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Blog Challenge And Other Tidbits
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July 10, 2020 at 10:07am
July 10, 2020 at 10:07am
PROMPT July 10th

Go somewhere outside or where you can observe the happenings of the world beyond the walls of your home (looking out a window is fine). Spend at least five minutes watching and listening. What do you see, hear, and smell? Where does your mind wander when you sit quietly?

This moment, this one moment when everything around is quiet and the air is cool, yes, this one moment is my favorite time of day. Each day I wake just before dawn when the sky is still a mysterious blue. And today is no different.

I stepped outside with my usual mug of coffee - light, no sugar - and stood just under the eaves, letting the air cool my mood and comfort my soul. The usual suspects are there in the yard. The lemon tree with it's armful of precious little nubs that will one day grow yellow and fat with juice. I have my eye on two or three slated for a lemon meringue pie. And next to that, standing proud and strong is the blood orange tree. Little green rounds hang from its arms and the boughs bend just a little as if they are straining to support the heavy load. Last year we had no blood oranges, but this year...this year will be magnificent.

The bird bath, waiting expectantly for its first guest, sits just under the plum tree with its crimson red leaves and horrible little fruit. The tree is beautiful and provides much needed shade, but it was supposed to be fruitless, and now it throws down wretched little plums that only stain the patio and make a huge squishy mess.

And there...there is the spot where the avocado tree recently stood. Such a lovely tree, but it's found a new home. Sad, really. We are preparing our house to sell, and the realtor said the tree must go. It blocked the view and stood in the way. And not only the avocado tree, there are plenty more that also must go. The cactus, the aloe, the lenten rose, and even the azalea tree.

The light breaks and the sky is full of heat. The moment has passed and now it's time to return to the duties of the day. But as I close the door and look back into the yard I wonder...I wonder who will love this yard when it's no longer mine.
July 9, 2020 at 10:38am
July 9, 2020 at 10:38am
PROMPT July 9th

Write about the last time you did something nice for yourself.

Collin squinted into a small grimy mirror and struggled to see his reflection. Like everything Collin owned, he was forced to rub a clean spot in the center just so he could see. He held the mirror close to his face and squinted some more. Three curly hairs stuck out from his chin. They were gray and course and they just had to go. And with tweezers in hand he plucked each one out with a violent twist. He rubbed the spot where he plucked, and satisfied with his work, he set the mirror down.

Then he held out his hands, palms down and nails facing up. Like the mirror, they were grimy and yellow and cracked. There was dirt under his nails and in the cracks of his hands. The skin was so dry it flaked off in clumps. Collin sneered at his hands. Snowflake he wasn't, but he seriously could use a manicure. Just to clean things up. Make them look soft. Surprisingly after 400 years they still looked pretty good, even if Collin said so himself. But what would it cost? And who in the blazes would touch his gnarly little hands? He tapped his chin and decided he'd have to think more on that.

And while he was at it he surveyed his toes. Now those were some toes that REALLY needed some care! Even Collin had to admit they were the nastiest toes in the land. But once again, what would it cost? And who in the blazes would touch his frightening, scaly toes? He tapped his chin again and decided he'd have to think more on that.

And think he did. He thought. What would it cost?

He thought some more. Who in the blazes would do it?

He scowled as he thought. When exactly was the last time he'd done anything for himself?

He scowled some more. Did he even deserve to do something for himself?

Funny that Collin would even consider whether he deserved some special treatment. Because Collin was stingy and he did everything for himself. It shouldn't make sense but to Collin it did.

Collin picked up the mirror and rubbed it again. He gazed into the center where his reflection looked back. He puckered his lips and blew out a breath. Yes, he would spend precious coins on himself. A...what did the humans call it? Oh that was it! A mani/pedi. Yes, that's exactly what he needed. And exactly what he'd get.

So he stuffed some coins in his pocket and flew out the door. He was worth it he knew. He deserved it he said. And Collin was happy, because a treat for himself was a treat indeed. And Collin deserved a treat. At least that's what he said.
July 8, 2020 at 11:01am
July 8, 2020 at 11:01am
PROMPT July 8th

What historical events, besides your own birth, occurred on your birthday in the year you were born?

Great prompt for today, even though I will be forced to give away my birthday. But no matter, I'm as young as I feel, right? So I'm good with that. But Collin? Not so much.

He just scowled at me when I asked him about his birthday. The only thing he told me was, "There be plenty of war happenin' around that time. Knuckleheads, all them leaders! And that crazy King Louis...let me see...Louis the...14th...yes, I believe it was Louis the 14th decided he'd rather live at Versailles. Of all places! An' he moved all them people! You may not know this, but me mum was one of 'em." He harrumphed right then and turned away as Collin so often does. So that's all you'll get from Collin. King Louis XIV moved to Versailles. Not much. But I guess it was hard to keep records then.

For me it's a different story. I know it was a Friday and it was hot. Well, that shouldn't be news...of course it was hot. It's June!

Music of the day: "Cathy's Clown" by the Everly Brothers was on top of the charts. I don't believe I've ever heard that song. I'll make a note to go find it and give it a listen.

TV shows of the day: "The Twilight Zone". Growing up, this show terrified me. I found some reruns on hulu and laughed because they were so corny and melodramatic. Guess I was pretty impressionable as a kid.

Movies of the day: "The Apartment" won best picture. Funny that I watched this movie for the first time not too long ago. Oh, the things people do during COVID-19. No new movies means you're left with the classics of long ago.

Books of the day: One of the top 10 books was "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test". This seems so crazy to me! Apparently it's all about LSD and social liberation. Looks like it's more of a diary of some "spaced-out" adventures the author chronicled. Sad to say, this is a book I probably won't read.

Top toy: The Troll Doll. Well, this I get...growing up I loved all my troll dolls.

Looking back on all this craziness makes me think that 1960 was a year spent in the twilight zone. Much like the year 2020. My, my, my, history has a way of repeating itself. *Wink*

July 7, 2020 at 10:45am
July 7, 2020 at 10:45am
PROMPT July 7th

What do you do when you are out of inspiration or ideas?

Inspiration...new and creative ideas...that feeling you get when the world seems right and the stars are aligned and the angels are singing in heaven. It's that thing that makes your brain turn on and speed through ideas like it's a race. It's the thing that refuses to match the speed of your typing or writing. It can make your wrist hurt and your fingers numb.

Inspiration is both elusive and illusive at the same time. It can make me cry and make me shout for joy. But those feelings don't come equally. Elusive is more my path. The brain cells just don't want to work. In fact, there have been times when they've been on strike. I like to think of them as looking for a raise. Well, I've got news for them...

Anyway, I'm thrilled when inspiration strikes. Like when Collin gives me an idea. It's all I can do to run with it. In fact, I asked his opinion just today. But Collin being Collin, and being quite stingy just "harrumphed" at me and turned his head. He wants nothing to do with inspiration. Besides, he's working on a new trick and a new trap to try out. Sometimes Collin is just plain mean.

But what to do? I usually sit back and play the "What If" game. And I let my mind wander as I ask that question. Sometimes I have to ask that question in rapid succession. What if what if what if...usually I get an answer...eventually.

Sometimes I set a timer and do some free-writing. Even if I write the same word over and over I'm at least thinking and making the brain cells work. Honestly, I usually start the day with some free-writing. And a little music. That gets me thinking and puts me in the mood to work.

And people watching! That's my favorite form of inspiration! Before COVID-19 I would sit at the mall or the park or even a Starbuck's and just watch people. Interesting to say the least. But right now? Well, the only people watching I'm doing is on Zoom. Try that sometime. See how people try not to touch their face or smooth their hair or adjust their necklace or sneak peeks of their phone or just get up to leave. It can be hilarious.

I guess I've got some tools to find the inspiration I need. Even if Collin won't help me. *Smile*
July 6, 2020 at 11:57am
July 6, 2020 at 11:57am
PROMPT July 6th

Is there such a thing as “unbiased reporting?” (Consider not just journalism, but storytelling - is it possible to tell a story without bias?)

I've read some great posts this morning regarding our prompt. All of them good, and all of them made me think. Well, that's the purpose of a post, right? To make someone think? All of them had great points regarding bias in journalism, and yes, I do agree with those points. So good job all around.

But as I sat and thought, and read the prompt again, I realized I'm not too familiar with journalism. I'm more familiar about storytelling. So I decided to tackle this aspect of our prompt. And I'm happy to do that because I'm working on a new novel, which I plan to write during NaNoWriMo, and I've decided to make my narrator an Unreliable Narrator. Yep, that's right. My narrator is a liar. But is that really unreliable?

Here's the definition: "In literature an unreliable narrator is a character who tells a story with a lack of credibility." And the surprising thing is that there are actually 10 types of unreliable narrators. Here's a sample:

1. Deliberately Unreliable: Narrators who are aware of their deception. Think A Clockwork Orange.

2. Evasively Unreliable: Narrators who unconsciously alter the truth. Think Life of Pi.

3. Naively Unreliable: Narrators who have low intelligence or who are unable to deal with reality. Think Room.

All wonderful liars! Now, I'm not a liar, but I do love to make stuff up. I love the thrill of pulling the wool over someone's eyes. I love playing jokes, and I love to see people's reactions. No, no, no, I'm not malicious...at least I don't think so...but for me it's all in fun.

Currently, I'm working on developing the main character for my new novel. I don't know her name yet. And I don't know a ton about her. But I do know she's a liar. And as I think up all kinds of heinous ways she can lie I find that I'm having a lot of fun doing it. I can make her as terrible as I want. Will she succeed? I don't know yet. But I'm sure I'll find out.

Here's to the liars in all of us!
July 5, 2020 at 11:44am
July 5, 2020 at 11:44am
PROMPT July 5th

Tell us about someone you find inspirational.

Good prompt for today. This one is both very difficult and very easy all at the same time. Easy because throughout my life I have found inspiration in a lot of different people. And difficult because there are so many!

But when I think of inspiration my family immediately comes to mind. And that's because they have always been the first people I look to for inspiration, aspiration, and motivation. Each one has inspired my life in a different way:

1. My dad who taught me that family is always first. Unless your family is taken care of you will never make progress. So take care of them first.
2. My mom who taught me to love the arts, and music, and language, and culture.
3. My brother, Jim, who taught me the greatest happiness is found in the innocence of a child.
4. My sister, Judy, who taught me that family should never break apart, no matter what.
5. My brother, Marty, who taught me the importance of logic and safety and to never take things for granted.
6. My brother, Mike, who taught me the importance of education and to never stop learning.
7. My brother, John, who taught me to be self-sufficient and always look for another solution.
8. My husband, Bret, who taught me to see things from a different perspective, because not everything is as it seems.
9. My daughter, Jennifer, who taught me to just let people be who they are and to never stop loving.

And of course, my nieces and nephews and cousins and everybody else in my giant family, who taught me what family is and how it extends to all places in the world.

Sure, lots of people have inspired me. And I love and respect each one who entered my life and taught me the lesson I needed at just the right time. But it's my family - those closest to me - that have taught me the most. And I believe they have inspired me the most.
July 4, 2020 at 11:13am
July 4, 2020 at 11:13am
PROMPT July 4th

What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation?

I'm with a few other people out here in the blogging challenge. The moment I read this prompt I felt stress. That really surprised me. Mostly because I'm not afraid to be on stage. I'm not afraid to talk. And I'm definitely not afraid to tell people everything I know. So...why the stress? I don't know. Maybe it's the preparation part. But then again, I'm a talker and talkers seem to always work their way through tough spots.

As I sit and think about giving a presentation I know that I would be delighted to talk about any of the following:

1. Financial planning
2. Investment planning
3. The stock market
4. Retirement plans
5. Tax implications of retirement accounts
6. Story telling
7. Methods of story telling
8. NaNoWriMo
9. Plot development
10. Scene development
11. France and anything French
12. Pets - dogs, cats, fish, hamsters, etc.

Gosh, it looks at though I'm a blabber-mouth. Well, maybe I am. And that's because I'm a talker. I'm also a Gemini, and Geminis just LOVE to talk - about themselves or anything else.

So, the answer to the question? YES! I could give a 40-minute presentation with no preparation. Want to pick a topic? *Geek*
July 3, 2020 at 11:44am
July 3, 2020 at 11:44am
PROMPT July 3rd

Describe a missed opportunity you encountered, and how things might have been different if you hadn't missed it.

Collin's pointy little chin which was covered in sparse little hairs rested on his palm, fingers tapping his cheek. His other hand stirred his morning tea, which wasn't looking so good. Tiny chunks of curdled milk floated on the top, and some of the chunks stuck to the side of his cup. But Collin didn't care. He was disturbed. He was unnerved. He was angry and sad all at the same time.

And Collin being Collin, his mood, dark as it was, could have been the result from any number of things. A trick gone wrong. A backfired trap. A serious lack of sugar cubes in his pantry. Or even the dreary weather that dumped buckets of rain on his leaky little cottage. But not this mood. Oh no siree. This mood was something entirely different. THIS mood hung on him like a rag. Completely depressing, this mood.

It started just last week when Collin went into town on a bright sunny morning. The weather was crisp and the sky was blue. Cottony clouds drifted above the trees in fantastical shapes and big puffy billows. It was truly a perfect day. Well, that's what Collin thought.

The street was filled with humans, rushing everywhere to buy this and that. They were chatting and laughing and smiling great smiles as they handed their money to vendors on the street. And so many of them! Perfect for all the tricks and the traps Collin had planned. He knew it would be a good day indeed.

He played his tricks and set his traps and giggled with glee as his pocket filled with cash and coins. He was just stuffing a handful of notes into one bulging pocket when someone tapped a polite little tap on his bony shoulder. He turned in surprise and...and...his chin dropped in disbelief when he recognized who it was.

"Hello, Collin," came the lovely sweet voice. "How have you been?" the voice said again. This lovely voice so sweet and pure belonged to the second love of his life, the angelic and fair Fiona. And true it was, Fiona was his second love.

His first was the equally lovely Colleen who rejected his hand for marriage. In fact, that had been more than 200 years ago, and every five years since, Collin still asked for her hand. He would love her for eternity.

But Fiona? Ah yes, lovely Fiona. He loved her too. And she loved him back. But Collin was selfish and stingy and hateful in his younger days. He wanted only Colleen. Fiona would never do. Never, never, never. And besides, if he couldn't have Colleen, then he didn't want anyone. Fiona included. And so one day, as Fiona sat on a romantic park bench under a canopy of graceful trees, she smiled her famous sweet smile at Collin, expecting he would ask for her hand.

And Collin? Well, Collin was stingy and selfish and in a very dark mood. His heart longed for Colleen and it could never belong to Fiona. So he made a decision. One he couldn't turn back. One he would forever regret. He cocked his head in a most hateful way and said with an air of disgust, "Fiona, my heart beats for another and could never be yours." And with that he turned on his grimy little heels and dashed away like the idiot he was, leaving poor Fiona to cry alone, tears of sorrow streaming down her cheeks.

That was a long time ago - nearly 200 years. And usually times heals all. But not for Collin. Oh no siree. When he came face to face with Fiona in the street, that sweet voice terrified him, and once more he chose to run. Run like the idiot he was. And this...this was the second opportunity he would forever regret.
July 2, 2020 at 1:28pm
July 2, 2020 at 1:28pm
PROMPT July 2nd

We all know the mood-ring fad of the 70’s only predicted body temperature and not necessarily mood, but what if people could actually see your emotions, like an aura of color surrounding you. Would you try to mask it, display it proudly, or something in between?

Collin peeked around the ancient wych elm that grew just inside the back fence of the humans that lived in the cottage down the street. His gnarly fingers clutched at loose bark as he leaned just far enough for one big black eye to see into the house. The human family was preparing for an outing. Picnic basket, blanket, balls, hula hoops, lawn chairs, and the biggest umbrella Collin ever did see. A woman, probably the mum and the wife, was packing food into the basket while two children bounced around her squealing and shrieking. Collin shook his hairy little head. How could humans be so loud? He hoped they would quiet down very soon. He preferred quiet. He covered one ear with a free hand.

The mum clapped her hands and the children shot to attention like regimental soldiers. Collin sniggered when he saw that. In fact he started to giggle and then he started to laugh and then he nearly fell over. If that happened he would have rolled directly into their back door! That would have been horrible! Collin let out a "Whew" as spit dribbled down his chin.

Collin peeked around the elm again. A man, probably the dad and the husband, walked sharply into the kitchen where the human children stood at attention. He gave them a quick survey and nodded his head, and then they all piled out of the house and into the car. The dad started the engine and they roared down the street so fast that dirt and leaves and even some little rocks were kicked up and hit Collin square in the face. Collin felt like spitting some profanities, but he didn't. He had to get to work.

You see, Collin had a reason to hide behind the wych elm. He was on a mission. And that mission was dirty. Just the way Collin liked things.

Just two days ago one of the human children was outside sitting beside the wych elm. She was staring longingly at her hand. Collin wondered what was so intriguing about her hand. He peered and squinted his beady little eyes from a safe distance. He kept staring. And then...he saw it...a ring with a stone that was the most beautiful turquoise blue Collin had ever seen. Turquoise was his color. HIS COLOR! That color spoke to him. It beckoned him. It called to him in the night. That turquoise color had a spell over him. He absolutely HAD to have that stone!

So he plotted and plotted and decided he would simply sneak into the house and take it for himself. He didn't even feel bad about it. Stealing was what he did best and the only way he would have that stone.

And that's how Collin found himself hiding behind the wych elm that grew just inside the back yard of the humans who lived down the street.

Collin peered one way and then the other. And like lightening he dashed into the house, flew through the rooms, scoured every closet and desk, and finally, finally, found the beautiful hypnotic stone. He snatched it up and raced back to his cottage with the ring snugly on his gnarly green finger.

He flopped onto his couch and held out his hand. What? The ring wasn't blue. It was...black. BLACK! Like his mood! It was no longer turquoise and it was no longer beautiful. It was dull and lifeless and Collin snarled in disgust. He tore the ring from his finger and threw it across the room where it landed with a splash into the tea he'd left in his cup.

That was all he could stand. No beautiful ring. No happiness at all. Instead he was left with only the thoughts of his dark, dark mood. And there he would sit, scrunched up in a heap, cheeks puffed out and lips in a snarl. Yes, there he would sit...in a dark, dark mood.
July 1, 2020 at 12:00pm
July 1, 2020 at 12:00pm
PROMPT July 1st

Write a letter to your parents from before your birth. Give them advice about how to raise you and give them a heads up about anything they might struggle with when you come into their lives.

Dearest Parents:

Hello from up here in the big puffy clouds of heaven! It's certainly nice to "meet" you. Well, not in person. That won't be for a while yet. I'm told it will be about nine human months before I can meet you face to face. And...

Gosh! It just occurred to me how strange it must be for you to receive a letter from your future child. I know it's odd but I wanted so badly to give you a heads-up. Especially since it's nine years since the last baby arrived. Yes, they told me that too, so I know this must be one of the biggest surprises in your lives. But please, don't worry. Everything is going to be fine.

Oh, I know that right now you both are wondering how this could happen after nine years. Well, I'm here to tell you that it happened in the usual way...you get my drift. But seriously, and all joking aside, everything is possible. I'm coming late in your lives, but for me it's okay. I actually NEED parents just like you. I NEED your love, your advice, your wisdom, your generosity, your ability to accept any challenge, your willingness to do the hard work, and your resolve to see me for who I am and let me just be me.

I promise I won't be that difficult. I won't give you much trouble. I'll learn on my own and fix my own mistakes and I'll always put family first. That sounds pretty good, right? Well, here's the flip side. I'm sad to say that there will be one terrible secret that I keep. It's one I will keep from everyone in my life, not just you. So, please, when the time comes, let me do this on my own. I couldn't bear the thought that you wouldn't love me, or you'd reject me for this one terrible mistake.

Sure, I'll make lots of mistakes in life and that's why I'm so excited to have the two of you. Not because I'll make mistakes, but because you'll allow me the dignity to fall on my face. And then you'll lovingly pick me up and dust me off and send me on my way. Not many parents will do that. But I'm told you two are pros at that.

I can't wait to meet you. I'm already in love. Dad, I'm arriving on your birthday, so be on the lookout! And mom, don't worry, I'll make in time for Dad's birthday. I'll arrive at exactly 9:00 p.m. on June 10th. I'll watch the time closely.

Right now there's so much I want to tell you. I want to tell you about Jimmy, and Judy, and Marty, and Mikey, and Johnny. Yes, Johnny is on the way too. So...there's one more surprise in your future. Oops! I wasn't supposed to say that! Forget anything I said about that. Johnny will probably write you his own letter. Or maybe not...

I don't have much time left. They're calling me for more training about my life with you...but I want to get this in before it's too late. One day you'll ask me what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be a writer! I cannot stress that enough. A writer! Got it? Darn...they're calling me so I have to be super quick. Please let me be a writer...don't let me go into...dang, I'm sorry, I have to go!

For now my future parents, I love you and I can't wait to meet you.

From Your Newest Addition,
Mary Ann

P.S. Yes, Mary Ann. Because Judy likes it. And, Dad, it's also for your own mom. One final thing: Nobody calls me Mary Ann. They call me Mary. So please keep that in mind.

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