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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
Idi Amin once wanted to change the name of Uganda to Idi because he thought he could do anything with Uganda. Everybody was afraid to challenge that decision except for one man who was close to him. He said: your excellency sir, do you know Cyprus? Idi Amin with a surprised look asked, "what has Cyprus got to do with my decision to change our name to Idi?" The man said, "the people of Cyprus are called Cypriots , so if you change Uganda to Idi, we will be called Idiots! Including your good self sir, so please let's maintain our name.😂😂😂 ........ Always Laugh to release stress. |
I learned is that God can never be proven by scientific means. To do so would corrupt the environment. It would destroy faith. When we have faith we seek, we learn. If God were to appear before us like a huge being at the United Nations, the entire world would believe, but also live in fear.” “To successfully experience the human existence, one must be physically out of touch with God. We have to learn and seek on our own. We need to search out the meaning of our own existence and experience here on earth. Faith is the engine of discovery. Without faith, we are just like ants.” The fact of the matter is that I died, I remember feeling my heart slow down until it stopped, at that moment my eyes closed. Not more than what seemed a second later I could see again. It was as if I had stepped through my eyelids. I sat up and was in awe of how clear everything appeared. I had worn glasses or contacts my entire life, so I was amazed at the sharpness of the room around me and the vividness of the colors. I could perceive an energy surrounding everything. The books, desk, furniture of the room all seemed to have a slight glow that radiated from them. No sooner had I noticed this than I realized I could see 360 degrees around me. I didn't need to turn my head I just looked and I saw. There behind me lay my body and at that moment, I realized I had died. |
One day Lord Shiva, disguised as a Sivanadiyar (Devotee of Siva) came to the temple and struck conversation with the priest. After some time, both the priest and Lord Siva started to discuss on the origins of the temple. The priest replied that the temple is eons old and the land on which the temple is, belongs to a wealthy landlord and he (the priest) takes care of the temple. Hearing this the Sivanadiyar (Lord Siva) laughs and claims that the land belongs to him. The priest, knowing that the land belongs to the landlord, starts questioning the motives of the Sivanadiyar (Lord Siva). To prove that he is the owner of the land, the Sivanadiyar (Lord Siva) grants the priest to take how much ever land he wants for the temple. Again not believing the Sivanadiyar, the priest asks the Sivandiyar (Lord Siva) if the land really belongs to you then you must be in a position to clearly specify on how much land should I take. To this the Sivanadiyar replies that the priest can take how much ever he wants. The priest after thinking for a moment tells the Sivanadiyar that a conch shall be blown & all the land covered by the conch sound would automatically become part of the temple. The Lord agrees to the priests' condition and offers to blow the conch. The priest not believing the Lord (thinking that the Sivanadiyar might blow weakly), offers to blow the conch himself. Then he blows the conch and the sound travels to a mountain on the north and a small hill on the south. After blowing the priest looks at the Sivandiyar and at that moment the Sivanadiyar vanishes and the Lord appears. Then the Lord blesses the priest and says from now, all the area covered by the conch sound would belong to the temple. This is the origin of the Sathuragiri. |
*Historically Interesting & Shocking at the same time.....* Ask any average educated Indian to name the kings of Mughal period (ONLY 250 years). 99 out of 100 will name them in the sequence - Babar, Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb. . Now, ask them to name the kings of the dynasties which ruled India for much larger period of time and during whose period(s) India was the "golden bird" and most prosperous country in the world. For instance : Mauryas (ruled for 550 years), Satavahanas (ruled for 500 years), Guptas (ruled for 400 years), Pandyas (ruled for 800 years), Cholas (ruled for 1000 years), Pallavas (ruled for 600 years), Chalukyas (ruled for 600 years), Ahom Dynasty of Northeast (ruled for 650 years). Alupa Dynasty Mangalore ( ruled for 1000 years). In these cases, may be 1 out of 99 (or not even that) can tell you the name of 3 glorious kings from each dynasty.... Forget telling the name of entire list of kings in chronological order. Then, people ask me why do I say our historians have selectively hidden, destroyed and buried the part of history which doesn't suit the narrative. I still remember while there was one chapter on each of these dynasties in class 6 history book, the entire class 7 history book consisted only of Mughals and had one chapter on each of the Mughals from Babar to Aurangzeb - sometimes even multiple chapters on just one Mughal king, all glorifying them. This is how Indian history has been selectively destroyed in the name of "secularism" by agenda-driven and corrupt Marxist Historians like Irfan Habib, Romila Thapar and the likes of other Islamo-Marxist historians. Earlier, British had virtually obliterated our own real golden history. For an average person (not pursuing college degree in history), the Indian history revolves around glorifying the Mughals and Gandhis. There is nothing before and nothing beyond the Mughals and Gandhis.🤭 |
Our Muslims Brothers & Sisters are not happy. I actually feel very sad for this as a human being. They’re not happy in Gaza They're not happy in Egypt They're not happy in Libya They're not happy in Morocco They're not happy in Iran They're not happy in Iraq They're not happy in Yemen They're not happy in Afghanistan They're not happy in Pakistan They're not happy in Syria They're not happy in Lebanon ************************************* Lets Find The reason Why.. So, where are they happy? They're happy in Australia They're happy in England They're happy in France They're happy in Italy They're happy in Germany They're happy in Sweden They're happy in the USA & Canada They're happy in INDIA They're happy in almost every country that is not Islamic! And who do they blame? Not Islam.. Not their leadership.. Not themselves.. THEY BLAME THE COUNTRIES THEY ARE HAPPY IN!! And they want to change the countries they're happy in, to be like the countries they came from where they were unhappy. ********************************** Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem Hindus living with Christians = No Problem Christians living with Shintos = No Problem Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem Confusians living with Bahai's = No Problem Bahai's living with Jews = No Problem Jews living with Atheists = No Problem Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem Hindus living with Bahai's = No Problem Bahai's living with Christians = No Problem Christians living with Jews = No Problem Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem Now.. Muslims living with Hindus = Problem Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem Muslims living with Christians = Problem Muslims living with Jews = Problem Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem Muslims living with Bahai's = Problem Muslims living with Shintos = Problem Muslims living with Atheists = Problem MUSLIMS LIVING WITH MUSLIMS = BIG PROBLEM ! Mind You ! : Until today no one has told you the truth that ???? There are 3 lakh mosques in India. No other country in the world has these many mosques. There are only 24 Churches in Washington. 71 Churches in London. There are 68 Churches in the city of Milan in Italy. While in Delhi alone there are 271 churches. And you call a Hindu communal. Further I have not come across an Indian Muslim opposing ISIS. But we have millions of Hindus who are opposing views of RSS. I have not seen any Muslim holding party on Holi or Diwali festivals for Hindus, but have seen Hindus holding iftar for Muslims during Ramzan. I saw Indian flags being burnt in Kashmir by Indian Muslims. But never saw an Indian Muslim burning a Pakistan flag. I have seen Hindus wearing topis and visiting Mazars. But I have neither seen nor heard an Indian Muslim applying tilak on his forehead and visiting temples. This is called Hindu tolerance and respect for other religious community. |
A hilarious tongue in cheek post about Bengali limitatios! ... Enjoy! "I've been reading the rot people have been talking about West Bengal's name change to Paschimbanga and it's time to set the record straight. There's no such thing as Paschimbanga. Just as there never was any person called Rabindranath Tagore, nor anyone called Mamata Banerjee and it certainly isn't Manas Chakravarty who's writing this column. Nope, these names are mere masks we Bongs put on when dealing with non-Bongs. The new name is actually Poshchimbongo, rhyming with Congo. The best way for non-Bongs to pronounce it is to pop a rossogolla into their mouths. The name of the bhodrolok who won the Nobel for literature is Robindronath Thakur, often called simply Robi Thakur. Poshchimbongo's chief minister is Mawmota The problem is the Bengali language lacks one of the most basic sounds, that of the short 'a'. So words like 'curd', 'murder', 'hurt' are impossible to pronounce. Curd becomes 'card' and Ashok becomes Awshok. If we want to say, 'He's a man', we say 'He's ay man'. The hip-hop phrase, 'He's da man' for a real cool guy was undoubtedly coined by a Bong. We also lack the letters 'v', 'w' and 'y', often say 'sh' instead of 's', while getting our tongues around 'z' is an ordeal. The results have spawned many Bong jokes, my favourite being: 'What do you call a Bengali wedding? A bedding'. In fact, we changed the name West Bengal simply because we couldn't pronounce West, instead calling it Oashte Bengal. These limitations have shaped Bong temperament, our culture and our entire outlook on life. For example, the reason why the political right hasn't done well in Poshchimbongo is because we have enormous trouble pronouncing the Sangh parivar. It's tortured out of recognition to become the Shongho poribar. Just think what happens to swayamsevak with the’s’ becoming 'sh', the 'w' non-existent, the 'a' becoming an 'o' and the 'v' transformed into a 'b'. Who in his right mind would ever listen to a shoiongshebok? I remember Mamata rushing to Atal Bihari Vajpayee on one occasion, shouting "Awtol-jee", "Awtol-jee", while Vajpayee looked hither and thither trying to find out who on earth "Awtol" was. Our history too has been shaped by language. While we had no problems with Gandhi, both Mohandas and Karamchand were a challenge. Jawaharlal was a real tongue-twister, becoming Jawoahawrlal, and Bengal turned to communism in despair. Another reason why Bengal is different from the national mainstream is our inability to sing 'Jana Gana Mana'- we sing 'Jawno Gawno Mawno' instead. But Sonia and Rahul are fine, although Manmohan is dicey. We all know the Bong who works is a work of fiction. You see, 'work' becomes 'oaark' in Bong. Obviously 'oaark' is not the same thing as 'work'. But we are certainly not lazy, only lajee. Bengali does, however, have one thing in common with English - inanimate objects have no gender. So a Bong has no idea whether a bus is male or female and consequently hasn't a clue whether, in Hindi, 'bus chal raha hai' or 'chal rahi hai'. The upshot is that while we may mangle the English language, when it comes to Hindi we hack it into little pieces and fry it in boiling oil. That is why one of my dreams is to hear Pronob-da make the Budget speech in Hindi. And phor all those non-Bongs who oaant to make phaan of aas, I oarn them: Beoare, oaat Poshchimbongo shays today, India uill shay tomorrow." I believe one of the main reasons the British moved the Capital of India from Calcutta to Delhi was that they couldn't bear anymore to hear the Bongs sing, *"God shave (save) the Queen! "* |
Twin girls, Brielle and Kyrie, were born 12 weeks ahead of their due date. Needing intensive care, they were placed in separate incubators. Kyrie began to gain weight and her health stabilized. But Brielle, born only 2 lbs, had trouble breathing,heart problems and other complications. She was not expected to live. Their nurse did everything she could to make Brielle’s health better, but nothing she did was helping her. With nothing else to do, their nurse went against hospital policy and decided to place both babies in the same incubator. She left the twin girls to sleep and when when she returned she found a sight she could not believe. She called all the nurses and doctors and this is what they saw. As Brielle got closer to her sister, Kyrie put her small little arm around her, as if to hug and support her sister. From that moment on, Brielle’s breathing and heart rate stabilized and her health became normal. |
HOW TO HANDLE TERRORISTS, SRI LANKAN STYLE 1. Within hours, around 25 people arrested. 2. Religion of arrested persons announced; let there be no doubt who these murderers are. 3. Names of arrested persons not announced. "We don't want them to become martyrs," says police chief. That means they are certain to be executed. 4. Island-wide dusk to dawn curfew to prevent escape. 5. Emergency declared. This means the terrorists will be tried by military court and will face the firing squad. That is if they are not first shot on sight. 6. India's cooperation obtained. Indian Coast Guard will shoot out of the water anyone trying to escape to Tamil Nadu. NOTE: Sri Lanka does not have to worry about liberal TV anchors and terrorist sympathizers condemning the government. No politicians to visit the relatives of the terrorists. No crocodiles to shed tears. No liberal lawyers waking up the courts at midnight. |
Even if we cannot be the solution, let us at least be the solace. Even if we cannot help, let us not harm. Even if we cannot solve the problem, let us not cause the problem. Even if we cannot be the accelerant, let us not be a retardant. If you can be the pain balm to the battered souls, rather than being the cause of headache, the world will come in search of you. With compassion in words and actions, help everyone to find his/her solutions and this world will belong to you. |
Fascinating Facts about Tiger’s winning part at Masters 2019. Besides being the 1st billionaire sports person: 1. Tiger Woods two second putt earned Nike an estimated $22.5 million in his first major victory in 11 years during a sensational sporting comeback at the Masters. 2. Nike ran out of stock of the Nike mock turtleneck shirt in all major golf stores in USA. 3. Nike Inc.'s stock rose 1% on Monday. 4. Bridgestone Golf sold more than $1 million worth of the Tour B XS on Sunday alone. 5. Tiger’s memorabilia ran out as collectors scrambled for his items to store value. 6. Monster Energy are estimated to have made $958,333 for being emblazoned on his bag on Sunday alone. 7. Shares of energy drink maker Monster Beverage Corp., a sponsor whose green logo appears on Woods' golf bag, gained about 2%. 8. A collector put an offer of $650K for Tiger’s $5 winning golf ball. 9. An offer was made for his putter which has been in the bag for 14 of his 15 majors and 64 of his PGA victories for $20 million. His response “I think the word’s priceless.” 10. PGA Tour Superstore, which sells golf equipment online, says sales were up over the weekend by 50% from a year ago. 11. Other golf companies that aren't connected to Woods also saw a boost. Club maker Callaway Golf Co.'s stock rose 1.5%. And Acushnet Holdings Corp., maker of golf balls and other golfing equipment, added 1.7%. 12. William Hill a sports betting outfit made biggest loss ever by paying out more $2 million on Woods victory. Tiger tsunami is here. As they say in golf business Tiger wins and everything takes of itself. Golf business is expected to grow by 20% in 2019 as he is expected to make a run on Jack’s 18 major championships. |