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Rated: GC · Book · Contest Entry · #2046748
My book for the 30 Day Image Prompt Contest
Hmm, let's see how this goes... *Smirk*

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August 5, 2015 at 8:06am
August 5, 2015 at 8:06am
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In a sea of black, we all
blend together, the rain
perfectly punctuating the
scene like a necessary
comma. A chorus of
sadness fills the room,
bleak and finite, just
like life, and no sick
fluorescent lights or
humming air conditioner
can drown us out.
July 30, 2015 at 9:40am
July 30, 2015 at 9:40am
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The year of the water dragon
bled through the calendar,
seasons merging together
in a chaotic blend of frozen
earth and melting plastic.

We sat on the cement bridge,
legs dangling over the lake and
smoke curling into the air we
shared in the light of the colorful
beast, reflection of orange and
yellow illuminating our pale
faces in quiet accord.
July 30, 2015 at 9:39am
July 30, 2015 at 9:39am

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The world outside dripped like Dali,
floor to ceiling windows reflecting
a hazy summer day sweltering off
the runway in shimmering waves.

Inside, the air was drunk with vodka
ice cubes and nervous fliers who
may or may not have had one too
many and are bound to hit on the
flight attendant even before takeoff.

My own little space is the thought
bubble between myself and the
terminal, beckoning me to throw
my headphones down and race
the wheelchairs and children who
get to board ten minutes early.

On the other side of the plane lies
an arid desert filled with third cousins
and aunts who have seen me since I
was 'yay high' and still pinch my
cheeks the way they did when I was
'knee-high to a grasshopper.'

But I don't only exist in my own little
mind, burning everyone with irritable
glances and rolling eyes as if anyone
really cares what the stranger in the
back is thinking. I exist in a multitude
of dimensions, fractions of people's
minds I'll never intersect with again.

I'm the nice boy who helped the old
woman with her bags and the total
jerk who didn't let the cell phone
talker cut in line. I'm the cute guy
with the piercings and the scrawny
kid who needs some sun. I'm nothing
and everything all at once to the
strangers in the airport lobby.
July 28, 2015 at 9:45am
July 28, 2015 at 9:45am
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Great Uncle Albert spent his life
on a splintered southern porch,
rocking back and forth in a chair
that wasn't meant to.

Looking over the crops of his field,
he prayed the scarecrow would
keep the birds away - especially
the black ones.

In a rented house, the bodies of
his family illegally buried beneath
the soft soil, grass grew into wild
weeds above them.

Uncle Albert chewed tobacco
until it chewed back, eating a
hole in his jaw as he coughed
blood into a tissue.

Whittling twigs into toothpicks,
he never gave up or complained
as his life faded until he rested
beneath his scarecrow.

July 26, 2015 at 10:55pm
July 26, 2015 at 10:55pm
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Frozen against the pale moon sky,
the ravens warned us with chilling
caws of the dangers the night held.

Cuddled together beneath their
beating wings, our body warmth
spread through the bitter night.

Hands starving for attention,
we lace them together, numb
and full of tingling needles.

Breath clouding the air
between us, we inhale
each other in icy frenzy.

Stars eavesdrop in
a frigid sky, begging
to know our secrets.
July 26, 2015 at 10:28pm
July 26, 2015 at 10:28pm
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Little voices exchanged secrets
above a jade moss lake, sticks
pried rocks from the sinking
floor to reveal a school of
minnows, water murky
enough to distort our
reflections into pale
blurs with three
black holes.

Cool shade
of willow trees
kept the sun hidden
from view as the bugs
fed off the blood of our
skinny arms and legs, but
we didn't mind their nuisance,
young and carefree as we pushed
back against a world that silenced us.
July 26, 2015 at 11:09am
July 26, 2015 at 11:09am
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Beneath the mask, her eyes
hold a devious secret, laced
hand clutched close to her
chest and a storm of doubt
in the background.

Anonymity had become her
weapon, hiding the mysteries
of her past, which weighed
her down like heavy cloth
of blackened frills.

Hard white plastic promised
protection from the strangers
pacing the alleyways of her
memories and made them
fade into the void.
July 24, 2015 at 12:28am
July 24, 2015 at 12:28am

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I've wanted to reboot you,
turn you down and feel the
heat roll off your body in
angry waves. I've felt your
cold exterior melt at the
slightest touch and if I could
mold you, code you, beneath
the tips of my wicked fingers,
I would modify you into the
perfect machine and watch
you come to life in your robotic way,
eyes flashing, body jerking.
Because you've always been
classified, beige exterior
hiding the patterns beneath,
and I'll blanket you as long as I can,
keep you concealed in the footnotes.
July 23, 2015 at 9:50am
July 23, 2015 at 9:50am
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I've traced the roadmap of
your arms, connecting the
lines like cities I've traveled
in your memories, all holding
special significance, a story
behind each discolored scar.

I've dabbled myself, watched
the flesh separate, making room
for the bubbling to ensue, boiling
over the edges like hot water
and trickling down in a thick,
syrupy mess on the shower floor.

I've watched their eyes scroll
over me the way mine scrolled
over you so long ago, feeling the
soft inside of their own arms,
relieved to find that it hadn't
turned into a puckered, ridged
geography overnight.
July 22, 2015 at 7:33pm
July 22, 2015 at 7:33pm
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I grew up with the sounds of
the night whistling through the
charcoal shingles above my bed
and rustling beneath my window
under an expansive sky of dark

Raised on The Call of the Wild,
I felt myself slipping slowly into
a feral state, clawing my way out
of holes I'd dug myself, brittle nails
breaking off like broken glass

I've let the full moon take over and
shiver like a hungry howl down my
spine, heartbeat thudding from
my chest through the outpour of
sweat, and I'm left in the reeling

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