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Rated: GC · Book · Emotional · #2030442
My 2nd blog. My spot for sharing my life, music, and writing with my friends.
Hello, Hello.
Fancy seeing you here.

I'll work on making this nice and pretty later. **Wink*

Check out my old blog:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1974611 by Not Available.

I also have a poetry blog, for those who dig poetry:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2034524 by Not Available.

AND I have a mental health group with a monthly challenge:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2146101 by Not Available.

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Lay my hands on Heaven and the sun and the moon and the stars
While the devil wants to fuck me in the back of his car ♡

* I will never make this pretty.
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March 5, 2015 at 12:22pm
March 5, 2015 at 12:22pm
Artist: Andrew W.K.
Album: I Get Wet
Song: Party Hard
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30DBC: Do you believe in miracles? Why, or why not?

I actually had to look up the definition of miracle for this one. I mean, obviously I know what the word is, but I don't know exactly how it's defined. This is the definition I got from Wikipedia: "A miracle is an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws. Such an event may be attributed to a supernatural being (God or gods), a miracle worker, a saint or a religious leader."

If that's the definition of miracle, then no, I don't believe in miracles. Hey, isn't that a song  ? I'm not really into religion or divine intervention. I think it's possible for awesome things to happen that are super rare, but I wouldn't call it a miracle. The word I would probably use is 'lucky'. Like, "Oh, that was a lucky break."

I also like to take credit for my own achievements. Like, if I think I'm going to fail something and I end up doing exceedingly well, I credit it the hard work I put into whatever it was. I see that all the time where people are like, "Oh, I have to hand it to the Big Man Upstairs. He allowed me to get this promotion/win this award/get my degree." Trying to say this in a way that won't offend anyone. *Laugh* Suffice to say that I own the good and bad things that happen in my life.

WTMR: 7. How often do you venture out of your comfort zone and try new things? Why?

I'll pretty much try anything once, even if it's super far out of my comfort zone. As long as it's nothing that's going to get me 25 to life, I'm down for it. You can't knock it 'til you try it, right? It's important for me to experience different things so that I know what I'm talking about when the topic comes up later down the road.

I was an adventurous kid, or 'rough-and-tumble' as my mother would say. I was always the first kid to do something exceedingly stupid, like jump off of the top of the jungle gym or try to flip over the top of the swing set. My ma said if I had half as much intelligence as I had courage, I'd be set in life. *Laugh*

Now, I'm not so sure. My days are pretty much bogged down with work and school. I don't really get out much because I don't have the time. It's even worse because I work from home. It's easy to just hang out in the house all day doing work instead of going out and trying to find something new to do. My life is sort of cyclic like that though. I'll have long stretches where I constantly have to be doing something new or fun, and then I have long stretches where I just sort of chill at home and don't do much of anything.

Blog City 1: You are having a nightmare. You chose a door and open it. What adventure do you have?

Blog City 2: What is your go-to party song? What song would you play to hype people up? Include a link, embed a youtube video, or just give the song title and who it's by.

Nooo, no nightmare talk. I haven't been dreaming much lately, but when I do dream, it's a nightmare. Not like 'oh, there's the boogeyman' kind of nightmares, but the stress-related ones where there's something I completely forgot to do or someone I care about has died. They're actually just unpleasant dreams, not super horrifying like a nightmare. I have the ones where I'm falling or trying to run from someone and my legs go all wobbly. Now that I'm back in school, I have the 'big paper I totally forgot about and it's due in an hour' kind of dreams.

If there was a door inside my nightmares, inside of it would be a bunch of miniature Charlies ready to take on all the tasks I think I'm missing. That would be ideal. Just a bunch of us sitting in a computer lab so I could delegate small amounts of work to each one of them without anyone getting overloaded. That would be pleasant.


I don't know about you all, but the song for today's entry is the one that gets everyone hyped up at a party. I mean, it's in the title of the song. Every time Andrew W.K. comes on at a party, we all know it's time to party hard. People love this song when they're drunk. I think this is actually the first time I've listened to it without being drunk.

Anyway, Andrew W.K. cracks me up, like in this video  . Hilarious! You can tell the news anchor is trying not to laugh. He's just a big goofball. It's great.

BCOF: Let's talk about respect. Do you believe respect must be earned, or should it be given automatically until proven unworthy?

For me, I think there is a general level of respect I have for everyone without even knowing them. I'm not into the whole, "Prove that I should have respect for you and then I will" type of thing. There is just a basic level of human respect that someone is automatically going to get from me when I meet them. It's the easiest way to go through life. I don't have a chip on my shoulder. I give and expect to be given common courtesies.

I've kind of got that justice system way of thinking: innocent until proven guilty. Until someone shows me that they're gonna be a pain in the ass to deal with, I'm fairly polite and respectful. I attempt to understand where people are coming from, so if someone's acting like a dick, it doesn't really bother me unless they show me they act like that all the time.

This mostly has to do with first impressions, because that's when you decide whether or not you're going to respect someone. If my friend introduces me to some dude and they're an obvious douche bag, I'll let it go for a little bit. I don't automatically jump to any conclusions. They might just be having a bad day or their social skills are for shit. Hey, it happens. But, if they continuously act like a tool, then I'll basically just pretend like they don't exist, which we all know is the ultimate form of disrespect. That drives people nuts without making you look like a jerk.

Basically, it's super easy to gain my respect. You just have to exist in the same place as me, really. But, once someone has proven that they don't deserve respect, it's super difficult to get it back from me.

When it's time to party we will party hard

March 4, 2015 at 11:41am
March 4, 2015 at 11:41am
Artist: Vance Joy
Album: Dream Your Life Away
Song: Georgia
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30DBC: Name a time when you broke a rule or law. Did you get caught, or did you get away with it?

Just one time? *Laugh* I think we all get away with breaking rules and laws all the time. We speed and California roll through stop signs when there's not a cop around. We check WDC when our bosses aren't looking or whatever. I used to shoplift all the time, out of necessity. When I was like 16, 17 years old, I had no money and I was couch surfing a lot. I stole food, drinks, clothes, etc...

Basically, if I wanted/needed it, I had to steal it  .

I got caught a couple times, but I'd just run off and stay away from that place for a while. I had rotations on where I got stuff, different times with different workers. There was a privately owned gas station and this kid worked mornings there. We became friends after a bit and he'd let me take stuff all the time without paying for it. His boss was a real dick anyway.

I've worked places and seen people stealing. I know all the tricks. All the little things people do when they're stealing, grab three, put two back. I never said anything about it, although I did give someone advice one time when he was trying to steal CDs from one from one of the places I worked. I told him he should bring a razor, slice through the tape on the top and pop the disk up to slide it out. He was trying to take whole CDs, case and all. Those obviously have alarms on them and then I kinda had to respond or I'd lose my job.

That's not something I do anymore. If I have money for something, I pay for it. I tried not to steal frivolous things. It was almost entirely the basic human necessities that I had no means of getting on my own when I first moved out. Say what you want, but I think if it comes down to starvation or stealing a meal, most people would get pretty sneaky.

WTMR: 1. Do you consider yourself to be a leader or a follower? Why? What do you see the pros and cons of each role to be?

I'm a follower, not a leader. I take direction from the people around me. I'm not comfortable in a leader role unless there are other people leading at the same time as me. I don't like the blowback when things turn to shit. I'd rather just stay quiet and watch what everyone else is doing. If it seems like they're doing reasonable things, I'll pretty much follow suit. It sort of depends whose company I'm in though. If it's my friends, I don't really lead or follow. I don't feel like any of us really lead or follow. We all have common goals and interest, some are good and some are bad, but we're always working toward the same things. When we aren't, I just try to avoid them because I don't want the confrontation of it.

Being a leader is nice because you can do what you want free of others' opinions. It's a take charge sorta role and I can see where that would be nice, to have control and all. The reason it doesn't work for me is that I have a lot of problems so I don't want to feel like someone is looking to me for guidance. If people are waiting for me to make a move, we're all going to fall in a hole and be stuck forever.

Being a follower has a bad connotation, like you don't think for yourself or something. I don't think that's the case at all. I think followers are more of the emotional thinking type who kind of step back and examine situations before they do anything. Just because I'm watching someone else do something doesn't mean I'm going to do the same thing. I just want to see the outcome and other ways of doing things before I choose what I do. But, by definition, that makes me a follower because I'm following what I've seen other people doing.

BCOF: It is midnight and you are awakened by a strange noise in your yard. You get up, go to the window, and look out. Who or What do you see? Write a story, poem, etc.

This would actually not be that rare for where I live. My apartment complex gets crazy during the summer. People were out partying at the pool pretty much every night from June to late August. In July, they did fireworks almost every night for the entire month. I went down to hang out sometimes over break, but they're not really my style. A lot of them are a bit older and just having a few drinks and being overall rowdy. I want a candy dish of pills and hot girls at my parties.

They were still okayish though. There were a couple I thought were kind of creepy. Like 45 year old dudes trying to get 17 year old girls drunk. Leaves a nasty taste in your mouth, but I don't know them or their set up. It is what it is.

One night I was in bed and I heard people outside my window at like two in the morning. I live on the second floor, so I looked out the window and there was a guy pissing onto the building I live in. Another time, I went out to drive somewhere and there was a different guy pissing between my car and the car next to mine. Apparently not every apartment in this complex has a toilet *Laugh*

I didn't really tell a story with this prompt, but... close enough?

I never understood what was at stake
I never thought your love was worth its weight

March 3, 2015 at 12:02am
March 3, 2015 at 12:02am
Artist: Drenge
Album: Drenge
Song: Fuckabout
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30DBC: Share with us an item of yours that you're especially proud of. Bonus points for today if you choose to review one of your fellow challengers' items.

It's probably not socially acceptable to say, but I think some of my poems are pretty good. I know a lot of the people who read my blog only know me as a blogger, and that's totally okay. We were just talking a week or two ago about how we don't really explore the ports of other bloggers that often. It's like, if you're going to read something of the person's it's going to be their blog where you can comment and relate to what they're talking about.

Still, if I'm going to share something of mine that I like, it's going to be one of my poems. My poems mean a lot to me, and I'm sure other people's poems mean a lot to them, but rereading them can take me back to a place or a feeling I had. I just went back and read a couple, so I think this is the one I'll share for this prompt:

 Invalid Item 
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#2022755 by Not Available.

That's my contribution for today. I hope I have time to review someone else's item that they like. I always like to see what people like best of theirs. Like, my favorite things never align with theirs. I think my favorite poem of Ky's probably isn't one of her favorites, or at least it doesn't seem like it is. I'll see what people end up posting in their entries.

I did get around to reviewing someone's else's item. Yay. You guys should go read Cub-bee 's St. Patrick's Day poem. Hey, it's the right time of year for it, right? It's hilarious.

A Pot of Gold (or 'Yellow'?)  (13+)
You may not look at a 'Pot of Gold' the same after this limerick!
#828567 by Cub-bee

My review: Review of "A Pot of Gold (or 'Yellow'?)" . Thanks for the laugh, Cubby!

WTMR: 2. Had an amusing or frustrating experience lately? Share it with us.

I'm having a very frustrating experience right now. I'm trying to get my meds balanced and, in the meantime, I'm completely losing my resolve. What is it about this year that makes it so hard to stay clean? I don't get it. Every year around March/April it turns into this huge struggle. I can't remember my last sober summer. It just doesn't happen for me.

It's just a matter of what's easier at the moment. What's going to keep me sane longest? If I'm just pushing back the inevitable, I'd rather get it over with now. But, it's mid-term week at school and I'm doing sooo fucking good. Like 97% is my lowest grade in my five classes right now. But with the meds, I can't concentrate at all. I sit down to do homework and my mind just wanders. Every single thing distracts me. Every noise, every sight, is something that takes my attention away from homework. It's like a can't get anything done and I know what that means- more meds.

Yeah, I don't know, just a lot of frustration. I feel sort of screwed no matter what I do because I can't concentrate at all. It's taking me hours to even write a blog entry. My mind's all over the place, out of control. I'm done talking about this, not sure where I'm going here.

Blog City: What is your opinion on the idea of competition? Is competition a good thing or a bad thing, and does it promote progress at all?

I think competition can be a good thing in certain circumstances. I'm sure I've said it before and I'll say it again because it's true, I am not a competitive person. I don't like super cutthroat things because it's so hard to care about most competitive things. At some jobs I've had, they'll be like, "Hey, whoever sells the most iPods gets a McDonalds coupon!" And it's like, 1) I can buy McDonalds on my own. It costs like four dollars, and 2) McDonalds is disgusting and not a motivator for hard work.

Basically, in order for me to get competitive, the reward has to be amazing or the losing result has to be really, really bad for me. Like, if you lose this, you're fucked. If it's anything in between, I just could not care less. I need strong motivators to get involved in competition.

It can be a good thing though, when everyone is aware of the parameters of it and they're just having fun. I feel like there's always that person who ends up taking it way too seriously though and they're like, "LOL JK", but you know for sure they're super into it and they wanna shank you secretly. I will say that I have seen it work with coworkers. They're all, "Hell yeah, $2 off Taco Bell!"

For the most part, competition just makes me laugh. I think the best motivator is your inner need to do well. If that isn't there, then someone threatening you with fast food coupons or an equally unworthy prize isn't going to make you work harder or do better. I'll compete in a relaxed environment when everyone's just having a good time. If things start to look a bit serious, I bow out right away.

I guess if you're in any doubt
That I'm a fuckabout
Then I'll hear you out
March 2, 2015 at 12:27pm
March 2, 2015 at 12:27pm
Artist: Hozier
Album: Hozier
Song: Work Song
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What's up, guys? Hope you're having a nice start to your week. I'm trying to make the best of it that I can. I'm on some new medication and I feel like I'm sitting in a dollhouse. Super foggy and having a hard time working or doing homework because I can't concentrate. I know what happens when you tell a doctor you can't concentrate, so I'm hoping things will balance out here shortly. I feel fine, just sort of zombie-like. I don't really feel like I'm here.

Did you have fun at the Quills last night? I went to them last year and didn't even really know what was going on, but it was still a lot of fun. I'm super stoked that my last blog, "Invalid Item, won best blog and the best in the emotional genre. If there's one thing I am, it's emotional. It's still a surprise to win against some of the awesome items in those categories. The biggest surprise for me was winning the medium-length free verse poetry category with "Invalid Item. I didn't see that one coming at all. It's funny because I think people were a little surprised, like, "What, you can write poetry?" *Laugh* Of course, the best prize ever was best new port of 2014. That's crazy cool, and congrats to my counterpart, 🌑 Darleen - QoD , for best port of 2014. *Heart*

So anyway, now that that's over, I promise I'll shut up and move things along with the prompts. *Laugh*

30DBC: March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb (or vice/versa). What are you most looking forward to this spring?

I'm most looking forward to going outside in a t-shirt. That's when I know spring has truly sprung. I hate having to put on twelve layers of clothes to go outside. On top of that, I have a super old car with shitty heating so it stays freezing in the car for like 20 minutes before it starts to warm up. Of course I'm almost where I need by then, so it's pretty much a useless system.

I love everything about spring. I like watching the colors come back to life. Things stop looking so grey and gloomy. I like the smell of flowers and dew. It's like watching the world come back to life. Everyone emerges from their winter dwellings and they're all out enjoying the weather. Spring is a good time. I like knowing that there's no more chance of snow for at least 7 months or so. Spring storms are awesome. I like to watch them roll in and out. It's the perfect time to go outside and be inspired by nature to write something positive.

Spring isn't my favorite season, though it's a close second. I like fall more, just because it's prettier with the changing leaves and all that. To me, the greatest thing about spring is knowing that you have all of spring, summer, and fall to go before it's winter again. Fall is a little bittersweet becuase you know what's coming.

I know, I know. Why live in the North if you hate snow? That's a great question. I loved living in Southeast Texas during the winter. Eighty degrees in December was no big deal. Maybe a bit on the warm side, but definitely not super unseasonable. I so miss that. There's something great about a city that never dies. Of course, then you don't get fall with all the different colors.

No place is perfect, you just do the best you can with what you've got, and the best I've got is spring around the corner. *Flower6*

Blog City: Madeleine L'Engle said, "Slowly, slowly I am learning to listen to the book, in the same way I try to listen in prayer. If the book tells me to do something completely unexpected, I heed it; the book is usually right." What do you think she meant?

I think she was probably talking about writing. I don't know who she is, I should probably google that before I start this prompt, but I'm not going to because I need to get through this before I lose focus. I've heard people say that their characters write themselves after a certain amount of time. I definitely consider myself more of a nonfiction writer and a poet more than a novelist, so I can't really relate to that idea. I think it sounds cool though; knowing your characters so well that they tell you what they want to do next.

I can totally see it happening too because people do get so wrapped up in their story writing, they end up spending more time with their characters than with real people in their life. I think a lot of writers are stuck in their head a bit in the first place. I know any time we've had a prompt about how much we think or daydream, almost all of us are like, "Yes! That's me, all the time." But I don't get the same feel from a lot of people who don't write. I know Kira doesn't write and she's constantly telling me to stop thinking before I drive myself mad. *Laugh* It's a difficult switch to turn off.

So, I think Madeleine L'Engle was saying that she trusts her writing abilities enough to allow the characters and the storyline she has created to take the wheel and write themselves. If something comes into mind that wasn't the original plan, she'll follow it because she trusts those writing instincts.

It would be hilarious if she wasn't a writer at all. I hope she's a bodybuilder.

And that's me for today. I'm going to cut out of here and take a zombie shower. *Thumbsup*

And I was burnin up a fever
I didn't care much how long I lived
But I swear I thought I dreamed her
She never asked me once about the wrong I did

March 1, 2015 at 12:28pm
March 1, 2015 at 12:28pm
Artist: The Wombats
Album: Greek Tragedy
Song: Glitterbug
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The Sunday News: Pick a random article from the headlines and talk about it. Share your opinions and feelings about it. Encourage a conversation.

The news story: http://www.theverge.com/2015/2/27/8119579/ketamine-schedule-i-puts-women-at-risk...

Right-o, here we are in another month. I'm so excited to see how many people are participating in 30DBC this time around. I plan on harassing all of you with loving comments and fun stuff like that. How funny that we started this month on News Story Sunday. It's like straight from the chaos of the unofficial month into the mouth of the most repetitive thing in the official month. *Laugh* Just kidding, you know we love you News Story Sunday. (We don't)

I chose this news story just because I think it's sad. The war on drugs, in many countries, is just out of control. Countries spend way too much money on trying to restrict drug use, something that is so pointless, I can hardly even see where they're coming from. So, some of your citizens are abusing Special K. Cool, who cares? I don't get it. People who use drugs are going to use them whether they're Schedule 1 or not. People who don't use drugs aren't going to start using drugs just because they're legal. I mean, think about it, would go snort a line if cocaine was legal? I very seriously doubt it.

On top of it, they're hurting third world citizens because their fear of citizens using K is higher than their want for people to be comfortable during surgeries. That's just so messed up to me. I don't get how someone could think it would be better for women in third world countries to be in agonizing pain during c-sections than for a tiny percentage of their population to abuse the drug. Give me a break.

On top of that, Ketamine is great for depression. A lot of scientists think it's going to be the next big depression medication. The fact that there are benefits to the drug beyond just abuse makes it unworthy of being classed as a Schedule 1, in my opinion. Women in third world countries have it bad enough while they're in labor. Give them their Special K!

She hits like ecstasy
Comes up and bangs the sense out of me

March 1, 2015 at 10:24am
March 1, 2015 at 10:24am
30DBC: Write about the little girl centered in the photo.
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30DBC: What is this- an image for ants? *Bug* Okay, that is not an ant, but close enough. How many legs do ants have anyway? Well, this is it, the end of the nonofficial, fundraising, elimination style, yadayadayada month. Thanks to Brother Nature for putting everything together and all the people who are judging and helping out behind the scenes. Thanks for making the month fun, guys. I'll see whoever's doing 30DBC in March... in March..?

I'm trying to see what's even going on in this picture. Does this child have legs? I zoomed as much as I could and I don't see the bottom part of her body. Is she just a torso with arms? Poor thing. *Sad* Or maybe, that part of her body is just hidden by her mother's legs? Way to steal the photo, Ma. None of the rest of us could possibly want to be seen, yeah? I wonder when this photograph was taken. If there's one thing I'm terrible at, it's dating things. Even my own life. Did that happen two months ago or two years ago? I have no idea.

The girl in the center is our good friend, Gertrude Agnus Bertha Von Bellviewe of the esteemed Von Bellviewe family. You know them better as the ones who brought you top-selling mobile phone games such as iThinkIts1850 and iAmNotFeelingCreativeToday. Gertrude Agnus Bertha, of course, was America's first child to walk on the moon. That's how she lost her legs, or maybe didn't. She graduated Delta Epsilon Phi 40 years before it was created. It's okay to be impressed. We all are. After inventing those glow-in-the-dark stars that you put on the ceiling with sticky tack, Gertrude Agnus Bertha went on to become senator of Rhode Island, an easy feat because it's so small that everyone forgot it existed.

I like to think we all have a little Gertrude Agnus Bertha inside of us. Even without legs, she accomplished much more than all of us and she continues to be an inspiration today. If she could give us one piece of advice right now, I think it would be, "Lie about things you've invented and done, then overtake a small territory that no one knows about." I couldn't have said it better myself!
February 28, 2015 at 1:00pm
February 28, 2015 at 1:00pm
Artist: The Cribs
Album: Men's Needs, Women's Needs, Whatever
Song: Be Safe
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It's a dizzy daze with a head so heavy it can't be lifted from the pillow, but instead just stares at the beige wall, making out indents and imperfections. It could go on forever like this, music playing and minutes or hours of blank thoughts. Think zombies, the living dead. Complacent. Yes, that's okay. Yes, it all sounds okay. Not good, not bad. It's OK.

All the things you're supposed to be doing escape through your tingling scalp and float through the slats in the air vent. They must not have been that important. You could get up. You could eat, go have a smoke, do some work. Your mind says maybe, your head says no.

Heavy hangover. Thanks for the trip. We'll get you set right up. Good as new. Here's the pharmacy. Pharmaceutical white, fluorescent. Orange pill bottles line the cabinet. Once a day, twice a day. Take orally with food, without food, with water. No orange juice. Side effects may include dizziness, suicidal thoughts or actions, drowsiness. Do not operate heavy machinery. General "don't give a fucks", blurred vision, sudden onset death. Post-birth abortion.

Just go to sleep, drift away with a head full of emptiness, a complete lack of thought processes. Lobotomized, but look how well you're doing. Cured. Wake up, no pass out. You're fine. Don't make any sudden movements. It's just fine to stay put. Calm. Tranquil. Placid. That one looks good, and so does that one, and that one, and that one...

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One of those fucking awful black days
When nothing is pleasing and everything that happens
Is an excuse for anger
An outlet for emotions stockpiled, an arsenal, an armour
February 28, 2015 at 12:14pm
February 28, 2015 at 12:14pm
30DBC: You are an ant. You look like an ant. You live in an ant colony with other ants. You think like an ant, and you do whatever it is that ants do everyday.

There is one difference though... You will have to write a blog entry like an ant.

The prompt is...What do I like/hate about being an ant.

Oh, and one more thing... Write all of your responses to any other blog prompts you write on, from an ant's point of view.

WTMR: 2. What's your favourite indulgence for special occasions?

BLOG CITY: What do you understand about this universe of ours that few others realize?

30DBC: Life as an ant isn't all that's it's cracked up to be. Yeah, you see us, you think, "Damn, ants are so cool." And we are, but check this. Have you ever had to run away from a gigantic shoe on the foot of a clumsy man ambling through a supermarket parking lot? I have. Are we ridiculously good looking? Of course! But what's the point in being good looking if your entire life is spent trying not to be smashed under a size 12 monster foot?

Never mind the people who leave ant poison out for us like some sort of messed up Santa Claus tradition. Cookies only please. Spare a few crumbs for a good ant, Sir? But noooo, you just have to try to kill us for it. You weren't going to eat the crumbs anyway. Let me and my ant bro friends come grab a few and bring them back to our families. I have children you know. You want my little ant kids to die so that you can leave your countertops dirty with crumbs? We're helping you. In fact, we should be getting paid. This is slave labor, I tell you! Slave labor!

For these reasons, you'll be happy to know that I will be running for president in 2016 under the Antemolican party. Indeed, we may be small, but together we form a mighty ant army. We will pillage your kitchen floors leaving no crumb left behind. We will use guerrilla warfare tactics to ambush your dinner plates while you're staring at the TV.

Remember my name, for I am ANThony ANTerson.

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WTMR: Is an indulgence just anything or is it specifically a food/drink? As far as drinks go, I really like screwdrivers. I like orange juice and I like vodka. You just can't go wrong there. I especially like them when there's an orange slice inside. Such a good mixed drink. I had this pineapple juice and rum drink the other day. I can't remember what it was called but pineapple juice is so effing good, isn't it?

I like the things that everyone enjoys, like chocolate. I don't really consider alcoholic beverages or chocolate to be indulgences though. To me, an indulgence is something you don't always have the time or means for. For special occasions, I like to make sure that the environmental aspects of the special event are up to par. Even if it's just a date night at home, I like to make sure that the atmosphere of the room is good. Low lighting, clean, smelling good, etc.. I'm also really big on making sure that people feel comfortable when they're in my house. I like to make sure they have a drink, know where the bathroom is, and of course, the house has to be super clean.

I'm just going to admit right now that I have no idea where I'm going with this. Like wtf am I writing right now?

Sum it up to say that my indulgences are alcohol and sweets, but I have them so often, I don't think of them as indulgences. Instead, I think of indulging in making good ambiance a for special occasions.

BLOG CITY: I don't think people understand that you aren't supposed to go through the intersection when the other side is backed up with traffic. They always end up stuck in the middle when the light turns red and then the people driving the opposite direction can't go when their light turns green.

The reason I don't think people know this is because I see them doing it all the time. I always make sure I don't do that because, to me, it would just be awkward to sit there in the middle of the intersection. I mean, what do you even do during that time period? Just stare straight ahead with your hands at 9 and 2? It's funny because you have someone right next to you being screwed over by your selfishness. Do you dare make eye contact?

Another thing that I think people don't understand is basic table manners. Like, when a five year old chews with their mouth open, it's pretty gross but acceptable because they're so young. Their parents should still correct them, but it's not like a huge deal. When an adult does it, however, yuuuuck. *Sick* How are the rest of us supposed to eat our food with yours sloshing around in our face? It's the same for sloppy eaters in general. Don't wear your food! It grosses me out. Don't eat things with your hands that should be eaten with a utensil. I know how picky I sound, but for those of us who get grossed out easily, I wish people would think about how they look when they're eating.

February 27, 2015 at 12:31pm
February 27, 2015 at 12:31pm
Artist: The Flatliners
Album: The Great Awake
Song: This Respirator
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All roads lead back to this trailer. It's weird to be here without him. You can't remember ever dropping by alone. The mission is simple: Talk to Danny and Jimmy, see if you can figure out what's happening with Noah, try to get everyone back together while you're in town. Time is limited because you have to go back home on Monday, but the girls are convinced that you're the key ingredient in reuniting everyone.

The screen door is hanging by one hinge, undoubtedly the result of some drunken, angry incident. You're not sure whether you should knock or not. Noah never did, but Noah isn't here.

Danny yells at you to come in, too lazy to get up and answer the door. You make your way back to the den where everyone hangs out and they're all there, just like normal. Noah's absence is painfully obvious and you remind yourself of the purpose again. Hannah and Jessie come up to give you a hug right away, talking about how skinny you are and asking if they have food in the city. You respond with something like, "They do, I don't."

Jimmy moves to the left so he can see the TV around you. It's off to a good start.

"Sup?" Danny says, drinking from a brown paper bag even though it's barely noon.

You sit down on the floor and lean against the couch where Hannah and Jessie are sitting. They talk to you for a few minutes about how they want come down and visit you sometime, which is something they say every time you talk to them but never actually attempt to do.

"How goes it, City Boy?" Jimmy asks, breaking contact with the TV finally.

You shrug. "It's alright. Ups and downs."

"Yeah? You forget about all us lowlifes back home?" he challenges.

You feel Hannah put her hand on your shoulder. It's full of anxiety.

"Look, man. I know you don't like me. I don't really care. I'm here to talk to Danny."

"Danny doesn't like you either."

You wince at the words, a reflection of something you heard a few years before from someone much closer.

"Fuck you, Jimmy. You don't know who I like," Danny says, looking genuinely annoyed.

Eh, it's hard to tell and doesn't really matter anyway. It's best to just cut to the chase.

"We should do something. Get everyone together and have a party or something."

"Hey, you're looking at the party," Danny says, raising is paper bag drink. "Cheers."

This is probably going to be more difficult than you initially thought. Danny's too sarcastic to take anything seriously and Jimmy's too aggressive to talk to without getting into a fight. You think about giving up and just leaving, but the thought of Noah hanging out alone all the time is enough to make you give it a shot.

"Alright, look. You gotta level with me, Danny. What's up with Noah?"

His mood and body language clearly change. He tenses up and says, "Noah is dead to me. Don't talk about him in my house."

"Danny..." Jessie starts a plea behind you.

"I'm serious. I don't wanna talk about him. Just let it go."

You roll your eyes. Dramatic much? "That's cool, but why? Is this really worth losing a friend over?"

"You know, maybe if you were around more, you'd have some idea of what's going on. I'm not gonna waste my time filling you in every time you decide to show up again."

You get up, ready to leave. What more can you do?

"Wait, don't leave yet," Hannah says. "Come on, Danny. Charlie's just trying to get everyone together while he's back. Let's just try to have fun."

Jimmy gets up too, something about even playing fields. "I'm pretty sure what Danny is saying is that Charlie wouldn't have to get everyone together if Charlie was around more because he'd see everyone all the time anyway. It wouldn't be like this big deal."

You throw your hands up, completely bewildered. "Are you guys even fucking serious? Can you stop being so bitter that I live in a city? You guys can live in a city too. Go ahead. Go move to the city and starve in the streets like I am. No one's keeping you here."

"You should probably just go," Danny says, looking at his phone. The conversation's clearly over.

"Cool. I'll go, and then I'll come back tonight with Noah, and we'll figure out what's going on."

That gets his attention. "You can't just throw a party at someone else's house and invite whoever you want. Are you serious?"

"Well, I'm going to."

The look on his face is priceless. You've grown up a lot from the kid who was too afraid to speak his mind about anything.

"Okay then, I'll just call the cops on you if you come back to my house."

You laugh out loud. "You, call the police? You're not calling the police for shit."

He jumps up. "Well, I'll just kick your ass if you come back here then."

So that's what you have to do to get him off the couch?

"Maybe," you reply, heading toward the door. "I'll take the risk."

"I'm not kidding. You better not come back here, Charlie. I'm serious."

You have trouble not laughing. If they could only see some of the people you've dealt with at this point. Why were you ever intimidated by them? You open the door and start to leave. "Right. See you later."

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These doors close and we're chasing the sky
This chaos brews and keeps us alive
Why trade the world when the world is mine?
Why give up now when all we've got is time?
February 26, 2015 at 10:31am
February 26, 2015 at 10:31am
30DBC: Write to the senses of taste, smell, sight, and texture... Make and serve us a sample of your favorite drink, be it what may.

WTMR: 3. Share a piece of writing that really appealed to you or 'spoke to you'. It could be a sentence or quote from a larger work, or an entire poem or novel. Tell us why you liked it so much, if you can. Don't forget to credit the author!

BLOG CITY: What items do you put on your walls? Posters, pictures? I am curious.

30DBC: Morning. Why does today feel like Monday? Maybe because I'm up at 7:30 in the morning? Yeaaah. I'm gonna try to get this in before I get started with my day of work. We'll see how it goes. *Thumbsup*

Ice clinks against the glass,
jingle of the five o'clock warriors
who sat through traffic and punched
keys all day, just waiting for
this moment.

Antibacterial scent, think
hand sanitizer, it's fluorescent
hospital rooms and drug-seeking
behavior in a mint green dotted
hospital gown, the latest fashion.

Citrus trees of Florida, the
Californian wave against the
back of your throat, smooth
and sweet, the taste of
tomorrow's regrets pushed
back by high tide.

Neon nectar swishes beneath
the protective glaciers,
down to the last drop and
the sad echo of emptiness,
but the bar's still open
and the night is young.

WTMR: Oh, this is a fun prompt. I'm going to share "Ode" by Arthur O'Shaughnessy. I know it's a super popular one. I don't really care. I love it. I'm surprised I haven't made Cinn talk about it.

WE are the music-makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world for ever, it seems.

With wonderful deathless ditties
We build up the world's great cities,
And out of a fabulous story
We fashion an empire's glory:
One man with a dream, at pleasure,
Shall go forth and conquer a crown;
And three with a new song's measure
Can trample an empire down.

We, in the ages lying
In the buried past of the earth,
Built Nineveh with our sighing,
And Babel itself with our mirth;
And o'erthrew them with prophesying
To the old of the new world's worth;
For each age is a dream that is dying,
Or one that is coming to birth.

This is formed poetry done right. I do mostly free verse because it's the rhymes themselves that are hard to get down. I mean, I can rhyme two words, no problem. But do it without making it sound trite and forced is not easy. That opening stanza is undeniably amazing. Even people who aren't into poetry like it. Trust me, I've read it to all my junkie friends who wouldn't pick up a poetry book if it could save their life and at the very least, they'll nod and be like, "That's cool, man. I dig it."

I think the reason I like this one so much is because it's one of the first poems I really connected with when I read it. I love the language in it. But I think the biggest reason I like it is because it so easily does what I cannot. It rhymes without feeling forced. I hate when I read rhyming poetry and it looks like the writing just hopped on some rhyming dictionary and typed the word in that they needed to rhyme with and picked the first options. I see it way too often, like hey, cone rhymes with phone, now let me construct the rest of the line around that word. You guys know what I'm on about, right?

BLOG CITY: I have some stuff on my walls, but nothing like a typically have in an apartment. I have a lot of framed posters in the closet because I'm too lazy to hang them up. I'm sure I'll end up moving in a few months anyway. I do have a giant naked woman canvas in the center of my living room. It's probably eight feet long and super colorful/abstract. It was funny when my mother came over and was like "*Shock* Charlie!" It's just my sexy woman painting, no big deal. I'd totally get a naked dude too, but I don't think Kira would let me.

I also have bird maps in the living room. They're bird paintings but the birds are made out of maps of different cities. They're pretty cool. In the kitchen, I have a Bob Dylan poster framed next to the sink. In the bedroom I have a super neutral canvas above the bed. It's a huge black and white Rorschach image. So I guess it's whatever you want it to be. I think that's all I have on the walls right now. I don't have any pictures anywhere.

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