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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

December 31, 2023 at 12:22pm
December 31, 2023 at 12:22pm
Our 2023 Old Year Out / 2024 New Year In

Merit Badge in The Blogging Banana Bar
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  Congrats on Your Super Effort

in  NaBloPoMo 2023  

with  [Link To Item #1985857] 

The Bar is Always Open    from   Andre

Merit Badge in Celebration
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Congratulations on completing your reading goals in  [Link To Item #monthlyreading]  for May 2018 *^*Bookopen*^*! 


By Apondia

I do remember other years when we watched the ball drop in New York City on TV. And I remember years when we called it quits about 9 or 10 p.m. Just turned in for the night.

This year I'll be surprised if we make it past 8. As for today I was up by 4 a.m. Put the dogs out, filled the corn stove with corn, fed the dogs and ate breakfast then settled in to read until 7. After that I cleaned the chimney of the corn stove in the basement that is not presently running. We will need to start it up if the weather goes to snow again. It is supposed to be rain mixed with snow all afternoon so the temperature will probably drop into the low 30's. I took feed out to the bird feeder so the outside birds can celebrate the holiday with corn and seeds.

The neighborhood is quiet. There were deep deer hoof prints molded into the soggy earth beneath the bird feeder. They come to the feeder and lick off corn in the evenings.

Between 8 and 9 a.m. the dogs and I were investigating the outdoors as we walked off some of the doggy energy that shows up every morning. It has been easier for me, since we took in a new rescue dog in October, to walk the dogs individually. That is my way of giving them some one-on-one attention. It also lengthens the time I spend walking, which is great.

I made fudge and peach dump cake Friday morning as our weekend treat. I may make a pumpkin pie and a cheesecake tomorrow morning. All that cooking will last at least a week or more especially for the fudge. I made fantasy fudge for the first time in 30 years, then took it to family Christmas. Friday, I made a batch just for us.

Remember that we live in a rural area. Even though we do have neighbors across the road and to the north side of our property no one is very close. We spend time watching from the living room for wildlife movement. It is normal to see small herds of deer eating in the hay field on the east side of the house or flocks of turkey. Once in a while there will be a hawk chasing birds, who dare to feed at the feeder. Most of the geese have moved south somewhere for the winter although sometimes there is a stray pair that fly over headed for the beaver dam.

I actually don't remember any New Year parties. So, for us the little New Year's child just quietly moves in at 12p.m. each year and waves Hi, when we get up in the morning of January 1. Although this seems boring to some it is a blessing of peace and quiet to us.

Happy New Year. Party On!
December 27, 2023 at 3:17pm
December 27, 2023 at 3:17pm
Letter to the new year. BCOF Insignia

signature dancing owl

Dear 2024: I bet you are beginning to wake up a little now. Because of the warm weather and rain my lawn is beginning to grow. This is an unheard of or unthought of situation, at this time of the year.

I thought I would alert you to the ongoing things I am doing. I will still be cleaning and rearranging the basement during 2024.

I will still be learning new things about music theory and ways to play arpeggios on my guitar. I will still be learning human biology in my biology course.

Something new: I'm looking forward to starting an indoor herb garden. In order to do this, I will have to put up some windowsills on the east windows of the house. We have windows, but there are no sills wide enough for plant pots. Presently, all my growing plants are in hanging baskets because the cats and dogs like to eat them. I would also like to go into some hydroponics in the new year and want to be ready to plant our porch garden as soon as the weather becomes warm enough.

What will 2024 bring in the way of weather? I hope no surprises.

Whenever I think of having regular days to plan activities in 2023, my mind turns to the Ukraine people and now the Israelites. I pray for 2024 to bring peace to the lives of those people. They did not ask to be the subject of attacks and now are in a position of protecting themselves. Each family is already suffering losses of loved members.

Whenever a new year enters there is a hushed atmosphere of the unknown involved. It will still be just one day at a time. We will welcome you each day as we did 2023. The earth will cry if you bring bad news and rejoice if you bring good news.

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024! *Rocket*

December 22, 2023 at 11:44am
December 22, 2023 at 11:44am
"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. " ~ Marcus Garvey

Do you agree or disagree with Garvey? What is your nationality? Do you celebrate it's unique culture ?

BCOF Insignia signature dancing owl

I'm a USA citizen. Born here and educated as part of the melting pot. *Laugh* Talking about the melting pot of our society will date me. I watch the emigrants trying to get into the USA thinking it will change their way of life and it will, but maybe not in the way they wanted it too.

Christians are told we are being grafted into Jesus's tree, so we have deep roots.

I never thought history was boring as I have heard some students confessing. I go out of my way to read all kinds of historical accounts. Some are true, some are not so true. I like archeology studies as well.

I like the family stories of my grandparents. I have only been able to hear some of them on one side of my family, as one side of my family seems to ignore the fact that families have two sides.

Garvey is right, but you can only delve into life at a certain deepness, and you have to include your own daily life. You make your roots as you live your daily life. Some families know their history. Others do not know their history. Daily life is important as well. Pass on what you know and live one day at a time. It's important for you to know you are alive and moving on.

Happy Holidays wherever you are.

December 21, 2023 at 11:28am
December 21, 2023 at 11:28am
Discuss what you know about solstice traditions. Have you ever attended a summer or winter celebration?

signature dancing owl BCOF Insignia

I don't particularly remember any summer or winter celebrations. Just USA holidays near certain times of the year. Such as Labor Day and Memorial Day. There is a cross on a hill near one of the towns close to us. We used to gather at the church and march through the streets of the town, up the hill to pray at the cross at sunup on good Friday.

I was interested to note, that I did not even ever hear the word solstice until I had my own home and was raising children. After the computer age came in, I did a class in weather, attended one class in the study of stars, and had a chart on the wall about the solstice and movements of the moon.

Have to go. Happy Holidays to everyone.*CandycaneP*
December 13, 2023 at 11:34am
December 13, 2023 at 11:34am
Day 350 December 13, 2023

Prompt: "The desire to serve and contribute meaningfully to society does not fade with age."
Rachel Bayani

This is true. I find though, that it is difficult for me to add anything presently to any society around here. As long as we went to church there was always a way to bring aide in some way and continue to find ways to interact with other people.

I had a failed attempt a few years ago to join a library book club. So, basically, I stay home with my dogs and just get by day to day. If you get too far out of the loop people, make up their minds about you, whether they know you or not. a lot of elderly people are stagnant when it comes to social interaction. You have to actively seek interaction during aging.

owl for signature use BCOF Insignia
Merry Christmas
December 9, 2023 at 12:05pm
December 9, 2023 at 12:05pm
Bigfoot unfolding?

Merit Badge in The Blogging Banana Bar
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  Congrats on Your Super Effort

in  NaBloPoMo 2023  

with  [Link To Item #1985857] 

The Bar is Always Open    from   Andre  Red Dragon

Who Knew that the big foot legend was so involved. Apparently, there are written sightings of Sasquatch off and on since the 1920's.

The references for this article are from History.com and YouTube. History.com seems to have become involved in an effort to find out if any of the sightings and stories of Bigfoot are authentic You Tube has quite a few short viewing tapes of what different people put forth as proof of the existence of a large primate type of creature that walks upright.

I became interested because these types of stories are being carried on Facebook. Truth is there are stories from all over the USA. Some of the sightings purported come from Texas, Pennsylvania, California, North Carolina, and most are stories of the creature being seen within heavily forested areas.

One of such a creature was seen by a couple of women whose vehicle was stuck in the sand on the peninsula of Southern Lake Erie. It was dusk or early dark when a strange light was visible; then a Hugh hairy creature pounded on the van as the terrified women took shelter inside it. When rescuers came with a tow to remove the van from where it was stuck the vehicle had dents where the attack caused damage to the frame.

If you watch the clips from History.com they are intriguing. Some of the supposed sightings and hearings can be identified as hoax but others cannot be identified enough to be sure of a hoax. In 1975 the FBI was asked by Peter Byrne, to analyze some hair fragment which Byrne thought may have come from a Sasquatch. Only as a favor in the interest of DNA proof the FBI analysis found the hair to be from deer.

It is not just stories from the USA. In 1951, British explorer Earle Shipton, reported sightings in the Himalayas. Sightings involving this creature are spread around planet earth.

It seems as if the sightings are getting more numerous to the point, if it is a real phenomenon, sooner or later someone will come up with a body or DNA or capture one of the beasts. Until then, History.com is getting scientists involved to examine all video and audio of sightings, which are presented to them in an effort to inform the public. Reality check is an ongoing effort.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/judithd/month/12-1-2023