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I'm a writer, nurse and conservative just going about my day. |
This is day one of my blog. I've always wanted to write. As a kid I loved to read comic books and a lot of my writing was about super-heroes. My problem then and now was that I never finished anything. I take that back. I did write a book this year during one of the monthly write-a-book in a month. It was about a Confederate superhero. It was set in the future after China attacked the US taking Alaska and the west coast. The US was hurting for money and Texas had plenty of it. Texas bought it's way out of the union and started purchasing the other southern states. In the process Texas had invented nanites that could be controlled by a few people. Controlling nanites was not easy. The easy part was injecting them into a person's bloodstream. After that it was all down hill. Nanites are very intelligent and will not simply do as they are told. You have to convince them to do what you want. Most died in the attempt but a few people survived and they became supermen. One of these supermen was able to use the nanites to create the ability to travel back in time. Controlling time travel was easy as long as it was no more than a few days into the past. One day a super powered villain showed up and the time traveling superman accidentally traveled too far into the past due to a massive explosion. He found himself at the start of the American Civil War. I wrote it in pantzer mode of course and so the book was horrible although I still like the idea. I would like to go back someday and fix that book but at the same time I want to move forward. A goal that I have for myself for 2016 is to write a book-a-month for twelve months. I think I can do that because if I'm not doing that I'm just playing video games or watching TV. At the moment I'm working on a book about an American liberal that accidentally travels 100 years into the future. It should be heaven for him because the liberals have had free reign for most of that time and conservative thought and actions are actually illegal. Would a liberal from 2015 be happy with American liberalism in 2115? I'm doing just 1,000 words a day on that one and I plan to finish it by the end of October. For the November I plan to participate in the Nanowrimo. I'm planning on using the October Nanowrimo Prep Challenge to get me ready for that. Other than that I plan to visit this site every day and blog here and do whatever I can to motivate myself to write more and more. I'm looking forward to participating in the contests. Hope I win one...someday. |
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