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by kymee
Rated: 18+ · Book · Adult · #1793794
About my everyday life, my struggles with addiction, sexual abuse, bipolar and family
A blog about my life and how I got through some serious issues in hopes for a better tomorrow *Heart*
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April 26, 2012 at 1:53am
April 26, 2012 at 1:53am
I go into surgery tomorrow on my nose because I have a hold in there from doing drugs. I just want to get it over with and be able to close that chapter in my life.

Also, my sponsor betrayed me and broke our confidentiality as sponsor sponsee and went up to my dad and asked if he had sexually abused me. Now who does that.
April 24, 2012 at 2:16pm
April 24, 2012 at 2:16pm
My dad accused me of using yesterday because of a poem I wrote. I AM NOT USING. I have 8 months clean. I don't ever want to go back to my days of using. Here is a poem I wrote in regards to that.

Using’s Not An Option

Someone thought I was using,
By a poem I wrote today.
Go by my behavior,
and not by what I say.

The time I’ve spent recovering,
I thought had been enough.
Trust is what I’m trying to heal,
but sometimes it gets tough.

I know that I’m not using,
That’s the biggest thing I know.
If indeed I had been using,
I wouldn’t put on this show.

Those that really know me,
Accept what I have done.
Embrace me with support,
For how different I’ve become.

Trust is more than difficult,
If you’re one who’s been betrayed.
My recovery I am working at,
All day and every day.

I know that I’m not perfect,
and honest I try to be.
Not only with myself,
but with those who help me.

Though trust will take some time,
Have faith in what I do.
Using isn’t an option,
Soon the proof will come to you.


Kymberly Erickson
April 24, 2012 at 11:52am
April 24, 2012 at 11:52am
Ingredients of Love

True love is,
A combination of,
Trust and acceptance,
Of one another,
Without judgment interfering,
In what God has made.


Terror of the Truth

Fear is the mixture of;
Anxiety and denial of faith,
Which keeps us stuck,
In our problems,
and away from God.


In the Nude

Born naked to my parents,
Innocent and pure.
My father took that away,
Left me dirty and ashamed.
I need a bath.

April 23, 2012 at 1:41pm
April 23, 2012 at 1:41pm
Thru my recovery from drugs, I believe that life is now worth living compared to how I used to be suicidal and actually attempted suicide 3 times.

Life Is Worth Living

Take this drug and shove it,
I can’t take it anymore.
It’s controlled my life, my being,
Like so many times before.

Get this drug away from me,
I either live or I will die.
There’s nothing I want more,
Than to be free from this lie.

My life has been in shambles,
Everything has been a race.
Fear sometimes engulfs me,
It’s the pain I cannot face.

Free me from my addiction,
Let new life live in me.
Give me something to live for,
Give me something to believe.

Give my heart and soul a rest,
Let my life begin today.
Take me where I’ve never been,
Let me know that I’m okay.


Kymberly Erickson
April 22, 2012 at 6:35am
April 22, 2012 at 6:35am
The sexual abuse book that I contributed to is out and on Amazon. As soon as I get further details I will let you all know.

I got the info. The book is called BREAK THE CYCLE VOL. 2 I contributed two poems of mine - SURVIVING A DIFFICULT LIFE AND BROKEN WINGS. You can purchase this book at Amazon for $15

Another poem about addiction and how it changed my life.

Life Is Worth Living

Take this drug and shove it,
I can’t take it anymore.
It’s controlled my life, my being,
Like so many times before.

Get this drug away from me,
I either live or I will die.
There’s nothing I want more,
Than to be free from this lie.

My life has been in shambles,
Everything has been a race.
Fear sometimes engulfs me,
It’s the pain I cannot face.

Free me from my addiction,
Let life learn to live in me.
Give me something to live for,
Give me something to believe.

Give my heart and soul a rest,
Let my life begin today.
Take me where I’ve never been,
Let me know that I’m okay.

April 22, 2012 at 6:34am
April 22, 2012 at 6:34am
This is a poem about my son, who is no longer my little baby he is 24.

Baby Face

The face of my baby,
A child so young.
Is part of my life,
For he is my son.

A baby so perfect,
With brown, curly hair.
You’ll see women stop,
Stand there and stare.

Baby blue eyes,
and lashes so long.
When God made this baby,
He did nothing wrong.

A nose like a button,
Ears perfectly sized.
Skin soft and gentle,
Lungs with heavenly cries.

A face that is round,
Eyebrows real light.
This face of my baby,
Came out just right.

WRITTEN BY: KYM ERICKSON 4/20/12,4/22/12
April 21, 2012 at 3:58pm
April 21, 2012 at 3:58pm
A light children's' poem

A Day at Play

A brother and sister sat on the bench,
Playing with the butterflies.
One sat on his finger,
Then flew off into the sky.

The birds were happily singing,
and flying in circles too.
One bird had red markings,
While the other one had blue.

They flew towards the mountains,
Which were white and full of snow.
The trees were blowing in the wind,
Which meant it was time to go.

Their day was filled with lots of fun,
Together they had a great day.
Both of them were happy,
“Cause they’d soon be back to play.

April 20, 2012 at 5:04am
April 20, 2012 at 5:04am
I fell out of bed the other day wrapped up in my blanket and I sprained my foot, Luckily it was not my driver's foot,. Recovery is going great. I'm gonna keep my sponsor after all. We worked everything out about my dad. My sponsor already knew he had molested me.

Heart So Badly Broken

Heart broken on the sidewalk,
Love just spewing out.
Having no direction,
I want to scream and shout.

Wounds so widely open,
Scars still on the mend.
A love so very painful,
I lost my best friend.

Time to close it up now,
Let go of what we had.
Move onto the next phase,
Be thankful yet be sad.

Count the blessings I received,
All the love and sheer support.
Our lives are separated now,
There’s no more to report.

Heart no longer broken,
Time is on my side.
Twenty years of memories,
A friendship that has died.

WRITTEN BY: KYM ERICKSON 2/22/12, 2/25/12

I feel at peace a lot and have a relationship with God which has helped tremendously. I look forward, thru the steps, to finally be free of all my demons in my childhood and my life.

Wrote the poem below at my 8 months clean

The Message

An angel with a smile,
So beautiful and so white.
Came down to visit you,
Early in the night.

She had a message for you,
That God wanted you to know.
“You are very special,
and I’m proud of you so”.

He said your faith and spirituality,
Has grown beyond his dreams.
Your clean in your recovery,
To see what all this means.

God is your foundation,
Your will is all his own.
You’re living in the present now,
With the future still unknown.

The road that you are traveling,
Will bring you just rewards.
Help others along the way,
and keep moving forward.

April 18, 2012 at 6:52pm
April 18, 2012 at 6:52pm
A poem I wrote about kids with cancer.

Children With Cancer

A little girl named Caroline,
Never had a chance.
For she was sick with cancer,
Due to circumstance.

She never knew she had it,
By the way she laughed and played.
She knew that she saw doctors,
Almost every day.

She didn’t let it bother her,
She accepted what was true.
Most her friends had no hair,
Which she thought was normal too.

She didn’t really understand,
When her friends would go away.
Why she never saw them again,
or why they couldn’t play.

So the angels in the sky,
Came around so they could see.
This innocent little child,
Playing so happily.

They came to ease her struggles,
and fill her up with love.
Told her God was watching her,
From heaven up above.

Told her God would bring her home,
and take away her pain.
Her family would be missing her,
and no one was to blame.

God’s children who face cancer,
Will never have to fear.
They’ve blessed us with their presence,
and happiness in their tears.

April 16, 2012 at 2:02pm
April 16, 2012 at 2:02pm
Wrote this silly poem. Things went well with my son yesterday. We opened up about the past, present and future. I believe it was just the beginning, although I don't know what the next step is. I am no use to maintaining nor working on last relationships. I believe on step at a time and my recovery will lead me to a path and my life that I can share with my son. I am nervous, feel a bit out of my skin, but believe God will lead us the way.

Rockin Rollin Midget

Rockin Rolling midget,
Slithering on his snake.
Wearing a mustache,
Which obviously is fake.

He think he’s really cool,
In that outfit that he wears.
With pointy shoes and tights,
He says he doesn’t care.

Inside his horn is a duck,
That makes noises in the night.
It usually sounds horrible,
and can give you quite a fright.

His slithering snake with funky wings,
Takes him where he needs to go.
Together they both look ugly.
but can put on quite a show.

Once there in your neighborhood,
He’ll try to take you aboard.
Put you on his slithering snake,
and show you his tiny sword.

But do not be afraid you see,
Just laugh as he goes by.
He’s a midget, don’t forget,
You’ll never see eye to eye.


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