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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #2029113
What ever is in my head at the time.
Trying a second blog if possible.
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May 15, 2015 at 3:27am
May 15, 2015 at 3:27am
It seems so odd to have been for so long, but I did enjoy my time away. I have learned much and have so much more to learn. Although this path dramatically drifted from the original path I am still glad I am here.
March 16, 2015 at 11:39pm
March 16, 2015 at 11:39pm
Pick a fictional place (jn or out of our world) from any story, novel, or play. Imagine you are visiting that place as a tourist, and write about it as if you are a travel writer. Don’t forget to tell us your source.

For those interested in an exotic vacation, you should defiantly try Pandora.

We have all seen the magical movie Avatar, well I wanted to get a first hand experience of the real Pandora so I booked a weekend trip. Boy was I surprised.

The natives are so friendly and understanding of human curiosity, it is very refreshing. I felt like a small child (and not just because their babies are delivered at 6' long), it was learning a whole new world though the eyes of an uninhibited child.

The natives skin is similar to satin feeling, yet tough like most animal hides. They start life just as fragile as humans but with a velvet powder blue coloring. The coloring changes much the way our own infants change their hair. By the time they are "toddlers" the satin dark blue has set in. I use the term "toddler" because at this stage of life they are functioning as our "adult" stage would. However it takes roughly about 10 years to reach this "toddler" stage.

I had such a toddler guiding though the village of "Surrender". It is a small coloney they developed after the release of the movie for tourist of other planets to stay as a native, but remains far enough away from the actual natives as to keep disturbances to a minimum. Noraroma, my guide warned me not venture off to far, reminding me that many took offence to the way their land and culture was protrude in the movie.

The "Cocconooner" (the hotel of sort that I stayed in) is an excellent experience. The hammock like beds are of a plush leaf that retains heat though out the day than once the lights are out naturally rolls up on itself and cuddles you perfectly for some of the best sleep I can ever remember having. Even when the daylight convinced the leaf to uncoil, it still kept the tip tilted in capturing yesterdays heat so that I could sleep in as long as I wished. When I decided to wake I merely sat up and the tip would unfold allowing me slid down to the mossy floor like a kid at play. The mossy floor reminds me of deep sea water in color and it adjusted to the amount of heat applied to it. If my feet were cold it would warm them and if they were hot it cool them. It the natural ground of this incredible land.

Enough about my quarters you are here to read about the interesting landscape itself so lets begin shall we.

Our 1st adventure is to the swaps at the rear of the estate. During the day it is a sight to behold, but at night it transport you to a wonderland that out shines Disney Land on its best day. We started out floating along the water in a lily pad called "Tiebison". Noraroma simply slipped a vine around the stem and the outer edges of the tiebison came up for her to laso the vine around. it was water tight and held us both all day long. Although I saw no current the water way seem to just carry us along almost as if it knew where we wanted to go. The plant life is so enormacely large it hard to find words to describe it and the colors are vibrate like a box of fresh polished crayons exploded. Beware though as hypnotic as it is there are plants that will kill on contact. Which is why it is always wise to have a guide close by.

Night had fallen during our return trip and the plants had all turned to the dark versus of the day's colors, but whenever we so much as brushed up against them they lit up like they were wired with LED lighting. The foliage is true a sight to see and recommend all add Pandora to their bucket list. No one should die before behold this magical land.

That evening I had the honor of a meal fit for a royal dynasty (I say that because as you know the people of this land are so much larger than us their snack would feed our armies) of local foods. The fruity smells and smooth textures is like a spa day for the taste buds.

The next day they took us out for air tour of the area. Now that was a treat.

As you may know these people are very natural life people. The only items not from this world is the "base" left by the movie crew and it is against the law to remove items or use not of this world items anywhere but the base without a visa stating what & where the use will be.

The air tour is conducted by riding on the birds of this land which are the size of an airplane and it is just another incredible sight .

In all honesty a weekend here just a tease, but well worth it even you never leave the "hotel".

Hope to see you here someday.

March 15, 2015 at 11:36pm
March 15, 2015 at 11:36pm
Wildcard Monday!

What does the phrase "March Madness" mean to you?

Sadly when I hear "March Madness" I instantly get a vision of retail crack!

Spending almost 2 full decades in retail from name brand cooperation to hand me down mom & pop joints it all seems to be from the same trainer. March is the off month for which winter is over but spring is not yet in swing so they all take this month to blow though what ever product they have left to make way for the new season stuff already in route.

Naturally it hits just about the time everyone is either getting or already has that annual tax return so the money is out there for the taking . It is just a matter of who can convince the most customers to buy from them.

Sales go up, new customer contacts go up and low and behold the fiscal quarter ends on a good note and the bonuses and support coming raining in for the next year to come.

When I was kid it was all about baseball and good weather playing, as an adult it is just about long hours and mean bargain shoppers.

This is how "march Madness" has changed it meaning over the years to me.

Right now though it is all about the "summer Hire" season. Everyone is recruiting for the anticipated busy summer season. Job fairs are popping up, recruitment events are scheduled everywhere and even the already employed are out fighting for the same jobs..

"March Madness" is just that; the month of the madness.
March 15, 2015 at 8:42pm
March 15, 2015 at 8:42pm
Halfway there you guys!

The Sunday News!: Pick a random article from the headlines and talk about it. Share your opinions and feelings about it. Encourage a conversation.

Well, my topic is not actual about the content of the article as much as it is the picture and the misleading of the media in general. However it was prompted by an article in today's paper so that counts right?

The article is about a sex trafficking couple that was apprehended after 3 years and is currently at large.

The picture that was placed with the story was of the town's public transportation depo. Here is my problem with this.

The traffickers used planes, were targeting the native population from remote areas and is thought to be hiding in one of the remote villages. The only connection the story had the town in which uses the bus depo pictured is that the reporter is from that town and it is a very common gathering area for the local youth.

The article gives names but no pictures of the criminals, no sketches or even real description other than names and ages.

I don't know how many people are like me, but the reason I stopped to read this article is because of the headline & the picture.

"Sex Trafficking Couple at Large" and the depo picture.

Once I was done reading I was actually madder at the reporter/editor than at the story. (I actually had to re-read it to get the subject matter). Why would the news paper allow this?

This local paper has done tons of stories on how the downtown area is trying so hard to clean up the bad reputation it has and make this depo a safer place for the local youth. In fact the newspaper just did a report on the teen center that is inside this depo for the youth to get free help on a variety of issues.

So I ask again, Why would the newspaper connect such the depo with such an ugly story if they have nothing in common?

Is this what our media has become? Just another sell out?

Or is the newspaper so hard up for reporters that don't bother editing such things?

I saw it as lazy reporting. Would condone this?

Personally, I would like to have more details on what the couple looked like, a sketch behaviors, or maybe even what type of girls they tend to go after with a picture of either them, the type of girls they go after or maybe even the vehicles they use (sketches would have been fine).

I believe this was poor reporting & editing and even worse excursion of the story. If you would even call it that.

What are you opinions on this subject matter?
March 14, 2015 at 1:13am
March 14, 2015 at 1:13am
Creation Saturday!

Make a "Top 10" list...on any topic of your choosing. Why is #1 your #1


1) improve appearances:

This is always top of my list because it is the one thing I worry about the most. Not because of how I see myself but because of how others see me. I am content with how I look, but I know my looks cost me. Even on the basics of life.

I have great people skills, general office skills, and a vas knowledge of computers, but people don't want me as the first impression of their business simply because of my looks. It makes things from finding a job to be invited to events a challenge. The job thing is the one that bathers me the most. I know any employer would be pleased with my work and ability to work such a diverse group but I don't look the best so I don't get the chance to prove it.

2) writing improvements

3) Health & Fitness

4) Talents

5) Adventures

6) Family ties

7) true friends

8) Home

9) vacations

10) Savings
March 9, 2015 at 3:46am
March 9, 2015 at 3:46am
Wildcard Monday!

Saturday night parts of the world had to set their clocks ahead one hour to account for Daylight Savings Time. Did you have to, and if so, did it affect you at all? According to this link (http://www.weather.com/health/news/daylight-saving-time-spring-forward-health-ef...) researchers think the switch to DST every year impacts our health. What do you think?

In Alaska we do use day light savings, so I did need to adjust my clocks. I look forward to it every year! While I have idea if affects general public health or not, I know it is needed for my own personal mental well being.

For me it starts spring. We get to indulge in the nicer side of life all the way to until fall. Yes, I know it is a mind game but I start getting excited every February. By the time the Valentine rush is gone, it is time for Day Light Savings.

When I was young with a house full of children all on different schedules and me on yet another schedule we actually did a family gathering/party.

I would have tons of finger foods and we all played games that added 1 extra unearned point, invited all those that provide rides, childcare or any type of schedule aid to the kids and made a full night out of it.

The point was to ensure that everyone did in fact have their clocks set to the new time so no one was late. It was another way of keeping in touch with all my kids while trying to ensure our lives ran smoothly and teaching the kids without them realizing they were even leaning and didn't cost much which was huge for me in those days.

It actually caught on at alarming rates; co-workers started having "fun time" , other family members had "Spring steps" the kids even kept it alive with their own families by having their own "theme night".

In fact even though it has been about 3 years sense I did a daylight savings night, I still get calls/text every year asking if I am having a time night. :)

Apparently it helped everyone I knew shake off the winter blues and cabin fever and get primed for all the spring fun before them.

This year I got calls on tips and how to so people I know in the town I moved out of could continue it.

Ever notice how even the silly pointless stuff give you sense of joy? It really isn't important, but it made such an impact that other people want to keep it going. How is that for a complement ?

March 9, 2015 at 12:25am
March 9, 2015 at 12:25am
Linda Clark, the handler of a Colorado Iditarod 2015 team, lost one of her dogs today.

According to the article the dog was tired up to the back of the dog truck while a few of the dog team participated in the ceremonial start of the Iditarod yesterday. The dog was hit & killed by car in Anchorage.

According to the article, Stuart was named after the story book character Stuart Little due to his love for life and speed, has gotten loose and even though Linda was able to find him in time she was not able to get his attention before dashing into the highway and getting hit.

Linda is still going to Fairbanks to run the race because she feels it what Stuart would have wanted. Although it was far from his first race he had never gotten to run the Iditarod.

While I believe this is very sad and am overwhelmed with pride on how many spoke up to give condolences and prays to this new comer and her dog, I am a touch disappointed too.

Dogs & cats get hit often in Anchorage due to running loose. They never get so much as a paragraph in the back of obits? Yes some are stares, but others are the very loved pets of fellow town people and kids. Just because they aren't signed up for a spotlight event does not make them any less important or any less loved. Why is news worthy to mention Stuart's death?

Publicity! Plan and simply! I get this is a big race needed loads of training and skills on both parts, the dogs and the mushers, but is it really worth glorifying the nature of life?

It truly sadden me to think that all are media is now is another rating grabbing show!

Sad as it is, do we really see it as being worthy of the lead story? What about the legalization of weed here in Alaska? Which just went into affect on the 24th of February. Or all the shootings that have happened this year alone already? January had 31 days in it and Anchorage had 27 shootings. Even the fact that the public transportation to the valley was shut down without getting input from those that use it to get from the Valley to work on a daily basis?

I mean really? I get that the Iditarod is the happen event and the state want to keep it fresh and get as much media coverage as possible on it to help the state's revenue this year and in years to come, but really? Where is line of importance? I though exploiting the suicide of an ex-racer a month before the was low.

If the state really wants to generate media coverage to help with revenue for this year and years to come, how about cover the vas differences in racers? Colorado is a different state. One for which the training and understand of the race may be different then our own. There are a lot of different states represented in this race. coverage of the race and how it has evolved over the years, or the Fur Rondy and its evolution? I am sure that we could come up with a much better lead story that didn't involve making those that live here year round as if don't matter.
March 5, 2015 at 1:05am
March 5, 2015 at 1:05am
Do you believe in miracles? Why, or why not?

Yes, I do believe in miracles. There is too many undeserving or confusing gifts not to.

For reasons beyond my understanding I was able to live past 18 years old. In gracing me with that gift I have had plenty of children in my life even though medical professionals told me at 14 years I only had a 5% of ever conceiving and none chance of getting pass the 1st trimester. With that gift I have gotten to see grandkids be born and grow.

I have lost loves that shattered my very soul sure I would never know any kind of love again and yet I did.

I have lived though many situations that should have taken me out of this world, and yet for reason beyond my understanding I survived. With this gift I was able to pass on my knowledge and proven it from happing to others. Which in turn has allowed them to pass it on down.

Miracles come in every type of and even they don't really seem like miracles to the person receive them it maybe just the gift someone else needed.

I lost my parents at very young age. Even though only one died the other was still lost to me. I spent nearly a decade in mourning, filled with a very destructive hatred for adults, and cursed the world around every chance I got. I was robbed of any type of childhood, abused way pass human limits and even tried to end it a few times. However, others saw a young child raising a child by herself and succeeding, giving them the hope to do it themselves. The child I was raising saw a person that refused to let life win. Even other family members saw a survivor and claimed it inspired them to fight though some of the toughest cancers and other illness. While I did not see it as a miracle in anyway, for others it was the miracle they needed to witness to find the power they needed to get things done.

I don't claim to always understand them, nor do I always see the miracle for it is, but yes I do believe in them. Miracles are always happen all around us, but you can only recognize them when you are in the right frame of mind.

Sometime just being who we are is the miracle in itself. Plenty of people who know me don't understand how my life is what it is, to be honest I don't either, but I go along everyday just being who I am. That is a miracle to some. By being me my son knows he is never alone in life even if he cannot see me. The history of my father lives on because I am here carrying with me.

Like I said before, miracles come in all types and for all reasons. It is not always for us to understand or even be aware of it is just for us to appreciate it when do.

March 4, 2015 at 12:38am
March 4, 2015 at 12:38am
Name a time when you broke a rule or law. Did you get caught, or did you get away with it?

Be much to young for anyone to actually give real work to , and having a child to provide for I spent many years working under the law radar. I say under because there were times that I should have been busted, but do to my age the law officials presumed I was working for someone and the bottom of the chain instead of nearly the top. I survived many attempted crosses from those within the ring and had developed a well respected (as respected as one can be among criminals) name for myself. Which allowed me to conduct my business for many years with out ever getting a record.

Allow I am not proud of how I made my money and was able to quiet once I turned 14 years old. I was very proud of the fact that I was able to not only keep my child away from the crime element, but he was complete unaware of how I made my money until he was well into his adulthood and we had a confessional heart to heart.

I count myself lucky for not only earning a criminal record, but also proving to myself that I will always be able to provide for my family. I have not needed to return to that life nor do I ever for see myself returning to it.

Although it was a bit of a shock the my oldest especial considering how hard I was on him any time he came close to that path. It may sound hypocritical but it is because I was there and saw where it took some people and knowing that few are lucky I was to get out untouched. He understood but only because he was so much older when the reveal came. I believe had it taking place at any younger age it would have played out much differently.

My other kids are aware of it and because of listen to my oldest and others around me at the time (and the fact that I know what to leave out so they are not set up with a how to) they respect & trust me enough to come to me when they feel that is their only option. We have always been able to work things our legally and that fact makes me feel good.

As any parent will tell you, our goal as parents to avoid our children to suffer the struggles we did and to receive the best life possible with minimal shame or embossment.

March 2, 2015 at 11:38pm
March 2, 2015 at 11:38pm
20 Challengers this month! I've got my work cut out for me!

Seeing as how it's only the 3rd, I don't think it's fair to do an actual "Two-Fer Tuesday" prompt. Instead, pump your own tires...share with us an item of yours that you're especially proud of. Bonus points for today if you choose to review one of your fellow challengers' items (and you submit the review using the Invalid Review tag in your entry). It's like a "community spirit" thing

My Greatest Gift

I have a teenage son, at an age where most are consumed by impressions and Peer gathering forgetting that they even have families let alone that those families have feelings, he is brakes the stereotype.

The average stereotype teenager relies on the perception of their peers to gage their standards. Pouring the majority of their energy into obtaining the latest and greatest items and conducting themselves in a manner which will earn them "cool" status with their peers as if that judgment is the answer to life itself. My son defies the stereotype by being independent and unique in his actions and way of thinking.

Parents are hunting down new ways to get and stay connected with their growing young adults. Trying with all the strength of giants to guide the teens, keep order in the home and maintain the authority of the family leaders. It is a tight wire walk that is loaded with stress, high standards and most importantly the delicate developing of life foundation for the future lifestyles of these soon to be adults.

Not that I am any different then the rest of the parents out there, yet my son is one of those rare young adults which makes the adventure just a little easier. My son thinks for himself and although he wants to be accepted by his peers, he would prefer to have the admiration and respect of his family more.

Unlike most teens, he strives for time with his family. He will cancel or rearrange plans with his peers if to accommodate family schedules. He is the quick to remind us that it has been a month sense we had family time. He values our mother & son dates so greatly that he has made the arrangements and paid just to ensure that he receives his monthly day out with his family.

I have a gift in my son that was not enforced or drilled into him, it was simply implanted by the lifestyle in which we struggled though and survived. After so many years of it being just us. His siblings were grown with their own lives, his father was in the picture but not the house, and I haven't had minimal family around. Therefore, it became a way to treat us both when he was young.

I needed a cheap way to take a time out and recharge myself. Being that I was watching pennies so closely I could very well afford childcare even for just the one evening. Which in turn meant I needed to find a family friendly time out. It was so out of the ordinary routine for us that my son saw it as a treat. It was a win win for us both. As he got older and more self sufficient it eased the stress and load I was carrying myself I was able to let go little by little allowing him to explore who he wanted to be.

The greatest reward was the day that my son came to me and informed me that regardless of why the mother & son days started he still values them just as much as he ever did and wanted them to continue though out his life. Now the roles are reversed. He needs the time out to keep himself forced in life and I get the treat of changing the ordinary routine.

March 2, 2015 at 12:27am
March 2, 2015 at 12:27am

WILDCARD MONDAY!! March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb (or vice/versa). What are you most looking forward to this spring?

This spring hold so much for me it is hard to pin down what I am looking forward to the most.

My family has been renovating a small cabin on our property so that my mother in-law can move in, and it is almost done. She should be in by the end of the month at the latest. I am so excited for that to happen.

You hear all kind of horrible stories of " The In-Laws", hell the movie industry if full of monster in-laws turned friend or foe, but that was never the case with me. My mother in-law and I hit it off right from the start and have only grown closer over the years.

She is still my husband's mother so naturally see everything from that point of view. One of the things that has kept us from dueling is that I too have a son that will soon be off seeking his own relationships, so I am able to put myself in that point of view and understand where she is coming from. She has given me praise for doing it so naturally many times. Another reason is that we are from the same molding.

She is more religious than I am and come from a very large and tight family where as I have been on my own from a much too young age. However, in the end where we base our values and how we see right & wrong is very similar. Our main foundation, regardless of how it came to be, is practically the same and that makes it easy for us to friends.

In fact at our time in the relationship were it looked as there may be a splitting of ways we had discussed it, and determined that we would like to remain friends if that ever should happen. Lucky for me, it never has.

This spring also brings with it the adventure of exploring an entire new environment. Being that I moved here in the middle of winter, a slow season for any area in Alaska, there really has been much opportunity for community interactions or exploring. In the next couple of weeks the season will be bouncing back to full swing and provide plenty of opportunity for both.

Spring break starts for the schools next week and I will have the chance to spend overwhelming amounts of time with my son as we explore the area, prepare for his sinor year in high school and begin to narrow the chooses of what he will do after graduation.

Naturally there is always the wonderful weather , colors, holidays, and general evormental asspects that a romantic like myself enjoys too.

Like I said there are so many things to look forward to this spring it difficult to pick just one as my favorite.

March 2, 2015 at 12:19am
March 2, 2015 at 12:19am
What a convent prompt for today; take an article from your local paper and write about it...

I will be writing about a local murder trial that is the local paper today. Why I say this is ironic is because I was there, in an "after the fact" kind of way. Allow me to explain.

In November as I am closing the store/cafe I work at a man runs is "Call 911 she just been shot!"

Naturally I do as instructed as I walk out to see a figure lying on the ground outside the open driver side door of a running car. Once the state troopers show up they use our closed cafe as their investigation headquarters. A night that should have had me going home at 10pm didn't allow me go home until 5am the following morning.

Murder Trial enter second week

(no names will be used of course)

A 31 year old local man is charged with 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder by intent of serious injury, 2nd degree murder by extreme indifference manslaughter, 3rd degree assault & kidnapping and 2 counts of coercion. The murder victim is a 28 year old local women which has left behind, among others, a 7 year old child. The kidnapped victim is another local man age 26, who was the murder victim's boyfriend.

The article goes on to tell of text messages between the accused & the victims, the fact that the murder victim died of injuries from a bullet wound received in her temple at extremely close range, the fact that the victim had signed over parental rights of her child to her sister earlier that very day, and the fact that the suspect fled the scene.

Even though I personally did not know any of the people involved other than they were all customers of the store/cafe I worked at, it is still effects me. I t was my only my 2nd time closing alone, they are all fairly young people, all of which come directly out of the very tiny community I moved to only a week before, and the emotions of that night will stay with me for a long time to come.

Naturally i feel for the young child that no longer has a mother, all the families involved, yes even the accused. It will be a testimony of how this community dynamics are, because it is such a small community everyone knows one another and this will affect them all. In addition to the effects the actually act its self has already had on them the outcome of the trial will affect them again.

Being the outsider and having very limited pieces of the back stories and only the reactions I witnessed to go on, I have my own suspicions of how it all really went down, but that is for the courts to determine now. I just hope for the sack of all those involved both alive and dead they do they jobs right .

February 28, 2015 at 8:57pm
February 28, 2015 at 8:57pm

Hello all again. Today was colony survival day. We listen to a tell of "human danger". The story goes like this:

Ana Ant was out gathering and smelled overwhelming good food coming from some where so she followed the smells. She was not watching where she was going and crawled up a small human's tights. The tall humans told kept telling her to be still for "the picture" (no one know what it is).

Every time she moved they would ask her "Do have ants in your pants or something?" so Ana thought that must be were her colony was, she had gotten a bit lost.

Ana went searching for them but didn't hear anything and she couldn't see below the white stuff she was walking on. She figured the colony must be under the white ground so she started to burrow under the white ground.

She heard the ants, or so she thought. She was so excited she didn't realize how the tough ground was hilling sideways instead of up. When she paused to call to the colony, the ground rolled back at her and spat! No more Ana.

The moal of the story is to watch out for humans because every little thing they do can kill us. But all it did for me was raise questions; What type of ground hills sideways? How doses the ground come back to you if it not kicked? Why did the colony not save her?

I was told the white ground was leg covers the little humans were and the top of these "tights" have something called "elastic" that comes back when you let go and hills sideways. Then I was sentence to do a list of all the ways humans can kill us.

I can't wait until I am queen, than I can tell others what to do.

Well, got to get back to my list it is long.

This is Princess Antia signing off.
February 27, 2015 at 7:27pm
February 27, 2015 at 7:27pm

Hello all of the Heaping Hill Highway, I am Princess Antia. I have just reached the maturity gestation so it is my royal duty to blog on the Heaping Hill Highway for 1 month or until I take my 1st mate (which ever takes longer).

I have spent most of time in gestation being ignored. After all I am not yet queen and as you all know only the males get to work . I want so bad to help my colony, but I am a female and needed to preserve the colony when my time comes. I understand that I have a job when I am older but why can't I do something now?

Mom says that gathering is dangerous and many are lost in the process so naturally I am withheld from aiding there. I asked her if we lose so many ants every time they gather why do we let them do it? She reminded me that there are hundreds of them and only a few of us.

Out colony is small, there are only 3 of us royals and about 300 workers, so I get when what she means but I have ideas to help with the losses. Naturally no will listen. They are always saying , "Your time will come."

What about now? We are dwindling and unnecessarily. If I could only get someone to listen to me. If you are interested in reading my ideas go to HHH.antblogg/2young2speak and feel free to take any of the suggest up with the queen, just make them your ideas. Queen Ana is not likely to listen to anything from gestations.

Having no responsibilities yet has given me plenty of time to watch life around us though. Boy oh boy is some life odd. Did you know that some out there only have 1mate? Weird right?

I mean how do ensure survival with only 1 mate? How do you know you get a royal? What if that mate is killed? They seem to survive but I can't understand how.

I have gotten to explore a lot too. That is my favorite thing to do. Did you know there are lots of different grass?

I climbed the grass behind the gathering hole and it was a half day walk. When I got to the very top there was colorful grass coming out of it. The colorful grass is slippery and each color smells different. The smells are powerful they will make you rumble with hunger or bounce with happiness. Stay away from the yellow dirt in the middle though.

The yellow dirt in the middle smells like desert but is not for gathering. It is poky and sticky and those flying queens that wear the striped clothes will chase you and carry you away never to be seen again.

If you would like to read more about the things I have seen log on to HHH.PrincessExpolor/Antia

Stay busy until next time.

This is Princess Antia signing off

February 25, 2015 at 11:24pm
February 25, 2015 at 11:24pm
Prompt for February 26, 2015: Write to the senses of taste, smell, sight, and texture... Make and serve us a sample of your favorite drink, be it what may.

One of my favorite drinks in called "Fuzzy Naval" it is for those over 21yrs.

Take a tall drinking glass and set it in the freezer while you collect the needed items. It will give the glass a nice chill that, for me, helps blend it all just right. If it is as nice to you as is it is to me, you will enjoy a sweet juice with just the right bite. The perfect drink for detoxing after work while you read a romantic book or watch an intense movie.

You will need:

Orange Juice

Light peach flavored liquor (most commonly used is Peach shnobs, but I use Peach Smirnoff)

( If planned ahead; a nice enhancer is OJ ice cubes)


Mix it to a 50:50 ratio (the less liquor you can handle to more OJ and less Peach, for the stronger effect go the other way)

It will develop into a dark orange or light brown color, and the smell of the fruits will out weight the liquor. This gives the comfort of an ordinary fruit drink to those in the room. Beware though it is sneaky. It will seem as if there is no affect, give it time to settle in the system and the affects will there.

It can be served from ice cold to room temperature, but taste is vastly changed if allowed to get too warm. In my opinion it goes from a mellow, relaxing drink to a punishment only fit for death row inmates of violent crimes against the young.


Gather the supplies needed while the glass is in the freezer and after you are sure the OJ cubes are ready for use. Hopefully the liquor has been chilled too.

Pour the glacier clear Peach Smirnoff into 3/4 of a 2 quart picture, fill the rest with the liquid sunshine colored OJ and finally. Than remove your drinking glass from the freezer and pour yourself the desired amount. When you put the picture in the fridge also get the OJ cubes and place (1) cube for every (2) finger deep in drinking glass.

(If you place your hand on the table along the glass and it does not clear your fourth finger only use (1) cube)

Replace the cube holder back in the freezer.

Find the perfect book or movie, sit down, get comfortable and take that first slow sip.

The chilled glass will absorb the roughness of the day as that sweet fruit aroma whispers away the long work day. As the zesty but sweet brook of the drink awakens your taste buds and begins to minimize the harshness of the day, it will continue to travel down your throat with an ever so slite warming sensation that will lull you into the evening calm that will prepare you for the very peaceful evening you are about to experience.

Fill free to repeat & refill as often as you'd like, but mind the sneakiness of the drink. If you have properly savored the drink giving respect to the slow crawl of the liquor, than when evening as faded into night and the bed is calling for your companionship. It will be a full and restful slumber.

Enjoy in good health and always be responsible when drinking.

February 23, 2015 at 6:30pm
February 23, 2015 at 6:30pm
I know we are not perfect. Hell, you can not possible get this far in life and still think any part of the human race is perfect. However, is not acceptable to expect those closest to you to recongingzie what you do?

I am not talking about the big things like make it to TV or getting something printed. I'm talking the little stuff. Are they not the ones that should notice it?

If I ask for help on big stuff like my car, maintenance around the house it is practically done before I can finish asking. Which is great but those are needs. What about things I care about? What about asking for help with editing? Getting my work noticed? Helpful tips or networking aids? Shouldn't that be equally as important to those close to me?

I get that it may not be there thing. I understand that they may not even know how to help me, but when asked point blank those excuses are gone. If I say "Can you help me edit this piece?" That is the time to be worth coming, right? "NO." or "I'm not sure I would be any help" hell I would even accept "I don't have time". why says "sure" if there is no intention?

I care about my writing this is by no means a secret, hell most of my family and friends give me shit for it. I am always at the computer. I have used everything from a typewriter that I had to string my own ribbon to the newer one that had corrective ribbon to string, I used word processors before computers, and my first computer was truly old school. My first computer had a "memory cartage". It was about as thick as a small softback book, as long as a beta tape (dose anyone even know what that is anymore?), and had to be inserted into the back of the computer tower just right because the green chips had to match up with the black chips in order for it make a connection.

I help my kids with their passions (mostly art work which I suck at) even if it is just connecting them to someone that can only help with one area of their passion. I network for my husband's passion (his is Chevy automobiles, so not that hard), I even gave my ex-husband leads on where to go for his CDL in his new state for crying out load.

How the hell can they brush me off and treat me like a small child asking for some ridiculous item? I am not a 3 year old asking for a dragon on his birthday. I am asking for help editing a story I am working on!

I get that people have there own lives, but don't treat me like nag if I am bring it up once a week. Don't get mad at me for not having the time to wait around. You said you would do something, than do it! Hell, I get things life is ever changing, and maybe when you said you were going to help you had ever intention but things came up...than say that!

I hate feeling like a fool, but I will do a tone of pride swallowing if I think it will help my writing.

Just be up front!

Is it really wrong to expect the honest truth, respect and common courtesy from those closest to you?

I mean really, If we can't expect it from those closest to us how the hell can we ask it of strangers and co-workers?
February 23, 2015 at 4:40am
February 23, 2015 at 4:40am
Why not give free sales training to all?

You can have friends that have allowed you to do work you enjoy, but it will won't be taking seriously. Why?

"They are friends, they are bias."

No! They are workers, employers, and business owners. They value their investments as all do and they need the vision of their investment intrepid just as all do. The fact that one person knows one person dose not lessen that in any way. In all honesty it usually heightens the standards.

Why not give credit to family & friends?

"They are to close to properly judge."

NO! They are actually the best ones to evaluate a person. They know the person on every level, know what skills have been maxed out or still need work better than anyone else.

Everyone is always selling themselves. Pitching for a new career, for new relationships, to convey their visions. We spend most of our waking lives attempting to sale ourselves to someone else for one reason or another.

Therefore, why not give free sales training?

In stead of accumulating enough credits for earn a high school diploma that is useless in 10 or so years. The Board of Education should require that every student be a master level sales person.

You must be able to sale your knowledge completely, Negotiate with the top dogs and walk away the winner, close the all deals in writing with you receiving the most benefits out of the deal in order to exit high school. After all that is something that will be used right up to your death.

February 19, 2015 at 12:00am
February 19, 2015 at 12:00am

I have a teenage son, at an age where most are consumed by impressions and Peer gathering forgetting that they even have families let alone that those families have feelings, he is brakes the stereotype.

The average stereotype teenager relies on the perception of their peers to gage their standards. Pouring the majority of their energy into obtaining the latest and greatest items and conducting themselves in a manner which will earn them "cool" status with their peers as if that judgment is the answer to life itself. My son defies the stereotype by being independent and unique in his actions and way of thinking.

Parents are hunting down new ways to get and stay connected with their growing young adults. Trying with all the strength of giants to guide the teens, keep order in the home and maintain the authority of the family leaders. It is a tight wire walk that is loaded with stress, high standards and most importantly the delicate developing of life foundation for the future lifestyles of these soon to be adults.

Not that I am any different then the rest of the parents out there, yet my son is one of those rare young adults which makes the adventure just a little easier. My son thinks for himself and although he wants to be accepted by his peers, he would prefer to have the admiration and respect of his family more.

Unlike most teens, he strives for time with his family. He will cancel or rearrange plans with his peers if to accommodate family schedules. He is the quick to remind us that it has been a month sense we had family time. He values our mother & son dates so greatly that he has made the arrangements and paid just to ensure that he receives his monthly day out with his family.

I have a gift in my son that was not enforced or drilled into him, it was simply implanted by the lifestyle in which we struggled though and survived. After so many years of it being just us. His siblings were grown with their own lives, his father was in the picture but not the house, and I haven't had minimal family around. Therefore, it became a way to treat us both when he was young.

I needed a cheap way to take a time out and recharge myself. Being that I was watching pennies so closely I could very well afford childcare even for just the one evening. Which in turn meant I needed to find a family friendly time out. It was so out of the ordinary routine for us that my son saw it as a treat. It was a win win for us both. As he got older and more self sufficient it eased the stress and load I was carrying myself I was able to let go little by little allowing him to explore who he wanted to be.

The greatest reward was the day that my son came to me and informed me that regardless of why the mother & son days started he still values them just as much as he ever did and wanted them to continue though out his life. Now the roles are reversed. He needs the time out to keep himself forced in life and I get the treat of changing the ordinary routine.


Embracing & Feeding the writing addiction
February 9, 2015 at 5:53am
February 9, 2015 at 5:53am
Well, my 30dy blog contest was closed for interviews. I was going through hard core withdrawals, so went surfing though WDC entering things here and there and finally gave up and decided to be womanly.

Just for the record, my husband was fully aware when we 1st started dating I was not a cook or a baker. I barely clean and am not the frilly make-up & dress up type either. Therefore, any of the above mentioned is a treat.

I was board no outlets left to explore, no money and too cold outside to physically explore so:

I began to play in the kitchen and the next thing you know I have a dinner that totally filled my family. Which when you have a man size boy (16yrs old, 6'3, around 235#) is no small feat. Plus I baked this smores bar fudge cake desert.

My son gave me a complement I hadn't heard in so long I had actually forgotten how often it was used when he was little. "The welfare cooking guru is back"

See I was a single mother for many years, but never being one not earning my own money I never did qualify for any of the welfare programs that the lazy unemployed baby making & illegals qualified for. I sort of got know for being able to throw minimal things together and feeding a crew. You know how it is kids having fun and want their friends over for dinner at last moment. Hens the name 'Welfare Cooking GuRu'.

Tonight's dinner was 1 can chili, 1 box stuffing & 1 small package of sausage: cost around $5 and about 10 minuets to feed 3 adult size tummies with left overs.

This is going to be a long Monday.


Embracing & Feeding the writing addiction
February 9, 2015 at 1:17am
February 9, 2015 at 1:17am

I just wanted to thank Cubby for introducing me to blogging and Nature Brother for all the help he has offered along the way.

I have been making WDC friends at lighten speed. In fact I have a team of 11 members in Bird on a wire group that are more than willing to answer any question and have been just as quick to offer up encougament and praise as the above mentioned members.

I would tag you all in this if I could but I lost the email that Nature Brother send me on to do it.

Thank you all for helping me learn and enjoy the best site I have ever found.

To the inventors/creatators of WDC outstanding work. For a writer like me this is a blissful find with so much to offer it may very well take a life time for me to get explore it all. Keep up the awesome work.


Embracing & Feeding the writing addiction

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