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My primary Writing.com blog. |
Logocentric (adj). Regarding words and language as a fundamental expression of an external reality (especially applied as a negative term to traditional Western thought by postmodernist critics). Sometimes I just write whatever I feel like. Other times I respond to prompts, many taken from the following places: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks for stopping by! ![]() |
(350 words) "Invalid Item" ![]() Prompt ▼ During the first of Andre's two appearances as one of the musical guests on Saturday Night Live, he really hit it off with Ariana Grande who was hosting that night's show and for whom he was performing backing vocals (and backing portative organ-ing, of course). After the show, they split a half-dozen donuts from the 24-hour Dunkin' in Rockefeller Center. While Andre was a little miffed at only having half a French Cruller to himself before the svelte songstress scarfed the rest of them, he had to admit that the idea of a collaboration appealed to him. The plan was to debut their new song at Yankee Stadium during the home season opener of the MLB season. Unfortunately, while Andre was riding the M train to the stadium, a portly passenger parked himself on top of Andre's portative organ and pancaked it to pieces. And unlike guitars or keyboards, you can't find them at just any music shop. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and the only place Andre could find a viable replacement was at Holy Mother of God Church down the street from the stadium. In a panic, Andre broke into the church sanctuary, disassembled their organ piece by piece, and transported it to the stadium where he erected it again on the infield where he was to perform with Ariana. Was he four hours late to rehearsal? Yes. Was the game postponed on account of instrumental interference with play? Also yes. Andre was arrested for trespassing, grand theft pipes, and organ trafficking (although he's pretty sure that last one was a misapplication of the penal code). Needless to say, he was fired from the gig and Ariana Grande had to distance herself from him for P.R. reasons. While all that was to be expected, he had to admit that it hurt a little when he discovered he had been replaced by Curious George doing a soft-shoe number to accompany her singing "34+35." Anyway, that's the story of the one time Andre was fired. And why he has an irrational loathing for The Man In The Yellow Hat. |
(430 words) "Invalid Item" ![]() Prompt ▼ I wake up with a pounding headache thanks to the hot afternoon sunlight blaring down on me. Where am I? It appears to be some sort of back alley. Why does it stink? I'm in a dumpster. Thankfully it's mostly empty. Why am I cold? I appear to be wearing nothing but a sombrero. Getting to my feet, I crawl out of the dumpster and strategically move the sombrero south of the border to offer a modicum of decency. Peeking out at the busy street beyond the alley, I noticed the street sign. Avenida Benito Juarez ... HOW DID I GET TO MEXICO?!? Last I can remember, we were all at the Banana Bar celebrating Adhere - Definitely Writing's birthday. Andre had given him an extraordinary gift in promising to name a major character after him in his magnum opus . The drinks flowed like a river (as did Andre's portative organ melodies), and everyone was in good spirits. At least until ... well, things get pretty fuzzy after that. I borrowed a phone off a nearby tourist who took pity on me with a "been there" look, and called up Andre at the Banana Bar. I had so many questions. "Andre?" the person on the other end of the phone asked. "No, I'm looking for Andre," I reacted in surprise. Andre was always at the Banana Bar. "H-He... he's missing," the voice on the other end of the line stammered. "I thought you might be him calling to tell us he's okay." "When was the last time you saw Andre?" "The night of Adhere - Definitely Writing's birthday party. On the 3rd." "Wasn't that last night?" "That was four days ago." WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PAST FOUR DAYS?!? "I see..." I began, not really knowing how to finish that thought because I didn't. "Andre and a bunch of friends made a particularly strong batch of Rumchata Banana Cream Pie cocktails and, well, it kind of went downhill from there." I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. Those damned drinks. Every single time I tell myself it's the last time I'll ever drink one of those infernal drinks ... and every time someone (usually Andre) talks me into trying it again. On the plus side, if Rumchata Banana Cream Pies were involved, waking up naked in Mexico four days later would be considered by many to be getting off light in the consequences department. Now I just have to figure out how to get home. And how to find Andre. |