Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2050986-Marys-Golden-Moments/day/3-9-2020
Rated: E · Book · Contest · #2050986
Blog Challenge And Other Tidbits
An opinion or two...or three or four...
March 9, 2020 at 11:24am
March 9, 2020 at 11:24am
PROMPT March 9th

What is your first memory of being really excited?

I come from a large family. A good Polish Catholic family. Six of us kids. And we're spread out in age. There were 19 years between my oldest brother and my youngest brother. Actually, my parents always said they had two families. There were the four older ones. Then nine years passed before my younger brother and I made our entrances. I mention this because my earliest memories about being excited center around my oldest brother, Jimmy.

Jimmy spent his whole life in the medical profession. He worked some crazy long hours at the hospital. Sometimes he would work double shifts. Sometimes he wouldn't even come home. He'd just stay at the hospital.

The holidays always seemed to be the busiest for him. Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. Especially Christmas. Not sure why that was, but for some reason Christmas was the busiest.

Now Christmas was a really big deal in my house. Decorations, lights, stockings, surprises tucked everywhere. It was a REALLY big deal. And my parents insisted that we share a special meal on Christmas Eve, then open packages together, and finally attend midnight mass together. It was always special and beautiful.

Because we had to do it all together that meant we had to wait for Jimmy. Patiently, mind you. That was the hardest part. Seeing all the packages and surprises and all the wonderful stuff made it sooooo very hard to wait. But wait we did. My younger brother, Johnny, and I would sit in the front room staring out the big picture window searching the darkness for Jimmy.

It was probably the hardest thing we ever did. Waiting. But when we saw the headlights of Jimmy's little 240 Z come around the corner excitement took over! It was nearly pandemonium with the shouts and cheers and all the jumping around. All of us would gather around him as he came through the door and we practically pushed him inside so we could get the festivities under way.

All that waiting made the excitement build. And that's what made it special.

So for me, each and every Christmas is filled with excitement. And I have my dearest Jimmy to thank for that.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2050986-Marys-Golden-Moments/day/3-9-2020