![]() ![]() Herein sit my daily efforts in response to given poetical prompts throughout the sparkling month of April. Conditions apply.
April 2014 Poem-a-Day Prompts for National Poetry Month April 1: A one-sentence poem (of any number of lines, but still short & still a grammatically correct sentence!) April 2: Too, too silly for words...but, seriously, use words! April 3: A poem about leaflets three, or a blossom that has three petals (like spiderwort or toadshade) April 4: A poem with 4 walls in it (a room, a fort, a shack....) April 5: Fingers, all five. April 6: Incorporate a twig into the poem somehow. April 7: Bring in the theme of luck or a lucky number. April 8: A hate poem (instead of a love poem). April 9: A love poem. April 10: Create a tense mood with the poem. April 11: Include a literary allusion (title, character, notable image, etc., from another literary work) April 12: Cinema;a strongly cinematic poem, a poem about a particular film, or with a film allusion April 13: Let there be something broken in the poem April 14: Teeth, dental reference, dream of missing teeth... April 15: A pressing deadline and a full moon (get both in the poem) April 16: A poem about the beginning of something April 17: A poem with 3 inanimate objects in it April 18: A poem with 3 natural objects in it (dead or living, but definitely from nature) April 19: Speed, swiftness, something fast or quick April 20: Rain April 21: A threshold April 22: Put a window in the poem April 23: Put a door in the poem April 24: Look at the sky and get it into the poem, the sky on April 24 wherever you are! April 25: Trees April 26: A difficult conversation April 27: Holocaust Remembrance Day April 28: The trouble with Mondays... April 29: Dark of the moon April 30: Whatever you say fits on a napkin in a diner Last April I failed to complete the month. This April, we shall see. |