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Rated: GC · Book · Emotional · #2030442
My 2nd blog. My spot for sharing my life, music, and writing with my friends.
Hello, Hello.
Fancy seeing you here.

I'll work on making this nice and pretty later. **Wink*

Check out my old blog:

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#1974611 by Not Available.

I also have a poetry blog, for those who dig poetry:

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#2034524 by Not Available.

AND I have a mental health group with a monthly challenge:

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#2146101 by Not Available.

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Lay my hands on Heaven and the sun and the moon and the stars
While the devil wants to fuck me in the back of his car ♡

* I will never make this pretty.
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February 16, 2015 at 11:51am
February 16, 2015 at 11:51am
30DBC: I saw a local newspaper ad today for a shop named: The Broom Closet, it's described as a witchcraft supply store. I've never heard of such a shop before, and I'm intrigued. Would you go visit such a shop? Why or why not. - Bonus Question: Do you know of, or have an idea for a unique, or trendy shop?

WTMR: 3. What's on your 'real life' To-Do list this week?

BLOG CITY: What makes a writer a writer in your view? And accordingly, do you agree with this quote by Junot Diaz?

“You see, in my view a writer is a writer not because she writes well and easily, because she has amazing talent, because everything she does is golden. In my view a writer is a writer because even when there is no hope, even when nothing you do shows any sign of promise, you keep writing anyway.”

30DBC: Oh no, poor Lyn got the hammer. *Shock* At least Joel will have some help with the rest of the challenge. Go Lyn!! *Heart* I'm sure it'll be a big help to have another hand with everything. Another elimination tonight too? Uh oh.

So, a Broom Closet, eh? The thing about me, and anyone who knows me would attest to this, I'll try anything at least once. I mean, pretty much literally anything. Life's too short to worry about whether or not to go new places and try new things. I've always been a very 'up for it' kind of person. As I've gotten older, I've bowed out of doing things more often, purely based on time restrictions, but then I always regret it later like, "Ah, I should've gone to that, it probably would've been fun." It doesn't take too many times of saying that to yourself before you actually start agreeing to just go when you're asked. My friends don't even really ask me to do things most of the time. Sometimes they'll just show up at the door and say we're going to a show or some kind of festival, like the German thing last year where you drink a bunch of beer.

So, to answer the question, sure, I'd go to The Broom Closet. I'm not super into witchcraft because I've known way too many girlies with daddy issues who wear choker necklaces and claim to be Wiccan, but that wouldn't stop me from checking the place out. You don't have to believe in something to learn about it or explore it. I actually think it's good to learn about different religions. How can you know what religion you are if you've only explored one?

There are tons of unique, trendy shops in the city. It's always fun to walk around and go to some of them. There's a cool music store called Transistor   and they sell sweet record players and they do some live music there too. Reckless Records is good for buying vinyl. There are more clothing boutiques than I even care to go into. It doesn't get much trendier than Wicker Park. Didn't I just make up a trendy store for some prompt? Ye Olde Amazeballs Shoppe or something like that.

WTMR: Being Monday and all, it's the perfect time for this prompt. My real-life stuff is going to be the same this week as it was last week, but hopefully a little less time-consuming because I don't have any papers to write. I've got therapy tomorrow bright and early tomorrow morning. I have a few peer response reviews to do in my English Comp class, an exam for my computers class and one in business too. College Studies has a few mindless tasks too and then I have math class for a few hours on Wednesday and four or five assignments to complete before then. Two of the assignments are 20 questions and the others are like 10 a piece. Then of course there's about a million other miscellaneous assignments that'll only take 15-20 minutes a piece.

I need to work like a motherfucker this week too. I seriously need to get rolling on the next project because I don't want to be stuck right before my deadline trying to scramble to get it done like I was this weekend. That's never any fun, but I seem to find myself doing it pretty much every time. I could cut back on the amount of work, but that would mean cutting back on money and that just simply won't do right now.

At some point this week, I need to go see my friend, Dak, who has been trying to get me to hang out since Tuesday. Somewhere between that, I'm going to try to talk to my brother because he's been having issues with our mum for a couple months. He's super busy with school, so the amount of time either of us have to actually talk is super limited. Still going to try to though because I've gotten about ten phone calls from her in the last week asking me to talk to him. I'm sure that'll go over reaaaal smoothly. *Rolleyes* So, yeah, that's my week in a nutshell.

BLOG CITY: My first thought on this one is, 'writing makes a writer a writer'. I don't think there are super rigid outlines for being a writer because there are different levels of writing. You have casual writers who do it when they have time or feel like it. Then there are writing heavy hobbyists who do it for fun all the time. I guess the top level would be professional writers who make a living off of it, or attempt to anyway. I think of a writer as someone who gets enjoyment from writing- anyone who chooses to do it.

I somewhat agree with Diaz's quote. I can be terrible at driving and still be a driver. Just because you're a writer doesn't mean you're good at it. I see what she's saying with her quote. A 'true' writer doesn't give up when things aren't going smoothly. I think this goes back to the level of the writer though. A casual writer might give up on something and scrap it. They might take several months away from writer before they start again. That doesn't mean that they're not a writer; it just means that they don't put a ton of effort into it. Although, the top definition for 'writer' on dictionary.com   is: "a person engaged in writing books, articles, stories, etc., especially as an occupation or profession; an author or journalist." *Shock* Buuuut, the third definition is: "a person who commits his or her thoughts, ideas, etc., to writing." I guess it comes down to your personal definition of a writer. Mine is anyone who chooses to write when they could just as easily choose to do something else.
February 15, 2015 at 10:19pm
February 15, 2015 at 10:19pm
Artist: The Shins
Album: Wincing The Night Away
Song: Sleeping Lessons
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You open your eyes to the light filtering through the blinds and a figure hovers overhead and says something like "Take these" while handing you a glass of water. The pills go down fine dry, but the water tastes better than any you've had before. "Rough, man."

The couch is wet, along with the knitted afghan you've been using. You pull your shirt over your head as it clings to your back in an attempt to stay on.

The figure kneels in front of you. "You cool?"

You shield your eyes from the light. "Jordan?"

"Come on, man. Sit up or I'm gonna take you to the hospital."

You try to roll off the couch, but end up falling onto the floor. He stares down at you, concern evident on his face. He sighs and grips his temples with both hands.

"I'm okay."

He stands up and paces to the other side of the room. You see dust in the filtered light, is the sun coming up or going down?

"You know, there are gonna be a lot of people in your life who are gonna give you shit. We've all got hell to pay and then we die. That's life in a nutshell."

You look at him from the floor and he's upside down, distorted as he runs his finger along the top of the TV and inspects it. More dust.

He laughs. "She isn't worth it, man. That's the funny part. She isn't even worth this." He motions to you as evidence of what 'this' is.

"She is to me."

He looks at you, shakes his head and saunters over to the window. He pulls the string and the blinds lift up, the sun blinding you as you block your eyes from it. Pharmaceutical vampire.

Then he's behind you, upside down again as he stands overhead. "Look at me. I love you like a brother. You trust me, right?"

You nod.

"She is not worth this."

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You're not obliged to swallow anything you despise
See, those unrepenting buzzards want your life
And they got no right

As sure as you have eyes,
They got no right
February 15, 2015 at 12:33pm
February 15, 2015 at 12:33pm
30DBC: Tell me why you should stay in this competition.

30DBC: Hello all you birds and monkeys. I hope you're having a nice ending to your weekend. I'm going to start this by saying that I don't necessarily feel like I should stay here more than anyone else on either team. I definitely don't feel like I'm owed something or that I deserve anything. That doesn't just go for a competition like this, but life in general. Just because you do your best or feel like you're awesome doesn't mean that anyone is indebted to you or obligated to do anything for you. That's an important lesson to learn in life because it makes you generally more positive in a lot of situations.

I do want to stay in the challenge. I think I have more to offer The Blogging Bunch and I like working with/against the Birds on a Wire team. I think things are getting really fun around here, so I don't want to drop out now. I had a lot of fun over in the Blogging Bar yesterday. I couldn't engage as much as I wanted, but I was popping in and out all day. Also, I wasn't being alerted when I was tagged in posts. Did any of you notice that you weren't getting notifications when you were tagged? The only reason I knew Elle - on hiatus had tagged me in the compliment thread was because I was in there reading people's posts and saw hers. WHERE IS MY NOTIFICATION BELL?!?! *Laugh*

But, I do know that all good things come to an end, so if I am one of the people eliminated today, there won't be any hard feelings, Brother Nature . I understand what we signed up for and that people have to be eliminated by the end of the month. We're over halfway through now and no one has been eliminated, so it's bound to happen sooner or later. When my time comes, I'll bow out peacefully. Until then...

Let the good times roll!!! *Banana* *Monkey* *Banana* *Bird* *Heart* *Bird*
February 14, 2015 at 6:29pm
February 14, 2015 at 6:29pm
30DBC: Young love./c}

WTMR: 2. Do you have a personal mantra, if so what is it?
7. Did you ever have school teachers berate you for day dreaming or staring out of the window?

30DBC: Alright ya'll. I'm taking a ten minute break from my schoolwork to write about young love. Happy Valentine's Day, by the way. I am so hella tired this week. Already worked five hours today, now I'm writing a paper that will probably take five hours, then after that, I need to work for probably about five more hours. You don't have to be a math genius to know that fifteen hours a day worth of school/work is enough to make anyone wanna hurl their body in front of a train. Luckily, I already did the WTMR prompts below yesterday before I found out that the old blog was out of room, so I don't think this'll take long.

YOUNG LOVE. Hmm.. When does young love stop being young and just become love? People still say that to me now, like if I'm talking about Kira. "Ah, young love." But they also said it like ten years ago when I was 13 and first seeing girls regularly. "Ah, young love." If Kira and I still qualify as young love, we're a shining example of how not to do it. *Laugh*

Today was actually a decent day for us. We met up for Valentine's Day breakfast this morning, after I'd slept two hours (go me!). We talked a bit about our first marriage counseling session, which went less than stellar as it resulted in us not speaking or really seeing each other for the last five days. *Rolleyes* But, we were actually able to do that 'communication' thing for a couple hours. I think the waitress wanted us out of there because she kept coming back and saying, "Is there anything else I can get you?" every fifteen minutes or so.

I was just glad it didn't end in a scene. You don't wanna be that dude getting yelled at in a restaurant on Valentine's Day. Forget about it. I played it cool, even when the conversation started getting heated, although I'm sure the nice ruby bracelet helped smooth things over a bit.

The bottom line is, I don't 'get' love, young or old. I try to do the best I can, though I think most people who know me would laugh out loud at that statement. I really do try though. What I do know is that love is complicated and relationships are complicated. All you can do is roll with the punches and attempt not to get punched. That's my love motto.

WTMR 2: I actually don't think I have a personal mantra. I've heard of some, but it's not really my style to get caught up on a certain phrase and tell myself it over and over again. If I did have to pick a personal mantra, it would be something like, "Come on dude, seriously," because that's probably the phrase I tell myself most often. When it comes to anything, I pretty much just beg myself to take care of the issue until I finally go through with it. I'm really bad about letting small things go until they become bigger and bigger problems.

I have a really unhealthy way of talking to myself because if I ever come to a problem in life, I'll remind myself that so-and-so did this and they're a complete moron, so surely I can do it. *Facepalm* I know that's a terrible way of looking at things in life. I've done it for a really long time though. Like, even when I was younger I'd say, "My cousin passed her driving test last year and she's hit two mailboxes, if I can't do it, then I suck." Hey, whatever gets the motivation going, right? *Rolleyes*

WTMR 7: I was definitely a day dreamer growing up. Mostly though, everything just bored me. I got in trouble more than a handful of times for staring out the window and wishing I was outside. I remember I had one English teacher who would let us do class outside on nice days when I was in second or third grade. She was the coolest. It always reinvigorated the class to be in a different setting, but all my other teachers after her would look at me like I had two heads if I suggested that we go outside. "We can't go outside, we're in school."

I was definitely berated for it and even had to sit in detention after school a couple times because I wasn't paying attention and teachers would get pissed off. I remember I had one teacher in middle school who got so mad at me because she thought I wasn't paying attention in class. We were supposed to read Animal Farm and I had already read it on my own the year before. She thought she was really gonna get me by calling on me to answer some super basic question like, "What do the pigs represent." I was like, bitch, please and gave her a super detailed answer and then went back to staring out the window.

February 14, 2015 at 12:07pm
February 14, 2015 at 12:07pm
Artist: Atmosphere
Album: When Life Gives You Lemons
Song: The Waitress
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The daze catches up with you somewhere around Boston and Adam is less than understanding, and says something like: "I'm sick of pandering to you."


"Pander. To pander. Do you know what that means?" He paces impatiently across the stone floor, hands on his hips.

"Panter. Pantera?"

Lightning flashes beyond the huge windows.

"Can you work tonight?"

You stay in the fetal position and rock side to side. "I'm sick."

Adam shakes his head at you. "You're always sick."

"Can you help me?"

He throws his head back in high pitched laughter. "Oh, Dear, no one can help you."

You reach for the pack of cigarettes on the glass table in front of you.

"I know you're planning on going outside with that," Adam says, turning on the coffee maker.

"But I'm sick, I'm gonna puke."

"That's nice. Go outside if you plan on smoking."

You sigh, kicking away the leg cramps. It's not expected that he take care of you all the time, but it's appreciated when he does. Today isn't the day though and your mind starts racing in anticipation of what lies ahead for the afternoon. Thunder cracks outside and you curse the luck of a stormy day. The coffee pot echoes in the hollow loft, everything bounces off the walls. The silence is heavy and holds the air of something you can't deal with right now.

"Your brother called, by the way."

You sit up. "Which one?"

"You have more than one? I don't know, he just said he was your brother. I tried to get you to come to the phone, but you wouldn't get out of bed. What time did you get back here last night?

His tone doesn't come across well. "Asks the nightclub manager?"

He sighs and stares at you over the rim of his cup, sipping it loudly. "I knew this was a mistake."

"What was?"

"You. Letting you stay here. Why don't you take care of yourself? Stop afflicting people with your bullshit."

The words mean nothing at this point, but you'll have to leave for a while. You need to go out anyway. She knows no limits, low funds, rain or shine. She doesn't care. You force yourself off the couch and head toward the door, slipping your tennies on. "I'll see you tonight then?"

"Whatever," he replies, leaning against the marble countertop.

Yeah, you'll see him tonight.

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I'm waiting for a city bus to flatten me
And transport me to the ever after happily.

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