Teaching In Schaumburg & From Home
Locale: Schaumburg & Bloomington, Illinois
Week of: 7/25/22
This class is the one I delivered in Kansas just two weeks ago. While the students didn't exhibit the same enthusiasm that the Kansas studens did, things still went well, all things considered. All things considered? Yeah, Monday night was a tough night for me, I coughed most of the night and felt sorry for anyone in a room near me. Shades of early last year! The cough was that bad. I went to work Tuesday morning, and from there to Urgent Care. The students ended up having the day off because I was tested for COVID again, and was positive this time too. I'm still not sure if it was a carry-over from being in Kansas, or a new case. Either way, I was miserable. I was in Urrgent Care for about 3 hours, and was prescribed Paxlovid, the same anti-viral medicine our president has been taking. When I left Urgent Care, I went to my hotel, packed things up and checked out. Then of course, I had that 2-hour drive home. In some cases, I probably should not have been driving. The cough remained with me, and there were a couple of times that I felt the blood rush to my head, and the feeling I might pass out. But, having gone through this last year, I knew I wasn't close to the fainting point, but still..... I should not have been driving. With no other way to get home really, I had to drive. It wasn't that dangerous, but that might just be me downplaying things.
My manager came in while I was in Urgent Care and explained what was going on. They were offered the chance to go home early, or continue the class as an online class. Believe me, when I got home, the last thing I wanted to do was teach on line the next day. When I woke Wednesday morning I sitll didn't feel like teaching on line. But I did begin the class, and as the day wore on I felt better. That cough is still with me though. I see my Primary Care doctor Tuesday morning, we'll see what comes of that. I made it through the week though, but have slept on a makeshift bed (cot), or on the love-seat (we don't have a couch), every night. I have a tough time lying down right now, when I lie down I start to cough. This cough is not a small, soft cough. It's loud, it's from deep in my chest, and can leave me breathless. I haven't passed out from it, but I've felt it coming on once again. I am not sure the cough is due to COVID, or if something else is going on that might be COVID related, which is causing the cough. I'm still here, alive and somewhat well, that's the good thing. Am I completety healthy? NO. Nor do I think I will ever be 100% again. If not COVID, if not the cough, I have some amount of pain every day. There's no getting away from it, so I grin and bear it. I am going to a back pain specialist this week, we'll see what he says.
My schedule has been modified due to this past week, so I will not be in Schaumburg as originally scheduled. I will be home resting, sleeping, and recovering all I can. My Quarantine ends tonight, but I have the extra 5 days of isolation, and will wear a mask about everywhere I go. My manager wants me to have another COVID this week, and it has to come back negative. Otherwise I will not fly to LA on Sunday the 7th of August. I have my fingers crossed.
In Closing
I am home next week, and as of now, I fly to LA as I said. We'll see what happens with the tests this week as to whether I go or not.. As of now, my schedule is full to the gills through the end of the year and into next year. I look for it to remain that way. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!
Jim Dorrell |