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Poetry Wrote Over Several Years on Spiritual, Religious, and Devotional Subjects. |
Devotional Poetry My Search I Into the mystic realm, I let my mind take flight, Over stone strewn highways, I search the endless night. I was the Wanderer, Looking for a goal, And the Seeker, Searching for my soul. I walked the roads of idle fancy, Paths of material delight, Stumbling over stones of vain imaginings, In my search for the light. A voice deep within me cried: "Here doesn't lay your goal, Upon these darkened pathways, You'll never find your sou." II Into the mystic realm, Again my mind took flight, Over well traveled highways, I search the misty twilight. I was a Seeer, Seeking an unknown goal, And a Stranger, To my own soul. In this realm of half-light, I strolled the roads of tradition, Picking my way carefully, Through the shadows of superstition. Still from within came the cry: "Not in this realm is your goal, Upon these half-lit pathways, You'll never find your soul" III Into the mystic realm, Again I took flight, And walked the paths, Where God has shed His light. I walked the hallowed highways, Trod by the Prophets of old, Strolled the ancient paths, Strewn with nuggets of pure gold. This is the wondrous realm, Where all paths become one, This is the glorious land, Illuminated by God's sun. Through the Word of God, I have found my soul, In the Messenger for this age, I have found my goal. Poet's Note: ▼ |
Sweet Hour of Prayer November 11, 2023 at 9:41pm Sweet Hour of Prayer:
Inspired by a song of the same name
S alvation comes in the quiet hours
W hen we withdraw from the rat race of stress
E ncountered in our quest for survival.
E ach moment we spend alone with the Lord
T astes like pure sweet dark chocolate.
H ope is reborn in the tranquil hours
O ur souls are in communion with God.
U pon rising each morning spend time
R eading and meditating on God's word.
O ne hour of prayer and meditation
F ortifies your... [Read more] Love's Sacrifice August 21, 2023 at 2:15pm Love's Sacrifice
Faith assured us that our nascent lungs were there,
So love propelled us onto the silent beach,
Where we tried to breath through gills unfit for air,
And lay dying in the sand beyond the high tides reach.
Love's sacrifice was not forgotten,
Our painful deaths were not in vain,
Our decomposing bodies, rotten
Fed the soil plants to sustain.
Again love pushed us onto the beach,
There faith encouraged our lungs to breath,
A new life was within our reach... [Read more] Love's Riddle August 9, 2023 at 2:07pm Love's Riddle
I am the mystery
of God's sacred dispensation.
I am the manifestation
of the mercy of God.
I am the source
of spirituality.
I am the light
of heaven.
I am the breath
if the Holy Spirit
energizing the human soul.
I am the source
of Divine revelation.
I am the living link
intrinsic in reality.
I am the formula guaranteeing
joy in all the worlds of God.
I am the illumination
in darkness.
I am the organic connection
between God and h... [Read more] Tributes July 8, 2023 at 4:40pm
The Artist in Paradise:
To Francis L. Vonsturm
Soul is his brush,
light is his paint,
and his canvas in God's Kingdom
the mansions of paradise.
Mansion he transforms
from gold's boring monotone
into rainbow portraits of light.
... [Read more] Phoenix of Paradise April 2, 2022 at 6:12pm Phoenix of Paradise
People of Baha!
In the citadels of your hearts,
ignite the flame of Divine splendor.
In the blaze of faith,
consume your vain imaginations.
In the fire of love,
burn your veils of heedlessness
and idle fancies.
Ascend phoenix-like into paradise!
Children of Jalal!
On the tablets of your spirits,
with the crimson ink of glory,
write the sacred trust of God.
In the scarlet ink of actions,
pen the essence of your souls.
In the ruby ink of love,
inscribe t... [Read more] The Perfect Mother April 2, 2022 at 11:26am The Perfect Mother
Her voice is the sweet melody descending from heaven;
Angelic choirs sing her praise;
Peace and love surround her children;
Paradise is the home she creates through
Years of uncomplaining sacrifice.
Merry voices can be heard in heaven,
Odes to her many virtues singing.
There is no one else in the universe that can rival
Her beauty, graces, and wisdom.
Each of her children know they are loved for themselves alone.
Rare is the day that she does not make a willi... [Read more] Lines for Spiritual Poems April 27, 2022 at 6:53pm
He has come again,
Concealed in cloud of glory.
Eyes closed in meditation,
I intone the affirmation:
"O Thou Glory of the All-Glorious!"
"O Exalted of the Most Exalted One!"
In this day true safety
comes through obedience to God's laws.
To believe in Baha'u'llah,
is to submit to the will of God;
to accept His laws and commands,
to be faithful to the Covenant of Christ.
A new star blooms
in the believe... [Read more] There Is Silence January 10, 2022 at 10:33pm There Is Silence
There is silence in the lines of a poem,
as they dance down the page,
as they pause between curtains of white space,
as they give the brain an opportunity,
to listen to the echoes of creation.
There is silence in the smoke of distant fires,
as it ascends in charcoal layers,
as it drapes the western mountains in black,
as it gives the soul an opportunity,
to listen to the echoes of transformation.
There is silence in the words of a prayer,
as they ascend in c... [Read more] The Handmaiden's Prayer January 9, 2022 at 4:13pm The Handmaiden's Prayer
from the depths of my insistent self
you called me forth.
Assist me
to be steadfast in Your covenant
and firm in Your cause.
out of my own vain imaginings
You rescued me.
Thank You,
for guiding me to Your ancient faith
and Your forgiveness.
{dropnote:"Poet's Note:"}I wrote this sometime in 156 B.E.
... [Read more] The Poetry of Transformation January 2, 2022 at 4:12pm The Poetry of Transformation
This is the poetry of transformation,
the poet ry of divine love:
the common ancestor of all living things.
Atom by atom God transforms
nonexistence into existence;
nonbeing into being;
nonlife int o life.
And day by day,
prayer by prayer,
poem by poem,
I in response to the divine passion
strive for perfection;
for self-transformation.
{dropnote:"Poet's Note:"}I begin this poem sometime in dd156 B.E.
... [Read more] Death's Memorial Service December 31, 2021 at 6:15pm Death's Memorial Service
In the last days--
Before God and all His angels;
Before a new heaven and a new Earth--
A new race,
A new humanity
Came to bury death;
Came to inter the Grim Reaper
In a gold sarcophagus
In the heart of a granite sepulcher.
Satan and his angels came
To mourn their concubine;
To mourn their paramour.
God's and His messengers came
to eulogize death--
Christ proclaimed:
"There shall be no more death!" {footnote:#}Revelation 21:4 --... [Read more] Remembering My Spirit December 29, 2021 at 5:46pm Remembering My Spirit
In the light of dawn,
I chant God's Most Great Name
And intone His sacred scriptures.
This is my spirit's tenure,
My soul's echoed joy:
Communion with my Beloved.
In morning's tactile silence,m
My Lord's arms embrace,
All that I was, am, and will be.
In the light of love,
I surrender to God's will,
To my soul's spiritual reality .
In the light of noon,
My actions intone my thoughts,
Reflect divine attrib... [Read more] Feast of Ala (Loftiness) January 9, 2022 at 3:44pm Feast of Ala (Loftiness)
Like a flame,
consuming scented wax,
we intone sacred scriptures
releasing the perfume of glory.
Like sage smoke,
in the early dawn,
we chant prayer
expressing the Creator's loftiness.
... [Read more] Feast of Mulk (Dominion) December 5, 2021 at 6:09pm Feast of Mulk (Dominion)
The echoes of divine word reverberates
across the universe,
proclaiming to all the realms of creation
the dominion and sovereignty of God.
The voice of God's messengers reverberate
across the planet,
proclaiming to humanity
the descent of the Kingdom of God.
... [Read more] Feast of Mashiyyat (Will) January 9, 2022 at 4:25pm Feast of Mashiyyat (Will)
Our words echo the candle's sacrifice
that drop by drop
submits to the will of God.
Our purpose is to celebrate
the Lord's Super
and praise the Glorious Lord.
In this new and wonderful age,
the primal will
is to bring humanity together
as a single species.
... [Read more] Feast of Kamal (Perfection) November 26, 2021 at 5:39pm Feast of Kamal (Perfection)
I hear the nightingale singing
in the All-Highest Paradise,
the excellence of his song reverberating
through the open gate
and into the world of mater.
I inhale the perfume of perfection
wafting from the tree of life
and across the garden
to the table that has been prepared
by the hand of All Glorious Lord.
I raise my voice in praise,
as I watch humanity--
its maturity achieved--
approach the entrance
to the Kingdom of God.
... [Read more] Feast of Rahmat (Mercy) November 25, 2021 at 8:34pm Feast of Rahmat (Mercy)
I walk through the garden of paradise,
inhaling the fragrance of grace
from the hyacinths of loving kindness.
Before me stands the table of mercy,
arrayed with the fruits of the tree of life
and the wine of immortality.
I sing praises to the Lord of Host{footnote:#}One of Baha'u'llah's titles.
for the blessing of being born
in the Day of God.
I give thanks for the favor
of celebrating the Lords Supper
with the Glory of God{footnote:#}Th... [Read more] Poem written In Response to Meditation April 16, 2022 at 2:05pm 1
True Knowledge
"True knowledge is power
To dispel fear and give wings to thought"
Author Unknown
True knowledge empowers the seeker to search for God,
and to accept His Manifestation
as the intermediary between God and humanity.
True knowledge empowers the believer to soar
into the heaven of divine unity
and bestows life in all the Worlds of God.
Trues knowledge gives the lovers of God strength
to obey the will of the Omnipotent Lord
and seek protections from ... [Read more] Interfaith Forums January 31, 2021 at 8:59pm Interfaith Forums
We all agree to disagree,
our differences are few:
a name,
a language,
a religion,
a tone of skin,
or a boundary line.
The name by which we call God
doesn't matter,
because each reflects a divine attribute.
Our religions are chapters
in the book of God,
that hasn't reached the final chapter.
Humanity's similarities
are in our genes:
we are one race.
... [Read more] A Month of Daily Prayer and Gratitude January 30, 2021 at 5:28pm A Month of Daily Affirmations
I seek your assistance
in finding the splendour of God.
without God's love
I couldn't see the glory
of your revelation.
I need your help
to see the humanity's beauty.
thank you for revealing
the grandeur
of the path of righteousness.
without your... [Read more] Epiphanies (19) March 7, 2022 at 9:07pm 1
Journal Entries
I leave behind
tiny scarlet footprints
on the tear stained murals of my fears.
Poetry is Immortal
Poetry isn't dead;
it can't die
as long as humanity lives.
Poetry sleeps
waiting for the race to be reborn.
Baha'i Gospel Choir
One spirit they raise
their voices in praise
proclaiming the Glory of God.
Justifiable Sins
Justifiable sins
are committed
in the wee hours of the night
when loneliness consumes
inhibitions.... [Read more] Flowers of Love January 17, 2021 at 3:24pm The Martyrs Rose:
Dedicated to Those Who Gave their Lives
for The Bab and Baha'u'llah
The Martyrs Rose blooms in the Abha Paradise,
its scarlet tipped petals
tinged red with the blood of God's lovers.
Remembering faith's sacrifice
red edged cream petals
glisten in the light
of a new day.
Martyrs in the path of faith
and in the Cause of God,
they ascended into the garden of paradise.
Those who were left behind
must live each day
sacrificing self for the Be... [Read more] Memorial Service: To Ali Akbar Furutan January 16, 2021 at 7:00pm Memorial Service:
To Ali Akbar Furutan
The lover died
serving the Cause of the Beloved,
serving humanity,
and scattering the seeds of unity
Scarlet edged blossoms--
their dual toned petals open to the night,
and their sacred scents warming autumn's chill--
share the water of life
with apricot tinged gladiolus
and green leaf filler
stand in crystal vase
that is setting on a baby grand.
A picture of the ascended
smiles at us from the stage;
on each side of the enlarged ... [Read more] Rejoice in the Bounty of the Lord January 16, 2021 at 6:27pm Rejoice in the Bounty of the Lord
Rejoice in the fruits of God's new creation,
Spread out for humanity,
On the table of God's latest revelation,
The fruits of peace and unity.
Rejoice because a new garden grows in paradise,
Planted by the lamb of sacrifice,
Nourished by the water flowing from God's throne,
And overshadowed by the Tree of Life.
{dropnote:"Poet's Note:"}This poem was written in 152 B.E.
... [Read more] Echoes of Creation January 14, 2021 at 7:55pm Echoes of Creation
I sing of silence;
of the unformed silence before the Word was spoken;
before its letters were combined
and linked
inseparately to the deed.
This is the song of precreation,
of unformed, unchaotic, inexpressive, lonely nonexistence.
This is the soul rending silence
that preceded the primordial atom;
that preceded God's spoken invocation,
which generated creation's melody.
the uncreated, the unknowable, the preexistent--
pondered the... [