All your passwords, Keypad lock pattern or code everything in a note for them in case you die. You will have a lots available if you do not die. Mental strength building now is very very essential. Request put your thoughts here. *Case 3 :- Both of you die! ! Say for 3 months nobody is allowed to visit your house. After that your children are able to return. What will they do? Finances- Again Keep some signed blank cheques for them. They can at least transfer the money to their A/C if they return before 3 months.* Nomination is the best practice but if not done then may not have time to do it now. *Documents*- Make a list of Important Documents, Bank accounts, Bank Locker and their key location, Location of various keys- Cupboard keys, Car keys, in your home (people have a tendency to keep them in फालतू secret place) House keys should be given to any relative or friend for keeps safe. We do take such precautions normally when we fly out. But we never imagine a situation where one may have to face things alone and without any help! Please give a thought to above and suggest if u have any more suggestions !! If agreed with my above suggestions then forward it to your relatives.. |
It is a difficult task to try and give a reader who often is only curious, if not indifferent, an idea of that which for you is the most precious thing, the jewel of jewels. There are two dangers to be avoided : The first is to let your heart run away with you, to write an account so enthusiastic, so extravagant that the reader gets the impression of having before him the product of an unbalanced mind or at least of a rank sentimentalist, and consequently hurries through the article with an amused smile full of ironic pity. The other danger would be to endeavour to remain completely cold and detached, to write like an impartial observer. This would be even worse, because one cannot speak of Her, who is the very embodiment of Love Divine, as if one were dealing with a scientific problem. I shall, therefore, try to restrain my heart, without however reducing it to complete silence. It is bad taste to talk about oneself, but all I can do, is to relate the story of how I got in touch with "MA". For it is impossible to describe Her objectively: She is different for every one of us. "I am whatever you think I am", She has often said. It was on the 2nd of February , 1951, at about six o' clock in the evening that I saw Her for the first time in Her Ashram at Banaras. Having "provisionally" placed a substitute in charge of my medical practice, I had left France in quest of spiritual guidance in this country, which since time immemorial has illumined the world. Landing in Buddhist Ceylon, then proceeding along the East coast of India I had arrived in Banaras the previous day. Tired and disappointed, almost convinced that my journey had been in vain, and determined to return to France, I had already reserved a berth on the "Marseillaise", which was to sail from Colombo on February 21st. I am frequently asked what was my first impression of Ma, what made me decide to leave everything-family, friends, country, profession, wealth-to follow Her. Why I have clung to Her like a shadow for the last 11 months, suffering torments whenever I am unable to see Her for a few hours. Why, though I cannot understand what She says, I spend hours at Her feet, without taking my eyes of Her. It is very difficult to reply to these questions. Not because language lacks words, but because a word has not the same meaning for different persons, unless they all have experienced the sensation corresponding to that word. Thus one may well try with the aid of comparisons to make a child in France realize what exactly is the flavour of a mango. Even if one spent hours over it, he would only get a very vague idea and that also most likely false. All the same, having made room for all these unavoidable limitations I shall now make an attempt. What then was first impression ? It was in the evening of the 2nd of February, I found myself in the presence of a woman of 55, looking younger than her age, still beautiful. But at that moment I did not notice Her beauty, it was only later that I became aware of it. I still see Her, focussing Her eyes on me with that strange gaze that seemed to embrace my whole destiny. That same evening, at about ten o' clock, She had granted me an interview which lasted for about 20 minutes. She was supposed to answer my questions, but I had nothing to ask. I simply desired to make a spiritual contact. She seemed to divine thought. It was She who put the questions, clear, precise, going straight to the heart of things, raising exactly the points which interested me. But Her words were only a play on the surface. In those 20 minutes She had infused something into me, which was to last for a long time, which still continues. I returned to 'Clark's Hotel' after having secured Her permission to come back the next day to live in the Ashram. I was in a strange state-my heart swelled with jubilation, with joyful exaltation-the state of one, who has just found what he has always yearned for in its most secret recess. Her image did not leave me anymore, even at night, and the very thought of Her drove tears into my eyes. What exactly had happened to me ? My critical sense, which had been submerged by the first wave, awoke on the 3rd or 4th day. "Take care", it told me, "you have fallen into the hands of a great magician. She has cast a spell over you to make you her obedient slave." And I began to be on the defensive, to struggle against Her influence-rather feebly, I confess, for how can one fight Love; there is no power in the world mightier than Love. But what kind of love was this ? It is not directed towards the woman. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the love one may feel for a woman. As by strange alchemy my entire potentiality for affection, all that one can love and admire in the world was transferred to her. But at the same time this love became so pure, so sublimated that it merged into, and greatly intensified the call for the Absolute that I had always felt. All worldly attachment lost its attraction and the spiritual ascent became easier, since she had donned me the wings of Love. For these eleven months that I have spent near Her have given me the conviction that She is the Lord Himself, incarnate in the body of a woman. I thought that this Love (I am obliged to use this word for want of a better one, though it does not express exactly what it stands for) would disappear or at least dwindle with time. The very contrary has happened : It has only grown in intensity. For it is like with those ancient cities buried underground; as one delves deeper, ever more new marvels are brought to light. Something that has struck me from the very first day is the atmosphere of the miraculous in which one moves when one is with Her. Let me explain : In Europe (and no doubt here also) by the word "miracle" one conceives of a breaking away from the laws of nature, something that strikes one as impossible, as absurd. But this is only its crude, objective side. Its subtle, subjective aspect is quite different. What does it matter to me if a certain yogi has walked across the waters or flown through the air ? The real miracle is, when that which one needs, which one desires keenly or feebly, comes at the very moment it is needed. And still better when it comes, not only as one desired it, but as one would have loved to see it in the innermost depth of one's heart. It has been for me as if I were guided on a path beset with obstacles by the hand of the most loving Mother -an all-powerful Mother. As you advance She removes all which must be removed, She even lifts you across in Her arms. And all circumstances adjust and adapt themselves with a marvelous precision, without hurt. "Coincidence", I thought at first. But a coincidence that goes on repeating itself daily cannot be called so anymore. And all this happens without apparently violating the laws of nature - for the Lord has no need to break any laws: He is the Law. Should I give examples ? No, for those who do not know Her will not believe me and those who have lived near Her have already understood. She is like the Ganges -Her very touch purifies. In Her presence one feels oneself getting better all the time. Not by the suppression of one's faults : The very fault is sublimated and becomes an aid in the search for the Divine. She does not seem to notice or does not notice the dark sides of the individual. She only sees our luminous aspects, enhanced considerably by Her Divine mercy. |