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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #1587540
Not hardcore enough to be ultra nerdy, but it's not that shallow, either.
For my sci-fi blog

I'm not super dedicated to science fiction. In fact, it's my escape from reality. However, even when escaping I have plenty to say on the subject. I'm not as devoted to it as some people I know. That said, it's not a shallow thing for me. I can overthink it like I overthink everything else under the sun (and moon and other planets). My ramblings will range from cerebral to silly and borrow random elements from seemingly nonsensical areas. Many have (and will) appear in my journals first. When they arrive here, there will be edits for language, typos and similar details. However, the 18+ rating will stay since sex, violence and similar topics will be addressed in this blog. After all, sci-fi includes these elements in various ways from time to time.

To get an idea of my science fiction background, I recommend this primer "Preferences in a nutshell. Links are always relevant to my interests, and my favorites can be found in the lefthand column next to this blog. You'll also see links to my other journals if you want to browse the unedited versions of my rants and/or see who I am outside the science fiction realm. Comment as much or as little as you like. Just remember that I'm not here to take things too seriously, as that's just not how I roll in sci-fi discussions.

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September 27, 2009 at 9:54pm
September 27, 2009 at 9:54pm
No seriously, it is. I'm talking about last night's Heroes episode. Seriously, this ep was very good, grumblings about Peter and Claire be damned. I mean, you had DL actually doing something; Hiro and Kaito in a nerdtastic swordfight; HRG starting to lose his grip on sanity; Peter doing some mind reading; Ted getting his head sliced open; Mohinder going parental...need I go on? Oh, and by the way, Micah really got a raw deal. Not to mention I'm really intrigued by Molly and her storyline. Then again, Mohinder's involved. *Pthb* But seriously, so much happened with this episode I'm not sure where to begin.

First off, death toll. Thompson, Linderman and Ted all kicked the bucket. We'll see what happens to DL. A small part of me has wanted to see more happen with DL. After all, his power is very fascinating to see in action. He's already been shot a couple times (including this ep), so he might go next ep. Now what I'd like to see go are the damn Peter/laire vibes. They weren't as noticeable in this ep, but they were there. Luckily a bunch of dead guys diverted my attention. Sine I'm stuck on this topic, let me also say that I'm bummed about Linderman dying. Yes, DL was full of awesome with the way he killed Linderman (hint: in a way that Sylar couldn't get his power), but a part of me enjoyed Linderman. Then again, Malcom McDowell rocks. Gotta love A Clockwork Orange! Anyhow, Ted's death kinda sucked, but in a way, it's best for him. He's reunited with his wife, and we can ross him off the Bomb List. Thompson, well, he had it coming. I just was surprised to see Bennet pull the trigger. I hear there are four more deaths on the way, and I strongly suspect Nathan is one of them. I'm starting to wonder if Sylar might die as well. It depends on how his showdown with Peter goes.

What else happened? Oh, fuck it! I am officially pissed off at every last Petrelli. Yes, this includes Claire because she's well in the bloodline. Between the incest innuendos, Nathan and Mama being pure asswipes and even Peter's starting to irritate me. Of course, my irritation comes from Peter being something of an ass in regards to Mohinder. After all, Mohinder doesn't know Peter's alive. He thinks that he is the reason Peter died. You know this is a concern when non-Peter/Mohinder shippers at 9th Wonders are discussing it (unless there's a bunch of, um, closeted Peter/Mohinder shippers I'm not aware of). But yeah, out of all the Petrellis, only Claire is halfway tolerable (even though I'm annoyed by her). Well, Heidi (Nathan's wife) is still decent, but she's not in the bloodline. By the way, did you see Linderman's skills on her? Sweet. And did he inadvertently keep DL alive a bit when DL phased through his skull? I wonder. Anyhow, moving on because I'd still like to strangle the entire Petrelli family tree.

Then there's Hiro and dad (Kaito). First off, seeing George Takei move like that was just crazy. I was going "Oh, snap!" during the training sequences. Plus, I love a good swordfight. It was stunning visually and depicted Kaito as potentially the least screwed up of the heroic parental units. I'm very curious as to what Kaito's power is, and I hope he becomes a main character next season. I have this theory that he's the best presented parent because we have yet to meet Hiro's mom. Somehow, after we meet the mothers of the main characters, we realize that they were kind of screwed from the beginning. This does include Mohinder's mom, who was a lying asswipe in episode 9 ("Homecoming"). We'll see how this theory holds up next episode. I can't say anymore because, well, that'd be a spoiler. *Wink* I've been very impressed with Hiro the past few episodes, and I'm curious as to what the season finale will bring. I know. I'm sad that season 1 is almost over. *Cry*

On that note, time for my weekly Mohinder ramble. First off, he managed to treat Molly by being alive. Yay! Second, it seems Molly is growing closer to him as well. Will he end up being her dad? While I'd love that, Mohinder's status in the states is unknown, and I doubt legal residents would be seen as ideal candidates. But would Matt be in a position to adopt her? How about Molly's extended family? If he adopted her, though, that might make him a more prominent character in season 2. According to the TV Guide interview, Mohinder's character will be expanded in a figureative sense. Yay! But yeah, Mohinder going all protective for Molly has spurred the Stik Squee. Eeeeeeeeeeee!!!! *Bigsmile* Anywho, yeah. Mohinder rocks, and he'll be back. Now if we can just get another couple comics with him in it, it'd be all good.

On that note, my ramble is over...until next week. I'm a Heroes addict. I can't help it! And hey. Let's throw in a link without context for good measure. *Smile*


September 20, 2009 at 3:04am
September 20, 2009 at 3:04am
I have to confess I haven't been keeping up with this lately because I'm working my tail off to write fanfiction.

Yes, you read that correctly. I'm writing fanfiction. *Blush* I'm thinking it's time to suggest an emoticon of a paper bag over a face. Just sayin'.

I actually wrote some fanfiction for Heroes a couple years back, and you can see it in the link to your left that says "Fanfic". That is a link to my fanfiction.net page. Don't get me wrong. I know that a lack of quality is an issue there, but I refuse to put fanfiction into my portfolio on this site. While a lot of things about this site are no longer sacred, I still refuse to taint the site with fanfic. So I post it elsewhere. Anyway, when the WGA strike landed, I lost interest in the fandom and proceeded to occupy my time in other ways. All was going well until I saw Star Trek. Lord have mercy. I'm writing fanfic again.

I've actually been talking about this project with Robert Waltz . The story that's been occupying my time lately centers around activities on a starbase that are loosely connected to events in a story I've been writing since June (but have set aside to work on this little offshoot). Truth be told, I've been hesitant to really discuss it because of the characters that take the spotlight in this story, specifically the reason they're the main characters. So this entry will mostly likely sway between me talking about the story and my opinions on writing fanfiction in general.

I admit I'm still a bit of a snob and look down on fanfiction in general.Why? Well, there's no respect given for original characters. Don't get me wrong. I know all about the Mary Sue (and variants) issue and recognize that a lot of people who write fanfiction tend to be crappy writers. At the same time, I've come across some really good fanfics, and I know that there are professional writers in the Daria fandom. Still. I think fanfic is a time waster. An entertaining time waster but one nonetheless. Did I also mention that when I read fanfic, I tend to read quite a few stories of the porny kind? Yeah. (Ironically, I don't write it. I can write sex scenes but don't particularly enjoy doing so on a regular basis.)

On top of that, fandom misuses the word angst like it's nobody's business. Guys, I wrote an article on angst! It's right here! "Drama Newsletter (July 9, 2008) What many call angst is just regular old drama and conflict. Plain and simple. That conflict, though, is one of my favorite things in fanfiction. I can read happy, fluffy pieces and appreciate them for what they are. The same goes for porn. However, I live for the heartwrenching conflicts and moral ambiguity that only true clashes and insurmountable odds can provide. I actually have come across some stories where that type of tension has overwhelmed me, but those occasions are very few and far between. When I do find these fanfics, I admit I tend to enjoy them more than completely original stories of a similar nature. it's usually because those who write solid stories with lots of tension tend to be more well rounded and more experienced writers. Those types are hard to find no matter where you look.

Needless to say, I find myself sort of writing that kind of story in this offshoot from the larger project (which is more along the lines of a suspense thriller, which isn't too far out of my range). There is tension, conflict and a more serious tone. But it is also an exploration of a relationship reaching its pinnacle level: marriage. But getting to that point has been far from easy for the pair in question. I'm not entirely inclined to discuss the pair at great length because Robert Waltz and I disagree on on it (although we both agree that shipping the Kirk and Spock from this timeline just won't work, so don't ask). However, a lot of wiggle room was given in the movie for the couple at the center of my story, and they are ultimately at the center of a conspiracy that fuels my main story and provides a challenge in the piece that I'm currently working to finish.

Needless to say, I'm nine kinds of worried about this story, which I'm stupidly going to make available for public consumption before the month is over. Besides this story basically being a public confession of my favorite part of the damn movie (in retrospect), I have other worries. Do I make their voices sound true without overdoing it on the catchphrases? Will my incorporation of other Star Trek canon characters work in the context of this story? Will people see my original characters as full realized people and not self inserts (which I've been lucky enough to largely avoid)? Fanfic can be a dicey line to walk, but I do it, anyway. I'd ask myself why, but I don't think I really want to know the answer.

On that note, I'd like to leave you with a link to a story I happened to find not too long ago and can't help but adore. It pretty much embodies the tension/conflict side of writing in general that I crave but almost never get.


I think that's all I need to say about that.

September 13, 2009 at 12:25am
September 13, 2009 at 12:25am
A link!


On a more serious note, I've been pondering the idea of how a present day society can affect the development of a science fiction story. Oddly enough, this train of thought was inspired by the description of a hypospray. More links! (I love you, Memory Alpha.)


I saw on another page where someone described it as being like an aerosol. This got me to thinking if it was designed to operate in a similar manner to aerosol cans. If so, would the hypospray of the 1960s have been designed with CFCs in mind? It's hard to say without digging through the archives to find and crew commentary from that time which would shed light on the subject. Given that a more ecofriendly propellant wasn't introduced until the mid 90s, it's pretty likely that the hypospray in TOS would have been designed to use CFC as its propellant. This means the hypospray would have to undergo another design change in order to make sense to present day audiences that are used to not having CFC products around in large quantities.

So what does a hypospray have to do with the development of a science fiction story? The CFC hyposprays were designed from the mind frame of what technology was available back in the 60s. A hypospray created in this decade would be designed to use an HFA propellant due to the lovely Montreal Protocol basically put the kibosh on CFCs for medical use. This little detail is the culmination of years of scientific research that ended up altering various technological developments. As humanity further explores the sciences, more developments would occur that can change any number of elements of a science fiction story.

Such developments are not restricted to the sciences. Social changes can affect the development of technologies or even plotlines for sci-fi. Generally speaking, the more suppressive/repressive the change, the more it will affect a story. This is pretty obvious, but it does lead to an interesting question. What if certain shows had been developed at different times? For example, what would Doctor Who be like if the show had been developed a decade earlier or later? Would Heroes have had altruistic characters like Peter Petrelli if it had been pitched in 1999? Would the original incarnation of Star Trek have been set in the 24th century if it was airing today due to the somewhat slow development of space travel technology over the past couple decades? No one can really know the answers, but if we were to look at the technologies available, the social mores and what was known about scientific areas of concentration we could make some fabulous guesses.

So...anyone want to take a stab at it? I'll be sure to share my thoughts in future entries.

September 6, 2009 at 2:51pm
September 6, 2009 at 2:51pm
Heroes is starting back up on the 21st, so why am I less than enthused ? Let's take a look.

*Star* Apparently Claire's going to engage in "Sapphic experimentation" this season. *Sick* THat's not shark jumping, people. That's Usain Bolt performing the long jump over 15 great whites lined up next to each other. (And for the record, I like making Usain Bolt references, because he's better than the underwater android.)

*Star* Hiro's more than likely going to live (and I was jonesin' for a good death scene).

*Star* Sylar will still be around, which means the crazy ass fans will remain.

*Star* Greg Beeman will be working on another show, so no Heroes blog entries from him. He's actually working on the new Melrose Place spinoff, which I'm tempted to watch because of him. And in case you're wondering about his blog, check it out here. http://gregbeeman.blogspot.com/

*Star* Mohinder is looking to written out of the show. I'm not thrilled about it because Mohinder has been my main reason to watch. On the other hand, they have violated his canon nine ways from Sunday and have kept him from Peter. That ticks me off, and if you saw Season One, you'd understand why. While much chatter has been made about how well Zach and Sendhil work together, I really think Sendhil and Milo had much better onscreen chemistry. It felt way less, dunno, obvious. Fans responded well to it whenever it was shown, but the creative staff ignored that fan reaction. This is why I think Tim Kring deserves to eat E. coli contaminated shit and die. *Angry*

*Star* I have my misgivings about this whole Carnival theme they're touting this season.

*Star* There so far are no plans for Monica to come back. She's the only female character I ever liked on the show. She wasn't whiny or angry and had a solid moral base. She deserves a lot better than what she's been given. Argh!

On that note, I will be watching, but my attention will be split between that and trying to get my muses to calm down. They're hurling ideas at me faster than I can contain them, and my muses keep telling me that at least one needs to stick so I can be responsible for improving Karl's career. God, what terrible motivation to write. Muses, Karl, I hate you all right about now. *facepalm*

August 29, 2009 at 2:05pm
August 29, 2009 at 2:05pm
I've noticed a couple things over the past couple years. First, I keep stumbling upon sci-fi fandoms filled with vocal women. Second, whenever I'm in these fandoms, the discussions about women in the TV show/movie/whatever always seem to find me. I never go actively looking for them. I'm thankful I haven't heard about it as much with Star Trek. With all that said, I think it's time for me to admit something. One of the reasons I gravitate to sci-fi shows is because it's mostly men. If that actually surprises any of you, first off I'd be amazed. Second, well, let's take a look at all the factors.

For starters, most female characters written for the screen don't translate on the screen. Why's that? Well, as I said in my For Authors newsletter a month or so ago, it's a combination of audience perception and the writer's depiction of female characters. The problem with something the screen, though, is that the actor has a lot to do with it. Actors of both sexes get typecast, but it's trickier for women to overcome that. I'm not saying it's impossible. It's just that women don't get as many chances to break molds that might be made for them earlier in their careers. I'm really tempted to use Megan Fox as an example, although calling her an actress seems a bit insulting to thespians across the globe, both alive and dead. It's also tempting to use Zoe Saldana as an example, but I don't think Ribit would let me hear the end of it if I did. Anyway, the typecasting can come about in myriad ways, but the biggest blow is rendered when a young actress gets cast in a badly written role that she can't make work to her advantage. If word of that gets out, you might as well pack it up and call it a day. When female characters are not written well, it takes a confident and skilled actress to make it work. That sort...is hard to find (especially these days). It doesn't help that this problem comes up pretty often in sci-fi. It certainly doesn't appear in all of it, to be sure, but it seems to stick out a lot more in sci-fi, from what I've seen.

What else? Obviously, I like men. By like, I mean I would kill myself if I was thrown into a sorority house. Anytime I hear about a study that suggests the Y chromosome is fading away, I am thankful I will be dead and gone long before men could possibly become extinct. And since sci-fi tends to feature a lot of guys, well, I'm a happy camper. It certainly doesn't hurt that sci-fi these days has plenty of males that are very easy on the eyes (but are a little more taxing on the salivary glands). It sounds shallow (and is, in some ways). However, I much prefer male characters, as they're much more fascinating to watch unfold on the screen. I wouldn't say they're more emotionally layered or more complicated than women. I just prefer the approach in exploring male characters in TV shows and movies. It feels less obvious, since female characters are expected to be more demonstrative in many ways. There also tends to be more restraint in the storytelling when more male characters are involved, at least from my observation. I sometimes struggle with this sense of restraint, and as someone who is not always outwardly emotional I adore seeing it in my entertainment.

So what does any of this have to do with Star Trek? Well, I saw someone post the other day that (s)he'd like to see more female characters and have them get a decent chunk of screentime in future movies. I have to admit I'd rather not see that. Though I wouldn't call myself a well-versed fan in the shows' many universes, what I've seen leads me to believe that too many female characters would overpower the men. I think the female characters that have been presented have held their own against the many men. I also think that this call for more female characters is a projection of feminist values that may not be true to the timeframe in which the story is set. It could be that there aren't more women showcased in Starfleet because they have powerful positions on Earth or their respective planets (such as T'Pau). I'm just sayin'. On top of that, the men on that show/movie (this is hard to keep organized) have a surprisingly strong tendency to be emotionally demonstrative, albeit in a variety of ways. Bones is the most obvious example of this, and I think this aspect of his personality is the reason a good number of female fans gravitate to him. That's not to say the others aren't emotional. They just express it in less overt ways (which appeals to my inner emotional detective). I think adding more women to the cast would diminish this experience by a lot, and only one (maybe two) of the men would ultimately be spared. I wish I could articulate this better. I really do. I just think that feminists tend to miss the point in these matters. Representation does NOT equal realistic depiction. You better recognize. And in something like Star Trek that is so rooted in character development, adding more women in prominent roles would be more of a risk than it's worth.

Which reminds me. Claire is gonna make me wanna vomit this season. I got a spoiler that really grossed me out, but I'll save it for later. And why did I jump from Star Trek to Heroes? You'll see later.

August 25, 2009 at 12:34pm
August 25, 2009 at 12:34pm
I come with a link and some videos! First, thank you to Robert Waltz for this one.


I've always joked about how Tim Kring needed to make sure everything in the pilot script was spellchecked, including the title. Given that 'o' and 'p' are right next to each other on the keyboard, well there you go.

And now, videos! I posted these in my journal before, but they're worth showing again. Especially since Karl Urban is involved. *Delight*

I'll be presenting more recent discussions in my next blog entry. Hooray!

August 22, 2009 at 9:42pm
August 22, 2009 at 9:42pm
See previous recap entry for disclaimer. Thank you kindly!

IT'S BAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, Heroes is as rockin' as ever despite people's bitching about the hype. Sure, it wasn't as mind blowing as the last two episodes, but with a show this intense, you need to breathe every once in a while. I always laugh at the people who say they're no longer loyal fans because of this ep. Please. You'll be back next week. Besides, a lot of plot questions were answered in this ep, not to mention...the death of Isaac! But let me back up here.

Normally I'd save my Mohinder ramblings for last, but I have a theory that absolutely must be shared. Now granted, my theory does rely on Peter's "death", and if you have no idea, go watch the episode at nbc.com. It's in part 2. Anyhow, we do know that Mohinder is seeking revenge for his father's death. He had a good plan for it but got in over his head (not to mention blowing his best chance, but would that work for the show? Not really.). However, I have a feeling that from here on out, what he knows as Peter's death is going to motivate further actions on his part. No, this is not me being optimistic (completely). Let's put it this way. He watched Sylar kill him, and he is more aware of Peter's powers. He's just not aware of all of them. Won't he be in for a shock when he sees Peter again? Anyway, getting back to "dead" Peter, Mohinder was touching the corpse just a bit much to be checking to see if Peter was alive. I mean, he practically leans on Peter. Imagine if Peter was still alive at the time...*Pthb* Also, listen to Mohinder's voice. Talk about being grief stricken! And let's not forget Mohinder assaulting Sylar with the chalkboard. That...was awesome! We also have how it took a bit of work on Mama Petrelli's part to get Mohinder out of her place. And then came the desperate call to Primatech to try to get a hold of Bennet. He gets Thompson instead. *cue ominous music* I personally think that Peter's death is what spurred Mohinder to make that phone call.

There's other, non-episode (as in .07%) evidence that supports my theory. One is a bit spoilery, but I'll be vague. In next week's future episode, Mohinder can curry influence (no pun intended considering he's Indian), and he's going to try to protect those with powers. Food for thought. Also, the NBC site has graphic novels which do fill in quite a number of gaps between the episodes. However, the artists, uh, kinda screwed up something in one of the panels. Actually, it's more than a small screwup, and it's noticeable enough to say it was done on purpose. Basically, on the fifth page of the latest graphic novel, there's a reproduction of the sketch Isaac made of Peter and Simone. Thing is, the hair is totally wrong. It's the wrong length, and the curls are very different. If you can't see where this is going...you must not read my journal that much! *Laugh* To make a long story short, it looks like Peter and Mohinder are swapping spit in that frame. No lie!


There. Linkage. You happy? *Pthb* In any case, they're probably looking to see who's paying attention. On the other hand, it could throw another curve ball into the whole time/space continuum issue. It could be showing another universe in which Mohinder was in the States for a much longer time than imagined. It could also give a clue as to what Simone's ability is (uh, pardon the spoiler there), but that's a stretch. I think it most likely is a comment on Peter and Mohinder's relationship, which has evolved the slowest. However, there is a reason for that. Bear with me. This is kind of difficult to explain.

The episodes only show Mohinder and Peter meeting a few times this season. However, their understanding of each other changes pretty rapidly with each meeting. Granted, a lot of stuff has happened in their timeline. However, according to Greg Beeman (one of the producers who has a great blog), both characters are A) most likely to survive the whole season and B) are implied to be lynchpin characters. In a way, this is true. Both have made Sylar vulnerable, which sounds kind of crazy. However, the fact that mohinder knocked out Sylar with a damn board...interesting. This fuels even more speculation of Mohinder having a power, but I don't think so. Nonetheless, it seems to me as if the writers are jockeying to make the Peter/Mohinder story arc last a long ass time. Why? Because they seem to be the only ones that can really protect each other. I mean, Claire did pull the glass shard out of Peter's head, but on the emotional side, it's different. There's an unspoken bond between the two, and I think the attatchment is more pronounced on Mohinder's end. However, odds are he'll do something to make Peter come around. *Wink* Their relationship started out strained, to say the least, but, uh, blame/thank Sylar for being something of a matchmaker to the two, as it's his action that cause both of them to change their minds. Likewise, if the comic is not a joke, there's a possibility that on a cosmic level, those two are intertwined no matter what happens. So, long story short, the possibility of them getting together is still there, and in fact, it seems to be the only case in which reasonable canon evidence exists. Something tells me that if they got together, it would alter a lot of things we already know about the show. Could explain why they're dragging it out.

The other major event (which was spiffy, I must say) is Isaac's death. I'm a little bummed about him leaving, but the death scene was something else. There was, of course, the Saint Andrew-style crucifixion. While some of us may know that from The Da Vinci Code, I decided to opt for the Saint Andrew aspect, because that's most likely where Dan Brown drew inspiration. The X Cross is a safe way to show a crucifixion without being blasted for blasphemy. On the other hand, why crucify Isaac at all? It does help emphasize the theme of sacrifice, something we're going to see more of as the show progresses. Second, he knows he has a way to fight the cause and has laid down the groundwork for it. It has been suggested that the sketchbook contains clues as to how to stop the bomb. Will the messenger be able to read between the lines? That is the question. But the idea of crucifixion basically serves to show Isaac as the first fighter for good. I know it's odd for me to give anything a religious slant, but odds are good Isaac was raised by Catholics, so I think the angle is appropriate. On top of that, the martyrdom aspect was emphasized by Isaac's willingness to die. To me, this signals doom for those who survive. Perhaps Isaac felt a sense of relief and knew he had done his best. Saint Isaac? That might be going too far, but on this show, anything goes. Let's not forget that saint Andrew was a very devoted disciple, so in that case, who would the Jesus figure be? There's one to bake your noodle.

Many people complained that this episode was lackluster. My take is even with the spoilers I enjoyed it. Aside from what happened to Mohinder, I enjoyed the episode and think that it will help the otherepisodes make more sense. Besides, this is the way the writing has worked. Start off gently and hurtle us to the end. I love people who complain that because of such an episode they're no longer loyal fans. Whatever, You know you'll be tuning next week. *Rolleyes* Besides, it's an inventive show. Then again, with the rabidity of the fanbase, they have to be. To me, there's always a reason to tune in, especially since the line between good and evil gets fuzzier with each episode. Gotta love it!

August 17, 2009 at 12:19pm
August 17, 2009 at 12:19pm
Uh, actually I did. Did what, you ask? Break down and finally buy this book.

ASIN: 1439171254
Product Type: Book
Amazon's Price: $ 10.67

Since the movie isn't coming out until November (a correction to something I posted in my journal not too long ago), I decided to get the book now. Yeah. I should be ashamed or something. I still haven't decided yet. I figured since I was buying other stuff at Amazon (namely a hard drive since I'm going to revamp my computer soon) I might as well take advantage of the free shipping. It won't be here for another week, but I'll manage. Once it's read, I'll post a link to a product review here and save the spoiler packed dissection for my journal. If anyone wants the family friendly version of said dissection (i.e. a discussion sans my trademark swearing and pervious comments), I can do a Popnotes of Doom summary here complete with adequate spoiler alerts.

Next up on the list: finish installing my damn DVD player sometime within the next month so I'll be ready when the DVD drops. Oh, and for the record, this is the only time I wish I had Blu-Ray. Seriously. How sad is that?

August 16, 2009 at 12:21am
August 16, 2009 at 12:21am
**NOTE: If a recap is for an episode during the current season, I will use popnotes. Otherwise, all the text will be presented. I figure if it's been a year, there's been enough time for the spoilers to be a moot point.**

I don't give a flying rat's rear what anybody says. Tonight, I'm going to flat out be a Heroes dork. Between this week's episode and next week's preview, my brain is close to imploding on itself. I mean, seriously. This week saw Claire, Matt, Ted and HRG in a major showdown. Talk about a tetrafecta of holy canoli! Finding out about HRG's past (including his former partnership with Claude) was cool, and an early glimpse at the Nakamuras makes me wonder how Yamagato Industries plays into all this. And then there was Matt somewhat redeeming himself in my eyes. The whole diamonds thing still galls me, but he made a valiant effort to keep Ted from going nuclear, and it almost worked had Thompson not shot it all to hell. Dumbass. Anyway, so there was Ted's explosion and Claire's bravery, which was jaw droppingly awesome. Then of course was the end of the ep. That was heartbreaking. It really was. Don't worry. I didn't cry over it, but I felt pain for everyone involved, including the Haitian. The whole scene was also a bit hari-kari in nature, with HRG sacrificing himself for his family. And of course you wonder what's going to happen to Claire, the Haitian and Matt. I imagine good ol' Ted will be under sedation for a very long time.

Next week, though? Fasten your seatbelts. We meet Mr. Linderman, Mohinder and, er, 'Sylar' return to New York, Simone seemingly rises from the dead, Nathan punches Niki/Jessica (yay!) and on top of it all, the first official Peter/Sylar showdown (not counting episode 9). What an ep! I've seen two previews, which is how I deduced all this.



I personally prefer the second one, as there are clues that there might be opportunities for chemistry between Peter and Mohinder. I mean, they've been separated for a few eps and have changed quite a bit due to their experiences. Plus, Sylar's involved, and in the second preview, Mohinder pulls a gun. Me = *Bigsmile* about that. I honestly think he's going to shoot Sylar. Maybe he'll do it to stop Sylar from killing Peter. That would make me cheer something fierce. Of course, that scream at the end of the preview sounds like Peter, so who knows? All I can tell is that Peter and Sylar face off in Mohinder's apartment. Now my question is how the hell are they going to end up there? Seems like slash fodder to me. There's probably a perfectly innocent reason as well, but still. I'm sure Peter will have something to say about Mohinder and Sylar's cross country roadtrip. After all, it takes a while to get to friggin Montana, of all places. And considering Peter and Sylar have encountered each other before without really knowing it...yeah, baby! This could get all sorts of interesting. I'm totally on it. Of course, next week will totally kick my butt with the Miami Film Festival, but that's for another entry. Maybe I'll talk about it on Friday. In any case, I have to work on Monday...but is it Monday yet? I totally wish I had TiVo capabilities so I could get my fix right after work if needed. I mean, guh. So yeah, is it Monday yet? I need a Heroes like you wouldn't believe. As I told Chuck, Heroes is crack to me.

August 13, 2009 at 2:56am
August 13, 2009 at 2:56am
In "Have Something To Say...? [GC], I made a joke to fleckgirl about sending a Sarah Palin-esque Borg creature after someone in her life who's given her quite a hard way to go. Well, Mark (as in Mark ) jumped in at one point and provided the following gem of a line.

Newt Gingrich as an Andorian, Ashcroft as a Jem H'dar, Palin as a Borg, W as a Ferengi....oh the possibilities are endless!

Since I've had about a zillion other things to do, I haven't mulled over these possibilities too much...except Bush as a Ferengi. Somebody needs to draw that because it so wins!

On that note, what politicians (any party, any country) could you see as Star Trek villans (or even general aliens from that universe)?

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