Repository for my Zanier Ideas... on writing, and life. |
Welcome to my Abode! This collection of dusty thoughts and the like shall gather, perhaps... if inspiration should strike! |
Mental POV October 27, 2024 at 8:37pm Does anybody know much about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)?
I ask this because it is a mental discipline that--when its parts are properly understood--has a huge amount of applications. And many, many of them--most of which are beyond my ken--are useful to writers.
One which I am thinking has as much power for self insight as for writers, is actually more commonly written about in writing. POV.
Take a situation you participated in, and imagine it in first person--see what you s... [Read more] Another Essay on making an essay into plotting October 27, 2024 at 8:35pm If you do one it might be bad. If you do ten thousand, one of them will be good.
The same is true of plots. Don't like to outline? Because you prefer to fly by the seat of your plane? Sure, that's understood.
However, why not do a few dry runs every day, just sketching out the main points. If something inspires you you can then fill it in. Or at least have ideas you can then redo.
One plan for this is the Wannasoi Interrrogative Formula. It's a Madlib for plots.
I wa... [