Day-to-day musings and wonderings of an infected mind. |
Zombeeluv's Mission Statement I promise to be mildly coherent. I promise to post something when I have the time. I promise to tell bad jokes, share the word of the day/week, give antidotes of things that have happened in my life and poke fun at as many things as possible. It is my goal to not only be informative but also entertaining and somewhat annoying in my insistent use of bad zombie jokes, art and literature. Please NOTE: I wish I were better at blogging, communicating or multi-tasking, but I am not. I apologize for my absence, but not for doing what I need to. Peace, |
Hi, I hope this finds you well. This week's been a lot for us in America! Regardless of how anyone voted (and I am not asking nor do I want to know or talk about it) elections are always a lot. So to find my happy place, I pulled out a book that I really like called "Everybody Lies", if you haven't heard of it, and like me sometimes enjoy going down rabbit holes of human nature, it's a gem. It discusses that regardless of what people say or don't say, you can tell more about the state of what people are thinking by looking at Google searches. It's fascinating! To me, reading or listening to books like this, help me build more realistic characters. I think it's really important to get accurate reactions and I can't do that if I expect everyone to act like I do. Anyway enough of that! How is everyone's muse treating them? Mine is going through an evolution. I recently had an idea that I think is rather brilliant (probably only to me) and so I wrote the first chapter and posted it. "A Dragon's Fortune" by ZombeeLuv I work in cyber security and I woke up one morning thinking, why would a dragon need to hire a cyber security company. That started me down the rabbit hole of most of our economy has gone online and although dragons have large amounts of money and time, they might not know how to handle a security breach. I'm really interested in what people think of the concept and not too proud to beg for reviews so... . So... What is everyone reading? How are you doing? Anyone have anything they'd really like someone to read? (Happy to trade stories!!!) I hope you all have an amazing, healing, fantastical, imaginative weekend. Peace, Love, and Strength Write On! C. L. Hammer “There is no rule on how to write. Sometimes it comes easily and perfectly: sometimes it’s like drilling rock and then blasting it out with charges.” ~ Ernest Hemingway |