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January 2, 2008 at 4:57am
January 2, 2008 at 4:57am
On Monday we had 9 inches of a great powdery snow. Then last night it snowed again...this time 10 inches. I got up earlier to shovel the steps, a path to the vehicles and clean them off.

I barely made it out of the yard. Perhaps there is something wrong with me but I wasn't upset. No the snow and the storm did not bother me. Even though I had to shovel the garage roof plus many other snow cleanning activities yesterday. Plus I will have to do it all over again tonite when I get home.

But I am not upset or mad.....so many people are...hey we live in the north east. It is cold and it snows in the winter. Just move it out of the way and go about your business. Some could look at it as water in the bank...Yeah it is the melting snow of the spring that brings our water table up to normal levels.

I remember one year when we had no snow. It was horribly cold and there was no snow to blanket the ground....mother nature's insulation. The winter sports like skiing was dead, our economy was dead, everyone was was iratable. Then we spent the summer with inadequate water supply for many......

So what is it about a snow storm that gets pelple upset? It is the inconvienence...yes people now a days hate to be inconvienenced....don't want work at anything....no waiting in line, no working hard, just breezing through life with everything done for them.

They don't want to get up earlier, shovel the walk, drive a little slower, help people that get stuck, let even one person go ahead of them in traffic....Oh no! can't give up that one extra position in traffic....Isn't it crazy how the world has become?

No, I am not mad at all about the snow. It happens every year, I expect that. Hell I can move if I don't like it. There are places that don't get snow....I wouldn't move though....well you all know...I LIKE THE SNOW!!!! Damn, it is not that hard to say....come on say it with me! Funny, if you just say you like it then perhaps it won't bother you so much...give it a try...Stop complainning!!!!
December 31, 2007 at 4:44am
December 31, 2007 at 4:44am
There must be a website to buy dreams..........surely there is, you can purchase everything else right? I want some better dreams. Mine are not working for me at all.

I remember dreaming wonderful great things when I was younger. I don't remember having bad dreams or nightmares at all. Just great stuff about the future and how wonderful things were. I would wake up all full of excitement and desires.

Yes desires to do all the wonderful things I dreamed about......what happened to that boy? Where did he go? I am grown up now (kinda) and now I dream crazy stuff, it usually makes no sense.

Do you think it is possible that my dreams haven't changed but only my perception of them? Or perhaps I have grown up and am not allowed to dream the
wishfull and longing so much as the wierd and bizzar.

My dreams no nonger makes sense even though I feel the emotion from them. Even now, hours after waking up, I can feel the emotions from my dream last night. It plagues me......Not a bad feeling or a good feeling, just confused by the magnatude of seemingly useless information.

Perhaps these are the ideas people use for books or movies? Problem is, there are a lot of gaps to fill and I don't understand the meanning..................

Crazy huh? You know what else? I don't think I day dream anymore....perhaps I am too busy or more likely too occupied? Yes I think that I am so drained by the current speed of events around me that I do not relax long enough to day dream..

I guess that could be it but I do relax now that I think of it....I do.....so what is my dream bank empty of wonderful wishes of the future? Maybe deep inside my mind, it feels that I am too cluttered to have desires for the future? I will have to think about this one I guess.....
December 28, 2007 at 5:09am
December 28, 2007 at 5:09am
It dawned on me today when I was writing in bugzy is baaaccck!! blog, that some people are so lucky. Yeah lucky I say!!!!

How would you (the reader) like to take one thing you are passionate about and be mariculously allowed to practice and teach that passion to others.....and get paid for it?

I was thinking about it, I would love a job like that.....I can imagine myself jumping out of bed to embrace the new day as soon as it peeks over the horizon.

Now all I have to do is find someone to pay me to be who I am and ask me to teach them how to be like me.........that shouldn't be so tough....HUH??

What a minute..........the world would suffer a huge shock, it would be total crazyness! No I should not wish that on the world........I couldn't.....I shouldn't......it just wouldn't be right!...... No I will spend the rest of my life making sure no one ends up like me.........Can you imagine it??????

It makes me shudder.......grrrrrr.....quick, think of something else before you have a meltdown!!!

HAHAHAHA....if you can't laugh at yourself then you don't have the right to laugh!!!!

December 27, 2007 at 4:49am
December 27, 2007 at 4:49am
I love Christmas but hate when it peaks and then the world sighs.....like a deep breath and then nothing.......they forget about being merry and spreading cheer...The transformation seems instant as the switch is flicked and people turn into droans again...hating the world around us........

Why does that happen? Why can't we keep on being merry? Hey, our tree is still up, We turn the lights on every night still.......so where did all the spirit go?

I am now thinking about New Years........what should my resolution be? Perhaps it should be to continue the Christmas cheer into the next year and don't stop!!!

I know that is unrealistic........I must pick an easier resolution.......I never follow through though...so why do I bother? I think my resolution will be to have no resolution and just try to live my life happier.....yeah, that's it, I will just be happy!!

Who needs a resolution anyway?
December 26, 2007 at 5:04am
December 26, 2007 at 5:04am
This site is so slow today that I can't even read blogs.....I will come back later....
December 21, 2007 at 4:31am
December 21, 2007 at 4:31am
I came accross this great poem and thought I should share it.


A Poem By Abigail Elizabeth McIntyre;

"Sit it's cold!"

The end.

Ok, it is a short one, but quite humerous.

I heard about this guy claiming descrimination, his skin is blue and the people in Iowa did not treat him well. He is moving to California as he feels he will be treated better.

It seems he got on this health kick and started adding silver to his drinks. He read somewhere that it will make you healthier and you would live longer. Problem is, over time, it has turned his skin blue.......That's healthy?

His wife say's she doesn't care if he is blue, he is a kind and loving man!!

If I was him though, I wouldn't dare to walk past a paramedic........either that or I would have a sign that say's ....DO Not Recesitate!!!
December 20, 2007 at 5:02am
December 20, 2007 at 5:02am
It gets so discouraging to see the comercial aspect of Christmas.... We aren't allowed to say merry Christmas because of people who are not Christians feel a sense of prejudist or perhaps envy...I don't know.....

The thing is, that this holiday and feastive time does not represent only one religon.....

The Pagan holiday represents a celibration of moment that the dark of night gives way to the light of the sun. The shortest day of the year (called Solostic night)has past and the next day will bring more daylight than dark....the sun will rise a little higher and shine a little brighter.

The custom was to celibrate the rebirth of the Oak king and the Sun king (the giver of life that warmed the earth) You see this holiday is actually a symbolism of the rebirth of the sun.

The custom was to harvest your own Yule log (ash tree) or get one as a gift and burn it on this night. Then let it smolder for twelve days. During this time, everyone would celebrate. Children were escorted from house to house with gifts.

A sprig of Holly was hung at each house and left up for the whole year and it didn't bring kisses, it was an invitation to good fortune (well I guess to some that would be a kiss)

This time of celibration did not just worship one god, but all Gods....so it is not just for Christians, it is a celebration for the world and all it offers us.

My point is that we all should be celebrating, like our ancesters did.....not Chistmas, but Solstice night and the rebirth of the sun.....we all want that right?

So, throw a Yule log on the fire, cook up a bunch of goodies...(which I am sooooo full of right now as some wonderful person sent me a mountain of stuff), give some gifts, rejoice the warmth of the sun, hang a holly (kiss someone hehe),
It is not Christmas so much as it is the celibration of the life that spring brings....the birth and rebirth of nature as that is what we all really are......What better time for the birth of Jesus, than the rebirth of the sun!

Come to find out, you don't have to be a Christian to celebrate Christmas, You only have to be a human.............Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays...Oh and the actual night is not the 25th, it is the night after the shortest day, which is more like the 21st I think...........
December 18, 2007 at 4:27am
December 18, 2007 at 4:27am
I will be off for a week......computor upgrades and plus I am taking 4 days off......MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!! Ski
December 17, 2007 at 5:25am
December 17, 2007 at 5:25am
I am thinking about NOT recognizing Monday as a valid day of the week!...No I think it should be part of the weekend. Yeah that's right....why should Sunday always have the burdon of being the last day before we drudge back to work?

It makes plenty of sense, Saturday and Sunday can be left for total weekend bliss and Monday (the NEW last day of the week) can be the rest up day for The start of the work week.

WHO IS WITH ME???????? Stand up and cheer!!

Hey, Tuesday has has it easy all this time, being the day after dreaded Monday...I say let Tuesday stand on it's own two feet for a change...Who wouldn't enjoy a three day weekend.....EVERY WEEK???

And while we are at it, let's make it a paid day!! OK, Now how do I tell my boss?
December 14, 2007 at 5:11am
December 14, 2007 at 5:11am
Hey, I don't understand people......It was snowing when I left work yesterday and it is still snowing now. All I hear is people complain about the weather. What the heck do they want?

Everyday, people do things to change prospective.....they put diffent blankets on the bed, paint the house a different color, where makeup, change their hairstyle, buy a new car, write a different genre, buy new and exciting clothes to make themselves feel different and better. They are always looking to change the view.

So what they are saying is they want change to spice up their life......so this beautiful white blanket of snow filters down through the atmostphere, gently touching and covering trees and houses and the whole world within our view.

As I stand and look out the window, I am in awe of Mother nature. How amazing that the world can totally change in the blink of an eye (well a few hours)
The beauty outside is breath taking...... people are complainning...and you know what? They also complained when it was too hot or when it rains,or when it's dark.

I don't understand....what a luxury we have here....there are four major changes to our world every year (six if you count day and night). It changes what we do and how we live our lives....instead of complaining, they should embrace the change and enjoy it while it lasts.

People see this storm as an inconvienence.....I am all excited....I love it!...I love the change....I bask in the beauty laid before me!....what a miracle...yes I said miracle.....think about it, the world changes from 90 degrees to 10 degrees and lays a feathery white blanket across the horizon in a mere 3 months...(sometimes less, actually it was 58 degreesF just 40 days ago). How is that not amazing?
How could you not consider that a miracle?

I am so excited....it is going to snow again this weekend...I am all geared up and ready to go snowshoeing.........You people...stop complaining, get a hot cup of cocoa, sit down in the easy chair, wrap a warm blanket around your legs, take a deep breath and just observe the snow storm out the window.....stop your busy life and just look out the window....do that and then tell me it is not awesome!

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