Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2050986-Marys-Golden-Moments/day/3-28-2020
Rated: E · Book · Contest · #2050986
Blog Challenge And Other Tidbits
An opinion or two...or three or four...
March 28, 2020 at 12:53pm
March 28, 2020 at 12:53pm
PROMPT March 28th

Write about something positive. What is something good that’s happened in your world recently? Share a smile, share a laugh, share a success.

Spouse is a man of certain likes. He likes what he likes and he loves what he loves. A couple of years ago he fell absolutely in love with something quite unexpected. We were at the grocery store and I asked him to get some butter while I picked up fruit, vegetables, olives and mayo. You know, the ordinary everyday stuff. He took off to examine the dairy case and shortly thereafter he came skipping back to our cart with his prize. Yes, he was practically skipping. Goofball. Anyway he held up his prize and pointed to it with a huge smile on his face. "Look! Just look what I found!" I peered at the little blocks in his hand. Kerry Gold Butter. Irish butter. I shrugged and agreed to try it. Well...it was delicious and Spouse fell absolutely in love with Kerry Gold Butter. Now it's all he brings home. Refuses to eat anything else.

I'm on board with the Kerry Gold and I don't mind spending a little extra for it. But lately, it's hard to find. In fact, a lot of grocery items have been hard to find during this pandemic. Supplies and other food items just haven't made it to the shelves. And Spouse is so sad about that. He's been searching for his beloved Kerry Gold and hasn't found any. He practically cries as the current block shrinks in size. He just can't believe he'll run out of Kerry Gold and have to eat domestic butter again. For shame! What is the world coming to? How could he possible exist with Kerry Gold? Yes, he can be a drama queen sometimes.

But there's hope! Costco has started opening an hour early for seniors on Tuesdays and Thursdays. That made Spouse so happy! He could shop early and get his beloved butter! So...on Wednesday evening he set his alarm, which he hasn't done in a year since he retired. He fell asleep with a smile on his face. And when the alarm rang on Thursday morning he jumped out of bed, which he never does, and jumped in the car, headed for Costco.

Well...he came home dejected...no Kerry Gold in sight. I really felt bad for him. But I also laughed because I don't think it's so bad to enjoy a little bit of domestic butter. But he was pouting. Pouting! Over butter! Oh for crying out loud.

But that all changed last night. Our door bell rang late in the evening. Not a great sign since people don't usually come to our door so late. We thought something was wrong or someone needed help. Spouse opened the door and there on the mat was a little package wrapped up with a bow. He brought the package in and started laughing and a HUGE smile crossed his face. His eyes lit up and even twinkled as he showed me the package. Two blocks of Kerry Gold! Yes, a good friend dropped of two blocks of his beloved butter. What an amazing friend!

Spouse was so happy. For him, it was probably the greatest thing that happened this past week. It's funny because today when he opened the fridge and saw his Kerry Gold he sighed a happy sigh. For him the world is a little bit better. Better with butter. Kerry Gold that is.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2050986-Marys-Golden-Moments/day/3-28-2020