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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Evolution of Love Part 2 |
Drink water from the spring where horses drink. The horse will never drink bad water. Lay your bed where the cat sleeps. Eat the fruit that has been touched by a worm. Boldly pick the mushroom on which the insects sit. Plant the tree where the mole digs. Build your house where the snake coils to warm itself. Dig your fountain where the birds hide from heat. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time with the birds – you will reap all of the days golden grains. Eat more green – you will have strong legs and a resistant heart, like the beings of the forest. Swim often and you will feel on earth like the fish in water. Look at the sky as often as possible and your thoughts will become light and clear. Be quiet a lot, speak little – and silence will come in your heart, and your spirit will be calm and full of peace. Nature is talking to you, are you are you listening? |
1. “A man and a Woman are sleeping together when suddenly there is a noise in the house, and the Woman rolls over and says, "It's my husband, you have to leave!" The man jumps out of bed, jumps through the window, crawls through the bushes, and out on the street, when he realizes something. He goes back to the house and says to the woman, "Wait, I AM your husband!!!!!!! - She replies giving him a DIRTY look, "So why did you run?"……..” 2. “A man comes home, finds his wife in bed with another man, and asks, “What is this?!?” The wife turns to her lover and says, “See, I told you he was stupid !......” 3. “ Chaman sat at his dying wife's bedside. Her voice was little more than a whisper. "Chammu Darling," she breathed, "I've a confession to make before I go... I... I'm the one who took the that I Lakh from your safe. I spent it on a fling with your best friend, Nandu. And it was I who forced your mistress to leave the city. And I am the one who reported your income tax evasion to the government." "Don't give it a second thought, sweetheart. Who do you think gave you the Poison?" answered Chaman…… 4. “A man and a woman have just had their 50th wedding anniversary. The husband turns to his wife and asks, "What do you want to do to celebrate our anniversary dear?" She replies, "Let's run upstairs and make love." He turns to her and says, "Well make up your mind, we can't do both!......." 5. “On the night of their honeymoon, a newlywed couple has an unfortunate accident, resulting in the amputation of the groom's left foot. Unable to control her grief, the bride calls her mother from the hospital. "Mother," she sobs, "my husband has only one foot." The mother, trying to console her daughter, says, "That's alright dear, your father has only six inches.........” 6. “Someone asked Him , "Now that you are retired, do you still have a job?" He replied, "Yes I am my wife's sexual adviser." Somewhat shocked, they said, "I beg your pardon, but what do you mean by that?" "Very simple," he answered, "My wife has told me that when she wants my Fu*#&….ng advice, she'll ask me for it." HOW'S THAT...... |
When Mother was approached with a prayer to let us know the various stages of sadhana, She indicated four levels: (i) Concentration of intellectual powers on a focal point. It is like setting fire to dry fuel. When wet wood has been dried by the heat of fire, the flames blaze up brightly, Similarly when by the force of contemplation of the Divine, our mind is released from the mist and moisture of desires and passions it becomes light. It is a condition of mental purity which induces in certain cases a state of silent merging into a particular mood or into an excess of emotion and agitation beyond one’s power of control. All these moods emanate from one supreme existence but only in special directions. (ii) Concentration of one’s emotional powers. It brings in a state of bodily inertness, of absorption in one holy sentiment arising out of one, indivisible supra-mental state. At this level the body may be likened to a burnt charcoal with the fire apparently gone out. In this state the devotee passes hours together in a state of outer inertness; but in the core of his heart surges up an unceasing current of sublime emotion. When this state matures the sentiment draws mighty powers from the All-Soul, and just as a vessel overflows when too much water is poured into it, it spreads out over the wide world in a mighty sweep under the intense pressure of expansiveness. (iii) Fusion of the inner and outer life. This state is just like that of a burning coal. Fire pervades every atom of the inner and outer sheaths; — all are aglow with one Divine Light. The devotee lives, moves and has his being in one blissful ocean of Light. (iv) Full concentration, when the devotee loses all consciousness of duality— of the functioning of the three gunas [ trigunas] . It is like the state of coal burnt to ashes. There is no distinction of the inner and the outer, of here and there, it is a state of absorption in the Supreme, of All-Oneness. Vibrations of thought, feeling or willing vanish altogether. It resembles the perfect tranquility of a sleeping lake under a blue sky. |
I classify days As mark of joy Tribulations surround us and go Thou not fright as almighty is with us To all bads and goods My Karma will win! I know I will attain triumph My Karma will win! I know l will fulfill all My Karma will win! 10lines PROMPT: You choose the topic, but... Write a lipogram poem. A lipogram is a writing that doesn't contain a certain letter or letters. Your poem cannot contain the letter E anywhere (except in this part, which you are to post in your item). Written for "The Whatever Contest." ![]() ![]() Word/Line Count |
FACING YOUR FEARS....... 1. " There is no ILLUSION greater than fear. REMEMBER that....." 2. " Men are NOT afraid of things, But of How they VIEW Them....." 3. " To Escape fear, you Have have to Go THROUGH IT, NOT AROUND......." The BEST Way to Overcome it ; 4. " LIFT your Eyes, STRAIGHTEN your Back, let fear and pain Walk Away like the TURTLES they are........." AND YES OF COURSE ; As Beautifully explained by Dan Pearce..... 5. " Don’t you GET IT? There is NO OTHER YOU. Out of the Six and a half Billion people on Earth, NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM has had the Same Experiences in life that you have had. NONE OF THEM share the Exact same passions and struggles. None of them have LIVED YOUR LIFE. NONE OF THEM. YOU are the product OF YOU, and Nothing Else. EVERY Decision you have EVER made over your Entire Life has Led you EXACTLY to where you are Right at this moment. Simplified… You are YOU - BECAUSE OF YOU...... I AM ME BECAUSE OF ME......... And Everybody Else is Everybody Else Because of WHAT THEY DID TO GET THERE. Because of Their OWN CHOICES. Because of Their OWN PATHS...... WHAT SAY ???? 😊 |
Head of Infectious Diseases Clinic, University of Maryland, USA says: 1. We may have to live with C19 for months or years. Don't deny or panic. Don't make your life a misery. Let's learn to live with this reality. 2. You can't destroy the C19 virus that has penetrated the cell walls, by drinking liters of hot water - you'll just be going to the bathroom more often. 3. Washing your hands and maintaining a physical distance is your best method of protection. 4. If you do not have a C19 patient at home, there is no need to disinfect your home. 5. Grocery bags / plastic bags, gas stations, shopping carts and ATMs do not cause infection.Wash your hands, live your life as usual. 6. C19 is not a food infection. It is associated with infectious droplets such as flu. There is no demonstrated risk that C19 is transmitted by ordering food. 7. You can lose your sense of smell by using a lot of anti-allergies and viral infections. These are only non-specific symptoms of C19. 8. Once you get home, you don't need to change clothes immediately and take a shower! Cleanliness is a virtue but not paranoia! 9. The C19 virus does not fly through the air. This is a respiratory drop infection that requires close contact. 10.The air is clean, you can walk to parks and public places (just keep your physical distance for protection) 11. Just use regular soap against C19, no need for anti-bacterial soap. These are viruses, not bacteria. 12. You don't have to worry about your food orders. But you can heat everything in the microwave, if you want. 13. The possibility of bringing the C19 home in your shoes is like being struck by lightning twice a day. I've worked against viruses for 20 years - drop infections don't spread like that! 14. You can't be protected from viruses by consuming vinegar, sugarcane juice and ginger! It's just for immunity not medicine. 15. Wearing a mask for a long time interferes with your breathing and oxygen levels. Wear it only in crowded places. 16. Wearing gloves is also a bad idea; the virus can accumulate in gloves and is easily transmitted if you touch your face. Better to just wash your hands regularly. 17. Immune system gets very weak by always living in a sterile environment. Even if we are taking immune-boosting supplements / medicines, please regularly leave your house to the park / beach or anywhere else. *Immunity is increased by EXPOSURE TO PATHOGENS, _not_ by sitting at home and consuming fried/spicy/sweet foods & fizzy drinks.* Original article:- https://theazb.com/we-will-live-with-covid19-for-months-lets-not-deny-it-o nor-panic- dr-faheem-younus / *Very good article, must be read by everyone.* |
*A MUST READ ARTICLE* When we are old, our feet must always remain strong. When we gain ageing / grow aged, we should not be afraid of hair turning grey (or) his skin sagging (or) wrinkles. Among the signs of *longevity,* as summarized by the US Magazine "Prevention", *strong leg muscles* are listed on the top, as *the most important and essential one.* _Do not move your legs for two weeks & your leg strength will decrease by 10 years._ A study from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark found that both old and young, during the two weeks of *inactivity,* _the legs muscle strength got weakened by a third_ which is *equivalent to 20-30 years of ageing.* As our leg muscles weaken, it will take a long time to recover, even if we do _rehabilitation exercises,_ later. *Therefore, regular exercise like walking, is very important.* The whole body weight/load remain on legs. The foot is a kind of *pillars,* bearing the weight of the human body. Interestingly, 50% of a person's bones and 50% of the muscles, are in the two legs. The largest and strongest joints and bones of the human body are also in the legs. "Strong bones, strong muscles, and flexible joints form the "Iron Triangle" that carries the most important load on the human body." 70% of human activity and burning of energy in one's life, is done by the two feet. Do you know this? When a person is young, his *thighs have enough strengths, to lift a small car!* The foot is the *center of body locomotion.* Both the legs together have 50% of the nerves of the human body, 50% of the blood vessels and 50% of the blood flowing through them. It is the large circulatory network that connects the body. Only when the feet are healthy then the *convention current of blood* flows, smoothly, so people who have strong leg muscles will definitely have a *strong heart.* 3. Aging starts from the feet upwards. As a person gets older, the accuracy and speed of transmission of instructions between the brain and the _legs decreases,_ unlike when a person is young. In addition, the so-called *Bone Fertilizer Calcium* will sooner or later be lost with the passage of time, making the elderly more prone to bone fractures. _Fractures in the elderly easily *triggers* series of complications, especially fatal diseases such as brain thrombosis._ *Do you know that 15% of elderly patients will die within a year of a thigh-bone fracture.* *Exercising the legs, is never too late, even after the age of 60 years.* Although our feet will gradually age with time, exercising our feet is a life-long task. Only by strengthening the legs, *one can prevent further aging.* Please walk for *at least 30-40 minutes,* daily to ensure that your legs receive sufficient exercise and to ensure that your leg muscles remain healthy.* |
⛩ 🥃Glenfiddich is the world's best-selling single malt 🥃Johnnie Walker Red Label is the world's best-selling Scotch. 🥃The Famous Grouse is the best-selling whisky in Scotland 🥃Glenmorangie is the best-selling single malt in Scotland. 🥃The world's fastest growing Scotch today is Black Dog. India is a major contributor to its sales. 🥃The five most popular single malts globally are Glenfiddich, The Glenlivet, Glenmorangie Original, Aberlour and Laphroaig 🥃Bruichladdich’s The Octomore is the most heavily peated whisky in the world (167ppm) 🥃The three oldest single malts currently sold are Glenturret, Oban and Glenlivet 🥃The oldest distillery in Scotland is Glenturret (1775), followed by Bowmore (1779) 🥃With each bottle of Laphroaig that you buy, you are entitled to a lifetime lease of one sq foot of the distillery’s land, along with a personalized certificate of ownership 🥃Cadenhead’s Whisky Shop on Canongate, has a unique selling point: customers can have a bottle poured straight from a cask and labeled with their name. When sealed it has a label with the ‘born on date’, as whisky stops aging as soon as it leaves the wooden barrel, so each bottle is a unique blend. 🥃Edradour is the smallest distillery in Scotland. The entire operation is run by just three people 🥃The Glenmorangie distillery is one of the smallest in the Highlands and employs just sixteen craftsmen, called ‘The Sixteen Men of Tain’ 🥃The most expensive country in which to buy Scotch, ironically, is the UK, where it is made 🥃In the UK, its home country, the five most popular blended Scotch whiskies are The Famous Grouse, William Grant’s, Bell’s, Teacher’s and J&B Rare. Note: Johnnie Walker does not feature in the list of best-selling blends in its home country. 🥃A closed bottle of Scotch can be kept for 100 years and still be good to drink. After opening, a bottle of Scotch whisky will remain good for five years. 🥃The Australian Wine Research Institute has introduced a measure called a standard drink. In Australia, a standard drink contains 10 g (12.67 ml) of alcohol, the amount that an average adult male can metabolize in one hour. 🥃Although their proof differs, standard drinks of beer, wine and spirits contain the same amount of alcohol – 0.6 ounces each. They’re all the same to a breath analyser. 🥃18,000 litres of Scotch whisky worth over $800,000 were accidentally flushed down the drain at Chivas Brothers’ Dumbarton bottling plant in 2013. 🥃Experts advise you to drink single malt with just a dash of water. The water supposedly ‘releases the serpent’ from the whisky 🥃If there is a serpent, there is also an angel. As it ages, 2-2.5 % of the whisky maturing in a barrel is lost to evaporation every year. Distillers refer to this as the ‘angel’s share’. 🥃There is also a devil. The whisky absorbed by the wood of barrel during maturation is known as the 'devil's cut’ 🥃Indian 'whisky' is technically flavoured rum, because it's essentially made from sugar 🥃General Knowledge for all Whisky Lovers.... |
1. " You Don't Love someone Because they're Perfect, you LOVE them IN SPITE of the fact that They're NOT......" 2. " Love NEVER dies a natural death. It dies Because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings........" 3. " Love is Patient, Love is Kind. It DOES NOT Envy, it Does Not Boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but Rejoices with the truth. It ALWAYS protects, Always trusts, Always hopes, Always perseveres......" 4. " Love Does NOT consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward TOGETHER in the same direction....." And What/ Who is a SOUL MATE? - Very well explained by Elizabeth Gilbert..... 5. " People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. ... A true soul mate is probably the MOST IMPORTANT person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Deos NOT Happen. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then LEAVE. ..... A soul mate's purpose is to Shake you up, TEAR APART YOUR EGO a little bit, Show you your obstacles and addictions, BREAK Your Heart Open So New LIGHT can Get in, Make you so Desperate and out of control that you have to TRANSFORM your Life, THEN Introduce You to Your Spiritual Master..." - Elizabeth Gilbert. SO SO TRUE....... |
I am thankful for: 1 God, and his mysterious ways 2.My dad 3.My cousin sister 4.My writing the existence of writing at all. 5.Chocolate 6.Strawberries 7.Pizza 8.Foil pans for cooking Thanksgiving dinner. 9.Board games, especially Lord of the Rings Monopoply 10.Alarm clocks, and the alarm app on my phone- no really they help me sleep, if they didn't exist I wouldn't sleep for fear of oversleeping. 11.Electricity 12.Running water, even if it tastes bad 13.Doorknobs, how would you open a door without them? 14.Doors, what would you slam if they didn't exist? 15.Writing.com 16.My friends online 17.My friends offline 18. "The Contest Challenge" - it motivates me to write at least a little every month. 19.The promptly poetry challenge- same reason only it is weekly 20.Automobiles, trucks and such. 21.Masks 22.Tissues 23.Sore throat lozenges 24.Email 25.Messenger 26.Texting 27.Google 28.Pillows 29.Blankets 30.Slippers 31.Shoes 32.Clothing 33.Hairs. 34.Haircare products 35.Computer mouses 36.The pen 37.Pencils |