Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/1800239-The-Beginning-of-All-Things-New-pt-5
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by WordUp
Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1800239
Alexander goes into battle with a demon of the underworld.
         Alexander twirled the Sword of the Spirit as he approached the demon. The demon was grotesque in appearance. His limbs were disproportionate in length. He was covered with large bug eyes which were sunken on his head and over his forehead. He also had spikes along his spine and sharp fingers. He also stank so bad that Alexander gagged when he came close to him. The demon was also gray in color and looked like as if it was clammy at the touch. He asked God to have strength to fight and then the smell that wafted over him wasn't as bad. He felt superhuman strength course through his body.  The demon moved from the cavern he was guarding and looked at Alexander as if he were a bug to be squished. “You think you can defeat me?”, laughed the demon. “Look at you! You're not even prepared for battle!”

         Alexander said, “I can take any demon with my Lord my God on my side.” He circled the demon and moved in closer.

         Suddenly the demon lunged himself on Alexander with such speed and ferocity he barely had time to raise his shield to defend himself. Then Alexander shouted out, “I come to you in the name of the Lord my God!” And he jumped straight at the demon with such power the demon parried each move desperately. He fenced his way closer and closer to victory. Closer and closer he got to the demon and then suddenly a sharp pain was on his right side. The demon had wounded Alexander on his torso. The demon laughed out loud as Alexander bled..

         Alexander slipped and gripped his side as he knelt on one knee and felt his sticky blood pour out as his heart beat. He cried out “Help me, Lord!”

         Then a mist appeared in between the demon and Alexander. Time seemed to slow as the demon was lunging to take advantage of Alexander's wound. Then time stopped. “I have no armour Lord! You said that there was more. I was foolish to go on without asking for the armour. The demon said I was not ready. Make me ready Lord.”

         The mist formed and a voice spoke out, “It was wise for you to ask for help, Alexander. To realize that you need more than you can do by your strength alone is wisdom indeed. Take the full armour of God. The breastplate of righteousness, this will be your source of covering to withstand the blasphemies of the devil and put you in right standing with God. The Gospel of Peace will be shod on your feet to keep you from slipping on the blood of the devils that you slay and trample on them at will. The Helmet of Salvation is to protect your mind from all assault on your mind and keep it clean. Now you are ready. You were wise to ask for help. Now receive this healing and remember you always have me with you until the end of the world.” Then the flow of blood at his side was staunched and slowly healed. Soon it was gone.

         Then time slowly backed up and shifted to reality. Time then shifted back as the demon suddenly lunged at Alexander. Alexander deflected each attack of the demon. Snarling at the demon, Alexander jumped at the demon and smashed downwards at the demon's sword and he kicked him down.

         The demon said, “What say you? You are not going to defeat me with that armour you have on you!  I have defeated tens of warriors before you!” The demon then with a loud cry got up and then charged towards Alexander and thrust his sword there and back as Alexander stepped back parrying each blow. Then the demon screamed obscenities at Alexander and a dark cloud came upon Alexander. Alexander was then drugged. He staggered like a drunken man. The demon laughed maliciously and then swung his sword over head and then down upon Alexander's shield. Alexander went down from the blow. Then he rebuked the devil. “You are a liar demon!” said Alexander. He got up with such speed that he called out to the Lord.

         Without thinking he screamed, “HellFire!” Then all of a sudden the room was surrounded with a torrent of fire and the demon's face literally boiled away with blisters. His body blistered away and he screamed with agony and rolled around the ground attempting to put out the fire. Alexander took a step and smashed his face in. The demon laid down trembling posthumously. “Whoa!”, thought Alexander. “What made me think of doing that? I didn't even think about it, it came naturally.”

         Alexander knelt and cleaned his sword of the sticky black blood on the ground which was covered with blood from the demon. He was able to find a spot to clean his sword. He then cleaned his sword and sheathed the sword in its scabbard. He looked around and the cavern was blocked by a stone. He knelt and prayed.

         The mist then reappeared...
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/1800239-The-Beginning-of-All-Things-New-pt-5